I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 183 Sword Master Clone Dzogchen

Chapter 183 Sword Master Clone Dzogchen

"Elder, what's wrong with you?"

Beside him, a true disciple looked at the face of the Great Elder, blinked his eyes and asked.


The Great Elder shook his head, then he turned around and stepped into the palace.

True disciple: "???"


The infinite sword shadows collapsed under Daozong's protective array, and the surging sword energy was completely subdued by Daozong's protective array.

Everything is back to normal.

But the eyes were still looking at Little Qiongfeng.

"Was it really Jiang Che who made the move just now?"

The same question popped up in the minds of each super giant.

Judging from the breath, this should be almost inseparable.


All the super giants still couldn't believe that Jiang Che could grow to such a state.

Comparable to Thunder Tribulation Supreme!

It was just like a dream.


It's more unreal than dreaming.

How many years has he practiced!
A storm spread in Daozong.

Daozong couldn't believe the Great Void Sword Art inspired by Jiang Che.

Such a terrifying swordsmanship supernatural power, this is incredible.

This strength is enough to be called the fourth person of Daozong!
Jiang Che has now become a climate.

People who surpassed 90.00% of Daozong.

It's a myth!


On Little Qiong Peak, on the cliff of the back mountain, Jiang Che looked at the disappearing sword shadow, his eyes shining brightly.

The Great Void Sword Art of 50 sword shadows is undeniably powerful.

Even Daozong's protective array can be activated, although it is still annihilated, but that is amazing enough.

"With my own strength, I should be able to meet Lei Jie Renxian, but the possibility of failure is still very high."

Withdrawing his gaze, Jiang Che made an analysis in his heart.

It's not enough just to compete.

Gotta keep trying.

But even so, Jiang Che was in a great mood.

Worth celebrating!

Taking out the Book of Misfortune, Jiang Che directly cursed Ji Huan, celebrating the power of this blow.


"The last sword stone is left..."

Jiang Che spread his hands and took out the sword stone.

In one year, I realized six times before and after.

It took only 50 sword shadows to be cultivated.

Although each increase is very huge.

However, it is obviously impossible to use the last sword stone to soar into the sky.

"The last epiphany, the rest, it is entirely up to oneself to practice hard..."

Looking at the sword stone, Jiang Che murmured.

Immediately, he let out a breath, and the golden primordial spirit poured into the sword stone in an instant.

One last epiphany, so go ahead!
Entering the long river of time and space in the way of swordsmanship, Jiang Che's primordial spirit stepped into the long river of swordsmanship and went upstream.

It took three days for the last epiphany, and a full [-] sword shadows have been amplified.

How much he can improve this time, Jiang Che is not very sure.

How much can be improved, how much can be improved.

Today's kendo comprehension is already very strong, and the time of persistence is also longer.

Jiang Che traveled upstream and traveled all the way.

Soon, he broke through the previous limit and reached a new limit position.

And at this moment, in front of him, a light shone, and a fluttering figure in white appeared again.

It was the figure I met for the first time.

Jiang Che still couldn't see his face clearly.

Shrouded in light, it is very mysterious.

This is the second time I have encountered this figure in the Long River of Sword Dao.

Refining the last sword stone, Jiang Che was bored again.

Standing on the long river of swordsmanship, the hazy figure looked at Jiang Che.

"Young man, if you can reach this level, it seems that you are expected to become the second person in this seat to reach the end."

A voice without the slightest emotion sounded.

Jiang Che looked at this hazy figure in white, blinked his eyes, and said, "What's your name, senior?"

For the first time, he forgot to ask.

This time, I have to ask anyway.

"I have forgotten my name, you can call me Sword Master, or Sword God."

The voice of the hazy figure in white rang again, and Jiang Che's heart shook.

Boy, how long has this been alive?

Can you forget your own name?

Sword Master, Sword God!
What kind of strength does this have to be able to call itself a god? !
"Junior Jiang Che, I have met Senior Sword Master."

Jiang Che bowed and saluted, and his voice sounded.

"This is not my true deity, it's just the avatar left by me in the long river of time and space. You told me your name, and I may not remember you either."

The voice of the sword master sounded, and said lightly.

Hearing this, Jiang Che's heart trembled wildly.

To be able to leave a mark in the long river of time and space in the way of swordsmanship, my dear, how outrageous is this strength? !

Jiang Che's heart was turbulent, he quickly came back to his senses, looked at the sword master in front of him, and said, "Senior sword master, where is your true self?"

"Your strength is too weak, and you are not qualified to know." The sword master said lightly.

Jiang Che: "..."

The strength is too weak...


Well, compared to this great man, I am indeed not qualified enough.

"When you become a Yang God or smash the vacuum, you will naturally know."

The voice of the sword master sounded again.

Jiang Che's heart twitched.

Cultivate into a Yang God, smash the vacuum...

That's the Year of the Monkey!
"Your kendo talent is good, let's feel it well. When you reach the end, this seat may be able to pass on your kendo experience and give you a chance."

The sword master's voice sounded and reached Jiang Che's ears, but before he recovered his senses, the sword master's figure disappeared into the long river of time and space in the way of swords again out of thin air.

Jiang Che came back to his senses and looked at the endless river of time and space in the way of the sword.

At present, he still hasn't seen where the end is.

I'm afraid this will require a lot of comprehension.

When he came back to his senses, Jiang Che calmed down the fluctuation in his heart and continued to comprehend the way of swordsmanship.


Six days passed in a flash.

Jiang Che also withdrew from the long river of time and space in the way of swordsmanship.

Opening his eyes, looking at the sky, Jiang Che let out a breath.

This time, the longest time.

It took six days for an epiphany.

His kendo and sword intent have been greatly improved.

The Great Void Sword Art has reached a terrifying 70 sword shadows.

A one-time increase of 20 sword shadows.

However, it is still far from Dacheng's million sword shadows.

But even if he doesn't have a great achievement, the Great Void Sword Art is also his first attack technique.

It is also a trump card that can compete against Lei Jie Renxian with his own supernatural powers alone.

Sitting cross-legged on the cliff, Jiang Che continued to practice.

The current strength is still not enough.

One million sword shadows must be achieved.

In this way, he will have the strength to confront Lei Jie Renxian head-on.

And it's only been one year of retreat, it's still early.

There are still some pure Yang fairy fruits, and they can continue to practice in closed doors.

The most important thing is that there has been a little progress in transforming the three cleans into one gas.

Of course, expectations have not been met.

That's far from it.

It will take a longer time to cultivate this supreme method successfully.


Time flies.

Two years have passed.

The Daoist shock caused by Jiang Che at the beginning also calmed down in time.

Little Qiongfeng is still quiet.

Jiang Che is still practicing hard work in closed doors.

On the cliff of the back mountain.

Jiang Che's figure remained motionless, like an old monk in meditation.

For three years, I have been practicing hard.

This is also the longest retreat time he has practiced.

The breath became more mellow.

From the sharp edge at the beginning, it has become ordinary.

There is a feeling of returning to basics.


A ray of breath rushed out, and Jiang Che suddenly opened his eyes.


Slowly letting out a breath, Jiang Che got up instantly.

The surrounding air trembled for a moment.

Two years of penance.

He finally mastered the Great Void Sword Art.

Millions of sword shadows.

The sword intent on his body was also earth-shaking.

The explosive power of one blow is even more earth-shattering!
Even without trying, he is confident.

In addition to the great accomplishment of the Great Void Sword Art, Jiang Che has also mastered the Zhoutian Star Technique.

The cultivation base is still in the late stage of Yuanshen, and under the extremely fast breakthrough, the growth in two years is not fast.

The pure Yang fairy fruit has been exhausted.

Although he has not yet reached the peak of Yuanshen, he feels that it is almost there.

The immortal's comprehension finally made some progress.

However, it is only a trace.

It takes more world comprehension to be able to break it with strength.

The strength of the physical body has reached the limit of what it can bear.

Nine hundred dragons!
His own strength has surpassed the peak martial saint by a large margin.

However, compared with human immortals, the gap is still not small.

The basic power of human immortals is Qianlong.

And this is only the power of the human immortal foundation.

Under the eruption, that force can completely crush him several times.

In terms of power alone, it's a bit short.

Fist the sky!

Invoke the power of heaven and earth to attack.

In the early stage of human immortality, the first state is enlightenment.

One hundred and eight holes!

Break every hole, and the changes will be earth-shaking.

In the early stage and the early stage, the gap is as huge.

But in the middle stage of human immortality, the artistic conception is transformed into reality, which is even more terrifying!
But now, he is still far from this level.

It seems to be a close call, but this close call is too difficult.

Looking at the void, Jiang Che took a deep breath.

In the past two years of retreat, his strength has improved a lot.

And most importantly, with Yuan Ling's unremitting efforts, he finally broke through the entrance to transforming the Three Purities into one Qi.

He can condense the first clone.

Go all the way!

One thought erupted, and the next breath, an identical self appeared in front of Jiang Che.

There is no difference in breath.

As thick as his true self.

The supernatural powers learned can also be stimulated by the avatar.

The strength is exactly the same as the deity.

Looking at "myself" in front of him, Jiang Che was very satisfied.

Although it is extremely difficult to comprehend the transformation of three cleans in one breath, once successful, the strength of oneself will be increased by [-]%.

Have one more deity who is the same as yourself.

How terrifying would that increase in strength be? !

Teaming up to defend against the enemy is a geometric increase!
A thought dissipated.

The avatar instantly vanished into nothingness.

As soon as Jiang Che's figure moved, he disappeared directly on the cliff of the back mountain.

In the next second, he came to his yard.

In the past three years, Yuan Ling's cultivation base has also made considerable progress. With his own cultivation, he has reached the late stage of Yuanshen.

In terms of cultivation, the congenital spiritual fetus is indeed extraordinary and free from vulgarity.

"I don't know what happened to the Chaos Tengu..."

Jiang Che sensed the soul imprint.

In the past three years, the soul imprint of Chaos Tengu has dimmed many times.

Several times, cracks appeared in the soul imprint.

In this case, there is only one, which means that the dog suffered a fatal injury before the soul imprint cracked.

But now, the soul imprint has become radiant again, which also shows that this guy is still alive and well.

In three years, the soul imprint of Chaos Tengu became stronger, and the stronger the strength, the stronger the soul imprint.

After sensing it for a while, Jiang Che didn't care.

As long as you don't die, you can live.

As for what kind of fame this product can make, it depends on its own good fortune.

Jiang Che will not restrain it either, it will naturally come back when it has had enough waves.


Arriving under the linden tree in the yard, Jiang Che poured a cup of spiritual tea.

Yuan Ling was still cultivating in the house.

Drinking spirit tea, Jiang Che looked at Qiongfeng Hall.

Three years, another three years have passed!

Master still hasn't come back.

Jiang Che even wondered if Xuan Miaoyin was trapped.

But even so, there was nothing he could do.

Where he could trap Xuan Miaoyin, he went, and he only had to deliver food.

But Jiang Che still took out the sound transmission bell to communicate.

After a while, he got a reply from Xuan Miao Yin.

"I'm fine as a teacher. I just need to do something in the deep space outside the territory. Don't worry. When it's time to come back, I will come back naturally."

Hearing the mysterious sound in the sound transmission bell, Jiang Che didn't think much about it.

He sent the sound transmission again to remind Master to pay attention to safety, and he put away the sound transmission bell.

Immediately after drinking a cup of spiritual tea, Jiang Che began to think about his next move.

Closed for three years.

There has been no action for three years.

There was also a trace of restlessness in Jiang Che's heart.

Kill the demons!

But ordinary monsters are probably useless to him.

With the current cultivation base, I am afraid that only the existence of monsters at the peak level of Yuanshen will be able to burst out the rewards.

The late Yuanshen will not work.

The stronger the strength, the higher the requirements for breaking out the big prize.

If he breaks through Human Immortal or Thunder Tribulation Supreme, I am afraid that only by beheading the Human Immortal or Thunder Tribulation Supreme can he get a big reward.

In the Eastern Wilderness, there are many monsters, but there are too few peerless monsters.

But after Jiang Che thought for a long time, he still thought of Beihuang.

There is the kingdom of the monster race.

Only the monsters in the Northern Wilderness are enough to kill him.

But killing the peerless monster would have serious consequences.

He must be hunted down.

This cannot be changed.

After all, a peerless monster is the top power.

Just like Daozong.

If a peak master is killed, will Daozong let it go?

It must be immortal.

If he wants to kill, he must also bear the consequences.

After all, this is not a little shrimp, who dies when he dies.


Letting out a breath, Jiang Che felt a headache.

Without the power to do whatever you want, everything is limited.

"If the demons invade again, then I will be able to kill happily and recklessly..."

Looking at the void, a thought arose in Jiang Che's heart.

I'm afraid that in the whole world, he is the only one who dares to think so.

"Prepare the materials first, refine some avatars, and then sell them..."

A thought flashed across Jiang Che, then he got up and walked into the room.

The previous plan was to build an army of puppets.

But after practicing the Great Void Sword Art, Jiang Che gave up.

Group attack, his Great Void Sword Art is powerful enough to obliterate everything.

If the Great Void Sword Art can't stop it, then the puppet is useless.

He kept the Tianjia puppet, and as for the other puppets, he planned to make a one-time move.

Having prepared a lot of materials, Jiang Che still doesn't intend to waste them.

Bring out more primordial-level puppets.

Then sell it for money.

I don't need it, but for others, it is a hot commodity.

Don't worry if you can't sell it for a good price.

The fourth round of pure Yang fairy fruit cultivation might be enough.

After reviewing the refining steps, Jiang Che read them carefully.

After confirming that there were no omissions, he came to the refining room of Qiongfeng Hall.

Dutian's divine fire was burning, and a large tripod of high-grade Taoist vessel appeared in front of him.

Refining the Dragon Cauldron!
A high-grade Taoist weapon that was released after killing the giants in the South China Sea.

After igniting Dutian Divine Fire and heating up the Dragon Refinement Cauldron, Jiang Che began to put in materials one by one.

With the boost of high-grade Taoist artifacts, the chances of refining puppets are higher.

The entire refining room was filled with terrifyingly high temperatures.

Jiang Che exquisitely controlled the heat of Dutian Shenhuo.

It can't be bad at all.

Otherwise, all previous efforts will be wasted.

A piece of material was melted, and Jiang Che made a seal with one hand, and made a series of seals, and the dragon refining cauldron instantly aroused a powerful light.

Light shrouded.

The material that has turned into a liquid form is also gradually taking shape.

The appearance of a puppet began to appear.

Jiang Che didn't stop in one breath, and kept pouring into the seals into the puppets.


Three days later, the first puppet took shape.

There is no problem in placing the spirit stone to stimulate the test.

Jiang Che was also in a good mood.

Immediately, the refinement continued.

With successful experience, he is more handy in refining.


Three months passed in a flash.

On this day, the door to the refining room of Qiongfeng Hall opened, and Jiang Che stepped out of the refining room.

His expression was slightly tired, but there was a look of joy between his brows.

All materials are exhausted.

Jiang Che also forged thirty gold-armored puppets of the early stage of primordial spirit.

Adding the fifty before him, there are a total of eighty golden-armored puppets.

Stepping out of the refining room, Jiang Che looked into the void, swallowed a elixir and recovered a bit, Jiang Che's figure moved, and he left Little Qiongfeng directly.


Daozong, Lingjian Peak.

In the void, Jiang Che's figure appeared.

Standing in the void, Jiang Che looked at the Dao artifact divine sword hanging in the sky on Lingjian Peak.

Witnessing it for the first time gave him quite a shock, but now, in his eyes, it is nothing special.

The magic weapon on his body is enough to beat this divine sword.

If he hit with all his strength, he could easily smash this high-grade Taoist weapon.

He took out a sound transmission bell, and after Jiang Che transmitted the sound, he stood in the void and waited.

Soon, a ray of light swept across Lingjian Peak.

A young man in his 30s appeared in his eyes.

Fang Zihe!
They once teamed up to form a team, but after so many years, he didn't have much contact.

Also too busy.

Today's Fang Zihe has broken through to the peak of Jindan.

The strength has been greatly improved.

This kind of strength, in Daozong, can be considered powerful.

After all, there are too few genius disciples like Qin Ya.

Fang Zihe was also considered a genius.

Flying out of Lingjian Peak, Fang Zihe soon came to Jiang Che.

Looking at Jiang Che in front of him, his heart trembled wildly.

Two years ago, his master had said that Jiang Che's strength was already comparable to the Supreme Thunder Tribulation.

He couldn't believe it either, but now that he met him, he felt he believed it.

Jiang Che's cultivation is at the late stage of Yuanshen, but his aura is too strong, like an abyss, unfathomable.

At close range, he could feel an invisible sense of oppression even more.

It is several times more terrifying than Master.

Fang Zihe felt very strange when he suddenly received Jiang Che's voice transmission.

But it still came out.

After all, Jiang Che is also the chief elder brother of Daozong.

And the current strength is even more powerful!

Looking at Jiang Che, Fang Zihe felt somewhat cautious, cupped his hands and said, "Fang Zihe has seen Senior Brother Jiang!"

Seeing Fang Zihe being so polite, Jiang Che stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder with one hand, "Junior Brother Fang, you don't have to be so polite. You and I are friends. I'm looking for Junior Brother today because I want Junior Brother to recommend Peak Master Gu. I have a deal to discuss with Peak Master Gu."

Talk about business? ! ? !

Hearing this, Fang Zihe was taken aback for a moment, but at this moment, Jiang Che opened his hands, took out a small porcelain bottle, handed it to him, and said, "A small gift is not a respect."


Looking at the small porcelain bottle in his hand, Fang Zihe could feel the energy of the elixir in the porcelain bottle.

Such a generous move caught Fang Zihe by surprise.

Immediately, he came back to his senses, looked at Jiang Che, hurriedly returned the small porcelain bottle to him, and said, "Senior brother Jiang is too polite, this elixir is precious, I can't accept it, brother Jiang wants to see Master, I can help, no problem."

Jiang Che smiled, and directly stuffed the small porcelain bottle into Fang Zihe's hand, and said, "You will not be rewarded for nothing, Junior Brother Fang, please accept it, otherwise, I don't feel at ease."


Fang Zihe hesitated for a moment.

Seeing Fang Zihe's hesitation, Jiang Che pretended to be angry: "Why, Junior Brother Fang, do you dislike my things?"

"No, no, Senior Brother Jiang, how could I dislike it, I'll just accept it." Fang Zihe immediately shook his head and put away the small porcelain bottle.

A bright smile suddenly appeared on Jiang Che's face: "That's right, why should Junior Brother cheat on me?"

Fang Zihe smiled, and the oppressive feeling in his heart dissipated a lot in an instant.

Looking at Jiang Che, he said, "Senior Brother Jiang, Master happens to be here, so come with me."

Jiang Che nodded slightly, and then followed Fang Zihe into Lingjian Peak.

Soon, he and Fang Zihe came to a hall on the top of Lingjian Peak.

Before Fang Zihe could open his mouth, suddenly, a divine light rushed out from the hall and quickly appeared in front of the two of them.

He revealed his true face, a middle-aged man in a purple robe.

The cultivation base of Yuanshen peak, the breath is strong.

It is indeed the peak master of Lingjian Peak, Gu Qingfeng!

Fang Zihe came back to his senses and saluted immediately.

Jiang Che also cupped his hands, and a voice sounded: "Little Qiongfeng Jiang Che, I have seen Fengzhu Gu, and I ask Fengzhu to forgive me for disturbing you today."

Gu Qingfeng took a glance and landed on Jiang Che, his pupils shrank slightly.

From Jiang Che's body, he felt a feeling of being close to the Great Elder.

Although his cultivation was only in the late Yuanshen stage, his strength, he felt, was like looking at flowers in a fog, unfathomable.

Soon, Gu Qingfeng came back to his senses, looked at Jiang Che, and said, "Jiang Che, why are you looking for me?"

"I have a business that I want to discuss with Master Gu. This business will be of great benefit to the entire Lingjian Peak." Jiang Che said with a mysterious smile.

Gu Qingfeng: "???"

When Jiang Che opened his mouth, he felt incredible.


What kind of business can he have to cooperate with Lingjian Peak?
Looking at Jiang Che, Gu Qingfeng was stunned for a while, then came back to his senses, looked at Jiang Che, then at Fang Zihe beside him, and waved his hand.

Seeing this, Fang Zihe wisely left.

Seeing Fang Zihe leave, Gu Qingfeng said: "Go in and sit down first."

Although very curious, Gu Qingfeng still held back.

Jiang Che nodded, and followed Gu Qingfeng into the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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