I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 150 Destroying the Flesh Body

Chapter 150 Destroying the Flesh Body
The night passed quickly.

The next day, early in the morning.

Jiang Che got up early in the morning.

After resting for a day in the Tianpeng Tribe, Jiang Che also planned to continue his journey.

"Brother Jiang, you should stay for a few more days, it will be safer."

Looking at Jiang Che, Payne said seriously.

"No, no problem." Jiang Che shook his head.

"Brother Jiang, people from the Yuhua tribe are very difficult to deal with. If Brother Jiang stays for a few more days, the danger will be much smaller." On the side, Page also looked at him seriously and said.

"No problem, I believe it's not a big problem, so I'll take my leave first."

Jiang Che smiled, and as soon as he finished speaking, his figure disappeared in the same place in an instant.

And not long after Jiang Che left, the courtyard door opened again, and Pei Yuan walked in.

"What about the boy?"

Looking at the two brothers and sisters, Pei Yuan asked.

"Just left." The two brothers and sisters said in unison.


Pei Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then came back to his senses, looked at the two siblings, and said, "How can we let him go? Don't you know the danger?"

"Father, he insisted on leaving. I persuaded him, but he refused." Payne said with his head down.

"Oh, you two..." Pei Yuan let out a long sigh, then immediately turned around and left the yard.


Green grass, blue sky and white clouds.

Jiang Che traveled through the clouds and fog to leave the Tianpeng tribe. According to the route he had customized, he would be able to leave the Azure Prairie in two or three days.

As for the danger of the Yuhua Tribe, if it doesn't come, then everything will be fine, but if it comes, then he will not be merciful.

There are only three who can pose a threat, the patriarch of the Yuhua tribe, the high priest and the guardian spirit beast.

One-on-one, it doesn't necessarily mean who wins and who loses.

However, what Jiang Che cared more about was the Palace of Eternal Life.

This top-level power is invincible when looking at the Suzaku Dynasty.

A force with the existence of the Supreme Thunder Tribulation is completely different from a force without the existence of the Supreme Thunder Tribulation.

Moreover, there is an immortal artifact in the Hall of Eternal Life.

Tian Jing's ability must not only have the ability to create spirit beasts with the blood of alien beasts, no matter how bad the fairy weapon is, he can't compete.

This is what Jiang Che cares about.

As for the Yuhua tribe, he wasn't too worried.

But the Hall of Eternal Life basically won't make a move unless he destroys all the Ascension tribes by himself.


Just as he was walking forward, Jiang Che suddenly sensed a breath coming from a distance.

The white clouds stopped, and Jiang Che stood on top of the clouds and looked back.

In the sky, a black shadow galloped towards.

In an instant, he arrived in front of Jiang Che.

Pei Yuan...

Looking at the galloping figure, Jiang Che was slightly taken aback.

Originally, they also planned to say hello, but the two brothers and sisters told their father to go out early in the morning, so Jiang Che didn't stay and wait.

At this time, he caught up again. What does this mean?
"Senior, is there anything else?"

Looking at Pei Yuan, Jiang Che asked.

Pei Yuan looked at him and said, "Xiaojiang, go back, the Yuhua Tribe has already taken action based on the situation just learned."

"The feathered tribe has taken action..."

Jiang Che narrowed his eyes, and immediately came back to his senses, and said, "Okay, I understand."

"Aren't you worried?" Seeing Jiang Che's calm expression, Pei Yuan was a little taken aback.

"It's fine, it's not a big problem, senior don't have to worry about me." Jiang Che said with a smile.

"Xiaojiang, although your strength is good, it will be very troublesome if the Yuhua tribe catches up. If you send out a few elders, you will be in danger." Pei Yuan said seriously.

"Senior who is fine, the mere elders should not be able to hurt me." Jiang Che said lightly.

Pei Yuan: "..."

"Are you really not planning to go back and stay for a few more days?" Looking at Jiang Che, Pei Yuan frowned.

Jiang Che shook his head and said, "No, I still have things to do."

"Oh, that's fine." Pei Yuan let out a long sigh, and then, he spread his hands, and a gray doll appeared in his hands.

Jiang Che's eyes also fell on the gray puppet.

A very delicate doll, but the size of a palm.

But Jiang Che sensed a huge energy on this gray puppet.

This energy made him feel powerful.

Holding the gray doll, Pei Yuan stepped forward and handed it to Jiang Che, "This is the clone doll I asked for from the High Priest. It contains the High Priest's clone. You hold it. In times of crisis, when you activate this clone doll, you can fully exert the power of the High Priest's clone, and it can block you for a moment."


Jiang Che was slightly taken aback.

"Take it, since you insist on leaving, I will try my best to let you leave safely."

Pei Yuan said seriously.

"Okay, then I'll accept it, thank you senior." Jiang Che didn't refuse, and accepted the clone doll.

The avatar at the peak of Yuanshen, this avatar puppet, is also enough to display the strength of Yuanshen level, and under special circumstances, it can also prevent some unexpected situations.

Although it is largely useless, it is still a wish, and Jiang Che will not refuse.

"This is longevity wine, and it is also a gift from me to you. You can drink it in a safe place."

Pei Yuan took out another wine gourd and handed it to Jiang Che.

"Okay, thank you senior." Jiang Che smiled.

"May Changshengtian bless you in all safety." Pei Yuan put one hand on his chest and made a gesture of etiquette.

Jiang Che also bowed in return.

Afterwards, he drove away again on the cloud.

"There should be no problem with the clone doll of the high priest. This person has deep blessings, and Changshengtian will definitely bless him."

Seeing Jiang Che's back gradually going away, Pei Yuan muttered to himself, then he turned around and walked towards the Tianpeng tribe.


Sitting on top of the white clouds, Jiang Che was playing with the gray doll in his hand while he was on his way.

There is a terrifying energy in the puppet.

As long as the true energy is stimulated, it can be triggered instantly.

"Similar to the principle of avatars..."

Looking at the puppet, Jiang Che almost understood.

"It's intentional..."

Looking at the blue sky, Jiang Che let out a breath, and then put the gray doll away.

Sit cross-legged on top of the white clouds, practice while moving forward.

Putting away the yin-yang jade pendant, Jiang Che didn't use the jade pendant to shield his secrets.

He hoped that the Yuhua tribe would catch up. At that time, he would be able to get some rewards for killing some primordial spirit beasts.

Now, he had to kill the primordial spirit-level monsters to get the cosmic word reward.

The higher the strength, the more powerful monsters need to be killed in order to have higher rewards.

A reward at the Cosmic character level, even if it is the ninth rank of the Cosmic character, it would not be too bad.

If it weren't for the fear of the Palace of Longevity, Jiang Che might have killed the Yuhua Tribe.

But because of the existence of the Palace of Eternal Life, he couldn't do this.

Once the Yuhua tribe is wiped out, the Palace of Eternal Life will definitely make a move regardless of everything.

Maybe, Supreme Lord Lei Jie would do it himself.

His strength is still unable to compete with the Supreme Thunder Tribulation.

Not to mention countering, he couldn't stop even one move.

The Yuhua tribe is also a big tribe in the Azure Prairie.

The destruction of such a large tribe would definitely not be able to hide it from the sky.

With the means of the Palace of Eternal Life, will it be impossible to track it?
Jiang Che would not believe it.

But it's different if you deliver it to your door yourself.

As long as the group is not wiped out and a few giants of the feathered tribe's primordial spirit are killed, it will not attract the attention of the Hall of Eternal Life.

Because all the tribes on the grassland have fighting.

Although the existence of Yuanshen level rarely falls, it is not impossible.

At that time, even if he was aware of it, he would have left the Azure Prairie long ago.

If he can track it, then he won't block it at all.

Use yourself as "bait" to catch the giant of the Yuanshen of the Yuhua tribe.


Night falls.

The moonlight shrouded the vast grassland again.

The starry sky, the stars hang high.

On the grassland, the chirping of insects sounded like music.

Jiang Che fell from the sky and landed on a small hillside on the grassland.

"Isn't it already in action?"

"Why has there been no response for so long?"

Standing on the hillside, Jiang Che frowned slightly as he gazed at the stars in the sky.

According to common sense, the Yuhua tribe should make a move. Didn't it mean that there are tracking methods to track themselves?
Haven't caught up yet during the day?
Isn't this efficiency too slow?

He has slowed down, but still nothing happened.

"If you don't act during the day, do you plan to act again at night?"

A thought came to mind, Jiang Che looked at the vast night sky, a strange color flashed in his black and white pupils.

Immediately, he sat cross-legged on the spot and began to practice.

At the same time, Jiang Che did not forget to reserve a trace of soul to be vigilant.

He can detect any situation at any time.


Have a peaceful night.

Jiang Che still didn't wait for the Yuhua tribe to hunt him down.

"This efficiency..."

"too slow!"

Looking at the rising sun in the sky, Jiang Che let out a long sigh.

So close to the horizon activated, and then disappeared in place.

Since he didn't wait, he wouldn't waste time waiting.


Two days passed, and at the foot of a vast snow mountain, Jiang Che's figure appeared.

After crossing the snow mountain, he completely left the scope of the Azure Prairie.

In the past two days, Jiang Che still hadn't waited for the Yuhua Tribe to hunt him down, and he was a little disappointed in his heart.

He was really looking forward to the Yuhua tribe's pursuit, but the reality was completely contrary to his expectations, and the Yuhua tribe did not come after him.

Looking at the towering snow mountain in front of him, Jiang Che immediately stepped into the snow mountain.

If there is no pursuit, there is no pursuit.

He didn't intend to stay any longer, after crossing the snow mountain, he left the Azure Prairie.


The white snow-capped mountains are covered with thick snow.

The branches are covered with white snow.

Jiang Che's figure walked forward in the white snow, stepping on the snow without a trace.

Along the way, he soon came to the top of the snow mountain.

Looking from a distance, the range of snow-capped mountains is still very large. It can be seen that green and white are intertwined, and the cold wind is howling, and the breath is accompanied by air-conditioning.

But it didn't affect him much, even in an extremely cold place, with his body and blood, it was enough to easily adapt.

Standing on the top of the snow-capped mountain and looking far away, just when Jiang Che was about to move forward, he stopped suddenly and looked back instantly.


In the thick white clouds, suddenly a flash of golden light struck like lightning.

With a wave of true energy, Jiang Che blocked the golden light of lightning by raising his hand.

A wave swayed, and the surrounding white snow shattered.

His eyes turned to the thick white clouds, and in the clouds, a huge shadow like a dragon appeared.

It's a big snake with wings.

The whole body is blue, with a volume of hundreds of feet, and it is majestic, just like a real dragon.

On the body of the winged serpent, there is also the figure of an old man in purple robe.

"People from the Yuhua tribe?"

Jiang Che narrowed his eyes.

There was no movement for two or three days. He thought that the Yuhua tribe had given up their pursuit, but he didn't expect that they would come when they stepped out of the range of the Azure Prairie.


A roar like a dragon exploded above the snow mountain, and the sound rolled, instantly causing the entire snow mountain to vibrate greatly.

The roar shook, directly triggering an avalanche.

The snow is rolling, sweeping down like a torrent, drowning everything.

Surrounded by true energy, Jiang Che directly flew into the sky, standing in the void.

The qi and blood in the body condensed a little, punched out, and the artistic conception exploded. The terrifying punch shattered the white clouds in the sky, revealing the clear sky.

And the winged serpent and the purple-robed old man hidden in the thick clouds also completely appeared in front of him.

The winged serpent is also an ancient alien species, just like the spirit beast that Jiang Che killed the two of the Yuhua tribe, it is also a feathered snake.

But this feathered snake is even more terrifying, it is a giant existence in the middle stage of the primordial spirit.

And the purple-robed old man on Feathered Snake has a stronger aura, and is a late-stage existence of Yuanshen.

Their eyes met, and the purple-robed old man's eyes were full of murderous intent.

"There are two tricks, no wonder he was able to kill the old man's son."

A cold voice came, with an extremely cold tone.

That gaze, as if to swallow him alive, was full of murderous intent and anger.

"It's taken so long, your efficiency is too low." Jiang Che said lightly.

The old man in purple robe: "?"

Killed his son, but also mocked him!

The body of the purple-robed old man was trembling, and the true energy in his body overflowed. The terrifying aura instantly changed the surrounding sky, and endless winds gathered.

His pupils instantly became bloodshot.

"How courageous, today the old man will send you to see Changshengtian!"

The angry voice was like thunder from the sky, and in the next breath, the endless wind turned into wind blades, sweeping towards Jiang Che overwhelmingly.

"The Great Sun Tathagata!"

The golden Buddha light bloomed, and a holy Buddha instantly appeared behind Jiang Che.

The Buddha raised his hand, and a golden swastika Buddha seal burst out instantly.


With a collision, the sky collapsed, the air exploded, and the top of the snow-capped mountain exploded instantly.

A powerful shock wave swept around, like a tsunami rushing, destroying everything.

It was easily resisted with one blow, and it was still alive and kicked back hundreds of feet.

"What monster is this!"

Looking at Jiang Che, the purple-robed old man was horrified.

Is this stepping on a horse the strength that a Jindan peak should have? !
The fluctuation subsided, Jiang Che stood in the void safe and sound, looked at the purple-robed old man, and with the next breath, a terrifying light burst out of Jiang Che's body.

Immediately behind him was a scene of dark mountains and rivers, like hell.

The gloomy mountains and rivers are full of gloom, as if pulling the underworld into the yang world.

Jiang Che charged out again.

In the next second, a gloomy and ghostly formation appeared.

A blood-colored Nether God Bridge also appeared.


With a thought in Jiang Che's mind, the bloody Netherworld Bridge swept over with the power to destroy the world.

Ban the void world.

The purple-robed old man instantly felt a fatal threat.

The Feathered Serpent below also roared, spit out a blue light, and rushed out instantly.

But in the face of this world-destroying Netherworld Bridge, Feathered Serpent's attack was completely unshakable, and it was directly crushed, life and death exploded!

Strong purple light shone, and a purple phantom manifested behind him.

It directly stimulated the power of the primordial spirit.

Integrating the power of the primordial spirit, mobilizing the power of heaven and earth, forming a giant purple snake roaring and rushing out.


The bloody Nether God Bridge and the purple giant snake collided together, and the destructive shock wave directly shattered the void.

The force of rushing out directly collapsed the Qianzhang Snow Mountain, cracking the ground, as if destroying the world!


When the attack collided, the body of the purple-robed old man trembled, and a mouthful of blood spewed out instantly.

The scales of the Feathered Serpent under his body were cracked, dripping with blood, and he was directly injured.

This blow instantly injured the purple-robed old man and the feathered snake.

Jiang Che's face was slightly pale, and this blow did not consume him lightly.

However, the Six Paths of Reincarnation did not disappoint him. He summoned Abi Shenqiao and dealt critical damage with one blow.

It has not yet reached the real Dacheng, and this is only a layer of attack of the Six Paths of Samsara.

The real reincarnation of the six realms can evolve all hells and ghosts and destroy the world.

But this consumption is also unbearable for him.

Just one blow from Abi Shenqiao cost him three layers of true energy.

The golden core in the body dimmed by three points.


Jiang Che recovered a little bit, and in the next breath, he directly launched the Great Sky Thunder Technique.

Nine Heavens Divine Thunder descended from the sky, covering the sky and covering the earth, and instantly the sky was enveloped in purple lightning.

The purple-robed old man didn't sit still, he directly activated the power of the primordial spirit, and his supernatural power exploded, attacking instantly.

Yuanshen's strength in the late stage is fully developed.

With one blow, the Great Sky Thunder Technique was flattened.

"It seems that with my magical powers alone, I can't kill a late Yuanshen, I can only use magic weapons."

Jiang Che sighed inwardly, and breathed out, the blood-colored Shura Sword appeared, his true energy was aroused, and the blood light rushed up instantly.

Inspired by Shura's demon soul, he slashed out with a sword without hesitation.

The void that had just healed was cut open in an instant.

A shocking sword energy struck.

"Middle-grade Taoist artifact!"

The pupils of the purple-robed old man shrank.

In the next breath, he shot instantly, a black divine sail appeared, and with a wave, a gloomy light swept across, and the overwhelming attack directly met the bloody sword energy.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Dao weapon attacks collided, but the attack of Shura Sword was even better.

The attack that tore apart the divine sail fell on the old man in purple robe.


Spitting out a mouthful of blood, the purple-robed old man's face instantly turned extremely pale.

Without any hesitation, Jiang Che activated the Shura sword again. The Shura demon soul roared, and a monstrous aura filled the air.

This sword is even stronger.

The breath of death enveloped it, and at the critical moment, the Feathered Serpent under its feet erupted with supernatural powers, shrouded in blue light, and went directly to meet it.


But in the face of this sword, the supernatural power of the Feathered Snake could not be stopped at all. It cut off the body of the Baizhang snake with one sword, and wiped out the Yuanshen together with the sword.


The demon book vibrated, and a purple reward light group appeared.

Cosmic word eight!

The dark characters manifested in the eyes, and in the next breath, Jiang Che's true energy exploded, arousing the power of the Shura sword with all his strength, and blatantly slashed at the purple-robed old man.

Before it was too late to grieve for the dead spirit beast, the purple-robed old man waved his hand, and the black sail danced, forming a blockade, blocking the sword with all his strength.


The two kinds of light shook in the sky, and the white clouds of thousands of miles dissipated completely.

The force of destruction impacted, and Jiang Che's figure retreated.

At the same time, the old man in purple robe retreated with a black sail in his hand.

The low-grade Taoist artifacts in his hands were slightly damaged.

The spirit beast fell, and he was severely injured, causing him to fall into endless anger.

"Bastard, today, this old man will cut you into pieces!"

With a roar like a thunderclap, the black sail in the hands of the purple-robed old man disappeared, and at the same time, he fully stimulated the power of his primordial spirit.

"Fathering Sky Crash!"

An ice-cold voice sounded, and his aura suddenly rose to an unprecedented peak. Behind him, a supreme phantom manifested, locked onto Jiang Che with one blow, and attacked directly.

At the height of the crisis, Jiang Che's pupils shrank, the Shura sword entered his body, and with the next breath, a terrifying Yin-Yang formation appeared behind him.

Directly stimulate the yin and yang jade pendant.

Although it can't exert the full power of the top-grade Taoist weapon, the part of the power that can be stimulated is more terrifying than a single blow of the Shura sword.


The light exploded in the void, and the supreme strike of the purple-robed old man collided with the Yin-Yang jade pendant.

The light instantly engulfed the bodies of the two of them.

A void mushroom cloud rises.

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers completely collapsed.

The ground collapsed, revealing a hole like an abyss.

In the sky, when the mushroom cloud dissipated, two embarrassed figures appeared.

Jiang Che vomited blood, but the purple-robed old man was even more miserable, his body was cracked and he was covered in blood.

If it weren't for the yin and yang jade pendant for the fatal blow in the late Yuanshen period, he might have been in danger.

The elixir was quickly swallowed, strands of light shrouded his whole body, and Jiang Che's aura recovered at an extremely fast speed.

"Extreme Taoist artifact!"

Looking at Jiang Che, the purple-robed old man was completely desperate.

He didn't take revenge, and his spirit beast was destroyed by this person.

Even the ultimate magic power can't kill this person.

With the top-grade Taoist body protection, no matter how strong he is, he can't stop it.


Without hesitation, the purple-robed old man turned around instantly and ran away.

There is no hope, if you don't run, you may perish.

"Want to run!"

"Leave me!"

Jiang Che's cold light flashed, and with the next breath, the golden core trembled, frantically mobilizing his true energy, arousing the Yin-Yang jade pendant, and the Yin-Yang formation manifested, mobilizing the power of heaven and earth, turning into a terrifying Yin-Yang sky light, and rushed towards the purple-robed old man.


The violent explosion sounded through the sky, and the shock wave shattered the void.

The figure of the purple-robed old man was engulfed by the light.

The breath of life disappeared in an instant.

"Not good, not dead yet!"

Jiang Che's eyes flickered, and in the next breath, the Great Heavenly Thunder Art exploded and the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder descended instantly.

But it's too late.

A ray of purple light rushed out, directly tearing apart the void, and disappeared without a trace.

The physical body was destroyed, and the primordial spirit ran away!

Jiang Che's face was gloomy and his eyes were cold.

After all, he underestimated Yuanshen's ability in the later stage, and used eighty-nine out of ten of his hole cards, but he still didn't kill him.

The primordial spirit shuttles through the void, and he can't catch up with him within a short distance.

Finally, a special method was used to break through the void blockade of the Yin-Yang Jade Pendant.

Killed, but not completely killed.

The physical body was destroyed, but the primordial spirit ran away!

In the late stage of Yuanshen, it was even more difficult to deal with than imagined.

But there is only one chance.

It's gone now.

Unless he kills the Yuhua tribe, but in the current state, that is no different from sending him to death.

The Yuanshen is so difficult to deal with in the late stage. The Yuhua tribe and the guardian spirit beast have three peaks of the Yuanshen, and he is not an opponent.

"Get out of here first..."

Putting away the yin-yang jade pendant, Jiang Che instantly disappeared out of thin air.

His own consumption is huge, and he also needs to recover.

(End of this chapter)

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