I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 179 Operation Epiphany

Chapter 179 Operation Epiphany
Jiang Che turned around, and just as he reached the door of the study, he stopped again and looked back at Jiang Zhen in front of the desk.

"What else?"

Jiang Zhen said.

Jiang Che stepped forward and looked at him: "Father, do you know the name of the leader of the Vacuum Cult?"

"I don't know." Jiang Zhen shook his head.

"That's all right." Jiang Che turned and left the study.

Jiang Zhen: "..."

"This brat...is he really sure?"

Looking at Jiang Che's leaving back, Jiang Zhen fell into deep thought at the desk.

"The promotion is quite fast, but...the demons are not so easy to kill. Let him remind him another day, so as not to cause problems when it happens."

A thought flashed through his mind, and Jiang Zhen immediately looked at the notebook on the desk.


The night is like water!
The stars hang high in the sky.

Duke Hong's mansion gradually became quiet.

Only the lights in the corridor are still shining brightly.

Jiang Che returned to the room.

Came to the bed and sat down.

On the way back, he already knew the exact location of the Vacuum Cult.

It is located in a dangerous place deep in the Tianlan Prairie.

There is a formation barrier, coupled with the natural environment, resulting in a situation that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

It is difficult to break in.

Jiang Che was not in a hurry.

This time, he came back to solve the vacuum teaching, just incidentally.

Compared with the original strength, it is earth-shaking.

Before becoming a Demon Immortal, Jiang Che had full confidence in killing him.

Of course, don't be careless.

He was going to practice the Great Void Sword Art successfully.

Now he has comprehended the level of Qiandao Sword Shadow.

Its power has already surpassed the Heavenly Sword Art.

But Qiandao Sword Shadow is just the beginning of the Great Void Sword Art.

Cultivate ten thousand sword shadows, one hundred thousand sword shadows, or even a million sword shadows.

Great potential!

Of course, a million sword shadows are too difficult.

Although the power is powerful, it is too difficult to accomplish this step.

It is not as perverted as one-gas transformation and three-clear at any time, but it is also very difficult.

It can be done, it is definitely his first offensive technique!

Today, he also has many supernatural powers.

And all of them are very powerful, which is also one of the reasons why he can instantly kill Yuanshen level monsters.

Jiang Che also planned to integrate the Heavenly Sword Art into the Great Void Sword Art.

Although this supernatural power is powerful, it is still a lot worse than the Great Void Sword Art.

In terms of potential, the peak of Heavenly Sword Art is only the starting point of Great Void Sword Art.

Millions of sword shadows tearing apart the sky!
Has the power to slaughter gods!
This top-level supernatural power is definitely not bragging.

Only after practicing can one perceive the horror of the Great Void Sword Art.

"I can understand..."

After recovering, Jiang Che spread out his hand and took out a gray stone.

Sword Stone!

This is the reward that broke out at the beginning, and he has never used it.

The sword stone can make his primordial spirit enter the long river of time and space in the way of swordsmanship for an epiphany.

Jiang Che wasn't sure whether the time of epiphany was long or short.

If someone sneaks up on you when you are enlightened, it will be a big loss.

So, he has been enduring.

Now, it is also time to use the sword stone for epiphany.

It was very helpful for him to practice the Great Void Sword Art.

Looking at the sword stone in his hand, Jiang Che instantly exploded with the power of the primordial spirit.


The sword stone in his hand was instantly pulled by the power of his primordial spirit, and flew straight into the air.

Yuanshen submerged into the sword stone, and in the next second, Jiang Che instantly felt an infinite force of absorption.

Yuanshen all entered the sword stone at once.

Gray light bloomed and shone in the room. In the next second, Jiang Che regained consciousness.

In an endless radiant void.

Jiang Che's soul appeared here.

In the depths of the void, a colorful river flows with no end in sight.

In the long river, there is the breath of time and space, as well as the terrifying breath of swordsmanship.

Jiang Che's primordial spirit subconsciously came to this long colorful river.

The surging kendo breath surged.

Jiang Che's heart shook.

"This is the long river of time and space in the way of swordsmanship?"

Jiang Che was shocked in his heart, but at this moment, a vast force emerged from the long river of swordsmanship, swept his soul, and pulled into the long river.

In an instant, the infinite breath of swordsmanship poured into his primordial spirit crazily.

At this moment, Jiang Che felt that his comprehension of kendo had reached a new height.

Condensed infinite sword intent.

These sword intents turned into substantial long swords, surrounding the whole body.

At this moment, his understanding of the way of the sword soared at a rocket-like speed.

Automatic comprehension.

Without the slightest obstacle at all, the comprehension of the Great Void Sword Art was broken in an instant.

Jiang Che was immersed in this rapid improvement.

Yuanshen was swept by the river of swordsmanship.

The river water was transformed by the infinite sword intent and sword way breath.

Jiang Che tried to move forward, and while moving forward, his comprehension of the way of the sword did not fall behind.

And the deeper you go, the faster you can comprehend the way of the sword!

Walking towards the endless river of time and space of the Dao of Sword, Jiang Che suddenly saw a majestic figure appearing in the river of time and space of the Dao of Sword.

Standing in the long river of time and space in the way of swordsmanship, he looks like a fairy.

Between the virtual and the real, real, and full of an illusory feeling.

"Who is this guy?"

Looking at the unreal figure standing in the long river of time and space in the way of swordsmanship, Jiang Che was full of curiosity.

Subconsciously wanted to take a closer look, but Jiang Che found that he couldn't move.

It's not that he can't move anymore, he can retreat, but he can't move forward.

It seems that there is some special force blocking him.

Looking at the figure in white, Jiang Che could sense the supreme aura of swordsmanship from him.

But he couldn't take a step forward.

Go forward with all your strength, but you are still stuck in place and motionless.

This unknown situation instantly surprised Jiang Che.

And at this moment, the figure in white turned around.

He couldn't see his face clearly, his whole body was shrouded in light.

"With your current swordsmanship aptitude, you can only reach here, but you can be regarded as one of the best in ten thousand."

A voice without any emotion came into his ears.

It seems that it is close at a distance, but far away at the end of the world!
The voice came to his ears, and Jiang Che finally understood why he couldn't move on. His swordsmanship can only reach this point at present.

Jiang Che came back to his senses, but his heart was still turbulent.

In the long river of time and space in the way of swordsmanship, there actually exists such an incredible existence.

Who is he?
This is Jiang Che's greatest curiosity.

But at this moment, the white-clothed figure that existed not far away suddenly dissipated, and disappeared out of thin air in Jiang Che's eyes.

"Young man, I hope you can come to the end one day. It's been a long time since I met someone beyond talent..."

The sound hit his ears, and Jiang Che's heart once again stirred up waves.

When he came back to his senses, he immediately sat cross-legged in the long river of time and space in the way of swordsmanship, comprehending with all his heart.

No matter who this person is, this opportunity to comprehend is only once, and it cannot be wasted.

I don't know how much time has passed, and there was a thunderclap in the void, and then, the river of time and space in the way of sword collapsed, and Jiang Che's primordial spirit was also pulled out of the river of time and space in the way of sword by a vast force.

When he opened his eyes again, he had already returned to his soul.

Jianshi's epiphany is gone!

The sword stone in his hand also disappeared.

The sun rose outside the window, and the night passed like this.

But Jiang Che felt as if only an instant had passed.

After recovering, Jiang Che closed his eyes, and after a while, he opened them again.

A ray of invisible sword energy was released, and the air in front of him was torn apart.

Huge boost!

This epiphany brought him a huge harvest.

Kendo comprehension has reached an incredible level, condensing thousands of sword intents.

Every sword intent is different.

Moreover, his Great Void Sword Art has grown from a thousand sword shadows to ten thousand sword shadows overnight.

In one night, his progress was greater than in a month.

Promoted to Myriad Dao Sword Shadow.

After a month of hard work, I'm afraid I can't reach this level.

Jianshi's kendo epiphany saved a lot of time.


Gathering the shadow of the sword, a resplendent divine sword appeared in front of him like a substance.

Moreover, Jiang Che also discovered different changes.

The condensed sword shadow is stronger than before!

Integrating his own sword intent and sensing the sword shadow, Jiang Che could clearly distinguish the difference.

With a thought, the sword shadow dissipated, and the sword energy remained in the void.

"It's a pity that there is only one sword stone..."

"It would be great if there were a few more."

Jiang Che smacked his lips.

The improvement of a single sword stone is so huge, if there are more than a dozen, he will be able to cultivate to the peak of the Great Void Sword Art.

Splitting into millions of sword shadows, with his current cultivation base, it is not a problem for him to be able to reverse the lightning calamity.

However, the cosmic word level rewards are not so easy to explode.

In the Eastern Wilderness, there were not so many top monsters to kill him.

"Do you want to consider going to Beihuang?"

Looking at the void, Jiang Che blinked.

Northern Wilderness, a place where demons run rampant.

It is also a paradise for the monster race.

There are not a few top monsters.

Kill, that can definitely kill a happy one.

But the problem is...

That may have to be hunted down by a fairy-level existence.

The South China Sea is a living example.

With the massacre, will the Supreme Monster Race of the Northern Wilderness sit idly by?
It would be strange not to kill him!

He is not invincible now.

Moreover, he has gained a lot now, and it will take a long time to digest it, and transform it all into his own strength.

If you are so ambitious, it may be that the bamboo basket is empty.

After shaking off this thought, Jiang Che continued to feel the changes in himself.

Condensed thousands of sword intents.

Using the Great Void Sword Art, he can at the same time arouse the sword intent, attach the sword shadow, and burst out with extraordinary power.

The power to achieve Myriad Dao Sword Shadow is also quite terrifying.

All Dao Divine Swords are fired together, obliterating the late Yuanshen, one move is enough.

Even at the peak of Yuanshen, he couldn't hold on to a few tricks.

Of course, except for perverted ones.

Jiang Che continued to comprehend.

To go to the Vacuum Cult and wipe out the true demons, he must be fully prepared.


The days are also passed smoothly.

After Jiang Hao stayed at home for three days, he took Lan Qiuyue and left. Before leaving, Jiang Che gave him ten pieces of Pure Yang Fairy Fruit to help him become a peak Martial Saint in one breath.

At the same time, Jiang Che entered the city and met his second brother Jiang Hao, but he didn't see his sister-in-law.

He was given a middle-grade Taoist artifact and ten pure yang fairy fruits, which were regarded as a wedding gift.

After returning to the Duke's Mansion, Jiang Che will practice at home with peace of mind in the next few days.

At the same time, he also took out the Taoist weapon he was about to sell and asked his father to trade it.

He didn't plan to sell the high-grade Taoist artifacts, he kept them all, and sold all the middle-grade Taoist artifacts and low-grade Taoist artifacts.

Including Sky Tower, Sky Demon Sword, Shura Sword...

Selling through father's hand, also try to avoid unnecessary trouble.

And the price is better too.

Given his father's status in Dagan, the price of the Dao artifacts sold was basically higher than the market price.

Jiang Che also amassed money crazily and made a fortune.

Most of them are traded with spiritual veins.

His own wealth grew rapidly.


Two months passed in a flash.

Guogong Mansion.

In Vientiane Garden, Jiang Che was sitting at the table drinking spiritual tea, while Qing Luo was sitting and chatting with him.

In two months, Jiang Che's Great Void Sword Art has improved again.

Jianshi brought more than just an epiphany.

But to improve his own swordsmanship.

Within two months, he had cultivated [-] sword shadows.

The strength soared again.

Other supernatural powers, except for the one-qi transformation of the three cleans, his supernatural powers have been greatly improved.

The Zhoutian star technique has reached a thousand star banners.

Communicate with the heavens and the earth and the stars all the time to gain the power of the stars.

It can manifest the four-dimensional star god.

With full firepower, even if Lei Jie is immortal, he is not completely powerless to fight back.

The daily curse did not fall.

Cursing Ji Huan once a day has also become part of him.

Seeing the figure on the heavenly book vomiting blood, he felt inexplicably happy.

As long as the enemy is weak, then he is happy!
"Qing'er, don't let go of the magical powers you have taught you. Remember to practice hard. You will have to check it when I come back next time."

After drinking the spiritual tea on the first floor, Jiang Che looked at Qingluo and said.

"Don't worry, young master, Qing'er will definitely not be dragged down, and work hard to cultivate."

Qingluo nodded.

"Young master, how long will it take you to come back after you go out this time?"

Looking at Jiang Che, Qing Luo blinked her eyes and asked.

"Not necessarily, I have to go back to Xianmen to practice for a while, it may take several years."

Jiang Che said lightly.

Qingluo looked at him and said: "Young master, why don't you take me to the fairy gate, so that I can concentrate on serving you."

"No, you're at home, it's safe." Jiang Che shook his head directly.

"Oh, that's fine." Qingluo lowered her head sadly.

Seeing this, Jiang Che looked at her and said, "You're a good student. There will be turmoil in the future. If you don't have enough strength, you won't be able to protect yourself."

"I understand, Qing'er will not disappoint you, Young Master." Qing Luo said with a firm face.

Jiang Che immediately took out a storage ring and gave it to her: "There are some cultivation resources in it, there is no problem in cultivation, you can accept it."

"My son, what about you?"

"I still have."

Jiang Che said lightly.

"Then I'll take it." Qing Luo put a crescent-like smile on her face and put away the storage ring.


As night fell, after dinner, Jiang Che came to his father's study again.

"Ready to leave?"

Looking at Jiang Che, Jiang Zhen opened his mouth and said.

"Yeah." Jiang Che nodded, "I have almost cultivated. This time, there is no problem. After solving the Vacuum Sect, I will return to the Immortal Gate and practice in seclusion for a few years."

"Pay more attention to yourself." Jiang Zhen didn't say much, and after a few words, he took out a storage ring and handed it to him: "There are one hundred eighth-rank spiritual veins, thirty seventh-rank spiritual veins, and fifteen sixth-rank spiritual veins. Take them all."

"So much, Father, you..."

"I have accumulated it for my father for three years. Don't you want to cultivate Chunyang Xianguo? I will give you some support." Jiang Zhen said lightly.

Hearing these words, Jiang Che was slightly silent, and after a while, he put away the storage ring.

The cultivation of Chunyang Fairy Fruit is indeed very large.

My own wealth has accumulated a lot, but it is still not enough.

However, the pure Yang fairy fruit cultivated is indeed powerful.

Immediately, he took out ten pure yang fairy fruits cultivated in the third round and handed them to Jiang Zhen: "Father, you take these ten pure yang fairy fruits."

Jiang Zhen nodded, but did not refuse.

Martial arts and celestial beings need a lot of resources to improve their cultivation, and the general resources are not enough, so the pure Yang fairy fruit is just right.

Although the need for cultivation is great, the rewards are amazing.

"Leave tomorrow, remember to be careful, don't capsize in the gutter."

"Father, don't worry, I will pay attention." Jiang Che grinned.

Immediately, he turned and left the study.

Watching Jiang Che leave, Jiang Zhen waved his hand, and the ten Chunyang fairy fruits on the table were instantly taken into his pocket.


The night passed quickly.

On the second day, Jiang Che left early in the morning.

After stepping out of the Yujing City and launching the Immediately Close Tianya, Jiang Che headed directly towards the Tianlan Prairie.

To solve the real devil, this time, he also has the strength to let out a sigh of relief.

Jiang Che didn't care about the other bosses.

In the Vacuum Sect, the strongest is the true demon, if it is not solved, the practice will not be smooth.

The last time he almost died in the hands of the real demon, Jiang Che will never forget it.


Five days later, at the border of Tianlan Prairie, Jiang Che's figure appeared.

Tianlan Prairie is the boundary between Dagan and Yuanmeng.

Half belonged to Dagan and half belonged to Yuanmeng.

Among the countries in the Eastern Wasteland, the strength of the Yuanmeng Kingdom is also second only to Dagan.

Yuanmeng soldiers were all brave and good at fighting.

However, the base is not as good as Daqian.

Daqian's army is crushed by numbers, and its national strength is unmatched in the Eastern Wilderness.

In addition, the Dagan army is good at the art of joint formation, one-on-one, which may be inferior to Yuanmeng.

But if the army is in a big battle, the strength launched by the joint technique is enough to crush.

The Yuanmeng army totaled just over a million.

The number is about the same as that of the Dagan Heijia Army.

Fundamentally, it cannot be compared.

However, the founding of Yuanmeng Kingdom was only 300 years ago, and its historical richness and population cannot be compared with Daqian.

Looking at the endless prairie, Jiang Che's mind felt much more empty.

According to the information given to him by his father, the Vacuum Sect happened to be at the dividing line between the two countries.

It is closer to Yuan Meng.

When he came back to his senses, Jiang Che discerned the direction and quickly headed towards the headquarters of the Vacuum Cult.

Baiyun is long.

In the sea of ​​clouds, a white cloud was moving extremely fast.

Passing through the clouds, you can have a panoramic view of the beautiful scenery on the Tianlan Prairie.

But right now Jiang Che doesn't have much interest in admiring the scenery.

Getting rid of the Vacuum Sect is the top priority.

To be precise, it should be to kill the real demon.


starry night.

In the sky above the grassland, the bright galaxy shines.

The light of the bright moon swayed over the Tianlan Prairie.

Deep in the grassland, not far from the foot of a mountain thousands of feet high, Jiang Che's figure appeared like a ghost.

Jiang Che's gaze was locked on the mountain in front of him.

This mountain also has a famous name.

Tongtian Mountain.

There are three thousand feet.

Soaring into the sky.

The top of the mountain was directly covered by the pitch-black sea of ​​clouds, making it impossible to see clearly what was going on inside.

Halfway up the mountain, palaces and pavilions can be seen faintly.

This is the base camp of the Vacuum Sect.

A large formation communicating with heaven and earth completely blocked the three mountains.

Strong magic energy surged.

Render the surrounding sea of ​​clouds into black magic clouds.

It's like a magic realm.

The Great Array of Protecting Mountains communicates with the heaven and the earth, absorbs the power of the heaven and the earth, is endlessly alive, and operates at all times.

Jiang Che's breath was blocked, like an ordinary stone, motionless.

Looking at Tongtian Mountain, relevant information appeared in Jiang Che's mind.

Vacuum religion, except for true demons.

The leader on the bright side is the Virgin of Vacuum.

It is also a peak-level existence of Yuanshen.

Moreover, it is recorded in the data that this Virgin of Vacuum should have practiced the magic power of a real demon and turned into a human demon.

Belongs to the Houtian Mozu.

This method is also a common method used by demons.

In the era of the Dark Era, the demons taught magic skills, and some monks of the human race directly chose to practice in order to gain power and became human demons.

It can be lifted quickly to gain great strength.

It is controlled by the demons at any time, but for the sake of powerful power, many monks are lost.

In the Vacuum Sect, besides the Virgin Mary, there are ten elders.

As for whether these ten elders practiced magic arts, Jiang Che didn't know.

He probably knows the strength, they are all existences at the peak level of Yuanshen.

Second only to True Demon and Vacuum Virgin.

Regarding the situation, Jiang Che used his father's network to find a lot of information.

As a malignant tumor of Daqian, there is also a lot of information about the Vacuum Sect in the imperial court.

Jiang Che obtained all these materials through his father's network.

He still understands most of the situation.

Without certain preparations, he will not take risks rashly.

Looking at Tongtian Mountain, Jiang Che stretched out his hand and calculated with one hand.

After a while, he opened his eyes and frowned slightly.

With his strength, it is very difficult to destroy the vacuum sect's guardian formation.

This is a unique formation of the demons. It not only has a strong defense, but also can rebound certain attacks.

One blow cannot be shattered, and the rebound attack is enough to hurt him.

It was close at hand, but Jiang Che still held back the restlessness in his heart.

Can't act rashly.

If you don't make a move, it's fine, if you make a move, you must take it down.

If the formation is shattered and the real demon escapes, then he will be in vain for fetching water from a bamboo basket.

If this demon clan is not eliminated, the other bosses can still be rebuilt if they are destroyed.

It is not difficult to achieve this with the means of the demons.

This is also the scariest part of the Demon Race.

Otherwise, the three major cults would not have been destroyed.

After calculating again, Jiang Che frowned, and got the same deduction.

The possibility of entering Tongtian Mountain quietly is too small.

"Then use the heaven and earth yin and yang array, and then block the surrounding time and space with the heaven and earth spring and autumn map, so that you can avoid running away..."

A thought came to Jiang Che's mind.

But just when he was about to act.

Suddenly, Jiang Che's primordial spirit sensed a breath coming from the distant void.

A layer of dim light flickered, activated the Yin-Yang jade pendant, Jiang Che blocked all his aura, his body disappeared without a sound, and perfectly merged with the surrounding night.

"call out--!!"

In the void, a piercing sound resounded.

In the night sky, an old man in purple came from the sky.

In an instant, they came to the foot of the mountain where the Vacuum Sect was located.

Jiang Che looked at the purple-clothed old man in the dark.

With silver hair and a strong aura, he is a peak-level existence of Yuanshen.

He looks old at any time, but his life spirit is very strong.

Yuanshen monk, there is no accident, and there is no problem with living a thousand years.

Although the old man in front of him is old, his vitality is vigorous, and it is not the case of the five declines of heaven and man.

"Who is this?"

Jiang Che frowned. There seemed to be no introduction about this person in the information.

(End of this chapter)

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