Chapter 158

The vitality of heaven and earth rioted, and a violent breath rushed out of the canyon in an instant.

Before Jiang Che could make a move, the desolate beasts in the canyon had already detected it in advance, and immediately lifted off into the sky.

A huge desolate beast with a volume of hundreds of feet appeared in front of him.

In the middle stage of Yuanshen, the breath permeated out.

Shaped like a wolf, a frightening light burst out from those huge pupils that were as large as millstones.


Standing in the void, opening his mouth to roar, a powerful sonic force swept in like a flood.

"Heavenly Sword Slash!"

Holding the Shura sword in his hand, Jiang Che slashed out without hesitation. The Shura demon soul was aroused, the blood-colored sword energy tore through the void, and the heaven-shocking divine sword came head-on.


Inspired by a sword, combined with the Heavenly Sword Slash, this sword instantly changed the color of the world.

The tearing sound wave fell on the huge monster in an instant.

Black blood spurted out, and a sword penetrated the defense.

A powerful wave swayed, shaking the void.


So close to Tianya activated, and within a breath, Jiang Che came in front of the injured desolate beast.

The dark mountains and rivers manifested, and the Abi God Bridge emerged and fell down brazenly.


The ground cracked, the canyon shook, and the waves spread for hundreds of miles.

Baizhang's body smashed into the Grand Canyon like a meteorite, stirring up dust and smoke.


The Six Paths of Reincarnation was severely wounded, and Jiang Che didn't give him any chance to breathe. The Shura Sword was activated again, arousing the demon soul, and the blood-colored Shura Sword Qi directly pierced through the body of the desolate beast.

The majestic vitality dissipated instantly.

The canyon suffered extensive destruction.

The huge desolate beast of hundreds of feet was dying.

Primordial spirit-level desolate beasts are also very tenacious in their vitality.

The third sword came, penetrated instantly, blood gushed out, and fell completely.


The demon book vibrated, and a purple reward light group appeared on the bronze book.

Cosmic word eight!

As the Shura sword entered his body, Jiang Che flashed into the void, and instantly came to the deepest part of the Grand Canyon.

In the ground, a sixth-grade spiritual vein was imprisoned, captured in the void, and taken out instantly.

He didn't let go of the corpse of this Yuanshen level desolate beast either, and put all of it in the Mountain and River Map.

But just as Jiang Che was about to send this sixth-grade spiritual vein into the map of mountains and rivers, in the depths of the void, a black light broke through the sky instantly.

As soon as Jiang Che raised his hand, the Artistic Conception King Fist was launched, and he punched through the air, shattering the ray of light.

At the same time, he also included this sixth-grade spiritual vein in the map of mountains and rivers.

Looking deep into the void, an old man in black robe appeared in his eyes.

Yuanshen's initial cultivation base.

Seeing Jiang Che easily blocked his own attack, the expression of the old man in black changed.

"Ahem, misunderstood, I thought it was a desolate beast just now, so I will leave first."

After finishing speaking, the old man in black robe turned around directly and walked away into the distance.


With a flash of cold light, Jiang Che activated So Far Away, disappeared instantly, reappeared, and came directly in front of the black-robed old man.

Instantly intercept!

"What do you want to do?"

The old man in black robe looked vigilant, and his whole body was filled with true energy.

"Don't do anything, since it's a misunderstanding, then I will misunderstanding you." Jiang Che's voice sounded.

As soon as the words fell, a bloody sword energy struck instantly.


The black-robed old man was startled and angry, the true energy in his body erupted in an instant, and he directly used the power of the primordial spirit, his supernatural power exploded, and he directly met the blow.


The void exploded, and a shock wave swept across.


With one strike, the old man in black vomited blood, and was shocked back thousands of feet.

Looking at Jiang Che, his eyes were full of fear and horror.

In one blow confrontation, the young man in front of him was not injured at all, but he was seriously injured.


A gray light rose, and without hesitation, the black-robed old man took the road in an instant.

This young man is no match for him, if he doesn't run away, he will be the one who dies.

The evasion method exploded at an extreme speed, and the speed soared to the extreme.

In the blink of an eye, it reached within a hundred miles.

"Why are you running? Since Your Excellency likes to misunderstand, then I will misunderstand with you!"

During the hurricane, a cold voice came from beside my ear.

The black-robed old man's face was startled, but before he could react, a terrifying force struck directly behind him.

The breath of death enveloped the heart instantly.

Instinctively reacted, all the true energy was instantly aroused.


A layer of qi shield covered the whole body, but in the next second, with a click, the zhenqi shield instantly shattered.

A vast force poured into his body, his internal organs were shattered, and his primordial spirit also collapsed under one blow, and the breath of life was completely cut off.

His body hit the ground like a puddle of mud.

One second he was still fleeing, and the next second, he fell directly, and the primordial spirit didn't even have time to escape, and the dead couldn't die anymore.

Jiang Che's figure appeared and came before the dead old man in black robe.

Before he started to search, a ray of light rushed up, quickly sank into the void, and disappeared completely.

"The Emperor's Secret Key..."

Jiang Che looked into the void, the light just now was not the person's primordial spirit, but the Panhuang Secret Key.

After his death, the Panhuang Secret Key also disappeared.

Withdrawing his gaze, Jiang Che looked at the corpse in front of him again, quickly searched the body, and found the storage ring.

Spreading his hands, the lightning flashed, and the body of the black-robed old man instantly disappeared under the lightning, completely erasing all traces of the world.

He was attacked by someone, but he didn't let it go that easily.

We must be crushed and ashes, and the funeral service is in place!

After solving it quickly, Jiang Che also disappeared in place.


After a while, he left the Gobi Desert and came to a mountain.

First check the storage ring, a low-grade Taoist device.

There are also many top-quality spirit treasures.

In addition, pills, talismans, and some special materials.

There is an eighth-rank spiritual vein.

There are almost more than 100 million low-grade spirit stones.

After counting all of them and sorting them one by one, Jiang Che directly fed all the spirit veins and spirit stones to the World Tree.

The fruit of Chunyang Fairy Fruit is ripe again.

The golden color on top also adds a point.

"Look at the reward..."

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Che stabilized his mind, and with a thought, he immediately took out the reward.

He is full of expectations for the reward of the eighth grade of Zhou Zi.

This is the first cosmic character reward that pops up when entering the Panhuang Secret Realm.


The light flashed, and there was a burning feeling from the primordial spirit in front of his eyes.

A strange flame the size of a fist appeared in front of him.

The flame is purple.

As soon as it appeared, the void was scorched and distorted.

Looking at the purple flame in front of him, Jiang Che's soul felt extremely dangerous.

This group of flames seemed to be able to easily burn his primordial spirit.

The reward that burst out burst into a group of purple flames.

Jiang Che felt incredible.

It was only the size of a fist, but he felt that this purple flame contained enormous power.

"What reward is this?"

Jiang Che was stunned.

And at this moment, the dark font appeared in his eyes.

Dutian Divine Fire: Congenital Divine Fire, burns everything, has fatal damage to the primordial spirit, the primordial spirit is contaminated, the body dies and the dao disappears...

"Dutian Shenhuo..."

Looking at the fonts in his eyes, Jiang Che took a long time to come back to his senses.

The innate fire broke out!
It is not an ordinary flame, but an innate divine fire that surpasses real fire.

Contains a huge attack power.

Controlling Dutian Shenhuo, he can withstand most of the world's Shenhuo.

And it can grow independently.

As long as you refine the Dutian Divine Fire, you can completely control it. When defending against the enemy, you can also release the Divine Fire to burn the enemy.

If the primordial spirit is contaminated, the consequences will be extremely serious.

Even if his primordial spirit was contaminated with Dutian Shenhuo, it would be completely incinerated.

This time, such a reward broke out, and Jiang Che felt it was unbelievable.

unexpected surprise!
"Refining first!"

Jiang Che came back to his senses and quickly made up his mind.

It doesn't work without refining.

Even if he didn't refine Dutian Shenhuo, he couldn't take it away.

The space for storing the magic weapon, even the map of mountains and rivers, can be burned for him.

Burn the primordial spirit, burn the space.

It is easy for Dutian Shenhuo.

Summoning Yuan Ling and Chaos Tengu Protector, Jiang Che followed the message prompts and started refining with one hand.

A series of seals penetrated into the divine fire of Dutian.

The purple flame seems to have life-like changes.

A special wave swayed out.


Three days passed quickly.

On the hillside, Jiang Che entered the last seal, and instantly, his primordial spirit was shaken.

With a single thought, the Dutian Shenhuo that was hanging in the air in front of his eyes instantly submerged into his body.

In the next second, Dutian Shenhuo appeared in his dantian.

After the complete sacrifice, Dutian Shenhuo didn't feel the slightest blazing heat.

But Jiang Che could clearly feel the power of Dutian Shenhuo.

Just one thought can erupt the power of Dutian Shenhuo.


As soon as he raised his hand, Dutian Shenhuo appeared in his palm instantly.

The purple flame burned, and the space was directly distorted.

"This power is more than a thousand times more powerful than the real fire of Jindan!"

Jiang Che's eyes were burning, looking at Dutian Shenhuo in his hand.

And at this moment, there was a bird song from the sky.

A desolate beast roc flew across the sky.

As soon as Jiang Che raised his hand, Dutian Shenhuo erupted in an instant, rushed directly into the void of Jiuxiao, and landed on the body of the desolate beast Dapeng in an instant.

Not even a scream was made.

This late Jindan Dapeng bird was directly burned to death.

After a few breaths, even the wreckage was gone.

Burn directly into nothingness.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Che's pupils shrank slightly.

The power of Dutian Shenhuo seems to be more powerful than imagined.

With a thought, Dutian Shenhuo appeared in his hand.

Looking at the burning Dutian Divine Fire in his palm, Jiang Che also showed joy in his eyes.

It took three days to refine Dutian Shenhuo, and it was finally worth it.

This will also be his new hole card.

Unexpectedly, Yuanshen also has to die!

With one thought, the Dutian Shenhuo in his palm disappeared and appeared in the dantian.

After refining Dutian Shenhuo, Jiang Che was in a great mood.

Dutian Shenhuo has more than just the ability to kill the enemy.

At the same time, it can also cleanse the body, wash away the impurities in the soul, and improve the body and soul.

At the same time, when crossing the catastrophe, he can also use the Dutian Divine Fire to absorb the Heavenly Tribulation and strengthen the Dutian Divine Fire.

All kinds of benefits are wonderful!

The first cosmic word reward really gave him a big surprise.

"To be able to grow continuously... Tsk tsk, in the future, the power must be terrifying."

Jiang Che smacked his lips, his figure moved, and instantly disappeared in place.

After sacrificing Dutian Shenhuo, he was delayed for three days. Now, he should continue to act.


Night falls.

The sky is like ink, without the slightest light.

In Panhuang's secret realm, on a cliff on top of a mountain, Jiang Che's figure appeared.

During the day, he hunted and killed a few wild beasts again, but he did not meet any wild beasts of the primordial spirit level.

The cold wind howled, and the temperature at night was exceptionally cold.

But as far as his physical body is concerned, this bit of coldness is nothing.

"Tonight, rest here first."

Withdrawing his gaze, Jiang Che immediately sat cross-legged on the spot, a layer of true energy enveloped his whole body, and the coldness in the air had no effect on him.


The next day, Dongfang Taibai.

When the first ray of morning light rose, Jiang Che woke up.

Looking into the distance, the figure disappeared on the cliff as soon as it moved.

While heading towards the direction with the strongest aura, Jiang Che did not forget to check the surrounding situation.

Traveling through the clouds and fog, it is easy to be seen by desolate beasts.

Use your body as bait to catch wild beasts!
Jiang Che is quite proficient in this set.

Moving forward, a blue lake appeared in his eyes.

Looking down from the sky, you can have a panoramic view of the lake.

The blue lake is like the sapphire of the earth, and the surface of the lake is sparkling.

"There is breath..."

Looking at the blue lake below, Jiang Che stopped moving forward, stood in the clouds, raised his hand lightly, and purple lightning flashed in the void.


In the next breath, a radiant purple sky thunder descended from the sky, heading towards the lake.

Before falling into the lake, the calm lake suddenly exploded, and a huge black shadow sprang out from the lake.

The blue light shone and directly met the Zixiao Shenlei.

It exploded in mid-air, and a powerful airflow hit the surroundings, and the trees around the lake were instantly uprooted.


The electric light is bright and dazzling.

Amidst the purple lightning, a huge desolate beast with a size of more than ten feet appeared in his eyes.

A crocodile in blue armor.

Relying on the hard armor, he forcibly resisted the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder.

However, he was also injured, and there were scorched black marks on his body.


Looking at Jiang Che in the white clouds, this crocodile-like desolate beast let out a terrifying roar.

Opening his mouth to spit out, a blue light instantly cut through the void and came towards Jiang Che.

But before they got close, Jiang Che directly shattered the attack as soon as he raised his hand.

"Peak of Jindan, not yet Yuanshen... It's a pity."

Looking at this desolate beast, Jiang Che sighed in his heart, then raised his hand, and a purple light rushed out instantly.

All gods are on fire!

The pupils of the desolate beast shrank, as if sensing the deadly power, with a flick of its tail, a large amount of lake water poured into Dutian Shenhuo.

The lake water washed away, but there was still no sign of the Dutian Divine Fire being extinguished.

Breaking through the lake, it landed on the wild beast in an instant.

A shrill roar sounded instantly.

With a bang, the desolate beast burned by Dutian's fire plunged headlong into the lake.

At the same time, the demon book vibrated, and a golden reward light group appeared.

Hongzi Fifth Grade!

The desolate beast at the peak of Jindan couldn't last a few breaths, and was wiped out by Dutian Shenhuo in an instant.

The corpses were all burned.

The entire lake boiled in an instant, gurgling smoke.

As soon as Jiang Che raised his hand, the Dutian Shenhuo that fell into the lake was immediately taken back.


"There is still a spiritual vein?!"

Just as Jiang Che was about to leave, he scanned the lake with his spiritual sense and instantly noticed something strange about the lake.

Deep in the bottom of the lake, the breath of spiritual veins appeared.

Picking up the Water Avoidance Art, Jiang Che plunged directly into the blue lake without hesitation.


A moment later, the lake surface was churning, and Jiang Che's figure rushed out.

At the bottom of the lake, he found three eighth-rank spiritual veins, which was a small gain.

Let the world tree feed directly.

After absorbing three eighth-rank spiritual veins, the pure yang fairy fruit has matured a little more.

The map of mountains and rivers shook, and soon calmed down again.

With continuous absorption, the world tree is also growing, but the vibration frequency of the mountain and river map is also faster.

Jiang Che reckoned that if he persisted until the second round of Chunyang Xianguo matured at most and continued to feed it, it would very likely cause the space of the Mountain and River Map to collapse directly.

"We need to find more powerful wild beasts..."

Looking into the distance, Jiang Che's eyes flickered.

The rewards in the Demon Book are all kinds of strange things.

It is not surprising that the magic weapon of space exploded.

However, only by hunting more powerful wild beasts can the chances be increased.


As soon as the thought occurred, Jiang Che disappeared beside the lake in an instant.


three days later.

In front of a huge glacier, Jiang Che's figure appeared.

Looking at the glacier in front of him, he looked far away.

It stretches as far as the eye can see, and even the divine sense cannot detect the end of the glacier, which shows that this glacier is at least a thousand miles away.

In three days, Jiang Che killed quite a few desolate beasts, but he still didn't encounter a second primordial spirit-level desolate beast.

Just when Jiang Che was about to go deep into the glacier, there was a sound of breaking through the air in the distance.

A figure came galloping.

Jiang Che also looked away instantly.

In the Panhuang Secret Realm, apart from being careful of desolate beasts, it should be other people who are more careful.

Jiang Che would not easily fight against others, but he must be on guard against others.

If you don't do it yourself, it's hard to guarantee that others won't do it to you.

The figure came quickly.

It was a young man wearing a white jade crown and brocade clothes.

The cultivation base of Yuanshen in the early stage.

"This person..."

"I seem to have seen it before."

Looking at this figure coming from a distance, Jiang Che thought for a while.

Suddenly, he thought of it.

The third prince of the Suzaku Dynasty.

Met here!

Jiang Che was surprised.

Panhuang's secret realm is vast, and during the few days he came here, he met only a handful of other people.

Spread out too much.

And at this moment, the third prince also arrived in front of Jiang Che.

"It's you!"

Seeing Jiang Che's face clearly, the third prince was slightly taken aback.

Jiang Che also came back to his senses.

Eyes meet.

The third prince's face changed slightly.

He had personally witnessed Jiang Che's battle in Longquan Villa.

This person is very powerful.

At the beginning, I wanted to win over this person, but was ruthlessly rejected.

When they met here, the third prince instantly became vigilant.

The ghost knows who it is to attack in Panhuang's secret realm.

Here, no one can trust me except myself.

"It seems that he is afraid of my attack... Do I look so cruel?"

Seeing the vigilant look on the Third Prince's face, Jiang Che instantly understood something.

Afraid to do it yourself!
However, under normal circumstances, Jiang Che would not attack unless it caused him trouble.

Otherwise, even the prince of the Suzaku Dynasty, he would not hesitate to do it.

Of course, you can do it only when you are sure that you can destroy the opponent.

Frustrated and ashes, a dragon was buried!

If there is a trace of trouble, it may turn into a ticking time bomb in the future.

There seemed to be an awkward atmosphere in the air.

Neither of them spoke, they just watched.

Jiang Che settled down, and finally took a look at the third prince. His figure turned into a ray of white light and rushed towards the glacier in front of him.

"This fellow..."

Looking at Jiang Che who entered the glacier, the third prince's eyes flashed, but he was slightly relieved.

If you really do it, it's dangerous.

It's okay if he doesn't know, knowing Jiang Che's strength, he doesn't dare to underestimate him.

After stopping in front of the glacier for a while, the third prince finally stepped into the glacier.

As long as you are careful and try not to confront this pervert, you should be fine.


The glaciers towered and stretched as far as the eye could see.

Some glaciers are bigger than mountains.

Stepping into it is like entering a world of ice.

"This guy also came in..."

While advancing, Jiang Che also noticed the Third Prince who was not far behind him.

Keep a relatively safe distance from him, neither too close nor too far away.

Infuriating body protection, always maintain the highest vigilance.

Jiang Che didn't say much either.

The direction he was heading was also the core of the Panhuang Secret Realm.

The direction is the same, and it can't explain anything.


"This guy unscrupulously uses his divine sense to investigate the situation, isn't he afraid of attracting powerful wild beasts?"

Feeling the divine sense swept over his body, the Third Prince's heart trembled.

Basically, I don't use my spiritual sense, because it's easy to alarm wild beasts.

Powerful desolate beasts can easily capture the spirit and follow them.

So unscrupulous, the third prince really couldn't believe it.

"Maybe it's because I have enough confidence in my own strength, but if I stumble, I'll know what it's like, I'm too young..."

Thoughts flashed in my mind, but the third prince kept walking, following Jiang Che from a distance, but never getting too close.

Jiang Che used his spiritual sense to search so recklessly, he would not say anything.

Anyway, it's not me who suffers.

If there is a situation, you can run away at any time.


Continuing to go deeper, Jiang Che maintained a very stable speed.

Suddenly, an iceberg exploded, and a snow-white figure rushed out of the iceberg.

A majestic breath emerged, and the air was filled with a strong sense of oppression.

Jiang Che's footsteps stopped instantly.

In the distance, the third prince also stopped, looking warily at the huge monster jumping out of the iceberg.

A white ape ten feet tall, with a pair of green eyes, is very frightening.

The existence of the middle stage of Yuanshen.

Stepping on the ice, a pair of eyes looked at Jiang Che.

And looking at the white ape desolate beast that appeared in front of him, a bright smile suddenly appeared on Jiang Che's face.

Very good, I finally met a primordial spirit-level desolate beast.

He couldn't hold back anymore, he couldn't wait!

"He seems to be smiling..."

In the distance, the Third Prince looked at the expression on Jiang Che's face with a stunned expression.

He still laughs?
Good guy, this looks like a longing to meet a desolate beast?
this person...

Either crazy or sick!

"The desolate beast in the middle stage of Yuanshen, with his strength, should be able to kill it, I just look at it."

The third prince's eyes flashed, and his mind also calmed down.

It doesn't hurt to follow.

If Jiang Che can't beat him, then he can run away at any time, and he can also make up the knife if he has the opportunity.

No matter why Jiang Che was laughing, if someone opened the way anyway, he would be much safer.

He can get away at any time, he has nothing to worry about.


The White Ape Desolate Beast roared, and with a movement of its huge hand, it pulled up an iceberg and threw it directly towards Jiang Che.

 There is another update in the morning. On the first day of July, it will explode to [-]. Please subscribe for a monthly pass~
(End of this chapter)

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