Half fairy device

When he came to the gate of the villa, Jiang Che took a look.

The guards are all monks at the peak of Jindan, and they cast their eyes on the inside of the villa. He can feel a majestic aura in the manor with his own perception.

Although it is not sure how many masters are gathered in the villa, but this number is definitely quite a lot.

"Hey, Chi Yuan, you're here too!"

Just as they lined up to enter the villa, a voice sounded, Jiang Che and the three looked behind them, and a beautiful woman in purple appeared in their eyes.

There are also two young disciples behind him.

"Fellow Taoist Zihan."

Looking at the beautiful woman in purple, Master Chi Yuan nodded in greeting.

"The middle stage of the Yuanshen..."

At a glance, Jiang Che judged the cultivation level of this beautiful woman in purple.

In the middle stage of Yuanshen, he was also a giant.

However, on such a big occasion today, it is not uncommon to see giants in the Yuanshen realm, and most of them are in the Yuanshen realm.

"Is this your new apprentice?"

The beautiful woman in purple stepped forward, looked at Jiang Che who was at the side, and looked at Master Chi Yuan.

"Fellow Taoist Zihan, don't talk nonsense. Pindao doesn't have such a powerful apprentice. This is my friend, Jiang Che."

Chi Yuan shook his head and said.


Hearing this, the beautiful woman in purple gave him a deep look.

Looking at each other, Jiang Che nodded politely.

"This man's aura...why is it weird? He has a primordial spirit but still has a golden core cultivation base..."

Looking at Jiang Che, a trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the beautiful woman in purple, she quickly recovered and nodded.

"Brother Zixu didn't come?" Looking at the beautiful woman in purple, Chi Yuan asked.

"No, he went to the Suzaku Dynasty to do something." The beautiful woman in purple said.

"That's a pity, I missed such a meeting." Chi Yuan sighed.

"It's no use coming here, and he has no money." The beautiful woman in purple said.


"It seems that he is very popular."

Seeing that Chi Yuan greeted several people, Jiang Che watched quietly from the side.

Soon, they arrived in line. Master Chi Yuan took out a golden invitation letter, handed it to the guard at the door, and said at the same time: "Three people."

The guard checked the invitation and nodded, "Please!"

Master Chi Yuan and the three immediately stepped into the villa.

As soon as I stepped into the manor, someone immediately stepped forward. It was a 20-year-old young woman in a purple cheongsam with a friendly smile on her face: "Three, please follow me."

Master Chi Yuan nodded, Jiang Che and his apprentice did not speak, but quietly followed behind, walking towards the interior of the villa.

Passing through an arch, then through the courtyard, the promenade, and finally, they came to a passage deep in the villa.

The purple-robed woman didn't stop in her footsteps, and Jiang Che and the three stepped into the passage immediately.

The passage is very large and long, and there are special fluorites on both sides to illuminate the interior of the passage.

Followed in, and soon, they came to the end of the passage.

In front of a bronze door.

A force of time and space diffuses from the bronze portal, and this bronze portal is the time and space channel leading to the auction.

The woman in the cheongsam clapped her hands, breathed out, the bronze door opened, a dazzling white light bloomed, the woman in the cheongsam turned her head,
"The three please enter with me."

After all, the cheongsam woman stepped into the bronze portal first, and her graceful body was directly swallowed by the white light.

Master Chi Yuan followed closely behind, and Jiang Che and his disciples also stepped into it. White light enveloped the whole body, and a majestic force pushed the three of them forward.

Soon, the glaring white light dissipated, and their figures appeared in a room.

Looking back, the bronze portal is behind.

This is the way to go out.

The woman in the cheongsam withdrew the door, and a long passage appeared in her eyes.

Just arrived at the entrance of the passageway, the woman in cheongsam gave each of the three an auction number plate.

There are numbers on each auction number plate.

Master Chi Yuan and his apprentice's number are 631 and 621, while Jiang Che's number is 666!

"Three, please follow me!"

After the auction number was issued, the cheongsam woman spoke again, twisting her body and stepping into the long passage.

Jiang Che and the others followed closely behind, and quickly passed through the passage to a huge meeting place.

It was very empty, and in the middle of the venue was the auction table.

The others are individual boxes.

Each invitation corresponds to a box.

In this way, the identity of other auctioneers can also be maintained.

The entry channel for each invitation letter is different, and the confidentiality work is done very strictly.

Soon, the three came to a box.

Jiang Che looked up and saw that the word Feng 12 was on the box.

Represents the position of the box.

Entering the box, the floor is covered with special carpet, which is quite soft and comfortable to step on.

Scanning his eyes, Jiang Che saw a small bronze incense burner placed in the corner of the box, and a faint fragrance permeated the box, which had a refreshing effect.

There is a soft couch horizontally in the box, sitting on it is also very comfortable.

And in the box, you can clearly see the auction table.

"Three, I will wait outside the box. If you need anything, you can press this button at any time."

The cheongsam woman introduced it, and then introduced the auction number plate.

The auction number plate is equivalent to a special little magic weapon, and the sound of the card display can be directly transmitted to the venue for auction items.

After introducing them one by one, the cheongsam woman left the room.

Jiang Che and the three immediately sat on the soft couch.

"Fellow Chi Yuan didn't come here for the secret key of the Panhuang, so he must have something in mind, right?"

Looking at Master Chi Yuan, Jiang Che asked.

Master Chi Yuan nodded, "There is indeed something, but let's try our luck, we may not be able to get it."

"However, the items sold in the auction are good. If you like Jiang Daoyou, you can try them out."

Looking at Jiang Che, Master Chi Yuan smiled.

"Understood, thank you fellow daoist for reminding me."

Jiang Che nodded.

Half an hour later, a loud bell rang in the venue.

On the central auction platform, a beam of strong light hit the auction platform, and the next second, a middle-aged man in white clothes appeared on the auction platform.

"The peak of the primordial spirit!"

Looking at the middle-aged man on the auction stage, Jiang Che's pupils shrank slightly.

The auctioneers are all so powerful, at the peak of Yuanshen, which also proves the strength of the auction.

"Welcome everyone to come to this auction. Vientiane Commercial Bank has held many auction conferences, and each time has been very successful. Here, I sincerely thank you for your support."

"I believe that this auction will not disappoint everyone, and I hope that everyone can auction off the items they want at the auction."

"Okay, let me announce that the auction is about to begin!"


As soon as the words fell, the small golden hammer in his hand rang, and the sound spread throughout the venue.

At the same time, all the lights in the venue were extinguished, and the surroundings were pitch black, leaving only the light on the auction stage.

"Okay, here's the first item for this auction, the Nine-Revolution Soul Pill!"

The auctioneer's voice sounded, and immediately, on the steps of the auction stage, a beautiful figure appeared holding a transparent crystal box in both hands.

A golden pill appeared in the crystal box.

The light also shone on the crystal box at the same time, and all eyes were on the golden medicine in the crystal box.

It is the size of a longan, and there are nine ring-shaped lines clearly visible on it.

"Nine-turn Primordial Soul Pill!"

Jiang Che's heart skipped a beat.

Is it such a good thing to start with?
Nine-turn Primordial Soul Pill!
This is a very special magic pill.

Has the ability to bring the dead back to life.

The collapse of the Yuanshen can restore the peak under the effect of the Nine-Turn Yuansoul Pill.

To truly bring the dead back to life, as long as the consciousness has not completely disappeared, it can be restored with the Ninety-Nine Transformation Yuanhun Pill.

The effect is huge, and it is also of great help to the recovery of the physical body.

Jiang Che had seen the introduction of this pill in the pill book.

However, this is the first time he has encountered this special pill.

The opening stuff is good.

It also ignited the atmosphere of the auction.

"Nine-turn Primordial Soul Pill, which has the effect of bringing the dead back to life, and the collapse of the primordial spirit, can rely on this pill to restore the peak. I won't talk too much nonsense. You should understand the efficacy of this pill. Next, I announce that the starting price is 100 million low-grade spirit stones. Each time the price increases, it is no less than 100 low-grade spirit stones.

"110 million!"

The auctioneer's voice had just rang out, and in the next breath, a voice came from a box.

The real owner of the voice cannot be heard through the sound coming from the number plate. This is also the auctioneer's identity protection mechanism for the auction.

"120 million!"

A voice from another box sounded, directly increasing the price.

"130 million!"

A third voice sounded.


Sitting in the private room, Jiang Che listened to the rising price. From the price of 100 million low-grade spirit stones, it rose to more than 1000 million low-grade spirit stones in just an instant, and it was still rising.

Jiang Che watched quietly, and soon, the price reached an astonishing 3000 million low-grade spirit stones.

"No. 85, 3000 million low-grade spirit stones!"

"Is there any one who hasn't continued to increase the price?"

On the auction stage, the voice of the auctioneer sounded and spread throughout the venue.

"Thirty-one million!"

A voice came from the box.

It was Jiang Che.

Nine-turn Primordial Soul Pill.

It is also of great help to him. If he uses the ideas of the gods and kings of the heavens to lead the gods into his body, it will also consume a lot of money based on his background.

He would definitely not miss a special pill like the Nine Turns Yuanhun Pill.

He can't guarantee that there will be absolutely no accidents.

It's always good to have an extra hand.

More than 3000 million low-grade spirit stones are enough for him to bear.

"Thirty-one million!"

A voice sounded again.

Jiang Che's expression remained unchanged, and he raised the price again: "Thirty-three million!"

"Thirty-one million!"

Another voice seemed to agree with him, raising the price again.

There was still no fluctuation on Jiang Che's face.

"Thirty-one million!"


"4000 million!"

Jiang Che made another quotation, but this time, the voice did not sound again.

On the auction stage, after three breaths, the auctioneer's voice sounded: "No. 666, 4000 million low-grade spirit stones, is there any further price increase?"

One sound, silence!

Two beeps, the venue was still dead silent.

three beeps...

Just as he was about to strike, another voice sounded.

"Forty-one million!"

In the boxes, Jiang Che looked towards one of the boxes silently.

On the side, Master Chi Yuan looked at him and said, "Friend Jiang Daoist, it seems that someone is going to take love with a sword."

Jiang Che withdrew his gaze, his expression was calm, Gu Jing said calmly, "Forty-two million!"

"Forty three million!" The voice came from the same box again.

"Forty-one million!"


"5000 million!"

Jiang Che made another offer.

This time, the second voice of continuing to compete disappeared, and the auctioneer spoke again. After three voices, the hammer fell.

"Congratulations to No. 666 for successfully bidding for the No. [-] auction item!"

Jiang Che also let out a breath slowly.

He can accept 5000 million low-grade spirit stones to buy this Nine-Turn Primordial Soul Pill.

After all, at the critical moment, this thing recovers quickly.

He didn't feel so distressed that he could use the idea of ​​the god king to recover quickly, 5000 million spirit stones.

Soon, things will be delivered.

Jiang Che also delivered 50 top-grade spirit stones, taking this Nine-Turn Yuanhun Pill into his pocket.

"Congratulations, Fellow Daoist, for obtaining the divine pill."

Master Chi Yuan smiled.

Jiang Che nodded slightly, and looked towards the center of the auction stage. The first auction item was the Nine-Turn Primordial Soul Pill, and the second auction item was definitely not bad.

"The next auction item is number two, Phoenix Fire Feather!"

The auctioneer's voice sounded, and in the next breath, a red feather as tall as a person appeared.

There is also a special aura emanating from the feathers.

This piece of feather is cast like a red crystal, and there are crystal colors flowing on it, which is extraordinary.

"The phoenix fire feather comes from the body of the ancient fire phoenix. It contains the charm of the ancient fire phoenix, but also has a trace of the will of the fire phoenix. The starting price is 100 million low-grade spirit stones. Each time the price increases, it is no less than 100 low-grade spirit stones. The upper limit of a single increase is [-] million low-grade spirit stones."

The voice of the auctioneer spread throughout the venue, and pairs of eyes looked at Phoenix Fire Feather on the auction stage.

"Phoenix Fire Feather..."

"There is this thing too?"

Looking at the bright red feather on the auction stage, Jiang Che felt a little surprised.

I have to admit that the power of this auction is indeed as high as the sky, and the things obtained are unexpected.

"110 million!"

Soon, someone made a bid.

"120 million!"

A second voice sounded.



Master Chi Yuan's eyes lit up.

Jiang Che glanced at him with a surprised expression: "Friend Equator is interested in this thing?"

"Well, the poor Taoist cultivation needs this thing. With the Phoenix Fire Feather, I believe it can make the poor Taoist's strength to a higher level." Master Chi Yuan had a smile on his face.

While speaking, he also quoted the price.

Jiang Che nodded slightly. This time, he did not participate in the auction.

This treasure is indeed extraordinary, but he doesn't need it, so there is no need to waste money on it.


The price climbed all the way, and soon reached more than 400 million. In the end, Master Chi Yuan spent 500 million low-grade spirit stones to win it.

The auction will continue, and the third auction item is a low-grade Taoist artifact.

It is a defensive magic weapon, and it also sold for a good price.

The auction will continue.

Auction items emerged one by one.

Jiang Che was dazzled by all kinds of special treasures.

It also participated in two auctions, but both failed.

The price exceeded his expectations. Although he was interested, Jiang Che held back.

There is not much need, and he doesn't need to make a move. This time, he is only here to see and see.


"The following is auction item 99, the Emperor's Secret Key!"

On the auction stage, the voice of the auctioneer sounded again, and an oversized key appeared out of thin air.

"The Emperor's Secret Key!"

From Jiang Che's eyes, the Panhuang Secret Key auctioned was exactly the same as his Panhuang Secret Key.

"This is the key to the treasure house of an ancient emperor's secret realm. The Panhuang secret realm is about to be opened once every 500 years. You should be clear. I won't say much about it. Now, the auction is starting. The base price is 100 million high-grade spirit stones. Each time the price increases, it is no less than 100 high-grade spirit stones. The single upper limit is [-] million high-grade spirit stones!"

The auctioneer's voice sounded, and just as he finished speaking, a voice sounded.

"150 million!"

The first offer directly reached the single limit!
"200 million!"

The second voice sounded again, and the single limit price was also added.

The opening is a white-hot state.

Several offers followed.

The price of the Panhuang Secret Key also soared to a full 1000 million high-grade spirit stones.

A low-grade spirit stone equal to one billion.

However, there are still dozens of bidders participating in the auction.

Every time it is a price increase of 100 million top-grade spirit stones.

The momentum is hot!

The price was constantly refreshed, and soon reached an astonishing 5000 million.

There are still more than a dozen people who can participate in the auction.

"It's all rich and powerful..."

In the private room, Jiang Che's heart twitched when he heard the constantly refreshing quotations.

5000 million high-grade spirit stones, converted proportionally, is 50 billion low-grade spirit stones.

This amount of money is also considered a large sum for him.

This time, he also understood what Master Chi Yuan said.

There are too many big forces, and it is difficult to win the wealth of ordinary individuals.

If it is supported by a force, it will be different.


Prices continue to soar, although bidders are shrinking.The price of the Panhuang Secret Key also continued to rise.

"One hundred million!"

In the box, a voice came out.

This price has also reached its peak today.

100 million high-grade spirit stones equals [-] billion low-grade spirit stones.

"Do you want to give me the secret key of Panhuang..."

In the private room, Jiang Che's heart was moved when he heard the offer.

This price is enough to fully ripen his Chunyang Xianguo, and there may be a little bit of wealth.

But after thinking about it, he came all the way across the ocean, and the time left was approaching, so he held back his plan to make a move.

Panhuang secret realm is unknown.

Among them, there may be big gains, but it is also possible to lose everything.

But after spending so much time, he didn't expect to give up before leaving.

After a few beeps, the final word was finalized.

The Panhuang secret key was also auctioned at an astonishing price.

"It is estimated that it is in the hands of the prince."

Master Chi Yuan sighed.

"The royal family's wealth is immeasurable!" Jiang Che smacked his lips.

The more you know, the more you can understand.

Once, [-] million low-grade spirit stones was an astronomical figure for him.

But right now, it doesn't seem to be that much.

"It's strange, with Master's wealth...how can you be so poor? Could it be that you have devoted yourself to cultivation?"

A thought came to mind, and after thinking about it, Jiang Che could only attribute it to this possibility.

He can't see the master's strength now, and he can't see what level of Thunder Tribulation it is.

At first, he heard that Master was not in the first level of Thunder Tribulation, but he felt that Master's strength was far beyond the first level of Thunder Tribulation.

With the strength of the master, it is probably not difficult to make money.

"Or there is hidden wealth..."

Another thought popped up.

At this moment, the voice of the auctioneer sounded again.

"Everyone, next is the last item of this auction, and it is also the finale item of this auction, the Thunder Prison Sword!"

The voice of the auctioneer sounded, and on the platform, an item that was bursting with lightning appeared.

A terrifying aura permeated the air. Even in the box, Jiang Che could feel a majestic pressure from this item.

A three-foot-long magic knife.

The blade is long and slender, with purple lightning flashing, and there is a special aura in it, which seems to surpass the existence of Taoist artifacts.

A terrifying artifact that contains the rules of heaven and earth!
"A fairy?"

Jiang Che's pupils shrank.

This Thunder Prison Heaven Knife seems to be more terrifying than his top-grade Taoist weapon, the Yin-Yang Jade Pendant, and that special aura seems to surpass the Taoist weapon.

But soon, Jiang Che came back to his senses.

"No, this is not a fairy weapon, but why does it feel like a fairy weapon?"

Jiang Che frowned.

Master Chi Yuan on the side also stared at the Thunder Prison Sword.

"It has the aura of a fairy weapon, but it doesn't have the heavenly power of a fairy weapon. This is a half-celestial weapon!"

Master Chi Yuan thought for a moment, then spoke.

"Half fairy?"

Jiang Che was slightly taken aback.

Immortal artifacts are immortal artifacts, what is a half-immortal artifact?
"Friend Equator, what does this mean? Why is it a half-immortal weapon?" Jiang Che looked at Master Chi Yuan with puzzled eyes.

Master Chi Yuan stared at the Thunder Prison Heaven Knife on the auction stage, and said, "Half Immortal Artifact refers to the one that survived the punishment of heaven, but failed. It was not completely successful, and it may be protected by the Supreme Being after passing the punishment. That's why it is called Half Immortal Artifact."

"It has the power beyond the top-grade Taoist weapon, but it is much worse than the real fairy weapon, but it also has half the ability of the fairy weapon, and contains the power of the law of heaven and earth. When it is activated, the semi-celestial weapon can also be blessed by the power of the Dao rule."

"Such a half-immortal artifact..."

Hearing Master Chi Yuan's words, Jiang Che also understood in his heart.

At this moment, the auctioneer also started to explain, which was basically the same as Master Chi Yuan said.

"Master, if you get this semi-immortal artifact at auction, then you will be extremely powerful."

On the side, the female disciple looked at Master Chi Yuan with a smile and spoke humanely.

Master Chi Yuan: "..."

"I don't have the financial resources to be a teacher." Master Chi Yuan shook his head, looked at Jiang Che who was at the side, and said, "You can give it a try, Fellow Daoist Jiang."

"...I don't have that much money, so I can't afford it."

Jiang Che shook his head directly.

For a half-immortal artifact, the price was not something he could afford.


"Okay, let's start the auction. The Thunder Prison Sword. The bidding price is ten second-grade spiritual veins. Every time you increase the price, there must be no less than one second-grade spiritual vein."

The sound spread all over the place.

The hall was dead silent.

Ten second-grade spiritual veins, this price has already persuaded many people to quit.

I want a lot, but I can afford it, but that is too little.

Even big forces have to weigh it.

However, as a semi-immortal artifact, the starting price is not expensive.

Even if it is not a real fairy weapon, the power of this Thunder Prison Sword is terrifying enough.

"If the spirit veins are insufficient, you can use the equivalent value of spirit stones." The voice of the auctioneer sounded again.

As soon as the words fell, this time, someone immediately made an offer.


Perhaps the reaction was too slow, this time, four or five people made offers one after another.

The price of the Thunder Prison Sword has also risen to the price of fifteen second-grade spiritual veins.

(End of this chapter)

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