Chapter 182
"Qin Ya..."

Looking at the figure outside Little Qiong Peak, Jiang Che recognized it at a glance.

"Is Senior Brother Jiang here?"

Qin Ya's voice came from outside Xiaoqiong Peak.

Jiang Che also came back to his senses, and he transmitted his voice with genuine energy: "Junior Sister Qin is here, please come in!"

In the void, after hearing Jiang Che's sound transmission, Qin Ya's figure moved instantly, and she came to the top of Xiaoqiong Peak.

Looking at it, beside the lake, a young Taoist in a blue Taoist robe appeared in his eyes.

It was Jiang Che!

As soon as Qin Ya's figure moved, she immediately came in front of Jiang Che.

Their eyes met, Qin Ya looked at Jiang Che, and Jiang Che was also looking at her.

"The middle stage of the Yuanshen..."

Looking at Qin Ya in front of him, Jiang Che sensed her cultivation.

Very vigorous.

Yuanshen is also very powerful.

It seems that breaking through the late stage of Yuanshen is not far away.

It is extraordinary enough to be able to break through to this situation in a few years.

After all, he is a disciple in charge, so his talent is still very strong.

"His primordial spirit is so powerful..."

At close range, Qin Ya looked at Jiang Che in front of her with an invisible sense of oppression.

A sense of oppression from the primordial spirit.

Although Jiang Che's cultivation is only at the early stage of Yuanshen, his Yuanshen is very terrifying.

It feels three points more powerful than those peak masters at the peak of the primordial spirit.

"I don't know how strong he is..."

A thought flashed through her mind, Qin Ya quickly came to her senses, looked at Jiang Che, and said, "Senior Brother Jiang, please forgive me for disturbing you."

Jiang Che smiled and looked at her: "What did Junior Sister Qin say? I welcome Junior Sister if you can come."

Hearing this, Qin Ya smiled sweetly.

"Just now I heard the sound transmission from Senior Sister Sanshang, saying that you are back, Senior Brother, so, let me come and take a look."

"I haven't seen you for a few years, but the senior brother is even stronger!"

"It's okay, a little gain."

Jiang Che nodded.

Qin Ya smiled, and then set her eyes on the chaotic dog in the yard, her pupils shrank slightly.

Yuanshen Realm...

His spiritual pets have reached such a state.

Looking at Chaos Tengu, Qin Ya's heart stirred up waves.

"Junior Sister Qin is here to see more than me, right?" Jiang Che's voice sounded at this moment.

Qin Ya also came back to her senses, looked at him, and said, "Brother Jiang is back, what's your plan?"

Jiang Che: "?"

"Are you planning... I need to practice for a while, and within a year or two, I probably won't have any plans to go out."

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

"Is that so..."

"That's a pity." Qin Ya sighed.

Jiang Che: "?"


"What does Junior Sister Qin mean by this?"

Looking at Qin Ya, Jiang Che was puzzled.

Qin Ya: "It's like this. In a month's time, I'm going to explore a ruin, and I want to invite my senior brother to come with me."


"What relic?"

Jiang Che asked.

"The ruins of Tianyuan are in the Eastern Desolation Thunder Lake."

Qin Ya replied.

"Tianyuan Ruins..."

Jiang Che thought for a while, but he didn't think of any relevant information.

Lei Ze knew it.

It is a forbidden place in the Eastern Desolation Continent.

In this forbidden area, there are natural thunder and lightning.

In a year, there are more than half a year of thunder and lightning.

very dangerous.

As for the Tianyuan ruins, he didn't know.

"If the senior brother goes with him, then I think we should be more confident." Seeing Jiang Che thinking, Qin Ya said.

"Forget it, I still plan to practice in seclusion. I still have a few supernatural powers that haven't reached the peak, so I don't plan to go out for the time being." Jiang Che came back to his senses and shook his head.

Ancient ruins, there are treasures.

However, there are many treasures in the world, so he can't be too greedy.

Right now, he doesn't want to go anywhere.

The most important thing is to practice supernatural powers, and then improve your cultivation base and strength.

"Alright then." Qin Ya nodded, but didn't say much.

Immediately, she spread her slender hands, and a piece of golden paper appeared in his hands.

On the paper, there are words and a pattern of a person.

The first thing that catches the eye is the leading three characters.

Jiang Che's gaze turned to the paper. The protagonist of this arrest warrant turned out to be him.

Jiang Che was stunned for a moment, and looked at Qin Ya.

"Brother, what I saw from a force in the South China Sea not long ago is a wanted order issued by the Sea Clan in the South China Sea."

Looking at Jiang Che, Qin Ya spoke.

"The Sea Clan of the South China Sea..."

Jiang Che understood instantly.

His expression also returned to calm.

Qin Ya looked at him, blinked her eyes, and said, "Brother, why do you have such a big feud with the South China Sea Sea Clan? Have the entire South China Sea Sea Clan order you to be hunted down?"

"It's nothing, I just killed a dozen giants of the South China Sea Sea Clan." Jiang Che said lightly.

Qin Ya: "..."

"Just" killed more than a dozen giants of the South China Sea Sea Clan...

Good guy, it's no wonder that senior brother was ordered to be hunted down by the South China Sea Sea Clan.

In this way, it makes sense.

Immediately, Qin Ya came back to her senses, looked at Jiang Che seriously, and said, "Senior brother, then you have to be careful, the Sea Clan in the South China Sea is not easy to deal with."

"It's okay, Junior Sister, don't worry, one day, I believe they will automatically lift this arrest warrant."

Jiang Che smiled faintly, and didn't take it to heart at all.

Seeing Jiang Che's relaxed expression, Qin Ya didn't know what to say for a moment.

Either they are very nervous, or they are powerful, even if they are facing the entire South China Sea Sea Clan, they are not worried at all.

And judging from what I knew about Jiang Che, it was obvious that Jiang Che should belong to the latter.

"Since Junior Sister is here, please come in and sit down first. I happen to have some good wine here, which I brought back from the Southern Wilderness. Let Junior Sister taste it."

Looking at Qin Ya, Jiang Che said.

Qin Ya smiled, "Then I will be disrespectful."


Jiang Che reached out his hand to signal, and led Qin Ya into the yard.

Immediately, he came to the stone table under the tree in the yard, took out a jug of wine, poured two glasses, and a majestic spirit filled the air.

The two drank and chatted.

After almost an hour, when the sky was about to darken, Qin Ya got up and left.

"Brother, are you really not going to go to the Tianyuan Ruins with me?"

After walking out of the courtyard, Qin Ya looked at Jiang Che with a slightly red face and said.

"Thank you for your kindness, junior sister. Senior brother appreciates it. I have no plans to go out for the time being." Jiang Che shook his head and said.

"Okay then, goodbye senior brother." Qin Ya smiled, then turned around, flew into the sky, and disappeared into the dusk.

Watching Qin Ya leave, Jiang Che also looked away.

Turning around, he came to the stone table and poured himself a glass of spiritual wine. His eyes fell on the wanted notice on the stone table.

A ray of murderous intent flashed in the pupils.


A purple lightning bolt appeared in the void, instantly turning this wanted warrant into ashes.


"It seems that one day, I have to go to the South China Sea Dragon Palace in person."

Jiang Che muttered, then turned around and stepped into the room.

Lying on the bed, Jiang Che fell asleep.

When he was away from home, his spirit was always highly tense, and when he returned to Daozong, this tense nerve could finally be relaxed a little.

The next day, early in the morning.

Jiang Che just woke up from his sleep.

Looking at the morning sun outside the window, Jiang Che got up, stepped out of the room, and came to the courtyard.

"Master, I have an idea to tell you."

At this time, a voice came, and Chaos Tengu came in from the yard.

Soon came to the front.

"what idea?"

Looking at Chaos Tengu, Jiang Che smiled.

"Master, I want to go out and practice." Chaos Tengu looked at him and said.

"Are you going out to practice?"

Looking at Chaos Tengu, Jiang Che was stunned.

"Yes." Chaos Tengu nodded.

Jiang Che frowned slightly, looked at it, and said, "Then where do you plan to go to practice?"

"Anywhere, master, I am not bad now, master, are you short of money? If I go out to practice, maybe I can earn money for you, master." Chaos Tengu said.

Jiang Che: "..."

I need you to earn money for me?

Looking at the Chaos Tengu in front of him, Jiang Che's heart twitched.

But soon, he came back to his senses, looked at Chaos Tengu and said, "Are you sure?"

"Sure, I thought about it all night last night." Chaos Tengu nodded.

Jiang Che lowered his head in thought.

This guy suddenly proposed to go out to practice, he was really a bit unbelievable.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Che looked at Chaos Tengu and said, "Since you want to go out for training, that's fine, but remember to pay attention to your own safety and don't cause trouble at will, understand?"

"Understood, then I'm leaving!" Chaos Tengu nodded, then turned and left.

"Wait a minute." Jiang Che's voice sounded again.

Chaos Tengu turned to look at him and blinked: "Master, what else do you want?"

Jiang Che spread his hands, and a high-grade Taoist artifact appeared in his hand.

"You hold this magic weapon. If you encounter danger, you can solve some difficulties."

While speaking, the high-grade Taoist weapon in his hand flew towards Chaos Tengu.

Looking at the high-grade Taoist artifact in front of him, Chaos Tengu opened his mouth and swallowed it instantly.

"Thank you, master."

"Go, pay more attention." Jiang Che waved his hand.

Chaos Tengu nodded, and immediately, Sa Yazi moved, and instantly turned into a ray of spiritual light and rushed into the sky.

Seeing Chaos Tengu disappear in his eyes, Jiang Che also came back to his senses.

He was surprised that this guy proposed to practice.

But think about it, the Chaos Tengu now also has the cultivation base of the early Yuanshen, and its strength is even comparable to the existence of the late Yuanshen.

Young eagles, after all, need to spread their wings and fly high.

And it has a soul imprint, Jiang Che can monitor its life fluctuation at any time through the soul imprint.

There is no harm in going out to practice.

Maybe, this guy can have his own chance.

No matter what, he is also a descendant of a divine beast, and now he is also a giant, so he will not die so easily.

Anyway, within a few years, he doesn't plan to leave, let this guy go out and get a lesson, then he should know what cruel reality is.

When he came back to his senses, Jiang Che's figure moved, and in the next second, he was on the cliff of the back mountain.

Jiang Che didn't need to worry about any safety issues after activating Little Qiongfeng's great formation to protect the peak.

In the sect, you can practice with peace of mind.

He will act again when his strength has improved enough.

Explosive high rewards, the requirements are getting higher and higher.

Cosmos-level rewards are of great use to him.

The Hongzi-level rewards, accompanied by the improvement of his strength, brought about a difference from before.

There are many monsters in the world.

But to meet his requirements, more than 70.00% must be removed.

Concentrate on cultivation and improve your cultivation.

It can also be regarded as tempering one's own xinxing.

Sitting cross-legged on the cliff, Jiang Che took out a sword stone.

As soon as the primordial spirit moved, his primordial spirit was pulled into the sword stone in an instant.

In the next second, Jiang Che reappeared in the Long River of Sword Dao Time and Space.

The epiphany of a sword stone can greatly improve his Great Void Sword Art.

The battle of the Vacuum Sect also allowed him to see the terrifying power of the Great Void Sword Art.

At the peak of cultivation, he will be able to compete against the Supreme Thunder Tribulation.

Stepping into the long river of time and space in the way of swordsmanship, Jiang Che went upstream again.

Soon, he came to the limit of the last epiphany.

But this time, he felt he could still move forward.

Jiang Che continued to swim upstream, and after a while, he reached his limit.

Looking at the endless river of time and space in the way of swordsmanship, Jiang Che was very curious about what the end would look like.

The white-clothed figure that he met last time, but this time, he didn't see it.

"Perhaps when we reach the end, we will be able to meet..."

A thought flashed through his mind, and Jiang Che quickly came back to his senses. With a move of his soul, he began to comprehend with all his strength.


This time, he stayed in the long river of time and space of the Sword Dao for a day.

His own kendo has also improved again.

The Great Void Sword Art has also been cultivated to [-] sword shadows.

The improvement of epiphany this time has fully risen to [-] sword shadows.

Faster than his two months of penance.

His own thousands of swords have also become stronger.

The pupils opened, and a ray of invisible sword energy rushed out.

A crack opened in the surrounding void.

"The longer you stay, the greater the reward..."

Jiang Che discovered the mystery.

In the long river of time and space in the way of swordsmanship, the longer the time of epiphany, the greater the improvement of one's own way of swordsmanship.

The faster you can practice the Great Void Sword Art.

With a steady mind, Jiang Che did not continue to take out the sword stone.

Instead, he chose to stabilize for a period of time, thoroughly consolidate his own way of the sword, and then continue to use the sword stone to gain enlightenment.

In this way, the harvest will be greater.

Perfect for maximum effect.

Jiang Che can also use the time to stabilize his swordsmanship to improve his cultivation.

Take out a pure yang fairy fruit.

Jiang Che swallowed it directly.

A bright light suddenly rose up around him.

The majestic breath rippling out.

The true qi in the body is also rapidly increasing.


Two months have passed.

On Little Qiong Peak, on the cliff of the back mountain, Jiang Che practiced unshakably every day.

After taking Chunyang Xianguo for cultivation, in just two months, he has completely stepped into the middle stage of Yuanshen.

Martial arts cultivation remains unchanged, still at the peak Martial Saint, but part of the energy of the Pure Yang Fairy Fruit has been absorbed, making his strength much stronger again.

Reached the power of six hundred dragons.

Six times the power of a peak Martial Saint!
Jiang Che still hasn't comprehended the Immortal Profound Entrance.

This level is more difficult than he imagined.

It is easy for a master to become a martial artist.

But it is not so easy for Wu Sheng to become a human being.

It's not about pure strength growth, but about comprehending the world.

It may break in an instant, or it may take a long time to break through.

Jiang Che also knew that this barrier was not so easy to break through.

After all, when he made the breakthrough, he relied on the Ten Thousand Monsters Golden Body Technique.

But this top-level method is not so easy when it comes to the realm of immortality.

If you can't comprehend it yourself, it will be very difficult to break through.

However, Jiang Che was not discouraged at all, after all, his cultivation time was short.

Although the strength is strong, the perception is not enough.

If it breaks through to the Immortal, the resonance of the heavens and the earth will be shocking enough.

What people and immortals comprehend is Tao.

Immortal Dao and Martial Dao, different paths lead to the same goal!
The ultimate peak will always be an end.

Everyone's way of immortality is different.

You can learn from other people's theories, but if you really want to break through, you still have to rely on your own practice to achieve it thoroughly.

Otherwise, immortals would not be called Supreme.

The Dao Divine Body has developed his physical potential to the limit, which can accommodate even more terrifying power.

Although he has not comprehended the way of immortality, his strength can still continue to rise.

When he has accumulated enough, he will be able to destroy it with strength!
This point is very difficult.

However, he can.

The Dao Divine Body is the core, and the Pure Yang Fairy Fruit is the auxiliary.

If you break through this level, you will let the birds fly!
In two months, Jiang Che also spent three sword stones.

The time of epiphany is also getting longer each time.

After two months of penance, his Great Void Sword Art soared to 15 sword shadows.

In addition to his own penance, he relied more on Jianshi's epiphany.

Jianshi, it's like talking about cheating!
This is no exaggeration!
Without the sword stone, his Great Void Sword Art would not have reached 15 sword shadows.


time flies.

Spring to autumn.

A year's time is fleeting!
Little Qiongfeng, on the cliff of the back mountain.

Jiang Che sat cross-legged.

The aura rippling around shakes the void.

Behind him, a primordial spirit like a real person manifested.

The golden primordial spirit exudes surging primordial power.

His primordial spirit is even more terrifying than an existence at the peak of the primordial spirit.

Sitting cross-legged on the cliff, a terrifying life energy surged through his body.

Like a gigantic ancient beast, the life essence in its body is as rich and astonishing as the vast ocean.

For a year, Jiang Che has been practicing in closed doors.

He never stepped out of the back mountain.

A year of penance is also amazing.

The Chunyang Fairy Fruit consumes [-], but the improvement that can be exchanged is also very huge.

His cultivation base has completely stepped into the late stage of Yuanshen.

From the early stage of Yuanshen to the late stage of Yuanshen, it took only one year to achieve it.

This breakthrough progress can be said to be quite amazing.

The realm of martial arts remains unchanged.

However, his physical body has grown a lot.

After absorbing a large amount of pure Yang fairy fruit, Jiang Che's strength reached the astonishing power of eight hundred dragons.

Inside the body, the bones of the whole body turned purple.

Inscribed with the divine pattern of the Great Dao.

After being promoted to the power of eight hundred dragons, his Dao Divine Body is also close to the limit.

Between breaths, the wind and clouds are thundering.

Like a fairy spirit.

A year of change, earth-shaking.

The strength is greatly improved.

He has no actual combat experience, so he doesn't know where his limit is.

Jiang Che didn't know if it was possible to confront Supreme Lord Lei Jie and Human Immortals.

However, it is not so easy to cross this chasm.


The pupils opened instantly, and a ray of terrifying sword energy shot out, tearing the sky like a piece of cloth.

It can't heal for a long time.


Exhaling a foul breath, Jiang Che also came back to his senses.

The golden primordial spirit behind him disappeared.

The terrifying aura that pervaded the air dissipated in an instant.

Sitting cross-legged and motionless, it felt more terrifying than a giant ancient beast.

A year's time.

Jiang Che's breakthrough was earth-shaking.

The Great Void Sword Art has reached 50 sword shadows!

Of the seven sword stones, only the last sword stone is left!
Look at the sky.

Sensing the majestic qi and strength in his body, Jiang Che raised his hand, and the power in his palm burst out instantly.


A strong sonic boom exploded instantly.

It was like a thunder exploded.

Squeeze the air alive.

A powerful wave of air flow swayed, spreading the void, producing ripples like water.

A satisfied expression appeared on Jiang Che's face.

With a thought, endless sword shadows erupted in the sky above the back mountain in an instant.

Like a river of sword energy surging.

Every sword shadow is like a shining divine sword.


The shadow of the sword soared into the sky, directly piercing through Xiaoqiong Peak's large formation protecting the peak, and reaching directly above the Nine Heavens.

A vast wave of sword energy burst out from the void.

Jiang Che's Great Void Sword Art directly inspired the entire Taoist sect's protective formation.

The white clouds in the sky dissipated, and the infinite divine sword collided with Daozong's sect-protecting formation, and the changes produced were clearly visible to the entire Daozong.

At this moment, all the giants in Daozong were directly shocked.

"What kind of swordsmanship is this!"

The giants of the peaks looked at the shocking scene of the sky above Little Qiong Peak, their eyelids jumped wildly.

Even though they were far apart, they felt the horror of this supernatural power.

The super giants at the peak of Yuanshen felt the breath of death.

Under this blow, I am afraid that no one of the peak master of the 71st peak can block such a terrifying blow.

A pair of eyes converged, and shock filled the pupils.

Even Daozong's protective array was activated!

The power of this blow is already close to that of the Supreme Thunder Tribulation!

In Daozong's protective array, only the Supreme Master Lei Jie has the power to be passively activated.

Even the supernatural power under the thunder calamity could not arouse Daozong's protective array.

"This supernatural power was inspired by Xiao Qiongfeng, could it be that Xuan Miaoyin did it?"

At this time, a Daoist giant spoke.

As soon as the words fell, he was directly refuted by another Daoist giant.

"Impossible, this breath is not a mysterious sound, and she does not have such a terrifying swordsmanship."

"If Xuan Miaoyin made a move, I'm afraid the movement would be more than this big."

Another Taoist giant spoke.

Listening to this analysis, a group of Taoist giants nodded.

"This breath... seems to be Jiang Che!?"

And at this moment, a voice sounded.

The voice was not loud, but the Daoist giants present could hear it clearly.

Jiang Che? !
Their expressions froze.

Does this disciple have the strength to shake the Dao sect's guardian formation? !

What a joke!
Only the Supreme Thunder Tribulation has this strength.

Even if Jiang Che is against the sky, how long has he only practiced? !

Have the strength comparable to the Supreme Thunder Tribulation? !
For a while, all the super giants of Daozong fell silent.

But at this moment, a figure stepped out from the main hall of Tongtian Peak, it was the Great Elder.

Seeing the sword energy wave generated by the collision between the terrifying divine sword and Daozong's protective array, the elder's eyelids twitched violently.

As the Supreme Thunder Tribulation, he could clearly see that the person who inspired such a terrifying swordsmanship supernatural power was none other than Jiang Che.

Thinking of this, his heart felt an inexplicable pain.

This super monster!

He almost became his disciple back then!

It's all because of Xuan Miaoyin, who doesn't talk about martial arts, and cuts off halfway!

Seeing the terrifying wave of sword energy bursting out from the depths of the void, the Great Elder covered his chest with one hand.

The more powerful Jiang Che was, the more his heart ached!

This child's talent and strength are rarely matched in the entire Eastern Wilderness.

Now, it is a blockbuster!
This supernatural power is comparable to the strength of the Supreme Thunder Tribulation.

Although it was a little short, the potential was amazing.

At this moment, the Great Elder had only one word in his mind.

It hurts so much!
If I knew this earlier, even if I fought Xuan Miaoyin to my death, I would not hesitate!

(End of this chapter)

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