I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 159 Swallowing Spiritual Fire and Slashing the Giant Monster 】

Chapter 159 Swallowing the Spiritual Fire and Slashing the Giant Monster 】

Huge icebergs smashed down, the air was directly crushed, and the cold wind howled.


As soon as Jiang Che raised his hand, the blood in his body instantly condensed a little, and a layer of golden light bloomed in his fist.


The Artistic Conception King Fist was launched brazenly, bursting the void, and with the next breath, the huge iceberg was instantly blown apart by the punch.

The scattered ice cubes and slag rushed to the surroundings, as if it was raining ice slag.


Stepping out with one step, Jiang Che came to the back of this desolate beast in an instant.


The wild beast White Ape roared, and instantly realized that a huge fist smashed towards him with terrifying force.

Raising his hand and clenching his fist, Jiang Che blasted out with a frontal blow.


Fist and fist collided, Jiang Che's figure remained motionless, and the body of the wild beast White Ape was directly blasted away.

The huge body of more than ten feet crashed into icebergs one after another, and big holes were smashed in the ice surface, and bitter sea water emerged.

"His physical body is so powerful!!"

In the distance, the third prince watched this scene, his pupils shrank instantly.

Jiang Che's physical body was beyond his imagination.

The body of the desolate beast, ordinary magic weapons are useless.

In a frontal collision, he may not be able to easily receive the punch.

The fear in my heart rose again.


In the void, a thick purple sky thunder flashed, and the violent divine thunder blasted towards the wild beast white ape in an instant.

A painful growl sounded again.

Immediately afterwards, the Buddha's light bloomed, and Buddhas manifested one by one.

Great day Tathagata printed!
The fusion of nine styles will cause ten thousand Buddhas to perish!
Just after receiving a blow from the Great Sky Thunder Technique, the second fatal blow came in an instant.


The Baili Glacier shook, and the icebergs were instantly destroyed. The ice surface exploded directly, revealing a huge hole, and icy sea water poured out.

Powerful shock waves swept around.

The third prince had no choice but to retreat quickly.

Immediately after the blow, a shocking blood-colored sword energy descended, falling on the wild beast White Ape in the center, and the painful roar sounded again.

But soon there was no interest.

On an iceberg, the third prince looked at the shattered ice cave, and with a bang, Jiang Che charged out with the dead wild beast White Ape in his hand.

The desolate beast in the middle stage of Yuanshen was instantly killed by Jiang Che.

With a wave of his hand, he quickly collected the huge corpse into the map of mountains and rivers.

Jiang Che was in a good mood after finishing the primordial spirit level desolate beast White Ape.

It is another reward of the eighth grade of the universe character.

Feel at ease.

Standing on the ice, Jiang Che glanced at the third prince in the distance, and immediately disappeared in place.

After Jiang Che left, the third prince on the iceberg in the distance appeared.

Looking at the huge shattered ice cave, the residual breath still made him feel a little palpitation.

This white ape, a desolate beast in the middle stage of the primordial spirit, was directly killed by Jiang Che.

It was completely crushed, and there was no way to fight back.

Even if you use the magic weapon yourself, I'm afraid it won't be so easy.

This time, the Third Prince completely understood why Jiang Che refused so decisively in the first place.

Not at all.

Although his cultivation is at the peak of Jindan, his own strength is enough to crush him.

The gap is not generally large.

After standing still for a while, the figure of the third prince flashed and disappeared in place.

Endless Glacier.

On an iceberg, Jiang Che's figure descended from the sky.

Ji Su temporarily got rid of the third prince, checked the surroundings for no special circumstances, and Jiang Che immediately withdrew the reward as soon as he had a thought.

With a flash of light, a white flame appeared in front of him.

Jiang Che: "..."

Good guy, you're on fire again?
Looking at the fist-sized white flame in front of him, Jiang Che's heart twitched.

Shenhuo is very good...

To calm down the fluctuation in his heart, Jiang Che looked at the white flame in front of him.

Instead of the blazing heat of Dutian Shenhuo, there is a kind of coldness.

It's not like a flame, it's more like extreme ice.

This kind of coldness is not the coldness of the body, but the coldness from the soul.

It's really *chilling!

At this moment, the dark font appeared in the eyes.

Nether spirit fire: One of the spirit fires of heaven and earth, which comes from the Nine Nethers, contains the extreme coldness of heaven and earth, and freezes the primordial spirit when defending against enemies...

Looking at the font in his eyes, Jiang Che came back to his senses.

Looking at the white flame in front of him, he blinked.

"Ghost Spirit Fire, the name is quite appropriate..."


Suddenly, Jiang Che frowned, spread out his hands, and Dutian Shenhuo manifested in his palms.

The divine fire danced in his palm, and after refining the Dutian divine fire, Jiang Che could sense the changes in the Dutian divine fire.

"Is this trying to devour the ghost fire in front of you?"

Looking at the blazing Dutian Divine Fire, Jiang Che looked at the Nether Spiritual Fire in front of him.

With a single thought, the purple flame rushed out instantly, sweeping the Nether Spirit Fire.

Wrapping the Nether Spirit Fire, Jiang Che could clearly feel a bone-piercing chill erupting from the Nether Spirit Fire.

It seems... to be resisting!

However, when the Nether Spirit Fire resisted for an instant, the blazing heat of the Dutian Divine Fire instantly covered the piercing chill.

The two kinds of flames intertwined, and finally, Dutian Divine Fire completely swallowed the Nether Spiritual Fire.

Jiang Che could clearly feel the changes in the Dutian Divine Fire that devoured the Nether Spiritual Fire.

more powerful.

However, it feels like the blazing heat of Dutian Shenhuo seems to have decreased by a point.

Gently raising his hand, the Dutian Shenhuo that was suspended in the air fell into his palm in an instant.

After devouring the Nether Spirit Fire, the purple flame of Dutian Divine Fire became more intense.

Among the purple, there is a trace of white.


With a single thought, the Dutian Shenhuo in front of him suddenly changed, from a purple flame form to a white flame form.

Same as ghost spirit fire.

However, it does not have the coldness of the Nether Spirit Fire, it is still hot.

"Having swallowed the Nether Spirit Fire, could it be possible that he also gained the power of the Nether Spirit Fire?"

Jiang Che blinked his eyes, and with one thought, the next breath, a domineering cold burst out of thin air, and the void in front of him was instantly frozen.


Seeing the changes in Dutian Shenhuo, Jiang Che's expression was joyful.

This ability to freeze is no worse than the ability to incinerate!

Freeze the void directly!

With a single thought, the white Dutian Divine Fire changed back to purple form again, bursting into flames, and the frozen void disappeared in an instant, returning to normal.

After repeated attempts many times, Jiang Che finally confirmed that Dutian Shenhuo swallowed the Nether Spiritual Fire and also gained the ability of the Nether Spiritual Fire.

At the same time, Dutian Shenhuo has strengthened a lot.

The power is even more terrifying!

Jiang Che let out a breath, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

With a thought, Dutian Shenhuo instantly sank into his body.

Looking inside the dantian, looking at Dutian Shenhuo in the dantian, a thought flashed in his mind.

"If I absorb enough Spirit Fire Divine Fire, then with the power of Dutian Divine Fire, I will be able to rule the world..."

The thought was fleeting, and Jiang Che quickly calmed down.

The idea is very good, but it is not so easy to get the heaven and earth fire and spirit fire.

Even if there is, it is controlled by the big forces.

"Kill more desolate beasts, there should be hope for them to explode..."

Looking at the glacier in the distance, Jiang Che's thoughts flashed.


"Following up again."

Suddenly, Jiang Che sensed a breath, and in the void, a ray of light appeared in his eyes.

It was the third prince!
Jiang Che stood on top of the iceberg, and the third prince looked at Jiang Che on top of the iceberg, showing vigilance.

"Why did he stop... Did he wait for me on purpose?"

The third prince stood in the void, looking at Jiang Che on the iceberg, his mind instantly became dignified.

Jiang Che just glanced at it, and in the next breath, his figure disappeared on the top of the iceberg, heading towards the depths of the endless glacier.

"What are you doing?"

The third prince frowned tightly, his eyes were deep.

After staying in the void for a while, he still planned to continue to follow Jiang Che.

At present, it seems that Jiang Che is not interested in him, but he has no malicious intentions either.

As long as he doesn't do anything out of the ordinary, La should be fine.

He is naturally happy to have free masters open the way.

Even if some treasures are obtained by Jiang Che, there is no big problem.

Panhuang Shrine is the treasure place at the core of the secret realm.

If there are treasures in other places, that's not a big problem.


Five days passed.

Jiang Che and the third prince left the land of endless glaciers and stepped into a verdant prairie.

Except for the primordial-level desolate beast that he first encountered in the endless glacier, Jiang Che did not encounter any primordial-level desolate beast during the five days.

I met a lot of golden core-level desolate beasts.

They were killed one by one.

During this period, a kind of spiritual fire broke out again, Chiyang Spiritual Fire, which is a weaker kind of spiritual fire, and its power is stronger than that of Jindan True Fire.

However, it is also the spiritual fire of heaven and earth, which is still swallowed by the divine fire of Dutian.

After devouring two kinds of spiritual fires in succession, the power of the Dutian divine fire became even stronger.

Stepping out of the endless glacier and entering the prairie, Jiang Che could feel a more surging aura.

It took about ten days or so to enter the Panhuang Secret Realm, and the further you went to the core, the more aura surged.

Looking at the green prairie in front of him, Jiang Che felt at ease.

He stopped and looked back, the third prince was standing in the distance, and he also stopped.

For five days, Jiang Che moved forward, and the third prince followed suit. When he stopped, the third prince also stopped.

The two seemed to have some kind of tacit understanding.

The third prince followed from a distance, keeping a certain distance.

Jiang Che didn't say anything.

As long as it doesn't hinder him.

"Does this guy know more about the Panhuang Secret Realm?"

Looking at the Third Prince in the distance, Jiang Che thought for a while.

"You can ask."

With a firm mind, Jiang Che looked at the third prince and stepped forward.

Seeing Jiang Che coming towards him, the Third Prince retreated instantly.

His expression became more vigilant.

Jiang Che: "..."

Am I that scary looking?

Looking at the third prince who was ready to run away at any time, Jiang Che's heart twitched.

Stabilize your mind, and transmit the sound directly: "Third Highness, I would like to ask His Highness, are you familiar with some places in the Panhuang Secret Realm? For example, where are the most desolate beasts?"

Jiang Che's voice sounded next to the third prince's ear, word by word, reaching the third prince's ear.

Hearing these words, the Third Prince was taken aback for a moment.

Looking at Jiang Che, the vigilance on his face disappeared, and then a look of astonishment appeared.

Looking for the place with the most wild beasts?

Does he have a fever?
Seeing that the third prince didn't answer, Jiang Che frowned slightly, and transmitted the voice again: "Does the third prince know where powerful desolate beasts appear? If so, you can tell me."

"I am not sure."

This time, the third prince finally spoke.

Hearing these words, Jiang Che was slightly disappointed.

With a sigh, he turned around and continued on his way to the prairie.

Looking at Jiang Che who was going deep into the prairie, the Third Prince frowned.

This Jiang Che, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd?

Looking specifically for the place with the most wild beasts?

And this hobby?

Thoughts were running wild in his mind, but after thinking for a long time, the third prince couldn't come up with any reasonable explanation.

After calming down the distracting thoughts in his heart, his figure turned into light, and continued to chase after Jiang Che.


The vast prairie.

A white cloud drifted over from the void, and Jiang Che rode the cloud and rode forward.

After entering the grassland for three days, the strange thing was that he didn't even meet a single desolate beast.

This situation made him even more depressed.

Without the appearance of wild beasts, he couldn't feel better.

"Paralysis, could this have something to do with it?"

Jiang Che glanced at the third prince who was following in the distance, and a thought flashed in his mind.

But after thinking about it, he threw this ridiculous idea out of his mind again.

It might just be a coincidence that he didn't meet the desolate beast.

"It would be great if Shen Gongbao followed..."

"With his disaster star physique, he will definitely be able to attract many wild beasts."

Looking at the clear blue sky, at this moment, Jiang Che missed Shen Gongbao a little bit.

With Shen Gongbao, he would definitely meet many desolate beasts and attract more powerful desolate beasts.

The calamity physique is a powerful support for him.


Just as Jiang Che was thinking wildly, a wave suddenly came from deep in the grassland.

In the void in the distance, a long rainbow struck.

Jiang Che came back to his senses in an instant, and fixed his eyes. Among the Changhong, a young man in a blue Taoist robe appeared in his eyes.

Traveling through the void at extreme speed.

"Shen Gongbao?!"

Seeing this figure, Jiang Che blinked in disbelief.

Is it such a coincidence?
Just when I missed Shen Gongbao, Shen Gongbao appeared?

At this time, Shen Gongbao, who was galloping furiously, also saw Jiang Che above the white clouds, and his expression was overjoyed.

"Brother Jiang, help!"

Shen Gongbao directly transmitted the voice.

Jiang Che finally came back to his senses.

Looking into the depths of the grassland, a terrifying aura hits.

The breath of wild beasts!
And it is still the existence of the late Yuanshen.

Obviously, Shen Gongbao was being hunted down by this desolate beast in the late Yuanshen period.


"Shen Gongbao is indeed my lucky star!"

Jiang Che suddenly became extremely excited.

The desolate beast in the late Yuanshen period is awesome!

This is simply his lucky star!

Jiang Che's figure flashed, and in the next second, he appeared directly in front of Shen Gongbao.

"Brother Jiang, help, there are big guys."

Shen Gongbao was still in shock, out of breath, very embarrassed.

"Brother Shen, don't worry, wait at ease, I'll go to the meeting."

Jiang Che patted Shen Gongbao's shoulder, and laughed out loud, the blood all over his body erupted instantly.

Chi! ! !
The essence of life, like a substance, rushed to the sky and shattered the white clouds.

After holding back for three days, well, today, a big guy finally came.

So close to Tianya activated, and Jiang Che instantly walked towards the terrifying aura.

"Brother Jiang, be careful!"

Shen Gongbao looked at Jiang Che who rushed straight out, and didn't forget to remind him.


In the void, a huge monster appeared in Jiang Che's eyes.

It looks like a tiger, but it has nine tails.

The volume is ten feet in size.

There is also a golden long horn on the forehead.

It looks very weird.

But the aura that diffused was extremely terrifying.

"Late Yuanshen..."

Looking at this weird desolate beast, Jiang Che's eyes shone brightly.

The stronger the strength, the more ferocious the rewards will be.

Standing in the void, the desolate beast looked at the sudden appearance of the human being, not only did not run away, but came towards him instead, it froze for a moment.


The golden horns on his forehead glowed, and the aura of the surrounding world gathered instantly, forming a super storm visible to the naked eye.


A golden beam of light erupted instantly, cutting through the void, carrying terrifying power, and swept towards Jiang Che directly.

In an instant.

Jiang Che also came back to his senses in an instant.

This blow made him feel threatened.

The breath in the body bloomed, the majestic true energy surged, the dark mountains and rivers manifested, and a majestic ghost temple rushed out and descended instantly.

Temple of Reincarnation!

Without hesitation, Jiang Che unleashed a powerful blow, and instantly met him.

The golden beam of light also collided with the Temple of Reincarnation in an instant.

A huge mushroom cloud exploded in the void, and shock waves visible to the naked eye swept across the void.

A hundred miles of void collapsed in an instant.

The destructive impact force is like a continuous wave, sweeping through layers.

In the distance, Shen Gongbao and the third prince were startled, and retreated instantly. At the same time, each manifested a Taoist artifact to resist the terrifying shock wave.

At the center of the collision, the void is annihilated directly, presenting a huge black hole.

The power generated by the confrontation directly tore apart the world of the Panhuang Secret Realm.

But soon healed automatically under a mysterious force.

The figures of Jiang Che and Huang Beast appeared.

Looking at the desolate beast in front of him, his eyes were serious.

The supernatural power of this desolate beast is three points more terrifying than he wanted.

The Temple of Reincarnation almost failed to block this supernatural blow.

Standing in the void, eyes meet.

The nine tails of the desolate beast glowed red, and then, the light swept over the whole body, and the aura of the desolate beast also soared rapidly.

Ripples rippled in the surrounding void.


At the same time, Jiang Che directly erupted into a thousand-foot golden body, which was activated instantly like a heavenly phenomenon.

Ten times the breath increase.

The desolate beast also seemed to feel the threat. With a roar and a movement of its nine tails, the air exploded instantly, and a crimson beam of light rushed towards Jiang Che.

Compared with the previous blow, the power has also increased by more than ten times.

"Heaven and earth reincarnation!"

As soon as Jiang Che raised his hand, the Six Paths of Samsara broke out again.

The Yinming Temple manifested, and a huge millstone appeared.

Six paths of reincarnation, the third layer of supernatural powers, reincarnation of heaven and earth!

Manifest the wheel of reincarnation and crush everything!

The gray millstone turned, crushing the void, and in an instant, it collided with the attack of the desolate beast.


The reincarnation disk rotated, and the crimson beam of light collapsed inch by inch under the reincarnation disk, and the force of collapse formed a destructive shock wave that swept across the void.

The power generated by the confrontation caused great vibrations in Baili Void.

The three-layer attack of the six reincarnations!
Each level of attack is more terrifying.

The Temple of Reincarnation couldn't be severely wounded and killed, so he had to use the third layer of attack to crush it.

The gray disk rotated, and the crimson beam of light persisted for a few breaths before collapsing immediately.


The desolate beast's aura trembled, its magical powers were shattered, and a mouthful of blood spurted out instantly.

The breath of life drops instantly.

Hit hard.


Jiang Che burst out with a single thought, and one hundred and eight star streamers manifested behind him.

The power of the stars visible to the naked eye poured into his body like a torrent.

At the same time, in the vast starlight, two phantoms that looked like gods descended.

The South Pole Star God and the North Pole Star God!
The star power descended and poured into his body instantly.

The breath rose again.

"Zhoutian Star Array!"

The one hundred and eight star banners behind him turned, and a terrifying array of stars manifested, striking countless star lights, shattering the void, and blasting directly at the desolate beast.


The desolate beast roared, feeling a deadly threat. The nine tails glowed and flowed all over the body, and the breath of falling rose instantly.

The golden horn on the forehead was shining brightly, and two golden and red beams of light rushed out directly.


The brilliant starlight collided with the magical powers of the desolate beast, and the resulting light wave swept across hundreds of miles in an instant.

Hundreds of miles away, Shen Gongbao and the third prince felt an extreme sense of oppression, even with a Taoist body protection.

"What kind of supernatural power is this? Why is it similar to the attack of the Stars Palace? Could it be that he still has the housekeeping skills of the Stars Palace?!"

Looking at the one hundred and eight star streamers behind Jiang Che, Shen Gongbao vaguely felt a little familiar with the evolved star array.

so similar!
It is exactly the same as the housekeeping skills of the Stars Palace.

But it feels different.

Shen Gongbao couldn't be sure either.


The light wave disappeared, and on the grassland, a huge desolate beast fell to the ground, motionless.

There was a bowl-sized wound on the body, which went straight through.

Blood gurgles.

The pungent smell of blood filled the air.

In the void, Jiang Che's figure manifested, and the thousand-foot golden body disappeared and turned into a normal form.

After bursting out several hole cards in a row, he finally killed the desolate beast in one go.

It is the first time in the true sense to kill the existence of the late Yuanshen.

Once on the Azure Prairie, he confronted a late Yuanshen giant from the Yuhua tribe, but in the end he let him run away.

Destroying the physical body, but not being able to kill it perfectly.

This time, it finally came true.

"Third Grade Cosmic Words!"

Looking at the words gradually dissipating in his eyes, a smile appeared on Jiang Che's pale face.

Although it consumes a lot, it is quite worth it to kill such a big guy.

It wasn't in vain that he exploded a new hole card.

The Zhoutian Star Technique did not disappoint him either.

The Antarctic Star God and the North Star God enter the body, although not as perverted as the increase of the God King's entry into the body, but they have also increased their strength a lot.


Letting out a breath, Jiang Che quickly took out a elixir and swallowed it, and a trace of blood returned to his pale face.

In the void in the distance, Shen Gongbao and the third prince looked at the dead wild beast, their pupils trembling.


A desolate beast in the late Yuanshen period was killed by Jiang Che.

"He's at the peak of the Golden Core..."

"Could it be another Xuanyuan Wudi?!"

Shen Gongbao's heart trembled, and a thought came to his mind.

A kill across such a large gap.

It can be called against the sky.

This kind of strength, even among the arrogance of the Central Continent Holy Land, is enough to be proud of.

With Jiang Che's strength, it is definitely not a problem to be listed on the list of Tianjiao.

It is possible to break through the primordial spirit and advance to the top ten.

In the early stage of Yuanshen, he was able to achieve the top ten achievements in the Tianjiao list.

This is incredible.

One must know that the top ten evildoers on the Zhongzhou Tianjiao list are all existences at the peak level of Yuanshen.

Able to fight against the Supreme Thunder Tribulation!

The top three can even go head-to-head with the Thunder Tribulation Supreme!

The No.1 Xuanyuan Invincible even once rebelled against Thunder Tribulation!

On Jiang Che's body, Shen Gongbao saw the shadow of Xuanyuan Wudi in a trance.

The arrogant person who once defeated all evildoers in the Holy Land of Central Continent and ranked first in Central Continent is known as the number one arrogant person in the Great Thousand World.

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(End of this chapter)

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