I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 186 Constellation Island 3 Princes

Chapter 186 The Third Prince of Constellation Island


"It should be Xingxiu Island."

Above the sea of ​​clouds, Jiang Che gazed into the distance.

On the vast sea, islands of different sizes appeared in the eyes.

The big islands are thousands of miles long, while the smaller ones are only a dozen miles in radius.

It seems to be connected as one, but in fact, each island is separated from each other.

There are hundreds of islands, large and small.

The entire range is equivalent to a small land.

From the data, this place should be Xingxiu Island.

As the name suggests, it is like the sky and stars.

There are many people living on each island.

And in the center of Constellation Island, towering cities stood tall.


In the inner sea of ​​Beihai, there is such a large piece of land of the human race, which is really rare.

Looking into the distance, Jiang Che's figure descended from the sky and came to an island with a radius of only a dozen miles.
The waves churned.

Looking at the city on Xingxiu Island in the distance, Jiang Che opened his Yin-Yang Sky Eye.

The sky above the entire Constellation Island was filled with red dust flames.

And these mortal fires are also extremely manic, filled with a lot of demonic aura.

A place where the Sea Race and the Human Race coexist.

Information about Constellation Island appeared in Jiang Che's mind.

Xingxiu Island, as one of the few places of the human race in the inner sea of ​​the North Sea, also has a lot of immortal powers stationed there.

There are as many as hundreds of forces, big or small.

And the overlord force of Constellation Island is a force named Xuanxing Tianmen.

It is also a strength that has the existence of Thunder Tribulation Realm.

Looking at the entire inland sea, it is also unique.

Although it is only the beginning of Thunder Tribulation, its strength is also very strong.

There are also many masters in the door.

It is two different things to have the strength of the existence of the Supreme Thunder Tribulation and the power without the existence of the Supreme Thunder Tribulation.

Although there are many big and small forces on Xingxiu Island, they are all ordered by Xuanxing Tianmen.

Dominate Constellation Island.

It is precisely because of the existence of the forces of Xuanxing Tianmen that Xingxiu Island is safe and sound.

Without sufficient strength, the Sea Clan would not allow so many human forces to exist on their territory.

Although obeying the order of Xuanxing Tianmen, all forces, large and small, have also obtained corresponding guarantees.

At least it is safe on Constellation Island.

Looking at the city on one of the large islands of Xingxiu Island in the distance, even if it is far away, he can feel that the place where the city was built is full of majestic aura.

The place where the aura is strongest must be occupied by the Xuanxing Tianmen.

Business firms from all parties passed by Xingxiu Island and brought transactions.

Even though it is in the inner sea, Xingxiu Island is not isolated from the world.

"Let's take a day off today, and continue to set off tomorrow."

As soon as the thought was fixed, Jiang Che's figure disappeared on the island.

Soon, he came to the core area of ​​Constellation Island.

on a larger island.

The city gate is more than ten feet tall.

There are also many uniformly dressed monks guarding the place.

Those who enter the city have to pay a certain fee.

of course there are exceptions.

The existence of the Yuanshen giant can be exempted from the fee.

Jiang Che concealed his aura, and in order to keep a low profile, he still paid the entry fee for a low-grade spirit stone.

It's nothing to him anyway.

I just want to rest here for a day without being disturbed.

After paying the spirit stone, Jiang Che entered the city smoothly.

The city is also very prosperous.

Large and small shops appear in the eyes.

The city is also divided into an inner city and an outer city.

The outer city is relatively larger, and the inner city is relatively smaller, but the environment in the inner city is better.

Generally, entering the inner city is also worth a certain amount of money.

Jiang Che was not in a hurry to enter the inner city, and first took a stroll in the outer city.

The city here is also divided into four districts.

all directions!

These four major markets have the most people trading.

All kinds of babies can be met.

There are also counterfeit goods, if you are unlucky, you can only admit it.

Market transactions, once the items are purchased, we are not responsible for them.

Most of those who entered Fangshi Taobao were low-level practitioners.

The real big deal is in the professional commercial shops in the inner city.

But without a certain social status, if you go to the inner city, you can only be jealous.

"Fellow Daoist, do you want to have a high-quality dragon xingao here? I only need three low-grade spirit stones to take it away!"

"Fellow Daoist, look at my treasure. This is a high-grade blood coral. It's 500 years old. It's an excellent high-grade medicine for refining elixirs. You only need a hundred low-grade spirit stones to take it away."


Walking into the market, the lively scene made Jiang Che think that he had walked into a vegetable market.

All kinds of things are placed on the ground like this, and a piece of cloth is placed in front of it, which is a booth.

The cries of selling are endless.

Very noisy.

Several vendors even dragged passing monks to look at things.

Jiang Che's yin and yang sky eyes opened silently, and glanced over. At least half of the things here are fake.

It looks good, but it's actually useless.

Jiang Che didn't expect to find any treasures in this kind of market.

That is the template of the child of luck.

I'm afraid I don't have this luck.

After Jiang Che visited the two squares, he followed into the inner city.

Compared with the noisy outer city, the inner city is much quieter.

Those who entered the inner city were all dressed in brocade clothes.

There are expensive cassocks on his body.

After wandering around the inner city for a while, Jiang Che chose to stay in an inn.

The environment of the inn is also very good.


Each room is a separate courtyard.

Of course, the price is not cheap, but for Jiang Che, there is no pressure.

Live for decades.

After checking into the inn, Jiang Che came to the window. From the window, he could overlook most of the beautiful scenery in the distance.

It makes people feel refreshed.

However, Jiang Che had seen this kind of scenery a lot.

After watching for a while, he became dull.

When he came to the bed, Jiang Che sat cross-legged, the true energy in his body surged, and a faint light emerged.

After cultivating to the peak of Yuanshen, the true energy cannot grow.

However, it is also possible to compress the true energy and turn it into a trace of mana.

After going deep into the North Sea for more than a month, Jiang Che has not been idle.

Turn one-thousandth of your true energy into mana.

Mana and True Qi are very different in power.

But his mana is too little, only one-thousandth of the mana.

It will take a long time to completely compress all the true energy into mana.

There is also a huge gap between the peak of Yuanshen and the peak of Yuanshen.

Just like the Zhongzhou Tianjiao Gu Changge and others I met once, this level of Yuanshen peak is enough to easily kill people of the same realm in seconds.

The gap between true energy and mana is more than a hundred times.

Although there is only such a wisp of mana in the body, compared with true energy, this wisp of mana can burst out more terrifying supernatural power.

Magical power to activate supernatural powers, and true qi to activate supernatural powers are completely two concepts.

cannot be compared.

When all his true energy is compressed into mana, then his strength will also increase again.

But compressing true energy into mana is not as easy as talking about it.

This step is very difficult.

Compressed into mana, it also needs to be stabilized.

Because it has not broken through the thunder calamity, the form of mana is not stable. Compared with the real thunder calamity, there is still a certain gap.

But Jiang Che has Dutian Shenhuo, which can speed up the progress of compression.

The suppression of burning true qi, compressed into pure mana.

In the dantian, Dutian Shenhuo burned, and a large amount of true energy evaporated instantly, leaving only a trace of essence.

And that essence is mana.

Immediately fill up with infuriating energy, and then continue to compress.


This process is boring.

Repeat over and over.

To endure loneliness.

At the same time, Jiang Che was also using the Dutian fire to burn the impurities on the primordial spirit.

Having devoured all kinds of divine fires, the abilities possessed by Dutian divine fires are also beyond imagination.

In the Heavenly Court Shrine, his primordial spirit is ten feet in size.

The purple Dutian fire burned to remove impurities from his primordial spirit.

From the ten-zhang primordial spirit to the nine-zhang primordial spirit.

After removing impurities, the primordial spirit becomes more transparent and golden.

While continuing to burn, Jiang Che was also using the ideas of the gods and kings of the heavens to increase his primordial spirit and true energy.

It has to be done both ways.

Only then can it increase its own strength while burning impurities.

After more than an hour, the nine-foot-sized Yuanshen once again reached the size of ten feet.

The aura of the primordial spirit became more surging.

Similarly, burning the impurity of the primordial spirit is also a process that goes round and round.

When all the primordial spirit impurities are completely burned and clear, and it is impossible to continue to remove impurities, his primordial spirit will be considered to have reached the limit.


The day passed quickly.

On the second day, Jiang Che woke up early in the morning.

Letting out a breath, he got up and left the room.

After a night of penance and refinement, the effect is not very obvious.

This requires persistence for a long time.

It is not possible overnight.

After stepping out of the room, Jiang Che checked out and left.

But when he just walked out of the inn, there was a burst of light waves in the distant sky.

A powerful shock wave swayed from the void, and the white clouds in the sky were shattered.

Jiang Che's eyes instantly turned to the sky.

In the sky, a black light galloped, cut through the void, and fled towards the vast sea.

And followed by a golden light.

A young man in golden armor with long antlers chased after the figure in the black light.

The fluctuation just now was inspired by these two.

In the black light, Jiang Che could faintly see the appearance of a person.

Pervasive popularity.

But the young man in golden armor with long antlers is a real dragon.

One person and one dragon are both at the peak of the primordial spirit.

Void chasing, even the city's guardian formation, is easily torn apart.

This scene also attracted the attention of everyone in the city.

"Where is the evildoer, dare to destroy this place, court death!"

Tian Qiong roared, and in the void, the figure of a middle-aged man in a star robe appeared out of thin air.

intercept directly.

But in the next second, the figure in the black light inspired a terrifying supernatural power, and directly blasted the middle-aged man in the star robe into the air.

Then he tore apart the formation and quickly headed towards the boundless sea.

The middle-aged man in the star robe was knocked away by the magical power. Although he didn't suffer too much injury, he couldn't hold back his face under the eyes of everyone.

Immediately afterwards, the man in the star robe raised his hand, and the infinite starlight gathered, intercepting the young man in golden armor who was catching up.


Seeing this scene, the young man in gold armor with antlers was instantly enraged.

A high-grade Taoist spear appeared in his hand, which directly shattered the starlight and shook the middle-aged man in the star robe away again.

"I'm Aoxiong, the third prince of the Dragon Clan of the North Sea, and he's arresting a demon. Anyone who stands in my way will die!"

The sound of thunder resounded through the sky, exploding over the city.

The face of the originally angry middle-aged man in the star robe changed instantly.

The other people from Xuanxing Tianmen who rushed over also stopped instantly.

The third prince of the North Sea Dragon Clan!
This identity instantly stunned the people from Xuanxing Tianmen.

The middle-aged man in the star robe immediately put on a smiling face, but before he could say a word, the third prince of the North Sea Dragon Clan left directly, chasing after the black light figure.

Only the middle-aged man in the star robe with an embarrassing face remained in place!
Although he was upset, he didn't dare to say anything more.

The Dragon Clan of the North Sea, that is the absolute overlord of the North Sea, you can't afford to provoke them!

Even if the ancestor of Xuanxing Tianmen comes, I have to give face.

The strength of the North Sea Dragon Clan is absolutely unique in the entire North Sea.

"Third Prince!"

Seeing the figure gradually disappearing into the sky, Jiang Che's eyes flashed.

The Sea Clan in the South China Sea spent a lot of money to have the Assassins of the God Palace assassinate themselves.

He didn't have the slightest good impression of the Sea Clan from all over the world.

The Dragon Clan is also one of the Monster Clan.

If you kill this dragon, you should be able to get a good reward.


Without hesitation, Jiang Che instantly disappeared in place.

In an instant, he left the city.

The dragons of the four seas are connected with each other, offending one is also offending, and it doesn't matter if there are more than one.

If there is a chance, kill it and get a big prize, that is worth it.


Soon, Jiang Che left Constellation Island.

The vast sea is empty.

Breath remains.

Jiang Che chased after the breath.

Soon, above an island, Jiang Che saw a mysterious man fighting against the third prince of the Dragon Clan.

is a woman.

Jiang Che was surprised.

With a veil on her face and a black tights on her body, she outlined her perfect figure.

Head-to-head with the third prince of the dragon clan, he will not be defeated at all.

The strength is equally strong.


The destructive light waves hit all around, shaking the void.

The two figures separated.

The attack collided, and the veil on the face of the woman in black disappeared, revealing a beautiful face.

Standing in the void, looking at each other, the eyes of the third prince of the Dragon Clan were filled with murderous aura.

"Demon girl, you dare to steal the prince's treasure, hand it over obediently, and then serve the prince for 100 years, I may consider to spare your life!"

"Stop talking nonsense, today, unless you kill me."

The woman in black looked cold.

And hearing these words, the eyes of the third prince of the Dragon Clan completely burst out with murderous aura.

"Bitch, don't blame me for being shameless."

The breath of the third prince of the dragon clan surged around him, his face was full of anger, the Taoist weapon in his hand shook, and he instantly killed the woman in black.


As soon as the woman in black raised her hand, the center of her brows shone with light, and a gray divine bell manifested. It was not a magic weapon, but a condensed magical power.


The divine clock radiated light waves, blasting towards the third prince's attack in an instant.

A destructive force spread again.

Ripples rippled in the void, shaking hundreds of miles away.

"An attack that contains the power of time..."

"This woman, I'm afraid she has a lot of background!"

Jiang Che's eyes flashed, he concealed his breath, and continued to watch.

If he didn't force out the Dragon Emperor's means from the third prince of the Dragon Clan, he definitely wouldn't do it.

If it doesn't work out, I have to pay for it myself.

Although he also has the talisman bestowed by Feng Xuanji, but it is also life-saving.

He didn't want to waste it like this.

Going to the Northern Wilderness, in case of greater danger, you can be a little safer.

If there is really no chance to kill it, then even if it is severely injured, it will be fine.

Anyway, for the Sea Clan of the Four Seas, he has already forged a grudge.

One more is not much, one less is not more.



With a dragon chant, it suddenly occurred to him that the golden armor on the third prince's body was shattered, and he instantly appeared as a golden real dragon.

The momentum grew again.

With the size of a hundred feet, the breath also increases.

Manifest the ontology and stimulate the strongest form.

Breathing out dragon flames, the void was burned.

The face of the woman in black changed, and when she raised her hand, a majestic power burst out instantly, and the gray divine clock manifested again, and she went directly to meet her.


The void of the sky collapsed, revealing a black hole.

The woman in black spat out a mouthful of blood, and the light in her eyes dimmed by three points.

The Third Prince of the Dragon Clan also suffered injuries, and pieces of golden dragon scales fell off.

But even so, he still didn't give up, the dragon claw danced, and the power of the surrounding heaven and earth gathered together, turning into a huge dragon claw and grabbing at the woman in black.


Holding a magic sword in her hand, the woman in black directly cut through the void, shattering the dragon's claws in an instant, leaving terrifying marks on the dragon of the third prince of the dragon clan.

The sword energy in the void is rippling, and every strand of sword energy contains terrifying power.

In an instant, dense wounds appeared on the third prince of the Dragon Clan.

Dragon blood drips from the void.

The breath suddenly dropped a lot.

"Bitch, you forced me, today, you must die!"

The third prince's angry voice sounded, and in the next breath, golden light surged on his body, and behind him, a stalwart figure appeared.

Wearing a golden dragon robe, the terrifying aura overflowed, and the void instantly froze under the aura.

The pupils of the woman in black shrank instantly.

A hundred miles away, in the sky, Jiang Che looked at the figure in the golden robe behind the third prince, and also felt a huge pressure.

"Dragon Emperor of the North Sea!"

Jiang Che's heart shook.

As he expected, the third prince of the North Sea Dragon Clan really had the means planted by the North Sea Dragon Emperor.

Even he felt a strong crisis.

At this moment, the woman in black raised her hand and revealed a purple rune.

Without hesitation, she instantly crushed the purple rune in her hand.

The purple rune was shattered, and infinite purple light gathered. Behind the woman in black, there was an existence not weaker than the Dragon Emperor of the North Sea.

a woman.

Like a nine-day goddess.

The majestic aura spread, directly colliding with the aura of the North Sea Dragon Emperor.

"This... why do I have a familiar feeling?!"

Looking at the goddess-like figure behind the woman in black, Jiang Che was slightly taken aback.

He had a feeling of déjà vu.

His thoughts turned rapidly, and soon, he thought of a person.

Master's friend, Meng Qiuyun of Zhongzhou Taishang!
With a certain thought, Jiang Che's heart instantly stirred up waves.


It must be Meng Qiuyun!

Quickly regaining consciousness, Jiang Che can be very sure.

The figure bursting out of the purple rune is Shizun's friend, Meng Qiuyun.

Who is this woman in black?
What does it have to do with Meng Qiuyun?
Is it Meng Qiuyun's disciple?
And at this moment, in the void, the manifested figures of the Dragon King of the North Sea and Meng Qiuyun slammed together instantly.

Waves spread thousands of miles away.

The endless seawater exploded and churned.

A destructive shock wave swept across the sky.

Two invincibles fight against each other, and it is impossible to see who has the upper hand and who has the lower hand.

The woman in black and the third prince of the Dragon Clan retreated instantly.

The power of two invincible fights is not something they can bear.

The third prince's dragon body turned into a human form, and his face was ugly.

He didn't expect that this woman in black had such a powerful method on her body.

Now, whoever wins is probably the one who wins.

The trump cards are all activated, if he still can't kill this person, then he can only give up.

When two Sovereigns fight against each other, even the Xingxiu Island, thousands of miles away, can clearly sense the spread of the fluctuations.

Destruction-level power penetrates the void and shatters everything.

The woman in black and the third prince of the dragon clan were injured again, and they both spat out a mouthful of blood.


Void light waves bloomed, directly shattering the sky, revealing the appearance of a super black hole.

The figures of Meng Qiuyun and Beihai Dragon Emperor disappeared at the same time.

It seems that they all died together...

The woman in black and the third prince were taken aback at the same time.

But at this moment, a deadly crisis suddenly rose in the third prince's heart.

Instinctively, he turned into the body of a real dragon, transformed into a hundred-foot real dragon, and the golden light shrouded his whole body.

But in the next second, a crystal bright brush appeared in the void.

The void was torn apart, and the crystal-clear strokes struck instantly, carrying unparalleled power, piercing through the third prince's dragon head in an instant.


The faucet shattered, exploded directly, and the liquid gushed out.

Even Yuanshen didn't escape the stroke of the pen, and killed the third prince of the dragon clan in an instant.

The breath of life was completely cut off.

Not far away, the pupils of the woman in black shrank instantly.

"Half Immortal Artifact!"

Looking at the crystal clear strokes, the woman in black felt a frenzy in her heart.

Although the third prince of the dragon clan was injured, he had no strength to resist under this blow and was directly wiped out.

Before the woman in black came back to her senses, a white light swept across the headless dragon's body, and instantly put away the huge headless dragon's body that was hundreds of feet tall.

A young man in a blue Taoist robe appeared in front of the woman in black.

A ray of light entered the body, and the mysterious half-immortal artifact also disappeared.

Looking at the young man in the cyan Taoist robe, the woman in black felt a strong crisis in her heart.

The mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind!

A thought appeared in the mind of the woman in black.

She has used all the life-saving talismans left by Master, so what strength does she have to contend with this mysterious person...

just die...

The third prince of the dragon clan has no power to resist, so killing her may not take much effort.

Before she came back to her senses, the young brain in the cyan Taoist robe trembled, and a force that imprisoned the world instantly blocked the void. The sky was instantly dark, and a majestic force swept across her body without the slightest resistance. She was pulled into a void world.

Just as she was about to shatter this void world with all her strength, the light suddenly reappeared.

She appeared on the beach of an island.

And the young man in the cyan Taoist robe was watching her from the side.

The woman in black tensed up instantly.

What does he want to do?
Do you still want to insult yourself?

No, I can't let him succeed even if I die!
The thought turned rapidly, and the woman in black came back to her senses in an instant.

Looking at Jiang Che angrily, "You thief, don't try to insult me, even if I die, I won't let you succeed!"

Jiang Che: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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