I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 164 The Ultimate Test of Pan Emperor's Will

Chapter 164 The Ultimate Test of Pan Emperor's Will
Jiang Che was in a great mood after receiving ten Yuanshen puppets.

Ten purple puppets in the late stage of Yuanshen, his puppet team has added another big killer.

The strength of ten puppets in the late stage of Yuanshen joining forces may be more terrifying than fifty golden puppets joining forces.

This will also be his trump card.

It is also a super hole card.

After confirming that there was nothing of value in the room, Jiang Che left immediately.

When he came to the main hall of the Xinggong Palace, his eyes looked at the statue again.

It looks very ordinary, but my intuition tells me that this statue is not as ordinary as it seems.

As soon as Jiang Che raised his hand, a divine light erupted instantly, like an arrow, and rushed towards the statue.

Whether there are ghosts or not, just try it and you will know.


The zhenqi fell on the statue, and a wave rose, and his zhenqi was directly swallowed by the statue.


Seeing this scene, Jiang Che narrowed his eyes.

The idol devoured his true energy and returned to normal again, with no visible changes.

Jiang Che raised his hand again, a ray of light emerged, and another burst of true energy was quickly stimulated, hitting the statue.

But the result was the same, without any accident, the idol swallowed his true energy again.

Jiang Che frowned tightly, staring at the statue in front of him.

Raise your hand and clenched your fist, the power of Qi and blood in your body gathers on one point.

The artistic conception was activated, and the power of 350 dragons exploded in an instant.

The air burst, and a punch hit the statue in the air.


There was a cracking sound, and this time, the statue cracked open, and the cracks spread all over the statue, spreading rapidly.

Finally, the shell of the statue fell off, revealing its true face.

A statue like glass appeared in his eyes.

The shell was shattered, but this glazed statue was intact.

Even the power of 350 dragons could not shake him.

"This is the Heavenly Crystal Divine Stone!"

Looking at the glazed statue in front of him, Jiang Che's pupils shrank.

Heavenly crystal divine stone!

This is a powerful innate god stone in ancient books.

This kind of innate god stone is extremely rare.

And the value is immeasurable.

And it is also a material for forging magic weapons.

Even, one of the materials that can forge fairy weapons.

How much is such a large Heavenly Crystal Divine Stone worth?
Jiang Che's heart couldn't help beating.

"No, there seems to be something in here!"

Suddenly, Jiang Che seemed to see an object inside the statue.

Like a palm-sized piece of bronze.

Very small.

It seems that there are still characters engraved on it, and Jiang Che can't even tell what the characters are on it.

It seems to be inlaid in this statue made of the sky crystal god stone.

what is this?


"Is it one of Panhuang's supernatural powers?"

A thought popped up.

Jiang Che's pupils shrank slightly.

Although the magic tricks and magic powers he practiced are very powerful, but the magic powers and magic powers left by Panhuang are definitely the top of the top.

This one is infinitely close to the Yang God.

It is absolutely inconceivable to create supernatural powers of cultivation.

As soon as this thought appeared, Jiang Che's heart instantly became extremely hot.

But soon, he thought of another problem.

That is……

How to break open the idol?

This riding horse was made of the Heavenly Crystal Divine Stone.

The Heavenly Crystal Divine Stone is one of the raw materials that can be used to refine immortal weapons.

It can be said that everything is invincible!

His strength might not be able to break through the Heavenly Crystal Divine Stone.


The witch god stick manifested in his hand, Jiang Che took a deep breath, violent true energy surged, and the stick landed on the statue.


When the stick fell, the idol remained motionless, and the resulting fluctuation caused the entire palace to shake, and a powerful counter-shock force swept over.

Jiang Che felt that his arms were numb.

The qi and blood in his body churned, and the powerful counter-shock force caused a little turmoil in his soul.

After a while, it calmed down.

The idol is safe and sound, not even a skin has been broken.

Jiang Che knew that the possibility of breaking through with violence was too low.

Even if he stepped into Yuanshen, he might have nothing to do with this statue.

too hard.

The Heavenly Crystal Divine Stone, but the Innate Divine Stone, is one of the raw materials of the Immortal Artifact.

Being able to destroy the Heavenly Crystal Divine Stone is equivalent to being able to damage the Immortal Artifact.

It is not enough to increase his strength by a hundred times.

"By the way, how could I forget this!"

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Jiang Che's mind, and he spread his hand, a mass of purple flames appeared in his palm.

All gods are on fire!

Innate divine fire, the power is terrifying.

With the Heavenly Divine Fire burning, there should be hope of breaking the Heavenly Crystal Divine Stone.

The purple flame, the void is distorted.

Jiang Che dropped the Dutian Divine Fire on the statue, and in an instant, the entire statue was directly wrapped by the Dutian Divine Fire.

The divine fire was blazing.

Jiang Che watched carefully, and could feel slight changes in the statue.

With a thought, the burning Dutian Divine Fire was withdrawn instantly and entered his body.

The statue was still intact, but Jiang Che had a solution.

As long as the Dutian Divine Fire continues to burn, he will be able to smelt the statue made of the Heavenly Crystal Divine Stone into a liquid form, and then he will be able to take out the bronze piece in the statue.

However, this time is very long.

For a moment, that is impossible.

Stepping forward, Jiang Che resisted the god statue and directly entered it into the map of mountains and rivers.


The god statue fell into the map of mountains and rivers. In an instant, the space of the map of mountains and rivers shook, as if it was about to collapse, and the void collapsed. Fortunately, Jiang Che activated the map of mountains and rivers, stabilized the collapsed void, and gradually returned to normal.

"It seems that the map of mountains and rivers won't be very useful. We should get a stronger space Taoist..."

A thought flashed across Jiang Che.

Looking at the god statue in the mountain and river picture, brilliance rose in his heart again.

Such a large piece of Heavenly Crystal Divine Stone.

Its value is not cheap.

The value of fairy artifact materials is not generally inestimable.

Shake the world-class artifact!

Forging an immortal weapon also requires the strength to be infinitely close to that of Yangshen.

Now, he can only think.

But for the time being, he has no plans to sell the Heavenly Crystal Divine Stone.

The shock caused by this treasure is absolutely huge.

Being targeted is also very troublesome.

This kind of treasure, even the Supreme Thunder Tribulation would be tempted, and might even kill him.

Without the strength to counter Lei Jie, he would not make a move.

In case I have the ability to refine fairy weapons in the future, that's not necessarily the case.

With a steady mind, Jiang Che let out a breath.

Harvesting such a large piece of Heavenly Crystal Divine Stone, and most importantly, the possibility of obtaining Panhuang's supernatural powers, this value is immeasurable.


As soon as the figure moved, Jiang Che didn't stop at all, and continued to search the depths of the shrine.

The more time passed, the more others came.

Although only [-]% of people who set foot on the shrine have hope, it is still a big number.

Strike first.

One step later, he might not have gained so much.


Half an hour later, Jiang Che came to a golden hall deep in the shrine.

In front of the Golden Temple, a statue of a god stands.

Jiang Che looked at the statue standing in front of the golden palace, and when he raised his hand, a ray of light directly hit the statue.

In the next breath, the idol collapsed and turned into nothing.

Immediately, his eyes turned to the golden palace again.

The Golden Palace has a guardian formation, and just as Jiang Che was thinking about preparing to do it, his expression suddenly changed.

His gaze instantly turned to the golden corridor not far away.

Two figures appeared in his field of vision.

It was Gu Changge and Xing Jianfeng.

"Jiang Daoyou!"

Gu Changge and Xing Jianfeng also saw Jiang Che in front of the Golden Palace, and Gu Changge's voice rang out.

Soon, the two stepped forward and came in front of Jiang Che.

Jiang Che's heart was full of vigilance, but on the surface he remained calm.

It's been a day since he entered the Panhuang Shrine, and this is the first time he has met two people.

"Has the search been completed?"

Looking at the two, a thought popped into Jiang Che's mind.

With the strength of the two of them, it is definitely not a problem to act in the Panhuang Shrine.

The sudden meeting made Jiang Che have to think so.

Panhuang Shrine is very big, but no matter how big it is, there will be time to finish it.

Jiang Che was very surprised to meet here suddenly.

"I have seen two fellow Daoists!"

Suppressing the distracting thoughts in his heart, Jiang Che cupped his hands.

The two of them were the first to step into the Panhuang Shrine, so that should be a big reward.

Seeing the red faces of the two of them, he estimated that they were almost inseparable.

The luck of the two is strong, and the possibility of encountering opportunities is also greater.

"Jiang Daoyou, the harvest is not small, right?" Gu Changge said with a smile.

"It's okay, I have gained a little bit." Jiang Che nodded.

"Many people have already visited the Panhuang Shrine, and there are not many treasures left. You Daoist Jiang can get some of them, which is because of your good luck." The voice of Xingjianfeng sounded from the side.

"Fellow Daoist Xing has won the prize, but I am not as lucky as the two of you." Jiang Che said with a smile.

"I've gone to most of the places. The Golden Palace in front of me hasn't been explored yet. I feel that there is great hope for treasures. Why don't we explore together?"

Gu Changge looked at the Golden Palace in front of him, and a voice sounded.

Jiang Che nodded.

He thought too.

However, the strength of these two people is far above him, so he can't help but disagree.

"Then I'll break the formation." Xing Jianfeng smiled, and immediately stepped forward.

Standing in front of the Golden Palace, looking at the Golden Palace, Xing Jianfeng raised his hand, and a terrifying breath erupted from his body instantly.

At close range, Jiang Che could clearly feel the power of this destructive breath.


A powerful ray of light bloomed, and in the next breath, Xing Jianfeng raised his hand, and a big handprint of divine light blasted out directly.

It fell on the Golden Palace.


A thunderous sound sounded, and the protective formation of the Golden Palace instantly shattered.

Xingjianfeng's aura also quickly subsided, returning to calm.

With one move, the protective formation of the Golden Palace was directly destroyed. This scene also caused strong fear in Jiang Che's heart.

If I were myself, I'm afraid it wouldn't be so easy.

"Starway friendly strength."

Jiang Che opened his mouth with a smile.

Xing Jianfeng smiled and said: "It's not too strong, it's okay."

Gu Changge: "Come on, let's go in and have a look, maybe there is still a chance."

The two nodded, and immediately, the three of them stepped up the steps at the same time and came to the gate of the Golden Palace.

Without the guardian formation, the gate of the Golden Palace opened easily.

The empty golden palace appeared in their eyes.

In the golden palace, there is only one three-foot-tall god statue.

The statue is very majestic, and it is carved in the appearance of a middle-aged man.


Stepping into the empty golden palace, the three of them looked at the statue at the same time.

"Panhuang is quite narcissistic, this is the tenth time I have met."

Looking at the tall statue in the center, Xing Jianfeng curled his lips and said.

"There's something wrong with this idol."

Gu Changge looked at the statue, his eyes were full of solemnity.

Jiang Che stood aside without speaking, looking at the statue in front of him.

Panhuang statue!

The statue of the ancient emperor is also full of momentum.

A mysterious force enveloped the Panhuang God Statue, blocking the exploration of the divine consciousness.

At this moment, a majestic voice sounded: "Young junior, you are quite courageous. If you dare to say this about me, aren't you afraid that I will let you die?"

The majestic voice resounded in the empty hall.

The faces of the three changed instantly.

He stared at the statue with all his eyes, and his intense vigilance exploded in an instant.

And at this moment, the god statue emitted light, and a phantom that was exactly the same as the god statue manifested.

The phantom descended, and a mighty and boundless aura swept over in an instant.

The three of them remained motionless.

Under the enveloping breath, Jiang Che felt as if he was facing the world.

The stalwart is boundless!

In Yuanshen, the pressure was like a mountain.

The sense of oppression brought by the phantom is suffocating.

A single thought may even wipe out oneself.

"Is this the Emperor's will?!"

"This existence has not fallen?!"

Looking at the phantom in front of him, a thought flashed through Jiang Che's mind.

This suffocating sense of oppression is definitely not an illusion.

This phantom is likely to be the result of Panhuang's will.

The existence of being infinitely close to the immortality of Yangshen, a thought, is absolutely not something they can contend with.

The three together are not enough to beat Panhuang with a single will.

The gap is too big.

The difference between heaven and earth!

The idea of ​​Panhuang's will unexpectedly came across in this golden palace, should this be good luck or bad...

The hall was silent.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment.

There is a sense of oppression in the air.

The phantom of the manifestation of Panhuang's will is very real, as if the ancient emperor came across tens of thousands of years of time and space.

The strong sense of oppression made them all feel suffocated.

"Ahem...Senior, what, I was joking."

Xing Jianfeng coughed, and hurriedly said.

"The aura of Tiandaoyu, are you from the Tiandao Sect of Central Continent?" Panhuang Xuying said, and his voice sounded.

"Yes, senior." Xing Jianfeng nodded.

"Where's Xu Tiandao? Are you dead?" Panhuang Xuying's voice sounded again.

Star Sword Peak: "..."

"The patriarch should be gone, it seems that he died with the demon god of the demon clan." Xing Jianfeng whispered.

"This old tortoise has a lot of backbone..." Panhuang Will phantom murmured.

Star Sword Peak: "..."

"Senior, the patriarch died for the human race, please be more polite, senior."

Xing Jianfeng was silent for a while, and a sentence popped out of his mouth.


"What horse rider died for the human race?"

"It's just wearing a hat."

The phantom of Panhuang's will directly burst into foul language.

The three of them were stunned for a moment, looking dumbfounded.

This ancient emperor...

So grounded!
Xing Jianfeng blushed, but he didn't dare to say anything.

"You also have a familiar aura about you, Luo Tian Yuanjing, who is Tai Xuantian?" Panhuang Zhi phantom looked at Gu Changge.

Gu Changge: "Reporting to seniors, Tai Xuantian is the patriarch of my Great Luo Holy Land."

"Are you dead?"

Gu Changge: "..."

"I don't know about this. It is rumored that the Patriarch went to the starry sky outside the territory in order to break through the Yang God, but he has not heard the news."

Gu Changge replied.

"This old guy is better at hiding than Xu Tiandao, so he shouldn't hang up..." Panhuang Zhixuying murmured.

Gu Changge: "..."

Immediately, the phantom of Panhuang's will looked at Jiang Che.

"Young man, you have a lot of potential. You may have the potential to prove the Yang God in the future."

The phantom of Panhuang Will spoke.

As soon as the words came out, Gu Changge and Xing Jianfeng looked at him together.

Shocked, stunned, unbelievable...

Jiang Che was also confused.

Do I have the potential to prove the Yang God?

You think highly of me.

Jiang Che: "Senior, you're too proud."

"Okay, since I can stimulate my will, it proves that you guys have searched for a lot of treasures. I still have a test. The three of you can get different rewards if you pass it. But one thing must be made clear. No matter whether you pass the test or not, the three of you are not allowed to step into the shrine again and give others some opportunities. Do you understand?"

The phantom voice of Panhuang's will sounded, and Jiang Che and the three were taken aback.

Soon came back to his senses.


Qi Qi's voice sounded.

"Don't make any plans in vain. If you still don't leave after passing the test, you have the means of protecting the law, and you won't be able to save your life." The phantom voice of Panhuang's will sounded again.

The three looked at each other and nodded again.

The thoughts in Jiang Che's mind were completely extinguished.

If he can warn twice, then he will definitely not take any more risks.

This means of existence, I'm afraid his master will have to retreat if he comes.

And can't get in.


Immediately, the phantom of Panhuang's will disappeared, and the statue of Panhuang erupted with terrifying light, sweeping across the Golden Palace.

In the next breath, the figures of the three were shrouded in light and disappeared into the golden palace out of thin air.

Jiang Che opened his eyes again, and his figure appeared in the vast void.

Gu Changge and Xing Jianfeng were not there.

In this vast void, he was the only one.

"What is this test...?"

Looking at the endless void world, Jiang Che blinked.

And at this moment, a majestic spiritual energy gathered in the void.

In the void, a bright light bloomed.

The light swept across, shaking the void.

Jiang Che looked at the place where the light gathered.

A figure appeared in his eyes.

The appearance is the same as that of Pan Huang, and the aura is also very terrifying.

The peak of the primordial spirit!

Looking at this figure like a Pan Huang, Jiang Che's eyes froze instantly.

"This is the test!"

Jiang Che took a deep breath, and his mind tensed instantly.

At the peak of Yuanshen, with this strength, he felt infinite oppression.

When he came back to his senses, Jiang Che was about to take out the Witch God Stick again.

But in the next second, his expression changed.

The Wushen stick seemed to be imprisoned by a mysterious force and could not move at all.

"what happened?!"

Jiang Che was terrified.

The magic weapon can't be used, this is the first time I have encountered such a situation.

Mountains and rivers map, yin and yang jade pendant, sky demon life blade, Shura sword...

All the magic weapons he sacrificed were completely imprisoned by a mysterious force.

Unable to move.

Jiang Che's heart twitched violently.

Looking at the existence of the peak of the primordial spirit in the void in the distance.

There was an instant guess in his mind.

In this situation, most of this is caused by Panhuang's will.

Only the will of the emperor can do this.

"Your magic weapon has been banned and cannot be used temporarily. To pass the test, you need your own magical powers."

At this time, deep in the void, a majestic voice sounded.

Jiang Che's heart twitched again.

This old six.

Relying entirely on his own Taoism and supernatural powers against a peak of the primordial spirit.

Good guy.


"If you die, you die. There is no second chance."

The majestic voice sounded again.

As soon as the words fell, the figure in the distant void disappeared directly into the clear sky, and in the next breath, he came in front of Jiang Che.


A blow fell outrageously, with extraordinary and incredible speed.


Caught off guard, Jiang Che was instantly sent flying.

The qi and blood in the body were concussed, and blood was vomited from the mouth.

"Cough cough..."

Jiang Che coughed, and a crisis struck again.


So close to Tianya activated instantly, and his figure disappeared in place.

The figure had just manifested, and in an instant, that figure descended again.

Carrying the power of vastness, it pumps the vitality of heaven and earth in the void world, and transforms into a heavenly dragon with one blow, rushing forward.

"The Great Sun Tathagata!"

Jiang Che activated his supernatural powers without hesitation, fused the nine forms, and the Buddha descended, killing him in an instant.


One blow shook the world, and the bright shock wave swept through the void world.

It shattered the white clouds of heaven and earth.

Jiang Che also got a chance to breathe.

Fatianxiangdi activated instantly, directly transforming into the form of a thousand-foot golden body.

The breath suddenly soared.


The Yinming mountains and rivers manifested, the blood-colored Abi God Bridge appeared, the Temple of Reincarnation, and the Reincarnation Heavenly Disk manifested at the same time.

Three layers of attacks erupted in one blow, and the superposition descended.

The void collapsed, and the three-layer attack fell on the figure in an instant.

The light of destruction blooms.

The figure shakes.

Shocked hundreds of miles away, his breath was turbulent, and he was severely injured.


With a burst of thought, the Zhoutian Star Technique was activated instantly, and the [-] star banners released starlight soaring into the sky. In an instant, the star gods of the north and south poles descended.

Jiang Che's aura surged again in an instant.


The dragon roared, and the magic seal of Tianlong town exploded instantly, destroying everything.

A hundred miles away, the figure looked at the incoming attack, moved his hand, and the infinite aura of heaven and earth gathered in his palm.

It turned into a huge divine light hand, and patted it vividly.


The two Xeons collided with one blow, and the void instantly collapsed.

The violent destructive force formed a storm, sweeping the world.

Jiang Che remained motionless, and his figure was shaken back again.

"No, quick battle!"

His eyes flashed, and his next breath directly activated the God King's secret technique.

Jiang Che drew the nine great god kings into his body in one breath.

In an instant, his aura soared more than ten times.

The surrounding void produced extreme vibrations.

At the same time, the figure's attack descended.

But before it got close, a black and white divine light erupted and destroyed it directly.

In the next breath, a terrifying sky disk manifested, crushing the void, and coming directly towards the figure.

Totally locked down, there's no avoiding it.

The figure's second blow directly exploded, blasting towards the reincarnation disk, but it couldn't shake it at all.

After the divine king entered his body, Jiang Che's strength increased to a terrifying level.

Fully fired!


In an instant, under the crushing pressure of the samsara sky, the figure was directly annihilated, shattered from life to life.

Completely killed, even the breath was completely wiped out.

The moment the figure disappeared, a ray of light hit the sky.

Jiang Che looked up instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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