Chapter 178 Changes

The moment of fusion, a soaring brilliance once again went straight into the ninth heaven.

The fluctuation spread thousands of miles, shaking the world.

In the void, a red light galloped towards, and the figure of a red-robed Taoist appeared.

Moving forward in the void, he stopped abruptly and looked towards the mountain ahead.

On the top of the mountain, a picture of a terrifying god appeared.

The evolution of the world, the spring and autumn, the sun, the moon, the mountains and rivers, and even the stars can be seen.

The surging breath is flowing, full of "Xianwei"!
And... another half-celestial artifact? !
Looking at the radiant image of God that manifested above the mountain, Taoist Tianhuo's eyes were full of astonishment.

In a short time, he met two semi-immortal artifacts!

What kind of luck is this...

But at this moment, Taoist Tianhuo's expression suddenly changed.

"It's that mysterious man again!"

Looking at a hazy figure on the top of the mountain, Taoist Tianhuo trembled in his heart.

The two semi-immortal artifacts before and after were all made by this mysterious person. Who is this mysterious person? !

Looking at the hazy figure, Taoist Tianhuo felt strong fear in his heart.

He was injured just now, but he didn't forget it.

Without hesitation, Taoist Tianhuo turned around and left.

He also wants to get the Half Immortal Artifact, but this mysterious person is too powerful, he is no match at all.

Carrying two semi-immortal artifacts, this is definitely not an ordinary existence.

Neither strength nor identity can be offended by oneself.

Run away, this is the most sensible choice.

learn from mistakes!
He doesn't want to make the same mistakes again!

Do it again, it's really unbearable.


As soon as Jiang Che raised his hand, the spring and autumn map of heaven and earth entered his body instantly.

With the promotion of the half-immortal weapon, the world of the Heaven and Earth Spring and Autumn Map expands again.

become more expansive.

The power has also been greatly improved.

It's just that Jiang Che seldom uses the Heaven and Earth Spring and Autumn Map to attack, but that doesn't mean the power of the Heaven and Earth Spring and Autumn Map is weak.

It is stronger than the Yin Yang jade pendant.

Two heavenly spirit stones created two semi-immortal artifacts, and Jiang Che was in a great mood.

Now, I have a total of three semi-immortal artifacts.

The strength has also been greatly improved.


So close to Tianya activated, and Jiang Che quickly disappeared on top of the mountain.

Then a group of monks who caught up only sensed the breath of the half-immortal weapon, but found nothing.

Within a day, two semi-immortal artifacts appeared near South Sea City.

This news, like a storm, quickly spread around.


half a month later.

Dagan, outside Yujing City.

Jiang Che's figure appeared.

Looking at the majestic Yujing City, Jiang Che let out a sigh of relief.

After more than three years, I finally came back.

Looking at Yujing City, in the eyes of Yin and Yang, the fire of the red dust reflecting the sky is burning.

In the sky above Yujing City, the spirit of luck entrenched looked at him, and a vast coercion descended on Yuanshen.

Jiang Che still felt a great sense of oppression.

But with his primordial spirit, it was enough to bear it.

The true spirit of luck glanced at him, then closed his eyes and entrenched in the void.

The oppressive feeling on Jiang Che's soul also disappeared instantly.

The shock this time was very different from the first time.

This time, although Jiang Che still felt a great sense of oppression, he still had a certain strength to resist.

Of course, if he used Taoism to attack the imperial city, the true spirit of luck would fight back, and he might kill him, even the half-immortal weapon would not be able to stop him.

The true spirit of luck of a dynasty.

That's still pretty scary.

Moreover, when Jiang Che carefully looked at the true spirit of luck entrenched in the void, he noticed some changes.

The spirit of luck is growing.

Got a little stronger.

This shows that the border of the Dagan Dynasty has become much more stable.

"Go home and have a look."

After staring at it for a while, Jiang Che withdrew his gaze, and the figure disappeared in place.

In an instant, he came to the front of his house.

Duke's Mansion!
The mansion was refurbished and became more majestic.

On the horizontal plaque, four vigorous and powerful characters contain powerful spirit.

At the door, two guards with knives were stationed.

Jiang Che's sudden appearance surprised the two guards with knives.


A guard with a knife drew his knife instantly, and pointed the cold iron blade at Jiang Che.

"Bold, where are you Taoist, this is my Dagan Hongguo mansion, leave quickly, otherwise, you will definitely be executed!"

The voice is sonorous and powerful, and the eyes are awkward.

There are signs of doing it at any time.

Before Jiang Che could speak, another guard with a knife immediately stretched out a hand, and slapped the guard with a knife on the head with a bang.

"Bastard, you are tired of working, this is the third son."

"Three...Third Young Master?!!"

Hearing this, the sword guard was startled for an instant, and then he came back to his senses and retracted the sword quickly.

"The villain pays homage to the third son, I... I just took office not long ago, and I have eyes that do not recognize the true god, so I ask the third son to forgive me."

The guard looked terrified, fearing that Jiang Che would get angry, so he ordered him to be chopped off.

"It's okay, I haven't been back for several years, it's normal that you don't know me." Jiang Che smiled.

"Thank you, Third Young Master!"

Hearing this, the guard immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, another guard also followed suit: "Third Young Master, you came back just in time, and Eldest Young Master also just came back, just half an hour ago."

"Oh? My elder brother is back too?"

Hearing these words, Jiang Che's eyes lit up.

The guard smiled and nodded, "Yes, third son, the eldest son should be resting today, and he just came back."

Jiang Che nodded immediately, and followed with strides into the Duke's mansion.

Coincidentally, when he stepped into the Duke's mansion, he met a beautiful figure.

It was his former personal maid, Qing Luo.

A few years have passed, and now it has grown even more proudly.

A cyan long dress, the graceful curve lining is more full of charm.

"Gong... son?!"

When she saw Jiang Che, Qingluo was stunned for a moment, her bright eyes blinked, her face was in disbelief.

"Young master, is it really you?"

Qingluo looked at him in disbelief.

"Well, how's it going?" Jiang Che nodded.

Qingluo came back to her senses, and immediately stepped forward: "My lord, I haven't seen you for a few years, Qing'er misses you so much."

Qingluo hugged Jiang Che's arm with a happy face.

Feeling the softness on his arm, Jiang Che's expression froze slightly, somewhat uncomfortable.

"Is the situation in the mansion stable?" Jiang Che asked.

Qingluo nodded, "Everything is fine, the master has become the Duke of the state, it is better than before.".
"My lord, when did you come back?" Qingluo looked at him and asked.

Jiang Che: "Not long after I came back, where is my elder brother?"

Qingluo came back to her senses, looked at him, and said, "My lord, come with me."

Immediately, she let go and turned to lead the way, while Jiang Che followed behind, watching the situation in the mansion while walking.

In the past few years, the mansion has changed a lot.


"My son, you don't know, the eldest son is already married, and he brought someone back today."

Qing Luo walked and said.

Jiang Che: "???"

"My brother is married?"

Looking at Qingluo, Jiang Che was stunned.

Qingluo nodded, and said as she walked: "Yes, they got married two years ago, and the second son also got married a year ago."

Jiang Che: "..."

good guy...

After going out for three years, both brothers got married.

Jiang Che's heart twitched.

It's kind of a pity.

It's a pity that I didn't catch up!

But considering the age of the two brothers, it's time to get married.

"Where is my sister-in-law's daughter?"

Jiang Che came back to his senses and asked.

"It's the daughter of a governor, like the daughter of the governor of Qingzhou."

Qing Luo opened the mouth and said.

"Governor of Qingzhou..."

Jiang Che nodded.


Soon, Jiang Che followed Qingluo to the gate of a courtyard.

The yard is not small, with its own garden.

Jiang Che swept his consciousness, and soon found two figures chatting in the room in the courtyard.

"Qingluo, go down and do your work first."

Jiang Che withdrew his consciousness, waved his hand and said.


Qingluo nodded, then turned and left.

Jiang Che looked at the open courtyard door, and walked into the courtyard with strides.

"Big brother!"

Stepping into the courtyard, Jiang Che opened his mouth.

In an instant, the door of the room opened, and a tall and burly figure appeared in Jiang Che's eyes.

It was his elder brother Jiang Hao.

With a flood of qi and blood, and surging vitality, he is clearly a high-level martial saint.

It is estimated that it is not far from the peak martial saint.

Immortal cultivation has also reached Jindan.

And it has reached the late stage of Jindan, with a strong breath.

At the same time, Jiang Hao was followed by a woman in a sky blue dress.

The face is exquisite, the body is curvy and well-proportioned, exuding an invisible temperament.

The realm of martial arts is at the peak of the great master, and the cultivation of immortality is at the early stage of Jindan.

"Third brother!"

Looking at Jiang Che's figure, Jiang Hao was stunned for a moment, then his face showed incomparable joy, and he immediately stepped forward.

"Haha, third brother, I miss you so much!"

Jiang Hao stepped forward and gave him a big bear hug.

Jiang Che also showed joy.

The two brothers hug each other.

"Brother, I miss you too."

Jiang Che smiled.

Jiang Hao let go of his hand and looked at him carefully, his pupils trembling violently.

"Peak Martial Saint..."

"Why does the breath feel like it's getting close to father, third brother, you... are you going to become a fairy?"

Jiang Hao looked at him in disbelief.

Jiang Che smiled and said, "Brother, I'm still early, how could it be so easy for a human immortal to break through."

"You boy, you have been away for a few years, and you have traveled so far in the Southern Wilderness. It seems that you have a lot of opportunities."

Jiang Che patted his chest, laughed and said.

"It's okay." Jiang Che nodded.

Immediately, he looked at the woman in the sky blue dress who came out of the room, then looked at Jiang Hao, and said, "Brother, I heard that you are married, this must be my sister-in-law, right?"

Jiang Hao also came back to his senses, patted his head, and said: "Yes, I almost forgot to introduce, this is your sister-in-law, Lan Qiuyue."

"Hi, sister-in-law." Jiang Che nodded and greeted her.

Lan Qiuyue stepped forward and looked at him with a smile on her face: "Hello."

"Your sister-in-law is also a disciple of the Immortal Gate, from Penglai Immortal Palace." Jiang Hao said with a laugh.

"Great disciple, no wonder you have such a demeanor." Jiang Che flattered him without saying a word.

Lan Qiuyue looked at him with a smile, and said: "Brother, don't mock me, I can't compare with you, the champion of the Eastern Wilderness Fairy Sect Tournament."

Jiang Che smiled: "It's just a false name."

Immediately, he spread his hand, the palm of his hand shone with light, and a golden dress appeared in his hand.

The prestige of the debut device permeates.

It is a middle-grade Taoist artifact.

"Sister-in-law, this golden cicada robe has a strong defensive ability, even if it is a wedding gift from me to you and elder brother."

After all, with a surge of true energy, this golden cicada robe fell into Lan Qiuyue's hands.

"Middle-grade Dao Tool!!"

Looking at the golden cicada robe in her hand, Lan Qiuyue's pupils shrank.

Jiang Hao on the side also froze for a moment.

"Third brother, are you okay? This is a middle-grade Taoist artifact, no, you keep it for yourself."

Jiang Hao looked serious, shook his head immediately, and said he was going to take it back.

Jiang Che immediately raised his hand and grabbed Jiang Hao's arm: "Brother, a middle-grade Taoist artifact is nothing. My heart, I didn't catch up with you when you got married, so I can make up for it. If you don't give me this bit of face, then I will disappear in the future."

Jiang Hao: "..."

"A middle-grade Taoist artifact, do you know its value?"

Looking at Jiang Che, Jiang Hao opened his mouth and said.

"As long as big brother and sister-in-law are happy." Jiang Che smiled.

"No, this... This is too expensive, brother, I can't take it."

Lan Qiuyue also came back to her senses, and hastily handed out the golden cicada robe in her hand.

"Take it, since he is loose, accept it."

Jiang Hao opened his mouth and said.

Jiang Che also smiled, and said, "Sister-in-law, we will be a family from now on, that's nothing, as long as you and elder brother are happy."

"Then... that's fine, I'll take it." Lan Qiuyue nodded, and carefully put away the golden cicada robe.

Middle grade Taoist device.

This is what the elders in the door do not necessarily have.

"Third brother, come, sit down and talk."

Jiang Hao took Jiang Che's hand and sat at the table in the garden.

Lan Qiuyue poured two cups of spiritual tea for the two of them.

"You have been here for more than three years. You must have suffered a lot, kid?"

Looking at Jiang Che, Jiang Hao opened his mouth and said.

Jiang Che smiled, and said, "I didn't suffer any hardships. Difficulties can happen at any time, but it's not a big problem."

"I heard from my father that the Panhuang secret realm is the secret realm of the ancient supreme, which is quite dangerous." Jiang Hao said seriously.

"It's not too dangerous, it's okay." Jiang Che said after taking a sip of spiritual tea.

"You boy, you have really grown up!"

Looking at Jiang Che, Jiang Hao sighed.

"Haha, growth is for sure." Jiang Che smiled, then put down his cup, looked at Jiang Hao, and said, "Brother, how is the current situation?"

"It's fairly stable. Emperor Qian broke through to the Immortal a year ago, which also stabilized the surrounding situation. The imperial court has plans to expand and take down several small neighboring countries in one fell swoop." Jiang Hao said.

"Emperor Qian broke through to the Immortal!"

Jiang Che's pupils shrank slightly.

Jiang Hao nodded, "Well, I broke through a year ago."

"Then it seems Daqian is stable." Jiang Che nodded.

"The only problem is the Vacuum Sect. In the past few years, the Vacuum Sect has expanded rapidly, and its power has grown a lot. However, after Emperor Qian broke through to the Human Immortal, the Vacuum Sect has not experienced any major turmoil this year."

Jiang Hao said slowly.

"Vacuum Teaching..."

"The true demon of the demon race..."

Jiang Che's eyes flashed.

Looking at Jiang Hao, he said, "Brother, do you know where the headquarters of the Vacuum Cult is?"


Jiang Hao looked at him, his eyes flashed, "Why are you asking this?"

"I want to destroy the Vacuum Cult."

Jiang Che said lightly.

Jiang Hao: "..."

Lan Qiuyue: "..."

"Third brother, are you okay?"

"The Vacuum Sect is not the three major cults in the past, but the leader is very powerful."

"I know you are powerful now, but if you go to the vacuum sect, I'm afraid it's still very dangerous."

"Father will not allow you to go either."

Looking at Jiang Che, Jiang Hao said solemnly.

"Brother, the leader of the Vacuum Sect is a true demon of the demon race. His strength is extraordinary. Ordinary peak primordial spirits are no match. I heard from the elders in the door that there are several peak primordial spirits who died in the hands of this real demon." Lan Qiuyue followed suit.

"Could it be that this demon has already crossed the tribulation and became the existence of the magic fairy level of the Supreme Thunder Tribulation?"

Jiang Che looked at the two of them, blinked and said.

"That's not true." Lan Qiuyue shook her head, and then said: "Although he is not a magic fairy, his strength is probably infinitely close to that of a magic fairy."

"If it's not a magic fairy, then it should be fine." Jiang Che nodded.


Looking at Jiang Che, the two were speechless.

What do you mean it's okay if you're not a magic fairy?

"Third brother, don't be arrogant, the demons are invincible among their peers."

Jiang Hao said solemnly.

"I know, I knew it when I fought against this real demon back then." Jiang Che nodded and said.


Have you ever fought a real demon?
As soon as Jiang Che opened his mouth, the two of them were taken aback at the same time, looking at him in disbelief.

"Third brother, aren't you talking nonsense?"

Jiang Hao came back to his senses, looked at him and said.

Jiang Che took a sip of spiritual tea and said, "Of course I didn't talk nonsense. Years ago, the real demon fought against me and left the ruins. However, he was seriously injured by this demon at that time. Due to various reasons, he has never met this demon. This time, I want to solve the cause and effect. Maybe it can make my way clear and go to a higher level."

Jiang Hao bowed his head in silence.

After a while, he looked at Jiang Che and said, "To be honest, I don't know exactly where the headquarters of the Vacuum Cult is, but judging from the information from all parties, it should be within the Tianlan Prairie."

"Tianlan Prairie... the prairie bordering Yuanmeng Kingdom?"

Jiang Che looked at him and asked.

"Yeah." Jiang Hao nodded.

Immediately, he looked at Jiang Che and said, "Third brother, you should go now, right?"

"No, I still have a supernatural power that I haven't completed yet, and it will take a few months. I've been at home for the past few months." Jiang Che said.

"Then you have to discuss it with your father. You can only go if your father agrees." Jiang Hao said seriously.

"Don't worry, I will." Jiang Che nodded.

"Okay, when father comes back that night, you tell him yourself." Jiang Hao said.

Jiang Che nodded.


An hour later, Jiang Che left.

From Jiang Hao's mouth, he learned about Dagan's current situation.

As for the major immortal sects, nothing major happened.

"Unfortunately, I don't know what the name of the demon clan is. Otherwise, if the Doom Book curses in advance, it will be easy to kill at that time."

Jiang Che sighed.

With the power of the Book of Misfortune, even the Supreme Thunder Tribulation can curse, but it is easier to curse a real demon who is not a demon fairy.

Maybe, you can even curse directly to death.

Unfortunately, don't know the name.

"Ask your father tonight."

Jiang Che muttered to himself, then headed towards his room.

On the way, Jiang Che met Jiang Hong.

With his Ten Thousand Monsters Golden Body Technique, Jiang Hong's strength has also broken through rapidly, reaching the level of a high-level martial artist.

The strength has also been greatly improved.

After chatting with Jiang Hong for a while, Jiang Che returned to his room.

As night fell, the Duke's mansion was brightly lit.

In the hall, Jiang Che was sitting at the table.

While eating dishes, while chatting.

Three years later, my father was still in the early stages of martial arts and immortality.

But the breath is more vigorous than before.

The family is happy.

It took an hour to finish a meal.

After dinner, Jiang Che came to the study.

"Are you really going to teach in a vacuum?"

Looking at Jiang Che, Jiang Zhen frowned.

Jiang Che nodded, "Yes, father, I was defeated by this demon back then. If I kill this demon, my Dao heart will be more transparent, and it will also make me go to a higher level."

"Although this demon has not yet become a demon fairy, its strength is also very terrifying, and there are many masters under his command. The risk is too great for you to be alone."

Jiang Zhen frowned.

"If it's not Lei Jie or Immortal, I believe there is no problem."

Jiang Che said seriously.

"Besides, I'm not starting now. It takes a few months to cultivate a supernatural power. If it succeeds, I'm at least [-]% sure."


"Are you sure?" Jiang Zhen looked at him and said.

"Of course." Jiang Che nodded, "Father, to tell you the truth, I met a demon fairy before!"


"When? Where?" Jiang Zhen narrowed his pupils and looked at him.

"In the Panhuang Secret Realm, only the Demon Immortal's will was left, and was finally killed by the child." Jiang Che said.

"Aren't you bragging?" Jiang Zhen looked at him suspiciously.

"...I paid a price at any time, but the boy still killed him." Jiang Che nodded and said.

"Now that the strength has improved, I believe there will be no problem."

"Moreover, I still have Master's jade pendant on me. At critical moments, I can activate Master's avatar and solve troubles." Jiang Che said.

Jiang Zhen bowed his head in silence, and after a while, he sighed: "You boy, the wings are really getting harder and harder, okay, you can go if you want, but pay more attention to yourself."

After all, Jiang Zhen took out a jade slip, handed it to him, and said: "This is the location of the headquarters of the Vacuum Sect, but let me remind you first, this location is very special. It uses the natural location to form a powerful formation. It is not so easy to enter it."

"Understood." Jiang Che took the jade pendant and nodded.

Immediately, with a wave of his hand, ten oversized jade boxes appeared on the desk.

Inside each jade box is a pure yang fairy fruit as big as a watermelon.

The pure yang fairy fruit of the third round of cultivation.

"Father, these are ten Pure Yang Fairy Fruits, which are more powerful than the original Pure Yang Fairy Fruits. Father should be able to increase his strength by taking them."

Jiang Zhen looked at the huge Chunyang fairy fruit in the jade box in front of him, his pupils shrank slightly, "Why is this fairy fruit more than twice as big as before?"

Jiang Che smiled and said, "This is newly cultivated. The bigger it is, the more terrifying the energy it contains."

"This fairy fruit should be stronger than the sum of the original twenty fairy fruits."

Jiang Che narrowed his eyes, looked at him, and asked, "Do you still have yourself?"

"There are still some, father, don't worry, I have enough." Jiang Che nodded.

"That's fine." Jiang Zhen was not polite either, and waved away the ten huge Pure Yang Fairy Fruits.

(End of this chapter)

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