Chapter 141
Towering trees cover the sky and block out the sun.

Stepping into it is like entering another world.

Tall trees are not enough for four or five people to hug them.

Truly a pristine place.

After a while, Jiang Che came to a mountain top and looked into the distance.

On other hilltops, there are bamboo houses made of bamboo forests.

A cottage was formed.

Birds chirped and smoke billowed.

It's like a foreign world.

"There, it should be the cottage of the Miao Gu clan..."

Jiang Che looked at the cottage in the mountains in the distance. This architectural style is also the style of the Miao Gu tribe.

Cultivate Gu, raise Gu, refine Gu...

Although it is heretical, the Miao Gu people have practiced for generations and formed a unique system.

High mountains and flowing water, rivers and rivers pass by mountains, rushing rivers, and the water is also extremely turbulent.

After watching for a while, Jiang Che disappeared in the same place, and after a while, he came to another mountain.

Spiritual awareness investigation, within a radius of a hundred miles, there is no human habitation.

With a thought, Yuan Ling and Chaos Tengu appeared in front of them.

With Yuanling and Chaos Tengu protecting the law, even if a peerless monster of Yuanshen level descends, he can easily resist it.

Moreover, in the outskirts of Shiwan Dashan, there are basically no peerless monsters haunting it.

However, Jiang Che was still fully prepared.

He took out a piece of talisman, and after making full preparations, he sat cross-legged on the spot and took out the bone of the Great Dao.

In the night, the bones of the avenue shine brightly.

The aura that bloomed from the Dao God pattern on it made him feel a little startled.


As soon as the golden core moved, a majestic zhenqi gushed out instantly, enveloping this bone of the great avenue.

In the next breath, the fluorescent light enveloped his body, and the bones of the Daoist God inserted into his body bit by bit.


Just after inserting it a little bit, the veins on Jiang Che's forehead suddenly popped up.

Excruciating pain!

Even with his will, he couldn't help but let out a dull sound.

Not far away, Yuan Ling and Chaos Tengu exchanged glances at this scene, did not disturb Jiang Che's refining, and quietly protected him.

The pain became more and more profound, Jiang Che gritted his teeth and stood firm.

Along with the continuous refinement, his body also changed.


Time passed minute by minute.

A month passed quietly.

One hundred thousand mountains, a certain mountain top.

Jiang Che sat cross-legged on the spot, motionless, but there was a radiant glow on his skin.

The light shrouded the whole body, which looked miraculous.


Suddenly, Jiang Che's eyes opened, and a ray of bright divine light shot out from the black and white pupils, piercing the air.


Slowly let out a mouthful of turbid air, and the air flow rushed several feet away like an arrow.

His eyes were unusually bright and piercing.

"It's finally refined!"

Feeling the changes in himself, a gleam of joy flashed in Jiang Che's eyes.

After refining the Dao Divine Bone, he can clearly feel the difference in the physical body.

His own strength has fully increased to the power of ten dragons.

The physical body can hold more power.

The five internal organs and six internal organs have undergone different changes.

Looking inside the dantian, there are faint mysterious inscriptions on the bones.

And these mysterious inscriptions are the Dao Shenwen of the Dao God Body.

The majestic power is almost endless.

To achieve the Dao Divine Body, the biggest change is the physical body.

On the surface, it seems that there is not much change, but fighting together can reveal the horror of the Dao Divine Body.

The potential has been greatly improved.

Not only that, but his golden core has also grown a lot.

The golden core in the body is thicker.

Standing up slowly, Jiang Che lightly raised his hand and looked towards a mountain not far away.

He raised his hand and clenched his fist, and the mysterious avenue divine pattern instantly appeared on his skin.

Integrating the artistic conception, he punched out quickly.


The majestic power exploded in an instant, like a thunderclap.

With a distance of several miles, Jiang Che punched a few miles away on the top of the mountain.

With a blow from the air, the mountain was blown up in an instant.

As if explosives exploded, it produced earth-shattering power.

A mountain with a size of hundreds of feet was destroyed by his punch from the air.

Nothing wrong.

Yuan Ling and Chaos Tengu stared at this scene, their eyes widened a little.

Chaos Tengu tilted his head, looked at Jiang Che, and blinked his eyes.

It doesn't understand why Jiang Che is so powerful after refining a single bone.

I ate so many bones, how could I not be so powerful?

There is something wrong with this bone...

"Not bad!"

For the first time, the power of the Great Dao Divine Body erupted, and Jiang Che was very satisfied.

The increase is not only strength, but also the overall development of the physical body.

The primary Dao Divine Body has improved his artistic conception several times.

Under the fusion of artistic conception, only one punch can be so powerful.

The vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth vibrated greatly.

One punch can even create astronomical phenomena.

However, compared with the celestial phenomenon of a human immortal strike, it is still too far behind.

The power of a junior immortal is at least the power of a thousand dragons.

And this is only one aspect of the power of the immortal, the most important artistic conception is manifested and condensed into reality.

The physical body's acupuncture points are broken, and the power of heaven and earth can be manipulated to attack.

Let the power of one side of heaven and earth be used for one's own use, this is the horror of human immortals.

Moreover, the immortal body is also very terrifying, and its resilience is beyond imagination.

If you reach peak human immortality, you can still recover even if you hit only a drop of blood.

To make a peak human immortal fall, the degree of difficulty is very high.

Jiang Che has never met a peak human being.

Even ordinary immortals, he has seen very few of them.

His father, and Emperor Yuan!

There is another one, and that is the owner of the Yin-Yang Jade Pendant, who used to be a human immortal.

The Dao Shenwen on the skeleton will improve with his improvement.

The primary Dao Divine Body is already very terrifying.

And the Dao Divine Body of the Consummation level is even more unimaginable.

Only by breaking through the Human Immortal can one hope to become a Consummation-level Dao Divine Body.

Although he has achieved the Dao Divine Body, it is more difficult for him to break through the Human Immortal.

The Dao Divine Body can greatly develop the potential of his physical body. Only when this potential is close to the limit can he truly break through the Immortal.

But the improvement after the breakthrough is also very scary.

There are advantages and disadvantages!
But generally speaking, when the Taoist body is cultivated, his strength will become stronger and stronger.

The second round of pure yang fairy fruit was successfully cultivated, and he believed that he should be sure to fill his limit.

The resource of World Tree is his capital!

As long as there are enough spirit stones and spirit veins, it is not a problem to break through the immortal.

For a month, without any disturbance, I quietly cultivated into the Dao Divine Body.

Jiang Che gazed into the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, his eyes were shining brightly.

According to the rumors, there are many monsters in Shiwan Dashan.

After cultivating the Dao Divine Body, he has enough strength to see and see.


Yuan Ling turned into a stream of light and poured into his body, entering the map of mountains and rivers. As for the Chaos Tengu, it landed on his shoulders.

The place is sparsely populated, except for the Miao Gu clan, there are basically no other people. With the Chaos Tengu, he decided to cross the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and then headed for the capital of the Longteng Dynasty.


Stepping out with one step, Jiang Che's figure disappeared into the hilltop, heading towards the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Shiwan Dashan is divided into peripheral area and core area.

Even the Miao Gu people who live in Shiwan Dashan are basically in the outer area.

As for whether there are Miao Gu clan living in the core area, Jiang Che estimated that there are, but it should be very few.


"There is movement..."

In the dense jungle, Jiang Che suddenly stopped and looked not far away.

A battle wave came, and there was also a demonic aura in it.


With a wave of true energy, Jiang Che instantly restrained all his aura, and Chaos Tengu also stood on his shoulder obediently, motionless.


They walked forward quietly, and soon, on the grass not far away, several figures fought with a huge tiger.

The costumes of the several figures are very unique, and this kind of costume belongs to the Miao Gu tribe.

"It's almost a little demon in the true mood..."

Looking at the fierce tiger surrounded by several Miao Gu tribes, he had a quick insight.

And these few Miao Gu people only have the cultivation base of Shenhai, but they are not afraid at all in the face of this tiger of the true state of mind.


One of the Miao Gu clan spat out a blue light during the fight.

Jiang Che caught it instantly, and within the blue light was a Gu worm.


The tiny Gu worms instantly submerged into the tiger's body in the true state of mind.


In the next second, the Tiger of the True Artistic Realm suddenly let out a roar, looking very painful.

The body faltered and soon fell to the ground.



Seeing this, another Miao Gu clan raised his hand, and the silver light flashed, and the tiny Gu worms instantly entered the tiger's body, and the tiger in the true state of mind was completely killed.

A few Miao Gu people cheered immediately, holding various sharp knives, they stepped forward to split.

"Who are you, and why are you here?"

While Jiang Che was watching, suddenly, a voice came.

Jiang Che's gaze was fixed, and not far away, a faint light bloomed, and an old man appeared out of thin air.

On his shoulder, there was a golden Gu worm. This golden Gu worm made Jiang Che feel even the slightest bit of danger.

"There are still people..."

Looking at this old man of the Miao Gu clan who suddenly appeared, Jiang Che was very surprised.

With his primordial spirit, he didn't realize the existence of this person.

The Gu skills of the Miao Gu clan also surprised him.

Looking at the old man of the Miao Gu clan, Jiang Che could sense his cultivation, the peak of the golden core, but the Gu worm on his shoulder was very mysterious. Jiang Che didn't know much about Gu worms, so he didn't know what the golden Gu worm on his shoulder was.

Being able to hide it from him is enough to prove that this golden Gu worm is not easy.

As soon as the old man opened his mouth, when the figure appeared, several Miao Gu clan members who were dividing up the tiger's corpse were immediately startled, "Clan chief!"

A Miao Gu tribe spoke.


Hearing the words of these Miao Gu people, Jiang Che instantly knew the identity of this old man.

But when they saw Jiang Che not far away, these Miao Gu people became vigilant instantly.

"Your Excellency is very unfamiliar. You come here from outside, don't you know that this place is dangerous?"

The patriarch of the Miao Gu clan looked at him and said.

"I met here by accident on the next way." Jiang Che came back to his senses and said.

Hearing this, the head of the Miao Gu Clan's face softened a little, looked at him, and said: "The Hundred Thousand Mountains is full of dangers, although your Excellency is very strong, but I still remind you, it's best not to go deep into it easily, otherwise, your life will be in danger!"


Hearing this, Jiang Che's eyes flashed brightly. Looking at the patriarch, he said, "I don't know much about the Hundred Thousand Mountains. I heard that there are monsters comparable to gods in the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains. Is this true?"

"Almost." The patriarch nodded vaguely.


Jiang Che: "..."

This answer...

The truth is ambiguous.

The patriarch looked at him solemnly, and said: "I have seen a lot of foreign monks like you, and I have even seen a few stronger than you, but they are all buried in this mountain and can no longer leave. I advise you, this place is not very dangerous, leave quickly, otherwise, if you enter the depths, life and death will be unpredictable."

"Thank you for reminding me, I understand."

Jiang Che smiled.

"Excuse me, let me take my leave first!"

After speaking, Jiang Che's figure disappeared in front of them.

"Hey, young man, you don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth. You will only understand when you encounter danger. At that time, it will be too late to regret..."

Looking at the direction in which Jiang Che disappeared, the patriarch let out a long sigh.

"Patriarch, this outsider seems to be very powerful!"

A burly Miao Gu clan man looked at the direction Jiang Che was leaving with a solemn expression.

"Well, it's powerful, even my Gold Devouring Gu is hardly a match for this person."

The patriarch nodded.


"Even Gold Devouring Gu is not his opponent?" The patriarch said, the faces of several Miao Gu clan members showed shock.

The Patriarch's Gold Devouring Gu, they know how powerful it is, and they can't overstate it.

But now the patriarch actually said that the Gold Devouring Gu was not a match for such a young man, they felt somewhat inconceivable.

The patriarch looked at the shocked faces of the Miao Gu clan, and sighed helplessly, "You guys are short-sighted, there are countless powerful people in the outside world."

"The patriarch, is he more powerful than the monster in the deepest part of the core area?"

A Miao Gu tribe said.

"Of course." The patriarch nodded, and said: "There are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky. There are mountains as high as mountains. This world is bigger than you imagined. When you have a certain strength in the future, you will know when you go out and experience it."

Several Miao Gu people looked silent, and after a while, they came back to their senses.

The patriarch glanced at the direction where Jiang Che disappeared, then looked at the people in front of him, and said, "Okay, it's getting dark, pack up and go back first."

"Yes, patriarch!"

Several people nodded, and then quickly divided up the dead tiger monsters, and then left.


Night fell, and the stars hung high in the sky.

Starlight fell on the Hundred Thousand Mountains, except for the roar of insects and beasts, the mountains were very quiet.

On the cliff, Jiang Che gazed into the distance.

Jiang Che also took to heart what the Miao Gu clan he met by chance during the day said.

This should not be alarmist.

But even so, Jiang Che still planned to cross the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

There are risks as well as opportunities.

Meeting any peerless monster is his chance.


Suddenly, Jiang Che's eyes turned to another mountain not far away.

Under the pitch-black night, there seemed to be nothing on the mountain, but under Jiang Che's yin and yang sky eyes, he could see clearly.

On this hill, there is a tall bronze temple.

Jiang Che searched the surroundings with his spiritual sense. Except for this bronze palace, there seemed to be no Miao Gu tribe's stronghold within a hundred miles around.

"It's getting dark, so if you want to go up today, go to this bronze palace and rest overnight."

Noticing anything amiss, Jiang Che immediately disappeared on the cliff with a movement of his figure.

Soon, he came to the bronze temple on the top of the mountain.

The hall seems to have been built for a long time. At the entrance of the hall, there are two statues as tall as a person.

Under the investigation of the divine sense, there is nothing special about it, it is just an ordinary statue.

Entering the bronze palace, what catches the eye is a statue of a god with a human head and a snake body.

Perhaps because of its age, the real face of this statue with the head of a man and the body of a snake can no longer be seen clearly.

There are spider webs all over the hall.

It seems that this place has been abandoned for a long time.

Mottled marks all over the place.

After checking again and again, there was no problem, so Jiang Che got some firewood and lit a bonfire in the hall.

Sit cross-legged next to the fire, close your eyes and rest.

But at this moment, Jiang Che's eyes that had just been closed suddenly opened again.


His figure disappeared in the bronze palace in an instant, and came outside the palace.

In the middle of the night, everything is silent in the mountains, and the night is like an abyss, swallowing everything.

Standing at the entrance of the Bronze Hall, Jiang Che's eyes were fixed. On the mountain road not far away, a man and a woman were running wildly on the mountain road.

It's like running away.

Judging from the clothes, the man and the woman are from the Miao Gu tribe.

And the direction of escape is exactly in his direction.

To be precise, it is this bronze temple.


Seeing a man and a woman fleeing towards his direction, Jiang Che waved his sleeves and took a breath. The bonfire in the temple was instantly extinguished, and at the same time, the unburned firewood also disappeared.

In the next breath, Jiang Che took Chaos Tengu with him, covered his breath, and made a single-handed tactic, and the figures of him and Chaos Tengu disappeared directly.

Soon, the man and woman came to the bronze temple where he was.


The two were panting and looked very tired. Soon, the man and woman came to the bronze hall.

Kneeling at the entrance of the hall, a man and a woman looked very pious, and kowtowed to the god statue in the hall at the same time.

"Godfather Fuxi bless..."

The faces of a man and a woman are very pious.


"This should be the god worshiped by the Miao Gu clan..."

Jiang Che secretly watched the kowtowing man and woman, and got information about the statue from them.

Most of this bronze palace was also built by the Miao Gu people for their god ancestor Fuxi.

"Brother, the elders won't chase after them, right? I'm so tired, I can't run anymore."

The woman looked at the endless night and said.

"With the blessing of the ancestor Fuxi, the elders and the others will not catch up."

The young man patted her on the shoulder and comforted her.

"It turned out to be a pair of dogs... um, little lover."

Looking at the man and the woman in the darkness, Jiang Che roughly understood their identities.

"What kind of escape from marriage is this?"

A thought came to his mind, looking at these two people, he guessed that this was probably the case.

Because, he has seen many bloody dramas like this.

"Brother, if I am caught by the elders, I will definitely be sacrificed."

At this moment, the woman spoke.

"No, I will definitely protect my younger sister to escape here safely." The young man said with a determined face.

"But if the elders use their supernatural powers to hunt them down, what should we do?"

The woman said with a sad face.

"My sister, trust me, I will protect you, even if the elders chase you, I will definitely not let them take you back, at worst, I will fight them!"

The young man said with a firm expression on his face.

"Brother, you are so kind..."

The woman's face flushed, and tears rolled down her eyes.

"Even if you die, Elder Brother will accompany you." The young man wiped the tears from her face and said.


The woman nodded.



Seeing the conversation between a man and a woman at the entrance of the bronze hall, Jiang Che was a little stunned.

Isn't it escape marriage?
How did you get involved in the sacrifice?
Is this woman going to be sacrificed by the elders of the Miao Gu tribe, and then this man found out and took this woman away?

Jiang Che blinked and looked at the man and the woman.

"Let's go, sister, let's rest in the temple tonight, and then leave tomorrow morning."

The young man got up, grabbed the woman beside him with one hand, and immediately stepped into the temple.

The two entered the temple and came to the statue of Fuxi. They kowtowed again with pious expressions on their faces.

But at this moment, the statue of Fuxi suddenly erupted with brilliant light. The two of them were unexpected, and before they had time to react, they were directly swept by the light, and then disappeared out of thin air.

Jiang Che: "??!"


What's happening here?
Looking at a man and a woman who were taken away by the statue of Fuxi and disappeared, Jiang Che was a little confused.

Is there something wrong with this idol?

No, he had already checked it when he stepped into it before, and the statue was just an ordinary statue!
How could such a sudden change happen?
This situation confuses him.


After removing the invisibility technique, Jiang Che's figure manifested, and Chaos Tengu appeared in the Bronze Temple.

The statue of Fuxi is still there, but the man and woman just now have completely disappeared.

"Is this Fuxi statue hiding a mystery?"

Jiang Che's eyes were serious.

Carefully recalling the small details of what happened just now.

"By the way, they kowtowed in front of the statue of Fuxi."

Suddenly, Jiang Che thought of something.

He quickly arrived in front of the statue of Fuxi, and searched through a huge amount of spiritual consciousness, but still did not find any clues.

There is no trace of a man and a woman.

He was directly taken to an unknown place by the statue of Fuxi.

"Is it necessary to kowtow to trigger something?"

Jiang Che frowned, and looked at the ground where a man and a woman kowtowed just now, and searched with his spiritual sense, but still did not find any problems.

Looking at the statue of Fuxi in front of him, Jiang Che suddenly had a strange feeling.

This is so wicked.

"How about I try it too?"

Thoughts came to mind, Jiang Che glanced at the statue of Fuxi, and the next second.


Jiang Che kowtowed directly.

But when he looked up, there was a crack in the statue of Fuxi.

Then, it spread throughout the statue, and with a final roar, it completely collapsed and turned into dust.

Jiang Che: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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