I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 136 Three Powers Kill Demons in Public

Chapter 136
Holding the voucher, Jiang Che also stepped into Ten Thousand Immortals Island in an instant.

There are many shops on the street, and many figures shuttle, most of them are practitioners, and ordinary people are rarely seen.

But think about it, in the inner sea, it is generally difficult for ordinary people to survive.

Of course, it is not without.

But they are all in the outer area of ​​Wanxian Island.

Those who live in the city must either have a background or be a cultivator.

Jiang Che's aura was restrained, and unless there was a soul-level existence, he would not be able to see through his cultivation.

"This son, please stay!"

Just as Jiang Che was looking at the surrounding shops, a voice came from behind.

Jiang Che stopped and looked back, a thin young man came in front of him.

She was dressed in ordinary clothes, and her eyes were piercing, which looked like a monkey spirit.

"Peak of the Divine Sea..."

Jiang Che saw through the strength of the thin young man in front of him at a glance.

Martial arts cultivation is only in the realm of bone refining, which belongs to the bottom.

"Is something wrong?"

Jiang Che looked indifferently, looked at this thin young man and said.

The skinny young man smiled, looked at him, and said, "My lord, the young one's name is Shen Qiu. He is a native of Ten Thousand Immortals Island. He is familiar with everything about Ten Thousand Immortals Island. Do you need a tour guide?"

As soon as the skinny young man opened his mouth, Jiang Che instantly understood what he was doing.

Seeing that Jiang Che was silent, the thin young man said again: "My lord, I'm very cheap, three low-grade spirit stones for a day, what you want to know, my lord, I know."

"Three spirit stones..."

Jiang Che narrowed his eyes.

Seeing this, the thin young man gritted his teeth and said, "My lord, if you think it's too expensive, we can discuss it again, two and a half... two spirit stones will do."

Jiang Che looked at him, and said calmly, "Are you aware of everything about Wanxian Island?"

"Sure, the little one has lived here since he was a child." The skinny young man said.

"Okay, okay, take me to a place to eat first, something quieter."

Jiang Che nodded, and immediately got three more spirit stones in his hand, and threw them to Shen Qiu.

"Thank you, young master." After receiving the Lingshi, Shen Qiu smiled happily.

"Sir, please come with me."

Shen Qiu turned around after speaking, and Jiang Che followed behind him unhurriedly.

After passing through a street and three alleys, Shen Qiu stopped in front of a shop.

There are three words written on the horizontal plaque.

Tian Xing Zhai!
"Is this where you were looking for?"

Jiang Che frowned.

The shop in front of me looks very old on the outside. Compared with some restaurants passing by on the way, the appearance is quite different.

The name is nice.

But the decoration of this store is really not very good.

Shen Qiu immediately said: "My lord, don't look ordinary on the outside, but there is something special inside. This is also a high-end clean place in the city. Even the people from Xinggong come here often, and the craftsmanship is also superb, but the price is expensive. The young master will go in with the younger one to have a look. If the young master is not satisfied, the younger one will take the young master to other places."

"Okay, let's go in and have a look." Jiang Che nodded without fussing about anything.

A flattering smile appeared on Shen Qiu's face, "Please, my lord!"

Jiang Che immediately stepped into the Tianxing Zhai.

Entering it, the decoration inside caught his eyes instantly.

It looks ordinary on the outside, but different on the inside.

Full of elegance!
The inside is also very wide, with a spiral staircase leading straight up.

There are only a few figures on the first floor, all of them are dressed in the uniform of cheongsam.


When the two stepped into the store, a woman in cheongsam immediately stepped forward and showed her signature smile: "Welcome to our store. My name is Xiaoqing. I'm very glad that you are here!"

"How is your son?"

Shen Qiu stood behind him and said in a low voice.


Jiang Che nodded, then looked at the cheongsam woman in front of him, and said, "Open a private room, I like it quieter."

"This store is all separate boxes, and there are arrays for sound insulation. Guests, please rest assured."

The woman smiles.

Jiang Che nodded, then the woman turned around and led the way.

Jiang Che followed behind and went upstairs along the spiral staircase.

Stepping into the second floor, the vision in front of you suddenly opens up. Not far away, there is a garden with a pleasant view.

The field of view is very wide.

Soon, the cheongsam woman led Jiang Che to a separate box on the third floor.

Opening the door, the cheongsam woman looked at him and said, "Guests can take a look. If they are not satisfied, they can change to other boxes."

Jiang Che stepped into this private room. There was an incense burner in the corner of the private room, and sitting in the private room, he could clearly see the pleasant garden area in the distance.

"Just here."

Jiang Che nodded.

The woman in the cheongsam smiled and said, "Okay, guest, this is the menu of our restaurant. You can choose from it. If you have a special taste, you can also make it to order, but it will take a little time."

Jiang Che took the menu and glanced at Shen Qiu. In an instant, Shen Qiu understood what he meant and hurried to him.

"You should have eaten here, right?"

Jiang Che said lightly.

"I ate it once or twice before, but it was only a small dip." Shen Qiu said.

"Then recommend a few."

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.


Shen Qiu nodded, took the menu, and quickly announced the names of several dishes.


"Young master, can you see these?"

After ordering, Shen Qiu pointed out the name of the dish he ordered.

Jiang Che glanced at it, and the price was clearly marked on it.

"Okay, that's all." He nodded and closed the menu.

"Okay, please wait a moment, both of you, I'll be here right away."

The woman in the cheongsam smiled and then exited the box.

"Sit down."

Looking at Shen Qiu at the side, Jiang Che said calmly.

Shen Qiu nodded, and then sat down in front of Jiang Che.

"Is the Star Palace you just mentioned one of the three major forces on Wanxian Island?"

Pour a cup of tea on his own, Jiang Che asked.


Shen Qiu nodded, and continued: "But young master, all you know is the old Huangli. Today's Wanxian Island is very different."


"What's the difference, let's hear it." Jiang Che said lightly.

Shen Qiu smiled and said: "Xinggong, Yuanzong, and Gulingmen were previously in charge of Wanxian Island by these three major forces, but it changed a year ago. Now Xinggong has greatly surpassed the two major forces, and the fundamental reason is that the ancestor of Xinggong, the ancestor of Tianxing broke through to the Supreme Realm of Thunder Tribulation, so the three-legged situation has changed. Most of Wanxian Island is controlled by Xinggong. Yuanzong and Gulingmen can only be under Xinggong. It will be a matter of time before the Wanxiandao family dominates."

"Patriarch Tianxing..."

Jiang Che narrowed his eyes, and after listening to Shen Qiu's explanation of the situation on Wanxian Island, he generally understood it.

"I heard that when Patriarch Tianxing stepped into the Thunder Tribulation, even the Supreme Dragon Clan of the South China Sea came to congratulate him in person."

Shen Qiu spoke.

"Then, in this way, the current Ten Thousand Immortals Island is roughly in charge of Xinggong?"

Jiang Che came back to his senses and said.

Shen Qiu nodded, and said: "It's about the same. The power of Xinggong has expanded rapidly this year, and the number of disciples has increased by several thousand. Unfortunately, I don't have the fate to become a disciple of Xinggong!"

"If you can become a Xinggong disciple, even if you only become a disciple for a year, you will have no regrets in this life..."

Jiang Che: "..."


Soon, a table of food was served.

Jiang Che moved his index finger, as Shen Qiu said, the taste of this Tian Xing Zhai is also unique.

"Sit down and eat together."

Looking at Shen Qiu who was swallowing, Jiang Che said flatly.

Hearing these words, Shen Qiu's eyes lit up immediately: "Thank you, my lord!"

"This Tianxingzhai is also the property of Xinggong?"

Jiang Che asked.


"Most of the Wanxian Island is the star palace industry. Before, there were three pillars. Now, the star palace has expanded, so the industries have also expanded one after another." Shen Qiu said while eating.

"Is there any better business near here?"

Jiang Che asked while eating.

"Xingyuan Commercial Bank is fine. This is the property of Xinggong, and everything is complete." Shen Qiu replied.

"Xingyuan Trading Company..." Jiang Che secretly remembered it in his heart.


A meal is almost finished in no time.

"Young master, you just came here today, and you can watch a big show tomorrow."

Shen Qiu said with a smile.

"Big play?"

Jiang Che looked at him, "What big show?"

"Yuanzong's chief elder brother is going to fight the star palace's chief elder brother. This matter has already been spread all over Ten Thousand Immortals Island. Tomorrow's battle will be held in Pingyuan Valley on Ten Thousand Immortals Island. If you are interested, you can watch it. This kind of Tianjiao battle is very rare. It is estimated that many people will go there tomorrow."

Shen Qiu said slowly.

"A fight tomorrow?" Jiang Che looked at him.

"Yes, tomorrow." Shen Qiu nodded.

A gleam of light flashed in Jiang Che's eyes, but he didn't speak.

Seeing that Jiang Che didn't speak, Shen Qiu smiled and said, "Where else do you want to go, my lord? I'm very familiar with it."

"Is there a map of Wanxian Island?"

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

"Yes, the little one happens to have one here, so I gave it to the young master."

As Shen Qiu spoke, he took out a map and handed it to Jiang Che.

Looking at the map in his hand, Jiang Che nodded.

"Let's go, take a stroll in the city first, this is your reward."

Jiang Che took out a spirit stone and threw it to him.

"Thank you sir!"

After accepting the spirit stone, Shen Qiu had a bright smile on his face.

Immediately, the two left Tian Xing Zhai.

"Young Master wanted to go to the trading house before, why don't we go to the Xingyuan Trading Company first? It's not far, it's very close."

After walking out of Tianxing Zhai, Shen Qiu looked at him and said.

"Yes." Jiang Che nodded.

Then follow Shen Qiu to another street.

After a while, Shen Qiu brought him to another street, which was crowded with people and it was very lively.

Among them, Jiang Che looked with his yin and yang sky eyes. Among the crowd, there were many sea monsters who had transformed into adults.

Among the mixed crowd, it looks very harmonious.

It's not difficult to tell if there is a monster on his body.

When he entered the city before, he didn't see it, but this time he saw many demons who had transformed into adults.

"These monsters, don't the three major forces care?"

Jiang Che's eyes flashed, and he said as he walked.

Shen Qiu looked at him and said: "My lord, this is not in the mainland. Wanxian Island is in the inner sea. This is the territory of the sea clan. Therefore, there are often sea monsters coming, and the three major forces also acquiesce. If they really want to take care of it, they can't control it. If they kill the sea monsters, they will definitely be wanted by the dragon clan."

"Although the three major forces are powerful, they are still much inferior to the Dragon Clan, the overlord of the South China Sea. I heard that the Dragon Clan has more than one Thunder Tribulation Supreme."

"Is that so..."

When Shen Qiu opened his mouth, Jiang Che generally understood.

It's not that I don't want to take care of it, but I don't dare to take care of it.

The power of the overlord of the sea area is unimaginable.

"My lord, here we are, this is Xingyuan Trading Company!"

Shen Qiu stopped in front of a shop, and Jiang Che took a look.

From the decoration point of view, compared with other commercial shops, it looks a lot more stylish.

"My lord, do you want the younger one to accompany you in? If you don't want to, the younger one can wait outside the shop."

Shen Qiu stepped forward and said.

"Wait, I'll go in and have a look." Jiang Che said, and then stepped into Xingyuan Trading Firm.

"Welcome to Xingyuan Trading Company, what does this young man need?"

As soon as he stepped into the shop, a graceful girl in green clothes came to him and smiled.

"I want to sell something." Jiang Che said without talking nonsense.

Hearing this, the green-clothed girl's eyes lit up, she nodded lightly, and said, "Good sir, please follow me!"

Jiang Che nodded and followed behind the green-clothed girl. At the same time, he also observed the environment inside the shop.

The things are very complete, the magic weapon area, the pill area, the talisman area...

Basically, they are clearly classified.

If you want something, go directly to the corresponding area, and the price is clearly marked.

But for Jiang Che, there is basically nothing needed.

What he needs is not here.

Following the girl in green, he soon came to a room on the second floor.

Entering the room, the girl in green poured him a cup of tea and smiled: "I don't know what the young master needs to do?"

"magic weapon!"

Jiang Che opened his mouth, then waved his hand, and in a flash of inspiration, a top-grade spirit treasure appeared in his hand.

A black iron divine fork!
It is also to kill some monsters who don't have long eyes on the way.

"Exquisite Spirit Treasure!"

The green-clothed girl's eyes lit up.

But she just came back to her senses, and the next second, Jiang Che took out dozens of different magic weapons again, and the lowest ones were at the spirit treasure level.


"so much!"

Seeing a bunch of different magic weapons in front of her, the girl in green froze for a moment, looking at him in disbelief.

"That's all, let's see how much it's worth."

Jiang Che said lightly.

His voice also brought back the mind of the girl in green. Soon, the girl in green came back to her senses, looked at him solemnly, and said, "My lord, do you use all these magic weapons?"


Jiang Che nodded.

"Then please wait a moment, my lord. I will ask the master to appraise it, and then give you a price."

The girl in green said.


Jiang Che nodded.

The girl in green didn't dare to neglect, and left the room afterward.

Jiang Che also sat on a chair beside him and waited.

Not long after, the girl in green came in with an old man in a gray robe.

A head of gray hair, but the spirit is strong.

Jiang Che took a look at the old man, and had an insight into his cultivation.

Golden Core Early Stage!

Strength is also good.

As soon as the two of them entered the room, the gray old man looked at the pile of magic weapons in front of him, his eyes sparkled.

"Master Liu, please make an appraisal."

The girl in green said.

"Yes." Master Liu nodded, and then came to the pile of magic weapons.

Start piece by piece identification.

The girl in green stood aside, appraised one, and took a magic weapon with a mirror and recorded it.

Soon, dozens of magic weapons were all identified.

The girl in green came to him with the magic treasure of the mirror, "Master, there are a total of 32 top-grade spirit treasures, [-] medium-grade spirit treasures, and [-] low-grade spirit treasures. This is the recycling price that our bank can give. You can take a look."

Jiang Che looked at the price statistics on the magic weapon in the glasses, and finally fell on the total number.

A total of 680 low-grade spirit stones.

"If the young master thinks..."

"Okay, let's shoot all of them." Before the green-clothed girl finished speaking, Jiang Che spoke.

"This man is very happy..."

The green-clothed girl glanced at Jiang Che in surprise, but she didn't say much. The transaction was successful, and her commission was also a huge sum. The happier she was, the more she liked it.


In a short time, Jiang Che obtained more than 680 million low-grade spirit stones, and the Xingyuan Trading Company also gave him a VIP card, which allowed him to enjoy certain discounts.

But when he stepped out of Xingyuan Commercial Firm, an arrow-like ray of light hit his face. Jiang Che's gaze was fixed, and in the next breath, he raised his hand to extinguish the attack.

He was in a good mood, but under this sneak attack, he instantly became very bad.

Looking at a tall figure not far away, Jiang Che's face was gloomy.

This is a person who has changed from a sea monster. Under the eyes of Yin Yang Tian, ​​Jiang Che directly saw his real body, which is a sea snake monster.

The cultivation base of Jindan early stage.

But at this moment, the sea snake demon who made the attack just glanced at him, and just turned around to leave, but in the next breath, his body could not move for an instant, and he was very uncomfortable under a tremendous pressure, as if he was carrying a heavy mountain.

"Did I let you go?"

An icy voice sounded, and in the next second, Jiang Che came to the sea snake monster in full view.

"I'll give you two choices, either kneel down and apologize, or I'll hit you until you kneel down."

Jiang Che looked at the sea snake monster with cold eyes and said.

"You... I am the Sea Clan, you'd better let me go, otherwise, you will end badly."

Feeling the terrifying aura from Jiang Che, the sea snake demon didn't dare to speak too loudly, but he mustered up the courage to speak out.

"Bastard, who dares to bully my Sea Clan!"

At this moment, a roar sounded from the crowd, and in the next breath, a burly man stepped out.

His face was full of anger.

With a terrifying aura overflowing from his body, he is clearly a Sea Clan monster at the peak of Jindan.

"You are so courageous. You dare to bully my Sea Clan and human beings in the land of my Sea Clan. Kneel down and apologize immediately. Otherwise, you won't be able to get out of Wanxian Island today."

Another voice sounded.

Among the crowd, a thin man appeared with a demonic aura. Although he was not as strong as a burly man, he was still a late-stage Golden Core.

After these two sea monsters appeared, seven or eight sea monsters continued to step out.

This time, the sea snake demon suppressed by Jiang Che's aura instantly gained infinite confidence.

The fearful eyes disappeared in an instant, and then a haughty gesture: "If you kowtow in front of me and admit your mistake, I can let you go, as if nothing happened."

Jiang Che looked calm, looked at the extremely arrogant sea snake monster in front of him, and glanced again at the seven or eight sea monsters who surrounded him.

"Sneak attack on me, do you still need me to admit my mistake?"

Jiang Che's voice sounded ordinary.

After hearing this, several sea monsters laughed loudly: "Boy, can't you see the form clearly? This is the South China Sea, not your human continent!"

"In the South China Sea, it's the home of our Sea Clan! Kneel and kowtow immediately so that we can all hear it. If the sound gets quieter, kowtow again, otherwise..."


Before he finished speaking, Jiang Che's eyes burst out with a yin and yang divine light, and the monster in front of him was instantly killed and turned into its own body.

The demon book vibrated, and the reward appeared.

But Jiang Che didn't care. At this moment, his murderous intentions had already arisen.

I don't want to cause trouble, but if you bully him, then he is not a vegetarian.


A terrifying divine light bloomed from his body, and a wave of majestic heavenly power permeated the air.

Before the remaining Sea Clan monsters came back to their senses, suddenly, a shocking sword energy erupted from Jiang Che's body.

"Puff puff!!!"

Seven or eight heads flew up, and blood gushed out instantly.

The headless body fell down and turned into a headed body form.

Sea snakes, seahorses...

The bloody breath permeated the air instantly.

In one breath, he instantly killed all the sea monsters in front of him with a devastating force.

Even the sea monsters at the peak of the Jindan were also killed cleanly.


Raising the flashlight, the terrifying lightning fell, and the corpse of the dead sea monster was instantly wiped out by the lightning that descended from him.

In the chaos, he quietly put away the storage bags of several sea monsters.

The bustling downtown area suddenly became extremely quiet.

On the street, all eyes were on this young man in fine clothes.

A chill filled their hearts.

Too bad!
Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the sea monster was killed just like that.

Crazy, just crazy!
Even the three major forces do not have the courage.

And it wasn't a young man who was killed, but a Jindan-level Sea Clan monster.

This young man...

too crazy!

Isn't he afraid of revenge from the Sea Clan?

And among the crowd, Shen Qiu looked at Jiang Che, at this moment, his pants were wet.

Totally freaked out!
In the downtown area, kill the sea monsters in the center, oh my god, it's over!
If the Sea Clan knew about it, they would definitely hunt them down without leaving any room.

He...how could he be so unscrupulous? !

The bustling downtown streets instantly became silent.

"Presumptuous, you are so bold, killing people in the street on Wanxian Island, breaking the rules, you will be caught without a fight!"

At this moment, a voice came from the void in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying starlight rushed towards Jiang Che.

Seeing the oncoming starlight, Jiang Che raised his hand, and an invisible force burst out, instantly destroying the starlight.

In the light, a figure also fell from the shattered starlight and hit the ground.

"Star Palace Disciple!"

Looking at this figure, someone in the crowd recognized it.

Good guy, first kill the monsters of the Sea Clan, and now also wound the Xinggong disciples who came, where did this ruthless person come from? !


Jiang Che flickered with one step, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Seeing this, the blood-spitting Xinggong disciple immediately took out a fireworks from his bosom.


Fireworks soared into the sky and exploded in the sky of Wanxian Island in an instant.

Looking at the fireworks exploding in the sky, Wanxian Island shook.

Star Palace Fireworks!

This will only detonate when something important happens.

What happened? !
(End of this chapter)

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