Chapter 140
The sky is like ink.

Moon City.

In the suburbs, by the Longjiang River.

Dark clouds cover the sky, the river flows, and the sound of rushing water is the only accompaniment to the night.

A man in black robe appeared by the bank of the Longjiang River. Looking at the icy water, the man in black robe stood motionless.

But at this moment, in the dark night, a ray of light rushed out from a distance like an arrow, tearing through the darkness, and rushed towards the man in black robe quickly.

Seeing the incoming light, the man in black robe didn't change his expression at all. He raised his hand and a faint light bloomed, blocking the sharp light in an instant.

A wave swayed from his surroundings, the willow trees by the river shook, and willow leaves fell down one by one.

"Come out."

The man in black said lightly.

As soon as the words fell, a figure slowly stepped out of the pitch-black night.

A Taoist in a red robe, holding a whisk in his hand, followed by a young and beautiful disciple.

In the dark night, it seemed like a ghost stepped out of hell.

The two stepped out of the night, and within a few steps, they came within three feet of the man in black robe.

"Wuliang Tianzun, it seems that the poor luck is good, blocking you!"

The Taoist priest in red chanted his Taoist name, looked at the man in black with a smile on his face.

"Old Chi Yuan, do you want to capture me alone?"

Looking at the Taoist priest in red, the man in black showed disdain on his face.

"Monster, you have done a lot of evil. If my master is here again today, you will be arrested quickly, otherwise, you will surely suffer the calamity of the Nine Netherworlds!"

Beside the red-robed Taoist, the young and beautiful girl scolded sharply, with sharp eyes.

"Hahahahaha, it's true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, Chi Yuan, today you brought your apprentice along to die, if that's the case, then I will help you."

The black-robed man laughed loudly, and with the next breath, a terrifying aura erupted from his body in an instant. The powerful monster power visible to the naked eye stirred the situation, and a giant black claw that looked like a dragon's claw instantly grabbed the two of them.

"Qing'er, back off!"

The red-robed Taoist opened his mouth, and the girl beside him quickly disappeared in place, more than ten feet away.

At the same time, the whisk in the hands of the red-robed Taoist emitted a powerful red light, like a raging flame, reflecting the darkness.


As soon as the whisk moved, the red light in his hand was instantly activated, colliding with the black dragon claw.

A powerful shock wave instantly shook the surrounding area.

The Longjiang River exploded with [-]-meter-high waves in an instant, and the willow trees by the river were instantly destroyed by the shock wave and annihilated.

One blow confrontation, evenly matched.

The black-robed man's eyes flickered, and when he raised his hand, the water of the Longjiang River was instantly pulled, and quickly gathered, turning into a water dragon, rushing and roaring towards the red-robed Taoist.

"Da Dao Tianzun, there is no limit!"

A majestic voice sounded, and in the next breath, a monstrous red light rushed into the sky, scorching heat filled the air, and a fire dragon dispelled the night, and rushed towards the attacking water dragon in an instant.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

A shocking explosion sounded, and the moon city fell into silence.

The water and fire collided, and the powerful shock wave formed ripples visible to the naked eye and spread around.

"Master, be careful!"

The girl exclaimed, and at this moment, the black-robed man got up and stepped forward, one hand turned into a terrifying dragon claw, and with violent force, he grabbed the red-robed Taoist.


The red-robed Taoist didn't panic in the slightest, the whisk in his hand burst into light, powerful Daowei permeated out, and with a move of the whisk, he clashed with the dragon's claw in an instant.


There was a sound like the clanging of gold and iron, and the moment they collided, the two figures retreated violently at the same time.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, and my skills have improved, no wonder I dare to come."

Standing in the void, the black-robed man's eyes were cold and murderous.

"You evil dragon, you have slaughtered a whole city, don't even think about leaving this place today."

The voice of the red-robed Taoist sounded, and in the next breath, he raised his hand, and a large golden net appeared out of thin air.


The golden net burst out with terrifying light, and with one breath, it sealed the surrounding void, completely imprisoned it, and rushed towards the man in black robe.


The black-robed man also showed seriousness on his face. When he raised his hand, a terrifying divine light dragon claw grabbed at the golden net, but it was of no avail. The dragon claw was instantly imprisoned by the golden net, and the golden light shone and shattered instantly.

"With the heaven and earth net, today is the time for your death!"

The voice of the red-robed Taoist sounded again, and while speaking, the golden net had struck.


Seeing this, the man in black roared like a dragon's chant. In the next second, the clothes around him exploded instantly, turning into a black dragon, with a terrifying and fierce aura lingering around him.

The black flood dragon with the size of hundreds of feet is extremely terrifying.

Looking at the approaching golden net, a dark breath shone, and with the next breath, the dragon's head opened, and a clear dark beam spit out.


The light beam spit out collided with the gold net, and with one breath, it penetrated directly.

"Chi Yuan, do you think this king is really afraid of you? Today, this king came here on purpose, just to kill you!"

The black flood dragon spit out human words, and the next second, the dragon's claws were raised, and it directly grabbed the red-robed Taoist.

Seeing the attacking dragon claws and feeling the terrifying power, the red-robed Taoist's expression changed.


There was a sword cry, and the next breath, the whisk in his hand instantly turned into a three-foot sword.


Holding the dust whisk sword in his hand, all the power of the red-robed Taoist erupted instantly, and violent true energy poured into the dust whisk sword, piercing through the void, and stabbing at the dragon claw.


The divine sword and the dragon's claw collided, and sparks bloomed.

One person, one dragon, they fought together in an instant.

The girl couldn't get close at all, she could only watch from a distance.

A powerful wave swayed out, and the breath of destruction tore everything apart.

One person and one dragon confront each other.

The Longjiang River exploded, and the river water set off huge waves, and the air was like ripples, and the ripples continued.

The speed and power exploded to the extreme, and the collision of powerful forces was like destroying the world, which made people's hearts jump.

And a few miles away, on a thick and big tree, Jiang Che's eyes were fixed on this tragic confrontation.

The master of the consciousness just now is this red-robed Taoist.

The cultivation base in the middle stage of Yuanshen is the same as the peerless monster hidden in this moon ship.

It is inextricable to fight one person, one dragon.

Jiang Che didn't act rashly, just watched quietly.

If you don't make a move, you must be killed with one blow.

A blood-colored divine sword quietly appeared, it was his Shura sword.

Within a few months, Jiang Che had already finished refining this mid-grade Taoist artifact under the powerful primordial spirit.

The breath is hidden under the yin and yang jade pendant, as if it is integrated with the big tree.

Jiang Che was waiting for the best opportunity to make a move.

If you make a move, you must kill him.

In the middle stage of Yuanshen, he also killed.

Wait for the fight first, consume the strength of this black dragon, and then kill it by surprise.

The breath of Shura Sword is also completely concealed.

Jiang Che was like a ghost hiding in the night, silently.



A violent explosion sounded over the Longjiang River, the rays of light struck, and the powerful shock wave destroyed the surrounding void.

The figures of one person and one person separated.

Some scales on the body of the black flood dragon were broken, and blood flowed out.

There were also some wounds on the Taoist priest in red, and the blood stained the Taoist robe on his body.

One person, one flood, each injured.

"It's now!"

In the dark night, Jiang Che's eyes were fixed, and with the next breath, the close-to-near horizon activated, and instantly disappeared out of thin air.


"not good!!"

In the void, the black flood dragon seemed to sense some fatal crisis, and a bright light instantly enveloped the whole body.

Just as the red-robed Taoist noticed something, the void suddenly split open, and a terrifying blood-colored divine sword descended from the sky.

Terrifying sword energy erupted, and a crimson phantom was seen in it. The superimposition made the red-robed Taoist also feel the breath of death.

Without hesitation, he retreated instantly.

And at this moment, the scarlet phantom contained in the Scarlet Excalibur fell instantly.


The shocking sword directly shattered the defense of the black dragon, and the bloody sword cut off the head of the black dragon.

A gloomy light rushed up, and the dragon soul of the black dragon rushed out in horror, but before fleeing, a terrifying purple lightning fell from the sky in the void of the night, instantly shattering the dragon soul of the black dragon.

With one blow, it was completely wiped out.


The body of the huge dragon with hundreds of feet slammed into the Longjiang River, as if a huge boulder had been thrown into the river, instantly setting off a stormy sea.

And watching this scene, the red-robed Taoist and the girl in the distance stared blankly.

The black flood dragon in the middle stage of Yuanshen was killed just like that? !

The red-robed Taoist was shocked.

But at this moment, the red sword energy all over the sky disappeared, and a young man in brocade clothes appeared in the eyes of the two of them.

Standing in the void, the young man in brocade clothes raised his hand, and the corpse of the black dragon that fell into the Longjiang River was captured by an invisible force in an instant.

With a wave of his robe, he instantly put away Hei Jiao's corpse.

And at this moment, the red-robed Taoist came back to his senses.

Looking at the brocade-clothed youth in front of him, his pupils shrank.

This young man in brocade clothes was only at the peak of Jindan, but strangely, he seemed to feel the existence of the primordial spirit again.

The realm is clearly at the peak of Jindan, but there is a feeling of primordial spirit.

"It should be that he has not stepped into the realm of the primordial spirit, and has already condensed the primordial spirit in advance."

A thought appeared in the mind of the red-robed Taoist.

Thinking of this, he was even more shocked.

This is the peak cultivation of Jindan, but the strength is so terrifying.

At the peak of Jindan, he can reversely slay the peerless monster in the middle stage of Yuanshen. In the Southern Wilderness, I am afraid that there is no such outstanding Tianjiao monster.

To be able to make a move, that's already incredible.

But the person in front of him was able to kill this peerless monster in the middle stage of Yuanshen with a single sword.

It was also clearly seen just now that this young man used a middle-grade Taoist weapon.

Stronger than your own magic weapon.

Although he had suffered some injuries in the previous fight with the black dragon, he was able to kill the dragon in the middle stage of the primordial spirit with one sword. This strength is still inconceivable.

This person is definitely not from the Southern Wilderness!
In the whole Southern Wilderness, there is no such abnormality.

"Could it be that he is a holy land evildoer from the Central Divine Continent?!"

Quickly, he came back to his senses, looked at the golden-clothed young man at the peak of Jindan, and said, "Poverty Chiyuan, thank you fellow Taoist for helping to kill this evil dragon today, for the benefit of the common people!"

"Slaying demons and eliminating demons, it should."

Jiang Che glanced at the red-robed Taoist, and said calmly.

Chi Yuan Daoist's heart was shocked, seeing his calm appearance, this real strength is probably far above him, comparable to the late Yuanshen stage? !

As soon as the thought came out, Master Chi Yuan's heart trembled wildly, but the reality was in front of him.

If he didn't have the strength comparable to that of the late Yuanshen stage, he might not be able to kill the black flood dragon in the middle stage of Yuanshen with a single sword.

This strength is too terrifying.

Compared with this person, the peerless arrogance of the southern wilderness may not be even a little bit inferior.

Even if it is placed in the Central Divine Continent, it is probably one of the few.

"I don't know how you call it..."

Master Chi Yuan just came back to his senses, but in the next second, Jiang Che disappeared out of thin air, and choked up in the middle of speaking.

"Oh, it's a pity, I didn't get to know each other!"

Master Chi Yuan let out a long sigh, and when he came back to his senses, his figure also fell from the void.


At this moment, the girl not far away also quickly came to him.

Looking at the void where Jiang Che disappeared, the girl's pupils were still filled with incredible shock.

"Master, who is this person?"

The girl blinked her eyes, looked at Master Chi Yuan, and asked.

"As a teacher, I don't know. There is no such a number one person in the Southern Wilderness. Maybe they came from other continents."

Chi Yuan shook his head and sighed.

"He's really powerful." The girl said with starry eyes.

"Yes, it's really powerful. If you fight with Wei Shi, I'm afraid Wei Shi won't be this person's opponent."

Chi Yuan nodded.

"Unfortunately, I don't know the origin of this person, otherwise, it would be of great benefit to get acquainted."

Chi Yuan sighed.

"This kind of evildoer has a strange temper, I'm afraid he doesn't want to." The girl said.

Chi Yuan glanced at her, then turned his eyes to the distance again, and said, "Let's go, if there is a destiny, maybe we can meet again."

"En." The girl nodded slightly, and then disappeared along the Longjiang River with Chi Yuan.

And not long after the two disappeared, dozens of figures appeared by the Longjiang River.

There are men and women, old and young.

Looking at the remaining traces of the battlefield, everyone was shocked.

The great battle just now almost shocked the entire Moon City.

Came here at top speed, but still missed this shocking battle.

Seeing the still terrifying aura, everyone felt terrified.

This kind of battle, I am afraid that they are not qualified to watch the battle, the shock wave generated by the confrontation is enough to kill them.

After staying by the Longjiang River for a while, dozens of figures left with regret.

The night was silent again.

But today is destined to be an unforgettable night for the entire Moon City people.


Moon City.

In a room on the third floor of the inn, a ray of light appeared out of nowhere, and it was Jiang Che.

After beheading a flood dragon, he was in a very good mood at the moment.

I feel much more at ease.

Not only killed a flood dragon, but also broke out a reward of the sixth grade of Zhou character.

At the same time, this dragon's wealth, Jiang Che, was also in his pocket.

Entering the map of mountains and rivers, Jiang Che checked the wealth of this peerless monster.

There are more than 3000 million low-grade spirit stones in total, which is equivalent to 300 million middle-grade spirit stones, 30 high-grade spirit stones, and [-] top-grade spirit stones.

And there are more than ten ninth-grade spiritual veins.

Two seventh-rank spiritual veins, and five eighth-rank spiritual veins.

The other treasures are also of extraordinary value, and there is also a low-grade Taoist artifact.

It is a long gun.

The equivalent wealth is astonishing, and the other magic weapons alone are worth a lot.

Killing and arson gold belt!

Jiang Che had already experienced it during his trip to the South China Sea.

Looted a lot of wealth.

Without exception, Jiang Che still gave all the spirit stones and spirit veins to the World Tree for feeding.

The fruit of the World Tree is completely red.

It is only one step away from the final mature stage.

"It's so neat... I'm afraid that the World Tree will hopefully mature before the Panhuang Secret Realm is opened."

Jiang Che's eyes flickered.

But this idea can only be thought about.

Killing and arson gold belt is not bad.

But if you really want to hunt and kill monsters all over the world, the consequences will not be so easy.

Panhuang's secret realm is the last assurance of his maturity.

The second round of fruit is ripe, and it is absolutely certain that he will be promoted to the Yuanshen realm.

After sorting out the wealth and classifying it one by one, Jiang Che also had a plan. After arriving at the capital of the Longteng Dynasty, he would make a move by the way.

Unused magic weapons, talismans and so on, all sold in exchange for a large number of spirit stones.

He hunted and killed many big monsters, but what he accumulated was not a star.


It's also just a matter of time.

After exiting the map of mountains and rivers, Jiang Che's eyes turned to the reward of the sixth grade of Zhou character in his mind.

Taking a deep breath and calming his mind, Jiang Che immediately began to withdraw the rewards as soon as he thought about it.


The light flashed, and in the next breath, an object appeared in his eyes.

"what is this?"

Looking at the things in front of him, Jiang Che was a little confused.

a bone...

Almost a foot long.

On the bones, there were inscriptions and seal carvings that he couldn't understand, exuding a special aura.

And at this moment, the dark font appeared in his eyes, and the information manifested.

Dao Divine Bone: A bone that contains the inscriptions of the Dao. Refining this bone can become the body of the Dao God, which greatly enhances one's own potential and changes the physical body. It requires a certain degree of strength in the physical body,...

"so smart?!"

Jiang Che blinked his eyes, came back to his senses, and looked at the bone of the Great Dao in front of him.

The Dao Divine Bone in front of him reminded him of the Heavenly Dao Golden Bone.

But from this point of view, Dao Shenguo is even more awesome.

Dao Divine Body.

To be able to raise another level on the basis of one's own potential.

And the most powerful point is that it can greatly improve the physical body.

The Dao Divine Bone focuses on the change of the physical body.

His current physical body has reached the limit of a martial saint, and he has cultivated into a golden body of ten thousand demons, which is even more powerful.

If he refines this bone of the Dao God and achieves the body of the Dao God, then his physical body can break through the limit again and accommodate even more terrifying power.

His current physical body has already improved very slowly. Unless he understands the realm of human immortality, it will be difficult for him to continue to improve even with the pure yang fairy fruit.

The physical body has reached its limit, it is like the water in the tank is full, and if you pour water, it will only overflow.

Being able to accommodate twice the power of a general peak martial saint, the power of two hundred dragons, has almost broken the limit, and continues to improve, with minimal growth.

However, after refining this Dao Divine Bone and reaching the Dao Divine Body, he can upgrade his physical body again, expand, and accommodate stronger and more power.

It can go far beyond the limit of Wu Sheng.

As for the extent to which it can be improved, it can only be known by refining the Great Dao Divine Bone.

However, refining it is not as easy as the golden bone of heaven, and it will take at least a month to completely refine it and achieve the divine body of the great way.

When refining, it is also accompanied by a certain degree of pain, the deeper it is, the more painful it is!

Reverse the body.

Therefore, the physical body needs to have sufficient bearing capacity.

If it was the Dao God bone that exploded at the beginning, then he could only watch.

The sixth level of martial arts, only the grand masters are qualified to accept it.

However, for his physical body, it is not too difficult to refine the bones of the great avenue.

It just hurts a little.

But compared to improving his physical potential, he is willing to suffer.

The more it hurts, the bigger the lift!

"Once you start, you can't stop... It seems that you can't refine in Moon City, you have to find a no-man's land."

Jiang Che's eyes flashed as he looked at the Great Dao Divine Bone in his hand.

Immediately, he cleaned up the bones of the Great Dao.

Dao Divine Body will improve with his breakthrough, unlike Tian Dao Golden Bone, which reaches a certain level at once.

The greater the improvement of the physical body, the more terrifying the Dao Divine Body will be.

To achieve the Dao Divine Body, he not only has the potential to break through the human immortal, but also surpass the human immortal and smash the vacuum.

Martial arts limit!

After the first refinement, it is only a primary Dao Divine Body.

If it is a perfect avenue divine body, destroying stars with one punch is just a snap of the fingers.

Burst the stars, open up the world!
This is the Great Dao Divine Body of the Consummation level.

Beheading a peerless great monster in the middle stage of the primordial spirit will reveal the bone of the Great Dao. This reward, Jiang Che never thought of.

With the achievement of Dao Divine Body, his strength can be increased by another step.

Physical potential, even more perverted!
Compared with the perfect Ten Thousand Monsters Golden Body, it can't even compare with the primary Dao Divine Body.


The night passed quickly.

The East is too white.

Moon City was blown up.

Everyone in Moon City cannot forget what happened last night.

The rumors of immortals beheading demons quickly spread throughout Moon City.

However, no one witnessed what happened with their own eyes, but it did not prevent the people of Moon City from talking about it.

Conceive a great immortal descending to slay demons for Moon City!
And listening to these rumors, Jiang Che finally understood what is really outrageous!

Immortals come?

Good guy, it's really a fairy god descending, the moon city has been destroyed long ago, and the gods descended.

After walking around the city, Jiang Che immediately left Moon City.

On the map, he also found a suitable refining place.

One hundred thousand mountains!

This is also the direction leading to the Dragon Capital.

There are rumors that there are demons roaming about the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

But Jiang Che didn't care.

It's better, so let's kill the demon by the way.


At dusk, at the foot of an endless mountain, Jiang Che appeared.

Here is the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

It is also a forbidden area of ​​the Dragon Dynasty.

A place where few people come.

There are hundreds of thousands of mountains, thousands of miles in length and breadth.

The mountains are high, the forests are dense, and poisonous barriers are rampant.

It is a natural forbidden area.

And in the depths of Shiwan Dashan, there are rumors that there are monsters comparable to gods and gods.

But whether it is true or not is unknown.

Jiang Che didn't pay much attention to it either, he just chose a place in the outer area to refine the bones of the Great Dao.

There is no need to enter the deepest part of the Shiwan Dashan.

After refining the Dao Divine Bone and achieving the Dao Divine Body, he can choose to cross the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Looking at the thousand-hundred-foot-high mountain in front of him, Jiang Che quickly disappeared at the foot of the mountain with a movement, and entered the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

It is not that no one lives in Shiwan Dashan.

A special nation lives here.

Miao Gu clan!
This is a minority of the Longteng Dynasty, living deep in the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

It mainly focuses on cultivating Gu and cultivating Gu.

Belongs to heresy.

But even heretics can be powerful.

All kinds of Gu are incredible.It's hard to guard against!
And this Miao Gu tribe is the only one that lives in Shiwan Dashan.

It is a very mysterious nation, and Jiang Che doesn't know much about the specific situation.

 I wish the book lovers who support Sanxing a healthy and auspicious Dragon Boat Festival.

(End of this chapter)

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