I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 166 The Will of the Demon Immortal

Chapter 166 The Will of the Demon Immortal

The guardian formation was shattered, the bronze gate slowly opened, and a wisp of black air flowed out from the bronze temple.

The expressions of Jiang Che and Prince Longteng changed instantly.


The pupils of the two shrank.

Looking at the gate of the bronze temple that was slowly opening, the vigilance in his heart exploded.

The dark magic energy overflowed, and the air seemed to be polluted.

Soon, it dissipated into nothingness.

Jiang Che and the two came back to their senses, looked at the opened door of the bronze temple, took a deep breath, and stepped into the steps carefully.

Looking at the Bronze Palace, it was pitch black inside.

Jiang Che held the Wushen stick, protecting his body with zhenqi.

Prince Longteng was also very careful, his true energy enveloped his whole body.

Stepping up the steps step by step, I came to the gate of the bronze hall.

In the hall, dark demonic energy permeates.

On a platinum seat in the hall, a skeleton appeared in the eyes of the two.

The bones are like jade, exuding a crystal clear color.

It looked like a human skeleton.

But it's different, the bones of real immortals have the color of glaze.

But the skeleton on this platinum seat is dark green.

Like Moyu.

The source of the devilish energy comes from this skeleton.

There was a musty smell in the hall, as if it hadn't seen the light of day for a long time.

"This is the skeleton of the demon fairy!"

Prince Longteng looked at the skeleton with a solemn expression.

Jiang Che stood aside and did not speak, but his expression was very solemn.

The Demon Immortal of the Demon Race is equal to the Martial Dao Ren Xian Supreme of the Human Race.

This is the second time he has encountered a human immortal skeleton after entering the Panhuang Secret Realm.

The last time, it was in the Panhuang Shrine, but this time, it was in this forbidden place of time and space.

The skeleton of the demon fairy sat on the platinum seat. The black jade-like skeleton was as terrifying as a demon god from the depths of the underworld.

Although they died, the two still dare not be careless.

Who knows what will happen.

The vigilance of the two is also directly full.

Looking around the hall, there are four rooms.

The door to one of the rooms was broken, while only three doors were left intact.

The two looked at each other and looked away.

There are also restrictions in the three rooms.

There may be a baby in it.

The two came to the door of one of the rooms. Prince Longteng and Jiang Che looked at each other. The two of them shot at the same time, their true energy burst out, and the magical power of a blow landed on the door in an instant.


The bronze temple shook, and the door of the room was blocked, which was directly shattered by the two of them.

The door cracked, and a strong breath filled the air.

Majestic aura.

In the room, a large number of bright spirit stones appeared in the eyes.

There are no less than a million top-quality spirit stones.

The eyes of the two were fixed, and at the same time, they came to the room.

The spiritual consciousness checked in an instant, and there were a total of about 120 million top-quality spirit stones.

It can be called a lot of wealth.

However, both of them are worth a lot of money. With this amount of wealth, the two of them have not yet reached the point of losing their composure.

"Fifty-five points, half of you and me."

Prince Longteng spoke.

Jiang Che also nodded.

With a wave of true energy, they each took away about 60 top-quality spirit stones.

As for a small amount of deviation, it doesn't matter.

The big head will do.

"There should be babies in the other two rooms."

Jiang Che spoke.

Prince Longteng's eyes flashed, and then he stepped out of the room.

Jiang Che followed closely behind, and the two came to the door of the second room again.

Following the same pattern, the two broke the restriction again and shattered the gate.

A majestic spiritual energy diffused out.

The second room is still filled with millions of top-grade spirit stones.


There are more than 110 million.

Divided equally again, plus the previous harvest of the room, the two each got more than 110 million top-quality spirit stones.

Came to the third room.

Jiang Che raised his hand to break the restriction.

Smash the gate.

A terrifying demonic energy emanated from the room.

Inside the room, there are a lot of crystals like spirit stones piled up.

A spar like black jade.

Extremely pure magic energy permeates from these crystals.

The surge of demon energy made both of them feel extremely uncomfortable.

There are a lot of them, there are more than 300 million crystals exuding pure magic energy.

"This is... a magic crystal!"

Prince Longteng frowned.

Looking at the pile of crystals in the room.

Jiang Che also came back to his senses.

Magic Crystal.

This is also a very powerful energy spar.

It's just that no one can absorb the energy of this spar except the demons.

The magic crystal contains natural magic energy.

For the demons, cultivating and absorbing the energy of magic crystals can greatly improve them.

But for all life except the demon race, the magic crystal is poison.

Absorb a little, it is possible to pollute the true qi and increase the possibility of becoming obsessed.

Pure poison.

"How does the crown prince think we should deal with it?" Jiang Che asked.

"Destroy it directly." Prince Longteng came back to his senses and said.

"Then why don't I accept them all," Jiang Che said.


Prince Longteng looked at him and said, "Jiang Daoyou, this magic crystal contains pure magic energy and has no use. Even if you sell it, no business firm will be able to buy it. If you keep it in your hands, it will be a hot potato."

Jiang Che smiled: "I know, but it's a pity to destroy it like this. Since the crown prince doesn't want it, then I will accept it."

"...All right." Prince Longteng didn't say much.

Jiang Che insisted on taking it, so let's take it.

If something went wrong, it wasn't him who regretted it.

The magic energy of the magic crystal is pure, but this kind of magic energy cannot be absorbed by any race except the demon race.

It is also impossible to use the energy of the magic crystal for other operations.

It can be said that it is an ordinary stone.

If it could be circulated, it would have circulated in the Great Thousand World long ago.

Of course, there is another possibility, to practice some kind of demon skills.

The demons have left many demon skills in the Great Thousand World.

However, Jiang Che is a disciple of the immortal sect of the Taoist sect, and he practiced the magic skills of the demon clan, so he would definitely not be able to hide from the big brother's induction.

It's too obvious, you can see it just by doing it.

If he is discovered, he will probably be hunted down by everyone.

Absorbing the magic energy of the magic crystal will have very serious consequences. If you go crazy, you may have to suffer severe injuries, and in serious cases, you may even have your life in danger.

This large pile of magic crystals is worth less to the prince than a pile of stones.

As for what Jiang Che intends to use, he doesn't know, but if something goes wrong, it has nothing to do with him.


With a wave of Jiang Che's Taoist robe, the universe in his sleeves instantly accommodated these more than 300 million magic crystals.

Store it separately to prevent the magic energy from leaking and corroding other spirit stones.

Whether there is a trick, it will have to be studied in the future.

If there is a trick, then the value will be different.

This is the same top-grade magic crystal as the top-grade spirit stone.

However, absorption cannot be used.


Stepping out of the room, the two came to the Bronze Palace again.

Looking at the skeleton of the magic fairy on the platinum seat.

A very complete skeleton of a demon fairy.

If you just died, the value is very high, you can use the bones of the magic fairy to forge a powerful magic weapon.

However, after years of erosion, the bones of the magic fairy have lost their hardness.

It looks crystal clear, but in fact, it may break if touched.

Two pairs of eyes looked at the skeleton of the demon fairy.

Nothing else of value was found.

Prince Longteng waved his hand, and a dragon-shaped zhenqi rushed out, instantly shattering the skeleton of the demon fairy.

The demonic energy permeating the bronze palace also completely dissipated.

Jiang Che sighed inwardly.

This demon fairy was probably imprisoned and killed by Panhuang.

Other than that, he couldn't think of any other possibility.

Killed before Pan Huang was alive.

Imprisoned here after death.

How brilliant you were in life, how lonely you will be after death.

In the hall, there is only one platinum seat left.

Seats made of Gengjin.

Prince Longteng didn't make a move, Jiang Che didn't waste it, and directly took it into his pocket.

He is poor!
Unlike Prince Longteng, who has dynasty wealth behind him.

Personal financial resources are also unimaginable.

A Gengjin seat is also worth a lot.

Although some wealth has been accumulated now, it will be an unimaginable amount to cultivate Chunyang Xianguo in the future.

The pure Yang fairy fruit becomes stronger the more it is cultivated. Although the price is very high, Jiang Che will definitely not give up.

Before the thunder disaster, it must continue to be cultivated.

Only by cultivating Thunder Tribulation can one be able to extract pure Yang Immortal Qi from the endless void.

He is far behind now.

After taking away the Gengjin chair, the two continued to search the bronze hall, not letting go of every corner.

The fourth room was empty, with nothing in it.

After searching to no avail, the two also stepped out of the Bronze Temple.

It is not a waste of time to get a million-level top-quality spirit stone.

Moreover, this site of ruins has not been explored yet, and perhaps there are still treasures in the deepest part.

The two continued to go deeper.

Abandoned palaces, fallen pillars.

From the looks of it, it used to be extremely brilliant here.

But in the end, it is hard to beat the years, and everything is lonely.


The day passed quickly.

Jiang Che and Prince Longteng continued to go deeper.

Except for meeting the forbidden bronze temple a day ago, there is nothing to gain.

But the deeper you go, the more bones you meet.

It is the skeleton of a monk who once entered the forbidden area.

Most are broken.

A few parts are also complete.

"Is it almost over?"

Jiang Che looked at the wrecked buildings not far away, and said.

"It should be soon." Prince Longteng said.

Jiang Che nodded, and the two walked forward.

Soon, they came to the deepest part of the ruins.

In front of an intact palace.

This palace is filled with a forbidden atmosphere.

It is also the second time they have encountered a place where there is a complete prohibition.

This is the deepest.

Looking at the palace in front of them, the two looked at each other.

If there is no harvest in this palace, then they should leave.


True energy surged, and at the same time, the two shot instantly, and the powerful attack fell on the palace's restriction in an instant.

A powerful light rose, and the ban collided with the attacks of the two, producing powerful waves.

Suddenly, the restraint erupted with bright light, and the joint attack of the two directly bounced back to them.

Infuriatingly surging, the two raised their hands at the same time, shattering the rebounding attack.

"This restriction can rebound attacks, and the defense is also very strong. To break it, it must reach the limit beyond the limit of the restriction."

Jiang Che's eyes were fixed.

But my heart is more excited.

The stronger the restriction, the more it means that there may be a bigger treasure in the palace.

"Then use the magic weapon."

Prince Longteng opened his mouth, the light in his hand manifested, and the Thunder Prison Sword appeared.

Terrifying lightning lingered, and the aura caused ripples in the surrounding void.

Jiang Che took a deep breath, and at the same time showed the Witch God Wand.

True Qi poured in, roaring sounded, and in an instant, the situation fused.


The attacks of the Thunder Prison Sword and the Witch God Cudgel exploded at the same time, blasting towards the palace in an instant.

The guardian restriction bloomed a powerful light.

Space cracks appeared in the void.

The resulting fluctuation instantly destroyed the surrounding buildings and razed them to the ground.

Only the palace remained.

The guardianship restraint continuously stimulated a powerful light to resist, but in the end it still couldn't stop Jiang Che and Prince Longteng's joint attack.

After a dozen breaths, he was completely shattered.

The two also put away the magic weapon at the same time.

In a flash, he came to the gate of the palace.

The ban was shattered, and the gate of the palace was also opened.

A wisp of devilish energy once again diffused out of the palace.

In the empty hall, three skeletons like black jade appeared in the eyes.

Three demon skeletons.

Every skeleton of a magic fairy exudes pure magic energy.

Even after being dead for a long time, the remaining devilish energy still frightened the two of them.

Three skeletons of demon immortals represent three demon immortals.

In addition to the previous one, the four magic immortals were killed here.

Apart from Pan Huang, there is probably no other such a big deal.

The two looked at each other silently.

Qi Qi stepped into the palace.

The doors of several rooms were open, but there was nothing.

However, there is another portal leading to the side hall of the palace.

On the other side of the search in the main hall, there was nothing but the skeletons of three demon immortals.

After destroying the skeleton of the demon fairy, the three of them looked at the door of the side hall.

Now, only the side halls have hope.

The two went to the side hall at the same time.

Pass through the portal and come to the side hall.

In the side hall, there is also a skeleton of a demon fairy.

And the devilish energy that emanates seems to be more terrifying than the three demon skeletons in the main hall.

There are also several rooms in the side hall.

But it's all open, nothing.

"Falling empty..."

The two sighed in their hearts.

But at this moment, a powerful gloomy light suddenly burst out from the skeleton of the demon fairy.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying dark phantom manifested.

"Hahahahaha, after waiting for so long, I finally waited for someone to come by using the heavenly devil's fortune-telling method!"

The dark phantom roared, and a terrifying aura permeated the air.

Like an invisible air current, it slowly condensed into a phantom in the shape of a human body.

Pure magic qi emanates.

Surprised the two of them.

Not dead yet! !

Looking at this dark phantom, the pupils of the two shrank.

The will of the magic fairy, this is the magic soul of the magic fairy!


A majestic force instantly blocked the side hall, cutting off their escape route.

The demon soul roared unscrupulously in the void.

The two were focused.


Without hesitation, the two of them unleashed the Thunder Prison Sword and the Witch God Staff, and they all charged at the demon spirit.

If it is a real magic fairy, I am afraid that the two are not rivals, but only the will of the magic fairy is left, so there is still hope.

So many years must have passed away a lot.

The two are not vegetarians.

Sit back and wait for the demon soul to kill!


The attack pierced through the demon soul, a gloomy light bloomed, and the pupils of the two shrank.

The horror of this magic fairy's will seems to be beyond imagination.

Together with one strike, the palace was shattered, but the will of the Demon Immortal was still not shattered.

"You two juniors of the human race, with you, I still can't kill this seat. Today, I will take the two of you away. In the future, I will return to the world with an army of demons, hahahahaha!!!"

Unscrupulous laughter sounded, shaking the time and space of the ruins.

Both Jiang Che and Prince Longteng had ugly expressions on their faces.

A blow from the magic weapon had no effect.

The horror of this magic fairy's will is more powerful than imagined!

"This little doll is good, so let's take it first!"

The devil soul looked at Jiang Che, his eyes were full of brilliance.


Jiang Che's face changed, and the witch god's stick carried a shocking evil spirit, and once again killed the will of the magic fairy.

"Heavenly Demon Creation!"

The will of the magic fairy roared, and the dark magic energy rose into the sky, turbulent the void.

A blow from the witch god's stick did not hurt the will of the magic fairy at all.

As if pierced, it completely fell through.


At the same time, Prince Longteng exploded with the Thunder Prison Sword, a terrifying blow that instantly tore apart the blockade of the Demon Immortal's will and tore apart the void.

At this moment, Prince Longteng's figure moved, directly tearing apart the void and entering the void.

"Want to run!"

"The demon roars!"

The will of the magic fairy made an angry sound, and a roar that turbulently rang out the Forbidden Land of Time and Space.

Space shock.

Jiang Che was the closest and suffered the most damage.


The seven primordial spirits shook, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

And the void also dropped drops of blood.

Prince Longteng was injured.

But still ran away.

Leaving the forbidden land of time and space.

Only Jiang Che remained in the Forbidden Land of Time and Space.

Moxian's will was angry, but he didn't care so much, looking at Jiang Che.

Greedy eyes radiated from those terrifying eyes.

"Little baby, don't resist, you can't escape."

The magic fairy will make a sound.

In the next breath, the endless demon energy was turbulent, and the majestic will power descended directly, sealing the void.

"Good fortune is immeasurable, and the demon is reversed!"

The voice of the magic fairy's will sounded, and in an instant, the sky and the earth changed color.

Completely attacked by the power of the will of the magic fairy.

Jiang Che's face was gloomy, and in an instant, he broke out without hesitation.

Inspire the golden body of thousands of feet.

At the same time, the north and south poles entered the body, and the nine god kings manifested, entering the body instantly, and his aura rose steadily.

reached its peak.


The majestic power descended, the Abi God Bridge, the Temple of Reincarnation, and the Heavenly Disk of Reincarnation, and the three most powerful ones merged into one, shattering the space, and directly killed the will of the magic fairy.

"Life is immortal!"

The voice of the magic fairy's will sounded, and the powerful magic light bloomed, rendering the forbidden space of time and space.

A violent mushroom cloud rises.

Space-time vibration.

Jiang Che spat out blood, and the blood in his body was churning, and the radiance of the thousand-foot golden body became very dim.

In the mushroom cloud, the phantom of the magic fairy's will reappeared.

There have been some changes in the breath, but it still doesn't help.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Che's mind instantly fell to the bottom.

Even the strongest blow can't kill this magic fairy's will.

Today, he is probably doomed!

"Haha, little baby, your strength is not bad, but it's a pity, I have already practiced the creation of heavenly demons, and my will is immortal. Your supernatural powers are useless to me!"

The unscrupulous laughter of Moxian Will resounded.

"Obviously, just grab it!"

"This seat will take your body and conquer the world."

Crazy laughter resounded, and in the next breath, the will of the Demon Immortal descended in an instant, and came directly in front of Jiang Che.

But at this second, Jiang Che's dull eyes suddenly burst into bright light.

"Thank you for the reminder, otherwise, I might not be able to kill you!"

A cold voice sounded, and in the next breath, a powerful golden light emanated from Jiang Che's body.

The light emitted by the primordial spirit.

Jiang Che's seven primordial spirits forcibly merged, and in an instant, endless lightning golden spikes rushed out, stabbing at the will of the demon fairy in front of him.

At close range, even the will of the magic fairy did not react.

Thousands of lightning golden thorns erupted, completely penetrating the blockade of the magic fairy's will.


A terrifying golden lightning blooms, consumes the power of the primordial spirit, and forms the primordial spirit lightning.

Thor thorn!
At this moment, Jiang Che broke out with all his strength for this mysterious method that had not been used for a long time.

Extract all his primordial power and unleash the most powerful primordial blow.


The golden lightning of Yuanshen covered the sky, and the endless thunder god pierced through the body of the demon soul of the demon fairy's will.


A painful voice sounded.

The magic fairy will let out a painful roar.

Thunder God thorn, pure primordial spirit supernatural power.

This secret method of primordial spirit attack has long been practiced by Jiang Che to the point of proficiency.

The will of the demon fairy has practiced the strange magical powers of the demon race. His other magical attacks are completely ineffective, but the Thunder God thorn is different.

Jiang Che directly broke the boat.

There is only one chance to kill Moxian Will at the cost of severe damage to the soul.

If the will of the Demon Immortal cannot be killed, then he must be the one who dies.

Even if there is a jade pendant with a mysterious sound on his body, he is now in the Panhuang Secret Realm.Xuan Miaoyin was also unable to break the shackles of Panhuang and enter the secret realm of Panhuang.

Jiang Che is not sure whether he can kill the Demon Immortal Will, but he can just sit and wait, that has never been his style.

Even if you die, I will have to drag you on your back!
The power of the primordial spirit was consumed crazily.

The seven primordial spirits became sluggish.

The golden and violent Yuanshen lightning covered the will of the demon fairy and the demon soul.

The breath of the magic fairy's will continued to decline.

Jiang Che did not give up, and he would not give up his attack until the last moment.

Consciousness gradually became trance.

The power of the primordial spirit is excessively overdrawn, even if the seven primordial spirits are powerful, they cannot persist in this way.

"Die together!"

The angry voice of Moxian's will sounded, and a terrifying force pierced through the golden lightning, blasting into Jiang Che's body in an instant.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Jiang Che felt as if his internal organs were about to collapse, and his body suffered severe injuries instantly.

The shape of the thousand-foot golden body was smashed to pieces.

But even so, Jiang Che continued to burst out Thor Thorns.

The Will of the Demon Immortal must be killed.

Otherwise, he will surely die.

When the last primordial power was exhausted, Jiang Che suddenly felt a vibration from the demon book in his mind.

A platinum reward light group burst out.

In a daze, he saw a line of characters appearing in his eyes.

Yuzi Qipin!

The highest level reward in the Demon Book.

But at this moment, Jiang Che couldn't hold on any longer.

The golden lightning disappeared, and his primordial spirit was completely exhausted.


The body fell heavily, dust was flying, and the earth trembled.

Jiang Che lay motionless on the ground like a corpse.

Consciousness was completely plunged into darkness.

Even in the end, he no longer had the strength to open the map of mountains and rivers and summon Yuan Ling and Chaos Tengu to protect him.

The shattered time and space returned to silence.

The will of the magic fairy completely dissipated without a trace.

Everything is like an illusion.

As if it never happened.

The shattered space-time forbidden land gradually returned to calm.

The magic energy dissipated without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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