I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 172 Instant Kill, Search the Base Camp

Chapter 172 Instant Kill, Search the Base Camp

The void seemed to have collapsed, and the black gold-like giant claws directly blocked the void.

Master Chi Yuan's face changed instantly, and the fly whisk in his hand burst out with powerful power, turning into a divine sword, and quickly slashed towards the giant black gold claw.


The divine sword slashed on the black gold giant claws, sparking directly, a shock wave in the void instantly spread and swept, and the sea water exploded and churned.

"call out--!!"

In the shattered void, a beam of light rushed out, and instantly blasted on Master Chi Yuan's body, and in an instant, he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The figure retreated violently again and again, and stopped after retreating ten miles. Part of the Taoist robe on his body was torn, and he was in a panic.

The giant black claws in the void disappeared, and a ferocious black flood dragon appeared in the shattered void.

The majestic monster energy filled the void, and it was a peerless monster.

The late Yuanshen.

Much stronger than Master Chi Yuan.

"Chi Yuan, you still want to run, today, you will die!"

Jiaolong spit out human words, and his voice exploded over the ocean like thunder.

Chi Yuan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at the black dragon with serious eyes.

But at this moment, Jiang Che in the distance looked at the black dragon that tore through the void and appeared, his eyes lit up instantly.

He hadn't encountered any monsters from the Sea Clan for three days, but he met a big guy as soon as he came out, and his mood instantly improved.


So close to Tianya activated, and Jiang Che disappeared into the void with a single thought.

In the next breath, he appeared directly above the black flood dragon.

Appearing out of thin air, this peerless monster and Master Chi Yuan were taken aback for a moment.

"It's him!"

When he saw Jiang Che, Master Chi Yuan was taken aback for a moment, and then he was ecstatic in his heart.

"Early stage of Yuanshen!"

"He has already broken through the Yuanshen realm!"

When he sensed Jiang Che's breath, Master Chi Yuan was shocked, but he was more delighted.

If Jiang Che appeared, he would not be able to die.

With this person's terrifying strength, he can definitely overwhelm this dragon in the late stage of Yuanshen.

"Jiang Daoyou be careful, this monster is extremely ferocious!"

Master Chi Yuan immediately opened his mouth to remind.

Although Jiang Che was very powerful, this flood dragon in the late stage of Yuanshen was not a vegetarian.

It would be bad if the ship capsized.

"Who are you?"

Looking at the young man in the blue Taoist robe in front of him, the black flood dragon spit out words.

The monster power surged all over his body, and he was fully prepared.

This young Taoist gave him a very dangerous feeling.


Jiang Che didn't make any response, and raised his hand lightly, and above the sky, endless purple lightning criss-crossed.

In the next breath, a shocking bolt of lightning rushed directly towards the black dragon.


Startled, the black flood dragon opened his mouth to spit out, and a terrifying light burst out instantly, rushing towards the purple lightning.

But with a collision, his attack was directly crushed, and the purple lightning was shattered on the spot, and the remaining lightning fell on the body of the dragon in an instant.

The demon power defense collapsed instantly.


Painful roars exploded over the ocean, and the black dragon wrapped in purple lightning seemed to be experiencing the pain of a catastrophe.

Before the second counterattack was made, a bright golden light instantly rose from behind Jiang Che, transformed into a golden sky dragon, and rushed out directly.


A powerful shock wave in the void instantly swayed, and the destructive fluctuations made Master Chi Yuan who was not far away had to quickly take two steps back.

When the light wave subsided, this peerless monster no longer had any breath of life.

His primordial spirit was also completely destroyed in one blow, completely dead.

Before the huge body of the flood dragon fell into the ocean, Jiang Che shook his Taoist robe, and the universe in his sleeve instantly swept it into the map of the spring and autumn of heaven and earth.

Instant kill.

Master Chi Yuan stood in the void, staring at the body of the flooded dragon, he was instantly stunned.

The Jiaolong in the late Yuanshen period was instantly killed just like that? !

How terrifying is his strength? !
"The Ninth Rank of Cosmic Characters..."

Seeing the font reward presented in his eyes, Jiang Che's eyes flickered.

Stepping into the Yuanshen, now, killing a peerless monster in the late Yuanshen period can only break out the ninth grade of Zhou Zi.

I'm afraid that killing a peerless monster in the early stage of Yuanshen, even the ninth rank of the universe character will be difficult to explode.

After glancing at the reward lights in his mind, Jiang Che came back to his senses and let out a sigh of relief.

A cosmic word-level reward, that's not bad either.

It was also a big hit.

To get a reward at the Yuzi level, Jiang Che reckoned that the only way to get rid of the existence at the level of the Human Immortal and Thunder Tribulation.

But fortunately, the cosmic word-level rewards are big enough.

As for the Yuzi-level rewards, forget about it for now.

It's not easy to kill a Thunder Tribulation or Human Immortal level monster.

The will of the magic fairy is just a coincidence, and there is no one in strength.

But even so, it was only a narrow escape to death at the beginning.

Even if one's physical body stepped into a human immortal, it would be very difficult to kill the human immortal and the monsters of the Thunder Tribulation level.

It might be possible in the future, but right now, his strength is still far behind.

However, it is still possible if one can transform the three cleans into one qi, and the cultivation base can be improved a little more.

Transforming into three avatars that are no less than the deity, that is equivalent to a joint attack by four of you.

Hope, great!
However, this supreme and wonderful method has only been comprehended by [-]%.

If you want to perfectly reproduce your own clone, you must at least achieve Dzogchen.

At this moment, Master Chi Yuan also came back to his senses, looking at Jiang Che in the void, his heart was turbulent.


Taking one step forward, Master Chi Yuan soon came in front of Jiang Che.

Looking at Jiang Che, he cupped his hands and bowed respectfully, "I never thought of running into fellow Daoist Jiang here. I'm really lucky. Thank you fellow daoist for your help. Otherwise, I'm afraid the poor daoist will be doomed today."

"You don't have to be polite, friends of the equator. Slaying demons and demons is just the duty of our generation of practitioners." Jiang Che said with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Master Chi Yuan gave a thumbs up in his heart.

In this day and age, it is really lucky to know a friend like Jiang Che.

If it's someone else, I'm afraid it's fine if they don't make trouble.

"Jiang Daoyou has a heart of sincerity, and in the future he will definitely be one of the supreme beings in the world." Master Chi Yuan smiled and flattered him.

"Friend Equator, where did you meet this monster?"

Looking at Master Chi Yuan, Jiang Che asked.

"Alas..." Venerable Chi Yuan sighed, and then said: "I am dissatisfied with the fellow Taoist, and the poor Taoist is also unlucky. On the way back, he suddenly broke into the territory of this peerless monster. He insisted on asking Pindao to pay a toll of 100 million spirit stones. Pindao refused, so this demon attacked Pindao."

"As for the place where I met this monster, it should be in..."

"Well, wait, let me look at the map first."

Master Chi Yuan said, took out a map and looked at it.

Jiang Che: "..."

How can you forget this?

You are careless enough.

Looking at Master Chi Yuan in front of him, Jiang Che's heart twitched.

"I found it, on Luoxing Island."

Master Chi Yuan pointed to a location on the map, then looked at Jiang Che, and said, "Pindao encountered this monster dragon suddenly while passing Luoxing Island. His lair should be in the ocean near Luoxing Island."

"Luoxing Island..."

Jiang Che looked at the position of Master Chi Yuan's fingers, and combined his own traveling route, which happened to be all the way.

If you go faster, you can arrive in half a day, if you go slower, it will only take a little more than a day.

The Sea Clan is in the inner sea area of ​​the barrier, but it still belongs to the outer sea area.

"Jiang Daoyou, if you ask this, don't you want to kill the demon dragon's lair?"

Putting away the map, Master Chi Yuan suddenly thought of something. Looking at Jiang Che, his pupils shrank:
"This is not necessary. This monster dragon must be the giant of the sea monsters. If you go to the lair again, the risk will increase. Fellow Daoist Jiang, you have to be careful!"

Jiang Che smiled, and said, "It's okay, I'll see if it's true, I don't necessarily know how to do it."

Master Chi Yuan: "..."

Not necessarily.

You are my three-year-old child.

Looking at Jiang Che, Master Chi Yuan was speechless.

"Fellow Daoist Jiang, why don't you go back to Xianmen with me to rest for a few days, so that I can thank you fellow Daoist, how about it?" Master Chi Yuan looked at him and said.

Jiang Che shook his head, and said, "Thank you, Daoist, for your kindness. I accept it with all my heart, but forget it. I have to hurry back to Donghuang, so I'll take my leave first!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Che flew away in an instant.

"Jiang Daoyou, Jiang Daoyou, oh..."

Seeing Jiang Che leave without looking back, Master Chi Yuan sighed inwardly.

Luoxing Island is already close to the edge of the inner sea of ​​the South China Sea. If Jiang Che goes there, he may not necessarily encounter any danger.

But he couldn't persuade Jiang Che either.

After all, his strength is far above his.

"I'm going to follow, I'm afraid it's just a burden, I hope he will be blessed and won't be besieged by a large number of sea people..."

Master Chi Yuan sighed inwardly, then, he came back to his senses, turned around and disappeared into the void.


South China Sea.

In the depths of the ocean, in a crystal palace.

The inner hall was very quiet. On a crystal couch, a burly middle-aged man was sitting cross-legged and practicing.

Dressed in a black robe, a surging aura permeated the air, and his strength was terrifying.

But suddenly, he opened his eyes abruptly, and quickly stood up from the crystal couch.

"what happened?"

"Why do you suddenly feel restless?"

The black-robed middle-aged man frowned tightly. He was cultivating when suddenly he had a whim in his heart, as if something important had happened.

And at this moment, outside the inner hall, a figure hurriedly walked towards the inner hall.

"My lord, my lord, it's not good, it's not good!"

A panicked voice came from the door of the inner hall, and then, an old man in a black robe with a stooped figure hurried in.

The black-robed man frowned, looking at the panic-stricken old man in black robe, his expression was displeased: "Mr. Turtle, why are you so flustered, is your wife dead?"

"No...it's not the king, it's King Hei Yuan's life card that was broken, and King Hei Yuan...he's dead!"

Mr. Turtle said in a panic.


Hearing this, the black-robed man's pupils shrank for an instant, and the next second, he moved directly in an instant, and came in front of Mr. Turtle, grabbed Mr. Turtle's neck with one hand, and lifted it vigorously. Looking at Mr. Turtle, his gaze was as cold as ice:

"Can you tell me again?"

The voice was icy cold, and the temperature of the entire inner hall dropped by more than ten degrees.

Like an ice cellar.

His gaze was like a knife, as if he was about to peel it alive.

Manager Turtle blushed and stammered: "Hei... Hei Yuan... King... His life card was just...broken...broken."


As soon as the words were finished, the black-robed man waved his hand and threw the tortoise manager directly, hitting the golden pillars in the inner hall, causing the entire Crystal Palace to shake.


Mr. Gui spurted out a mouthful of blood, a paleness appeared on his old face instantly, and his breath was turbulent.

At this moment, the black-robed man stood in the center of the inner hall, and a violent evil spirit swept across the entire Crystal Palace in an instant.

The majestic power of heaven enveloped the Crystal Palace.

All the shrimp soldiers and crab generals trembled instantly, and all looked towards the direction of the inner hall.

His eyes were full of horror.

"Who is it, who dares to kill my younger brother of the Flood Demon King! Who is it!"

The angry roar blasted the Crystal Palace, like thunder rolling from the sky, the majestic power of the sky made the shrimp soldiers and crab generals vomit blood directly from their mouths, and staggered from side to side.

"Dare to kill my younger brother of the Flood Demon King, how courageous, this king will definitely not spare you, I will cut you to pieces!!!"

The angry voice sounded again, shaking the Crystal Palace.


South China Sea, void.

When Jiang Che stepped on the white clouds and headed towards the location of Luoxing Island.

Stepping on the white clouds, Jiang Che's consciousness moved instantly, and he extracted the reward.

With a flash of light, a golden tripod manifested in his eyes.

The whole body is gilded, with dragon-shaped Dao patterns engraved on it, permeating the mighty atmosphere of high-grade Taoist utensils.

Dragon Refining Cauldron: A high-grade implement for enlightenment, which contains the law of Dao rhyme and the will of the dragon soul. It has a certain increase effect when assisting in alchemy and refining. It also has offensive and defensive capabilities. It can stimulate the will of the dragon soul, which can greatly increase its power and kill the enemy...

"A high-grade Taoist weapon..."

"Refining the Dragon Cauldron."

Looking at the font in his eyes, Jiang Che came back to his senses.

A very powerful magic weapon.

With one hand making a tactic, with a movement of his soul, Jiang Che quickly started the sacrificial exercise.

In just one hour, Jiang Che completed the first sacrifice.

With a thought, Jiang Che put away the dragon refining cauldron and put it in his dantian for nourishment.

Don't worry about refining all of them now, let's go to Luoxing Island first.

There must be a lot of wealth in the demon dragon's lair.

There are many harvests with you.

When we arrive at the lair, there should be more treasures.

The biggest hobby of the Dragon Clan is also to collect wealth.

do not miss it.

"Ah Choo~!"

Suddenly, Jiang Che sneezed.

After rubbing his nose, Jiang Che frowned slightly. .

"what happened?"

Immediately, he stretched out his hand to calculate, and after a while, he opened his eyes.

"There is a demonic aura... Could it be that the whim just now has something to do with the sea monsters in the South China Sea?"

Jiang Che squinted his eyes. Although he could figure out the general idea, he couldn't deduce the specific situation.

He didn't have the supernatural ability to predict the future, he just calculated on a whim and instinctively.

"If so..."

"That would be great!"

Looking into the void, Jiang Che's eyes lit up with flames.

come well.

Just right, make a big ticket.


As soon as the figure moved, Jiang Che urged Bai Yun to move forward faster.


In the starry night, the waves are churning.

The starry sky is dotted with stars, and the starlight tonight is extraordinarily brilliant.

Above an island with a radius of five hundred miles, Jiang Che's figure appeared.

Standing in the clouds, overlooking the island below.

On the island, a little spark.

This island is Luoxing Island.

There are also many locals living in the islands.

Although the number is small, there are basically more than 1000 mouths.

In the center of Luoxing Island, there is a small town.

Here is the most prosperous area on Luoxing Island.

Under the darkness of night, only a few sparks were lit on Luoxing Island, and it was extraordinarily quiet.

Standing in the void, Jiang Che's spiritual consciousness was instantly released, and the majestic spiritual consciousness searched the entire Luoxing Island.

Noticing anything unusual, Jiang Che turned his gaze to the sea near Luoxing Island.

The consciousness broke out and quickly plunged into the ocean.

Constantly expanding.

"found it!"

On the surface of the sea two hundred miles away from Luoxing Island, Jiang Che's spiritual sense sensed a special aura.

The figure flashed, and instantly disappeared over the sky of Luoxing Island, and came to the surface of the sea two hundred miles away.

Looking at the churning sea water, Jiang Che pinched out the Water Avoidance Art, and with a flicker of his figure, he quietly dived into the ocean.

Keep diving.

A ray of light appeared in Jiang Che's eyes in the pitch-black water at a distance of about a thousand miles.

It is a crystal palace.

In the Crystal Palace, Jiang Che sensed the same aura as that of a demon dragon.

No mistake, this should be the base camp of that black flood dragon.

As soon as the figure moved, Jiang Che quickly arrived near the Crystal Palace.

In the dark sea water, only the Crystal Palace is shining with unquenchable light.

A layer of formation wraps around the Crystal Palace, blocking the sea water.

On the steps at the gate of the Crystal Palace, there are two shrimp soldiers and crab generals holding steel forks.

Did not sense any strong evil spirit.

In the Crystal Palace, there are some small people.

However, Jiang Che sensed the aura of the spiritual vein.

And more than one.

The entire Crystal Palace is filled with majestic aura.

As soon as the figure moved, Jiang Che, like a phantom, quietly passed through the formation covering the Crystal Palace.

This is just an ordinary formation, which isolates the sea water, and added several defensive formations. With his strength, he can sneak into it without anyone noticing.

Stepping into the Crystal Palace, Jiang Che's spirit was shocked by the majestic aura that diffused out.

In the Crystal Palace, there are many spiritual veins.

"who are you?"

At this moment, a charming voice sounded, and a woman in purple looked at him with a look of astonishment.

Jiang Che turned his head and looked at the woman in purple.

Under Yin Yang Tian's eyes, the body of the purple-clothed woman had an instant insight.

It's not a human race, but a jellyfish spirit.

The strength is not strong, it is only around the early stage of Golden Core.

From the looks of it, it should be that Jiaolong's concubine or something.

The moment their eyes met, the woman in purple came to her senses.

"Popularity, this is the human race!"

"It's not good, someone..."

The jellyfish yelled fiercely, but before she finished speaking, a terrifying sword energy instantly penetrated her delicate body, obliterating her without even escaping her soul.

In an instant the life was over.

The demon book vibrated, and the rewards for the fifth grade of Huangzi burst out.

At this moment, the other sea monsters who heard the movement rushed out instantly.

Jiang Che watched hundreds of sea monsters appear, most of them were shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

Most of the overall strength is in the realm of true spirit and soul.

As soon as he raised his hand, thousands of sword qi burst out, sweeping the entire Crystal Palace.

In an instant, all the sea monsters in the Crystal Palace were instantly killed by Jiang Che.

The demon book kept shaking, and the rewards of the ninth grade of Huangzi popped out one by one.

After eliminating all the sea monsters in the Crystal Palace, Jiang Che went straight to the depths of the Crystal Palace.

Pass through the hall and come to the rear of the Crystal Palace.

The spiritual consciousness instantly locked the hidden spiritual veins, and the majestic true energy burst out instantly. Jiang Che pulled out all the spiritual veins in the Crystal Palace in one breath.

There are more than 100 spiritual veins.

However, most of them are ninth-rank spiritual veins, and there are only about a dozen eighth-rank spiritual veins.

There are only three seventh-rank spiritual veins, and one of the most powerful sixth-rank spiritual veins.

It is also a big harvest.

Jiang Che directly opened the map of spring and autumn of heaven and earth, and stored all the spiritual veins obtained into the map of spring and autumn of heaven and earth.

The fastest way to make money is to kill people and sell goods.

Regarding these sea monsters, Jiang Che did not have any psychological burden.

The one who was hunted down was the same as the grandson. Now, it's time for revenge.

This is just an opening.

Jiang Che collected all the spiritual veins, and searched the Crystal Palace again with his spiritual sense.

Soon, he locked a position in the Crystal Palace.

In front of a secret room door.

Raising his hand and clenching his fist, Jiang Che violently broke open the door of the secret room, and instantly, a large amount of magic weapon breathed out.

In the secret room, most of them are spirit treasures, and there are two low-grade Taoist artifacts.

There are also many natural treasures.

As soon as a thought broke out, Jiang Che didn't show any politeness, and took everything into his pocket.

There are hundreds of spiritual treasures, as well as many natural and earthly treasures, panaceas, and two low-grade Taoist artifacts.

This is also a fortune. When I return to Donghuang, I will make a one-time move in exchange for a large number of spirit veins and spirit stones.

After a search, Jiang Che basically turned the entire Crystal Palace upside down.

After confirming that there was nothing of value, Jiang Che stepped out and arrived outside the Crystal Palace.

Looking at the Crystal Palace in front of him, Jiang Che's eyes flashed.

"Crystal Palace is also good, so take it together."

With a thought, the majestic zhenqi in the body exploded again, sweeping across the entire Crystal Palace, the seabed churned, and the surrounding seawater shook.

In an instant, Jiang Che uprooted the Crystal Palace and included it in the Spring and Autumn Map of Heaven and Earth.

Only a deep hole remained, but it was soon filled with sea water.

After thoroughly picking it up, Jiang Che left the sea with satisfaction.

After rushing out of the sea, Jiang Che did not leave, and landed on a nearby small island.

Organize and categorize, and organize everything one by one.

Jiang Che took out the reward again.

More than 100 rewards, the number is quite a lot, but the grade is low, and the things that are revealed are basically not of much help to him.

But it can also be sold for money.

This is also a fortune.

After extracting all the rewards, Jiang Che sorted and put away the items one by one.

Looking at the stars in the sky, his eyes are bright.

"Do it a few more times, well, the spiritual veins and spirit stones needed for the third round of cultivation should be almost the same."

The thought flashed across, and Jiang Che immediately sat cross-legged on the spot and began to adjust his breath.

The reason for not leaving was because of his telepathy.

The status of the black flood dragon is definitely not low, there must be other giants of the monster clan who came to check the situation.

Although it was not fully calculated during the day, it was also calculated to be close to ten.

Just sit nearby and wait for the monster giant to come, and solve it all at once.

Find it by yourself, it’s difficult in the vast sea, but it’s much more convenient to wait for the door-to-door, and catch them all!
Even if he didn't come, it was just a one-night delay.

He can wait!

(End of this chapter)

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