I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 155 Dragon God Blesses God King Enters Body

Chapter 155 Dragon God Blesses God King Enters Body
Eyes gathered.

A pair of eyes looked at the two of them.

Gu Changge frowned slightly, looked at the two of them, and said, "You two fellow Taoists, no matter what grievances you have had before, I hope that you two are just discussing Taoism and supernatural powers, and don't use magic weapons. Otherwise, don't blame Gu for being ruthless."


Yi Qingfeng smiled, and Jiang Che nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Gu Changge didn't say much, and sat down slowly.

Yi Qingfeng took a step and came to Xuantian Mirror.

"Wait a minute!"

At this moment, Jiang Che's voice sounded.

Yi Qingfeng stopped, and slowly turned to look at him.

Is this...repentance?

The other Tianjiao looked at Jiang Che and blinked.

"Why, could it be that Fellow Daoist Jiang suddenly repented?" Yi Qingfeng looked at Jiang Che and said indifferently.

Jiang Che looked indifferent, looked at Yi Qingfeng, and said, "It's not enough to repent, I just thought of one thing."

"What's the matter?" Yi Qingfeng frowned.

Jiang Che: "I don't have too much passion for the competition, but I still have to have the prizes that I should have."


As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Che spread his hands, and a huge golden fruit appeared in his palm.

The pure yang aura diffused out, and instantly, the eyes of the audience brightened.

"It's such a strong pure yang fairy energy, and it also contains the charm of heaven and earth, what kind of fairy product is this?"

A Tianjiao stared at the Chunyang Fairy Fruit in Jiang Che's hand with scorching eyes.

The eyes of other Tianjiao also looked at this huge golden fruit.

From their perspective, they have never seen such a fetish.

But even though he didn't know it, he could be sure that this golden fruit was by no means an ordinary immortal item.

Gu Changge and Xing Jianfeng's eyes also fell on this golden fruit.

The golden fruit is presented with mysterious patterns of heaven and earth, and the majestic pure yang energy permeates it.

It is more pure than pure Yang Xianqi.

But with his vision, he couldn't figure out what it was.

But at this time, Jiang Che's voice sounded: "This is the pure Yang fairy fruit, which contains the pure pure Yang fairy energy and the fruit of heaven, earth and dao rhyme. I got it from a secret place in time and space, and I will take it as my bet!"

If you want to fight, then play big!

If you can't avoid it, let's go crazy.

Jiang Che's voice sounded in the courtyard.

All of Tianjiao's eyes lit up.

Pure Yang Fairy Fruit!

The name is quite apt.

"Chunyang Fairy Fruit...Jiang Daoyou, if I guessed correctly, this fruit should be related to the World Tree, right?"

At this time, Xingjianfeng's voice sounded.

As soon as the words came out, the audience was in an uproar.

world Tree? !

What the hell!

Innate God Tree? !
Could this Pure Yang Fairy Fruit be the fruit of the World Tree?

Jiang Che looked at Xing Jianfeng and smiled slightly: "Fellow Daoist Xing has extraordinary knowledge, this fruit is indeed related to the World Tree."

Xing Jianfeng nodded lightly, and then said: "No wonder I look familiar, this thing should be the pure Yang Dao fruit recorded in ancient books, but it is a rare thing!"

"Pure Yang Dao Fruit..."

Gu Changge on the side frowned, with a clear heart.

The eyes of the other Tianjiao flickered, and their hearts became clear.

Pure Yang Dao Fruit.

Some Tianjiao have heard of this name, but they have never seen the real product.

Because, Great Thousand Worlds no longer has a World Tree.

Before the Dark Age, there was a plant.

However, it was cut off by the Demon God of the Demon Race and completely shattered.

The World Tree also disappeared into the long river of history.

The broken world tree also broke into the chaotic time and space, without a trace.

Jiang Che was able to obtain the fruit of the World Tree, which is indeed extraordinary luck.


Jiang Che: "I also got it by accident. This one is the only one. I will use this fruit as a bet today. I wonder what treasure Yi Daoyou plans to use as a bet?"

Yi Qingfeng was slightly taken aback, looking at the Chunyang Fairy Fruit in Jiang Che's hand, he frowned.

This thing is indeed extraordinary, it is not comparable to ordinary spiritual products.

It was a bit difficult for Jiang Che to take out this fairy product.

He doesn't know much about Chunyang Daoguo, but World Tree knows a little bit.

This is the Innate God Tree.

The world tree that has grown to its peak is equivalent to an innate fairy weapon!

After thinking for a moment, Yi Qingfeng raised his hand, bloody light shone, and a golden elixir appeared in his hand.

In the elixir, an exquisite real dragon can be faintly seen dancing. At the same time, there are nine holes in this elixir, and golden air can be faintly seen spewing and flowing, and a majestic breath is diffused.

Yi Qingfeng looked at Jiang Che and said, "This is the Nine-Aperture True Dragon Pill, which I obtained in a time-space secret realm. Today, I will use it as a note!"

Yi Qingfeng's voice sounded in the courtyard.

Pairs of eyes fell on the Nine-Aperture True Dragon Pill in Yi Qingfeng's hand.

With their vision, they can naturally recognize the value of this pill.

An extraordinary elixir.

The Nine-Aperture True Dragon Pill is rumored to be an elixir that can only be forged with the blood of the dragon emperor.

Cleanse the body, open up the meridians of the body, change the physique, take this pill, and you can get the real dragon body with nine apertures!
The physical body is comparable to that of the Dragon Clan!

There is a great improvement in qualifications.

At the same time, it also greatly improved the cultivation base.

Two extraordinary fairy goods.

This bet can be regarded as a top grade in tonight's event.

"What do fellow Daoist Jiang think?"

Yi Qingfeng looked at Jiang Che.

Jiang Che looked at the Nine-Aperture True Dragon Pill in his hand. According to ancient books, he was very aware of the efficacy and capabilities of the Nine-Aperture True Dragon Pill.

This elixir is also a rare thing.

The Nine-Aperture True Dragon Physique is second, he has the Dao Divine Physique, which is enough to easily crush the Nine-Aperture True Dragon Physique, but the Nine-Aperture True Dragon Pill still greatly improved him.

This elixir is probably able to make him manifest the sixth soul!
At the same time, it can also enhance the physical body of martial arts.


Jiang Che nodded slightly.

"Then let's get started!"

Yi Qingfeng opened his mouth, and after finishing speaking, he stepped into the Xuantian Mirror.

Jiang Che followed closely behind, stepped over and stepped into the Xuantian Mirror.

The eyes of the audience also focused on Xuantian Mirror.

"Will...will you lose this time?"

Looking at Xuan Tianjing, a thought flashed in Chen Dongfeng's mind.

Having witnessed Jiang Che's abnormality with his own eyes, he knew exactly how terrifying Jiang Che was.

But today's Yi Qingfeng has entered the middle stage of Yuanshen, and the gap is very large.

Across a large realm gap.

He might not be able to defeat Jiang Che, but he didn't know.

The other Tianjiao also watched, their eyes full of curiosity.

Dare to fight, and take out such a fairy product as a bet, then there are definitely two brushes.

Perhaps it is not uncommon to have extraordinary supernatural powers that can break through the gap in realms.

There are many monsters in Central Continent, and this kind of situation often happens.

The former Xuanyuan Invincible was an example.

As the name suggests, since the practice, it has been invincible.

Even monsters of the same level, or even monsters with a higher level of cultivation, are not Xuanyuan's invincible opponents.

Practice the invincible technique of Yangshen and defeat all enemies.

Afterwards, he cultivated to great success, beheaded the Supreme Thunder Tribulation, and became famous in Central Continent.

It has also become the ceiling existence of the new Tianjiao monster!
Both are outstanding, such a competition is more interesting.


Xuantian mirror, boundless world.

The two stood in the void, and the majestic breath circulated.

Looking at Jiang Che, Yi Qingfeng's eyes were full of fighting spirit.

The breath is released, and the celestial phenomenon follows!
There was a suffocating sense of oppression in the air.

Jiang Che's breath rushed out, completely resisting the oppression of Yi Qingfeng's breath.

The two confront each other silently.

"Jiang Che, this time, I want to see how much your strength has improved!"

A cold voice sounded, and as soon as the words were finished, a dragon chant resounded throughout the boundless world, golden dragon energy rushed from Yi Qingfeng's body, and the golden light turned into a dragon claw that was as tall as a mountain, and quickly grabbed him.

Block the void, avoiding the inevitable.

Jiang Che stood in the void, looking at the attacking golden dragon claw, his eyes changed instantly.

The majestic Qi and blood rushed up, and the infinite power gathered into one body. The bright light of Qi and blood bloomed like a big sun, and punched out.


The void collapsed in an instant, and was completely destroyed by his power. The Artistic Conception King Fist swept across with a destructive force, and hit the golden dragon claw with one punch.

The rays of light collided, and the powerful wave of destruction spread around, and the hundred miles of void collapsed instantly, but in the time and space of Xuantian Mirror, it could be recovered in an instant.


A huge light wave bloomed, and the powerful light wave instantly swallowed the bodies of the two people, trembling in the void.

The next breath, the sky trembled.

Two figures manifested, and the golden dragon claws were annihilated by a punch.

The wind howled, and the robes flew!
The breath of destruction did not cause any harm to the two of them.

"call out--!"

In the next second, Yi Qingfeng moved and killed him directly.

So close and far away erupted in an instant, and the instant the attack came, Jiang Che disappeared on the spot.

One hit misses, and the void annihilates!

And in the next breath, Jiang Che came behind him.

The golden light rushed up and turned into a huge sky dragon, roaring and galloping out.

Yi Qingfeng didn't panic at all, he turned around, and the majestic zhenqi burst out of his body collided with Tianlong abruptly.

A shock wave of destruction rippled through the void again.

The figures of the two are intertwined.

Within a dozen or so breaths, they fought no less than a hundred times.

Outside the mirror, pairs of eyes watched the battle in the Xuantian mirror.

Hit hard!
The two looked like they were evenly matched.

"Fellow Daoist Xing, who do you think will win between these two?"

Gu Changge picked up a glass of snow spirit wine and watched while drinking.

Xing Jianfeng looked at Xuan Tianjing, frowned slightly, and shook his head slightly.

"At present, there is no distinction between top and bottom, and there is no clue yet."

Gu Changge: "Both of them should have supernatural powers at the bottom of the box, and it is estimated that they will display them."

"It should be about the same." Xing Jianfeng nodded.

"If there is no overwhelming magical power, it may be difficult to win or lose."

"Let's wait and see. The talents and strength of these two people are not bad in Central Continent."

Gu Changge smiled.


"Jiang Daoyou is quite powerful, much stronger than me."

In front of the jade table, Shen Gongbao watched the battle in the Xuantian mirror while drinking the spiritual wine.

Hearing this, Qiu Xuan on the side gave him a white look: "Junior brother, you are really thick-skinned. If you compete with supernatural powers, I'm afraid you have lost by now."

"Ahem, Senior Sister, am I that frustrated?" Shen Gongbao said resentfully.

"Yes." Qiu Xuan nodded seriously.

Shen Gongbao: "..."



The two different rays of light collided together again, like the super shock wave produced by the impact of a meteorite, turning the hundred miles of void into a black hole.

The figures separated, and the two stood in the void.

In a short while, the supernatural powers of the two of them showed almost seventy-eight out of ten.

But it's still hard to tell.

"Use your unique skills, otherwise, you can't defeat me!"

Standing in the void, Yi Qingfeng said coldly.

Jiang Che's face remained unchanged, looking at Yi Qingfeng, his expression did not fluctuate in the slightest.

Yi Qingfeng's face was gloomy, and in the next breath, a golden light burst out from his body, and the robe on his body was torn apart.

Under the golden light, the limbs quickly transformed into dragon claws.

In an instant, he turned into a huge dragon of hundreds of feet again.

Compared with the last time, Yi Qingfeng used the dragon magic skill to transform into a more terrifying dragon this time, and it has increased by more than a hundred times.

The overflowing breath seemed to be unbearable even to the void.

"Jiang Che, I have been baptized by the Dragon God, and transformed again. This time, I want to put all the shame on you!"

Yi Qingfeng's voice sounded, and with a wave of the dragon's claws, the majestic power of heaven and earth swept over in an instant.

Jiang Che narrowed his eyes, and then breathed out, the divine light bloomed, and his physical body grew at a terrifying speed.

In an instant, he reached a body of a thousand feet, the golden light was shining, and the permeating power of the sky caused violent vibrations in the void.

Law heaven and earth!

Jiang Che directly moved the thousand-foot golden body.

With the improvement of Dao Divine Body, he has no problems at all.

The attack came in an instant, and when Jiang Che raised his hand, the giant hand like a mountain easily blocked Yi Qingfeng's dragon attack in an instant.

The sky is like the earth, and the strength has been increased tenfold.

This increase is an all-round improvement.

The physical body, primordial spirit, and all aspects have undergone tremendous changes.

Become the size of a thousand feet.

A dragon of hundreds of feet is nothing but a big snake in front of him.

Yi Qingfeng's pupils shrank, but he came back to his senses in an instant.


The dragon's mouth opened, and a divine dragon breath rushed towards Jiang Che in an instant.

The golden breath annihilated the void, and even Jiang Che felt quite threatened by this blow.

Without any hesitation, Jiang Che raised his hand and directly typed out the Great Sun Tathagata Seal!
The fusion of nine styles will cause ten thousand Buddhas to perish!
It is more terrifying than the simple Tathagata destroying the world.

Hundreds of miles of void collapsed, and the earth, mountains and rivers collapsed in an instant.

The gods and Buddhas manifest, and the phantoms of the ten thousand Buddhas appear.

Sitting cross-legged in the void, exuding the supreme power of the Buddha.

The dragon's breath was instantly annihilated, and it pierced through the air with one blow, and landed on the golden dragon in an instant.


The heaven and earth trembled, the earth churned like a tsunami, and the destructive blow hit the void, engulfing the figures of the two.

The Xuantian mirror in the void trembled slightly.

The strength of this blow has reached the level that can shake this semi-immortal artifact.

This scene caused the faces of the Tianjiao in the courtyard to change slightly.

One turned into a dragon, and the other turned into a golden body.

The supernatural powers of the two made Tianjiao present feel the invisible pressure.

Placed in the Holy Land of Central Continent, they are all absolutely outstanding monsters.

In the Eastern Wasteland, two such terrifying monsters appeared one after another.


"Heaven and Earth Dragon Divine Art, this should be the ancient dragon god's art. If you become a dragon, you can get the blessing of the dragon god. This Yi Qingfeng has a lot of luck."

Xing Jianfeng's eyes flashed, he drank a glass of snow spirit wine, and spoke softly.

"Jiang Che's supernatural powers are very similar to the lost ancient great supernatural powers, they are like heaven and earth!"

On the side, Gu Changge spoke.

Xing Jianfeng nodded, and said: "It is indeed the law of heaven and earth."

"To be able to obtain this kind of lost supernatural power, his luck is not small." Gu Changge murmured.

"It's interesting, these two people are interesting."

Xing Jianfeng's eyes flickered.


The heavens and the earth fell, and the earth collapsed, like an abyss.

Yi Qingfeng, who was in the form of a dragon, was soaked in blood, and the golden scales on his body were all shattered, making him extremely miserable.


After rushing out of the abyss, the dragon soared into the void, and Yi Qingfeng suddenly burst out with a powerful purple light, and the injuries on his body healed in an instant.

The purple light disappeared, and Yi Qingfeng directly changed from the golden form to the purple form.

And the breath is even more terrifying.

It has increased several times than before,
A pair of purple pupils exuded a terrifying aura.

Even Jiang Che, who was in the Fatianxiangdi form, felt a strong sense of danger.


Opening his mouth to roar, a purple breath of light rushed towards Jiang Che in an instant.

At the same time, behind Yi Qingfeng, a terrifying phantom of a heavenly dragon manifested, and the majestic pressure descended, as if the supreme being of the dragon clan was about to cross endless time and space.

With one blow, the heaven and earth collapsed, and the time and space of Xuantian Mirror trembled.

This semi-immortal artifact produced a strong vibration.

The breath of destruction seemed to break through the Xuantian mirror and descend.

Gu Changge's face was solemn, and when he raised his hand, the shaking Xuantian mirror instantly returned to calm.

And at this moment, the purple breath directly broke through Jiang Che's supernatural power and landed on him.

One blow pierced through his body and sent him flying thousands of feet away.


The thousand-foot golden body smashed onto the ground, causing time and space to tremble.


Jiang Che spat out a mouthful of blood instantly.

The light in his eyes dimmed by three points.

In order to defeat Jiang Che, Yi Qingfeng fully fired.

Fused with the dragon phantom that day, his aura became even more terrifying. The purple dragon claws cut through the void, and descended with the mighty power of heaven and earth.

Lock Jiang Che, there is no way to avoid it!

At the critical moment, Jiang Che activated the six realms of reincarnation, and the dark mountains and rivers manifested, as if hell had reappeared in the world.

A blood-colored Nether God Bridge appeared, and the Abi God Bridge manifested.

Jiang Che raised his hand, holding the Abi Shenqiao, and smashed it at the purple dragon claw.


The moment of the collision, Abi God Bridge and Purple Dragon Claw collapsed at the same time.

The Xuantian mirror that was stabilized trembled again.

One blow evenly splits the competition.

"It seems that the god king must enter the body to defeat him!"

Jiang Che's eyes flashed, and in the next breath, he directly manifested the God King.

Eight terrifying god-kings manifested.

He kept a hand and didn't completely manifest the nine great god kings.

However, it is enough to manifest the Eight Great God Kings.

"It's this trick again!"

Yi Qingfeng in the form of a purple dragon watched the eight terrifying figures pour into Jiang Che's body, his pupils trembled.

He was defeated by this trick last time, leaving an indelible shadow on him.

"No, this time, I will not lose!"

"Blessed by the Dragon God, heaven and earth are immortal!"

Yi Qingfeng roared and shocked the sky, and with the next breath, a large amount of golden light emerged from the depths of time and space, turning into a long river and pouring into his body.

At this moment, Jiang Che made a move.

The Eight Great Divine Kings entered the body, and his aura broke the limit.

Raising his hand, the Great Sun Tathagata seal manifested, and the ten thousand Buddhas galloped, hitting Yi Qingfeng's body.


With one blow and collision, Shengsheng sent Yi Qingfeng flying.

The purple scales were shattered, dripping with blood, it was too horrible to look at.

After the Divine King entered his body, Jiang Che's supernatural power was further enhanced.

One blow hurt Yi Qingfeng.

But in the next second, Yi Qingfeng's shattered dragon body instantly recovered.

The blessing of the Dragon God has an effect.

"Haha, this time, don't try to defeat me!"

Nearly insane laughter resounded through Xuantian Time and Space Realm, Yi Qingfeng raised his hand, the dragon claws shattered the void, and the majestic power of heaven and earth blasted towards Jiang Che again.


Like a giant mountain fist striking out, Jiang Che crushed the incoming attack with one punch.

In the next breath, his figure flashed and appeared behind Yi Qingfeng.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation manifested, and Abi Shenqiao rushed out, holding Abi Shenqiao, and smashed it on the dragon's body.


It collapsed with one blow, and the scales shattered.

But right after, Yi Qingfeng recovered again.

Jiang Che's expression did not change at all, he held the Abi God Bridge and smashed it down crazily.





Time and space trembled, and the land was in ruins. Yi Qingfeng's dragon body continued to collapse, and it continued to recover under the blessing of the Dragon God.

But the blessing of the Dragon God is not invincible, and it will take time to recover.

The more severe the damage, the longer the recovery, and Yi Qingfeng's aura is decreasing a little bit.

When the god king entered his body, Jiang Che's strength completely crushed him.

The supernatural powers in all aspects have increased significantly.

One blow shattered the dragon's body again, and Jiang Che stood in the void.

"Samsara Temple!"

As soon as Jiang Che raised his hand, the dark mountains and rivers behind him collapsed, and a gloomy temple manifested.

Gloomy Temple, bury everything!
Abi Shenqiao is only the first layer of attack in the six rounds of reincarnation.The Temple of Reincarnation is the second layer of attack.

Although he has already achieved a great deal of cultivation, he will not easily launch this attack because the consumption is too great.

But if you don't use this blow, you can't win.

Jiang Che shot without hesitation, manifested the Temple of Reincarnation, and blasted towards Yi Qingfeng.


The dragon's mouth roared, and the purple dragon's breath rushed out, blasting towards the Temple of Reincarnation.

But when the dragon's breath hit the Temple of Reincarnation, it didn't destroy the blow.

The Temple of Samsara was not damaged at all, it just shook for a moment, and in the next second, it landed on Yi Qingfeng's body.

boom--! ! !
The temple fell down, and the Xuantian mirror trembled violently.The terrifying breath even wanted to break through the shackles of this semi-immortal artifact.

The light covered the mirror, and nothing could be seen at all.

Gu Changge shot again, calming the strong vibration of Xuantian Mirror.

The mirror also gradually recovered, leaving nothing but Jiang Che who looked like a fairy.

And Yi Qingfeng, who was in the form of a dragon, had disappeared, and he was knocked back into a human form with one blow.

Severely injured, dying.

The verdict was decided, and Jiang Che won the final victory!

With a flash of golden light, Jiang Che turned into a normal form, and the aura on his body fell like a cliff.

And at this moment, Gu Changge made a move, and Xuan Tianjing directly sent the two of them outside.


Yi Qingfeng's hair was disheveled, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and almost passed out.

Jiang Che's aura on the side was also severely injured, and his aura fell to the bottom, but it was better than Yi Qingfeng.

Looking at the two, Tianjiao's eyes trembled.

This strength is probably much stronger than all of them, and the only ones who can beat them are Xing Jianfeng and Gu Changge.

Especially Jiang Che, he is only at the peak of Jindan, if he breaks through the Yuanshen realm, who can stop this strength? !
Although this person's words are boundless and arrogant, but this strength is indeed abnormal.


Jiang Che took out the Nine-Turn Primordial Soul Pill and swallowed it. The breath in his body quickly recovered, and the consumed primordial spirit and physical strength also quickly recovered.

Introducing the Eight Great Divine Kings into the body will cause more damage, but the current physical body and primordial spirit can easily bear it.

A Nine Rank Yuanhun Pill instantly healed his injuries.

(End of this chapter)

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