Chapter 167
Panhuang secret realm.

Over a red desert.


A brilliance flashed, the space cracked, and a figure in a golden robe fell from the void and landed on the desert.


A mouthful of bright red blood spewed out, Prince Longteng's body was on the verge of falling, and a touch of paleness appeared on his face.

Looking at the healing space, a strong fear flashed in his eyes.

The treasure was not found, but people almost got stuck in it.

The will of the magic fairy.

Prince Longteng never imagined that in this time-space forbidden area, there actually exists the demon soul of the will of the demon race and immortal!
"I'm afraid Jiang Che is already in danger..."

Looking at the void, and thinking of the last scene, Prince Longteng felt somewhat regretful.

But luckily I'm safe.

As for whether Jiang Che could survive, he didn't know.

The magic fairy's will is remnant, and even the attack of the Thunder Prison Sword cannot produce fatal damage.

This point is enough to prove the horror of the remnant soul of the magic fairy.

But there is no way.

If he didn't run away, he might have to be buried with him.

"Get out of here first..."

Stabilizing his mind, Prince Longteng disappeared into the red desert in an instant as soon as he moved.

The possibility of Jiang Che's survival is estimated to be only one percent.

Must leave as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if the will of the Demon Immortal seizes Jiang Che and rushes out of the forbidden space-time, then a catastrophic disaster will be ushered in.

In the entire Panhuang Secret Realm, I am afraid that neither Gu Changge nor Xing Jianfeng may be able to kill the will of this demon fairy.


In a daze, Jiang Che opened his eyes.

The sky was gray and cloudy, as if it was going to rain.

Jiang Che lay on the ground, unable to move.

The strength of the whole body seemed to be exhausted.

It was extremely difficult to move the fingers.

The consumption in the body is huge, almost exhausted.

His primordial spirit has also reached a terrifying level of consumption.

The seventh soul disappeared, and the remaining six souls also became depressed.

But the only fortunate thing is that he is still alive.

Exhausting all the power of the primordial spirit, a thunder god thorn burst out, and finally killed the will of the magic fairy.

Lying on the ground, Jiang Che remained motionless.

Although he has awakened, his will is too exhausted.

It's hard to even let go of thoughts.

Slowly closing his eyes, Jiang Che could only wait for himself to recover a little bit, and then he was able to use his thoughts, open the map of mountains and rivers, and take out the elixir.

"The Panhuang Secret Key has disappeared... So, I am no longer in the Panhuang Secret Realm."

Jiang Che checked his body with the remaining primordial thoughts, and found that the Panhuang Secret Key was gone in his body.

This shows that he has left the Panhuang secret realm.

Before he fell into a coma, he vaguely remembered that he was still in the forbidden space.

This shows that he has been in a coma for at least 20 days, or even longer.

But for the specific time, he can only communicate with Yuan Ling after he recovers.

Now his thoughts are too weak, he can't even open the map of mountains and rivers, and he can't summon Yuanling to show up.


There was a thunder in the sky, and lightning flashed.

Soon, a heavy rain fell.

On the grass, Jiang Che remained motionless, letting the raindrops fall on his body.

With his eyes closed, he tried to use the thoughts of the gods and kings of the heavens to absorb the aura of heaven and earth into his body to recover, but he couldn't do it at all.

He was too weak, so weak that he was worse than the last time he fought against the real devil.

In addition to being conscious, opening his eyes is very laborious.

Consumption is beyond imagination.

The rain kept falling, the grass was soaked quickly, and his clothes became wet.

Tightly attached to the body.

It was very uncomfortable, but Jiang Che couldn't move.

It lasted for a few quarters of an hour before the rain in the sky stopped.

"Da da da--"

And at this moment, Jiang Che vaguely heard the sound of horseshoes.

The voice moved from far to near, getting closer to the place where he was lying.

But even after discovering the situation, Jiang Che was still unable to move.

He was unable to open his eyes due to the intense consumption.

Can only rely on listening.

Herod! !

The sound of horseshoes stopped, and a voice sounded.

"Hey, Geng Nuyuan, look, there is a person lying on the grass."

A younger voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a rough voice sounded.

"Shut up, I saw it."

"Strange, what is this man doing lying on the grass in the rain? And this hobby?"

The young voice sounded again.

Immediately afterwards, the rough voice sounded again: "Has your brain been kicked by a donkey? Who the hell has this hobby?"

"...Then do you want to take a look? What if you are not dead?" The young voice sounded again.

"You wait, I'll go and have a look." The rough voice sounded again.

Immediately, Jiang Che heard footsteps walking towards him.

Although he could feel it, he couldn't react.

I could feel a tall, burly man coming in front of me.

Crouching down, the burly man put one hand on Jiang Che's neck.

"Huh? Not dead!"

The voice sounded again, and after that, Jiang Che felt a big hand groping around his body.

"There is still breath."

The big man's voice sounded again.

Immediately, the big man stood up and said not far away: "Monkey, come here."

"I'm coming."

A young voice sounded, and after a short run, he came in front of the big man.

"This guy is pretty good-looking."

A young voice sounded.

Jiang Che: "..."

"Shut up, you stay here and watch, I'll go ask Missy for instructions."

The rough voice sounded again.

"Good Geng Nursing Home."

A young voice sounded.

Immediately, Jiang Che felt the footsteps of the big man leaving.

"This man is so good-looking, isn't he a little boy? Could it be that he was discovered by someone cheating on him, and then beaten up like this, ready to throw his body in the wilderness?"

At this moment, that young voice rang in his ears.

Hearing the words of the young man beside him, Jiang Che's three corpses were furious.

Little white face?

Is your horse-riding imagination not too rich?
Perhaps it was the reason for the emotional turmoil, but Jiang Che's body instinctively reacted.

"I moved, it seems that I still have a few breaths. If the eldest lady agrees to save you, then you should not die."

In the ear, the young voice sounded again.

Jiang Che's heart twitched continuously.

He now has an urge to beat the young man beside him to death, but he can't do anything about it.

The injury is too serious.

It will take at least several hours before he can recover a bit.

There was a chattering voice at the young man's ears.

Jiang Che was unable to respond.

You have to listen even if you don't listen.

If you meet a chatterbox, it's okay.

Jiang Che now only wants him to leave quickly.

It's so f*cking annoying...

But soon, there was a sound of footsteps, and the young man's voice finally stopped.

"Geng Nuyuan, what's the matter?"

"Well, the eldest lady agrees to save him. You carry him into the car and count the movements. He still has a breath, so don't kill him."

Geng Nuyuan's voice sounded.

"I knew it was like this. The eldest lady is so kind-hearted, and she is also kind-hearted. It's really..."

"Your mother is so big, hurry up and hug someone, Rory is so talkative, believe it or not, I will slap you?"

Geng Nuyuan said with a grumpy face.


In the end, Jiang Che was picked up by this young man and carried into a carriage.


A young voice sounded, and outside the carriage, a graceful woman came to the front of the carriage, looked at the unconscious Jiang Che in the carriage, sized him up, the woman looked at him, and said, "I'm going back to the city right now, you just need to take care of him."

"Good lady."

A young voice sounded, and they got into the carriage immediately.

"Let's go!"

A woman's voice sounded outside, and immediately, Jiang Che felt the carriage keep moving forward.

He was slightly relieved.

As long as he is given a little time to recover, he will have the power to protect himself.


The carriage bumped all the way forward, and Jiang Che could sense the general situation outside with his own perception.

Going all the way, after a while, they entered a city.

Finally the carriage stopped, and Jiang Che could sense that the stop was in the direction of the back door of a mansion.

His consciousness was also completely exhausted, and he fell into darkness again.


It didn't know how long it took before Jiang Che regained consciousness again.

His eyes slowly opened, and he was in a room.

The room looked ordinary, with no frills, and he was lying on a bed.

The clothes on his body were changed into a set of coarse cloth clothes, and the storage ring on his finger was still there and had not been taken away.

Jiang Che felt a little relieved.

The deep sleep this time allowed his primordial spirit to recover a little bit. Although he was still exhausted, it was much better than before.

You can open the map of mountains and rivers, and summon Yuanling to appear.

But just when Jiang Che was about to open the map of mountains and rivers, the door of the room suddenly opened.

A figure appeared in his eyes.

A very thin young man.

He doesn't have any meat in his body, but he seems to be very shrewd.

His eyes are very lively.

The four eyes met, and the air seemed to be quiet.

"Wow, you finally woke up!"


"You wait, I'll notify Geng Nursing Home."

The thin young man spoke, then turned around and left the room quickly.

"Is this person... the chatterbox I was before I fell into a coma?"

Watching this thin young man leave, a thought flashed in Jiang Che's mind.

The sound is somewhat familiar.

It is estimated that it is close to ten.

But Jiang Che has no time to pay attention to these trivial things now.

Opening the map of mountains and rivers, he quickly took out a elixir to restore the primordial spirit, and began to absorb the thoughts of the gods and kings.

With the help of the thoughts of the gods and kings of the heavens, this elixir of the primordial spirit was quickly absorbed in sevens and eighties.

Jiang Che's primordial spirit also recovered a bit.

Although none of it has recovered, at least it has some strength.

The injuries in his body were very serious, and the fatal counterattack of the Demon Immortal's Will before he died, if his physical body was not strong enough, he might have collapsed immediately.

Although he saved his life.

However, severe physical injuries also require a lot of time to gradually recover.

And now he can't use the Pure Yang Fairy Fruit to recover, he can't bear the energy of the Pure Yang Fairy Fruit.

At least [-]% to [-]% must be recovered before being able to use the Pure Yang Fairy Fruit to recover.

Fortunately, other medicines are enough, the only thing needed is time.

And the most serious injury is undoubtedly his primordial spirit.

Of the seven primordial spirits, only the six primordial spirits remain.

Regardless of the cost, he used Thor to assassinate and kill the Demon Immortal's will, making his seventh soul completely dissipate.

Even if he returns to his peak, his strength will decline, but with the Pure Yang Fairy Fruit, it is not a big problem to retrain the seventh soul.

This battle made Jiang Che realize the horror of Moxian.

Even if it is only the will of the magic fairy, he is not able to fight against it.

According to the original plan, after he left the Panhuang Secret Realm, he could take the Pure Yang Fairy Fruit to cultivate and reach the Ninth Primordial Spirit in one fell swoop.

Then the primordial spirit merged into one, hitting the realm of the primordial spirit.

But now, his plan needs to be extended for a while.

The damage is too severe.

Yuanshen is exhausted and the lamp is dry.

He also takes longer.

"After returning to Donghuang, we must completely annihilate the Vacuum Cult, by the way, there is also that damned true demon!"

Murderous intent flashed in Jiang Che's heart.

At this moment, his hatred for the demon race quickly climbed to its peak.

He had to kill that real demon in Donghuang.

When he stepped into the realm of Yuanshen, he would have enough strength.

As for Prince Longteng, Jiang Che didn't have that much hatred.

If it were him, he would have to tear apart time and space to escape.

The will of the magic fairy is too terrifying.

If it wasn't for the Thunder God Thorn of his Yuan Mystic Method, he might have died.

Run away, it's normal!

He and Prince Longteng just have overlapping interests.

Of course, there is no enmity, but there is also no affection.

If it wasn't for the sudden accident of Moxian's will, he might have already cultivated the ninth soul, ready to unite with the soul to cross the catastrophe.

But the world is impermanent!

Danger, sudden backstab!
Almost killed him!
This battle is also a painful lesson!

In the vast world, there are still a lot of existences that can kill him.

And just after Jiang Che absorbed the primordial spirit elixir, there was a sound of footsteps.

Immediately afterwards, at the door of the room, two figures appeared in his field of vision.

One of them was the thin young man who left before.

As for the other person, he was a big man with a beard who was dressed a little more luxuriously.

With surging energy and blood, he is the existence of a fifth realm of martial arts, a congenital master.

"Geng Nuyuan, he was in a coma for three days and finally woke up."

Aside, the thin young man spoke.

"To shut up."

Geng Nuyuan glared at the skinny young man, then stepped into the room.

Came to Jiang Che's bed.

"How do you feel now?"

Looking at Jiang Che on the bed, Geng Nuyuan asked.

"It's much better, thank you." Jiang Che said weakly.

Geng Nuyuan took a look at him and said, "It seems that you can't die, so that's good, and it's not a waste of Missy's medicine."

"Thank you, the strong man, for saving me. Jiang is very grateful." Jiang Che squeezed out a smile.

Geng Nuyuan raised his hand and said: "Don't thank me, I just obeyed the orders of the eldest lady. The eldest lady is a good person with a kind heart. If you want to thank me, please thank the eldest lady."


Jiang Che nodded.

"What's your name?" Geng Nuyuan looked at him and asked.

"Down with the river, the river is so clear."

"Jiang Che, the name is good." Geng Nuyuan nodded.

Immediately, he looked at Jiang Che and said, "You can rest at ease. When you are almost recovered, I will take you to see the eldest lady. I will let the monkey take care of you for a few days."

After finishing speaking, Geng Nursing Academy turned back, looked at the thin young man and said, "Monkey, take care of his three meals a day, don't talk nonsense, do you understand?"

"Okay Geng Nursing House." The monkey youth nodded, patted his chest, and said, "Don't worry Geng Nursing House, I will take good care of him."


"Just remember." Geng Nuyuan nodded, then looked at Jiang Che again, and said, "You rest first, and the monkey will bring you dinner later."

Jiang Che nodded slightly.

Geng Nuyuan didn't say much, and then left.

In the room, only Monkey Youth and Jiang Che were left.

"You just woke up, then I won't bother you, rest first, I live next door, if you have something to do, I can hear you by shaking the bell."

The monkey youth looked at Jiang Che and said.

"Okay, thank you."

Jiang Che glanced at the bell beside the bed, and nodded.

Immediately, the monkey youth left the room and closed the door.

Jiang Che watched the monkey youth leave, then closed his eyes, and after a little sensing of the surrounding situation with his primordial spirit, he opened the map of mountains and rivers with a thought.

With a flash of light, Yuan Ling instantly appeared in front of him.

"How long have I been in a coma?"

Looking at Yuan Ling, Jiang Che asked.

"Three months." Yuan Ling replied.

"Three months...not bad." Jiang Che let out a sigh of relief, and immediately, he asked Yuan Ling to set up an enchantment with a wave of his hand and sealed off the room.

Any situation can be known instantly.

"Help me recover."

After giving the order, Yuan Ling immediately came to the bed, put his hands on Jiang Che's shoulders, and pure zhenqi instantly poured into his body.


A ray of light bloomed instantly.

The nearly shattered golden core in Jiang Che's body also burst into light.

With Yuan Ling's assisted recovery, Jiang Che began to adjust his breath rapidly.

With Yuan Ling assisting in recovery, the injuries in his body can also speed up recovery.


Five days passed in a flash.

Jiang Che asked Yuan Ling to assist him in speeding up his recovery every night.

Progress is also rapid.

With Yuan Ling's assistance, the injuries in his body were basically healed.

Although the injury was serious, his Dao Divine Body and Nine-Aperture True Dragon Body were not vegetarians.

Also recovering on its own.

The nearly broken golden core also gradually recovered.

The primordial spirit consumed was also partially recovered under a large amount of primordial spirit pills.

The first soul returned to its peak, while the remaining five souls were still sluggish.

However, the overall strength has also recovered by about [-]%.

Jiang Che also has the ability to protect himself to a certain extent.

In the past few days, through chatting with this monkey youth during the day, Jiang Che basically understood the current environment.

The city he was in was a small city under the jurisdiction of Longyang County of the Suzaku Dynasty.

The name is Ancheng.

It is a city with a population of one million, and it can only be regarded as a small city in the entire Longyang County.

There are two big families in Ancheng.

One is the mansion family he belongs to, the Lu family.

Good reputation.

The Lu family has done good deeds and accumulated virtue for generations, and their reputation in Ancheng is one of the best.

Saved many people.

The other family is the Lin family.

He was at odds with the Lu family, and always regarded the Lu family as his deadly enemy.

Two big families have enmity.

However, the Lin family is strong, and has been overwhelming the Lu family.

These two families are rivals in every aspect.

The properties under the banner originally accounted for half of the country, but the Lin family secretly used many methods to occupy some of the Lu family's properties by various illegal means.

But without substantive evidence, the Lu family could only endure it.

There are two Jindan level existences in the Lin family.

However, there is only one Jindan level in the Lu family.

In other respects, warriors and monks, the Lin family also outperformed the Lu family.

However, although it is stronger than the Lu family, it has not yet reached the level where it can annex the Lu family.

And most importantly, the Lin family has a backer.

And according to the monkey youth, this backer is a fairy gate in Longyang County.

A powerful sect called Qingyuanzong.

A super giant with a primordial spirit.

Several disciples of the Lin family practiced in this Qing Yuan Sect.

That's why the Lin family is so powerful.

Although Qingyuanzong would not intervene, but with Qingyuanzong's prestige, it also put a lot of pressure on the Lu family.

Therefore, even if some industries are annexed, they can only hold back their breath.

But Jiang Che didn't pay too much attention to this.

Family grievances can be found anywhere.

Including my own family, there are also aristocratic families who are not in the right way.

It's just that his father is too strong, and these aristocratic families dare not make any big moves.

Jiang Che didn't pay much attention to disputes and grievances.

He believes in one thing, and breaks all laws with one force!

Strong enough to destroy everything!
In this regard, he coincides with Master Xuan Miaoyin.

Without strength, everything is empty.

What about wealth?

You can't keep it even if I give it to you!

Three days passed again.

Jiang Che's recovery has also reached about [-]%.

The second soul also returned to its peak.

The remaining four primordial spirits, although still sluggish, are much better.

In a month or two, he can almost recover. Although the Seventh Soul is destroyed, it is not a problem to rebuild.

The gains from the Panhuang Secret Realm can not only bring him back to his peak, but also allow him to make great strides forward!

"Brother Jiang, you've almost recovered, I'll take you to meet the eldest lady."

Geng Nuyuan walked into the room, looked at Jiang Che and said.


Jiang Che nodded.

Immediately, he got up and followed Geng Huyuan out of the room, stepped out of the courtyard, passed through an arched door, and followed a long corridor.

Soon, he and Geng Nuyuan came to an arched door.

There should be a small garden inside.

In front of a stone table, sat a woman, flipping through the booklet in her hand.

She was dressed in a goose yellow dress, with exquisite features, not to mention a stunning face, but she was still a beauty.

Beside him, there was a young girl in Tsing Yi, who seemed to be a woman's maid.

Geng Nuyuan stood at the door, and a rough voice sounded: "Miss, we're here."

"Well, come in."

The woman in the light yellow dress nodded and continued to look at the brochure.

Geng Nuyuan then led Jiang Che into this small garden and came to the stone table.

"Jiang Che, thank you Miss Lu for saving me."

Looking at the woman in the light yellow dress in front of him, Jiang Che cupped his hands and looked serious.

Although the strength of this woman is not in his eyes, he respects her for saving her life.

Moreover, he was kind-hearted, and Jiang Che was also very polite.

When Jiang Che opened his mouth, the woman in light yellow dress raised her head, looked at him with a pair of bright eyes, and smiled: "You're welcome, sit down first."

Jiang Che nodded slightly, and then sat on the stool beside him.

The woman in the light yellow dress closed the booklet in her hand, handed it to the maid at the side, and said, "Xiao Qiong, go and give the account book to my father, I've already done the calculations."

"Okay." The maid nodded, then turned and left.

"Geng Nuyuan, go and do your work, it's fine here." The woman in light yellow dress looked at Geng Huyuan and said.

"Okay, miss, I'll wait outside, just call me if you need anything."

Geng Nuyuan smiled, and the woman in light yellow dress nodded slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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