Chapter 142
This is……

What principle?
Looking at the statue of Fuxi that collapsed into dust before his eyes, Jiang Che's heart twitched.

The man and the woman kowtowed, and the statue was taken away, but when it was his turn, why did it change?
This Fuxi statue also has its own identification function?

Collapsing as soon as you kowtow?

Jiang Che got up slowly, patted the dust off his body, and looked at the dust that had collapsed in front of him. Suddenly, he frowned and turned around sharply.

In the dark night, a little fire appeared.

"It should be the elder who caught up..."

Jiang Che's eyes flickered, and his figure instantly disappeared in place in the next breath.


And not long after Jiang Che disappeared, in front of the Bronze Temple, a group of people dressed in Miao Gu costumes came here.

An old man in the lead took out a Gu worm that flashed red light, staring at the Gu worm's reaction, the old man frowned suddenly.

"It's strange, the breath of the saint has completely disappeared."

The old man's brows were tightly furrowed, almost like a knot.

"The saint disappeared?"

"No way?"

"That boy Anan has such a great ability?"

Behind them, a group of people were discussing.

"Great Elder, it's impossible, right? Wasn't the breath still there just now?"

"The saintess won't have any accidents, will she?"

A burly man spoke.

The leading Miao Gu clan elder shook his head and said, "The saint's life imprint is still there, but the life soul Gu can no longer track her aura."

"What should I do?"

A group of people paled.

"Tomorrow there will be a re-election, and the sacrificial congregation must not stop." The Great Elder pondered for a moment, then said.

"That's the only way to go."

One sighed.

"What about the great elder, Anan and the saint?"

another asked.

"Continue to investigate. Anan violated the clan rules and absconded with the saint without permission. We must investigate to the end." The elder said with a gloomy face.

"Yes, follow the arrangement of the Great Elder."

The crowd nodded.


The Great Elder glanced at the Bronze Temple, then turned and left.

The other Miao Gu people also left one after another.

And just when the group of people left completely, Jiang Che's figure slowly appeared in the darkness.


Jiang Che looked at the direction where the Miao Gu people disappeared, his eyes flashed.

This woman is a saintess selected by the Miao Gu clan, but Jiang Che is very strange, since she is a saintess, why should she sacrifice it?
This national style is really weird.

"Let's find another place to rest."

With a long sigh, Jiang Che's figure flashed and disappeared into the vast darkness.


Half a month passed in a flash.

In the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, in the dense forest where the sky cannot be seen at a glance, a figure appeared.

It was Jiang Che.

It has been half a month since he went deep into the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Except for meeting the Miao Gu people in the first few days, the deeper you go, the more inaccessible.

On the way, he also met many monsters, but they were not very strong. They were all monsters from the Divine Sea Realm and True Art Realm, and he didn't even meet a Gold Core-level demon king.

"Didn't you say that the Hundred Thousand Mountain Demons are rampant?"

"Why can't I meet a powerful demon?"

Looking at the endless dense forest, Jiang Che felt a little depressed.

Is this good luck or bad luck? !

Others are afraid of encountering monsters, but Jiang Che is eager to meet monsters.

But I just can't meet him.

He has gone deep into the core area, but he still hasn't encountered any powerful monsters.

In the dark dense forest, Jiang Che searched the surrounding situation with his divine sense while walking.

Except for a burst of beasts, he didn't see any ghosts and ghosts.

Can't find it either.

There is no place where there is any evil spirit.

Jiang Che doubted whether the head of the Miao Gu clan was fooling him back then.

What the hell, along the way, all the monsters I met didn't even have ten. You tell me that monsters are rampant?

All the way deep, Jiang Che didn't stop.

After turning over one mountain after another, in five days, he stepped out of the core area of ​​the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

"If you can't find it, you can't find it..."

On the top of a high mountain, Jiang Che overlooked the sea of ​​forest.



At this moment, Jiang Che suddenly sensed something, and turned his gaze to a dense forest in the east.

The core area is even more rarely visited by people.

Even the Miao Gu people were unwilling to set foot here, and Jiang Che hadn't found any trace of other people for eight or nine days.

"Three hundred miles away!"

Relying on his spiritual sense to sense the fluctuations in the life energy of the human body, Jiang Che quickly disappeared on the top of the mountain.

Three hundred miles, just a snap of the fingers.

When Jiang Che's figure arrived, in the dense forest, a figure was speeding forward in the forest.

His clothes were all torn.


When seeing this figure, Jiang Che was slightly taken aback.

If he remembered correctly, this woman should be the saint who disappeared in the bronze temple.

But why does it appear here?

"Is there another one?"

Jiang Che frowned slightly as he looked at the saint who was galloping in the forest.

If he remembered correctly, there was a young man named Anan who disappeared with this saint.

But why did it suddenly appear here.


Just when Jiang Che came back to his senses, he saw the galloping saint running into a stone cave, and the breath of life disappeared the moment she entered the cave.

Yuanshen searched carefully, but there seemed to be some kind of special power in this cave, even his Yuanshen could not invade it.


Jiang Che frowned, and then his figure flashed, appearing directly in front of this stone cave.

This stone cave was about as tall as a person, and it was pitch black inside, with a cold aura emanating from the cave.

There is a gloomy feeling.

Looking at this stone cave, Jiang Che didn't see any clues.

Under Yin Yang's eyes, he could see everything in the cave.

The stone cave is not connected, but only [-] meters deep to the end.

In the depths of the cave, Jiang Che saw the statue of Fuxi again.

But the trace of the saint disappeared without a trace.

If it weren't for the saint's breath still remaining in the air in the cave, he would have thought he was hallucinating.

"Is it the ghost of this Fuxi statue again?"

Jiang Che frowned.

Raising his hand, a purple electric light bloomed in his palm, and in the next breath, a destructive level of lightning burst out from his palm, sinking into the depths of the cave in an instant, the electric light shone, and the statue of Fuxi was instantly destroyed and turned into dust.

But strangely, there was no trace of the saint.

The statue of Fuxi was destroyed, and there was no trace of the saint.

As if entering another time and space.

Jiang Che frowned, but he still couldn't see any clues.

Turning around, he looked in the direction the saintess had fled from before, his consciousness expanded, and he searched inch by inch.

However, no clues were found.


"The saint, didn't she just run out of thin air?"

"What about the people who can go with you?"

Jiang Che muttered to himself, feeling a little strange amidst the strangeness.

At the beginning, the saint and another young man from the Miao Gu tribe disappeared together, but now it was discovered again that only the saint was left.

However, before he could catch up, the saint disappeared strangely again.

This was the first time Jiang Che encountered such a weird situation.

Jiang Che also gave up the search after a large-scale search by his spiritual sense failed, and he activated the close-up and disappeared instantly.


Five days later, Jiang Che's figure appeared on a vast mountain.

Standing on a high mountain and looking far away, a village has already appeared in his eyes hundreds of miles away.

It took more than 20 days for Jiang Che to cross the Hundred Thousand Mountains where his expression changed.

Looking at the village hundreds of miles away, Jiang Che looked back at the endless Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Crossing the Hundred Thousand Mountains, I met no more than ten monsters, and they were all small ones, and I didn't meet a single peerless monster.

He couldn't even describe whether his luck was good or bad.

He closed his eyes, checked the map in his mind, and after a while, Jiang Che opened his eyes.

Crossing the Hundred Thousand Mountains, there is only one month left to the capital of the Longteng Dynasty.

"Let's go to the capital first."

A thought came to mind, and in the next breath, Jiang Che jumped down the mountain.


January has passed.

Longling City.

In the suburbs, on the hillside, Jiang Che's figure appeared.

Standing on the hillside, Jiang Che looked at this majestic black giant city from afar.

There are some traces of war on the towering city walls.

Bronze city gate, the flow of people is like a sea.

Here is the capital of the Dragon Dynasty, Longling!
It is also the largest city of the Dragon Dynasty.

The momentum is majestic, and it is even more outstanding than the big city of Yujing.

Looking into the distance, Jiang Che could feel a majestic force lurking in the depths of Longling City.

This power made him palpitate.

Especially his primordial spirit was even more palpitating.

The yin and yang sky eyes opened, and a monstrous red light instantly invaded his eyes.

The fire of the world of mortals is burning like the sun, endlessly.

And in the depths of the fire of the world of mortals, Jiang Che could see a golden dragon hovering over the Wuling Imperial City.

The momentum is monstrous, with the potential to swallow thousands of miles!
"Such powerful luck seems to be three points stronger than the great luck golden dragon..."

Jiang Che's eyes were fixed.

Looking at the golden dragon of luck in the depths of the red dust fire, the majestic aura and coercion made his soul very heavy.

Under the fate of the imperial city, all Taoism will be suppressed.

The exuberant fire of the world of mortals is difficult for even the peerless monster to get close to.

In fact, the imperial city of a dynasty is also a forbidden place for demons.

The fire of the world of mortals does have the ability to improve the monsters, but the prerequisite is that you can bear it.

The peerless monster approached the imperial city, and the golden dragon of luck in the imperial city would definitely notice it.

The golden dragon of luck can mobilize the fire of the world of mortals and burn all the demons!
The same is true for Taoism and supernatural powers. No magical powers can penetrate the defense of the Golden Dragon of Air Luck.

A golden dragon of good luck for a dynasty, even the Supreme Lord Lei Jie couldn't hold it back.

This is the strength of the human dynasty.

With such a ferocious fire in the world of mortals, if a peerless monster approaches, the end will be absolutely miserable.

You can lurk into the city, but once you get close to the imperial city, the suppression will be very severe.

Of course, there are also demon gods with superb abilities, who can outmatch the golden dragon of luck and kill the emperor.

However, demon gods of this level are extremely rare in the entire Great Thousand World.

That is not something that ordinary Thunder Tribulation Supremes can achieve, but the extremely high level of Thunder Tribulation, and the strength is no different from that of real gods.

Jiang Che had never heard of such a terrifying demon god.

Even the Dragon King of the Four Seas, who is famous all over the world, does not have such powerful strength.

Looking at the burning red dust fire, among them, the red dust fire is clear, and the red light is transparent, which also shows that there are almost no monsters in Longling City.

Of course, there are many monsters lurking.

But even if there are monsters lurking in Longling City, they dare not show their real bodies.

The real body is manifested, and the masters of the non-dynasty are dispatched, and the golden dragon of luck can mobilize the fire of the world of mortals, and they can easily kill them.

The power of luck of a dynasty is also quite terrifying, and it is not as good as the general thunder disaster.

Even the peerless monster can't turn the waves in front of the fate of the dynasty.

Staring at the burning red dust fire, for a moment, Jiang Che closed his yin and yang eyes, the red light in the sky disappeared, and he returned to a state of silence.

Looking at the vast and majestic Longling City, Jiang Che moved straight to the gate of Longling City.

The capital of the Dragon Dynasty is also the place where the experts of the Dragon Dynasty gather.

Monks and warriors can be seen everywhere.

Those who can live in Longling City have a little bit of strength.

Even the people of Longling City have a certain level of martial arts cultivation.

Stepping into Longling City, there are tall buildings standing in front of you, and various commercial shops are lined up.

The streets are wide enough for six large carriages to run abreast.

The crowd is like a sea.

It shows the prosperous and prosperous scene of Longteng.

Longling City, as the capital of the Longteng Dynasty, also had a population of over tens of millions, plus the floating population, it was tens of millions.

Jiang Che was also full of novelties about this Dragon Kingdom.

This can also be regarded as his first visit to the capital of the dynasty when he set foot on the southern wasteland.

On the streets, there are also guards in golden armor patrolling, responsible for patrolling the security situation in the city.

A small captain is an innate master.

This situation is not surprising.

The same is true of Yujingcheng in Daqian.

There is also a patrol team dedicated to security issues in the city.

"Wanbao Pavilion..."

After wandering around the city, Jiang Che came to a shop full of atmosphere and class.

The floor area is much larger than other shops.

Almost half the street is full of this store.

Take a closer look at the name of the store, it is owned by Tianxiang Trading Company.

And Tianxiang Firm is also Longteng's No. [-] firm.

The background is as good as the sky, and it is also a super firm with the first reputation and reputation.

According to the rumors, the one who founded Tianxiang Trading Company was a Supreme Thunder Tribulation.

Known as the true king of Tianxiang!

The industry is not only spread all over Daqian, even the two dynasties of Suzaku and Xuanwu have the industry of Tianxiang Trading Company.

It can be said that it is also the number one super firm in the Southern Wilderness.

Jiang Che also bought something on the way, and he is no stranger to Tianxiang Trading Company.

Looking at the Wanbao Pavilion in front of him, Jiang Che stepped into it without much hesitation.

Something about him and much more.

On the way, I only shot a little bit.

The main reason is that the quantity is large, and it is too conspicuous to shoot at one time.

The Wanbao Pavilion in Longling City belongs to the main store, and his things can be easily swallowed.

Jiang Che also planned to empty out unnecessary things in exchange for a large amount of spiritual stones or spiritual veins.

"Welcome guests to Wanbao Pavilion, what do you need?"

Stepping into the Wanbao Pavilion, a woman in green came to him with a friendly smile on her face.

"I need to sell something."

Jiang Che got straight to the point.

"I don't know what the customer wants to sell?" The woman in green looked at him and asked.

"Some magic weapons, talismans." Jiang Che said.

"Okay, guest, please follow me." The woman in green clothes nodded with a smile, then turned around, twisted her graceful figure, and walked upstairs.

Jiang Che followed behind and went upstairs together.

Wanbao Pavilion has a total of six floors.

While going upstairs, he was also looking at the situation in the store.

There are a lot of people in the store, and as the super firm with the highest reputation in Nanhuang, the business is naturally not bad.

The main reason is that the scope of business is also very wide, and all kinds of things are basically available.

The environment in the store is nice and atmospheric.

Following the woman in green, Jiang Che quickly came to a room on the third floor.

After pouring tea, the woman in green looked at him and said, "Guests, please wait a moment. We have a professional appraiser who will come right away."

"it is good."

Jiang Che nodded slightly.

Soon, the door of the room opened, and a middle-aged man with a thin face stepped into the room.

"Master Qin." The woman in green stood up.

This middle-aged man with a thin face came to him with a blank expression.

Jiang Che didn't hesitate either, with a wave of his hand, a flash of light appeared, and hundreds of magic weapons of various kinds appeared out of thin air.

The lowest are spirit weapons, and most of them are spirit treasures.

At the same time, Jiang Che took out another stack of talismans full of spiritual power.

Looking at the things in front of him, this master Qin was not too shocked, and the woman in green was also used to it, obviously, she had seen big scenes before.

Master Qin is also very professional, and immediately stepped forward to start the appraisal and classify at the same time.

The woman in green stood aside, and she registered the magic weapon and talisman that Master Qin had appraised.

After a while, the identification was completed.

"Guest, is that all?" The woman in green looked at Jiang Che.

"There are a few more."

Jiang Che opened his mouth, and with the next breath, a long spear appeared.

A majestic Daowei diffused out, it was a low-grade Dao weapon!
"Tao artifact!"

There was a hint of emotion on the faces of Master Qin and the woman in green.

The woman in green looked at the handsome young man in brocade in front of her, and her heart stirred slightly.

Dao artifacts are all shot?
What kind of boss is this?
But it wasn't over yet, Jiang Che raised his hand again, and a golden yuan ring appeared, also filled with the aura of Daowei, and it was also a low-grade Taoist artifact.

Immediately after, Jiang Che took out another low-grade Taoist artifact, a jade-like folding fan.

Three low-grade Taoist artifacts!

This is also what he gained from killing the peerless monster.

As for the Taoist artifact he sacrificed, Jiang Che did not plan to take it for the time being.

Get rid of these three low-grade Taoist artifacts, and it's almost done.

"Three low-grade Taoist artifacts!"

Master Qin and the woman in green were shocked.


There are no ordinary giants of immortality, but this young man at the peak of Jindan took out three pieces in one go?
Such a good thing, why not keep it for yourself?
"Okay, that's all."

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.


That's all... that's all?

This means that he has more Dao artifacts?
This person……

What is the origin? !

Three low-grade Taoist artifacts, this is a big deal!
"Okay, guest, please wait a moment, Master Qin, quickly appraise it."

The woman in green came back to her senses and said.

Master Qin nodded, looking at the three Taoist artifacts in front of him, his eyes were full of luster.

Dao artifacts are not common magic weapons.

The gap between top-grade spirit treasures and Taoist artifacts is earth-shaking.

After careful identification, Master Qin nodded towards the woman in green.

The woman in green breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Jiang Che, and said, "Guest, there is no problem with the three low-grade Taoist artifacts, but I can't decide the price. I need the manager to discuss it with the guest. Please wait a moment."

"sure, no problem."

Jiang Che nodded.

Immediately, Master Qin left. The woman in green took out a voice transmission bell, communicated with Jiang Che, and said, "Please wait a moment, the manager will be here soon."

"This is the price of other things, you can take a look, guest." The woman in green clothes took out a magic weapon like a mirror and handed it to him. Jiang Che glanced at it, and his eyes fell on the final total price.

The final total price was around 980 million low-grade spirit stones.

The specific price of each magic weapon talisman is clearly marked.

Jiang Che also nodded happily.

There are some gaps, but it's not a big problem.

There is not much difference between the discrepancy and the budget.


Jiang Che nodded, and the woman in green smiled, "Then customer, after the supervisor and customer discuss the prices of these three low-grade Taoist artifacts, we can deliver them."

Jiang Che nodded slightly.

Not long after, the door of the room opened again, and a burly figure appeared in his eyes.

"Early stage of primordial spirit...Six Realms of Martial Dao..."

Looking at this burly man in purple robes, Jiang Che had a clear idea of ​​his general cultivation and strength at a glance.

With the strength of a super firm like Tianxiang Trading Company, it is not unusual for him to have a giant of Yuanshen as the manager.

"Director Wang!"

Looking at the big man in purple, the woman in green spoke.

Manager Wang's eyes fell on the three low-grade Taoist artifacts.

The door closed, and he stepped forward.

Glancing at the woman in green, he said, "Is it all identified?"

"Well, all of them have been appraised, and the price of other items has been agreed by the customer, only these three low-grade Taoist artifacts are missing."

The woman in green said.

"You wait outside the door first." Manager Wang said.

The woman in green nodded and left the room.

Director Wang stepped forward, looked at the three low-grade Taoist artifacts, and confirmed that the quality was good. He nodded, "It's genuine. I don't know what to call this young master?"

"Jiang." Jiang Che spat out a word.

Director Wang nodded, and said, "Master Jiang, it is difficult to have a definite amount for the price of Taoist artifacts. I don't know what the price is in your mind. You can talk about it."

Jiang Che looked at him, and said, "I don't want to waste time, let's make an offer."

Manager Wang: "..."

Why doesn't this guy play cards according to common sense?

Looking at Jiang Che, Manager Wang choked up.

But he quickly came back to his senses, looked at Jiang Che, and said, "Young Master Jiang, the quality of these three low-grade Taoist artifacts is not much different. How about it, each of them is 300 million high-grade spirit stones, and three pieces are 900 million high-grade spirit stones. What do you think?"

"900 million high-grade spirit stones..." Jiang Che narrowed his eyes and looked at Manager Wang.

Converted according to the ratio, that is [-] million low-grade spirit stones.

"Director Wang, this price...should not be enough."

Jiang Che shook his head.

Manager Wang smiled, and said, "The low-grade Taoist artifact is about the same price, Mr. Jiang should know it too."

"Three pieces, 1000 million high-grade spirit stones, if you succeed, we will trade them, if you fail, I will leave!"

Jiang Che stretched out a finger and said calmly.

"1000 million..."


Manager Wang showed hesitation.

Without saying a word, Jiang Che got up directly.

"Sir, please slow down, the price is negotiable, 1000 million is 1000 million."

Director Wang quickly opened his mouth and said.

"make a deal!"

(End of this chapter)

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