Chapter 138
"I don't know who the king is looking for? I can help."

The old man in brocade clothes broke the silence, looked at the strongest monster king of the sea clan and said.

"Do it, break the formation!"

The demon king of the sea clan had a cold face, and he gave the order without hesitation.

When the merchant ship got on and off, everyone's expressions changed drastically in an instant.


The majestic monster power erupted, and in an instant, the surrounding sea area changed, and a violent breath surged.

Hundreds of sea monsters fought at the same time, and the breath of seven or eight monster kings was completely released.

The majestic power instantly made everyone on and off the merchant ship smell the breath of death.


But at this moment, thunder was born in the void, and red lightning bolts descended from the sky, as if destroying the world, hundreds of red lightning bolts bombarded every sea monster with precision in an instant.


The bright lightning raged, and the terrifying breath directly shattered the void.

Hundreds of sea monsters hadn't come back to their senses, and were split into nothingness by the void lightning in an instant.

Shrouded in lightning, it hit Tianxin directly!
Under the terrifying lightning, even the sea monster king did not escape.

Seven or eight demon kings of the sea tribe were instantly killed by the red lightning, and the lightning dissipated, and a bloody figure appeared with a faint breath.

Under a round of terrifying red lightning, except for the sea monster king who was at the peak of Jindan, the other monster kings and sea monsters were annihilated, leaving no bones left.

Although this sea clan's peak demon king blocked this terrible blow, he was dying, with only his last breath left.


Everyone on the merchant ship widened their eyes when they saw this scene.


How is this going?

Could it be that these sea monsters killed too much, attracting divine punishment? !
But soon, this idea was overturned.

In the void, a young man in Tsing Yi with sword eyebrows and starry eyes appeared, with red lightning flashing all over his body, like the God of Thunder!

Obviously, the blow just now was not a scourge, but came from this young man in Tsing Yi.

Where is this sacred? !
The merchant ship went up and down, and the audience was shocked.

But at this moment, the dying Sea Clan Demon King looked at the young man in Tsing Yi, his pupils trembling violently.

Jiang Che stepped into the void and came step by step.

There seems to be invisible stairs under the feet.

"Human cultivator, you'd better let me go, otherwise, the sea clan will swear to you to the death!"

The severely wounded Sea Clan Demon King roared fiercely.

Wrong on top of wrong? !
Could it be that this is the person the sea monsters are looking for?

A thought appeared in everyone's mind.

Jiang Che's expression didn't fluctuate in the slightest. He glanced at the dying sea monster king, and a terrifying yin-yang divine light was instantly aroused.


With a glance of yin and yang divine light, the sea monster king was completely wiped out.

Just staring at him to death? !

This scene made the merchant ship even more astonished and terrified.

Such supernatural powers are simply unheard of.

Really * looks kill!
Glaring at it, the severely wounded monster king of the sea clan was instantly wiped out, and even the powerful body that the monster clan was proud of couldn't stop this person's gaze.

Life and death!

This method is like a fairy!
Annihilating the sea monster king with one blow, Jiang Che cast his eyes on the void of the sea in the distance,

At this moment, the void on the sea surface not far away suddenly changed drastically.

Howling wind!

A terrifying demonic aura permeated the air.

The black evil spirit is rolling in.

And amidst this majestic monster aura, a burly figure stepped out.

Terrifying monster aura exudes from his whole body, this Gold Core Demon King is more than ten times stronger.

This is a giant of the sea clan at the primordial spirit level!
A strong sense of oppression swept over in an instant.

The black evil spirit rolled, and the surrounding void created ripples.

"Damn human race, this time, I finally blocked you!"

A bell-like voice sounded, and in the next breath, the figure of the giant soul moved and rushed directly in front of Jiang Che.


As soon as Jiang Che raised his hand, majestic power exploded instantly, and his fist landed on the primordial spirit monster.


A shock wave swayed away in an instant, Jiang Che remained motionless, standing on the spot, and the primordial spirit giant monster was instantly pushed back more than ten miles away.


Gently raising his hand, the sky is shining with purple light, and endless purple lightning is criss-crossing the void.


A purple sky thunder as thick as a bucket fell from the sky in an instant, and landed directly on the giant soul.


The shrill scream sounded instantly, and the sound made people feel a chilling feeling.

In the next breath, Jiang Che's figure disappeared in the same place in an instant before the primordial spirit monster came back to his senses.

Shrouded in purple light, it spread all over the void in the sea area.


The bright electric light exploded in an instant, and the figure of the primordial spirit also rushed out at the same time, drenched in blood and dying.


A sharp blade appeared, cutting off the head of the primordial spirit monster in an instant.

The demon blood spewed out instantly.

At the same time, a gloomy light rushed out from the body of the primordial spirit monster, turning into a delicate translucent dragon, and fled galloping away.

It's his primordial spirit body.

Jiang Che raised his hand again, and a terrifying purple sky thunder descended from the sky, covering the Jiaolong Primordial Spirit precisely. After the shuddering cry from the soul, it completely disappeared.

The demon book vibrated, and a purple light group appeared.

Rewards for the Seventh Rank of Cosmic Characters.


As soon as Jiang Che raised his hand, the body of the headless Sea Clan giant was taken away by him instantly.

Glancing at the merchant ship, Jiang Che instantly disappeared out of thin air.

The fluctuation also subsided, but the smell of blood still remained in the air.

A giant of the Sea Clan's primordial spirit was killed.

On and off the merchant ship, no one came back to their senses.

The scene just now seemed like an illusion.

The majestic primordial spirit giant monster was killed just like that.

Incredibly fast from start to finish.

Who is this person who was hunted down by the Hai Clan?
This is a question that pops up in the minds of all merchant mariners.

But right now, no one knows the answer.

"Full speed ahead, get out of here!"

The old man in brocade clothes was the first to come back to his senses, and his voice spread throughout the merchant ship.

The others also quickly came to their senses.

The huge merchant ship roared, and the waves rose, like an arrow leaving the string, drawing a long wave mark and disappearing on the surface of the sea.

So many sea clansmen have been killed, including seven or eight sea clan monster kings, and a sea clan's primordial spirit giant. If they don't run away, when other sea clan monsters appear, they must be doomed.

Sailing at full speed, regardless of consumption, the speed of the merchant ship reached its peak.

And not long after the merchant ship left, the calm sea suddenly exploded.

The terrifying sea monsters stepped out of the sea one by one.

One of the sea monsters raised his hand, a gloomy light bloomed, and an illusory scene appeared.

But the picture is not very clear, intermittent.

But it can be seen that many sea people were killed by a young man in Tsing Yi.

When he raised his hand, he used a terrifying supernatural power, and many sea clansmen couldn't stop his blow at all, and they were completely wiped out, not even leaving their souls.

And in the end, there was a scene where the giant of the sea clan was killed by the young man in Tsing Yi, and the scene came to an abrupt end.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of the other sea monsters changed instantly.

It doesn't matter if the demon king is dead, but now, a giant of the sea clan's primordial spirit was also killed by this human youth.

Their hearts were filled with endless anger, and at the same time, a trace of fear also arose.

"Immediately report the situation to the Dragon Clan. This person's strength is too terrifying. Ordinary Primordial Spirits are no match for him. Please ask the Dragon Clan to send experts to support him!"

An old man in black robe spoke in a deep voice, and the sea clan monsters behind him nodded. In the next second, the figures of these sea clan disappeared on the surface of the sea.


South China Sea Dragon Palace.

In the brilliant and bright Crystal Palace, figures appeared one after another.

Here, almost all dragon clan giants.

In the Crystal Palace, dragon giants gathered one by one.

Dozens of dragon giants have appeared.

The voice of a dragon giant: "Just got the information that Master Ji Huan's Yuan Jiao has been killed by this human monk."

"Has Yuan Jiao been killed?"

The faces of the other dragon giants changed slightly, and their eyes were serious.

In the palace, there was a dead silence, and the atmosphere was instantly filled with depression.

Yuan Jiao, that is the existence of the middle stage of the Yuanshen.

And this human monk is just a peak golden core. Although this human monk has special abilities and can reach the level of the Yuanshen, no one thought that Yuanjiao would be killed.

This is incredible.

In the middle stage of Yuanshen, doesn't he even have the strength to escape in front of this human monk at the peak of Jindan?

No matter how defiant this human monk is, he is only a peak golden core!

Can a Jindan peak kill a Yuanshen mid-stage? !

This feeling is more suspenseful than the legend...

"Then what should we do next? Continue to hunt down this human monk?"

A dragon giant spoke and broke the silence.

The faces of the other dragon giants were all ugly, but no one spoke.

But at this moment, a golden light suddenly bloomed in the Crystal Palace, and a man in black robe stepped out of the golden light.

"See Master Ji Huan!"

All the giants of the dragon clan changed their faces and hurriedly bowed to salute.

"Yuan Jiao is dead."

Ji Huan said lightly.

"The information I just got is that this human cultivator killed Yuan Jiao and is now missing."

A dragon giant spoke.

"Master Ji Huan, how do you think this matter should be handled?" A giant of the dragon clan looked at him cautiously and asked.

"Provoke the majesty of the Hai Clan, of course you should be killed." Ji Huan said coldly.

"But... this person is really powerful, and his whereabouts are secretive. It is really not easy to kill this person."

Another dragon giant whispered.


Ji Huan glanced at the talking dragon giant with sharp eyes.

But suddenly, his face changed slightly, and he quickly came back to his senses, looked at the giants of the dragon clan and said: "No matter what, this matter must be resolved. Find a way to capture this human race alive. If you can't capture it alive, then kill it on the spot!"

After speaking, Ji Huan's figure disappeared out of thin air.

The Dragon Clan Supreme disappeared, and all the Dragon Clan giants also breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at each other, a dragon giant said, "I have a suggestion!"


"Elder Yuan, what suggestion do you have?"

Another dragon giant spoke, and the other dragon giants looked at him.

"Notify all the sea tribes, track all merchant ships in the sea, use human merchant ships as bait to lure this person, arrange more sea tribe experts, and besiege when this human monk appears."

The dragon giant said slowly.

"Then what if he doesn't fall for it?"

Another dragon giant said.

"Then trap these merchant ships first, and then send out the news to let the human race in the sea track the traces of this person. Otherwise, they will be destroyed. I believe that there should be no problem."

"This strategy is okay, anyway, the people who die are all human races, I agree."

A dragon giant nodded.

"I agree too!"

"I agree too!"

A group of dragon giants reached a consensus, and soon, the order spread to all the sea clans in the inner sea at super speed.

The Dragon Clan ordered that none of the Sea Clan dared to disobey. The calm sea area suddenly became choppy.


In the South China Sea, in a crystal palace deep under the sea.

Ji Huan's figure suddenly appeared.

After stepping into the Crystal Palace, a middle-aged man in a golden robe appeared in front of him.

"You can't meddle in this matter."

The middle-aged man in the gold robe turned around and looked at Ji Huan.

"Are you worried about the agreement?" Ji Huan narrowed his eyes as he looked at the middle-aged man in the golden robe.

"Partly, and partly because the identity of this human race is not simple, he is Xuan Miaoyin's apprentice."

The middle-aged man in the golden robe said lightly.

Ji Huan narrowed his eyes and looked at the middle-aged man in the golden robe, "The one who fought against the Dragon Emperor of the East China Sea?"


The middle-aged man in the gold robe nodded.

Ji Huan's face darkened.

"But one of my subordinates died." Ji Huan's expression turned ugly.

"Except that you don't do anything yourself, there is no problem, you can take action." The middle-aged man in the golden robe said lightly.

"Then this human race might not die!" Ji Huan said coldly.

"Mobilize all the Sea Clan, do your best, if you can't do it, forget it."

The middle-aged man in the golden robe said lightly.

"The sea area is my dragon clan's territory, big brother, are you so tolerant?"

Ji Huan said coldly.

"The situation is different. We need to be stable now, and try not to cause too many problems." The middle-aged man in the golden robe said.

"Okay, I understand." Ji Huan nodded.

"Anyway, you can use all other powers except for not taking action yourself. Don't forget, we have more important things to do." The middle-aged man in the golden robe said.

"Okay." Ji Huan nodded, and then he turned around and stepped out of the Crystal Palace.

Watching Ji Huan leave, the figure of the middle-aged man in the golden robe also disappeared into the Crystal Palace.


South China Sea.

On an unnamed island, Jiang Che's figure appeared.

After checking the island with his spiritual sense, Jiang Che felt relieved after confirming that there was no problem.

With a flash of his figure, he disappeared in place, and the next second, Jiang Che came to the map of mountains and rivers.

In the map of mountains and rivers, a corpse of a hundred-foot-sized dragon appeared in front of him.

This is the sea giant he killed before.

It was also the first Sea Clan giant that Jiang Che killed.

The giant of the Flood Dragon Clan in the South China Sea.

A branch of the Dragon Clan!
Being hunted down by the Hai Clan, Jiang Che would naturally not be merciful.

After collecting the blood essence of this flood dragon, Jiang Che cleaned up the wealth that this giant of the primordial spirit carried with him.

In the storage ring, more than a dozen ninth-grade spiritual veins appeared, and one eighth-grade spiritual vein. In addition, there were more than 1 high-grade spiritual stones and more than 1000 million low-grade spiritual stones.

There are not many other magic weapons, only a few top-grade spiritual treasures, and no Dao weapons, which surprised Jiang Che.

After cleaning everything up and sorting them one by one, Jiang Che then fed the World Tree with spiritual veins and spiritual stones.

The cyan fruit has grown a lot rapidly, but it has not yet fully formed.

After feeding them all, Jiang Che began to absorb the essence and blood of the dragon with the Ten Thousand Monsters Golden Body Technique to strengthen his physical body.

After reaching the peak martial saint, the promotion is very slow.

The blood essence of a flood dragon in the middle stage of Yuanshen only made him stronger as a dragon.

Accumulate background.

When the background is sufficient and reaches the limit, he will have the strength to attack the immortals.

Right now, it's just beginning to accumulate.

"Give you!"

Seeing Chaos Tengu staring greedily at Jiaolong's corpse, Jiang Che didn't hesitate and handed it to Chaos Tengu directly.

Although Jiaolong's corpse was also valuable, Jiang Che didn't care.

It is very difficult to improve one's own strength.

Then he can still improve his own strength.

Chaos Tengu, and the incarnation of Yuanling.

There were only three Chunyang fairy fruits left, and he asked Yuan Ling to take one of them.

In one breath, he also reached the peak of Jindan!
Feedback is also stronger.

Even after a big battle, the consumed true energy can be recovered quickly.

Moreover, Yuan Ling has also practiced all of his divine channel methods, and his promotion to the peak of Jindan is enough to compete with the general Yuanshen realm early stage.

This is all his "power"!
Being hunted down by the Hai Clan, Jiang Che also had to improve in all aspects.

And the other one, he also let Chaos Tengu eat it.

The strength is greatly improved.

It can also be regarded as a strong helper.

If he was defeated, Chaos Tengu and Yuan Ling would appear in one thought and attack suddenly, then he could easily get out of the predicament.

This is a card he reserved.

However, this card will only be used when it is desperate.

In general, it is not necessary.

"Look at the reward..."

After digesting the blood essence of the flood dragon, Jiang Che focused on the demon book in his mind.

A reward for the Seventh Rank of Cosmic Character.

The others are rewards for flood and barren characters.

Jiang Che discovered that the higher the strength, the less shocking the rewards given out were.

Constantly weakened the same.

Only the cosmic word reward can explode the big prize!
Of course, the Hongzi rewards are not bad, but his strength has improved too rapidly, and ordinary rewards are not very attractive to him.

The old rules, the big prize is at the bottom!

Jiang Che still offered the small prize first.

Several flood rewards and more than 100 wild character rewards are fully open.

Most of them are all kinds of pills and talismans.

Jiang Che sorted out the categories, and his mind became dignified.

He is also full of anticipation for the last reward of the seventh grade of the universe character!

With one thought, the reward is instantly withdrawn.

In the next breath, a golden light exploded in his mind, and a golden inscription appeared in his mind.

Jiang Che closed his eyes and concentrated his attention.

After an hour, he opened his eyes.

This time, the reward for the seventh grade of the universe word is a magical power.

Moreover, it is the supreme supernatural power of Taoism.

Supernatural powers: the law of heaven and earth!

This supernatural power, in the myth, he is like thunder.

This supernatural power is also extremely powerful.

Stimulating the phenomena of the sky and the earth, changing oneself, and the appearance of hundreds of feet, can increase one's own strength three times.

A thousand feet of dharma can enhance one's own strength by ten times.

And the strongest Dharma Aspect can enhance his strength by a hundred times.

The sky is like the earth, and the increase is huge!
However, the consumption is also huge, and there are strong requirements on the physical body.

With his physical body of a peak Martial Saint, he can only reach a thousand feet.

His physical body couldn't bear the ten thousand-foot dharma.

His own consumption can't bear the ten thousand-foot golden body.

three phases.

The first stage, the easiest.

The strength has been tripled, and in the state of Baizhang Dharma, everything about him can be tripled, improving in all directions.

The longer it lasts, the greater the consumption.

If under the Baizhang method, he uses the idea of ​​the gods and kings of the heavens to lure the gods into his body, then his strength can still continue to break through and improve.

This method is absolutely terrifying.

"Another life-saving technique!"

Jiang Che breathed out a breath of foul air. This time, he broke out with this supernatural power, which would definitely be a huge profit.

Jiang Che came back to his senses, and immediately let Yuan Ling comprehend the law, heaven and earth with all his heart.

The fastest, in one month, he is enough to cultivate a hundred feet of dharma.

But to comprehend the second stage, it will not take a few months or even half a year, at least a year or more.

However, the cultivation of Baizhang Dharma Body is enough for him to increase his life-saving skills.

Triple the increase, the improvement is absolutely huge.

The nine kinds of god-king zhenqi he cultivated are enough to support his consumption.


With one thought, Jiang Che disappeared into the map of mountains and rivers.

Looking at the blue ocean in the distance, his figure moved and quickly disappeared on the island.

And not long after Jiang Che disappeared, several figures of the Sea Clan appeared on this island.

"It's the breath of the human monk, unfortunately, it's one step too late!"

A Sea Clan said angrily.

"The aura hasn't dissipated completely, so it shouldn't be too far away. Immediately notify and search the surrounding area extensively."

Another Sea Clan spoke, and the rest of the Sea Clan nodded. Then, the figure disappeared on the island.


A month passed quickly.

In the depths of the South China Sea, on an unnamed isolated island, Jiang Che's figure quietly appeared.

This month, he encountered several waves of Hai Clan hunting down him.

But it was all solved by him.

But Jiang Che was not careless.

Although they were all solved, every time they were solved, his heart became heavier.

The yin-yang jade pendant shields the secrets of the sky and can avoid being tracked by the giants of the sea clan.

But the entire South China Sea is the territory of the Sea Clan.

The sea monsters that exist in the South China Sea are also beyond imagination.

Even if the yin-yang jade pendant shields the sky, it can still be hunted down by the sea clan.

The entire South China Sea seems to have formed a net.

Fortunately for Jiang Che, the three supreme beings of the Hai Clan did not make a move.

I don't know if it's because of the yin and yang jade pendant shielding the sky, or if he is lucky.

Anyway, so far, he has not encountered too strong sea monsters.

Ordinary sea clansmen would die if they came.

The rewards that come out of kills also make Jiang Che not worry about consumption at all.

But the feeling of being chased and killed by the sea clan is very uncomfortable.

If one day he stepped into the realm of thunder calamity, then he would definitely vent his anger.

Kill these damn sea people.

But now, he can only bear it, and can't make a big fuss.

Even if the Sea Clan of the Supreme Thunder Tribulation didn't show up, if he attracted a large number of Sea Clans in the Primordial Spirit Realm, he would be hard to beat.

The current strength is still not up to sweeping all the Sea Clan in Yuanshen Realm.

But at the same time, he also likes to be hunted down by the sea clan.

It's not that they have masochism, and these sea tribes also have a lot of spiritual stones, and even the powerful sea tribes have spiritual veins on them.

In a month's time, he gained a lot of wealth.

For these magic weapons, he can go ashore to the Southern Wilderness to take action, and all the spirit stones and veins will be fed to the World Tree.

"There are about three or four months before we can reach the Southern Wilderness..."

"Be careful, you should be fine."

Jiang Che's eyes flashed, but at this moment, Jiang Che's expression suddenly changed.


(End of this chapter)

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