Chapter 151

In the Azure Prairie, in the void, a ray of purple light rushed out.

A phantom manifests.

Between virtual and real, like a projection.

It was the old man in purple robe who fought Jiang Che.

The physical body collapsed, leaving only the primordial spirit, with all the strength, there is no one in ten!

If it weren't for Yuanshen's ability to break through the shackles of the void and travel through the void, I'm afraid he would have been knocked out of his wits by the blow just now.

"What kind of monster is this!"

Looking at the void, the purple-robed old man's heart trembled.

The cultivation base of the golden core peak, but the strength is even more terrifying than imagined.

"It's definitely not from the Southern Wilderness..."

Thoughts flashed through his mind, but at this moment, his expression suddenly changed.


A ray of brilliance shone in the void, and an old man in white robe stepped out of the void.

"The High Priest!"

Seeing this white-robed figure, the purple-robed old man was overjoyed and immediately stepped forward.

But just when he arrived in front of the high priest, suddenly, a terrible scene happened. Behind the high priest, a hole like a black hole appeared.

An irresistible suction swept over and enveloped the whole body.

"No, High Priest, don't!"

The purple-robed old man let out a desperate roar with a frightened expression on his face.

"There is only Yuanshen left, so don't waste it..."

A strange smile appeared on the face of the high priest, and in the next breath, the primordial spirit of the purple-robed old man was completely swallowed by the black hole.


After devouring the primordial spirit of the purple-robed old man, the high priest showed an extremely comfortable expression on his face, and the aura emanating from his body became even stronger.

The black hole disappeared, and everything returned to calm, as if the scene just now was just an illusion.

Standing in the void, the high priest glanced at the sky, and with the next breath, his figure disappeared out of thin air.



The pupils opened, and Jiang Che slowly exhaled a foul breath.

It took three days for him to recover to his peak.

Standing up and standing, Jiang Che gazed at the collapsed snow-capped mountains in a mess.

It is a pity that the primordial spirit was not killed together.

Cut grass without eradicating its roots, but the spring breeze blows and grows again!
If it is not wiped out together with the primordial spirit, it is tantamount to planting a cancer.

"Next time, just be more careful. In the late stage of Yuanshen, it's not so easy to hang up..."

Muttering to himself, Jiang Che's eyes flashed coldly.

It is not too difficult for him to kill the mid-stage Yuanshen, but the difficulty factor is different if he wants to kill a late-stage Yuanshen.

It's even more difficult to kill!

It must be killed with one blow, and if there is a slight chance to breathe, it may miss the opportunity.

As for the peak of Yuanshen, he has the most to contend with.

If you want to kill, the gap is huge!
"Look at the reward first..."

To calm down the distracting thoughts in Jiang Che's mind, a light flashed in Jiang Che's mind.

A star-like light appeared in his mind.

Jiang Che closed his eyes, and half an hour passed before he opened them.

"Zhoutian Star Technique..."

There was a gleam of light in Jiang Che's eyes, which was a special supernatural power.

The reason why it is special is that this is not a single supernatural power, but an all-round supernatural power.

Absorb the power of Zhoutian and stars, temper the whole body, and have the effect of improving the body and soul.

At the same time, Zhoutian Star Art is also an offensive magical power.

Evolving the Zhoutian Star Array can explode with devastating lethality.

However, practicing this technique is not so easy.

Zhou Tianxing's power is extremely domineering and unbearable, it may hurt himself.

The power of the stars is also one of the special energies.

Absorbing star power and condensing star banners, this is the first step of practice.

The more star banners there are, the stronger the star power absorbed, and the greater the power of the Zhoutian star technique.

However, the requirements for the physical body are very high. Without sufficient physical strength, it is impossible to condense the star banners. Forcibly condensing the star banners will make the physical body unable to withstand the star power of the star banners, resulting in the collapse of the physical body.

This special supernatural power, the further back, the faster!

But the prerequisite is that the physical body must be able to bear it. Otherwise, if the requirements for promotion are not met, the physical body cannot accommodate the star banners condensed, the star banners riot, and the power of the stars bursting out is enough to destroy the physical body. Even the soul may not be able to escape.

After completing 36 star banners, you can evolve a Zhoutian star array, mobilize the power of the heaven, earth and stars, and bombard and kill the enemy with powerful power.

This is also the first stage.

Completion of 36 star streamers is the first stage of cultivation.

In the second stage, it also increased tenfold.

360 star banners.

The Zhoutian star formation that evolved is even more terrifying.

The third stage is to build [-] star banners.

The fourth stage is also the final stage of the Zhoutian Star Formation.

Thirty-six thousand star banners have been built.

Just by raising your hand, you can activate the power of Zhou Tianxing and the stars to bombard and kill all enemies.

Comparable to a fairy!

There are four stages, and the improvement of each stage is very huge.

After cultivating into a star streamer, one will be able to withstand the increase of star power all the time.

The main thing is the physical aspect.

This is also the way to improve the physical body of Zhoutian Star Technique.

Star Force Body Tempering!

The more star banners there are, the stronger the nourishing and tempering effect will be.

"This method is suitable for me, but the incarnation outside the body can't..."

Jiang Che's eyes flickered.

He has the Dao Divine Body, and his physical body is extraordinary, but the physical body of the incarnation outside the body, although it is an innate spiritual embryo transformation, is much better than that, but compared with the Dao Divine Body, it is much worse.

Star power tempering the body can improve the physical body, but the premise of this kind of improvement is that the physical body can bear it.

In the initial stage, the incarnation outside the body can bear it, but once the advanced stage is reached, the improvement will change.

His Great Dao Divine Body has infinite potential, even if he steps into a Human Immortal, he still has terrifying potential.

But changing to an incarnation outside the body is different.

The congenital spirit fetus has a strong starting point, but the starting point is also the ending point.

Cultivation can be improved with promotion, but compared with the real body, it is far worse.

"Let Yuan Ling comprehend it first, and then see if you want to let the avatar practice after you try it yourself."

A thought came to mind, and Jiang Che threw out the distracting thoughts in his mind.

No matter what, the first thing is, you have to cultivate to understand.

He tried it himself, and he knew it in his heart.

He is naturally very clear about how strong Yuan Ling's physical body is.

After trying, he will know whether Yuan Ling can practice.

Standing up, Jiang Che stared into the distance, shrunk his ground into an inch, and disappeared into the mountains and forests in an instant.


Five days later, Jiang Che arrived outside a city.

According to his road map, he has now entered the territory of Nanyang Mansion of the Suzaku Dynasty.

The city in front of him is called Black Rock City.

Within the territory of Nanyang Prefecture, it is not considered a big city, but it is still a city with a population of tens of millions.

The towering city walls bear traces of war.

The Suzaku Dynasty was not completely stable, and there were some places where bandits ran rampant.

However, this kind of situation is very common, and it is not uncommon for Jiang Che to have seen it in the Dragon Dynasty and Xuanwu Dynasty.

There is no absolute safe place.

There is only relative stability.

Generally speaking, the territory of the dynasty is still in a state of peace and prosperity.

Looking at Black Rock City, in the eyes of Yin and Yang, the raging fire of the world of mortals is burning.

Under the darkness of night, Black Rock City is brightly lit.

The fire of the world of mortals reflects the sky, very bright.

Looking at the burning mortal fire, Jiang Che basically didn't see anything special happening.

The fire of the world of mortals is stable, which shows that there are no monsters in this city.

"Let's rest here tonight."

With a flash of thought, Jiang Che immediately headed towards the gate of Black Rock City.

Pass through the city gate and step into the city, you can see vendors on both sides of the street everywhere.

The streets are full of people coming and going, highlighting the prosperity.

Popularity is strong.

Jiang Che wandered around Black Rock City and experienced the local night life before choosing an inn to stay.

In the room, Jiang Che stood at the window overlooking the street.

The folk customs of the Suzaku Dynasty were tough, and there was no curfew system. Night fell was the most lively and leisure time in a city.

Looking up at the sky, Jiang Che looked at the stars in the sky.

The stars are very bright tonight.

"The first stage is almost comprehended. Tonight, you can try to condense the star streamers..."

Looking at the sky full of stars, Jiang Che made up his mind.

After five days of comprehension, Yuan Ling has already comprehended the entry.

It's just that Jiang Che hasn't formally practiced the Zhoutian Star Art yet.

Comprehend first, then practice.

With the incarnation of Yuan Ling, Jiang Che saved a lot of effort.

Without Yuan Ling, a dedicated "tool man", his strength would not have reached the current level.


late at night.

At midnight, Black Rock City returned to silence, and the city was very quiet.

In the room, Jiang Che sat cross-legged on the bed, motionless.

With both hands, pinch out a special seal, and through the seal, continuously absorb the power of the heavens, earth and stars.

By condensing the star streamer, he can absorb the power of the heaven, earth and stars all the time.

It can't be blocked, unless the star streamer is destroyed.

The invisible power of the stars poured into the body, and a chill spread all over the body.

very cold!

With his flesh and blood, he felt the coldness.

And this kind of cold is not from the outside to the inside, but from the inside to the outside.

The internal organs are all wrapped in silver, and the power of the stars is full of coldness. Except for stars like the sun, most stars are colder.

Moreover, just after practicing, Jiang Che is still unable to absorb all the power of the stars, what can be absorbed is mainly the moon and a few other stars.

Only by cultivating into a star streamer and constantly improving can he absorb more power of the stars, and finally cover Zhou Tian and absorb all the power of the stars.

The cold comes from the inside out.

His primordial spirit did not escape the scour of the power of the stars.

On the bed, Jiang Che's physical body was wrapped in a layer of silver light.

Constantly absorbing the power of the stars, the coldness in the body became stronger and stronger.

Fortunately, his qi and blood are strong enough, even the power of Zhihan's stars did not have much impact on him.

Jiang Che gradually got used to the cold.

Time is also passing by every minute and every second.

In his body, silver starlight condensed, and the prototype of a star streamer began to manifest.


The night passed in silence.

In the early morning, Jiang Che woke up from his practice.

He condensed the first star streamer.

in his flesh and blood.

Looking inside, between the flesh and blood, a silver star streamer shone with the light of stars.

Exquisite and exquisite, the star streamer presents a complex pattern of star patterns.

Jiang Che could feel that the stars were absorbing the power of the heavens, earth and stars all the time.

However, this feeling is very weak.

The effect of a star streamer absorbing star power has not yet reached a significant level.


With one thought and the next breath, the star streamer in Jiang Che's body manifested behind him.

The starlight is shining, between the virtual and the real.

As soon as Jiang Che raised his hand, the manifested star streamer behind him also shook, the starlight condensed in his palm, and a ray of dangerous aura diffused out.

Looking at the starlight in his palm, Jiang Che's eyes flashed brightly, then the starlight disappeared, and the star banner behind him also disappeared.

Everything is at peace.

By condensing the first star streamer, you can continue to absorb the power of the stars. Even if you don't take the initiative to practice, with the absorption of the star streamer, you will be able to cultivate the second star streamer.

But it took a lot longer.

Of course, the most important thing is to understand.

Only by comprehending the Zhoutian Star Technique can one be able to completely control it. Otherwise, the condensed star banners will not only not be controlled, but will be hidden explosives in the body. If one is not careful, it may be over.

But with Yuan Ling, the "tool man" who comprehends it all the time, Jiang Che doesn't have to worry about this problem.

Gathering the star streamers, all the star power that entered the body was absorbed by the star streamers, and there was no cold air lingering around his physical body.

The star flag is the core of practicing Zhoutian star technique.

And at a certain moment, he can detonate the star streamer, which produces terrifying star power, and can also severely damage the enemy.

Even kill them directly!

However, it still has an effect on itself.

Self-exploding star banners will also suffer a certain degree of backlash.

It belongs to the method of injuring one thousand enemies and injuring oneself by eight hundred!
Jiang Che would not use this special method unless it was absolutely necessary.

Standing up and looking at the clear sky outside the window, Jiang Che tidied up, then left the room, checked out and walked out of the inn, Jiang Che bought some pills in Fangshi, Blackstone City, and then left.

I am fully prepared, but there is no guarantee that no accident will happen.

It's good to be more prepared.


Three months passed quickly.

Jiang Che also arrived at his final destination, the Suzaku Dynasty, Longyang County.

Along the way, he did not encounter any accidents.

I also met a few monsters, but they were not too strong.

There are very few peerless monsters.

In Longyang County, on the outskirts of the county town, Jiang Che appeared.

He reckoned that the Panhuang secret realm should be opened near the county town.

But even if not, with his speed, he can arrive in a short time.

After all, Panhuang's Secret Realm manifested, shaking for thousands of miles, covering more than half of Longyang County, and with his primordial spirit, it was enough to sense it easily.

"There are still about half a year..."

After counting the time, Jiang Che's mind stirred slightly.

Not excited is fake.

After traveling through mountains and rivers for so long, he finally arrived at this place.

He is also full of great expectations for the treasure house of Panhuang Secret Realm.

His pure yang fruit is also about to ripen.

As long as there is a little harvest in the Panhuang secret realm, it is enough to give birth to the second round of pure yang fairy fruit.

Stepping out of Panhuang's secret realm is the day when he crosses the Tribulation Primordial Spirit.

If the treasure cannot be found, the person who enters the secret realm of Panhuang is also the target.

Killing and setting fire, he is used to it now.

Cultivation is not only about cultivating the mind and penance in the world of mortals, but also climbing to the peak by stepping on mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

Which supreme being has no life in his hands?

Just relying on hard work, it is definitely not possible to reach the Supreme Realm.

Killing and fighting are also unavoidable practices.

But Jiang Che still has principles.

People don't offend me, I don't offend anyone!
If people offend me, they will be ashes!
Funeral one-stop service!

If you can kill, then you must not be soft-hearted!

Otherwise, the one who dies is himself.


"The time for the Panhuang Secret Realm is approaching, and there are quite a few masters coming!"

Looking at the county town, Jiang Che saw many powerful auras at a glance.

Some are hidden, some are not restrained.

Jindan Yuanshen, Grand Master Martial Saint, at a glance, most of them are.

He didn't know how many people got the [-] Panhuang Secret Keys, but there were at least tens of thousands.

If tens of thousands of people were wiped out in one go, the wealth of these tens of thousands of people alone would be an unimaginable number.

Those who can get the Emperor's Secret Key are definitely powerful.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are special people like the son of luck, who got the secret key of the emperor by chance.

After all, luck is something that cannot be said.

If you have luck against the sky, you may hit a treasure when you go out.

In this case, it is usually a "protagonist template"!
Now that the strength is weak, it may be able to soar into the sky with a single chance.

After all, novels and movies are all such a routine.

Reality is more magical!
In the vast world, the vastness of the world, there are many opportunities.

And these examples have also happened around me.

For example, the two Tianjiao evildoers encountered at the Xianmen Conference.

Yi Qingfeng and Chen Dongfeng!
Once obtained the inheritance of the Supreme Thunder Tribulation, the son of proper luck!
However, Jiang Che is not too afraid of the opening of the Demon Book, even if it is the child of luck.

"Enter the city first."

After calming down, Jiang Che strode towards the gate of the county city.


Just as he was about to step into the city gate, a dragon chant came from the void.

Jiang Che looked back instantly.

In the void, a golden chariot appeared in his eyes.

Jiaolong pulls the cart.

The atmosphere is full!

This ostentation also caught the attention of others.

"Jiaolong pulls the cart, which giant is this so ostentatious?!"

"This beep is so ruthless!"

"Tsk tsk, the Panhuang Secret Realm is about to open, and giants from all sides have appeared on the stage. Maybe this is the arrogance of a certain holy place..."


There was a lot of discussion around, Jiang Che looked at the golden chariot in the void, and the two dragons were pulling it, both of which were primordial spirit-level existences, but now they are used as a car. This kind of ostentation is really rare!
He had seen someone pretending to beep, but this was the first time he saw someone pretending to beep like this.

"This breath..."

"Why is there a sense of familiarity?"

Jiang Che's eyes flashed.

There was an aura in the golden chariot, and he felt a little familiar.

Soon, the golden chariot from the void landed on the ground.

The two flood dragons instantly transformed into human figures, and stood aside respectfully.

Under the eyes of everyone, a young man in brocade clothes stepped out of the carriage.

Accompanying her were two beautiful maids who were at the early stage of Golden Core cultivation.

And the Jinyi youth in the center is even more terrifying. His cultivation in the middle stage of Yuanshen has a strong breath, and he feels three points more powerful than the average late Yuanshen.

"Yi Qingfeng?!"

Seeing the appearance of this brocade-clothed youth, Jiang Che was astonished, unbelievable.

This person is obviously Yi Qingfeng, the arrogance of the Taixu Palace who once fought against him at the Donghuang Immortal Gate Conference and was defeated by him.

After the Immortal Gate Conference, Jiang Che didn't know much about it.

However, he did not expect that he would be able to meet him in the territory of the Suzaku Dynasty in the Southern Wasteland.

Today's cultivation base has reached the middle stage of Yuanshen!
What is even more unbelievable is that the two Jiaolongs in the early stages of Yuanshen were willing to pull the cart for him.

Good guy, this farewell, he got good luck again?

The Son of Destiny is really terrifying!

"He has also come to Longyang County. Could it be that he also has the Panhuang Secret Key in his hand?"

Looking at Yi Qingfeng not far away, Jiang Che's eyes flickered.

This guess, nine out of ten is established.

Otherwise, he definitely wouldn't have come all the way here!

"In the middle stage of Yuanshen, this guy's strength is probably even more terrifying than in the late stage of Yuanshen."

Looking at Yi Qingfeng not far away, Jiang Che estimated his strength.

Let him have a dangerous breath, but it has not reached the level of being irresistible.

"This beep... is more pretentious than before!"

Jiang Che's heart twitched.

The last time he was at the Fairy Gate Conference in Donghuang, he had seen what it meant to pretend to beep.

When we met again, this guy not only didn't restrain himself, but even made the show even bigger!
Jiaolong pulls the cart!

Jiang Che was very curious about how this guy got the two Jiaolongs at the early stage of Yuanshen to willingly pull the chariot for him.

Thousands of eyes focused on Yi Qingfeng.

He enjoyed this feeling very much, and his demeanor and demeanor were full of superiority.

But also strong enough!

After all, it is one of the few people who have stepped into the middle stage of the soul at such a young age.

Even the Central Continent, which is known as the Central Continent of God, is definitely a top talent.

Stepping out of the chariot, Yi Qing waved his hand, put away the golden chariot, and immediately strode towards the city gate.

Behind them, the two dragons and two maids who transformed into human forms followed behind, and under the eyes of everyone, they entered the county.

"Made, you're so fucking arrogant!"

Seeing Yi Qingfeng stepping into the city, one of them couldn't help but speak.

"It's arrogant, but he has the capital to be arrogant." The other person looked at Yi Qingfeng who entered the city, his eyes were full of envy.

The others didn't speak, but a strange color flashed in everyone's eyes.

Strength speaks.

This young man in brocade clothes is indeed qualified to be arrogant.

The cultivation base of Yuanshen in the middle stage is enough to sweep away 90.00% of the people present.

Jiang Che stroked his chin and looked at Yi Qingfeng who stepped into the city. A thought suddenly appeared in his mind.

Do you want to snatch Yi Qingfeng away?

The wealth on this guy is definitely not comparable to that of the average Yuanshen middle stage.

But after thinking about it, Jiang Che gave up this idea again.

Yi Qingfeng's strength is not weak, and his strength is still above his cultivation in the middle stage of Yuanshen. Jiang Che has already experienced this.

At the Immortal Gate Conference back then, he was forced to use the Divine King to enter his body to rub Yi Qingfeng on the ground.

Now, if you have another adventure, the supernatural power must be different from what it used to be.

Although his own supernatural powers and being unable to speak Japanese at the Fairy Gate Conference, Jiang Che was not absolutely sure that he could kill Yi Qingfeng.

Besides, Taixu Palace must have precautionary measures for such a proud son of heaven.

Jiang Che himself has a deep understanding of this point.

For example, the jade pendant that Master once gave him will activate when he is threatened with death.

Even if there is only a small part of the supernatural powers of a Thunder Tribulation Supreme, it is not something he can resist.

For an evildoer like Yi Qingfeng, would Taixu Palace have no means to defend against it?

He certainly didn't believe it.

Stealing chickens is not enough to eat rice, and plant it by yourself.

Then there is no chance of regretting it.

If you want to do it, you must be ready to kill with one blow.

Frustration and ashes, one-stop funeral service.

Otherwise, if there is a slight difference, the one who is finished is himself.

(End of this chapter)

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