I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 137 Storm Peak Martial Saint

Chapter 137 Storm Peak Martial Saint

The bright fireworks exploded in the sky, and the Wanxian Island boiled instantly.

The Xinggong Fireworks cannot be detonated casually.

No one would have imagined that the star palace fireworks would suddenly explode directly in the center of the city.

"It's over..."

Looking at the blooming fireworks, Shen Qiu realized at this moment what it means to be torn apart!

Among them, the sea monsters were killed, and the Xinggong disciples were also severely injured.

Shen Qiu never thought that he would bump into such a ruthless person!
Peerless ruthless man!
There was no hesitation in starting.

This scene completely subverts imagination!

"No, I have to run!"

Suddenly regaining consciousness, Shen Qiu didn't care about the drenched pants, turned around and hurried away.

If someone finds out that he has a relationship with that person, it will definitely be a disaster.

The whole street, after a brief silence, exploded instantly.

Fireworks bloomed in the star palace, and the entire city instantly activated a formation to seal the city.

And at this moment, Jiang Che had already left Ten Thousand Immortals Island by using the close distance.

Killing the Sea Clan monsters in public will inevitably be chased and killed by the Sea Clan.

But he didn't regret it, if the same thing happened again, he would still kill the sea monsters without hesitation.

One more is not more, one less is not less!
With full firepower, there are only a handful of sea monsters who can chase and kill him.

As for offending Xing Gong, Jiang Che didn't care.

The South China Sea is just his way.

Slap your ass and leave.

The moment Jiang Che escaped from Ten Thousand Immortals Island, he activated the Yin-Yang Jade Pendant to block his secrets.

Even the peak of Yuanshen couldn't figure it out.

As for whether he can hide it from Supreme Lei Jie, Jiang Che still doesn't know.

The yin-yang jade pendant has the ability to seal the secrets of the sky and can avoid being tracked.

However, Supreme Master Lei Jie's means are as high as the sky, and his supernatural powers are like a fairy god, so he is not too sure.


A storm swept through Wanxian Island.

The news spread quickly, a mysterious young man beheaded and killed the Sea Clan monsters, more than one, killed eight Jindan Sea Clans.

Instant kill, unexpected.

The three major forces also got the news immediately.

Hall of Stars.

This is the Star Palace headquarters.

It was also established in the core area of ​​Wanxian Island.

Ordinary Xinggong disciples are not qualified to step here.

In the hall, more than a dozen figures appeared.

All of them are primordial spirit-level existences, and they are all elders of the star palace.

With such a major event happening on Dongcheng First Street, Xinggong's fireworks exploded, and the Xinggong's senior management quickly learned of the specific situation.

Gathering in the hall, everyone's expressions were very dignified.

Killing the Sea Clan is nothing.

But where is this place?
Inland sea!

The real base camp of the Sea Clan!

Killing eight Sea Clan Gold Core Demon Kings under the watchful eyes of everyone, this matter made the senior officials of the Star Palace feel unbelievable.

Killing in secret may not have much impact.

But if you kill it on the bright side, the impact will be great!
And the most important thing is that Xing Gong and the Hai Clan are on good terms!

If because of this matter, damage is caused, the consequences will be serious.

"Have you ever checked out this person's appearance?"

An elder at the peak of Yuanshen said in a deep voice.

"Great Elder, I've figured it out, this is what this person looks like!"

An elder of Yuanshen opened his mouth, a ray of light condensed, and a clear figure appeared in the eyes of more than a dozen Xinggong elders in the center of the Star Hall.

They looked over with unison.

Sword-browed and star-eyed, dressed in brocade clothes, with good facial features, full of heroism and temperament.

"this person……"

"Why does it seem familiar?"

The great elder looked at the appearance of the manifested figure in the void, and muttered in his mouth.

The other Xinggong elders involuntarily looked at the Great Elder with curiosity in their eyes.

The Great Elder is familiar with it?
Could it be that this young man has something to do with the Great Elder?

What if it matters? !
Thoughts popped up in the minds of the elders of Xinggong, but no one said anything.

The Great Elder frowned, and suddenly, his pupils shrank: "It's him!"

The great elder blurted out, and all the elders of the star palace looked at him with curiosity.

"Great Elder, do you know this person?"

An elder of Yuanshen asked.

The Great Elder frowned, his eyes were serious, and he nodded: "I've met him once, and if I guessed correctly, this person should be a disciple of the Holy Land of the Ten Great Immortal Sects in the Eastern Wasteland."

"A disciple of the Holy Land of the Eastern Wilderness Sect?!"

The other Yuanshen elders froze for a moment, looked at each other, and looked at each other.

Good guy, this identity is not simple, no wonder he dared to kill the sea monsters in public so unscrupulously.

But even for the disciples of the Holy Land of the Ten Great Immortal Sects in the Eastern Wasteland, this matter may not be so easy to understand.

The Sea Clan will not let it go.

The strength of the Sea Clan in the South China Sea is probably no less than that of the Holy Land of the Eastern Desolation Immortal Gate.

There is more than one Dragon Clan Supreme!
The Dragon Emperor of the South China Sea is a very powerful existence among the Thunder Tribulation Supremes.

There are no fewer than three Supreme Beings of the Sea Clan in the South China Sea.

Although the other two Supreme Thunder Tribulations were not as terrifying as the Dragon Emperor of the South China Sea, they were also the Supreme Thunder Tribulations who had been famous for a long time.

Eight sea monster kings have died. It is not clear whether these sea monster kings have a deep relationship with the dragon clan. If so, it will be even more difficult to deal with.

It doesn't matter too much, maybe it can be solved better.

It is still under investigation, and the situation has not yet been fully revealed.

"This person is not an ordinary disciple of the Immortal Sect. He was the champion of the Eastern Wilderness Immortal Sect Conference not long ago."

The great elder said solemnly.

boom! ! !
As soon as the words came out, the audience was shocked.

The champion of the Eastern Wilderness Fairy Gate Conference!
Daoist Jiang Che!

At the same time, a name appeared in the hearts of all the elders.

This is really no ordinary disciple!

The champion of the Eastern Wilderness Fairy Gate Conference is the core of the core.

If they start, I'm afraid...

Daozong knows, so what? !

For a time, they were caught in a dilemma.

Cooperate with the Hai Clan to capture Jiang Che?

Once this person was arrested, once the news reached Daozong, even the Xinggong couldn't bear the thunderous wrath of Daozong.

With such a core disciple among the core, Dao Zong would definitely not sit idly by.

Among the top ten immortal sects in the Eastern Wasteland, Daozong is the number one immortal sect, comparable to the sect of the Holy Land of Central Continent.

Among them, there are three Thunder Tribulation Supremes.

Yuanshen giants are several hundred!

In terms of overall strength, Donghuang is number one!

And the supreme teacher of Taoism is also a supreme king who is famous all over the world.

The strength may be even more terrifying than the Dragon Emperor of the South China Sea!
And I heard that Daozong still has a ruthless king, Xuan Miaoyin!
Once entered the East China Sea, sneaked into the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, and could face head-to-head with the Dragon Emperor of the East China Sea.

Stealing many sacred objects of the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea, such as the liquid of the dragon god, the blood jade dragon tooth rice, etc...

In the end, the Dragon Emperor of the East China Sea made a move, but he still couldn't do anything to this ruthless king, so he could only admit defeat.

Although I don't know if it's true, but the legend is amazing, and the East China Sea Dragon Palace did suffer from some treasures being stolen.

But even if it is fake, this ruthless king is the real thing.

"It happened!"

A star palace elder suddenly changed his face and stood up suddenly.

Looking at the other elders, the Great Elder frowned, "Elder Feng, what's wrong?"

The Elder Feng looked solemn, looked at the Great Elder, and said, "One of the demon kings of the Sea Clan has a relationship with the Supreme Dragon Clan of the South China Sea, the Demon Immortal Ji Huan, and his older sister is the most proud concubine of the Demon Immortal Ji Huan."


The pupils of a dozen elders shook.

The face of the Great Elder was also difficult to look at.

How come both parties have such great backgrounds!

At this moment, the Great Elder felt as if ten thousand muddy horses galloped past.

The faces of the other star palace elders were all ugly.

This time... Lou Zi stabbed it big!

One is a core disciple among the core disciples of Dao Sect, and the other is the most beloved female brother of Yaoxian Ji Huan.



What the fuck is this called!
Caught in the middle, uncomfortable on both sides.

Fairy Ji Huan, those rumors must be avenged.

Will this core disciple of Taoist sect be chased and killed by Yaoxian Ji Huan?

Killed, how will Daozong explain?

The thing happened on Wanxian Island.

If this is caught, neither side will be able to explain.

"Has this person been caught now?" The Great Elder came back to his senses and asked.

An elder spoke up and said: "Just after the incident happened, the city mobilization array was immediately activated, and it is very likely that they are still in the city."

"That's not necessarily true, maybe he ran away?" Another elder said.

"Grand Elder, what should we do? To arrest or not to arrest?"

The two Yuanshen elders looked at the Great Elder together and asked.

Great Elder: "..."

After pondering for a moment, the Great Elder said: "Search first... If you find something, report it immediately, catch it first, and then take advantage of it, release it, and declare to the outside world, this person is evil, invincible, and ran away!"

Other elders: "..."


Why does it sound like a bad idea?

A dozen or so elders looked at each other.

The Great Elder looked at them solemnly, and said: "In this way, both sides have an explanation. If this disciple is unlucky enough to be caught by the Hai Clan, it will be a matter between the Hai Clan and the Dao Sect. Xing Gong can withdraw, but this matter is very important and must not be leaked. Do you understand?"



The elders came back to their senses and nodded. The Great Elder waved his hand and said, "Okay, go down and pay close attention. It would be better if you run away, but you have to do it again in order to save face, and you have to be full of acting, understand?"


"Great Elder Elder... I am extremely impressed by his foresight and foresight!"

An elder spoke.

The Great Elder glanced at him and said, "Okay, let's go down and take action."


A group of star palace elders stood up, and then withdrew from the star palace.

Watching the other elders leave, the First Elder looked heavy.

But at this moment, the void surged, and a figure suddenly appeared.

With long snow-white hair and a starry robe, he appeared out of thin air, as if his body melted into the sky and the earth.

The Great Elder was taken aback, but when he saw the person coming, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"I have seen my ancestor!"

"You have a good idea." The white-haired old man said.

"Thank you ancestor for your appreciation!" The Great Elder looked respectful.

"If Ji Huan doesn't make a move, this person shouldn't be easily taken down."

The white-haired old man looked at the void outside the temple and said softly.

The Great Elder was taken aback, his pupils shrank slightly, and said, "Old Ancestor, can't you?"

"This person seems to be a golden core, and he hasn't cultivated into a primordial spirit yet."

"Don't forget your performance at the Eastern Wilderness Conference. Now that these days have passed, your strength must be stronger." The white-haired old man said lightly.

The Great Elder was slightly silent, but finally nodded.

"Then if Ji Huan makes a move, I'm afraid... this person is doomed!"

The elder said.

"That's the matter of Daozong and Hai Clan." The white-haired old man said lightly.

"What the ancestor said is true!" The great elder nodded, and then said: "Then ancestor, if this person is caught in the city, should we still follow the method I suggested?"

"He has already run away and is no longer on Wanxian Island." The white-haired old man said lightly.


"Already ran away?" The elder was taken aback for a moment.

"En." The white-haired old man nodded, and said: "This person has a treasure that can shield the heavenly secrets. I can only vaguely deduce the general direction, but I can't deduce the exact location yet!"

"Ancestor, you can't figure it out?"

The elder was stunned.

Then he quickly came back to his senses, and said: "If that's the case, the demon fairy Ji Huan may not be able to figure it out. The treasure on this person is extraordinary, and it may be bestowed by the three giants of the Taoist sect."

"That's not necessarily true." The white-haired old man shook his head and said, "I've entered the Thunder Tribulation Realm not long ago, and Ji Huan has been in the Thunder Tribulation Realm for many years. Maybe there is a way to break the secret."

The Great Elder smiled and said: "No matter what, since this person has left Ten Thousand Immortals Island, it has nothing to do with Xinggong."

"Old Ancestor, will this matter affect the transaction with the Dragon Clan?"

The Great Elder thought of a question, looked at him and said.

"No, it's just a few little demon kings, they're not pure dragons, so they can't affect them." The white-haired old man shook his head.

"That's good." The Great Elder breathed a sigh of relief.

"But the play needs to be done well, without revealing any clues, understand?"

The white-haired old man turned around, looked at the Great Elder and said.

"Definitely, please rest assured, Patriarch!"

The elder nodded.

The white-haired old man smiled with satisfaction, and then his figure disappeared out of thin air.


The Great Elder let out a mouthful of turbid air, and his mind suddenly became much clearer.

"Run away, that's great, in this way, the acting will be more perfect..."

Muttering to himself, the Great Elder smiled, and then turned into a white light and disappeared in the Hall of Stars.

On Ten Thousand Immortals Island, eight Sea Clan demon kings were killed in public, and the entire island exploded.

The three major forces sent countless people to search the entire island, especially the Xinggong, and sent a large number of people to search.

Not a single inch was missed.


In the South China Sea, in the deep sea, in a crystal palace, a weeping beautiful woman came to the back hall of the crystal palace.

"Your Majesty, please be the master of this concubine!"

The beautiful woman came to a golden table and knelt down, looking like pear blossoms with rain.

But there was no one on Jinta.

It's very weird!


But at this moment, a group of golden divine light condensed on Jinta, and immediately, a middle-aged man in black robe appeared.

Black hair shawl, full of domineering, aura unfathomable.

Seeing the black-robed man appear, the beautiful woman immediately hugged his thigh, sobbing, her voice choked up: "Your Majesty, please make the decision for this concubine, my younger brother was killed by a damned human monk, please avenge my concubine's revenge."

The man in black frowned, his eyes were cold, "Why are you crying? It's just a younger brother who died."

As soon as the man in black robe opened his mouth, the beautiful woman's delicate body trembled, but she still looked at him with unwillingness in her eyes, and said, "Your Majesty, I am only such a younger brother, I beg your Majesty to make the decision, and we must catch this damned human monk. He is so rampant, and he clearly doesn't take the Sea Clan or the Majesty seriously!"

"Okay, I understand, get up." The man in black said lightly.

"His Majesty agrees?" The beautiful woman looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"I agree." The black-robed man nodded slightly.

"Thank you so much, Your Majesty!"

The beautiful woman wept with joy.

"Then how do you repay it?"

A look flashed in the eyes of the man in black robe.

The beautiful woman immediately understood, squatted down, and untied her clothes.


In the apse, the clouds and rain immediately turned upside down.


starry night.

Bright starlight reflects the vast South China Sea.

On the top of an unnamed island about ten thousand miles away from Wanxian Island, Jiang Che sat cross-legged and motionless.

Although he doesn't know what the current situation is, he can generally sense it. At this moment, I am afraid that the waves are already turbulent.

The pupils opened, and a ray of light flashed across.

Looking at the vast starry sky, Jiang Che slowly let out a breath.

"Heaven's secret shield, it should not be tracked in a short time, but if the Supreme makes a move, it may not be so. It seems that I still have to improve my strength again."

A thought flashed in Jiang Che's mind.

I just absorbed the Pure Yang Immortal Fruit, and if I continue to absorb it now, it will cause a certain degree of waste.

The effect will be greatly reduced, and it may even only absorb half of it, but Jiang Che can't control that much anymore.

Waste is waste.

As long as he succeeds in attacking the peak martial saint, even if he is at the peak of Yuanshen, he can still have the power to fight.

If you can't beat it, running away is no problem.

Thinking of this, Jiang Che quickly took out a Chunyang fairy fruit, and swallowed it directly in a few mouthfuls.

A ray of golden light bloomed from the skin.

With all his concentration, Jiang Che made a formula with both hands, frantically absorbing the energy of the Pure Yang Fairy Fruit.

Life essence, rapidly increasing!

Three days passed in a flash.

Jiang Che took a full three pieces of Pure Yang Fairy Fruit in a row, and he finally achieved his wish and reached the peak Martial Saint.

The strength of the physical body has reached the strength of a full two hundred dragons.

Twice as powerful as the average peak martial saint.

The artistic conception has also grown a lot.

The qi and blood in the body flow like a surging river, and the life energy is multiplied several times.

Peak Martial Saint!

Breaking through to reach this level, Jiang Che felt that human beings could hardly sense it.

The gap is too big.

He also felt how difficult it is to raise an immortal.

It is unimaginable that his father was able to step on the immortal, and the accumulation of it.

And even if the accumulation is strong, it finally relied on ten pure yang fairy fruits to break through the entrance in one go.

Human Immortal Entrance, to break through, one must touch the Human Immortal Realm.

Only when one's own artistic conception is achieved and comprehended can one finally step into the immortal world.

Mysterious beyond words!

In addition to reaching the peak Martial Saint realm in martial arts, Jiang Che's golden core is also stronger.

Manifested the fourth soul.

But this time the improvement has reached the limit that can be improved.

Even if he swallowed the Pure Yang Fairy Fruit again, it would only cause unnecessary waste.

It is already saturated, and the excess will dissipate.

For the remaining five Pure Yang Fairy Fruits, he will not be able to use them for at least a year.

Forcibly promoting, it will shake his foundation.

This is not what Jiang Che wants to see.

Chunyang Xianguo has extraordinary abilities, but it cannot be swallowed unscrupulously.

Can't absorb it.

That is tantamount to waste, and the improvement obtained may not be one-tenth, which is tantamount to reckless waste.

If he hadn't been forced to rush this time, he didn't want to waste it like this.

At least half of the three pure Yang fairy fruits were wasted.

This is the reason for the need for stability.

Only when it is completely firm can it be perfectly absorbed.

With a lot of accumulation and thin hair, it soars into the sky!
Forcibly improving is to consume one's own foundation.

Fortunately, his foundation is strong enough to withstand this promotion.

Stay strong, that's the most important thing.

If he breaks through the primordial spirit in one breath, his combat power will probably be improved only a few.

Of course, it is impossible to raise to the realm of primordial spirit in one go.

If the comprehension is not enough, the realm cannot be reached, and no matter how strong the energy is, it will dissipate.


Exhaling a foul breath, Jiang Che slowly stood up.

Withdrawing the surrounding concealment formations, looking at the vast sea, in the past three days, he sensed a lot of sea people passing by.

Fortunately, he took precautions in advance.

was not found.

It would take him at least three months to leave the South China Sea.

But now that his strength has gone a step further, Jiang Che is also full of confidence.

Killing the Demon King of the Sea Clan would not allow the Supreme Thunder Tribulation to take action.

Of course, the possibility is small, not impossible.

He still uses the yin and yang jade pendant to block the secrets of heaven.


"I can't travel by boat, I can only fly into the sky..."

With a flash of Jiang Che's thought, with the next breath, an invisible air current condensed under his feet, dragged his body, and quickly disappeared on this island.


In the vast sea, a huge merchant ship sailed on the surface of the sea.


Suddenly, the sea exploded, and figures billowing with monster aura rushed out of the sea one by one. Hundreds of sea monsters directly surrounded the huge merchant ship.

Among them, there are many demon king-level existences,
This time, everyone in the merchant ship was shocked instantly.

"Clang clang!!!"

A rush of sound resounded up and down the merchant ship, and a figure jumped out of the cabin, looking at the sea monsters surrounding the merchant ship, all of them looked ashen.

"Whoever is in charge, get out to me!"

The anger of a sea monster king sounded like a bell, and the faces of all the merchants changed drastically.

This... is this to hijack the ship? !

No way?
The fee has been paid, why are there sea monsters robbing the ship?

"Not coming out, right? Brothers, get ready now, attack the boat for me!"

The demon king was furious, and the voice sounded again.

This time, on the merchant ship, a voice sounded: "Your Majesty, please forgive me. I am a merchant ship of Yunfeng Trading Company. Every year, there are people who honor Your Majesty. Please, Your Majesty, let me leave!"

It was an old man in brocade clothes who spoke, and his aura was also of Jindan cultivation.

It's just the early stage of Golden Core.

Among the monsters surrounding the merchant ship, there was one at the peak of the golden core, and there were seven or eight demon kings at the middle and late stages of the golden core.

Although there are a few Golden Core monks on board, their strength is far behind.

If you act rashly, the consequences may be that the entire ship will not be able to escape.

"Stop talking nonsense, open the formation, I am not robbing money, but searching for people!"

A golden core demon king roared.

As soon as the words came out, everyone on the boat was dumbfounded.

Search... search for people? !

Did someone offend the Sea Clan?
Or, is this an excuse for the Sea Clan?

One thought came to mind.

The old man in brocade clothes showed hesitation on his face.

Can you believe the words of the demon?
Could this be an excuse, wait until the formation is withdrawn, then take the opportunity to plunder, and finally kill them?
"Don't challenge this king's patience, immediately open the formation on the ship, otherwise, attack by force!"

A cold voice sounded.

For a moment, the faces of everyone on and off the merchant ship changed.

(End of this chapter)

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