Chapter 145

A voice came from the box again.

The venue also instantly fell silent.

The price of twenty second-grade spiritual veins is already beyond the affordability of most people.

On the central auction stage, the auctioneer was standing. After a few calls, there was still no bid. Just as the golden hammer in his hand was about to fall, a voice came from a box again.


There was an uproar.

A bright smile appeared on the face of the auctioneer.

"Auctioneer No. 6 has 21 second-grade spiritual veins, is there any higher?"


Immediately afterwards, the voice from the previous box sounded again, as if it was inevitable.


Another voice sounded again.



"Really rich..."

"There is no humanity in the trenches!"

In the private room, Jiang Che's heart twitched when he heard the quotations from two voices.

Already reached the quotation of thirty second-grade spiritual veins, but there is still no sign of letting go.

This number is quite astonishing.

Thirty second-grade spiritual veins, even the third round of pure Yang fairy fruit is enough.

The stronger the spirit vein, the more refined the spiritual power it contains.

Spirit veins of the upper third rank are even rarer.

Converted into Lingshi, it is an immeasurable number.


An astonishing quotation came out, and at the same time, in the darkness, a terrifying aura inadvertently permeated the box.

"Thunder Tribulation Supreme!"

Feeling the coercion of this majestic aura, Jiang Che turned his gaze to the box in the darkness.

All eyes were on this box.

However, the box is covered by a powerful formation, and it is impossible to spy on the situation in the box.

release breath...

This means threatening!

Jiang Che's eyes flashed.

This mysterious bidder is a Thunder Tribulation Supreme.

Quoting fifty second-grade spiritual veins and releasing breath, this should be his bottom line.

The other auctioneer will give up?

After a brief silence, another voice did not come out for a long time.

And just as the auctioneer's golden hammer fell, the voice came out again from another box in the darkness.


At one quotation, the audience was in an uproar.

The Thunder Tribulation Supreme has no fear of releasing his breath, and if he wants to fight hard, who is the other bidder?
"Auctioneer No. 3 bids for 51 second-grade spiritual veins, is there any higher price?"

On the auction stage, the auctioneer looked excited.

The higher the auction price, the more commission he will get.

51 auction prices are enough for him to get a lot of wealth commission.

"No. 3, this is the one who auctioned off the secret key of the Panhuang. Could it be... Prince Longteng?"

A gleam of light flashed in Jiang Che's eyes.

Although it cannot be determined, it should probably be correct.

Prince Longteng!

If one dared to ignore the coercion of a mysterious Supreme Thunder Tribulation, there probably weren't many people in the audience.


At this moment, a cold snort came from the box in the darkness.

However, there was no further quotation, and the thunderous power that permeated the venue dissipated in an instant.

After a few calls, it was confirmed that there was no higher bid, and the auctioneer dropped the golden hammer in his hand.

"Congratulations to auctioneer No. [-] for auctioning the grand finale of this year, the Thunder Prison Sword!"

The auctioneer's voice resounded throughout the audience, making a final decision.

This half-immortal artifact, the Thunder Prison Sword, was also sent to the third auctioneer by someone.

Looking at this scene, Jiangsu sighed inwardly.

Envy, he has nothing to envy.


I have a demon book, maybe in the future, I can also burst out fairy-level rewards.

The most fancy, or their own strength.

If the strength is sufficient, but short of money for a short time, that is nothing.

"Half Immortal Artifact..."

There was a hint of envy in Master Chi Yuan's eyes, as did the eyes of the female disciples beside him.

Jiang Che didn't pay much attention to it. If he got it, he might not be able to keep it.

However, since this Prince Longteng dared to compete with the Supreme Lord Lei Jie, he believed that he should have a trump card.

In the Dragon Dynasty, there must be martial arts immortals comparable to the Supreme Thunder Tribulation.

And it's still in Longling City, so it's not a big problem.

Even if there was a problem, it wasn't his concern.

It has nothing to do with the Supreme Master Lei Jie's actions outside.

But just when Jiang Che and his party were about to get up, suddenly, on the auction stage, the auctioneer's voice sounded again.

"Wait a minute, everyone. There was a little accident in this auction, and I got a very special auction item. After discussion with the Supreme Master of the firm, I decided to add the last auction item again. This auction item is very special and will bring you an unexpected surprise."

The voice of the auctioneer spread throughout the venue, and everyone in the venue was stunned as soon as the words came out.

Temporary decision to add an auction item?

And this kind of operation?

What special auction item can temporarily increase it?
The audience was shocked.

Jiang Che paused for a moment, and looked at the auctioneer on the auction stage.

"Has this happened before?"

Jiang Che couldn't believe it, and looked at Master Chi Yuan beside him.

Master Chi Yuan was also full of astonishment, shook his head, and said: "No, it's the first time that the poor have encountered such a situation."

"A mysterious and special auction item?"

"What could it be?"

Jiang Che's eyes flickered, while everyone in the other boxes was very curious.

But at this moment, the voice of the auctioneer sounded again: "Please wait for a quarter of an hour, this auction item is very special and very powerful, please wait patiently, it will be the time for the surprise announcement soon."

The voice of the auctioneer spread throughout the venue, and this time, everyone's curiosity was aroused.

For a quarter of an hour, they naturally waited.

Jiang Che sat down slowly and looked towards the central auction platform. This auction will be interesting.

In the end, the whole thing was done on purpose by the auction house?
It is estimated that this is probably the case, it is appetizing!

However, he is also really curious about what kind of auction items can make the auction house break the rules and temporarily add one.

It just doesn't make sense.

Everyone is waiting.

Everyone's heart is full of great curiosity.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and a quarter of an hour passed quickly.

At this moment, on the auction stage, the auctioneer's voice sounded: "Everyone, this special auction item is already in place, but due to the special reason of the auction item, this auction will be presided over by the founder of Vientiane Trading Company, Tianxiang Zhenjun himself!"

"Tianxiang Zhenjun personally presided over it?!"

The auctioneer's words shocked the audience again.

A Thunder Tribulation Supreme, personally presiding over this last auction?

What auction item is so exaggerated?

Could it be that he was afraid of being snatched by others?

Could it be that this time, the fairy artifact is going to be auctioned? !
Just when everyone was shocked, a burly man in purple robe slowly stepped out from the darkness.

God is like a prison!

The breath in the body is as vast as an abyss!
This is a Lightning Tribulation Supreme!
Stepping on the void and landing on the auction stage, the auctioneer immediately bowed and saluted: "True Monarch!"

The big man in purple robe nodded slightly, and the auctioneer stepped down immediately.

Tianxiang Zhenjun!

This is the founder of Vientiane Commercial Bank, Tianxiang Zhenjun!
In the box, the eyes were filled with shock and disbelief.

Jiang Che was no exception.

But more of a curiosity.

This is the first time that Tianxiang Zhenjun personally presides over this temporarily added special auction item.


Definitely going to auction the fairy artifact!

At this time, the same thought rose in most people's minds.

And at this moment, on the auction stage, Tianxiang Zhenjun glanced around, as if he could penetrate the formation of the box, and then a loud voice sounded: "Everyone, I am really sorry, because of this special auction item, I have to personally preside over this auction. I believe this special auction item will not disappoint everyone."

"This special auction item is..."

"Peak immortal body!"

boom--! !

The last sentence was like a super bomb that exploded in the space venue.

Everyone was stunned.

Pairs of eyes turned to the auction platform in the center, looking at Tianxiang Zhenjun.

The physical body of a peak human being? !

Are you kidding me?
Peak immortal, what kind of terrifying existence is that?

I'm afraid that even ten Heavenly Phenomenon True Monarchs are not qualified to fight against peak immortals.

Immortal existence.

Auctioning the body of the peak immortal, everyone wondered if there was something wrong with their ears.

Shocking, incredible...

All kinds of emotions are intertwined in everyone's mind.

And at this moment, the voice of Tianxiang Zhenjun sounded again: "You heard me right, this last auction item is the body of a peak immortal."

The second time I spoke, it was a solid hammer, and they heard it right.

Tianxiang Zhenjun waved his Taoist robe, breathed out, divine light bloomed, and on the auction stage, a tall figure in black robe appeared in everyone's eyes.

There is no soul breath, but the terrifying energy and blood emanating from the body of this black-robed man is even several times more terrifying than Tianxiang Zhenjun.

But the only thing is that there is no soul breath, it seems that the soul breath of this man in black robe has been completely obliterated.

The qi and blood were so terrifying that it was even more terrifying than a big sun.

Immortal body!

It's not just an ordinary immortal body.

As Tianxiang Zhenjun said, this is most likely the body of a peak human immortal.


Who can obliterate the soul will of a peak immortal?

I'm afraid it's the entire Great Thousand World, so there isn't one, right?

Maybe there is, but no one can know.

Peak Immortal!

How does this exist? !
In the entire Great Thousand World today, the only well-known peak immortal is the Immortal Dynasty of Central Continent, who is also known as the Great Xia Renhuang who is known as the world's emperor.

And in Central Continent, a place known as the center of the universe, there are definitely only a handful of peak immortals.

Except for the Great Xia Emperor, any other peak immortals are famous through the ages.

To kill a peak human immortal, even using an immortal weapon, is very difficult.

Maybe it can be suppressed, but if you want to kill it, it's too difficult.

How terrifying is the will of a peak immortal?
Ten Heavenly Phenomena True Monarchs might not be able to block a single blow from a peak immortal.

The space venue was dead silent.

On the auction stage, Tianxiang Zhenjun's voice sounded again: "You can rest assured, the soul and will of this peak human immortal has been completely wiped out, and only this human immortal body is left. This is also a surprise for you at this auction."

"Wan Tianxiang, which Supreme Being is this? Why have I never heard of it? I won the auction, will there be any trouble?"

At this time, a mysterious voice exploded in the space venue, and everyone looked at Tianxiang Zhenjun on the auction stage in unison.

What the Mysterious Supreme said was exactly what they wanted to know.

On the auction stage, Tianxiang Zhenjun smiled and said: "Fellow Daoists, you can rest assured. Everyone knows the reputation of my Tianxiang Trading Company. This body of a peak human being is obtained by me in a small world of space. There is no problem."

"Then how did this existence fall?"

The voice of the mysterious Supreme sounded again.

Tianxiang Zhenjun smiled and said: "When I found out, there was a demonic energy around me. I guessed that it should be killed by a demon god of the demon clan."

"Killed by the demons!"

As soon as the words came out, the faces of everyone in the audience changed drastically.

In the box, Jiang Che's expression also changed.


Demons again!

Thousands of years ago, the first Taizu emperor of Dagan was killed by the demon god of the demon clan.

Even a peak immortal can't stop a demon god.

The horror of the demons has exceeded his imagination.

"But please rest assured, the demonic energy in this human immortal body has been annihilated by me and several fellow Taoists. There will be no problems. If you get this peak human immortal body, you can refine it into your own incarnation puppet. Although you can't exert the full power of a peak human immortal, you can at least exert about half of your strength. The starting price is ten first-grade spirit veins. Insufficient veins, you can use spirit stones to exchange for equivalent value, or you can use treasures to exchange, our bank will give an appraisal and give a reasonable price, let's start, the auction!"

Tianxiang Zhenjun's voice was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears word by word.

After a brief silence, the Mysterious Supreme took the lead in making an offer.






There were more people making offers than expected, and a dozen offers appeared in an instant.

There are many big powers coming to this auction. Although there are not so many big powers participating in the bidding for the Thunder Prison Sword, it does not mean that these big powers have no money to bid.

Compared with the physical body of this peak human immortal, there is no comparison between the Thunder Prison Heaven Knife.

As long as it is auctioned off and trained as a puppet, it will definitely bring more wealth.

Even if the physical puppet of a peak human immortal can only exert [-]% of its strength, it is much more terrifying than the existence of a human immortal in its early stage.

Such a special auction item also completely drove these superpowers crazy.

When you get it, the influence and deterrence are earth-shaking.

Martial Dao Ren Xian, the strongest is the physical body.

This is beyond doubt.

Moreover, it is still the flesh body of a peak human being.

Bidders not only did not decrease, but continued to increase.

In the box, Jiang Che's heart was also moved.

If this peak human immortal is made into a puppet, then he can definitely walk sideways.

But compared with the wealth of these superpowers, his personal wealth is more than a million miles away.

The second round of Chunyang Xianguo is not ripe enough to win.


Master Chi Yuan suddenly made an offer, Jiang Che looked at him in shock, and the female disciple beside him also looked at him in shock.

"Master...Master, 25 first-grade spiritual veins, are you sure you have that much money?"

The female disciple stammered.

If you can't pay for the price alone, I'm afraid you don't want to get out of here.

25 first-grade spiritual veins, even if the master is sold, it will not be worth so much money!

Master Chi Yuan looked excited and flushed, and said: "There is no need to worry about this problem. As a teacher, I have already contacted the head teacher, and I just got permission from the head teacher. The sect strongly supports me to participate in the auction."

"Well, that would be great!"

The female disciple clapped her hands excitedly.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Che's heart twitched.

With the support of the entire Antarctic fairy gate, it's no wonder Master Chi Yuan dared to make such an offer.


"May I also contact the Headmaster Supreme?"

"But I don't seem to have the sound transmission bell of the Supreme Master..."

"Contact Master?"

"Forget it, Master has gone to work, so he probably won't be able to spend so much, hey... what a pity!"

Jiang Che thought a thousand times.

However, he still contacted Xuan Miaoyin with luck and common sense, but he didn't get any response.

Jiang Che also completely extinguished the idea of ​​participating in the auction.

Without the financial support of the sect, he would definitely not be able to participate in the auction.

This is not a small sum, even for a super power, it is a large sum.

The price rose rapidly, and in just a short moment, it reached an astonishing one hundred first-grade spiritual veins!
"My good fellow, did I underestimate these powerful forces? This is not an ordinary mob!"

Hearing the quotation, Jiang Che's eyes turned red.

One hundred first-grade spiritual veins, oh!
How good it is to give him this money!

"In the future, I will be short of money when I reach the peak level. Should I sell my body as well?"

Hearing the refreshed quotations one after another, a bold idea suddenly appeared in Jiang Che's mind.

"Without the physical body, the primordial spirit can survive, and then practice again with the help of the incarnation outside the body, it seems that it is also possible..."

But after thinking about it, Jiang Che put out this thought.

If he abandons his physical body, it will be very difficult for him to climb to the top.

This idea is unrealistic.

It feels so awkward to turn my own body into a puppet...

Suppressing the "sao operation idea", Jiang Che's eyes fell on the flesh body of the peak human immortal on the central high platform.

The price has been refreshed again, reaching an astonishing 110 first-grade spiritual veins.

"110 five!"

Master Chi Yuan quoted an astonishing price again, Jiang Che looked at him and couldn't help blinking.

"Friend Equator, how much support does the sect give you?"

Master Chi Yuan: "There are about 180 first-grade spiritual veins. If there are not enough, I will apply to the head teacher."

Jiang Che: "..."

Hearing this, Jiang Che felt like he was petrified.

Good guy, 180 first-grade spiritual veins support? !

It is worthy of being the number one fairy gate in the Southern Wilderness!

Obediently, give him half of it, and you'll be super rich!

"170 five!"

Offers are in constant competition.

Although the number of forces participating in the auction has decreased, there are still eight or nine big forces that persist.

The Antarctic Immortal Gate represented by Master Chi Yuan is also among them.

The number one fairy gate in the southern wasteland, this wealth is still there.

"170 six!"

Master Chi Yuan made another quotation.

But the other big forces still did not retreat, and continued to quote.

Soon, Master Chi Yuan's limit price was reached.

"Friend Equator, are you giving up?"

Seeing Chi Yuan blushing and not speaking, Jiang Che asked from the side.

As soon as the words fell, Master Chi Yuan immediately quoted the price.

"180 five!"

Jiang Che: "..."

Damn, isn't it the limit?
Looking at Master Chi Yuan, the corners of Jiang Che's mouth twitched.

Master Chi Yuan looked at him, and said, "Just now the head teacher said that we will raise another forty first-grade spiritual veins."

Jiang Che: "..."

Increase another forty first-grade spirit veins...

This is a first-grade spirit vein, not a ninth-grade spirit vein!

Jiang Che looked at him, feeling overwhelmed.

"What if it exceeds?"

Jiang Che secretly asked.

"Apply after I exceed it, and the head teacher should agree." Master Chi Yuan looked at the peak human body of the central auction platform and said.

Jiang Che: "..."

Also apply to apply for...

Why is your limit so unreliable?
Jiang Che stopped talking.

Well, he admits that compared with big powers, his wealth is not a drop in the bucket.

I am a complete pauper!


"230 five!"

"Two hundred and four!"

"240 one!"

The price climbed crazily, and there were only three remaining forces that persisted.

Master Chi Yuan represents a family.

The other one was the Dragon Prince who auctioned off the Thunder Prison Sword and the Panhuang Secret Key.

No need to guess, the crown prince's financial resources are definitely not enough, and this definitely has the full support of the Longteng royal family.

With the financial support of a dynasty, Jiang Che didn't even know where the limit was.

The quotations of the three companies are all five first-grade spiritual veins increasing.

The price also broke through the astonishing figure.

It has reached the terrifying three hundred first-grade spiritual veins.

"Hey, the head teacher said, add another fifty first-grade spiritual veins, if you can't take it, you have to give up."

Looking at the peak human immortal body on the central auction platform, Master Chi Yuan let out a long sigh.

Jiang Che: "..."

Fifty articles?

Before you said that one hundred and eight was the limit, then it was two hundred and two, and now there are still fifty first-grade spiritual veins.

I'm afraid you're not lying to me, are you...

The old man is very bad...


Master Chi Yuan made another quotation.

And the mysterious third family was completely defeated, leaving only Prince Longteng.

"310 five!"

Prince Longteng made another offer.


Master Chi Yuan gritted his teeth.

But Prince Longteng seemed determined to win, so he didn't hesitate to raise the price again.

The two raised the price, and soon reached a new limit.


Master Chi Yuan quoted the last bid.

The audience was silent.

Chi Yuan's eyes were red, looking at the box where Prince Longteng was.

Just as he was waiting for the hammer to fall, the next second, Prince Longteng's offer sounded again

"350 five!"

"It's over, I can't take it anymore!"

Master Chi Yuan looked desperate.

"No more? Don't continue to apply for the application?"

On the side, Jiang Che looked at Master Chi Yuan and said.

Master Chi Yuan shook his head, "The head teacher said, there are at most 350 first-grade spiritual veins, no matter how many there are, no one in the sect is rich."

"That's a pity!" Jiang Che heaved a long sigh.

Master Chi Yuan also looked lonely, his eyes full of helplessness.

After a few times, Tianxiang Zhenjun's voice sounded: "Auctioneer No. 3 bid 350 for five first-grade spiritual veins. Is there any more bids?"

The space venue was dead silent, and no one bid again for a long time.

"Okay, then this seat announces, congratulations to auctioneer No. [-] for winning the body of a peak human immortal!"


The golden hammer fell, and it was a final word.

In the darkness, pairs of eyes looked at the box where Prince Longteng was.

No. [-], No. [-] riding a horse again.

The last three full horses were taken down by number three.

Everyone slandered in their hearts, but they were helpless.

No Money!
With the financial power of the Dragon Dynasty, even the Antarctic Immortal Sect has to bow down.

(End of this chapter)

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