I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 18 Top Qualification Thunder Tribulation Supreme【New book please support】

Chapter 18 Top Qualification Thunder Tribulation Supreme【New book please support】

"Inferior qualifications, Bai!"



Beside the Gengu Stone, a steward of Daozong spoke, and the young man who was testing Gengu's aptitude in front of him changed his expression, feeling sad, and then slowly turned and left.

As soon as he left, a young man behind him immediately stepped forward, stretched out his hand, and pressed it into the groove on the root bone stone.

In the next breath, the root bone stone immediately emitted light, one of the gemstones lit up, and at the same time, the font appeared.

"Inferior qualifications, Chi!"

"Barely pass!"

On the side, the Taoist steward spoke again, and the young man who tested him immediately showed joy, turned around and stood in another line.

There are already hundreds of people in the team.


The steward of Daozong opened his mouth, and a girl immediately stepped forward, repeating the same action.

The root bone stone burst into light, and one of the gemstones glowed instantly.

A rich blue light bloomed, reflecting on the girl's cheeks.

The Taoist steward's eyes lit up in an instant.

"Superior qualifications, Qing!"


"Get in line for the next test."

Looking at the young girl in front of him, Daozong steward showed a rare smile on his face.

The girl nodded timidly, then turned around and walked towards the team of hundreds of people beside her.

"Cyan is the highest qualification..."

"This woman is also very powerful."

Among the team, Jiang Che watched this scene, and took a serious look at the girl with high aptitude.

More than 1000 candidates have been screened, and this is the first one with the highest qualifications.

As for the top qualifications, he hasn't seen them yet.

Most of them are low-level qualifications, and there are few middle-level qualifications.

As for the inferior qualifications, red-level qualifications are required to pass the start.

White will not pass.

In other words, only those who have reached the red level will be included in the Taoist sect.

If you pass the first root stone test, the second test will be performed.


99 ladders!

This is a special ladder made by Daozong, which is designed to test and test people's soul will.

The higher the step, the stronger the will of the soul.

It doesn't matter if you fail, you can also become a Taoist disciple, but the treatment is different.

The ladder is divided into four stages.

Thirty ladders constitute a stage.

And stepping on the ninetieth ladder is the real top.

It is unbelievable that it passed completely.

But to be able to set foot on the [-]th step is already a genius.


The sun is shining.

After queuing for almost two hours, more than half of the people have already been screened.

Thousands of people tested the root bone, most of them fell on the first level of the bone stone test.

If you fail the first level, you will be completely disqualified.

There is also no need to take the second root bone test.

The stronger the root aptitude, the stronger the will of the soul.


There are very few exceptions.

Thousands of people, but less than two hundred passed the root bone test.

This ratio is also somewhat astonishing.

Jiang Che reckoned that today's test with nearly 500 people, probably only about [-] people will be able to pass in the end.

This is the highest, maybe even less than five hundred.

This is one of the reasons why immortality is difficult.

It is very difficult to practice without aptitude.

Daozong will not waste resources in vain on those who have no fundamental qualifications.

In quality, not quantity.

After filming the team for two hours, Jiang Che still had more than 100 people in front of him.

Although the scorching sun was in the sky, Jiang Che felt that he could bear it.

Without testing, he still doesn't know what stage his root aptitude is.

However, if it passes the test of Daozong, there must be no problem.

On this point, Jiang Che was very confident.

The rewards from the Demon Book are not in vain.

These days, Jiang Che's body is constantly improving in all aspects.

Where does it still look like a sick child.

This is also the credit of the golden bones of heaven.

Otherwise, he would be out of breath after taking two steps.


On the edge of the square, next to the carriage.

Seeing that Jiang Che was about to approach the test, Jiang Hong's eyes became serious.

The master said that it would be best if he could pass the test. If he failed, he would use the jade token given by the master and hand it over to the steward of Daozong.

From the heart, Jiang Hong has great confidence.

He felt that Jiang Che would definitely pass the test.

This is Wu Sheng's intuition.

But although the intuition is very strong, you still have to look at the reality.

Whether it can pass or not will only be known after testing.

"I hope you can pass, so that if you have achieved success in the fairy gate, if there is turmoil in the future, you will have the strength to protect yourself..."

A thought flashed in Jiang Hong's mind, and his eyes were fixed on Jiang Che all the time, waiting patiently for Jiang Che's test.



The voice of Daozong's supervisor sounded again, Jiang Che took a deep breath, calmed down, and stepped forward.

After waiting for so long, it finally came to him.

Stretching out his hand, Jiang Che pressed directly into the groove on the root bone stone.

The palm fell, and with the next breath, a strong purple light erupted immediately on the root bone stone, and the last purple gemstone instantly lit up.

Intense purple light envelops the whole body.

On the root stone, fonts appeared.

Top qualification, purple!

"Top...Top qualification!"

"Still purple!"

On the side, Daozong steward was taken aback.

Thousands of people have tested it, and this is the first time that top-level qualifications have appeared.

He remembered that in the last test, only the upper class qualification, blue, appeared.

Top-level qualifications have not appeared in more than 100 years.

The purple light gradually faded, and Jiang Che came back to his senses.

On the square, everyone's eyes were on him.

What does the purple ray represent?
Top qualification!

Is this handsome boy so talented?

Simply perverted!
The whole place was silent.

Beside the square and the carriage, Jiang Hong was also stunned.

Top qualification!

The son's qualifications are so perverted? ! ? !

Jiang Hong did not expect such a result.

Young master's physique is congenitally weak, unable to practice martial arts, but he did not expect that his aptitude in the immortal way is so terrifying.

A top qualification has been tested!
"Top aptitude, sure enough, the Golden Bone of the Heavenly Dao really changes fate against the sky!"

On the surface, Jiang Che was calm, but in his heart he was delighted.

Tiandao Jingu changed his aptitude beyond his imagination.

All of a sudden, he directly reached the top qualification!


A gust of wind hit, and in the next breath, several stewards of the Taoist sect gathered around the root bone stone, looking at Jiang Che with fiery eyes one by one.

Jiang Che also came back to his senses, looking at the "wolves and tigers" eyes of the several Taoist stewards in front of him, his small body couldn't help shaking.

"Hahahaha, top-level qualifications, more than 100 years, and finally another one!"

A burst of unscrupulous laughter resounded over the square, and Jiang Che looked away, and a figure in a white Taoist robe appeared in the sky above the square without knowing when.

Stepping into the void, wearing a purple Taoist robe, with white hair and a childlike face, he looks full of fairy spirit.

"Big elder!"

Looking at the old man in the purple Taoist robe, the several Taoist stewards were immediately startled, quickly came to their senses, and bowed to salute.

"Big elder?"

Looking at the old man in purple robes, Jiang Che's heart skipped a beat.

Daozong's Great Elder!
Could it be that the Thunder Tribulation Realm that Jiang Hong mentioned existed? ! ? !

What the hell!

Couldn't it be, I'm just a top-level aptitude, so I don't need to startle a Supreme of the Thunder Tribulation Realm? ! !
Jiang Che's heart was turbulent!

Among the Taoist sects, the Supreme Beings of the Thunder Tribulation Realm can be counted on one hand.

Jiang Hong also told him that there are only three Supreme Beings in the Thunder Tribulation Realm in Dao Sect.

And this great elder of the Taoist sect is one of them!

Is this the rhythm of being favored by the boss and soaring into the sky? ! !

And at this moment, in the void, the great elder in the purple Taoist robe descended directly, as if there were invisible stairs under his feet, directly ascending and descending.

This scene shocked everyone in the audience.

Forceful, instantly full!
Step by step, he climbed down the air, and soon, he landed in front of Jiang Che.

Looking at him with a pair of eyes, Jiang Che instantly felt like a glow on his back.

Staring at Jiang Che, and then looking at the font displayed on the root bone stone, a smile appeared on the face of the Great Elder.

"What's your name?"

The soft voice sounded, as if afraid of frightening Jiang Che.

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva in his heart, Jiang Che bowed and saluted: "Jiang Che, junior, I have met the Great Elder."

"Jiang Che!"

"It's a good name, the person lives up to his name, clear and handsome!"

The Great Elder nodded and smiled.

Jiang Che: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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