I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 161 Pan Emperor Shrine

Chapter 161 Pan Emperor Shrine
With a flash of light, an extra item appeared in Jiang Che's hand instantly.

A purple stick.

It is five feet long, purple all over, and has special dao patterns on the stick.

Powerful Daowei spread out.

At the same time, it also contained an astonishing evil spirit.

The majestic evil spirit was even enough to shake his soul.

[Sorcerer's Wand: A top-grade tool for enlightenment, which can absorb the evil spirits of heaven and earth. The more evil spirits absorbed, the stronger the power.Stimulating this device can induce the will of the witch god to come down and exert a stronger power...]

"Witch God Rod..."

Looking at the purple stick in his hand, Jiang Che weighed it, it was very heavy.

At least ten thousand catties.

The dao prestige that pervades the top-grade Taoist artifacts far exceeds that of the middle-grade Taoist artifacts.

It is a powerful attacking treasure.

"The Will of the Witch God..."

"Is this probably the same as the Demon Soul of Shura?"

A thought appeared in Jiang Che's mind.

It is definitely an unexpected surprise that a high-grade Taoist artifact was released for the ninth-grade Zhou character.


As soon as it fell lightly, the ground trembled instantly, and the hillside directly cracked under his feet.

The strong vibration also attracted the attention of Shen Gongbao in the distance.

With powerful perception, it can be clearly tracked where it came from.

"Brother Jiang, you are..."

"High-grade Taoist weapon!"

Shen Gongbao came over hearing the sound, and looked at Jiang Che who was holding the Wushen stick, his eyes instantly fell on the purple stick in Jiang Che's hand.

"What a strong suffocation!"

Seeing the Wushen stick in Jiang Che's hand, Shen Gongbao was startled.

The majestic evil spirit emanating from this high-grade Taoist weapon made him feel terrified.

"It's okay, I'll try the magic weapon."

When Jiang Che's voice came, Shen Gongbao also pulled back his mind.

"This treasure has a strong evil spirit!"

Looking at the high-grade Taoist artifact in Jiang Che's hand, Shen Gongbao said.

"It's okay, it's not a big problem." Jiang Che smiled.

"Okay, let's rest."

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Che's figure instantly disappeared in place.

Shen Gongbao also came back to his senses, seeing Jiang Che's disappearing figure, he blinked his eyes.

In the middle of the night, I suddenly took out a high-grade Taoist weapon to test, is this guy okay?

Shen Gongbao came back to his senses and didn't think much about it. He glanced at the crack on the ground and then disappeared in place.


Starry night.

Jiang Che directly began to refine the Witch God Stick.

A high-grade Taoist weapon can enhance his strength a lot.

The seven primordial spirits were sacrificed at the same time, and the speed was much faster.

After one night, Jiang Che completed the first sacrifice.

The sacrifice reached about [-]%.

In a few days, he can completely sacrifice this high-grade Taoist artifact.

The stronger the strength, the faster the speed of refining the magic weapon.

Looking at the red sun in the sky, Jiang Che immediately got up and walked on the clouds and fog again.

Shen Gongbao followed his companions and soon disappeared into the sky.

The third prince still followed the two of them.

Not too close, nor too far away.

Keep an appropriate distance.


Eight days passed quickly.

Along the way, Jiang Che also killed many desolate beasts one after another.

Although there are few big goods, the victory lies in the quantity.

Rewards are also varied.

The more you go to the core, the more people you meet.

All heading in the same direction.

Going deep into the core, the aura of heaven and earth becomes stronger.

It is getting closer and closer to Panhuang Shrine.

In the void, long rainbows appeared in all directions, and came to the foot of a majestic majestic mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, hundreds of figures have gathered.

Large number of people.

Those who can go deep into the core, most of them are also very powerful, almost all of them are in the Yuanshen realm. Of course, there are also a few Jindan monks.

"Brother Jiang, that's Panhuang Shrine!"

In the void, above the white clouds, Shen Gongbao pointed to a majestic mountain, and Jiang Che also looked at this majestic mountain.

On the Xiongshan Mountain, golden pavilions and palaces stand.

Holy and majestic!

Above the Xiongshan Mountain, large expanses of pavilions and palaces are shining brilliantly, just like a mythical heavenly palace.

"This is the Panhuang Shrine!"

Looking at the pavilions and palaces on this majestic mountain, Jiang Che's mood also became surging.

Panhuang Shrine!

It is the core of the entire Panhuang Secret Realm.

It is also the place with the most treasures.

But at the same time, it is also the most dangerous place.

In addition to the guardian formation, there are also powerful restrictions in the Panhuang Shrine.

The aura of heaven and earth is billowing like a flood.

Stepping into the Panhuang Shrine does not mean that it is safe.

Every step is full of crises.

Of course, if you are lucky enough, you can also get treasures.

Looking at the Panhuang Shrine, Jiang Che felt a sense of danger.

This is a sense of crisis from the depths of the soul.

Panhuang Shrine is not as good as it looks on the surface.

It can be said that every step of the crisis is not an exaggeration.


When he came back to his senses, Jiang Che stepped across and fell from the sky in an instant, arriving at the foot of Xiongshan Mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, there was a large black figure.

These are all the people who entered the Panhuang secret realm.

Jiang Che looked at the white jade steps in front of him.

The white jade steps lead to the Panhuang Shrine.

There are a total of one hundred and eight steps.

"call out--!"

Shen Gongbao also fell from the sky and came to him.

His eyes also looked at the white jade steps.

The entire Xiongshan Mountain was covered by the guardian array of Panhuang Shrine.

There is only one way to go to Panhuang Shrine.

That is to set foot on these one hundred and eight steps.

It didn't look like any danger, but there was a bloody smell.

Someone has already fallen on the white jade steps.

On the one hundred and five steps of the white jade steps, there are only two figures.

And these two people are Gu Changge and Xing Jianfeng.

The two were the first to approach the shrine.

But also extremely difficult.

The higher you go, the longer you stay on the white jade steps.

"This guardian formation is very strong, I'm afraid the hope of passing it is very small!"

"This is the Dao Tianlong Formation, damn it, the possibility of stepping on it is too small."

"You have to give it a try, it's all here, maybe there is hope if you find a weakness."


Among the crowd, discussions continued to sound.

Jiang Che's expression was also very serious.

The guardian formation of the Panhuang Shrine is the Dao Tianlong formation.

This kind of formation can be called a destructive formation.

Stepping into the formation, the formation is activated, and the aura will be drawn and turned into a dragon attack.

The cultivation level is equivalent to that of those who stepped in.

If you are a Yuanshen cultivation base, then what manifests is the Yuanshen Tianlong attack.

Martial arts cultivation is no exception, how strong your martial arts cultivation is, the aura that manifests is as strong as the heavenly dragon.

It is equivalent to re-engraving an avatar with the same strength as you.

The only difference is that the magic weapon cannot be copied.

There are one hundred and eight steps, stepping on one step will manifest a spiritual energy and descend to the heavenly dragon.

Stepping on the second step, two aura dragons will appear to attack you.

As you go up a step, you will add an aura dragon that is almost as powerful as yours.

Stepping on one hundred and eight steps, one hundred and eight auras will be manifested to attack the heavenly dragon.

Either find out the weakness of the Dao Tianlong Formation and pass it smoothly.

But this possibility is too small.

The Dao Tianlong Formation is almost impeccable.

Even if it is a Grandmaster of Formation Dao, it is difficult to find the weakness.

Because it is not a fixed weakness, the Dao Tianlong Formation can be replaced at any time.

To find the weakness of the formation in a short period of time is undoubtedly a dream.

The only simple and clean way is to pass directly.

Use your own strength to contend abruptly.

When Jiang Che stepped into it, the aura inspired by the heavenly dragon also had the strength of a peak martial saint, plus the cultivation base of a golden core peak.

The aura that may manifest is more perverted than a Yuanshen Realm.

Therefore, knowing that there are a large number of treasures in Panhuang Shrine, there are very few who can obtain them.

The Dao Tianlong formation alone blocked eighty to ninety percent of the personnel.

And that's just the first hurdle.

It is also impossible to predict what dangers one will encounter upon entering the Panhuang Shrine.

Only when you step into the Panhuang Shrine, you will know.

One can imagine the degree of difficulty against one hundred and eight of you.

And it must be killed with one blow, otherwise, if you leave a trace, you can draw the spiritual energy to recover instantly.

Even with a powerful magic weapon, the chance of passing is very small.

But knowing the treasures of Panhuang Shrine, no one wants to give up easily.

Try it and find out!
This is also due to the nature of the heart.

At this point, no one is willing to give up easily.

"Junior Brother, Jiang Daoyou!"

At this moment, a voice came, Jiang Che withdrew his mind and looked away from the sound.

Qiu Xuan's figure appeared in his eyes.


Seeing Qiu Xuan, Shen Gongbao smiled.

"Friend Qiu." Jiang Che nodded.

Qiu Xuan came in front of the two, looked at them, and said, "I've been waiting for you for an hour, and I'm finally here."

"Senior sister, you can go first."

Shen Gongbao said.

Qiu Xuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll check the situation first."

"There should be a chance of using the magic weapon to pass." Jiang Che said.

"Jiang Daoyou, not everyone is as evil as you, the chance is not high." Qiu Xuan sighed.

"Xingjian Peak and Gu Changge are about to reach the top." Shen Gongbao looked at the white jade steps.

At this moment, the two of them had stepped up one hundred and six steps.

"They have half-immortal artifacts. This time, they should have a lot of gains."

Qiuxuan sighed.

"Friend Daoist Shen, do you want to wait a while or step on now?"

Jiang Che looked at Shen Gongbao and asked.

"I'll wait."

"Look first."

Shen Gongbao said.

Jiang Che: "Since that's the case, then I won't accompany the two of you. Let's open the way first."

"Okay." Both of them nodded at the same time.

Jiang Che didn't say much, and with a sprint, he came to the white jade steps in an instant.

Many people's eyes fell on him.

Jiang Che looked at the white jade steps. At this moment, the body of a young man who had just stepped onto the No. 30 step exploded instantly, turning into a rain of blood and annihilated.

The pungent smell of blood permeated the air.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Che's eyes instantly became serious.

A living example happened right in front of him, and even his state of mind couldn't help causing waves.

With a wave of true energy, a large amount of elixir was wrapped in his mouth, and after taking a deep breath, Jiang Che stepped onto the first step in one step.


When he stepped on the first step, his eyes changed instantly, and Jiang Che appeared in an empty space.

But from the outside, he had just stepped on the first step when he was standing on it.


In the depths of nothingness, a dragon chant exploded.

In the next breath, a golden sky dragon appeared, galloping and roaring, descending directly with a berserk aura.

The cultivation base of the golden core is at the peak, and the physical body is also at the peak of the martial arts, which is almost a perfect replica.

With a flash of Jiang Che's eyes, the majestic zhenqi in his body exploded instantly, and the qi and blood gathered a little bit, fused with the Yijing Wangquan, and blasted out in an instant.


The aura sky dragon exploded in an instant, and was blown away by Jiang Che's punch.

At the moment of shattering, the emptiness in front of him collapsed instantly. Jiang Che came back to his senses, he was standing on the steps.

With one step, he stepped onto the second step.

The same happens.

He appeared again in a void of time and space, and two aura dragons charged out roaring and galloping.

Jiang Che followed the same pattern and launched the Artistic Conception Fist again, smashing an aura sky dragon in an instant.

And the attack of the aura sky dragon on the other end also came to him.

The turmoil of Qi and blood and the majestic power made his physical body tremble.

No less than the power of a peak martial saint, full of the power of a hundred dragons.

Jiang Che grabbed the dragon's tail, and the Great Sky Thunder Technique descended from the sky, and the Nine Heavens Thunder directly smashed the dragon.

The illusion disappeared, and Jiang Che stepped onto the third step again.


"He should be fine, right?"

Under the steps, Shen Gongbao looked at Jiang Che on the white jade steps and blinked.

"It shouldn't be a big problem. His magical powers are very powerful. There is no problem in the front, but the difficulty is in the back." Qiu Xuan said.

Shen Gongbao nodded.

But at this moment, Jiang Che had reached the tenth step.

The illusion manifested, and ten aura dragons swept from all directions.

Jiang Che directly launched the Great Sky Thunder Technique, and the terrifying Purple Sky Divine Thunder descended instantly, smashing the aura sky dragon.

So Close to the End of the World activates at the same time, flashing and disappearing at an extremely fast speed.

The attacks of these spiritual dragons are not weak, and he will be injured if he is hit hard.

Stay in top form as much as possible.

Only then can there be hope to set foot in the Panhuang Shrine.


The blow was shattered, and the illusion disappeared. Jiang Che stood on the tenth step, paused for a few breaths, stepped out in one step, and climbed up the eleventh step.

In nothingness, eleven spirit dragons descended again.

A violent and ferocious aura swept over, and Jiang Che once again used his magical powers to kill.

Although each of the aura dragons is comparable to the existence of the Yuanshen in the early stage, it is not a big problem.

It just takes more time.

One hit kills, not leaving a trace.

Otherwise, all previous efforts will be wasted.

It is also the power of the peak martial saint, but his power is completely crushed.

The power of 350 dragons swept directly.

With supernatural powers, Jiang Che is still able to do a job with ease.


Half an hour passed, and Jiang Che had already stepped onto the No.30 step.

Looking at the summit, Gu Changge and Xing Jianfeng had already climbed one hundred and seven steps, and they were only one step away from reaching the Panhuang Shrine.

Many people stepped up the steps behind them.

Even if you know how powerful the Dao Tianlong Formation is, you still have to give it a try!

When stepping into the 31 steps, a light flashed in Jiang Che's hand, and the Wizard Wand appeared.

31 aura dragons came galloping and roaring, and Jiang Che instantly activated the Witch God Wand.

Shocking black evil spirit rushed out, and a terrifying phantom manifested behind him.

Wild, ancient atmosphere swept over.

Like a god descended from the ancient times.

The Will of the Witch God!

The Witch God Wand in his hand also trembled.


Swinging the witch god's stick, the black evil spirit rushed out instantly.

Like a ghost roaring.


A stick fell blatantly, and the two spirit dragons were blown away by Jiang Che.

Swinging it again, the black evil spirit entangled, and the substantial evil spirit rushed out, and the surrounding aura dragons retreated instantly.


Disappearing with one stride, Jiang Che came behind a spiritual dragon.

The Wushen stick in his hand fell down and exploded.

The 31 spirit dragons were wiped out by Jiang Che in an instant.

The illusion disappeared, and Jiang Che stood on the steps, swallowing a elixir that had already been wrapped in his mouth in an instant, recovering his true energy.

A step cannot stay for too long.

A quarter of an hour at most.

Otherwise, the Dao Tianlong Formation will be aroused again.

The Witch God Rod is powerful, but the consumption of high-grade Taoist artifacts is also extremely fierce. Fortunately, he is well prepared.

After taking three elixirs in a row, they were quickly absorbed, and the consumed true energy quickly recovered.

Step out one step, and once again set foot on the second step of No.30.

There are quite a few people on the first thirty steps, but the higher you go, the fewer people there are.

Even with the help of a magic weapon, it is not easy to kill in one blow.

The slightest accident, the consequence is that the soul will fly away.


An hour passed, and Jiang Che had already stepped onto the first step.

The Witch God Rod is powerful and speeds up.

Jiang Che's speed did not slow down much.

Compared with others, his speed can already be called amazing.

"I've just stepped on the tenth..."

Looking at Jiang Che's back, Shen Gongbao's heart twitched.

This gap came out all at once.

At the same time, Jiang Che was able to step up the No.30 step, while he only stepped up the tenth step.

"Try your best to maintain the peak, if you can't hold on, just retreat!" Qiu Xuan's voice came from beside his ear, Shen Gongbao came back to his senses, took a deep breath, and stepped up the No.11 step.

It hasn't forced him to release his seal yet, so he has to persevere.

If it doesn't work, just use your own physique to pass.

Although he hurt the enemy by a thousand and hurt himself by eight hundred, he had prepared the elixir well, and there was still great hope.

"It's passed..."

Looking at the 1 steps, the figures of Gu Changge and Xing Jianfeng had disappeared, and the two had already stepped into the Panhuang Palace.

Jiang Che stabilized his mind and adjusted his breath while recovering.

Don't rush and try to stay on top.

When he felt that he had almost recovered, Jiang Che moved forward again.


An hour passed.

Jiang Che has already ascended the No.80 step.

Even with the recovery of the elixir, his consumption is very huge.

However, a quarter of an hour of recovery time also gave him a chance to breathe.

"Little brother, you are not bad."

At this time, a voice came from the same steps.

Jiang Che saw that it was a loli girl.

It looked like he was only fourteen or fifteen years old.

Very tender!

A pair of eyes full of aura.

But the breath is very scary.

Late Yuanshen!

"You're not bad either!"

Jiang Che spoke.

"Little brother, big sister is one step ahead." Loli smiled, and walked directly up the No.80 step with her short legs.

Jiang Che: "..."

"Maybe it's just young, but it should actually be big..." Jiang Che comforted himself, and at the same time, he also stepped into the No.80 step.

81 aura dragons rushed forward.

Jiang Che was also ready. He took a deep breath, and instantly activated the Witch God's stick. Accompanied by evil spirits, he roared and shook the sky. Under the blessing of the Witch God's will, he was completely unstoppable.

A head of aura sky dragons was annihilated under the Witch God's stick.

At the same time, Jiang Che also urged the Yin-Yang jade pendant to defend his whole body.

The defense of the best Taoist weapon can prevent him from being severely injured.

It's nothing more than a little more consumption.

This time, it took a full quarter of an hour for Jiang Che to completely kill him.

Swallow the elixir and fully recover.

A moment later, this loli girl was also successfully killed, her face was very pale, and it seemed that she had spent a lot of time.

The delicate little hand held a purple gold mace, which formed a contrast with her size.

The magic weapon in his hand is one level higher than Jiang Che's Wushen stick, and it is a top-grade Taoist weapon.

Jiang Che reckoned that this loli girl should also be the arrogant evildoer of the Central Continent Holy Land.

The highest grade Taoist weapon at hand, this is not an ordinary net worth.

After recovering halfway within a quarter of an hour, Jiang Che once again set foot on the No.80 second step.

The loli girl looked at Jiang Che who was stepping up the steps, gritted her silver teeth, and followed the No. 80 second step.


An hour passed.

A step that Jiang Che stepped on.

Physically and mentally exhausted.

The continuous frantic fighting consumes a lot of physical strength, blood, true energy, and primordial spirit.

Jiang Che paused slightly, he hadn't taken the only Nine Rank Yuanhun Pill yet.

Although the other elixirs could not restore him instantly, they were sufficient in quantity to maintain a balance.

When the quarter of an hour approached, the loli girl also stepped up a hundred steps.

Just after taking a breath, Jiang Che's voice came from beside his ear.

"Little girl, work hard."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Che directly stepped up the one hundred and one steps.

Appropriate teasing can also make him feel at ease.

Hearing Jiang Che's voice, the loli girl blushed.

Seeing Jiang Che stepping up the 1st step, she clenched her teeth.

Taking out a golden elixir and swallowing it in one go, her breath recovered more than half in an instant.

Stepping out in one step, he stepped directly onto the 1 step.


After killing the last Spiritual Qi Dragon with one stick, Jiang Che knelt down on one knee in his hand, panting like a cow.

Fighting frantically, his golden core has dimmed by three points, and only [-]% of his true energy is left.

Taking out pills one by one, Jiang Che swallowed them directly.

The consumed zhenqi recovered a lot in an instant.

When it was close to the final stop, Jiang Che stepped up the one hundred and three steps.


An hour passed.

Jiang Che also came to the last step.

Nine-turn Yuanhun Pill was taken in an instant, and the energy and spirit soared wildly in an instant.

Tiredness dissipated in an instant.

Jiang Che also reached the peak with the recovery of the Nine-Turn Primordial Soul Pill.

Glancing at the loli girl on the steps behind him, Jiang Che stepped up one hundred and eight steps without hesitation.

In the empty space, powerful dragon chant roared from all directions.


The golden light flashed all over his body, and Jiang Che instantly activated Fatianxiangdi.

The witch god stick in his hand is also getting bigger.

A group of spiritual energy dragons rushed out and attacked directly. Jiang Che did not dodge or dodge, and a stick burst into the void and landed on the spiritual energy dragons.

with full force!

Combined with the lethality of the Wushen stick, the approaching spiritual dragon was instantly annihilated by the stick, and the surging evil spirit swept like a torrent, strangling wildly.

Jiang Che didn't intend to hide the last step.

Get through as fast as you can.


The Witch God's Rod blatantly fell, and a shock wave of destruction swept out.

The last aura dragon was killed, and the illusion in front of him dissipated instantly.

Jiang Che's figure also instantly transformed into a normal form.

With one stride, he stepped onto the Panhuang Shrine.

(End of this chapter)

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