I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 19 Climbing to the top [New book please support! ! ! 】

Chapter 19 Climbing to the top [New book please support! ! ! 】

"The Great Elder has been rewarded."

Jiang Che looked anxious.

"Haha, don't be nervous. The old man happened to pass by today. I never thought that I would meet him by chance. Young man, are you interested in becoming the old man's disciple?"

The Great Elder smiled and looked at Jiang Che.

This opening also confirmed Jiang Che's conjecture.

Sure enough, the one who beat around the bush was to recruit disciples.

However, if there is such a Thunder Tribulation Supreme as his backer, then he can walk sideways like a crab in the territory of Daozong.

"Don't worry, the test is not over yet, I can wait for you to pass the ladder test before considering this issue."

Before Jiang Che opened his mouth to answer, the First Elder spoke again.

Jiang Che also said that he recovered and nodded.

"Let him join the team, is there any objection?"

The Great Elder turned his head sideways and looked at several Taoist sects in charge.

"No opinion, no opinion!"

Several Taoist stewards shook their heads again and again.

The bosses have spoken up in person, so they dare to have any opinions.

Against the Great Elder, that's almost too boring.

"Go, go to the ladder test."

The Great Elder looked at Jiang Che and showed a friendly smile again.

Jiang Che nodded, followed the First Elder, and headed for the ladder.

The others looked at this scene, their eyes were red.

Envious, really envious!
Good guy, just after the test, he was directly appointed as a disciple by the Taoist giant.

How come I don't have such good luck!
At this moment, everyone's eyes were fixed on Jiang Che.

But envy can only be envy!
There's no way, who let someone have top qualifications!

If you are not convinced, then you also have a top qualification!

"It seems that the son will become a great weapon in the future!"

On the side of the square, beside the carriage, Jiang Hong came back to his senses, and looked at Jiang Che who was following behind the Great Elder, with an endless smile on his face.

At this moment, he wished he could fly back to Yujing with his wings and tell the master the news.

Top qualification!
If there is no accident, in the future, the young master will also be the existence of the giant of Daozong!

Immortal giant!

This is more than self-protection, it can even allocate strength to support the master.

With the son's top-level qualifications, the position of Lord Marquis in the future will be even more unshakable!


In front of the White Jade Ladder, Jiang Che stood by the steps. Under the leadership of the First Elder, he jumped into the line directly, no need to line up, and directly tested.

"This ladder is to test the will of the soul. The old man sees that your will of the soul should also be very strong. Don't be afraid, go up."

Looking at Jiang Che, the First Elder spoke.

The other people on the side watched this scene, their eyes became redder.

This treat!
Even the Great Elder of Daozong introduced it himself, which can be called No.1.


Jiang Che nodded, took a deep breath, and stepped up the first step.

The moment he stepped on the steps of the ladder, Jiang Che felt a slight movement in his soul, but it didn't affect him in any way.

Without stopping for a moment, Jiang Che stepped up to the second step again.

The Great Elder, the steward of the Taoist sect, and other people who participated in the test all looked at Jiang Che on the steps.

Top qualification, how far will this go?
At least you can walk over sixty steps!
Under the eyes of everyone, Jiang Che stepped onto the stage step by step.

On the first thirty steps of the ladder, Jiang Che's figure basically did not stop at all, and he walked through it very easily.

When stepping on a step of No.30, the will of the soul swayed, and a pressure from the will of the soul appeared.

However, the impact on Jiang Che is still not too great.

Continue to step up.

Step up the steps under the eyes of everyone.

The figure still didn't stay too long, as if the existing pressure had no effect on him.

All eyes were on Jiang Che.

Today's highest record is 72 ladder steps.

It was also started by those few high-level qualifications.

Jiang Che is the only one with top qualifications, will he break this record?
Several Taoist stewards didn't blink a glance.

Looking at Jiang Che's figure on the ladder, he estimated that breaking 72 steps would not be a big problem.

As for whether it can reach the ninety steps, I don't know.

Top-level qualifications, relatively speaking, have a great possibility.

The front is good, but the further back, the greater the pressure on the soul.

Stepping up to a level is extraordinary.

Especially after the ninety steps, the changes are even more terrifying.

One step, almost doubled the soul pressure tenfold.

And to step on the 99 steps of the ladder, the last one, the soul pressure will be more terrifying than the sum of all the previous steps.



A Taoist steward spoke and his eyes lit up.

The Great Elder stood aside with a calm expression.

It is normal for him to step up to 73 steps with top qualifications.

It is reasonable to step up ninety steps.

As for whether he can go further beyond the ninety steps, it depends on whether Jiang Che's soul will is strong enough.

But he felt that Jiang Che's soul will was very strong.

It seems to be stronger than those who have been trained.

Daozong has not had a top qualification for more than 100 years.

This kind of talent cannot be missed.

If it is more outstanding on the ladder, then the future achievements will also be limitless.

At the very least, it can reach the realm of primordial spirit.

This realm is not low.

Most of the peak masters of Daozong are at this level.

If the opportunity is enough, maybe it is not impossible to step into the Thunder Tribulation.


Another Taoist steward spoke.

Several Taoist stewards and other testers under the ladder also watched.

Set foot on the eighty-day ladder.

Today's record has been completely broken.

Looking at the situation, it shouldn't be a big problem for Jiang Che to step up the ninety steps.

The Great Elder's expression remained unchanged, watching quietly.

On the side of the square, Jiang Hong also watched carefully.

The young master's performance has greatly exceeded his imagination!

He knows the 99 ladder tests.

Being able to reach the third stage is already extraordinary.

"Young master's talent for cultivating immortals is so powerful, the master will be very pleased to know it."

A thought flashed in Jiang Hong's mind.

on the ladder.

Jiang Che felt a little heavy in his body.

It seemed that there was invisible pressure on him.

But although it was a bit heavy, it was still possible to continue walking.

Stepping up a step again, the pressure on the soul's will instantly increased.

Jiang Che also had to stop to take a breath.

There are 99 ladders, as long as you climb to the top within half an hour.

"It should be the fourth level, right?"

Jiang Che looked up, and there were still nine stairs left.

After resting for a while, and adapting to the pressure on his soul and will, Jiang Che took another step.


When stepping on the 91 steps of the ladder, Jiang Che's body shook slightly, and the pressure on his soul increased sharply again.

Jiang Che stood still, the pressure on his soul caused some kind of oppression to his spiritual will.

However, this kind of oppression seems to have made his soul even closer.

It's like some kind of exercise in the will of the soul.

Taking a breath, Jiang Che stepped up the 92 steps again.

Although there was a lot of oppression, he still felt able to move on.

This sense of oppression can make one's soul closer and improve one's soul from the side.

Jiang Che wanted to give it a try and see if he could climb to the top.

If he couldn't get in, then he didn't force it.

If you can't handle it, just stop.

This time, the rest time was extended a little bit again.

But there is still a lot of time left, and Jiang Che is not in a hurry.

After recovering a little bit, after adapting, he felt that the pressure on his soul seemed to be lessening.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Che took another step and stepped onto the steps of the ladder.


There was a buzzing in his ears, and Jiang Che stood on the steps of the ladder, motionless.

Below the ladder, several Taoist stewards looked at Jiang Che on the steps of the ladder, their hearts tensed.

"93 steps!"

A Taoist steward spoke.

There was also a gleam of color in the eyes of the great elder, and the voice sounded: "How much time is left?"

"Report to the Great Elder, there is still a quarter of an hour!"

A Taoist steward replied.

"One quarter of an hour……"

"Then can he climb to the top..."

The Great Elder's eyes flickered, and a ray of luster bloomed.

If he can climb to the top, then this person, he must be accepted as a closed disciple, and he must not miss it. If he trains well, he will definitely be a giant in the Taoist sect in the future.




"Is he going to climb to the top!"

Time passed little by little, and Jiang Che had reached almost the last step of the ladder.

Standing on top of 98 steps.

There was only one last step left before Jiang Che could climb to the top.

Top-level aptitude, if it is completely reaching the top, then in the future, it must be a giant in the immortal way!

The last person to climb the 99 steps of the ladder was hundreds of years ago.

Top-level qualifications have not appeared before.

But for the steps of the ladder, in the past hundreds of years, only 98 steps have been climbed at most.

Don't look at the last step.

But the gap is like a natural moat!
The pressure of the soul and will on the 99 steps, but the sum of all the steps is more.

At this moment, the Great Elder's eyes became serious.

There is not much time left. If he reaches the summit, he can almost predict that there will be another giant in Daozong in the future.

The possibility of setting foot on the Thunder Tribulation Supreme is very high.

At least [-]%!

On the ladder, Jiang Che was sweating all over.

The last step is just around the corner.

Jiang Che stood on the steps, panting like a cow.

In half an hour, he estimated that there should be less than half a cup of tea left.

Although there is still a little time, but the sense of oppression on the soul makes him feel very heavy.

It is also great to convey the fatigue on the body.

If it wasn't for his soul boosted a hundred times, Jiang Che would have been defeated long ago.

Counting the time, Jiang Che took a deep breath, rested for a while, raised his legs, and took the last step.


A feeling of dizziness hit, and the brain roared.

Jiang Che's body swayed, and one leg trembled violently.


Kneeling on one knee, Jiang Che remained motionless.

Unprecedented weight!
Climbing the 99 steps to the top, I almost didn't let him get down directly.

"Climbed to the top!"

"Fuck, I didn't see the tricks!"

Several Taoist stewards could no longer calm down.

Ascending 99 steps, boy, how strong his soul must be!

(End of this chapter)

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