I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 180 Ultimate Bombardment

Chapter 180 Ultimate Bombardment
"This attire is that of the Yuanmeng Kingdom, and this person is from the Yuanmeng Kingdom..."

Thoughts appeared in Jiang Che's mind.

The identity of the old man in purple is not clear at any time, but one can tell a thing or two from his childhood attire.

Standard Yuan Mongolian dress.

Full of rough, wild!
But at this moment, the blocked formation suddenly opened, and a graceful and charming woman in palace attire stepped out.

Wearing a purple palace attire, with fluttering hair, and a graceful figure, her eyes are purple, and her aura is also the existence of a peak-level primordial spirit.

"Vacuum Madonna!"

Looking at this beautiful woman in palace attire who stepped out of Tongtian Mountain, Jiang Che's eyes froze instantly.

Judging from the information obtained, this is probably the Virgin of Vacuum.

The body sensed the magic energy.

Not as powerful as a pure true demon, but also very terrifying.

Between the movement and the stillness, the whole body overflowed with devilish energy.

Human devil!

Belonging to the existence of half human and half devil.

It's different from magic practitioners.

Demonic cultivators only behave like demons, while humans and demons are real demons.

A charming smile appeared on the face of the Virgin of Vacuum, and she came to the purple-clothed old man within a few steps.

"Master National Teacher, welcome to come."

A touching voice sounded, and in the darkness, the Virgin of Vacuum spoke.

Jiang Che instantly knew the identity of the old man in purple.

The national teacher of Yuanmeng Kingdom!

No wonder there is such a powerful cultivation base.

Teacher of a country!
It's not surprising to have such a cultivation base.

But what surprised Jiang Che was that this Yuanmeng country's national teacher actually colluded with the Vacuum Sect.

Is it just a personal collusion, or is it a collusion between the Yuanmeng Kingdom and the Vacuum Sect?

Colluding with the demons, are you not afraid of destroying the country?
A thought flashed in Jiang Che's mind, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

The collusion between Yuan Mengguo and the Vacuum Sect has no effect on him.

His target is the true demon, the others are not important.

Yuan Meng Guoshi looked indifferent, and was not moved by the charming Vacuum Virgin. Looking at her, a hoarse voice sounded: "Stop talking nonsense, where is the leader?"

The Virgin of Vacuum: "The leader has gone out, and he will probably be back tomorrow. Master Guoshi can follow me into Tongtian Mountain to rest for a day."

"Huh?" Guoshi Yuanmeng frowned, looked at the Holy Mother of Vacuum, and said, "It was agreed in advance, why did you leave suddenly?"

The Mother of Vacuum still had a smile on her face, and said lightly: "The leader has something to do temporarily, so he has to go out."

"It's just one day, can the national teacher not wait for this time?"

"Okay, then I'll wait for a day, not too long." Yuan Meng Guoshi nodded, and even if he followed the Virgin of Vacuum to Tongtian Mountain, the formation was also closed when entering.

In the darkness, Jiang Che frowned as he watched the Virgin of Vacuum and Yuan Meng Guoshi enter Tongtian Mountain.

The real devil is not there.

Originally, I planned to do something, but I didn't expect that the real demon was not in Tongtian Mountain, but went out.

"One day, you can wait..."

Jiang Che came back to his senses, and his mind also settled down.

A day is not long, and he can afford to wait.

After the real demon appeared, he was acting.

Thinking of this, Jiang Che raised his hand, and a ray of black and white light sank into the stone beside him.

After doing all this, his figure retreated silently, and he stopped only when he reached a place hundreds of miles away.

Just leave the means to monitor.

As long as the real devil shows up, he can make a move.

Other vacuums teach that it doesn't matter whether people die or not, the real demon must be killed.

After the real demon is dealt with, he can practice with peace of mind.

The Great Void Sword Art is progressing rapidly, with [-] sword shadows, this book is also very powerful.

As for the others, let's talk about it after the real demon is eliminated.


The darkness faded, and the light shone on the Tianlan Prairie.

Jiang Che used the yin-yang jade pendant to hide his figure, sitting cross-legged on the hillside, motionless.

When the real demon appeared, he could strike at any time.

During the day, Tongtian Mountain was still shrouded in pitch-black magic clouds.

Thousands of feet above, there is only a dense sea of ​​clouds covering it.

The billowing demonic energy was churning.

Just like the magic domain.

At noon, Tongtian Mountain's protective array was opened again, and Jiang Che, who was hidden in the dark, looked at the figure walking out of Tongtian Mountain.

Is a young man.

The cultivation base of the golden core peak.

And the moment Tongtian Mountain opened, Jiang Che also quietly shot a ray of light into Tongtian Mountain.

With the cultivation base of Jindan Peak, it is impossible to detect it at all.

After the young man left Tongtian Mountain, he headed straight for Yuanmeng Kingdom, and soon disappeared without a trace.

Jiang Che just glanced at it and didn't care.

Close your eyes and check the situation of Tongtian Mountain.

The faint light entered Tongtian Mountain and directly turned into an inch-sized black shadow. It was not noticed in Tongtian Mountain shrouded in demon clouds.

And there is no breath of life, so it is not easy to be noticed.

Spiritual consciousness can be blocked.

The shadows went all the way.

Halfway up the mountain, there are the most people, all of whom are from the Vacuum Sect.

And above halfway up the mountain, only the elders of the Vacuum Sect can enter.

Only the existence of Yuanshen level is eligible to enter.

After passing through the thick sea of ​​clouds and about to reach the top of the mountain, the black shadow stopped.

Can't get any closer.

If you continue to approach, you will definitely be noticed.

On the top of the mountain, a dark magic palace appeared.

The magic energy surged.


Here, only elder-level existences can enter.

Jiang Che used the shadow to watch.

Hidden in a corner, without any notice.

In front of the magic palace, there is also a statue of a god that is more than ten feet tall.

The idol is filled with demonic energy.

Tall and mighty, it looks like he should be a god of the Demon Race.

However, Jiang Che did not recognize which demon god it was.

Using the black shadow to perceive the statue, Jiang Che felt that the statue of the demon god seemed to be more than just a statue.

There seems to be a terrifying power in the statue.

There is a feeling of heart palpitations.

Jiang Che didn't let the black shadow continue to approach.

Then the real devil must have reserved means, if it is to startle the snake, the gain will not be worth the loss.


Half a day passed.

He saw quite a few elders of the True Demon Cult going in and out of the Demon Palace.

Among them, I also met ten top elders of the True Devil Sect.

These ten elders also practice magic skills.

Become a demon like the Vacuum Madonna.

Become a demon, and the fighting power is more fierce and powerful.

The strength of the demons is terrifying.

Innate demons are strong, but acquired humans and demons are not weak.

This is where the demons are terrifying.

According to ancient books, in the era of the Dark Era, demons invaded the Great Thousand World.

It almost caused the entire Great Thousand World to fall.

In the end, at the cost of their lives, many supreme beings drove the demons out of the world and drove them to the depths of the outer starry sky.

And since the Dark Era, it has been stable until now.

Occasionally, there are still news of the demons, but nothing like the dark age era has happened.

But turning into a human demon is also good news for Jiang Che.

In this way, if he killed these ten top elders, he would be rewarded a lot.

Cosmos-level rewards, it's stable.

The ten top human-devil elders are all rewards of at least the eighth rank of Zhou Zi.

The success of this vote is also a big reward.

Jiang Che couldn't bear it and rushed to do it, but considering that the real devil hadn't shown up yet, he could only bear it.

In order not to startle the snake, Jiang Che didn't even arrange the formation.

It can be hidden from ordinary primordial spirits, but it may not be hidden from real demons, so that's not necessarily the case.

If there is a way to sense it in advance, it will be too late if you run away.

Chance, only once!
Moreover, he can instantly activate the yin-yang jade pendant to form a heaven-earth yin-yang formation.

There is no need to worry about this problem.

The only thing to do is to wait for the real demon to show up.


The day passed quickly.

The next day.

When it was close to noon, deep in the void, a wave came.

Jiang Che, who was hiding in the dark, instantly caught this fluctuating breath.

It's pure demonic breath.

The real devil has appeared!

Jiang Che's spirit was also cheered up at this moment.

In the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, a dark cloud galloped.

Above the dark clouds, a man in a black robe appeared.

In an instant, dark clouds descended from the sky, and a man in black robe appeared in front of Tongtian Mountain.

At this moment, Tongtian Mountain's protective array opened, and the figure of the Virgin of Vacuum appeared.


Looking at the true demon, the Virgin of Vacuum showed a joyful smile on her face.

Stepping forward, he came in front of the real devil.

"Master, the national teacher has come and is waiting for you."

The Virgin of Vacuum opened her mouth.

The real devil nodded calmly.

Just when he was about to step into Tongtian Mountain, his expression suddenly changed, and at this moment, a terrifying black and white divine light swept across the void.

Tears the void, carrying the power to destroy all.

The sudden burst of attack instantly surprised the Vacuum Virgin.

In the real devil's body, the majestic devil energy suddenly erupted, and the magic light bloomed, and he shot instantly, blasting towards the Yin-Yang divine light.


The void exploded, and a devastating shock wave swept across the world.

The entire Tongtian Mountain shook violently.

At this moment, all the people of the Vacuum Sect saw this devastating scene up and down Tongtian Mountain.

The waves were rippling, but luckily Tongtian Mountain was not destroyed by the mountain protection formation.

The real demon blocked the black and white divine light, and at this moment, in the void, a young man in a blue Taoist robe appeared.

It was Jiang Che.

When he saw Jiang Che's figure, the true devil's eyes instantly filled with murderous intent.

It's him!

The real devil recognized Jiang Che at a glance.

This person is the one who escaped at the ancient ruins.

If he hadn't been involved in time and space, he would have been able to kill this person in the first place.

The Void Virgin also looked at Jiang Che who came from the void.

He looked slightly stunned.

In the early stage of Yuanshen, who gave him the courage to come to the vacuum sect alone?

Dare to sneak attack on the leader? !

Is this person a bit too courageous? !

"The last time I let you run away, this time, you sent it to my door, so let me keep it."

The real devil's icy voice resounded, the sky-reaching devil energy shone, and a huge black devil hand appeared instantly, carrying majestic power, and grabbed Jiang Che.

Do it directly, without any hesitation!
Seeing the attacking demon hand, Jiang Che raised his hand, and a terrifying sword shadow instantly appeared behind him.


The sword shadow is like a dazzling divine sword, cutting through the void and directly killing the devil's hand.

A sword directly shattered the devil's hand, and the remaining attacks instantly came towards the real devil and the vacuum virgin.


Before it was too late to be shocked, the Virgin of Vacuum shot directly, and a lightning-like light burst out, blocking Jiang Che's sword shadow.

But at this moment, tens of thousands of sword shadows appeared behind Jiang Che.

And every sword shadow is extremely terrifying.

Overwhelming, sweeping.

The Virgin of Vacuum was shocked immediately, and she felt the threat of death from this blow.

The face of the real demon also changed, the magic light bloomed, and the true body of the three-headed and six-armed demon race manifested immediately.


Wan Dao Jianying turned into a long river of divine swords.

When a shocking blow came, the entire Tongtian Mountain shook, and the mountain guards burst into bright light, and the void light curtain produced powerful ripples, and a crack spread out.


The mountain protection formation suddenly collapsed, and half of the starved buildings on the entire Tongtian Mountain were directly destroyed.

Most of the people hadn't reacted yet, and were directly killed by the divine sword.

Dust was flying, and the void of hundreds of miles was tearing and whistling like a storm.


The Virgin of Vacuum spat out a mouthful of blood, and the light in her eyes dimmed by three points.

The real demon on the side was also injured.

But it is much better than the Virgin Mary.

"What kind of evildoer is this..."

The Holy Mother of Vacuum was horrified, she had never seen such a terrifying early stage of Yuanshen.

But I haven't recovered yet.

Behind Jiang Che, tens of thousands of sword shadows activated again.

This blow was even more terrifying.

The face of the real demon changed drastically, a ray of light rushed out of his body, and a top-grade Taoist weapon manifested.

Inspired by the top grade Taoist weapon, the ultimate divine power burst out instantly, blasting towards the infinite sword shadow.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Sword shadows cut through the void like a divine sword.

Every sword shadow contains extreme power.

The demon cloud covering Tongtian Mountain was shattered, revealing the clear sky.

Under full force, the power of the Great Void Sword Art erupted was even more terrifying than he had imagined.

The Vacuum Virgin's body amulet was directly pierced, without the slightest reaction, the graceful body was directly shattered and turned into a rain of blood.

The Virgin of Vacuum, the first to die.

At this moment, the demon book in Jiang Che's mind shook violently, and the rewards of the eighth rank of the universe character burst out.

The vibrations continued.

Overwhelming group attack skills, half of the ten top elders in Tongtian Mountain died under the Great Void Sword Art.

There were as many as five rewards for the eighth rank of the universe character in an instant.

Holes were punched out of the huge mountain body abruptly.

The magic palace collapsed, and palaces and pavilions collapsed under the shadow of overwhelming swords.

The sky trembled!

This scene is like the scene of annihilation.

90.00% of the eight people have not reacted, and fell directly.

Even the peak of Yuanshen couldn't stop this blow, and the others were even more vulnerable.

The diffuse sword energy is enough to kill them alive.

Thirty thousand sword shadows.

This is also the first time that Jiang Che has fully erupted the Great Void Sword Art.

The cosmic word rewards continue to increase.

The ten top elders have completely fallen.

With the addition of the Virgin of Vacuum, there are a total of eleven cosmic characters and eight grades of rewards.

With one blow, eleven of the top primordial beings were killed.

Among them, there are also many elders in the early stage of Yuanshen.

Also fell under the Great Void Sword Art.

The rewards for the eight ranks of the universe character reached eleven.

There are also six rewards for the ninth rank of Zhou Zi.

One blow, except for the real devil.

The top existence of the Vacuum Sect was basically wiped out.



In the void, the three heads and six arms of the real demon were directly cut off with two heads and four arms.

Caused huge damage, causing the real devil's aura to fall off a cliff.

However, the vitality of the demons is extremely strong.

Even after being so hurt, he still didn't die.

Looking at Jiang Che, extreme shock appeared in his pupils.

The devil blood from the corner of his mouth kept overflowing.

Jiang Che's strength has already surpassed his imagination.

This blow caused him to be seriously injured!

Eyes meet.

Jiang Che's face also turned slightly pale.

A full-strength attack is powerful, but the consumption of [-] sword shadows has consumed more than half of his true energy.

Fortunately, he was well prepared, and swallowed the magic pill in his mouth in an instant.

It is recovering extremely quickly.


Moving in the void, the real demon disappeared in place in an instant, and in the next second, he came to the top of Tongtian Mountain.

The magic palace has been destroyed, in ruins.

But strangely, the statue of the demon god was intact.

With that earth-shattering attack, even the peak of Yuanshen fell, and most of Tongtian Mountain was destroyed.

But the statue of the demon god was intact, only a few traces remained.

When the real demon came before the statue of the demon god, a mouthful of pitch-black blood spewed out and landed on the statue of the demon god in an instant.

Jiang Che frowned slightly.

And at this moment, the statue of the demon god that absorbed the blood of the demon suddenly shattered.

An illusory phantom appeared.

The surging extreme magic energy surged out.

In an instant, the phantom poured into the real demon's body.

Fused with the phantom, the broken two heads and four arms of the real phantom instantly recovered.

The injuries on his body also healed in an instant, not only that, but his aura also rose crazily.

It has improved ten times than before.


The breath that diffused made the sky and the earth bloom with thunder.

At this moment, it seemed as if he was about to step into the realm of thunder tribulation.

In an instant, the world was turned upside down!

The breath made Jiang Che feel strong fear.

"Damn human race, today, I'm going to peel you off and cramp!!"

The cold voice of the real devil sounded like thunder.

Behind him, a huge figure manifested.

That monstrous aura instantly solidified Baili Void.

A strong sense of oppression swept over.

"The devil swallows the world!"

The breath in the body was released, and the three heads and six arms of the real demon burst out with bright magic light, and the ghost behind him absorbed the magic light, and the breath was even more shocking.

Stepping through the void, he charged directly at Jiang Che.

"Law Heaven and Earth!"

At the critical moment, Jiang Che instantly aroused the golden body form.

Incarnation of thousands of feet, the breath also increased tenfold.


The Great Void Sword Art erupted instantly.

Thirty thousand sword shadows manifested.

Every sword shadow is like a shining divine sword. When the divine sword rotates, a terrifying sword array is instantly manifested. The breath of the sword shadow is amplified again, covering the sky and covering the earth, striking the ghost shadow.


The phantom and the divine sword collided and were instantly torn apart.

A terrifying wave of light impacted for hundreds of miles.

The three thousand zhang Tongtian Mountain was annihilated under the light waves in an instant.

directly into nothingness.

The figures of Jiang Che and the real demon were also swept by this world-like light wave.

The earth cracked.

A huge deep pit hundreds of miles away appeared on the prairie.

Looking down from the void, it looks like an abyss.

There are thousands of feet deep.

The void collapses, and the Ruinstorm destroys everything.

The real heaven and earth shattered!
When the light waves dissipated, scars appeared on Jiang Che's golden body.

The breath also dropped a lot.

But at the same time, he also swallowed the magic pill, recovering extremely quickly.

And half of the real devil's body was directly blown up.

The destructive force left in the air shatters the void.

Even if half of his body is destroyed, the true demon will still not die.

This perverted vitality is simply jaw-dropping.

The breath fell off a cliff.

Only half of the remaining demon body erupted with magic light, and the three-headed and six-armed demon's true body form was restored.

But the breath is still there, but the demon body has recovered.

Looking at Jiang Che, True Demon's eyes showed strong fear and killing intent.

Suddenly, a magic light bloomed in one hand of the real demon, and a black token appeared.

"Great Demon God, please grant me supreme power!"

The true devil uttered a sentence, and at the same time, crushed the token.

And at the moment when the token was shattered, above the nine heavens, a sound of thunder exploded immediately.


The sound of thunder shook the heavens and the earth.

Jiang Che looked towards the sky.


In the endless void, a sky-reaching magic light descended.

Black magic light pierces the sky and the earth.

The magic light poured directly into the body.

The aura of the real devil soared wildly again.

In an instant, he returned to his peak, and even broke his peak again.

The promotion is even more terrifying.


Seeing this scene, Jiang Che almost scolded his mother.

It's back again!

And broke the peak again!

This breath seems to have almost reached the Thunder Tribulation Supreme.

Without the slightest hesitation, Jiang Che attracted the nine great god kings into his body at the same time.

The nine stalwart figures in the void manifested, the god king entered his body, and his aura soared again.

A thousand-foot golden body exudes a terrifying aura.

But it's not over yet.

The star streamer in the body vibrated.

The Four Star Gods manifested.

The north and south pole star gods, the Sirius star god, and the Wuji star god!
The four star gods entered his body, once again raising his strength to a new high.

"Heaven and Earth Grinding Disc!"

The real demon was horrified, but without the slightest hesitation, he directly launched his big move.

A terrifying black millstone manifested.

The huge black grinding disc of hundreds of feet crushed the void and swept towards Jiang Che.

At the same time, Jiang Che brazenly launched the Great Void Sword Art.

Thirty thousand sword shadows were activated.

Evolve the Void Sword Formation and increase its power again!
At the same time, behind Jiang Che, a shocking black and white formation appeared, mobilizing all the power, and the bright yin and yang divine light rushed out directly.

The semi-celestial weapon is excited.

Sword shadow and millstone bombardment.

Then the yin and yang divine light swept across, instantly destroying the true demon's ultimate move.

Destruction-level power instantly descended on the real demon's demon body.

Light waves that are more dazzling than the sun burst out thousands of miles directly.


With one blow, the real demon's demon body instantly collapsed.

The demon soul just appeared, and was directly crushed by the power of the destruction level.

Complete kill!

At this moment, the demon book in Jiang Che's mind shook.

The rewards for the fifth grade of the universe character broke out.


A moment later, when the light dissipated, Jiang Che's thousand-foot golden body had turned into a normal size, fell from the void, and smashed into the deep hole like ruins.

The true energy in the body was almost drained.

The pills swallowed were too late to recover.

The real devil's tricks one after another made Jiang Che's heart tremble with fear.

If this blow can't kill him, then he should be the one who ran away.

Fortunately, the real demon was completely killed with one blow.

With body and soul, he killed cleanly.

Falling into the deep hole, Jiang Che lost all strength.

Fortunately, there is still the power of the primordial spirit that can be activated.

Opening the Spring and Autumn Map of Heaven and Earth, Jiang Che quickly let Yuan Ling fly out of the deep hole with him.

Heading towards the vast grassland void.

The Vacuum Cult was completely destroyed.

The high-end forces are all wiped out.

At the same time, Jiang Che also used the sound transmission bell to send a sound transmission to his father, informing him of the collapse of the Vacuum Cult.

(End of this chapter)

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