I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 185 Assassination and Anti-killing

Chapter 185 Assassination and Anti-killing

this guy...

The great elder's heart twitched.

Looking at Jiang Che, he didn't know what to say.

Feng Xuanji looked at him with a solemn expression: "Jiang Che, don't underestimate Assassin God Palace, even I am not absolutely sure of Assassin God Palace's assassination technique."

"Teacher, don't worry, I will pay attention." Jiang Che nodded.

Feng Xuanji looked at him, and after a while, a golden rune appeared.

Then it fell into Jiang Che's hands.

"Collect the talisman. At a critical moment, crushing this talisman can save your life."

Feng Xuanji's voice sounded, and every word fell into Jiang Che's ears.

Jiang Che also came back to his senses, looking at the golden rune in his hand.

There was a terrifying aura on it, and the power contained in the runes made him feel very palpitating.

"Thank you for teaching!"

Jiang Che was not polite either, and directly accepted the golden rune.

The things that Feng Xuanji shot, would definitely not be bad.

This symbol.

It is definitely a life-saving thing at a critical moment.

Feng Xuanji looked at him, "It's best not to run around, even if you go out, you should be more careful."

"Understood, don't worry the headmaster, I will definitely pay attention."

Jiang Che nodded.

Feng Xuanji nodded slightly.

Jiang Che looked at him and suddenly thought of a question.

"Headmaster, what is the name of the Dragon Emperor of the South China Sea?"

Jiang Che didn't know the real name of the Dragon Emperor of the South China Sea, but Feng Xuanji definitely knew it.

Feng Xuanji glanced at him, and said a name: "Ao Hong!"

"Ao Hong..."

Jiang Che nodded, remembering the name in his heart.

"If you ask this, don't you plan to go to the South China Sea Dragon Palace?"

At this moment, the Great Elder asked, looking at Jiang Che with serious eyes.

Jiang Che smiled and said, "Don't worry, Great Elder, I won't, I just asked for my name."

The Great Elder looked at him, his eyes still full of suspicion.

Immediately, Jiang Che looked at Feng Xuanji and said, "Headmaster, what's the name of the leader of Stinging God Palace?"

"Yin Wufeng." Feng Xuanji said a name again.

Jiang Che nodded and remembered the name in his heart.

"Okay, there's nothing else to do, you should pay more attention to yourself, if nothing happens, don't leave the sect easily."

Feng Xuanji said.

Jiang Che got up and bowed, and then left Tongtian Hall.

"This kid, really a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers!"

Seeing Jiang Che's leaving back, the First Elder sighed.

Feng Xuanji's expression was indifferent, and his face was calm: "It's not a bad thing, it can be tempered."

"His strength should be no problem."

"I will pay attention to the movement of the Assassination Palace. As long as the old ghost doesn't make a move, there shouldn't be a big problem."

Feng Xuanji's voice sounded, and the Great Elder nodded.

Immediately, he seemed to think of something again, looked at the head teacher, and said: "By the way, head teacher, why did Xuan Miaoyin leave for so long and not come back?"

Feng Xuanji glanced at him, and said: "She is still on Zuma Star, so she should be on the same page as Zuma God Sect."


The Great Elder's expression changed instantly, he looked at Feng Xuanji, and said, "Then nothing will happen to her, right?"

"Probably not. She just has something to do and hasn't finished it yet. Once it's done, she will come back naturally." Feng Xuanji said lightly.

Hearing these words, the Great Elder nodded slightly, but didn't say much.


Daozong, Little Qiongfeng.

Jiang Che's figure descended from the sky.

fell by the lake.

Looking at the void, he frowned.

Assassinate the Shrine!
Jiang Che would not underestimate an assassination organization that Feng Xuanji and the First Elder valued so much.

Jiang Che did not expect that after a few years, the Sea Clan in the South China Sea would spend so much money to have other forces assassinate him.

Although he didn't know about this assassination organization, the nerves in his heart were tense.

"Out of the sect, it should be possible to appear..."

"If we kill the killer from Assassin's Palace, then we should continue to dispatch..."

Jiang Che's eyes flickered, and then he spread his hands, and the Book of Doom appeared in front of him.

With a movement of Yuanshen, using his finger as a pen, Jiang Che wrote two names again.

With the current cultivation base of Yuanshen, even the Supreme Thunder Tribulation, he can still curse easily.

If you can't kill it, you can also hurt it.

Originally planning to go to Beihuang after reaching the peak of Yuanshen, Jiang Che did not expect such an unexpected situation to happen.

However, when it came, he was not afraid.

He, Jiang, was not scared too much!

A month has passed.

Jiang Che kept cursing every day.

Ji Huan, Ao Hong, Yin Wufeng!

The three Supremes come to the curse package three times a day.

Although the consumption has increased a bit, it can be easily tolerated by his primordial spirit.

Seeing the three figures on the Book of Misfortune continuously vomit blood, Jiang Che felt much more refreshed.

Assassinate him, then come with a curse meal first!
It can't be killed, but it can also cause great damage.

Cursing continuously for a month, the effect is also obvious.

Although he couldn't see the real situation, he could also analyze it from the figure.

After a month of crazy cursing, the aura of the figures on the heavenly book became sluggish.

Jiang Che didn't have the slightest sympathy either, it's best to kill him.

It's a pity that the half-immortal tool's doom book doesn't have the ability to kill a Thunder Tribulation Supreme.

It's almost like becoming a fairy.


"It's almost time to leave for the Northern Wilderness."

Breathe out.

Jiang Che looked at the sky.

It is not an option to stay in the sect all the time.

Safety is safety.

But his strength is difficult to improve.

It will come sooner or later, so it is better to let the storm come in advance.

It's not the Supreme Thunder Tribulation, it hasn't frightened him enough to make him dare not go out.


So close to Tianya activated, and Jiang Che disappeared in Little Qiongfeng in an instant.

After leaving the sect, Jiang Che headed towards the North Sea at the fastest speed.

At the same time, his nerves are also highly tense, and he is always paying attention to the surrounding situation.

Out of the sect, assassination will come at any time.

However, he still has confidence in his own strength.

But Jiang Che, a master assassin who was able to escape in front of the Supreme Thunder Tribulation, was not careless.

Although there is a golden talisman to protect the teacher, but it can only be used as a last resort.

Going to the Northern Wilderness, the situation will be even more dangerous.


Three days later, Jiang Che came to a city near Beihai.

Marina City!
This is a coastal city in the northern part of Dagan.

It is also a big city.

In three days, Jiang Che arrived in Binhai City, but the assassination did not come.

Jiang Che did not relax in the slightest.

As long as it appears, it is definitely a one-hit kill.

After staying in the sect for an extra month, Jiang Che also asked the First Elder more about the Assassination Palace.

I know more or less.

The assassins at the peak of Yuanshen are basically the top assassins of Assassin God Palace.

And Yin Wufeng, who stabs the God Palace, is a supreme assassin in the Thunder Tribulation Realm.

The cultivation base of the second level of Thunder Tribulation, but has the brilliant achievement of killing the third level of Thunder Tribulation.

Such an assassination organization is the only one in Central Continent.

The strength of Assassin God Palace cannot be judged by its cultivation base.

The assassination technique that is unrivaled in the world, even an early Yuanshen can easily assassinate an existence at the peak of Yuanshen.

And it's not an isolated case. Basically, assassins who can be trained to the primordial spirit state all have this strength.


Entering Binhai City, Jiang Che didn't wander around in the city, and directly chose an inn to stay.

Take a day off today and step into Beihai tomorrow.


In front of the window of the wing room, Jiang Che looked at the scenery outside.

But in fact, he was sensing if there was any reaction from the Yin-Yang jade pendant.

The yin-yang jade pendant has the ability to shield heaven's secrets, and at the same time, it also has the ability to sense crises.

The half-immortal yin-yang jade pendant, the effect of this side is infinitely magnified.

Sensing the yin-yang jade pendant, Jiang Che didn't sense any crisis.

But because of this, his mood became more dignified.

There are only two cases.

Either the assassins from Assassin's Palace didn't come after them.

There is another possibility, that is, he has already been eyeing him, but even the yin-yang jade pendant cannot perceive danger.

If it's the latter, it's scary.

Half Immortal Artifacts can't perceive it.

That could pop up at any time.

Make you invincible!

This situation is the most dangerous.

Jiang Che was also on high alert.

After standing in front of the window for a while, Jiang Che turned around immediately.

But at the moment of turning around, the yin-yang jade pendant suddenly shook, and a crisis arose in his heart.

In the void, a shadow manifested, and a ray of light descended from the void in an instant, piercing Jiang Che's brain.


In the nick of time, the faint light pierced Jiang Che's brain like lightning, but there was a ray of light, which did not cause him any harm.


A heavy punch landed on Shadow, the void was blown up, and the space shook.

But before Jiang Che made another move, the shadow disappeared without a trace.

The void returned to calm.

It seemed that the scene just now was just an illusion.

But Jiang Che's mind tensed up.

The sudden assassination just now made it impossible for him to guard against it. If he hadn't always defended himself with the map of spring and autumn of heaven and earth, he might have lost his head just now.

This extremely strange assassination technique is simply terrifying to the soul.

Can't resist!
Suddenly it came.

Although the Explosive Thunder Technique caused damage, it was only a minor injury.

The method of concealment is amazing.

The first assassination failed.

But this time, Jiang Che had to be on high alert.

Fortunately, the defense of the Heaven and Earth Spring and Autumn Map blocked it, otherwise, he might have died.

For the first time, I experienced the assassination of Assassin's Palace.

Jiang Che felt like his heart was jumping with fear.

"Assassination Palace..."

A stern look flashed in Jiang Che's eyes, full of murderous aura.

It just disappeared too quickly, without leaving any breath, and he couldn't track it at all.

He blocked the first assassination, but Jiang Che didn't feel the slightest joy in his heart.

This kind of unpredictable assassination technique is like walking on a tightrope on a cliff, if you are not careful, you will fall into the abyss.

Furious, Jiang Che took out the Book of Misfortune again, and cursed Yin Wufeng crazily!
When the strength is enough in the future, this damn Assassin's Palace will definitely be destroyed.


Binhai City, the suburbs.

In a grove, a shadow fell silently from the void and appeared.

His whole body was covered in black robes, making it impossible to see his face clearly.


The black-robed man landed in the grove, spattering out a mouthful of blood.

Standing in the grove, a dark light rose around him.

The breath in the body quickly recovered.

"Sure enough, he is a freak, but luckily he has the Guardian Armor..."

The man in black muttered to himself, and in the next breath, his figure disappeared in place again.


Night falls.

After cursing hundreds of times in one breath, Jiang Che's mood improved inexplicably when he saw the figure on the heavenly book vomiting blood continuously.

If you can't be beaten by yourself, if you dare to send someone to assassinate, then you will suffer together!
Putting away the Book of Misfortune, Jiang Che swallowed a elixir to restore his primordial spirit.

At the same time, he was also thinking about his next move.

If the assassination fails, there will definitely be a second time.

The next time you come to assassinate, how should you kill him with one blow? !

There can be no chance of escape.

There is only one shot, and if you fail once, the difficulty factor will be even greater if you want to kill.

"Have it!"

Thoughts flickered, Jiang Che's eyes suddenly lit up.

In the rush during the day, he forgot a big killer.

All gods are on fire!

Today's Dutian Divine Fire is so powerful that if it is contaminated, it will definitely die.

"Next time, I will serve you with Dutian Shenhuo..."

Looking at the starry night outside the window, Jiang Che flashed a stern expression, sat cross-legged on the bed and continued to adjust his breathing.


The night passed peacefully.

The next day, early in the morning.

Jiang Che checked out and left.

After stepping out of Binhai City, Jiang Che moved directly towards the vast sea.

Assassin of Assassin's Palace, the most superb is nothing more than stealth.

Jiang Che also had to admire this point.

The semi-immortal weapon can quietly avoid it, and it will not appear until it arrives.

This concealment technique is very terrifying.

Jiang Che made up his mind.

The next time he comes, he will directly use Dutian Shenhuo.

The Dutian Shenhuo in his body is ready to move, ready to erupt at any time.

A thought, instant launch!

One hit kills!

Over the boundless sea, a white cloud floated forward.

Jiang Che sat cross-legged on top of the white clouds, practicing while walking forward.

It has been almost three days since we entered Beihai.

But there is still no trace of the assassin who stabbed the palace.

Jiang Che could only wait passively to show up.

This feeling is very aggrieved.

But he has no better way.

The concealment method of Assassination Palace is too strong, and the deduction is basically useless.

This is also the first time this happened.

Walk in the sea of ​​clouds.

Suddenly, a ray of light shot up from the bottom of the sea, blasting towards the white cloud where Jiang Che was.

Both eyes opened instantly, and a black and white divine light erupted in Jiang Che's pupils in an instant.


Piercing through the sea water, the next second, a red color appeared on the sea surface, and a huge corpse appeared in his eyes.

It's a sea monster!
With a wave of Jiang Che's hand, the next second, lightning flashed, and instantly wiped out the corpse of this unrealistic sea monster.

Baiyun continued to move forward.

Jiang Che appeared to be cultivating on the surface, but actually maintained a high degree of vigilance.

Even if he didn't kill the assassin who stabbed the palace, he couldn't relax.


starry night.

On an island, Jiang Che's figure descended from the sky.

Landed on the beach of this island.

Watching the waves churning, Jiang Che immediately sat cross-legged on the beach to rest.

But just when he was in samadhi, suddenly, the yin-yang jade pendant shook, and the crisis emerged again.

The void split apart soundlessly, and a ray of lightning appeared out of thin air, directly blasting towards his face.

A shadow also manifested.

Looking at the incoming attack, Jiang Che's eyes flashed, and he did not dodge at all, and launched it with a single thought.


Dutian Shenhuo manifested out of thin air, and quickly blasted towards Youying.

Seeing the oncoming purple flame, You Ying raised his hand, black light bloomed, and a Taoist artifact appeared.

But in front of Dutian Shenhuo, this mid-grade Taoist weapon penetrated in an instant and landed directly on him.


A shrill scream sounded, You Ying was wrapped in Dutian Divine Fire all over his body, even if he entered the space, he would still be burned by Dutian Divine Fire.

At this moment, Jiang Che annihilated the incoming attack, and at the same time launched the Great Void Sword Art, causing sword shadows to manifest one after another.


The Excalibur blocked the void and penetrated instantly.

Shot is full force.


One after another sword shadows penetrated You Ying's body, and destructive fluctuations spread throughout the island.

In an instant, the shadow wrapped in Dutian's divine fire disappeared.

Totally dead.

Jiang Che still didn't take back the Dutian Divine Fire, it was completely burned, and he only put it away when he could no longer sense the slightest breath of the primordial spirit.

The body of the assassin was burned clean.

Yuanshen was also completely destroyed under the fire of Dutian God.

Contaminated by Dutian Shenhuo, it is impossible to get rid of Shenhuo.

The assassination technique is brilliant, but its own strength is not enough to instantly suppress Dutian Shenhuo.

The Great Void Sword Art, just make up the sword and send it away.

Solved the assassin of the Assassin Palace.

And at this moment, a black token fell from the void.

landed on the sand.

Jiang Che's eyes also instantly fell on the black token.

Those who can withstand the burning of Dutian Shenhuo without being destroyed are definitely not mortals.

With five fingers open, a surge of true energy burst out, and instantly dropped the black token into his hand.

Taking a closer look, he couldn't even tell what material the black token was made of.

Holding it in the hand, there is a cold feeling.

The front of the token depicts a pattern.

On the other hand, there is only one word.

Looking at the black token in his hand, Jiang Che looked at the numbers on it.


"This should be the code name of the assassin."

A guess emerged in Jiang Che's mind.

Can't be sure, but it feels like it should be pretty close.

"Finally dead!"

Letting out a breath, Jiang Che's mind became three points clear.

Assassins, if they fight head-on, they will definitely die.

Once locked, death is inevitable.

learn from mistakes!
Youdutian Shenhuo, even if you escape into the void, you can't escape.

He controls the divine fire by himself, and with the power of the Dutian divine fire, even the void can be burned.

"This one is dead, will there be another..."

"There should be, but in a short time, it will definitely not be tracked."

Looking at the vast starry sky, Jiang Che thought.

The Stinging God Palace is in Central Continent, and it will definitely take a long time to cross such a distance.

Unless Yin Wufeng does it himself.

However, he couldn't sense other assassins, but Yin Wufeng was different.

The Book of Doom can be sensed.

Once you curse once, you can sense it once.

Moreover, the probability of Yin Wufeng making a move himself is very small.

However, the Great Elder said that the head teacher has already set his sights on Yin Wufeng, and if Yin Wufeng makes a move, the head teacher can also perceive it.

Therefore, he doesn't need to worry about Yin Wufeng's attack.

There is wind and mystery.

As for the other assassins...

Jiang Che has the experience of being successful, so next time, he will be even more handy.

The power of Dutian Shenhuo alone is enough to kill.

And the dead ones still don't even have scum left.

Sitting cross-legged, Jiang Che entered the cultivation state with peace of mind.

At least for half a year, he doesn't need to worry about the assassins in Assassination Palace.

Track yourself, that too takes time.

As long as it is stealthy enough, even tracking will be a problem.


Central Continent.

A dark temple.

At the entrance of the hall, a figure walked quickly into the temple.

It was a middle-aged man in black.

The temple was empty, with only one statue, and nothing else.

The man in black walked to the temple and came to the statue.

Kneeling down on one knee, saluted towards the statue, "Report to Palace Master, No. [-] is dead."


As soon as the words fell, the idol immediately burst into light, and a hazy phantom appeared out of thin air.

Xu Ying looked at the man in black in front of him, and said in an emotionless voice: "When did it happen?"

"Just now, No. [-]'s life light went out, and the subordinate guessed that he should be killed by the target."

"Palace Master, do you want to continue sending people to chase and kill this person?"

The man in black said.

Xuying was silent for a while, and after a while, he said: "If you have received the money, you must hunt down and kill him. Send No. [-] and No. [-] to hunt and kill this person together."

"Yes, I will obey the palace lord's order."

The man in black nodded, then stood up, saluted the phantom, then turned and stepped out of the temple.

Watching the man in black step out of the temple, the phantom disappeared immediately, and the statue returned to normal again, as if nothing had happened.


The East is too white.

The night passed.

Jiang Che also withdrew from cultivation.

Don't worry about being assassinated for the time being, Jiang Che's cultivation is very smooth.

The true qi in the body became more viscous.

Jiang Che started to compress his true energy, turning it into mana form.

However, this project is too big and will take a long time. So far, he hasn't compressed even a trace of mana.

Although zhenqi is infinitely close to the form of mana, it is far from real mana.

Compressing mana also needs to consume more true energy to be successful.

But as long as he succeeds, his strength will go one step further.

Mana and true qi, the same supernatural power, the power is an earth-shaking change.

It is impossible to comprehend the way of the rules of heaven and earth within a period of time. Jiang Che can only find other ways to improve his strength.

At the pinnacle of supernatural power cultivation, only one qi transforming into three cleansing has not been completely successful.

Now, he has only comprehended the first level.

But to comprehend supernatural powers, he gave it to Yuan Ling.

This time when he went out, Jiang Che didn't bring Yuanling with him, and he practiced in the sect with peace of mind.

"Keep moving!"

Looking at the blue sea, Jiang Che's figure moved, and the next breath, his figure disappeared on the sandy beach of the island.


Half a month passed.

Jiang Che has already penetrated deep into the core of Beihai.

In half a month, Jiang Che also killed quite a few Sea Clan monsters, but they were basically shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

None of the peerless monsters were encountered.

And for the cosmic word-level rewards, he can only kill the peerless monster at the peak of Yuanshen.

If you meet a perverted monster at the peak of Yuanshen, you can also burst into the eighth rank of the universe character.

As for more advanced rewards, Jiang Che estimated that it would be very difficult.

His strength is only able to fight with Lei Jie Renxian, not to mention killing, it is very difficult to defeat.

The gap in this realm is also the biggest gap in practice.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as the difference between immortal and ordinary.

Without sufficient strength, Jiang Che could not go deep into the North Sea Dragon Palace.

The prerequisite for slaying demons and demons must be to ensure their absolute safety.

You can take risks, but not to die!
(End of this chapter)

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