I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 162 The Puppet Harvest

Chapter 162 The Puppet Harvest


Stepping onto Panhuang Shrine, Jiang Che instantly knelt down on one knee, panting heavily.

The last battle cost a lot.

But fortunately, he has already set foot on the shrine.

Jiang Che also let out a long breath in his heart.

Continuous high-intensity fighting consumes a lot of energy and body.

Even with his physical body, he felt a little tired.

After taking a few breaths, Jiang Che immediately stood up, took out another pill and swallowed it.

The breath in the body recovered a lot.

Looking back, the loli girl was still on the one hundred and seven steps, not moving for a long time.

It looks like it will take some time to come up.

With the strength of this lolita girl, Jiang Che reckoned that the problem is not too big.

After all, the magic weapon of a loli girl is very strong.

Pass, it's just a matter of time.

As for Shen Gongbao and Qiu Xuan, they are still fighting hard on the road steps.

Jiang Che didn't know whether the two of them could step on it.

If there is a hidden magic weapon, there should be hope.

The chances of passing completely by one's own Taoism and magical powers are too small.

90.00% of people are unable to set foot on Panhuang Shrine.

But he was not willing to leave like this.

If you don't try it, no one will give up.

After all, the Panhuang Shrine is the core of the entire Panhuang Secret Realm.

There may even be a Panhuang inheritance.

This ancient emperor is not an ordinary existence in the Thunder Tribulation Realm, but an existence infinitely close to the Immortal Yang God.

Even if you get a part of it, the harvest is quite rich.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to attract so many people to Panhuang Secret Realm.


With a steady mind, Jiang Che looked at the Shengong in front of him.

The golden corridor leads directly to the depths, and the majestic aura permeates, almost like substance.

The spiritual energy directly turned into a mist form, and after taking a breath, he felt that his own consumption had recovered a little bit.

Looking into the depths of the golden corridor, here, there is a mysterious force covering it, and the divine sense cannot detect it at all.

In the depths of the shrine, there is still a dangerous atmosphere.

Stepping onto the Panhuang Shrine, just passed the first level.

In the shrine, there are more dangers, and we still can't be careless.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Jiang Che frantically absorbed spiritual energy, and at the same time, took out a pill to restore himself.

Without too much delay, after a while, he recovered in sevens and eighties.

Standing up and looking towards the golden corridor, Jiang Che's figure moved.


Like a phantom, it rushed into the golden corridor.

Xing Jianfeng and Gu Changge were the first to step into the Panhuang Shrine. Of course, some people may be lucky, and they were already at the foot of the Panhuang Shrine after teleporting in, and there may be others.

Get started first!
Soon, Jiang Che walked through the first golden corridor and came to a palace.

The palace is very large, and it is empty inside. Almost all the things that should be taken have been taken away, except for the wall.

However, during so many years, the Panhuang Secret Realm has been opened many times, and there are quite a few people who explore it.

Even if there were things, they might have been looted when the Panhuang Secret Realm was opened a few times ago.

"Chi Yuan is here for a visit!"

On the wall of a palace, Jiang Che saw a line of writing.

Engraved on the wall, very deep.

It seems that some years have passed.

Looking again, there are other people's inscriptions on the wall.

"Bai Qingfeng is here for a visit!"

"Yi Feifan is here for a visit!"


The names are engraved on it, and those who can engrave words on the wall are probably the evildoers among the evildoers.

Jiang Che didn't linger too long, making sure that there was nothing in the palace, he went straight through the palace and came to the second golden corridor.

Through the second golden corridor, Jiang Che came to a pond.

In the pond, there are still a lot of aura-like fish swimming.

Standing in the corridor overlooking it, Jiang Che quickly discovered the clue.

The pond is covered with formations, and those fish are not real life, but the illusion of aura.

"call out--!"

With a flick of Jiang Che's fingers, a ray of light shot into the pond in an instant, causing ripples in an instant, but it soon calmed down.

His random blow had no effect on the pond at all.

Jiang Che looked around, looked at the palaces and pavilions in the distance, withdrew his mind, and continued to walk along the long corridor to the depths of the shrine.

Panhuang Shrine covered a large area.

The whole area is like a royal palace of a dynasty.

On the periphery, there are basically no treasures that can be searched, only the core has treasures.

Of course, there may be dangers that may usher.

full of unknowns.

Going all the way, through three or four corridors and courtyards, Jiang Che came to a garden.

Standing at the arch, Jiang Che looked at the garden in front of him.

It was a mess inside, and there were damaged spiritual plants everywhere.

This garden is like a hundred thousand grass and mud horses galloping past.

It looked horrible.

Looking at it, Jiang Che's eyelids twitched.

These destructive spiritual plants are dying, who is so wicked.

Or take it away, there is no need to do so.

What a shame!
After regaining consciousness, Jiang Che stepped into the garden.

This garden is huge.

Most of the spiritual plants were destroyed, and the remaining ones were not destroyed, but they were only seedlings.

Entering the garden, Jiang Che saw several holes on the ground of the garden.

Obviously, this is a man-made hole.

At the entrance of the cave, spiritual energy pervades.

This is the spiritual power fluctuation of the spiritual vein, which is more refined than the spiritual energy.

Jiang Che was able to tell the difference.

However, now these spiritual veins have been taken away by violent means.

In the garden, there are no valuable treasures to be seen.

But Jiang Che still didn't spare any corner, searched carefully, but still didn't get anything of value.

Without wasting any time, Jiang Che immediately walked through the garden and continued to head deep into the shrine.

After passing through the palaces and pavilions, Jiang Che gained very little.

The contrast between the imaginary treasure land and the reality slapped my face.

Let alone great treasures, even valuable things, Jiang Che didn't see them either.

"Couldn't Gu Changge and the two have searched all of this..." Stepping out of a palace, Jiang Che looked towards the golden corridor leading to the depths of the palace.

Entered the Panhuang Shrine, but until now, there is not a single hair.

Jiang Che instantly had a feeling of doubting his life.

But there are still many unexplored areas left. Jiang Che calmed down the fluctuation in his heart, and his figure quickly disappeared in place, passing through the golden corridor, and continuing to go deep into the shrine.


"There are restrictions in this palace!"

Arriving in front of a temporary palace, Jiang Che's eyes lit up instantly as he looked at the divine palace in front of him.

Most of the palaces that were explored before were not restricted, or they were destroyed.

And the prohibition of this palace seems to be well preserved.

Vaguely, Jiang Che felt that this palace should be rewarding.

Standing in front of the palace, I sensed it with my spiritual sense.

Jiang Che can roughly judge the formation that protects this palace.

Not too powerful, should be able to violently destroy.

After studying it, Jiang Che held the Witch God Stick in his hand.


Terrifying black evil spirit instantly emanated from the Wushen stick.

The patterns on the witch god's stick also lit up.


A stick fell blatantly and hit the gate of the palace.

In an instant, the air rippled.

"no problem."

Seeing the ripples and fluctuations generated by the formation defense, Jiang Che instantly had a solid understanding.

It was a stick just now, just to test the formation.

He knew it.

The guardian restriction is very strong, but it has not reached the level that he is indestructible.


The true qi was violent, and the black evil spirit roared, as if ghosts and gods were roaring in their ears.

Stimulating the will of the witch god, the power of the second rod instantly increased by more than a hundred times.


The purple Witch God's Wand hit the guardian barrier, and a powerful light wave burst out. After a few breaths, the Guardian Wand exploded loudly, and Jiang Che also put away the Witch God Wand in an instant.


Breaking the guarding restriction, he directly entered the palace with one stride.

In the palace, a majestic aura permeated the air.

Jiang Che's eyes fell on a few platinum chairs in the palace.


Looking at a few platinum chairs, Jiang Che's eyes lit up.

A few chairs were made with most of Gengjin.

Geng gold.

Excellent value.

After these chairs were smelted, the Seventh Gold that was turned into was also quite a fortune.

With a wave of the Taoist robe, a gust of wind swept across, and several chairs were taken away by him in an instant.

After storing a few chairs, Jiang Che came to the first room of the palace.

It looked like a quiet room for retreat, with the door closed tightly, and it was also filled with the atmosphere of the formation.

However, compared with the formation of the palace guarding the prohibition, it is much worse.

With a movement of the Witch God's stick and a raised hand, Jiang Che smashed open the door of the quiet room without hesitation, smashing the restriction.

A majestic aura rushed over.

In the room, a bunch of brilliant crystals appeared in his eyes.

Randomly piled together.

The collection of majestic aura is almost visible to the naked eye.

"Exquisite Spirit Stone!"

Jiang Che's eyelids twitched.

This pile of sparkling spar turned out to be the best spirit stone.

A top-grade spirit stone, a spirit stone that can only be derived from a first-grade spirit vein.

In the vast world, most of the spirit stones in circulation are low-grade and middle-grade spirit stones.

There are also some high-grade spirit stones, but relatively few.

The best spirit stones, less.

Because first-grade spiritual veins are too rare, and it takes a long time to derive top-grade spiritual stones.

The pile of top-quality spirit stones piled up in the corner seemed to be piled up with ordinary stones.

Jiang Che's eyes were burning, and when he came back to his senses, he waved his Taoist robe again, and directly collected all the top-quality spirit stones in this pile.

After counting, there are almost 20 top-quality spirit stones.

In equivalent calculation, it is equivalent to 200 million high-grade spirit stones, 2000 million middle-grade spirit stones, and more than 2 million low-grade spirit stones!

Moreover, the spiritual power of the top-grade spirit stone is more refined, more refined than that contained in ordinary spirit veins.

After collecting the top-grade spirit stones, Jiang Che looked around the room, but there was nothing else left.

The room was empty.

Without any hesitation, Jiang Che turned around and stepped out of the room.

Soon, he came to the second room.

There is also prohibition protection.

Jiang Che followed the same pattern, raising his hand with a stick, broke the guarding restriction on the door of the room, dismantled it with a critical blow, and stepped into the room.

The second room was very large, with silver figures as tall as a person standing motionless.

Jiang Che came before these silver figures.

They all look like one person, but they don't have any life essence.

"This is... a puppet!"

Looking at these silver figures, Jiang Che's eyes flashed.

Different from avatars.

As long as the puppet leaves a mark and places a spirit stone, it can be activated.

He also dabbled in puppetry.

The puppet technique was also revealed in previous rewards, but the cost of refining the puppet was too high, and it was not worthwhile for him.

Puppet refining is similar to refining equipment.

And it's more complicated and more labor-intensive.

Jiang Che took a look, there were almost fifty puppets!
According to the spiritual investigation, the materials of these puppets are not simple.

Among them, there is also a golden puppet!
"I don't know how powerful this puppet is, so try it first!"

Jiang Che poured a ray of primordial spirit into the puppet's body, leaving a mark, and then took out a low-grade spirit stone and punched it into the puppet's body.


The spirit stone entered the body, and the puppet's eyes lit up for an instant, but they went out again in an instant.


Looking at this scene, Jiang Che frowned slightly.

A spirit stone had no effect, only a slight reaction, but it disappeared soon.

In this case, there are only two possibilities.

Either the puppet is broken, or the energy is insufficient.

In other words, a low-grade spirit stone cannot activate the puppet, because the puppet is so powerful that a low-grade spirit stone cannot be activated.

The situation just now fits the latter very well.

If the puppet is broken, the puppet will not respond in any way.

This shows that the energy is insufficient!

It also proves that this puppet is powerful!

Thinking of this, Jiang Che took out another high-grade spirit stone.

High-grade spirit stones contain a hundred times more energy than low-grade spirit stones, and the aura is more refined.

After entering the puppet's body, the eyes of the silver puppet in front of him instantly lit up, and at the same time, a powerful aura emanated out.

Just like a real monk.

"Golden Core Peak!"

Sensing the coercion of the breath released by the puppet, Jiang Che's eyes instantly became extremely hot.

It's no wonder that a low-grade spirit stone can't activate a puppet, and a puppet at the peak level of Jindan also needs powerful energy to activate it.

Looking at the silver puppet in front of him, and then at the other silver puppets, Jiang Che's heart instantly became hot.

A puppet at the peak of the golden core is definitely worth a lot, and it is even more terrifying than the harvest in the first room!
"Punch me!"

Jiang Che gave an order in an instant, and the next second, the silver puppet in front of him rushed out with a punch, bursting the air, flashing with aura, and rushed towards Jiang Che's face like lightning.


Jiang Che raised his hand to block the punch, looking at the silver puppet in front of him, his eyes burst out with brilliance.

"Get rich!"

The puppet is intact and can display its strength normally.

This time, his gains exploded in an instant!

Be nice!

The value of fifty puppets at the peak of the golden core is more than a hundred times higher than that of the first room.

If you make a move, it will definitely be a big fortune.

Quickly regaining his composure, Jiang Che calmed down and checked each of the puppets again to make sure that there were no problems. He had a bright smile on his face.

Fifty puppets of the peak Golden Core.

Immediately, Jiang Che's eyes turned to the only golden puppet.

After putting away fifty silver puppets, Jiang Che left behind this golden puppet.

According to spiritual investigation, the internal structure of the golden puppet is more sophisticated and complex than that of the silver puppet, and the material is also stronger.

"The silver puppets are all at the peak of Jindan, so this golden puppet..."

"Does it have the strength of Yuanshen?!"

Jiang Che's heart skipped a beat, and his eyes became even hotter.

In order to prove his conjecture, Jiang Che took out a top-grade spirit stone.

A wisp of primordial spirit was separated to leave a mark, and the top-grade spirit stone was driven into the golden puppet.


The eyes of the golden puppet burst out with golden light, and a majestic breath emerged.

"Sure enough, it's the early stage of Yuanshen!"

Feeling the aura emanating from the golden puppet, Jiang Che's heart beat even more.

Forcing himself to calm down, Jiang Che tried to let the golden puppet attack him. After testing that there was no problem at all, he put the golden puppet away.

The depressed mood before was swept away in an instant.

The harvest of this palace far exceeded his expectations.

If this batch of powerful puppets were sold, the wealth would definitely be an astonishing figure.

Especially a puppet in the early stage of Yuanshen.

This value is even more extraordinary.

"There are still a few rooms, there must be surprises."

After calming down, Jiang Che stepped out of the room directly.

Immediately, he came to the third room of the palace.

There is also a protective formation covering it.

Jiang Che flashed out the Witch God Stick, and blasted the protective formation of the door of the room with one stick, breaking it violently.

A majestic spiritual energy filled the air.

The third room is Lingshi!
Still the best spirit stone!

But the number is more than the top-quality spirit stones in the first room.

The spiritual energy emitted by the spiritual stones fluctuated, and a large number of spiritual stones were piled up and mixed, and the resulting spiritual energy filled every corner of the room.

Looking at the huge pile of top-grade spirit stones in front of him, Jiang Che's heart beat violently.

Consciousness investigation.

There are a total of 230 million top-grade spirit stones.

The exchange ratio is equivalent to 23 billion low-grade spirit stones.


With a wave of his Taoist robe, Jiang Che collected all the top-grade spirit stones.

More than 230 million top-grade spirit stones were in the bag.

Jiang Che smiled happily.

The mind is also more comfortable.

Get rich!

Got rich!
With a steady mind, Jiang Che stepped out of the room again.

Go to the fourth room.

In the same way, the fourth room was smashed open, but inside it was empty and there was nothing.

Jiang Che was slightly disappointed, but he could accept it.

To have such a big gain in three consecutive rooms is already remarkable.

One or two short, there is no problem.

When he came to the door of the fifth room, Jiang Che once again showed the witch god stick, broke the restriction, and smashed open the door.

"what is this?"

The door was smashed open, and some white powder was piled up on the ground in the room.

Jiang Che came in front of the powder.

Looking at the pile of white powder on the ground, he frowned slightly.

This white powder...

He knelt down, twirled some white powder with his fingers, smelled it, but there was no special smell, and there was nothing unusual when he checked it with his spiritual sense.

Jiang Che's brows were frowned, and suddenly, he thought of something.

"These powders are made of pills?!"

Jiang Che's eyelids twitched.

The elixir was placed here for too long, so it was weathered by the years and turned into a powder form.


When Jiang Che came back to his senses, he let out a long sigh.

If he guessed correctly, these white powders should be formed after the pill was weathered over time.

The time was too long, so the elixir lost its effect, and finally completely weathered and turned into powder.

"It's too late..."

Jiang Che let out a long sigh, then stabilized his mind, took a deep breath, turned and left the room.

"There is one last room..."

When he came to the door of the sixth room in the palace, Jiang Che took a deep breath.

Raising his hand, he flashed out the Witch God Stick, and the stick hit the door directly.

Smash the restriction, and the door is also broken directly.

And Jiang Che, standing at the door of the room, froze in place as if petrified.

Looking straight into the room with a pair of eyes, his heart instantly stirred up waves.

In the room, all golden figures appeared.

They are golden puppets one by one!
"one two Three……"



After recovering, Jiang Che counted the number of golden puppets.

There are 49 golden golems in total!
Good guy.

Including the previous golden puppet, he has fifty golden puppets in total!
The last room gave him a big surprise.


With a movement of Jiang Che's figure, he stepped into the room instantly.

After counting again, it was determined that there were 49 golden puppets.

At the same time, Jiang Che checked every golden puppet with his spiritual sense.

49 golden puppets, intact!

Even though he was prepared in his heart, Jiang Che couldn't help but feel a strong shock in his heart.

49 golden puppets, that is the existence of 49 primordial gods in the early stage.

Plus the previous one, a total of fifty!

Fifty puppets of the early Yuanshen, what is this concept? !

If you make a move, I am afraid that this battle will be frightening.

Stretching out his hand to stroke the puppet's sturdy body, Jiang Che seemed to be admiring a work of art.

His eyes were extremely hot.

If all the fifty puppets in the early stage of Yuanshen were activated, they would definitely be able to solve most of the problems.

Nothing compares!

"It is definitely a big gain to defend against the enemy's surprise."

A thought rose in Jiang Che's mind.

Immediately, he came back to his senses, and with a wave of his Taoist robe, he directly took all the 49 golden puppets into his pocket.

The silver golem he will sell.

However, he planned to keep this primordial-level golden puppet for himself.

Fifty primordial spirit-level existences, what kind of concept is this? !

If they are dispatched together, it will definitely be the ace killer.

With this Yuanshen-level puppet team, he can run wild in most places.

Caught off guard, if Jiang Che was suddenly attacked by fifty early stage primordial spirits, he would definitely be unstoppable.

Death is unlikely, but serious injuries are certain.

The effect of a sudden attack is also absolutely extraordinary.

After stepping out of the sixth room, Jiang Che felt more relaxed and transparent.

The harvest of this palace alone is beyond imagination.

Big surprise!
Jiang Che never imagined that the gains from this palace would be so huge.

Compared with Lingshi, these fifty golden puppets and fifty silver puppets are big heads.

The value is not something Lingshi can easily measure.

After stepping out of the palace, Jiang Che looked back and was in a good mood.

He found nothing before, and he wondered if there was no treasure left.

But now, he understands that he underestimated Pan Huang's background.

The harvest of a palace is far beyond his imagination!
The background of the ancient emperor is absolutely beyond his imagination.

In the core of the shrine, there must be even greater treasures and wealth.

If he could obtain the Panhuang inheritance, it would be even more immeasurable.


As soon as the figure moved, Jiang Che continued to go deeper along the golden corridor.

There are sure to be more treasures to come!
(End of this chapter)

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