I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 171 Make a move, meet the prince again

Chapter 171 Make a move, meet the prince again

"Wanbao Pavilion..."

When he came to a shop, Jiang Che stopped.

He looked at the store in front of him.

One of the main stores of Vientiane Commercial Bank.

"Shot the silver armored puppet..."

With a firm mind, Jiang Che stepped into the Ten Thousand Treasures Pavilion.

Soon, a woman in a green shirt came to him.

"Guest, hey, it's you!"

The woman in the green shirt stepped forward, and was slightly taken aback when she saw Jiang Che's face clearly.

Hearing these words, Jiang Che also froze for a moment, and looked at the woman in green shirt in front of him.

He had no impression of the woman in front of him.

"Guest, you forgot, I was the one who received you when you were here last time." Looking at Jiang Che, the woman in the green shirt said.

Hearing this, Jiang Che suddenly realized.

"It's you, I remembered." Jiang Che nodded slightly.

The woman in the green shirt smiled, looked at him, and said, "Guest, you must have forgotten me, but I always remember you. You are also here to sell things this time?"

"Yes." Jiang Che nodded, looked at her, and said, "Lead the way."

"Okay, guest, please follow me." The woman in the green shirt nodded, then twisted her graceful figure, and turned to lead the way.

Jiang Che followed behind and came to a room on the third floor.

The woman in the green shirt kindly poured a cup of spiritual tea and put it in front of him, looked at him, and said, "Guest, are you also selling magic weapons this time?"

"Probably." Jiang Che nodded lightly, then waved his hand, and a puppet in silver armor instantly appeared out of thin air.

"This is……"

Looking at the silver-armored puppet in front of her, the green-shirted woman was taken aback.

"This is a puppet, a puppet that can burst out the peak strength of a golden core." Jiang Che said.


Hearing this, the pupils of the woman in the green shirt shrank instantly.

Jiang Che looked at her and said, "Call your supervisors, I still have some."

The woman in the green shirt was taken aback for a moment, but she quickly came back to her senses, nodded, and said: "Okay, please wait a moment, guest, I will call right away."

After finishing speaking, the woman in the green shirt turned and left.

Jiang Che sat on a chair with his back leaning against him and waited.

I was thinking about the price of the puppet in my heart.

Certainly not cheap.

If the price is not satisfactory, he will never sell.

This kind of puppet must be a hot commodity.

Don't worry if you can't sell it.


Soon, the woman in the green shirt who had left came back, and at the same time, a beautiful woman in a purple gauze skirt followed behind.

"The middle stage of the Yuanshen..."

Jiang Che looked at this beautiful woman in a purple gauze dress, and had a quick insight into her strength.

"Guest, this is the owner of my Wanbao Pavilion, the owner of the Purple Pavilion."

The woman in the green shirt stepped forward and introduced.

Jiang Che got up and nodded.

And the eyes of the beautiful woman in purple fell on the silver armored puppet beside her.

Look carefully.

Immediately, she said: "Xiaoxuan, you go down first, I will talk to the guests."

"Okay." The woman in the green shirt nodded, then turned and left.

After the green-clothed woman left, the purple-clothed beauty looked at Jiang Che and said, "Hi, fellow Daoist Jiang, my name is Zi Ling, and I'm the owner of the head office of Vientiane Commercial Bank."


"you know me?"

Looking at the beautiful woman in purple, Jiang Che's eyes froze.

From beginning to end, he never reported his name.

"Naturally, I have seen Jiang Daoyou's power in Longquan Villa." Zi Ling said with a smile.


Jiang Che nodded slightly.

"Pavilion Master Purple, we don't need to waste time, Master, let's take a look at this puppet first."

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

Zi Ling nodded, and immediately came to the silver-armored puppet, her slender hands glowed, and she touched the silver-armored puppet carefully.

After a while, the light on Yu's hand disappeared, Zi Ling looked at him, and said, "Jiang Daoyou, this puppet is very good, but I still want to test whether it has the power of the peak golden core, I wonder if Jiang Daoyou would like it?"


Jiang Che nodded.

Zi Ling immediately took out a high-grade spirit stone and smashed it into the silver armored puppet.

In the next second, the silver-armored puppet burst out with spiritual power, and Zi Ling's eyes lit up instantly.

Immediately, she turned her head to look at Jiang Che, and said, "No problem."

"Then let's talk about the price."

Jiang Che got straight to the point.

Zi Ling's eyes flashed, she looked at him, and said, "I heard that Fellow Daoist Jiang has more than this one puppet, how many puppets does Fellow Daoist Jiang have? In terms of price, I believe that fellow Daoist will not disappoint you."

"There are probably dozens of them, all of the same quality." Jiang Che said.

"tens of!!"

Zi Ling's pupils shrank, her chest rose and fell slightly.

After taking a deep breath, she calmed down, looked at Jiang Che, and said, "Friend Jiang, are you serious?"

"Can I still lie to you? Tell me about the price. If the price is right, I can sell them all." Jiang Che said calmly.

Zi Ling lowered her head slightly, thought for a moment, and then she spoke after a while, and said, "Fellow Daoist Jiang is so frank, so I won't go around too much. It's a one-buy price, three seventh-rank spirit veins for one."

"Three seventh-rank spiritual veins..."

Jiang Che narrowed his eyes, as if he was thinking.

Zi Ling looked at him and said: "Jiang Daoyou, this price is very reasonable, definitely not low, if it is a single one, I am afraid it will not be worth this price."

Jiang Che didn't speak. After thinking for a while, he finally said, "Friend Zi Zi did offer quite a lot, but..."

Jiang Che paused slightly.

Zi Ling remained calm on the surface, but her heart was slightly tense.

"Jiang Daoyou, this price has already reached the limit. If it is higher, I'm afraid..."

Zi Ling stopped halfway through her words, and the meaning behind it was naturally self-evident.

Jiang Che looked at her and said, "How about this, I have a total of 49 puppets like this, the total price is 150 seventh-rank spiritual veins, how about it?"


Zi Ling's pupils shrank slightly.

After a while, she came back to her senses and looked at Jiang Che. After a while, she nodded, "If that's the case, I can agree, but I need to check it out."

"of course."

Jiang Che nodded slightly, and then the Taoist robe moved, a silver light flashed, and all the remaining 48 silver-armored puppets appeared.

In the room, they stood neatly.

Looking at the puppets in front of her, Zi Ling's heart beat violently, but she had seen big scenes before, so she quickly regained her composure.

Carefully inspected each puppet.After confirming that there is no problem, she looked at Jiang Che and nodded: "The quality is fine, fellow Daoist Jiang, wait a moment, I will ask someone to raise funds immediately."

"No problem." Jiang Che nodded and sat down.

After a while, Jiang Che obtained 150 seventh-rank spiritual veins.

There are 49 silver-armored puppets, with a total of 150 seventh-rank spiritual veins, Jiang Che is also very satisfied.

This price is not much different from the price in my heart.

"If the golden puppet is shot, then..."

A thought flashed in his mind, but Jiang Che quickly calmed down the thought.

The golden-armored puppet in the early days of Yuanshen, this trump card, he is not going to make a move.

Such a puppet team has been able to bring him a lot of long-term income.

In the future, it will still be useful.

"Zi Daoyou, I still have some things here, you can see if there are any, if there are, I will take them."

After recovering, Jiang Che took out a list and handed it to Zi Ling.

Zi Ling took a look and looked at the densely packed material names on the list.

After a while, she nodded, "Most of them are in stock, but there are two materials that need to wait for a while before they can be transferred from other stores."

"Okay, I'll wait." Jiang Che nodded.

The materials are all raw materials for refining puppets.

There are more than 20 kinds in total.

He has some of them himself, but he still needs to buy some.

After returning to Donghuang, he can try refining.

If successful, the value will be different.

These materials are used to refine puppets of the Golden Armor level.

If a puppet team with a hundred people in the early stage of Yuanshen was created, his hole cards would be greatly enhanced.


Half an hour later, all the materials were in hand, and Jiang Che also happily paid the price of the raw materials for twenty seventh-grade spiritual veins.

Jiang Che is not stingy, as long as he succeeds, the money will definitely flow in.

The value is not ordinary.

After stepping out of Wanbao Pavilion, Jiang Che chose a family to live in now.

Today he rested in Longling City for a day, and tomorrow, he will leave and continue to the border city of the South China Sea.

This time, he didn't plan to take the route he came last time, and chose another route to enter the South China Sea.

He has already customized the route.


Inn, in the room.

Jiang Che's primordial spirit came out of his body and entered the Spring and Autumn Map of Heaven and Earth.

Came to the side of the world tree.

The third round of cultivation requires more spiritual veins and spiritual stones.

For the remaining 130 seventh-rank spiritual veins, Jiang Che planned to feed all of them to the World Tree.

He will need massive resources for every step of his cultivation in the future.

As for the resources of Chunyang Xianguo, there is no doubt that they are the best.


Controlling the spiritual veins, Jiang Che directly started feeding.

The seventh-rank spiritual veins were quickly absorbed by the World Tree.

The world tree also grew ten feet high at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The branches and leaves become more lush.

After fully feeding ninety seventh-rank spiritual veins, the world tree bloomed.

A total of 120 eight flower bones.

It also means that in the third round, 120 pure yang fairy fruits can be cultivated.

Without delay, Jiang Che fed all the remaining forty spiritual veins to the World Tree.

The flower buds bloomed, and brilliant flowers bloomed.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Che fed his remaining spiritual veins, except for the sixth-grade spiritual vein derived from the earth essence stone, and fed all the others.

The blooming flowers also bear green fruits one by one.

Each cyan fruit is about the size of a fist.

Dao patterns are all over the place.

120 eight pure yang fruits.

In the third round of cultivation, if the golden puppets were also sold, then he thought, it should be enough.

But now the golden puppet is still helping him a lot, Jiang Che can only hold back.

There are many ways to make money.

And he has plenty of time, the third round of training is not a problem.

With any luck, that might be enough soon.

An important part of the return journey is the South China Sea.

If he can continue to be hunted down by the Hai Clan, then he believes that they should be able to get together soon.

This is also the fastest way.

Murder over the goods!
While accumulating wealth quickly, you can also burst out various rewards.

The stronger, the better!
As long as it is not the Supreme Thunder Tribulation, and meets a Sea Clan, then he will never let it go.


On the second day, Jiang Che left the inn early in the morning.

After stepping out of Longling City, Jiang Che's next stop will be the city on the border of Longteng South China Sea according to the route he set out.


Just after leaving Longling City, Jiang Che felt an aura following him.

"A member of Vientiane Commercial Bank?"

Jiang Che frowned slightly.

Stepping into Longling City, he didn't have much contact with each other. The only contact was with the Vientiane Commercial Bank.

Could it be that Vientiane Commercial Bank intends to kill people and sell goods?
Probably not...

Since Zi Ling knew his strength, he probably wouldn't be so stupid to choose to do it.

Except for the Vientiane Tianzun of Vientiane Commercial Bank, I am afraid that other people will die when they come.

But if it's someone else, it doesn't seem right.

He didn't reveal his wealth, so he shouldn't be targeted by anyone else.

Thoughts swirled rapidly in his mind, and soon, Jiang Che came back to his senses.

Although it is not clear, but if you catch the person who is following him, all the mysteries will be revealed.


As soon as the figure moved, Jiang Che quickly disappeared in place.

It was still within the range of Longling City, so he couldn't act rashly.

After traveling for about two hundred miles, Jiang Che's figure suddenly stopped, and then his breath disappeared, and his figure disappeared without a trace.

On a hillside, a black shadow appeared.

It was a middle-aged man in a black robe.


The man in black robe frowned, but at this moment, behind him, a figure in blue Taoist robe appeared out of thin air.

The man in black robe just noticed something, but the next second, he couldn't move.

The whole body was imprisoned by a powerful force, completely unable to move.

Jiang Che looked at the man in black with cold eyes.

A Jindan peak dares to follow him, who gave him the courage?

"Who are you, tell me, maybe I can make your death easier."

Looking at the black-robed man in front of him, Jiang Che's voice was as cold as ice.

The black-robed man's face was pale. Looking at Jiang Che, he felt a terrifying aura. He hurriedly said, "Misunderstanding, I have no malicious intentions, I belong to the prince."


Jiang Che stared at the black-robed man, his heart agitated slightly.

I have only been in the city for a day, and the prince found out so soon?

"The prince asked you to follow me?"

Jiang Che came back to his senses and asked.

The black-robed man nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, I just obeyed the prince's orders, without any malice."

"Why did the prince ask you to follow me?" Jiang Che asked again.

"I don't know." The black-robed man shook his head in horror.

"I don't know..." A murderous look flashed in Jiang Che's eyes.

Suddenly, he raised his head and looked towards the void, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Jiang Daoyou, let him go, I ordered him to follow."

The voice of Prince Longteng came from the void.

A divine light descended from the void.

Seeing the descending divine light, the black-robed man was delighted, but his smile froze in an instant.

A majestic force erupted in an instant, and the body of the black-robed man exploded, turning into nothing.

Blood spilled on the ground, and the pungent smell of blood filled the air.

In front of the prince, directly killed his people.

Jiang Che's complexion did not fluctuate in the slightest.

Can't see any emotions.

"Jiang Che, you are presumptuous!"

Prince Longteng's angry voice came, and his figure also appeared in the divine light, looking at him with an angry face.


Jiang Che's eyes were calm, and he looked at the descending Prince Longteng with a calm expression: "Since the prince wants to see me, he can just show up, why send someone to follow me? Could it be that the prince is not presumptuous when he sends someone to follow me?"

"I just want to show that he belongs to me. If you dare to strike, you are going too far." Prince Longteng said coldly.

"It's too much. At the beginning, the prince ran alone and didn't give any support. Could it be that the prince is not too much?" Jiang Che said lightly.

Prince Longteng: "..."

"I don't have that much time. Since the prince has shown up, please speak up if you have anything to say. I'm in a hurry." Jiang Che said flatly.

"Jiang Che, this is Longteng, not Donghuang. Are you really not afraid of this palace?" Prince Longteng looked directly at him with cold eyes.

Jiang Che's expression remained calm, and he looked at Prince Longteng: "If the prince wants to do something, then feel free to give it a try."

"This fellow..."

Looking at Jiang Che, Prince Longteng's eyes flickered.

But in the end, he restrained his aura, looked at Jiang Che, and said: "The situation in the forbidden area was really unavoidable, and this palace can't resist the will of the demon fairy. I'm just curious, how did you get out?"

"Of course I have my own way." Jiang Che said lightly.


"If the prince has nothing else to do, then I will take my leave first." Jiang Che said, and just as he finished speaking, the light around him surged.

"Wait a minute." Seeing Jiang Che preparing to leave, Prince Longteng said hastily.

"What else is the prince doing?" Jiang Che looked at Prince Longteng.

"Since you have come to Longling, there is a place nearby, how about you and me?"

Prince Longteng said.

"I'm afraid I don't have time, so I'll take my leave!" As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Che activated the "Close to Heavenly End" and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Seeing Jiang Che leaving resolutely, Prince Longteng's face was very ugly.

Looking at the blood on the ground, his gaze became even more gloomy.

"Forget it, this guy can even defeat the will of the demon fairy, and now he has broken through the primordial spirit, so don't force him..."

A thought flashed in his mind, the prince waved his sleeves, a ray of light swept across the blood on the ground, cleaned up the traces, then turned around and disappeared.

But at this moment, on the hill not far away, Jiang Che's figure appeared out of thin air, watching Prince Longteng return to Longling City, his eyes were cold.

If it wasn't for Longling, he probably couldn't help but want to kill people and seize treasures.

He had only been in the city for a day, and the crown prince actually tracked down his tracks.

"Could it be that the woman had an affair with the prince?"

Jiang Che thought of one person, and that was the owner of Wanbao Pavilion, Zi Ling.

The only one who knows his identity is this Purple Spirit.

And it just so happened that he was tracked by the prince's people when he left the next day.

This is absolutely no coincidence.

After standing still for a long time, Jiang Che finally left.

Whether it is or not, even if he knows the truth, there is nothing he can do.

The prince's pursuit is probably due to the will of the magic fairy.

After all, the situation at the beginning was indeed a fatal situation.

The will and strength of the magic fairy are also very terrifying.

If it wasn't for the meta-mysterious method of Thunder God's stabbing, he would have died completely.

Killing the prince alone was just to vent his emotions.

Want to do it, but reality doesn't allow it.

If the crown prince is moved, then he will never leave Longling alive.

Moreover, it may not necessarily be able to kill.

The increase of the semi-immortal weapon is indeed quite abnormal.

If you can't die with one blow, you will have to be seriously injured.

His physical body still couldn't withstand the attack of the half-immortal weapon.


Five days later, Jiang Che arrived at this city on the border of the South China Sea.

Haibing City.

It is also a large city with a population of tens of millions.

On the outskirts, Jiang Che overlooked the endless South China Sea.

The blue waters are churning.

South China Sea was also the last stop on his return to Donghuang.

At the current speed, it would take almost two months for him to cross the South China Sea and reach Donghuang.

And the final destination is also within the border of the Eastern Wilderness Daqian.

There are deviations, but basically negligible.

Withdrawing his gaze, Jiang Che looked at the Haibing City and entered the city directly.

Haibing City is also a city with developed port trade.

Although it is not comparable to Longling Kingdom, it is considered a big city within the territory of Longteng Dynasty.

After stepping into Haibing City, Jiang Che wandered around the city's squares.

Then he chose an inn to stay.

Take a day off today, and leave early tomorrow morning.

The next step is to take a complete rest, and the only way to do it is to return to the Eastern Wilderness.


The day passed quickly.

On the second day, Jiang Che checked out and left the inn early in the morning.

After leaving Haibing City, Jiang Che directly chose to ride the clouds and the fog.

Although it consumes some true energy, this consumption can basically be ignored by him.

Stepping on the white clouds, Haibing City soon disappeared from his vision.

Above the endless sea, the blue ocean has no limit.

A huge merchant ship is sailing forward on the sea.

When he first arrived in the South China Sea, Jiang Che's situation completely changed.

He gained a lot from this trip to the Southern Wilderness.

Not only did he get an extraordinary opportunity, but at the same time, he also broke through his own cultivation.

Thoroughly cultivate into the realm of the primordial spirit!

It's just a difference, but the strength is enough to turn the world upside down!

The changes are amazing.

Although he encountered many dangers, he was also satisfied with the rewards.

Next time, he doesn't know when he will come to Nanhuang.

However, in the vastness of the world, what he explored was only the tip of the iceberg.

Northern Wilderness, Western Wilderness, and Central Continent, the center of the Great Thousand World.

At the same time, there are some terrifying forbidden areas in the Great Thousand World, such as the Dark Abyss.

Perhaps by stepping into the Thunder Tribulation, he will be able to travel through the Great Thousand Worlds, even beyond the Heavens.


Three days passed quickly.

Jiang Che could no longer see the mainland, and there were only islands.

The current scope still belongs to the outer sea.

For three days, Jiang Che didn't even meet a sea monster.

Very peaceful.

However, the situation in the outer sea was stable, so he was relieved.

Only by entering the inner sea can one reach the base camp of the Sea Clan.

Jiang Che is really looking forward to meeting more sea people.

The more you kill, the faster you accumulate wealth.

It would be even more wonderful to meet the giants of the Sea Clan.

"call out--!"

Walking on the clouds, a red light suddenly came from the void in the distance.

A Taoist in red appeared in Jiang Che's field of vision.

"That's... Master Chi Yuan?"

Looking at the Taoist in red, Jiang Che was slightly taken aback.

He was more or less surprised to meet Master Chi Yuan here.

Although this place is not far from the Southern Wilderness Continent, it is still very unexpected to meet here by chance.

"Chi Yuandao..."


Just as Jiang Che was about to say hello, his eyes suddenly turned to the depths of the void.

A terrifying demonic aura emanated from the void.


The void shattered, and a giant claw like black gold appeared out of thin air, grabbing Master Chi Yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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