I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 165 Heaven and Earth Spring and Autumn Map Forbidden Area

Chapter 165 Heaven and Earth Spring and Autumn Map Forbidden Area
The light fell like a meteor.

A picture scroll appeared in front of him.

Exuding the coercion of the best Taoist weapon.

The moment he got it, Jiang Che felt the power of this picture scroll.

A terrifying dao rhyme permeated the air.

"call out--!"

A ray of light rose from the scroll and poured into his mind,
In an instant, Jiang Che froze in place as if petrified.

After a while, he opened his eyes.

Spring and Autumn Map of Heaven and Earth!
This is a powerful top-grade Taoist weapon.

It's not worse than the Yin Yang jade pendant.

It is infinitely powerful, and at the same time, it is also a powerful magic weapon of space.

"This is the reward..."

Looking at the Spring and Autumn Map of Heaven and Earth in his hand, Jiang Che took off his golden body form, and endless weakness swept over him.

Immediately, before he could take a breath, the world was empty, and a strong repulsion swept across.

Jiang Che's figure instantly disappeared in place.

When he opened his eyes again, he had come to a meadow.

Looking into the distance, the mountain peak where Panhuang Shrine is located appears in the eyes.


Jiang Che let out a breath and looked around, but he didn't see Gu Changge and Xing Jianfeng.

Jiang Che didn't know what the test of the two of them was, and it might have ended before him.

After all, the strength of these two people is far above him.

Even without magic weapon, its strength is extremely terrifying.

The divine passage methods in the Holy Land of Central Continent are also extraordinary.

Otherwise, it wouldn't last so long.

"Find a safe place first."

With a thought, Jiang Che mobilized a small amount of true energy, and quickly disappeared in place.

The warning of Panhuang's will, if you pass the test, you are not allowed to set foot in Panhuang Shrine.

Naturally, Jiang Che would not take any more risks.

Most of the Panhuang Shrine basically searched for some treasures.

Also exceeded expectations.

Jiang Che was also very satisfied.

Don't be too greedy, if you forcefully break into Panhuang Shrine, the consequences will be serious.

Get it when you see it!


After a while, Jiang Che came to a mountain peak, and when his true energy was exhausted, he reached the top of the mountain, on top of a cliff.

Looking at the Spring and Autumn Map of Heaven and Earth in his hands, a gleam of joy appeared on Jiang Che's pale face.

The ultimate Taoist artifact, or the treasure of space, the rewards for this test are already very good.

Half Immortal Artifact and Immortal Artifact, I can only think about it.

He can't refine his current strength.

Summoning Yuan Ling and Chaos Tengu Guardian, Jiang Che took the elixir and began to recover with all his heart.

The consumption is huge.

It must be recovered as soon as possible, and in case of any danger, it can be dealt with in time.


Five days passed, and Jiang Che finally recovered to his peak state.

Opening his eyes, Jiang Che looked at the dazzling Panhuang Shrine on the top of the Void Mountain in the distance, and Jiang Che's eyes flickered.

If there is no warning from Panhuang's will, then he will definitely go to the shrine again.

"Sacrifice the Spring and Autumn Map of Heaven and Earth first, and then go to other places to see."

Withdrawing his gaze, Jiang Che's true energy moved, and one after another imprinting techniques penetrated into the Spring and Autumn Map of Heaven and Earth.

If this top-grade Taoist weapon is refined, his strength will increase again.

Yuanshen sacrificial refining.

Jiang Che put his heart and soul into it.


Time also passed by every minute and every second.

Half a month passed by in a flash.

Jiang Che also sacrificed more than half of the Heaven and Earth Spring and Autumn Map, reaching [-]%.

Although the sacrificial training has not been completely successful, the power of the Spring and Autumn Map of Heaven and Earth can still be used.

Although it is not purely a magic weapon for attacking, the power of the Heaven and Earth Spring and Autumn Map is also very huge.

Inspire the spring and autumn map of heaven and earth, which can evolve the reincarnation attack of the four seasons.

Its power is even more terrifying than that of the Witch God Rod.

Get the treasure of space, and at the same time add a new hole card killer.

Jiang Che was also very satisfied.

This trip to a secret place.

Harvest abundantly.

In half a month, besides sacrificing the Spring and Autumn Map of Heaven and Earth, Jiang Che also used the obtained spiritual veins to completely ripen the Pure Yang Fairy Fruit.

The pure yang fruit cultivated in the second round is stronger than the first round.

One round is stronger than the other.

The World Tree continued to grow, and the Pure Yang Fairy Fruit became more powerful.

The pure yang immortal energy and the heaven and earth dao rhyme contained in it are very huge.

With 64 pieces of pure yang fairy fruit, it is absolutely certain for him to step into the realm of primordial spirit.

But Jiang Che was not in a hurry to break through.

After leaving the Panhuang secret realm, it will not be too late for him to break through.

With the help of 64 pure yang fairy fruits, he not only wants to elevate himself to the realm of primordial spirit.

At the same time, it is also necessary to raise Yuanling to the realm of Yuanshen.

Martial Dao body potential should also be expected to be full, but his Martial Dao realm has improved too fast, even with the increase of the Pure Yang Immortal Fruit, he still has not comprehended the profound entrance of human immortals.

Comprehending the profound entrance and sprinting to the immortals in one fell swoop, this step is still very long.

It’s not enough to just eat pure Yang fairy fruit.

Mainly comprehension.

Without comprehending the Profound Entrance of Heaven and Earth, no matter how much Chunyang Xianguo you eat, it is just a waste.

"There is less than a month left, and I will go to other places to see..."

A thought came to Jiang Che's mind, and Jiang Che instantly got up and stood up, activated the "Short Distance to the End of the World", and disappeared into the mountaintop in one step.

In addition to the Panhuang Shrine, there are other treasure places in the Panhuang Secret Realm.

Of course, the precondition also depends on luck.

After leaving the Panhuang secret realm, I will thoroughly investigate the harvest.


Three days later, in a Gobi Desert.

Jiang Che's figure appeared.

During the time on the way, he killed several desolate beasts.

Achieve a lot.

Looking from a distance, the aura of heaven and earth here is also very surging.

Pursuing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, Jiang Che went deep into the depths of the Gobi Desert.

The scorching heat rose, but it didn't affect him much.

Walking forward in the void, not far away, a temple appeared in his eyes.

With a flash, Jiang Che came directly to the front of the temple.

Looking at the temple in front of him, Jiang Che remained vigilant.

Without the aura of formation restraint, you still can't be careless.

Stepping into the temple, Jiang Che took a look.

There are only a few abandoned statues here.

Other than that, nothing.

Searching every corner with his spiritual sense, but still finding nothing, Jiang Chedang even gave up checking and left the temple.


At this moment, just as Jiang Che stepped out of the temple, there was a violent explosion sound in the distance.

Jiang Che could feel the impact of several waves from a long distance.

Among these fluctuations, Jiang Che could feel the aura of wild beasts.

At least it is also the existence of Yuanshen level.


When the trigger was activated, Jiang Che disappeared in this temple in an instant, heading towards the place where the wave came.

Soon, on the Gobi Desert in the distance, three figures were fighting a desolate beast.

The three of them were at the early stage of Yuanshen's cultivation, while that desolate beast was at the middle stage of Yuanshen's cultivation.

The three of them teamed up, and they could only gain a slight upper hand.

All kinds of spiritual lights intertwined, and the dust on the Gobi Desert was flying.

The roar of the desolate beast came, and the desolate beast became so fierce that it flicked its tail and sent one of them flying.

Fortunately, there was a body protected by a Taoist weapon, and there was no serious injury, only a mouthful of blood.


Just as Jiang Che was about to slay, suddenly, the vitality of the heavens and the earth rioted, the void was torn apart, and a divine sword glowing with thunder fell from the sky.

The Thunder Light Divine Knife locked onto the wild beast, and the aura of destruction instantly surprised the three monks who were besieging the wild beast.

The figure retreated immediately.

"Thunder Prison Sky Knife!"

Jiang Che's pupils shrank slightly.

As soon as the knife fell, the resistance of the desolate beast was directly annihilated under the thunder prison sky knife, the ground cracked, and a terrifying wave swept across.


Although the three of them left quickly, Chi Yu was still hurt by the knife, and his body flew upside down, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

It hit the ground hard.

Fortunately, the knife didn't rush towards them, and they were protected by Taoist artifacts. Although they were injured, they were not fatal.

And that desolate beast in the middle stage of Yuanshen was directly wiped out with a single knife.

The power of the semi-immortal weapon is unstoppable!
The earth split open like a crack in the abyss.

Most of the desolate beast's body was annihilated, leaving only incomplete wreckage.

On the Gobi Desert, there is a mess.

The three of them turned pale with horror.

And at this moment, in the void, a man in a golden robe descended.

Holding the Thunder Prison Sword in his hand, his momentum is unparalleled!
"Prince Longteng..."

Jiang Che stared at the figure descending from the sky.

He wasn't too surprised.

Because he also knew who had auctioned off the Thunder Prison Sword.

Prince Longteng's own strength is also strong enough, even if he exerts a part of his power, it is enough to easily wipe out this desolate beast in the middle stage of Yuanshen.

Coming from the sky, it is majestic.

"One step late, hey..."

Looking at the dead wild beast that couldn't die anymore, Jiang Che felt a little distressed.

The cosmic word reward, just slipped away like this.

It's already a step too late.

He was given the upper hand by Prince Longteng.

"Thank you, His Royal Highness, for your help."

Among the three, a burly middle-aged man wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at Prince Longteng descending from the sky, and spoke respectfully.

Prince Longteng just glanced at him, and then his eyes fell on Jiang Che not far away.

"Jiang Daoyou, what a surprise to meet you here!"

Prince Longteng held the Thunder Prison Sword in his hand, with a smile on his face.

The three of them also looked at Jiang Che.

"Meeting the prince here, I am also surprised." Jiang Che said.

Glancing at the Thunder Prison Sword in his hand, Jiang Che had the idea of ​​killing someone to seize the treasure.

But soon suppressed again.

Without the Thunder Prison Sword, Prince Longteng must still have the protective means left by the Longteng royal family.

There is no doubt about this.

Coupled with the power of the Thunder Prison Sword, this semi-immortal weapon, I am afraid that he can't match it with full firepower.

The power of the half-immortal weapon is too terrifying.

Although he had the confidence to block the knife just now, he would have to be seriously injured.

After comprehensive consideration, Jiang Che gave up the idea of ​​intercepting and killing.

It's better to be honest.

If he can't do it, he will offend the entire Dragon Dynasty.

Either you don't make a move, or you have to frustrate your bones and ashes if you make a move, and all the funeral services are in place.

This is his principle, if you don't have this confidence, then it's best not to do it lightly.

Otherwise, if there is no benefit, then endless troubles will be obtained.


The figure of Prince Longteng came to him in a flash, "It seems that Fellow Daoist Jiang has already explored the Panhuang Shrine, right?"

"No gain, bad luck."

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said nonsense.

Prince Longteng's eyes flashed, and he looked at him. Although he didn't speak, his expression said everything.

Obviously, he didn't believe what Jiang Che said was true.

"The prince has great fortune, why don't you go to Panhuang Shrine?"

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

"I've just explored too. I'm not lucky, and I didn't gain anything." Prince Longteng responded directly by copying his words.

Jiang Che: "..."

"It's really fate to meet fellow daoist Jiang here by chance. That's just right. I want to discuss something with fellow daoist." Prince Longteng said.

Jiang Che: "?"

"what's up?"

Jiang Che looked at Prince Longteng with doubts in his eyes.

Prince Longteng didn't speak, but turned around and glanced at the three of them, and said, "If you don't leave, do you still want me to invite you to drink tea?"

Three people: "..."

At first they were excited to hear it, but when Prince Longteng opened his mouth, the three of them suddenly showed a hint of embarrassment.

Then he turned around and left quickly.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Che frowned even more.

What kind of medicine is sold in this prince's gourd?

so mysterious?

Could it be that he wanted to send the three of them away to do something wrong?

Thoughts were going back and forth, but Jiang Che remained calm on the surface.

Seeing the three disappear, Prince Longteng turned around, looked at Jiang Che, and said, "Jiang Daoyou is very powerful. What I want to discuss with Jiang Daoyou is to explore a forbidden place together. This forbidden place is not far from here. I haven't explored it yet, and it may be dangerous. I wonder if Jiang Daoyou is willing to go with you?"

"Forbidden place..."

Jiang Che narrowed his eyes and looked at Prince Longteng.

Invite him to explore the forbidden area together...

Will it be so kind?
Probably not.

Jiang Che felt vigilant in his heart.

Seeing that Jiang Che was silent, Prince Longteng said, "Fellow Daoist Jiang, we don't have much time left. If we can get some gains in this forbidden area, it would be a worthwhile trip."

"Why did the prince find me?"

Jiang Che looked at him and said.

If you are courteous for nothing, you are either treacherous or deceitful!

The crown prince is proficient in calculation.

Jiang Che is very clear about this.

Prince Longteng looked at him, and said: "It's very simple, because fellow daoist is strong enough, and I'm on equal footing with this palace, so we can go to the forbidden area together, so we have a better grasp."

Jiang Che lowered his head, thought for a moment, looked at him, and said, "Since the crown prince kindly invites you, I can go with you. However, if there are treasures, how do you divide them?"

"Whoever gets it gets it. It depends on luck. If they discover it together, they will get fifty-five points."

Prince Longteng said.

"Okay, I promise."

Jiang Che nodded directly.

Prince Longteng also showed a smile on his face.

"Let's go then."

Prince Longteng put away the Thunder Prison Sword, and with a movement of his figure, he flew straight into the sky.

Jiang Che didn't delay at all, and activated the "Close to the End of the World", and the two quickly disappeared on the vast Gobi Desert.


Half an hour later, Jiang Che and Prince Longteng left the Gobi Desert and came to a wider desert.

The red sand looks like blood.

Entering this red desert, a fiery high temperature swept over.

The strong high-temperature breath distorted the air.

Jiang Che and Prince Longteng walked forward.

After traveling thousands of miles, Prince Longteng suddenly stopped, fell from the sky, and stood on a sand dune.

Jiang Che also stopped.

Looking at the desert in front of him, Yin Yang Tianyan opened silently.

But did not find any clues.

He frowned slightly, and looked at Prince Longteng beside him: "Why did the prince stop?"

"It has arrived!"

Prince Longteng spoke.


Jiang Che's eyes were fixed.

But at this moment, Prince Longteng suddenly raised his hand, and the majestic dragon-shaped zhenqi rushed out, blasting the desert void in front of him instantly.


The collision of true energy and the void of the desert produced seven colors of light in an instant, and in an instant, Jiang Che saw a powerful prohibition appear.

The dragon-shaped zhenqi only made the restriction manifest, and did not cause any damage to it.

In a few breaths, this manifested restriction disappeared out of thin air.

As if it was just an illusion.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Che was very surprised.

This formation can actually make it impossible for the divine sense to detect, even under the eyes of Yin and Yang, it is impossible to see any clues.

Very weird!

If it wasn't for Prince Longteng, it might not be easy to find out.

"This is an ancient forbidden formation. It will only manifest when it is attacked, and the forbidden area is hidden in it. Only by breaking the forbidden formation can you enter the forbidden area."

The prince spoke slowly.

"How did the crown prince find out about this place?" Jiang Che was surprised.

"I learned it from a piece of information I got." Prince Longteng said indifferently.

"It's not easy to break through this formation, right?"

Jiang Che frowned.

"You and I join forces, it will not be difficult to break through this formation." Prince Longteng said.

While speaking, he showed the Thunder Prison Sword.

"It's impossible to completely destroy it. Although this forbidden formation communicates with the world, although it is not as terrifying as the Daotianlong formation, it should not be underestimated."

"Break together, there is only a few breaths, we have to take advantage of the few breaths to enter the forbidden time and space."

Prince Longteng looked at the empty desert in front of him, and said solemnly.

Jiang Che's eyes flickered, and he nodded slightly without saying anything.


Raising his hand, the Witch God's stick appeared.

In the next breath, the two looked at each other, and their true energy was aroused at the same time.

The Thunder Prison Knife and the Witch God Cudgel exude a terrifying aura, drawing the aura of heaven and earth.

At the same time, it blasted towards the desert void in front of us.


Bright seven-color brilliance burst out, and at the same time, a space crack the size of a person manifested, and monstrous aura fluctuations diffused from the space crack.

Prince Longteng stepped into the crack of space first, and disappeared in an instant.

Jiang Che also entered the space crack at the same time.

A feeling of dizziness struck instantly.

At the same time, the figures of the two disappeared.

The desert void was once again calm.

It seemed that the scene just now was just an illusion.

After a short period of darkness, light came into the eyes.

A sense of weightlessness struck, Jiang Che exploded with true energy in an instant, controlled his whole body, and stabilized his body.

The figure of Prince Longteng appeared not far away.

Jiang Che looked around, seeing desolation.

There are also many dilapidated buildings in sight.

Cracked pillars, collapsed temples, and broken statues.

Everything is like an abandoned place.

However, the aura of heaven and earth here is very strong, comparable to Panhuang Shrine.

A special space-time forbidden place.

Jiang Che looked towards the void, and felt the time-space restriction all over the void.

If you want to go out, you also need to break the time and space restriction.

With a full-strength blow, he broke through an entrance and exit, and Jiang Che didn't have much problem.

"This internal situation, I am not very familiar with, Jiang Daoyou, you need to be cautious."

At this moment, Prince Longteng's voice came.

Jiang Che nodded slightly.

At this moment, he understood why Prince Longteng asked someone to enter with him.

Inside the forbidden area, it is not clear what kind of danger there is.

The stakes are high.

But if you find someone, the risk is much smaller.

At critical moments, we can join hands.

"The prince plans to explore together, or do you and I separate?"

Jiang Che looked at Prince Longteng.

"Jiang Daoyou thinks we should separate or explore together?" Prince Longteng asked back.

Jiang Che glanced at the almost endless architectural ruins, and said, "It's okay to separate and explore together, I don't mind either."

Prince Longteng: "..."

"The situation in the forbidden area is full of unknowns. I believe that it is beneficial to explore together. You and I will have a [-]-[-] split."


Jiang Che nodded.

Immediately, without any nonsense, the two went straight to the ruins.

Instead of flying in the air, we moved forward close to the ground.

Void may be attacked by unknown formations, and both of them are very cautious.

The deeper you go into the ruins, the more buildings appear.

Tens of feet high and hundreds of feet tall divine pillars stand, and patterns are engraved on the divine pillars.

It's just that Jiang Che couldn't understand what these patterns represented.

Continue to go deeper for an hour, and there are more and more buildings around.

Most are dilapidated, but a few buildings remain intact.

Some traces remain on it.

It seems that they are not the first visitors.

But someone has come in, and it makes sense.

Otherwise, no information will be released.

But for an hour, Jiang Che and Prince Longteng got nothing.

No danger was encountered, and no special circumstances were encountered.

Searching inch by inch with his spiritual sense, he had a clear insight into the surrounding situation as he moved forward.

However, the two were not discouraged and continued to move forward.

After all, the scope of this space-time forbidden area is still very large. If someone has entered it, even if there is a harvest in the first place, it may be charged.

The deeper you go, the more hopeful you are.


after one day.

The two went deep into the ruins.

There were also some bones on the ground.

Not the bones of desolate beasts, but the bones of humans.

It should be that the monk who entered before died here.

"There is a situation!"

Suddenly, the eyes of the two of them lit up at the same time, and they looked at a distant direction in unison.


The figure moved at the same time, and the two disappeared quickly. After a while, the two came to a building.

A bronze temple.

Keep it intact.

At the same time, it also covers powerful prohibitions.

It was the first time for the two of them to encounter a building covered by prohibition after entering the forbidden space of time and space for a day.

As soon as Jiang Che raised his hand, his majestic true energy blasted towards the bronze temple in front of him.

The moment the attack approached, a dark light bloomed, instantly counteracting the attack.

The guardianship of the Bronze Temple is very strong.

"This Palace, come and try!"

Prince Longteng opened his mouth, and while speaking, the dragon-shaped true energy in his body rushed out.

"Big Sky Dragon Hand!"

The dragon-shaped zhenqi transformed into a giant hand of divine light, which instantly hit the bronze temple.


As soon as the blow fell, a shock wave swayed away, and a powerful gloomy light bloomed. The surrounding buildings were destroyed by the shock of the wave, but the bronze temple was still safe and sound.

The ban is still not broken.

Jiang Che frowned slightly.

The two looked at each other and joined hands again.

Powerful supernatural powers erupted in an instant, and Qi Qi blasted towards the bronze temple.

This time, the two used all their strength, and the power of their supernatural powers skyrocketed.

A strong gloomy light bloomed, and there was a click and a broken sound.

Under the joint attack of the two, the guardian formation only persisted for three breaths before it instantly shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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