I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 154 The Tianjiao Collides and Launches a Challenge

Chapter 154 The Tianjiao Collides and Launches a Challenge
"Since the majority agrees with this proposal, let's follow you."

Gu Changge's voice sounded and spread throughout the courtyard.

"Gu Daoyou, I don't have much passion just to learn from each other, how about adding some prizes?"

A voice sounded.

It was a fat young man in a loose Taoist robe who spoke.

"I agree with Fellow Daoist Mo's proposal. It will be more interesting to add some prizes."

Another voice sounded.

Gu Changge scanned the audience, exchanged glances with Xing Jianfeng, and then nodded: "Okay, I agree with this proposal."

"The two sides in the competition, each take out the corresponding treasure, whoever wins can get the other's thing, how about it?"

"it is good!"

"I recognized."

"I agree too."


The atmosphere in the courtyard was extremely lively in an instant. Gu Changge glanced at it and said, "In order to add some atmosphere, I discussed with Fellow Daoist Xing. The two sides of the competition, the winner, in addition to getting the treasure of the other party, Fellow Daoist Xing and I each took out a seventh-rank spiritual vein and gave it to the winner."

"You Daoist Gu is magnificent!"

"Friend Star Daoist is mighty!"


As soon as the words came out, the whole house applauded.

Qiqi applause resounded through the courtyard.

"If I can loot one of them...my pure yang fruit will be fully ripe, I'm afraid it will be the third round."

Looking at Gu Changge and Xing Jianfeng in the center, a thought flashed in Jiang Che's mind.

He casually took out a seventh-grade spiritual vein without blinking his eyes. This background was really strong and quite domineering.

Zhongzhou Tianjiao, so terrifying!
Now, he only has the sixth-grade spiritual vein derived from the earth essence stone.

Moreover, the essence of the earth essence stone has almost been consumed, and it is basically hopeless to grow a fifth-grade spiritual vein.

If a competition takes out a seventh-rank spiritual vein, if there are more than a dozen rounds, there will be at least a dozen seventh-rank spiritual veins.

Without a solid and amazing net worth, I'm afraid I wouldn't dare to play like this.

However, he came from the Holy Land and is a peerless evildoer who is listed on the Tianjiao list. He is rich and rich, and has many adventures. His worth must be beyond his imagination.

"It's rich!"

Jiang Che let out a long sigh.

Shen Gongbao glanced at him, and said: "Based on Gu Changge and Xing Jianfeng's background, this is probably just a drop in the bucket. It is rumored that both of them have received all the inheritance of the ancient emperor, and the wealth is absolutely terrifying."


Hearing these words, Jiang Che's heart twitched violently.

The entire inheritance of the ancient emperors, this luck is not ordinary.

The proud son of heaven, he deserves his name!
With such terrifying luck, becoming the supreme is almost a certainty.

In the vast world, some people still worry about three meals a day, and some people are already rich.

This gap is beyond imagination!

But it's also reality.

Some were born in Rome, some were born in cattle and horses...

"Everyone, in order to ensure the fairness of the competition, magic weapons are not allowed to be used in the competition, only Taoism, magic powers and supernatural powers are allowed to learn from each other, and to avoid hurting the peace. Whoever uses the magic weapon to win will automatically lose. I don't know what you think?"

Gu Changge's voice resounded through the courtyard, each word clearly fell into everyone's ears.

"Gu Daoyou is wise, this move is very good!"

"Gu Daoyou suggested, I have no objection!"

"I have no opinion either!"

"Me too!"


Tianjiao spoke up one by one, and they all agreed with this proposal.

Gu Changge nodded and said, "That's very good."

"Gu Daoyou, I'm afraid it's not suitable for fighting here?" a Tianjiao said.

"What's the matter? Gu Daoyou has a semi-celestial treasure of space, the Xuantian Mirror. Let's compete in the Xuantian Mirror. This will solve the problem, and you can see it clearly from outside."

Another Tianjiao said.

"Half Immortal Artifact, Xuantian Mirror!"

Hearing this Tianjiao's words, Jiang Che's pupils shrank.

There are also half-immortal artifacts!
Jiang Che looked at Gu Changge, his heart twitching.

Good guy, half fairy weapon!
So far, he has only seen two immortal artifacts and half immortal artifacts.

One is the Taoist Immortal Artifact Suppressing Demon Pagoda, and the other is the Thunder Prison Sword auctioned by Prince Longteng!

"In that case, Xing Jianfeng probably has a semi-immortal artifact on him..."

A thought flashed in Jiang Che's mind.

The other Tianjiao were also quite shocked.

A pair of eyes looked at Gu Changge. Under everyone's gaze, Gu Changge's sleeves shook, and a magic mirror appeared immediately.

The majestic power of heaven permeated the air.

The magic mirror stood in the void, and Jiang Che's gaze instantly looked at it.

With cyan border, the mirror surface is shrouded in mist, and seven colors of brilliance can be faintly seen flowing.

Having seen the Thunder Prison Sword before, Jiang Che can be sure that this Xuantian mirror must be a semi-immortal weapon without a doubt.

Being able to show off a semi-immortal artifact in public also proves how terrifying Gu Changge is to his own strength.

I'm afraid that even if the Supreme Thunder Tribulation descends, he won't be able to take this treasure away.

In the courtyard, there was an instant silence.

Gu Changge smiled, glanced at everyone, and said: "As Daoist Fang said, the competition starts in the Xuantian Mirror, and the competition in the Xuantian Mirror will also allow you to see more clearly."

"Half Immortal Artifact, I have heard about it for a long time, today is finally an eye-opener."

A Tianjiao came back to his senses.

Then Gu Changge's voice sounded: "A half-immortal artifact is nothing, everyone, who will come first?"

The courtyard was silent again, and all the Tianjiao looked at each other in blank dismay.

Immediately, a burly and strong man stepped out, it was the Tianjiao who proposed at first.

"Gu Daoyou, let's start first."

A rough voice resounded in the courtyard, and immediately, the burly man raised his hand, the palm of his hand shone with spiritual light, and a thick spiritual vein appeared in the air.

Baizhang is huge, the aura is brilliant, and the pure spiritual energy ripples out.

"I'm going to use this seventh-grade spiritual vein to compete for a good start."

"I don't know, fellow daoists, who is willing to fight with me?"

The voice of the burly man sounded, and his eyes turned to the audience.

"Since fellow Daoist Hong is interested, come down and test the waters!"

A voice sounded, and the eyes of the audience instantly turned to the speaker.

He is a young man in blue brocade clothes, with a refined temperament.

Jiang Che also looked over.

This young man in blue brocade clothes, Tianjiao, is the person from the Sheji Academy, Ning Jiang.

The cultivation base in the middle stage of Yuanshen is the same as that of this burly and strong man.

Standing up, Ning Jiang raised his hand, and the same seventh-rank spiritual vein emerged.

The aura is shining brightly, and the pure fluctuations of spiritual power spread throughout the audience!

The burly man looked at Ning Jiang, with a strange look in his eyes, and the rough voice sounded again: "Okay, let's start!"

As soon as the words fell, the burly and strong man stepped up to Xuantian Mirror.

Gu Changge lightly raised his hand, and the Xuantian mirror burst out with seven-color divine light immediately, pulling him directly into the Xuantian mirror.

Ning Jiang followed closely behind and stepped out, directly entering the Xuantian Mirror.

Immediately, the Xuantian mirror was lifted into the sky, and the clouds in the mirror dissipated, and the two appeared in a vast void of the world.

All eyes were on Xuan Tianjing.

Jiang Che was no exception.

He looked at Xuan Tianjing.

"The competition is to learn from Taoism and supernatural powers. The two of you must not hurt your peace."

Gu Changge's voice sounded in Xuantian Mirror.

As soon as the words fell, the burly man raised his hand, and a terrifying white light shone, turning into a giant knife, cutting through the void, and rushed towards Ningjiang in an instant.

Standing in the void, Ning Jiang didn't panic at all. Looking at the giant knife that hit him, he whispered a word: "Block!"

After uttering one word, the aura flashed in front of his eyes, forming a golden aura shield.


The giant knife and the spirit shield collided, and a powerful wave of light burst out instantly, hitting the void and submerging the bodies of the two.

The light faded, and the spirit shield and giant knife disappeared.The two stood in the void, and it seemed that neither of them was injured.

The burly man looked solemnly, looked at Ning Jiang, took a breath, roared, and a golden light rushed from his body, and a terrifying phantom behind him manifested.

With one thought, the terrifying phantom burst out directly, and the sky and the earth trembled.


Ning Jiang's face remained unchanged. He spit out a word, and the next breath, a golden divine rune appeared, carrying the supreme attack, the golden light turned, turned into a golden spear, carrying infinite power, and instantly killed the phantom.


The void oscillated, and shock waves of destruction swept all around.

Powerful waves cover everything like a tide.

Two different lights intertwined and collided, and in the next breath, Ning Jiang's figure flashed, and he came directly in front of the burly man.

"The power of heaven and earth is under my control!"


A majestic voice sounded, and behind Ning Jiang, a majestic shrine appeared, and a golden divine inscription floated out again, carrying the power of the stalwart, and descended quickly.

"A blow from the sky!"

The burly man was shocked, the aura in his body surged, infinite light bloomed, and the majestic aura surged, blasting out with one blow, and collided with the golden "Town" character in an instant.

With a collision, a devastating shock wave swayed away, the burly man spat out a mouthful of blood, and his figure retreated thousands of feet in an instant.

"Thousands of troops!"

Ning Jiang spoke again, and in the next breath, a war horse neighed from the magnificent shrine behind him.

Horrific war horses rushed out, sweeping towards the burly man overwhelmingly.

"The Great Law of Law!"

As soon as the burly man raised his hand, a phantom like a god manifested behind him, blended into his whole body, and instantly raised his hand to kill.

War horses collapsed invisibly, and the overwhelming war horses disappeared instantly.

"Heaven, earth, sun and moon, country and country!"

Ning Jiang opened his mouth, and infinite sacred light rose, and the magnificent shrine behind him disappeared, accompanied by the scene of the sun and the moon equal to the sky.

At the same time, mountains and rivers are presented,

The momentum reached its peak.


After uttering the word majestic, the sun, moon, mountains and rivers rushed towards the burly man.

The light swept across the Xuantian mirror, and the figures of the two disappeared at the same time.

"Confucianism and Taoism attack so powerful?!"

Jiang Che's eyelids twitched.

Ning Jiang's attack method made him feel unbelievable.

Confucianism and Taoism practice awe-inspiring righteousness!

Although I haven't fought against Confucian and Taoist monks yet, I have heard of it more or less. Today's battle is really an eye-opener.

Confucianism and Taoism's attack supernatural powers are even more incredible than he imagined.

One word can kill!
One word can produce a devastating attack!

It greatly overturned his imagination.

"Sheji Academy..."

"When we meet in the future, try to be as safe as possible."

Seeing the confrontation in Xuantian Mirror, Jiang Che's eyelids twitched.

Judging from his experience, Ning Jiang's victory is only a matter of time.

This attack method is unpredictable!

It is impossible to guard against it!

"Master Heaven and Earth!"

"Between the wind and the snow!"


A blow broke out, and Ning Jiang activated his magical powers, and the burly man was directly smashed into the vast land with one blow, just like an earthquake, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered.

The light dissipated, and the two figures manifested.

Ning Jiang also suffered some injuries, but this burly man was more injured, with blood overflowing from his mouth, and the light in his eyes was dim.

Sit down!

Ningjiang won the first victory!
With a flash of light, the two stepped out of the Xuantian mirror at the same time.


There was thunderous applause, looking at Ning Jiang, many Tianjiao's eyes were dignified.

This battle left a deep impression on him among the arrogance present.

"Congratulations to Ning Dao for winning!"

Gu Changge's voice sounded, and immediately after he raised his hand, a seventh-grade spiritual vein emerged, and at the same time, Xing Jianfeng took out a seventh-grade spiritual vein and handed it to Ning Jiang.

Accepting all of them, Ning Jiang smiled: "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Gu and Fellow Daoist Xing, I'm lucky enough to win."

Gu Changge smiled, raised his hand and shot a beam of divine light into the burly man's body. In an instant, his injuries were healed directly, and he returned to his peak.

"A wonderful battle, fellow Daoist Ning deserves to be the peerless arrogance from the Sheji Academy."

"Next time, I will have a good discussion with fellow Taoists." The burly man looked at Ning Jiang and said.


Ning Jiang smiled.

Immediately, the two returned to their seats.

"Which fellow daoist is willing to compete next?" Gu Changge asked, scanning the audience.

"I'll give it a try!"

A thin young man got up and took out a low-grade Taoist weapon at the same time.

"Just take this treasure as a bet, I don't know who is willing to fight?"

"Then give it a try!"

A Tianjiao spoke, got up and stood up, and also took out a low-grade Taoist artifact.

Gu Changge nodded, then opened the Xuantian mirror, and the two Tianjiao stepped into the mirror directly.

The battle is also triggered in an instant.

The light shook, all kinds of supernatural powers exploded, and the eyes of the audience were once again focused on the Xuantian Mirror.


Time passed by little by little, and an hour passed quickly.The wonderful competitions are also eye-catching.

Watching the battles of Tianjiao one by one, Jiang Che also remembered it in his heart.

The strength of these people is very strong.

Daoism and supernatural powers also opened his eyes.

The treasures of various bets are also dazzling.

Immortal pills, Taoist artifacts, spiritual veins...

And the winner can also get two additional seventh-rank spiritual veins.

Jiang Che couldn't wait to go up and do it.

These treasures alone are of extraordinary value, and if he acquires them all, there is hope that his second round of Pure Yang Fairy Fruits will be successfully bred ahead of schedule.

However, he still suppressed the restlessness in his heart.

Just take a look.

It's exciting and pleasing to watch this kind of arrogance collide!


Another match is over.

Xing Jianfeng and Gu Changge also took out a seventh-rank spiritual vein and handed it to the winner as promised.

More than [-] competitions have passed, and half of the Tianjiao have played.

During this period, Prince Longteng also made a move and won.

Jiang Che watched with relish.

For this level of exchange and confrontation, he wished that everyone would fight.

Watching the battle can also learn some good experience.

Every Tianjiao has the strength to challenge across levels.

This kind of opportunity is rare!
"Is there anyone else willing to compete next?"

Gu Changge scanned the audience, still smiling.

In more than 20 competitions, he and Xing Jianfeng produced more than [-] seventh-grade spiritual veins, but to the two of them, this was nothing at all.

"I'll give it a try!"

A voice sounded.

Jiang Che's eyes focused on the standing figure.

This pride is Yi Qingfeng.

"He also played, so we can see how much his strength has changed."

Jiang Che looked at Yi Qingfeng, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

But in the next second, Yi Qingfeng looked at him, and a raging flame of war ignited in his pupils.

At this glance, Jiang Che had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Is this guy trying to fight me?"

A thought came to mind.

"It's fine if I don't take the initiative."

Immediately, Jiang Che put down his thoughts again.

As long as you don't take the initiative to participate, it's fine.

The competition is not forced, it has to be voluntary.

It's better to watch others play against each other.

Gu Changge looked at Yi Qingfeng and said, "Okay, Fellow Daoist Yi is willing to make a move, who else?"

"Gu Daoyou, I have a small proposal, I wonder if Gu Daoyou can agree?"

At this time, Yi Qingfeng suddenly spoke.

The others were taken aback for a moment.

Little proposal?
It's this time, what else do you propose?
Gu Changge looked at him, frowned slightly, then relaxed it quickly, and said, "I wonder if Fellow Daoist Yi has any suggestions?"

Yi Qingfeng: "I was once defeated by one person, and it just so happens that this person is here today. What I want to propose is to fight this person."

! ? ! !
As soon as Yi Qingfeng's words came out of his mouth, the audience was in an uproar.

Every Tianjiao feels incredible.

This is……

Looking for a place? !
But hearing these words, Jiang Che's face darkened instantly.

Made, sure enough.

This guy still misses him!

You have to fight him.

"Brother Jiang, what's wrong with you?"

Shen Gongbao's voice rang in his ears, Jiang Che came back to his senses, shook his head, and said, "It's okay."


Shen Gongbao looked at him with doubts in his eyes.

Jiang Che's face returned to calm again, without the slightest disturbance.

If you want to compete with him, it depends on whether he is willing or not.

Jiang Che didn't intend to do anything either.

Watching other people compete, isn't he delicious?

The courtyard quickly returned to silence, and Tianjiao looked at Yi Qingfeng curiously.

But the eyes of one of them fell on Jiang Che.

It was Chen Dongfeng.

There was a smile on his face, he couldn't understand who Yi Qingfeng was talking about.

Surprise flashed across the faces of Gu Changge and Xing Jianfeng, and soon he came back to his senses: "Who is this person you are talking about?"

"Daozong, Jiang Che!"

Yi Qingfeng opened his mouth, and immediately cast his gaze on the jade table where Jiang Che was.

Seeing this, the eyes of the others turned to the jade table where Jiang Che was sitting.

Shen Gongbao and Qiu Xuan on the side also looked at him with stunned and unbelievable expressions.

Gu Changge and Xing Jianfeng also looked over and landed on Jiang Che.

A golden core peak? !

Gu Changge was a little stunned.

Has this person defeated Yi Qingfeng?
Not only Gu Changge was incredulous, but the other Tianjiao were also incredulous.

A Jindan peak, a Yuanshen mid-stage.

This seems a bit far away, right?
This person's martial arts cultivation is quite powerful, a peak martial saint, but Yi Qingfeng's martial arts cultivation is also a junior martial saint.

Could it be that Yi Qingfeng was defeated by Wu Shengxiu?

Well, that should be the case.

One guess after another emerged in Tianjiao's mind.

Maybe it was once defeated by the same level of cultivation.

It should be impossible for this person's immortal cultivation base to be only at the peak of Jindan.

But now that Yi Qingfeng has reached the middle stage of Yuanshen's cultivation, if this is a battle, it is probably a bully.


Looking at Jiang Che with pairs of eyes, the courtyard was silent.

Gu Changge withdrew his gaze, looked at Yi Qingfeng, and said, "Competitions are voluntary and cannot be forced. If you want to challenge this fellow Daoist Jiang, it depends on his own wishes."

"Then I wonder if Brother Jiang will give you this chance?"

Yi Qingfeng looked at Jiang Che with fighting intent in his eyes.

Jiang Che: "..."

"Why? Brother Jiang thinks I'm still not qualified to be your opponent?"

Yi Qingfeng's voice sounded again.

Every Tianjiao also looked at Jiang Che.

But at this moment, Xing Jianfeng said: "Friend Daoist Yi, this fellow Daoist Jiang is only at the peak of Jindan, and you are like this, somewhat forced."

Xing Jianfeng's tone was flat, but anyone could hear the meaning in the words.

Warning Yi Qingfeng, enough is enough!

Yi Qingfeng's face changed slightly, but he recovered quickly, looked at Xing Jianfeng, and said, "Fellow Daoist Xing, I am not forcing you, but fellow Daoist Jiang said so."


Yi Qingfeng glanced at the audience, and said calmly: "Jiang Daoyou once said that the enemy defeated by me will never be regarded as an opponent by me. I will give you time to catch up until you can't see it in the distance. Today, I just met, so I want to discuss with Jiang Daoyou."


As soon as Yi Qingfeng said that, all Tianjiao's eyes fell on Jiang Che.

Even Gu Changge and Xing Jianfeng were looking at him.

Shocked, stunned, unbelievable...

Good guy, this tone is so crazy!

The enemy defeated by me will never be regarded as an opponent. I will give you time to catch up until it is out of sight...

I am afraid that Xuanyuan Wudi would not dare to say this.

How many dishes?
Dare to say that?
The courtyard was silent, and a needle could be heard.

Pairs of eyes looked at Jiang Che.

Just now I felt that Yi Qingfeng was a bit of a bully, but if this person really said what he said, then I'm afraid there is nothing wrong with it.

No one can bear it!

The word arrogance is not enough to describe it.

Shen Gongbao and Qiu Xuan looked at Jiang Che, their pupils trembling.

Did these words come out of his mouth?

This... doesn't feel like it!

He looks nice, shouldn't he?

Could it be that Yi Qingfeng fabricated it out of thin air?

But at this moment, Yi Qingfeng's voice sounded again: "Don't you all think that this statement is fabricated out of thin air? I can assure you that this statement was said by Jiang Daoyou himself, and it should be known by no less than tens of thousands of people. You can find out after a few inquiries. It should not be difficult to inquire about the Donghuang Immortal Gate Conference."

"Eastern Desolation Immortal Gate Conference..."

"Is this the grand event in Donghuang a few years ago?"

"Could it be that this Jiang Che defeated this person at the Donghuang Immortal Gate Conference?"

"Is the time wrong?"

"If you can defeat Yi Qingfeng, why can't you break through the Yuanshen?"

Surprise and astonishment flashed in Tianjiao's eyes.

But at this moment, Chen Dongfeng got up, and the voice sounded: "I have participated in the Eastern Desolation Immortal Gate Conference, and I can testify that what Fellow Daoist Yi said is not half false."


Good guy, this is a real hammer!
Looking at Jiang Che with pairs of eyes, the atmosphere seemed to freeze at this moment.

Jiang Che sat still on the jade table. Suddenly, he reached out to pick up the wine glass, drank the wine in the glass, and slowly got up: "Since Daoist Yi wants to avenge his shame, I will accompany you."


As soon as Jiang Che opened his mouth, a wave of waves rose in the hearts of the Tianjiao.

At the peak of Jindan, against the middle stage of Yuanshen, is there a fight?
Although this person's martial arts cultivation base is excellent, it shouldn't be able to make up such a big gap, right?

How can Yi Qingfeng's strength be comparable to the late stage of Yuanshen?
The difference is a big realm, can it make up?
The courtyard was dead silent.

Jiang Che's eyes were calm, and there was no movement on his face.

Looking at Jiang Che, the fighting spirit in Yi Qingfeng's eyes burned even more fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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