I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 156 The Second Primordial Spirit

Chapter 156 The Sixth Soul

As soon as Gu Changge raised his hand, a beam of brilliance entered Yi Qingfeng's body, and his aura also recovered quickly.

At the same time, Yi Qingfeng took out a golden elixir, swallowed it, and the lost breath recovered a lot.

"Friend Daoist Yi, accept it!"

Jiang Che looked at him.

Yi Qingfeng's face was gloomy, and with a flick of his hand, the Nine-Aperture True Dragon Pellet flew out quickly and landed in his hands.

Willing to gamble to admit defeat!

In front of so many people, it was impossible for him to repent even if he wanted to.

At the same time, Gu Changge and Xing Jianfeng got up and took out a seventh-rank spiritual vein.

Jiang Che accepted it without hesitation.

Two seventh-rank spiritual veins can also make the pure yang fairy fruit regenerate a little bit.

Gu Changge looked at Jiang Che, "Jiang Daoyou is so powerful, Gu admires it, dare to ask who is your teacher?"

Jiang Che glanced at him.

All the arrogances also pricked up their ears.

"I'm here to learn from the mysterious sound!"

Jiang Che's voice sounded.

In the courtyard, the hearts of all the Tianjiao were shocked.

Mysterious sound!
The one who used to be number one on the Tianjiao list? ! ? !

It seems that this person belongs to the Taoist sect, and there should be no second one.


Sure enough, all evildoers cultivated are evildoers!
The master is perverted, and this disciple doesn't give in too much.

Although they didn't fight Jiang Che, but through Yi Qingfeng's battle, most of them knew in their hearts that it might be difficult to win without using magic weapons.

And even if the magic weapon is used, there is no way to win without an overwhelming magic weapon.

You have a magic weapon, don't others?

"Mysterious sound!"

Gu Changge and Xing Jianfeng's expressions changed, and they looked at Jiang Che solemnly.

"The mysterious sound of one of the three giants of Taoism?" Xing Jianfeng seemed a little unbelievable, and spoke again.

Jiang Che nodded slightly.

"Famous teachers produce high-level apprentices!"

Gu Changge sighed.

Looking at Jiang Che, shock flashed in the depths of his pupils, "No wonder Fellow Daoist Jiang is so powerful."

"You Daoist Gu has won the prize, but I haven't even cultivated the Yuanshen in the lower world, so I can't be regarded as a high-ranking student."

Jiang Che said lightly.


Is this the problem?
It is only a matter of time before you step into the realm of primordial spirit.

"Jiang Daoyou, if you have time in the future, Gu would like to compete with fellow daoist."

Looking at Jiang Che, Gu Changge smiled.

"Don't dare, Gu Daoyou's strength is astonishing, he's far behind." Jiang Che smiled.

Gu Changge laughed loudly, "Haha, Fellow Daoist Jiang has great potential, and he will advance to Yuanshen in the future, so Gu will discuss with fellow Daoist."

Jiang Che smiled without saying a word.

It's just polite words, he can hear it naturally.

Immediately after greeting, he returned to the jade table.

Looking at Jiang Che with pairs of eyes, his expression was still full of shock.

The wonderful battle just now left a deep impression on them.

This battle should be the most exciting battle tonight.


"Ahem...well, Fellow Daoist Jiang, is your master really a mysterious voice?"

Looking at Jiang Che in front of him, Shen Gongbao coughed.

"If there is no second mysterious sound, then it should be." Jiang Che said with a smile.

Shen Gongbao: "..."

"Well, what, Brother Jiang, I was joking before, don't worry about it." Shen Gongbao kept changing his face, looked at Jiang Che, and whispered.

"Are you afraid now?"

On the side, Qiu Xuan sneered.

Shen Gongbao: "..."

"Haha, if Fellow Daoist Shen wants to see my master, if you have the opportunity to come to the Taoist sect in the future, I will definitely recommend you." Seeing the embarrassed Shen Gongbao, Jiang Che laughed loudly.

"...I'm just joking, see you there." Shen Gongbao said with a blushing face.


starry night.

The stars hang high.

The event lasted until late at night.

In the middle of the courtyard, Gu Changge got up, glanced at everyone, and said, "Thank you for your wonderful discussion today, next time I have a chance, I hope you can get together again."

"I also want to thank you two for your kind hospitality." A Tianjiao said with a smile.

"Haha, as long as everyone is happy." Gu Changge laughed.

"Okay, after drinking this glass of wine, let's end. Fellow Daoists, if you come to Central Continent, Gu and Xing Daoist will definitely treat you with great hospitality."

Gu Changge raised his glass and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

Xing Jianfeng drank the wine in his glass.

Everyone immediately drank it down, put down their glasses, and dispersed one after another.

"It's over, next, I can practice with peace of mind."

Shen Gongbao stood up.

Jiang Che and Qiu Xuan also stood up, and the three stepped out of the courtyard.

Hundreds of people left one after another.

Stepping out of Longquan Villa, when Jiang Che was about to step into the carriage, suddenly, a voice came.

"Jiang Che, wait a minute!"

The sound came to his ears, Jiang Che stopped and looked back.

It was Yi Qingfeng.

Looking at Yi Qingfeng, he frowned slightly, "Is there anything else you can do, Fellow Daoist Yi?"

Yi Qingfeng stepped forward and came to him. This scene was also seen by the other Tianjiao, who stopped and looked at the two of them.

"I want to make a bet with you."

Yi Qingfeng looked at Jiang Che with firm eyes.

Jiang Che: "?"


Looking at Yi Qingfeng, Jiang Che frowned.

Qiu Xuan and Shen Gongbao on the side also looked at him in astonishment.

The other Tianjiao showed curiosity on their faces, and they pricked up their ears to listen.

"What bet?"

Jiang Che calmed down the distracting thoughts in his heart, his brows relaxed, and he looked at Yi Qingfeng and said.

Yi Qingfeng: "I want to bet you a ten-year contract, ten years later, you and I will fight again!"


Is this guy in love with him?
Do you have to fight yourself?
Still fighting after losing?
This is the second time, don't you give up?

Looking at Yi Qingfeng, Jiang Che was speechless.

"Ten years later, I will personally go to Daozong to fight with you!"

Yi Qingfeng said firmly.

Jiang Che: "(ー_ー)!!"

"Friend Daoist Yi, why are you so persistent?" Jiang Che said lightly.

"Ten years later, whether you agree or not, I will fight you!"

Yi Qingfeng spoke again, and after finishing speaking, he turned and left.

"...I'm afraid this guy is stunned."

Seeing Yi Qingfeng's leaving back, Jiang Che's heart twitched.

"It seems that you have become his demon. If he doesn't beat you once, I'm afraid he won't be able to get rid of the demon in his heart."

Qiu Xuan's voice sounded.

Jiang Che came back to his senses, glanced at her, then looked at Yi Qingfeng who was leaving, and shook his head: "If you practice the Tao without cultivating your heart, it will be difficult to reach the peak. If you do this, you will become enchanted. It's a pity that you lost a good seed."


"If it were me, I would have to defeat you once to be able to break the demon." Qiu Xuan said lightly.


"Go back, I'm tired." Jiang Che said, and after finishing speaking, he stepped into the carriage and entered the compartment.

The other Tianjiao also came back to their senses.

Looking at Yi Qingfeng who disappeared, and then at the carriage that Jiang Che left.

The gazes of the heavenly pride flickered.

Yi Qingfeng actually made a ten-year bet!
It's incredible.

Ten years later, if a war breaks out, it will probably be even more exciting.

"Donghuang Daozong, haha, ten years later, if you have a chance, you must go and see it."

A Tianjiao laughed.

The other Tianjiao looked at each other and seemed to understand each other's eyes.

Shaking his head, they each left.

And just as the group dispersed, Gu Changge and Xing Jianfeng appeared at the gate of Longquan Villa.

"This person has become possessed." Seeing the direction where Yi Qingfeng disappeared, Gu Changge sighed.

"It's not a bad thing. If it turns into motivation, with this person's luck and talent, he should have great achievements."

Xing Jianfeng said.

"Unless he steps into Thunder Tribulation Supreme and makes a decisive reversal, otherwise, it will be difficult." Gu Changge said lightly.

Xing Jianfeng smiled, looked at Gu Changge, and said, "This person has obtained the inheritance of the dragon god, and his luck is extraordinary. If he obtains a more powerful inheritance of the dragon clan in the future, he should have a chance."

"Indeed, among the Dragon Clan, there are a few hidden giants." Gu Changge nodded.

"If you are taken by those hidden dragon clan antiques, then you have great hope." Xing Jianfeng's eyes flashed.

"After the Dark Era, those few old antiques of the Dragon Clan no longer care about worldly affairs. They are hidden in the vast world, so the chances of being favored are probably not very high." Gu Changge said lightly.

"Brother Gu, things are impermanent, just like back then, who would have thought of today?" Xing Jianfeng smiled.

Gu Changge looked at him and smiled.

Immediately, the figures of the two disappeared out of thin air.


"Two, I will take my leave first."

At the gate of the mansion, Jiang Che got out of the carriage and looked at Shen Gongbao and Qiu Xuan.

"Brother Jiang, you probably won't leave for the rest of the time, right?"

Shen Gongbao looked at him and said.

"There is still half a year left. I probably won't leave. I just retreated to see if I can go further." Jiang Che said.

"Haha, I'll find you when I'm free." Shen Gongbao smiled.

"You are always welcome." Jiang Che nodded.

Immediately, he turned and stepped into the mansion.

Watching Jiang Che enter the mansion, Shen Gongbao withdrew his gaze, looked at Qiu Xuan who was beside him, and said, "Senior Sister, what do you think of him?"

"It's very powerful. I'm afraid even the senior brothers can't surpass him. In the future, there must be a place for this person in the Central Continent's Talent List!"

Qiu Xuan looked serious.

Shen Gongbao blinked and looked at her: "That's not what I'm talking about."

Qiu Xuan: "?"

Looking at Shen Gongbao, she was at a loss.

"What do you mean?" She frowned.

Shen Gongbao: "I mean what do you think of others, do you want me as a junior..."

"Ah, senior sister, it hurts, let go!"

Before she finished speaking, Qiuxuan grabbed Shen Gongbao's ear with a jade hand.

Qiu Xuan's phoenix eyes were filled with evil spirits: "Stinky boy, if you dare to make fun of your senior sister, your skin is itchy, right?"

"It hurts, senior sister, I was wrong, don't say it, just don't say it." Shen Gongbao immediately begged for mercy.

"Hmph, next time, don't blame me for whipping you!"

Qiu Xuan snorted and put down her hand.

Shen Gongbao rubbed his ears, looked at her resentfully, wanted to say but dared not.


"Nine Apertures True Dragon Pill!"

Back in the mansion room, Jiang Che sat on the bed and took out his prize.

The golden elixir has nine holes that exhale a majestic breath.

A delicate and exquisite sky dragon phantom shuttles back and forth.

A scent permeates.

"Stabilize it first, and take it in a few days."

After calming down, Jiang Che let out a breath, and put away the Nine-Aperture True Dragon Pill.

The primordial spirit came out of the body, entered the map of mountains and rivers, and came to the front of the world tree.

Taking out the spiritual veins, Jiang Che drove two seventh-grade spiritual veins into the World Tree.


After absorbing two seventh-grade spiritual veins, the sky instantly trembled with thunder, and the void broke open, revealing space cracks.

The whole map of mountains and rivers trembled, as if it was about to collapse.

The vision lasted for a while before gradually dissipating.

Jiang Che looked up at the sky. Although the space had healed, he felt very unstable.

"The World Tree is too strong, and the Mountain and River Map is almost unbearable?"

A thought came to mind, and Jiang Che frowned.

Just now the map of mountains and rivers vibrated, and the source of the vibration came from the world tree.

Continuously absorbing the spiritual veins, the world tree grew stronger, and the space of the mountain and river map trembled twice.

Although he had calmed down, Jiang Che felt that if the World Tree grew again, the Mountains and Rivers Map might not be able to accommodate it.

"The low-grade Taoist artifacts can't bear it anymore. It seems that we need to find a stronger space magic weapon."

A thought flashed in Jiang Che's mind.

Looking at the 64 fruits of the world tree.

The golden color has increased, and it is one step closer to maturity.

"The second round of cultivation is successful. If the third round is cultivated, I'm afraid the current map of mountains and rivers will not work..."

Jiang Che frowned.

Space treasure, how can it be so easy.

To create a small void world, but his strength is more than ten thousand miles away.

Only the Thunder Tribulation Realm has this strength.

Now, he hasn't even broken through the primordial spirit yet.

"Let's see when the time comes, if we kill more monsters, we may be able to unleash some magic weapon of space."

The thought flashed, and Jiang Che immediately withdrew from the map of mountains and rivers.

The World Tree keeps growing. If the World Tree is not relocated, the Mountain and River Map will be destroyed in the future, and even the World Tree will be destroyed.

Either plant it in one place, so there is no problem, but if you want to carry it with you, you must get a stronger space magic weapon.

At least it must be a middle-grade Taoist weapon!
But this kind of magic weapon is already rare.

It's not something you can imagine.

Fortunately, he still has enough time, at least there is no problem in cultivating the second round of Pure Yang Fairy Fruit.

As for the third round, if he didn't get it, he stopped feeding it temporarily.

When the strength in the future is enough, we will refine the map of mountains and rivers.


Half a month passed quickly.

Longyang County is also getting more and more lively.

The news of the opening of Panhuang's secret realm spread quickly. Some people watched the excitement, and some came for Panhuang's secret realm with a secret key.

For half a month, Jiang Che basically stayed at home.

Practice in the mansion with peace of mind.

In Qingfengyuan, in a pavilion, Jiang Che sat cross-legged on a futon, motionless, his whole body was filled with true energy, and a layer of faint light enveloped his whole body.

Suddenly, his closed eyes opened, and a ray of light like lightning flashed across the black and white pupils.


Opening his mouth and exhaling, a burst of energy pierced the void like an arrow of air.

"It has been stable for half a month, it should be almost there."

Jiang Che's eyes flashed, and when he raised his hand, a jade box appeared, opened and healed, and the Nine-Aperture True Dragon Pill appeared in his eyes.

Looking at the Nine-Aperture True Dragon Pill in the jade box, Jiang Che took a deep breath, raised his hand and swallowed it in one gulp.


After swallowing the Nine-Aperture True Dragon Pill, a dragon's chant resounded through Qingfengyuan instantly from his body. Fortunately, it was covered by a formation and did not cause any vibrations.

In his body, a stream of gold gas turned into an imaginary real dragon, shuttled through his internal organs.

A powerful golden light rose around him.

Every pore exudes golden light.

A majestic breath burst out instantly, and the surrounding air froze.

The peaceful Qi and blood in the body boiled instantly.

The energy of the Nine-Aperture True Dragon Pill exploded, impacting the internal organs, and even his primordial spirit shook violently.

Jiang Che's body flew into the air, and a wave of golden energy dragged his physical body up.

Visualizing the thoughts of the gods and kings, Jiang Che crazily absorbed the power of the Nine-Aperture True Dragon Pill.

The physical body is constantly being transformed and changed.

There were continuous dragon chants in his body, and behind him, the phantom of a real dragon also manifested.

Absorbing the power of the Nine-Aperture True Dragon Pill wholeheartedly, Jiang Che shielded everything.

With Yuan Ling and Chaos Tengu protecting the law, he can concentrate on cultivation.


Three days passed in a flash.

Qingfengyuan, among the pavilions.

Jiang Che's figure landed on the futon, the phantom of the real dragon dissipated, and the golden energy disappeared.

The pupils opened, and a gleam of light flashed in Jiang Che's eyes.

With a thought, behind him, six primordial spirits appeared in an instant!

With the help of the Nine-Aperture True Dragon Pill, he successfully broke through the sixth soul.

Jindan is thicker and more powerful.

A majestic aura spread out, and the surrounding air trembled.


Letting out a breath, Jiang Che raised his hand, and a phantom of a real dragon faintly appeared behind him.

Immortal cultivation base breakthrough, reaching the sixth soul.

The physical changes are also very large.

Achieving the Nine-Aperture True Dragon Body!
Let his physical body grow again.

However, compared with the Dao Divine Body, the Nine-Aperture True Dragon Body is not at the same level.

Improvement is also obvious.

The bones in the body, the Dao Shenwen increased, and became brighter.

The blood in the body has also changed, the red blood is mixed with streaks of gold.

The enhancement of his physical body also improved his Dao Divine Body.

Although he had cultivated the Nine-Aperture True Dragon Body, he was still suppressed by the Dao Divine Body.

But it affects his strength.

As the physique is strengthened, the Taoist body will also be improved.

As soon as Void shook hands, the air in front of him was instantly annihilated, showing a small black hole, but it recovered in an instant.

"330 dragon power!"

"Nearly fifty dragons have been enhanced!"

Feeling the majestic power of his body, Jiang Che's eyes flashed with light.

330 dragons, more than three times that of a peak martial artist.

As his physical body improved, his limits continued to expand.

But the higher you go, the slower the improvement.

Being able to increase the power of fifty dragons in such a short period of time is enough to prove that the nine-orifice real dragon body has improved him.

"Absorbing dragon blood can also improve the body of a real dragon. If you can kill a real dragon, you should be able to increase it significantly..."

A thought came to his mind, but after thinking about it, Jiang Che threw out this ridiculous idea.

The real dragons of the Dragon Clan are the core.

The Dragon Clan of the Four Seas, that is not something he can contend with now.

The four Dragon Emperors are all Thunder Tribulation Supremes.

Hunting the real dragon, then he is definitely the mortal enemy of the dragon clan.

The pursuit was probably more violent than the one in the South China Sea back then.

But if there is an opportunity, Jiang Che will not let it go.

It is definitely not possible to break into the Dragon Clan's stronghold, because the strength is not enough.

But if you are lucky and meet the real dragon who is alone, there is still hope.

Of course, that was at least after the Panhuang Secret Realm.

After Panhuang Secret Realm passed, he was going back to Donghuang to see if there was any chance on the way.

Yes, then he naturally doesn't mind cutting the dragon along the way!
If you offend, you will be offended. Jiang Che will naturally blame the Dragon Clan for this account when he was hunted down in the South China Sea.

Without the order of the Dragon Clan, the Sea Clan would not chase and kill them on a large scale.

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge!
With strength, overthrow the Dragon Clan!


Half a month passed again.

Jiang Che has also completely stabilized his realm strength.

For the rest of the time, he planned to remain in seclusion.

There are also two pure yang fairy fruits, although they can't help him break through the seventh soul, but they can also go to a higher level.

The stronger the strength, the more likely it is to gain a lot in the Panhuang Secret Realm.

In Panhuang's secret realm, there are treasures, but there are also many dangers.

Desolate beasts, this special species of monsters from the extraterrestrial starry sky, are also very dangerous.



During the cultivation, Jiang Che suddenly opened his eyes and cast his gaze towards the entrance of the mansion.

After spiritual investigation, at the entrance of the mansion, many figures in uniform clothes appeared at his door.

It seemed that this was a member of the court of the Suzaku Dynasty.

There was also a luxurious carriage parked at the door, Jiang Che did not rashly check the people in the carriage.

In an instant, he came to the door, and he opened it.

A middle-aged man in a black robe was standing at the door.

Jiang Che looked at the middle-aged man in a black robe, and then glanced at the dozen or so figures, they should be guards.

The middle-aged man in the black robe is powerful, with the cultivation base of Yuanshen in the early stage.

Jiang Che frowned, looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, and said, "Who are you?"

The middle-aged man smiled, looked at him, and said, "Is your Excellency Jiang Che?"

"What can you do with me?" Jiang Che looked at the middle-aged man and asked.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man smiled and said: "I have seen fellow Taoists, please don't misunderstand me, I am the chief steward of His Highness the Third Highness of the Suzaku Dynasty. Today, His Highness personally came to visit and wanted to make friends with Your Excellency."

"Three Highnesses?"

Jiang Che's eyes fell on the luxury car.

At this moment, the curtain of the carriage was lifted, and a figure stepped down from the carriage.

Wearing a white jade crown on his head, wearing a Qingyun white sun robe, and foot boats flying into the sky and cloud boots.

His face was fair and clean, exuding an invisible aura.

It looks majestic yet kind.

The young man got off the car, and the guard beside him immediately bowed his head.

Within a few steps, he came in front of Jiang Che.

Youth is also the cultivation base of Yuanshen in the early stage.

When the eyes met, Jiang Che frowned slightly.

At this moment, the middle-aged man spoke and said, "Young Daoist Jiang, this is my Highness the Third Prince of the Suzaku Dynasty."

The third prince looked at him and said: "I have heard about your name for a long time. A month ago, at Longquan Villa, Your Excellency performed extremely well. I am here today and want to see you."

The third prince looked at him, although his tone was kind, but there was an air of arrogance all the time between his brows.

Jiang Che looked at the third prince with a calm expression, "Third prince, let's talk about something, Jiang can't understand."

The third prince smiled, "I always like to make friends with some geniuses. Today's purpose is to make friends with you."

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid I'm not qualified to make friends with the third prince." Jiang Che said lightly.

As soon as the words came out, the third prince's face froze, but he smiled again in an instant, looked at Jiang Che, and said, "Why refuse so quickly, make friends with me..."

"I'm sorry, I'm going to retreat, and I don't have time to entertain."

Before the third prince finished speaking, Jiang Che turned around without saying a word.

The door is also closed!


The third prince's face was instantly gloomy, and his eyes were as cold as ice.

"Your Highness, what should we do?" A middle-aged man asked beside him.

"You don't have to drink the toast!" The third prince's expression turned ugly.

The middle-aged man's face changed, and he said: "Your Highness, don't be impulsive, this person has a lot of background, don't do it lightly!"

"Should I use your teaching?" The third prince looked at him coldly, then turned around: "Go back to the residence."


(End of this chapter)

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