I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 152 Tianjiao List

Chapter 152 Tianjiao List

Step into the county town, crowded with people.

The Panhuang Secret Realm is approaching, although there is still half a year to go, but the number of people who have come to the county has reached a terrifying number.

At a glance, monks and warriors can be seen everywhere.

However, as the capital city of Longyang County, even on weekdays, it is quite prosperous.

After stepping into the city, Jiang Che wandered around the city a few times, and then stepped into a dental shop.

For half a year, he didn't plan to live in the inn, and it was inconvenient.

It doesn't cost much to buy a house on the spot.

After some consultation, Jiang Che fell in love with a mansion in the suburbs.

Covering an area of ​​three acres, it is very clean, and it is about tens of miles away from the city.

Jiang Che didn't waste any time either, and directly asked the professional staff of the dental clinic to lead him there.

Half an hour later, Jiang Che arrived in front of a mansion in the suburbs in a carriage.

Stepping off the carriage, Jiang Che looked around. There were also other mansions around, but they were all separated by a certain distance.

The environment is very quiet.

Every mansion is covered by formations to ensure safety.

However, with his spiritual sense, he can easily penetrate these formations, and he can have a panoramic view of the environment in the mansion.

The promenade courtyard, rockery and flowing water, and a small garden in the mansion, the general environment, instant insight.

Looking up, there are three beautiful characters written on the horizontal plaque of the mansion.

"That's all, I want it."

Jiang Che spoke.

The dental staff on the side were stunned, just arrived, and it's time to see this?

Where did the rich young master come from?
"Young master, you...won't you take a look first?"

The dental staff came back to their senses, looked at Jiang Che and said.

"I've already read it. This is the set. Let's prepare for the formalities. How soon can I move in?"

Looking at the dental staff at the side, Jiang Che asked.


The dental staff was taken aback, it was the first time for him to do business like this.

But soon he came back to his senses, with a smile on his face: "My lord, if you pay the full amount, you can move in today. The house deed and the land deed are complete. If you pay by installments..."

"Full payment!"

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Che opened his mouth.

Dental staff: "..."

"Okay son, please come back with me, and we will go through the formalities immediately."

Jiang Che nodded, and then stepped into the carriage again.

An hour later, Jiang Che paid the full amount, and also got the house deed and land deed, and at the same time, he also had the formation disk to control the formation of the mansion.

Jiang Che also left the city immediately and arrived at Qingfengyuan.

His spiritual sense searched every corner to make sure there was no problem. As soon as Jiang Che raised his hand, a powerful ray of light shone instantly, covering the mansion.

The original formation was instantly transformed into something.

After modifying the formation and arranging more than a dozen formations, Jiang Che stopped.

Immediately, with a wave of his sleeve robe, one after another the spirit talismans whizzed out and fell to the ground as adults.

Under Jiang Che's control, the paper figurine clones began to quickly disturb the surroundings of the mansion.

In about half an hour, the Qingfengyuan took on a new look, and the whole house was cleaned up and down.

Jiang Che also wandered around the mansion, completely remembering all the circumstances in his heart, and he knew it clearly.

"Well, it's almost there."

Letting out a breath, Jiang Che sat in the garden pavilion in the mansion.

Spend some money to buy a mansion, where he can practice quietly in half a year.

Next, all he has to do is wait for the Panhuang Secret Realm to open.

Get out the Chaos Tengu, and this bastard will run wild in the mansion.

Jiang Che gave instructions, but didn't bother too much. He sat on the stone bench and checked his own condition.

In three months, Yuan Ling's comprehension has reached the second stage.

The star banners in the body reached sixteen.

Jiang Che didn't practice too deeply, so the progress of Zhoutian Star Art was not fast.

Basically, they rely on the star banners to absorb star power independently, and cultivate them into one side star banners.

The star power contained in the ten-faced star banner is also very majestic.

"It shouldn't be a problem to complete the first stage before entering the Panhuang Secret Realm..."

After checking the star banner in his body, Jiang Che thought.

Among the dantians, the golden core is thicker and the true energy has increased, basically reaching his limit.

At present, he has cultivated five primordial spirits, and the sixth primordial spirit is still far behind.

Jiang Che is not fully sure that he can cultivate into the sixth soul, because there are not many pure Yang celestial fruits left.

To completely break through to the realm of Yuanshen, he must rely on the pure yang fairy fruit to achieve it.

Otherwise, relying on self-cultivation alone would take a very long time.

There is a strength far beyond the realm, but the price Jiang Che paid is the same.

Without the improvement of Chunyang Fairy Fruit, he would not have improved so fast.

In more than a year, the gap between leaving Donghuang and now is very huge.

In terms of supernatural powers, except for Zhou Tianxing's technique, which has not achieved great success, Jiang Che has basically cultivated to the point of perfection in other supernatural powers.

Law of heaven and earth, great sky thunder technique, magic seal of Tianlong town, six reincarnations, so close to the end of the world, sky sword art...

The most powerful supernatural power at present is Fa Tian Xiang Di!

The limit can explode a thousand-foot golden body, increasing the strength by ten times, but the consumption is also very huge. With his true energy, he can only last for a while at most.

Although he has comprehended the ten thousand zhang golden body, his strength is not enough to inspire.

The physical body can't bear the ten thousand-foot golden body, and his cultivation base can't sustain the consumption of the ten thousand-foot golden body, not even for a breath.

The realm of martial arts must break through the realm of martial arts, so that he can inspire the golden body.

However, after stepping into the peak of martial arts, Jiang Che felt that immortality was still far away.

The gap between them is very huge.

After cultivating into a Martial Daoist Immortal, he will have the strength to compete with the Supreme Master Lei Jie, and truly step into the ranks of the Supreme Masters of the Great Thousand World.

The pure yang fairy fruit is also the key to his improvement.

The pure yang immortal energy contained in it, as well as the heavenly and earthly dao rhyme, have greatly improved his cultivation.

The peak martial sage has reached the realm of immortality.

It seems that there is only one step away, but this step is a natural moat!

Most of the fighters cannot cross the limit in their entire life.

The realm of immortal martial arts, the further back, the more difficult it is.

To take this step is detachment.

The true immortal gap.

With a physical body that has reached the level of a human immortal, an existence at the peak of the primordial spirit, Jiang Che can easily kill it with a single raise of his hand.

Stepping into a human immortal is not just about exploding your own power, the power of heaven and earth is under your control, and under the artistic conception, you can crush everything!
This is the martial arts immortal.

The physical body will also undergo a substantial transformation, and this transformation cannot be overstated.

"In half a year, with the pure Yang fairy fruit and Yuan Ling's feedback, it should not be a big problem to cultivate the sixth soul..."

Looking at the void, Jiang Che immediately closed his eyes, a faint radiance enveloped his whole body, and began to practice.

"Wang Wang~"

But just when he entered the cultivation state, the barking sound of Chaos Tengu reached his ears.

Jiang Che's closed eyes instantly opened, and he looked in the direction of the gate of the mansion.

Light surged around him, and in the next second, he disappeared into the pavilion out of thin air.

Appearing again, Jiang Che came to the gate of the mansion.

Scanning his eyes, Jiang Che looked at Chaos Tengu standing on the courtyard wall.

This guy kept barking outside, as if there was something special about it.

Jiang Che frowned, and with a wave of his sleeve, the door of the mansion opened.

There was nothing at the door, and Jiang Che was wondering when suddenly, his eyes turned to a figure at the door of another mansion, and his pupils shrank instantly.

A few hundred meters away, at the gate of another mansion, a figure in a blue Taoist robe appeared in his eyes.

With a distance of several hundred meters, with his eyesight, he could clearly see the face of the figure in the blue Taoist robe.

"It's him!"

Jiang Che's pupils contracted, and his heart couldn't help beating a few times.

Shen Gongbao!
From Zhongzhou Tianshi Mansion!
Back then in the Wu Dynasty, he did not forget that scene.

It was because of Shen Gongbao's calamity body that he killed the nine-tailed demon fox, the giant of Yuanshen.

Only then did he have the opportunity to kill the nine-tailed demon fox.

Is he here too?

So, he also has the Emperor's Secret Key?
Thoughts flashed through Jiang Che's mind very quickly.

And at this moment, a few hundred meters away, the gate of the mansion opened, and a woman in palace clothes appeared.

Shen Gongbao looked at the woman in palace costume with a smile on his face, but he seemed to have noticed Jiang Che's gaze, so he turned his head abruptly.

When he saw Jiang Che at the gate of the mansion, Shen Gongbao's eyes were full of astonishment.

Their eyes met, and time seemed to be frozen at this moment.

Jiang Che subconsciously looked up at the sky. The sky was clear and there was no thunder or lightning, which made him slightly relieved.

At this moment, Shen Gongbao also came back to his senses, said something to the woman in palace attire, then turned around and walked directly towards Jiang Che's mansion.

The woman in palace costume also glanced at Jiang Che, but she didn't make any movement, just stood quietly at the door, as if waiting for Shen Gongbao.

"Brother Jiang, it's really you, that's great, we are really destined to meet here!"

When Shen Gongbao's voice came, Jiang Che looked at Shen Gongbao who was walking in front of him, his heart twitched slightly, and he subconsciously took two steps back.

He was a little scared of this calamity body.

The ghost knows if there will be any possibility of meteorites falling from the sky.

After all, he had personally witnessed the power of Shen Gongbao's calamity star.

Seeing Jiang Che's small step backwards, Shen Gongbao's face froze slightly. Immediately, he came back to his senses and said, "Brother Jiang, don't be so afraid. I have already broken through the primordial spirit and can control it."

"able to control?"

Jiang Che looked at him with surprise in his eyes.

"Don't believe me? Then I'll release it and show you!"

With that said, Shen Gongbao was about to take off his clothes.


With sharp eyes and quick hands, Jiang Che grabbed his hand and said with a smile, "No need, I believe it!"

Let it go, the mansion I just bought may be wiped out in an instant.

If you don't do it well, you have to be in danger!
"Brother Jiang, we haven't seen each other for so long, it hurts my heart to see you like this." Shen Gongbao expressed regret.

Jiang Che: "..."

What is wrong with this statement?

It's like I'm having an affair with you...

Jiang Che withdrew his hand and looked at him, "Ahem, brother Shen, please forgive me, I was really impressed last time."

"I understand, but don't worry, now that I have broken through the soul, I can control it." Shen Gongbao laughed.

"Master taught me a powerful supernatural power, which can explode with great power in conjunction with my special physique."

"In that case, congratulations to Fellow Daoist Shen." Jiang Che smiled.

Shen Gongbao waved his hand, "It can be regarded as saving the day."

Jiang Che nodded, and then took a closer look at Shen Gongbao.

At the early stage of Yuanshen, the cultivation base was close to that of the middle stage of Yuanshen, and the aura was strong, which seemed to be not much worse than Yi Qingfeng.

Shen Gongbao broke through the Yuanshen, Jiang Che was not surprised at all, after all, behind him was the Holy Land of Central Continent.

"By the way, Brother Jiang, why are you here?"

Shen Gongbao looked at him and asked.

"Ahem, I'm traveling in the Southern Wilderness," Jiang Che said.

"Youli..." Shen Gongbao glanced at him, a strange color flashed in his pupils, and said, "I'm afraid it's not as simple as you? The Panhuang Secret Realm is about to open, presumably Brother Jiang came here for the Panhuang Secret Realm, right?"

"Fellow Daoist Shen came here for the Panhuang Secret Realm?" Jiang Che didn't answer, but asked instead.

Shen Gongbao nodded happily and said, "Of course."

Jiang Che's eyes flashed, he looked at him, and continued: "I heard that you need Panhuang's secret key to enter the Panhuang secret realm. Does it mean that Fellow Daoist Shen has the Panhuang secret key?"

"you guess."

Shen Gongbao smiled, but did not answer directly.

But Jiang Che already had an answer in his mind.

Nine out of ten, there are.

With the ability of the Holy Land of Central Continent, it seems that it is not too difficult to obtain the Panhuang Secret Key.

"Is that your friend?"

Jiang Che looked at the woman in palace attire standing at the door a few hundred meters away, and his eyes fell on Shen Gongbao again.

"She is my senior sister." Shen Gongbao said.

"Senior Sister... is also from the Holy Land of Central Continent!"

Jiang Che's heart shuddered.

"Brother Jiang, do you live here?" Shen Gongbao looked at him and said.

"Yes." Jiang Che nodded.

"That's great, there will be an event tonight, brother Jiang, are you interested in participating?"

Shen Gongbao looked at him and said.


"what activity?"

Jiang Che looked at Shen Gongbao and asked.

"Several Holy Lands are held by other Tianjiao. They are near here. There are quite a few people participating. It will start in the evening. It can be regarded as an exchange. How about it? Brother Jiang, if you are interested, I will call you in the evening, how about it?"

Shen Gongbao said.

Hearing these words, Jiang Che pondered for a moment, then nodded, "Okay, then I will trouble Fellow Daoist Shen."

Jiang Che also wanted to see the pride of other holy places.

"Haha, that's fine, I'll let you know tonight." Shen Gongbao smiled.

Jiang Che nodded and looked at him: "Fellow Daoist Shen, come in and have a seat."

"No, I still need to discuss some things with my senior sister. I have time tonight." Shen Gongbao shook his head.

Hearing these words, Jiang Che nodded and didn't say much.

Shen Gongbao left immediately, and entered the mansion with his senior sister.

Jiang Che also closed the gate of the mansion.

"Other Tianjiao's activities... It seems that tonight is still an interesting night."

Jiang Che's eyes flashed, and then he disappeared in place.

The pride of heaven in the Holy Land of Central Continent is also rich in social status.

Maybe there is still a chance to make a fortune.


Night fell, and the stars hung high in the sky.

In Qingfengyuan, in the room, Jiang Che who was sitting cross-legged on the bed opened his eyes abruptly.

"here we go!"

Looking at the night outside the window, Jiang Che's eyes flickered, and in the next breath, he disappeared into the room.

When he came to the gate of the mansion, Jiang Che waved his hand and opened the gate of the mansion.

At the entrance of the mansion, a man and a woman stood, and a carriage was parked beside them.

"Brother Jiang, it's started, let's go!"

Seeing Jiang Che appear, Shen Gongbao immediately stepped forward and said.


Jiang Che nodded, and then followed Shen Gongbao into the carriage.

"Come on, let me introduce you formally. This is my senior sister, Qiu Xuan, senior sister. This is the friend I told you about, Jiang Che."

In the carriage, Shen Gongbao introduced.

Jiang Che looked at the woman in palace costume in front of him, and nodded: "Hello, Jiang Che, I met Senior Sister Qiu."

"I've heard Gongbao tell you about you a long time ago. It's better to meet you than to be famous." Senior Sister Qiu smiled.

"Senior Sister Qiu has won the prize."

Jiang Che smiled.

At the same time, it also sensed the aura. This Senior Sister Qiu's cultivation was more terrifying than Shen Gongbao's. She was in the middle stage of Yuanshen, and was close to the existence of late Yuanshen.

Jiang Che reckoned that this person's strength should be no less than that of the late Yuanshen, and even comparable to the peak of Yuanshen.

Genius, that cannot be calculated with common sense.

"Brother Shen, where is the activity place?"

Looking at Shen Gongbao, Jiang Che said.

Shen Gongbao: "Longquan Villa is not far away, only a dozen miles away."

Jiang Che nodded.

"This time, there are quite a lot of arrogance. Apart from those guys from the Holy Land, there are also people from other places. I heard that the princes from the other two dynasties have also come, and the princess from the Suzaku Dynasty has also arrived. This time, it will definitely be a grand event."

"Senior sister, your old opponent should also be here this time, right?"

Shen Gongbao looked at Qiu Xuan who was beside him, and blinked.

"Come if you come, it's better if you don't come." Qiu Xuan said lightly.

"Who initiated this event?"

Jiang Che asked.

"Gu Changge from Daluo Holy Land, and Xingjianfeng from Tiandaozong."

"Daluo Holy Land, Heavenly Dao Sect..."

Jiang Che nodded slightly, remembering these two names in his heart.

"These two guys are also planning to go to the Panhuang Secret Realm. If you meet, Brother Jiang, you have to be careful. The strength of these two people is not easy."

Looking at Jiang Che, Shen Gongbao said solemnly.

Jiang Che looked at him and said, "What kind of cultivation are they?"

Shen Gongbao: "These two people are both at the peak of Yuanshen, and they both have brilliant records in the past. They fought against the Supreme Thunder Tribulation. Although they lost in the end, but at that time, they were only at the late stage of Yuanshen. Now they have reached the peak of Yuanshen. I am afraid that they will have the strength to fight against the Supreme of Thunder Tribulation."

"so smart!!"

Jiang Che's heart skipped a beat.

Forcibly resisting the Supreme Thunder Tribulation, this strength is extraordinary!
"It's very powerful." Shen Gongbao nodded.

"These two are probably enough to reach the peak of Central Continent, right?" Jiang Che said after recovering.

"I'm afraid the pinnacle is not enough, there are a few more powerful ones, but they don't seem to be here." Qiu Xuan on the side said calmly.

"With the strength of these two people, isn't it enough to reach the peak?" Jiang Che's eyes were full of surprise.

"On the Tianjiao list, these two people can be ranked in the top ten, top three, that's called abnormal."

Shen Gongbao spoke from the side.

"Tianjiao list?"

"What list of pride?"

Jiang Che said in astonishment.

Shen Gongbao: "Brother Jiang, haven't you heard of it?"

Jiang Che: "..."

"My cultivation is superficial and I have never heard of it."

"It is a joint list established by the major holy places in Central Continent. There are a total of 100 people on the list."

"Those who are under the age of one hundred and under the Thunder Tribulation Realm can be on the list."

"This Tianjiao list can be said to have gathered the rankings of the world's top Tianjiao. It is not easy to be in the top [-]."

"Where can I see this celestial talent list?" Jiang Che's eyes were full of curiosity.

"You can see it in the Imperial City of Great Xia. Besides, every major holy place basically has such a list."

Shen Gongbao said.

"Then how is this list recorded?" Jiang Che asked curiously.

"The core of this Tianjiao list is a fairy artifact called the Void Mirror, which projects the various holy places and contains the mysteries of heaven. If you defeat the list, a new Tianjiao will appear, and those who were previously defeated will automatically drop one place." Shen Gongbao said slowly.

"Is that so..."

Jiang Che nodded.

"Is there any benefit to being on the list?" Jiang Che asked again.

"It can increase your reputation," Shen Gongbao said.

"...Just increase your reputation, and then what?"

"You can also get a certain amount of luck. The higher the ranking, the stronger the luck you get. With the blessing of luck, your practice will be very smooth. You can also use luck to practice supernatural powers, which has many benefits." Qiu Xuan interjected.

"So amazing?" Jiang Che blinked.

Shen Gongbao nodded and said, "I have this ability."

"The Void Mirror is an innate artifact that can be recognized by the Dao of Heaven."

"This...is unbelievable." Jiang Che murmured.

"It's a pity that it's not so easy to get on the Tianjiao list. There are many monsters in Central Continent, and there are countless monsters in the Great Thousand World. Some people stay on the list for only one day before they get off the list."

Shen Gongbao let out a long sigh.

"One... one day?" Jiang Che's heart twitched.

Shen Gongbao nodded, "The Tianjiao Ranking has attracted a lot of attention, and there are countless challengers. Only the top ten can be stabilized."

"How much is brother Shen?" Jiang Che blinked, full of curiosity.

"I'm not on the list." Shen Gongbao shook his head.

"Brother Shen still can't make it to the list?" Jiang Che was stunned.

"I broke through not long ago, and it's just stabilized. I'm going to give it a try after the Panhuang Secret Realm." Shen Gongbao said.

"What about Senior Sister Qiu?" Jiang Che looked at Qiu Xuan who was at the side.

"Senior sister ranks in the top 29, [-]th." Shen Gongbao said.



Jiang Che took a deep breath.

Although he is not very clear about Qiuxuan's strength, but based on his intuition, Qiuxuan's strength should be in the late stage of Yuanshen, right?
Such strength, only 29?
"Then who is No.1?"

Jiang Che was curious and looked at the two of them.

Under the Thunder Tribulation Realm, that means that No. 1 should also be in the Yuanshen realm, which should be around the peak of the Yuanshen.

"Xuanyuan is invincible!"

Shen Gongbao said a name.

"Xuanyuan Invincible..."

"This person is the number one family in Central Continent, the peerless evildoer of the Xuanyuan family. He is also known as the number one genius in Central Continent. He is at the peak of Yuanshen, but his strength is even more terrifying than that of the general Thunder Tribulation Realm. He once killed a Thunder Tribulation Supreme."

Shen Gongbao said slowly.

"Slay the Supreme Thunder Tribulation..."

Jiang Che's heart exploded instantly.

"Although his immortal cultivation is at the peak of Yuanshen, his martial arts cultivation has reached the middle stage of human immortality, so he has such terrifying strength. The Tianjiao list does not check his martial arts cultivation, so no one can shake his number one position."

Shen Gongbao's voice sounded again.

Hearing this, Jiang Che was relieved.

In the middle stage of human immortality, it is no wonder that he has the strength to cut thunder and tribulation.

This martial arts cultivation base is outrageous!
"I heard that he also received the inheritance of a Yangshen Supreme, but I don't know if it's true or not." Shen Gongbao threw another bomb.

Jiang Che: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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