I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 187 The Rules of Beihuang, Meng Qiuyun's Apprentice

Chapter 187 The Rules of Beihuang, Meng Qiuyun's Apprentice
Looking at the woman in black with an angry face, a black line suddenly appeared on Jiang Che's forehead.

insult you...

When did I insult you?

With a twitch in his heart, Jiang Che came back to his senses, looked at her, and said, "Girl, you think too much, I'm not interested in you."

Woman in black: "..."

"You... shameless!"

The woman in black blushed, and a few words popped out of her mouth.

"Okay, I brought you here, I just want to ask you something." Jiang Che said directly.

"what do you wish to ask?"

The woman in black tried her best to calm down.

Jiang Che: "I was quite curious just now. The life-saving talisman you used, the figure manifested is your master?"


Hearing these words, the woman in black was slightly taken aback, looking at Jiang Che.

Does he know Master?
"Who are you?" When she came back to her senses, she asked back.

"It seems so..."

Hearing these words, Jiang Che felt certain, and immediately said, "Then, if I guess correctly the identity of your Excellency, you should be from the Supreme Daoist, right?"

"How is it, so what if it's not?" the woman in black asked.

"Don't get me wrong, my master should be good friends with your master. I met you just now, so I brought you here to ask."

Jiang Che said slowly.

Hearing this, the woman in black was slightly taken aback.

This person's master and his master are good friends?

Is there such a coincidence?

But at this moment, Jiang Che's voice sounded again: "Let me introduce myself, Jiang Che of the Lower Eastern Desolation Dao Sect, my teacher Xuan Miaoyin!"


Hearing the last three words, the woman in black was shocked instantly.

Mysterious sound!
He is Xuan Miaoyin's apprentice? !
The woman in black looked at Jiang Che in disbelief, and didn't recover for a while.

"Your Excellency should know this thing. It was given to me by your master after I became a teacher."

Jiang Che took out a purple token in his hand.


Looking at the purple token in Jiang Che's hand, the pupils of the woman in black shrank instantly.

Quickly regaining consciousness, she looked at Jiang Che and said, "Can I take a closer look?"

"of course can."

Jiang Che nodded, and then handed the purple token in his hand to the woman in black.

After receiving the token, the woman in black looked carefully.

"Sure enough, it is Master's Taixuan Order!"

After confirming again and again that there was no problem, the woman in black came back to her senses and returned the token to Jiang Che, with a look of embarrassment on her face: "Sorry, I didn't mean it just now."

Jiang Che smiled and said, "No problem, it's just a misunderstanding, I don't care."

The tense nerves in the woman's heart also slightly relaxed. Looking at Jiang Che, she said, "My name is Xu Ling'e, and my master is Meng Qiuyun."

"Meet fellow Daoist Xu."

Jiang Che cupped his hands in a bow.

The woman in black also returned the gift.

"There was a misunderstanding before, I was wrong, thank you for your help."

Xu Ling'e smiled.

"You're being polite, it's just a matter of raising your hands." Jiang Che smiled.

"Why are you in Beihai?"

Xu Ling'e looked at Jiang Che and asked.

Jiang Che: "I'm planning to go to the Northern Wilderness and pass through the Beihai. I never thought that I would encounter such a situation."

"Are you going to the Northern Wilderness too?"

Looking at Jiang Che, Xu Ling'e showed astonishment in her eyes.


"Is she too?" Looking at Xu Ling'e, Jiang Che felt a little surprised.

Came back to his senses, Jiang Che nodded lightly, "That's right, is Fellow Daoist Xu also planning to go to the Northern Wilderness?"

"Yes, I'm going to Beihuang too." Xu Ling'e nodded.

Jiang Che smiled and said, "That's really a coincidence."

Xu Ling'e looked at him, blinked, and said, "Can I ask, what are you doing in Beihuang?"

Jiang Che: "Travel around and kill demons by the way."

Xu Ling'e: "..."

Go to Northern Wilderness to slay demons and demons! !

Good guy!
You are too bold!

Looking at Jiang Che, Xu Ling'e's heart shook violently.

Northern Wilderness, that is a place where demons run rampant.

Going to the Northern Wilderness to slay demons and eliminate demons, I am afraid no one would dare to be so rampant!


His strength is indeed very powerful!

Xu Ling'e's heart was turbulent, and it took a long time to recover.

Jiang Che's strength, she witnessed with her own eyes, even the third prince of the North Sea Dragon Clan who was at the peak of Yuanshen died in his hands, and it was an instant kill.

This strength, even looking at the Holy Land of Central Continent, is extremely inconceivable.

It belongs to the top of the top.

"Why did Fellow Daoist Xu go to the Northern Wilderness?" Jiang Che's voice came, pulling back Xu Ling'e's thoughts.

Xu Ling'e looked at him and said: "I was ordered to go to Beihuang. There is a sect of Immortal Dao who is in a very difficult situation. Master asked me to go to support it and experience it by the way."

"I see." Jiang Che nodded.

"Since we have the same goal, how about going together?" Xu Ling'e looked at him and said.

Jiang Che thought for a while, and finally nodded.


A bright smile appeared on Xu Ling'e's face.

With such a master in the company, the safety is also greatly improved.

"But I have a condition that needs to be explained in advance." Jiang Che's voice sounded again.

Xu Ling'e was slightly taken aback.

There are conditions...

Should he not think...

A thought came to Xu Ling'e's mind. Thinking of this, her cheeks flushed slightly.

And at this time, Jiang Che's voice sounded: "My condition is that when I meet a powerful monster, I must kill it myself."

Xu Ling'e: "???"

As soon as Jiang Che opened his mouth, she was instantly confused.


What condition is this? !

And this requirement?
That's great!

Xu Ling'e stared at him blankly, and when she recovered, she nodded.

"Then there's no problem." Jiang Che smiled.

"Then Daoist Jiang, let's go first, otherwise, we will be in trouble when the dragon clan comes after us." Xu Ling'e looked at Jiang Che and said.

Jiang Che nodded slightly, and immediately, the two of them flew into the sky.

Escaping into the sea of ​​clouds, stepping on the white clouds, the two of them headed towards the void one after the other.


North Sea Dragon Palace.

A majestic coercion suddenly swept across the entire Dragon Palace. In an instant, all the monsters in the Dragon Palace felt a strong suffocation.

In the depths of the Dragon Palace, there is a splendid hall.

A phantom manifests out of thin air.

Turning into the appearance of a man in the golden robe, the terrifying aura spread from the body of the man in the golden robe to the entire Dragon Palace.

The man in the golden robe looked at the man in the black robe in front of him, his eyes were cold: "Say it again!"

The black robe was terrified, took a deep breath, and said, "Report to Your Majesty, the Third Prince's life card is broken."


As soon as the words fell, a terrifying shock wave burst out from the body of the man in the golden robe.

The black-robed man in front of him was instantly shocked by the terrifying breath, and his body flew upside down in an instant, smashing hard on the pillars of the hall.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the light in the eyes of the man in black dimmed by three points.

"Search for me immediately. I want to find out the real culprit in the shortest possible time. If you can't find out who killed my son within a day, then you can kill yourself."

An icy voice sounded, and Sen Han's tone caused the breath in the hall to drop suddenly, like a hell of ice.

The black-robed man didn't have time to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, he nodded repeatedly, and immediately said, "Your Majesty, rest assured, I will definitely use all my strength to find out the real culprit who killed the third prince in the shortest possible time."

"Go down."

The middle-aged man in the golden robe said lightly.

The man in black nodded, and hurriedly trotted away from the hall.

After watching the man in black leave, the man in golden robe had a terrifying murderous look in his eyes.

"Could it be those old ghosts who attacked me while I was away from Beihai?" the man in the golden robe muttered to himself.

His gaze became colder.

"If it weren't for being unable to get away now, this damn guy would definitely not be able to escape."

Murderous intent flashed in the eyes of the man in the golden robe, and then his figure gradually disappeared, leaving only a cold aura.


Beihai, cloud and sky.

Jiang Che sat cross-legged on the white clouds, and just when he was about to withdraw the reward, suddenly, the Yin-Yang jade pendant shook silently.

Although the frequency was small, it was caught by him instantly.


Looking through the clouds and looking at the vast sea, Jiang Che's eyes flashed.

"Have you started to investigate..."

Jiang Che muttered to himself, and his face became serious.

Jiang Che was very clear about the consequences of killing the Third Prince of the Dragon Clan of the North Sea.

However, even if he knew, Jiang Che didn't regret it.

He offended the Sea Clan of the South China Sea, and was hired by the Sea Clan of the South China Sea to assassinate him with a lot of money to assassinate him. This has already been settled.

The dragons of the four seas are united in spirit, and if they offend Nanhai, he is not afraid to add another Beihai.

The Yin-Yang Jade Pendant and the Book of Misfortune blocked the secrets at the same time, so the probability of finding him is very small.

After all, Xu Ling'e was the only one who saw him kill the Third Prince of the Dragon Clan.

The target of the North Sea Dragon Clan should be Xu Ling'e.

I was walking with Xu Ling'e, so I felt the feeling.

However, Jiang Che also blocked Xu Ling'e's secrets, so he was not worried about being targeted by the North Sea Dragon Clan.

In this regard, experience!
It wasn't the first time he was hunted down either.

Even if it wasn't the Supreme Lord Lei Jie, Jiang Che wasn't afraid.

The shock was only for a moment, and soon subsided.

Jiang Che also recovered and suppressed the distracting thoughts in his heart.

But at this moment, Xu Ling'e on the side spoke.

"Jiang Daoyou, I just had a bad feeling. Could it be that the dragon clan came after me?"

Xu Ling'e looked solemn, looking at the vast sea, her black eyebrows were furrowed.

Jiang Che: "Don't worry, probably not. I've blocked the secrets. They can't deduce our exact location unless we meet by chance."

Hearing this, Xu Ling'e's Daimei relaxed slightly, but her heart was still heavy.

There is no doubt about the consequences of killing the third prince of the Beihai Dragon Clan.

However, Jiang Che looked calm and relaxed, which made her a little more stable.

After all, she still believed in Jiang Che's strength.

It might not be a big problem to have a half-immortal weapon to shield the heavenly secrets.

But I can't be completely sure, after all, the method of the Supreme Thunder Tribulation is indeed extraordinary.

"Soldiers come to block you, water comes to cover you, don't worry too much, what should come, will come." Jiang Che's voice sounded again.

Xu Ling'e came back to her senses and glanced at him.

She didn't know how to answer these words.

But thinking about Jiang Che having a half-celestial weapon, she felt a little more at ease.

Seeing Xu Ling'e's pensive look, Jiang Che didn't say much.

Consciousness entered his mind, and his eyes fell on the purple reward light group on the demon book.

Killing the third prince of the Dragon Clan of the North Sea revealed the reward of the ninth rank of Zhou Zi.

As soon as Jiang Che thought about it, he immediately took out the reward.

With his current strength, he is not afraid of being discovered by Xu Ling'e.

There are many reasons.

Reward withdrawal.

A gray stone appeared in Jiang Che's eyes.

Sword Stone!

Looking at the stone in his hand, Jiang Che came back to his senses.

Not bad, at least I can comprehend the way of swords again.

Although his Great Void Sword Art has reached Dacheng's million sword shadows, the number can still increase, but the more there are, the slower the increase will be.

And improve your own swordsmanship.

This is permanent.

The stronger his own kendo, the more powerful he can erupt.

The power of the Great Void Sword Art depends on one's own cultivation.

The more sword shadows, the stronger the power.

The more terrifying the kendo is, the more powerful it can be.

With this supernatural power alone, Jiang Che is enough to contend against the Supreme Thunder Tribulation.

Fully stimulated, its power is also earth-shaking.

Of course, the consumption is equally huge.

With his true energy, he can only burst out a few times with all his strength, not even ten times.

If it is all compressed into mana, then it can be unscrupulous.

Moreover, the Great Void Sword Art inspired by mana can also make the power of Sword Shadow soar again.

However, epiphany takes time, and Jiang Che will not easily enter the state of epiphany under such circumstances.

In case of any danger, I'm afraid he won't be able to detect it.

When we reach a safe enough place, it’s not too late to realize the epiphany,

time flies.

A month passed quickly.

In the vast sea of ​​clouds, a man and a woman walked on the clouds, looking at the boundless continent presented in the sky, Xu Ling'e's eyes showed joy.

Finally arrived in the Northern Wilderness!
She has been on the road for a month, and she is worried every day.

After arriving in Beihuang, she finally relaxed a bit.

"Brother Jiang, we're almost in the Northern Wilderness." Xu Ling'e turned her head and looked at Jiang Che.

Jiang Che nodded slightly.

It was the first time he came to Beihuang, and he was also full of novelty about Beihuang.

After a month, he and Xu Ling'e got to know each other a lot.

Talking about the law, there is no gap between the two.

"Brother Jiang, since you want to travel, how about going to Beilingzong together? Aren't you going to kill demons? Beilingzong is being infested by demons, so you can kill two birds with one stone." Xu Ling'e looked at him with a smile and said.

"Are you afraid that you want me to be a free laborer?"

Jiang Che rolled her eyes and said.

Xu Ling'e smiled and looked at him: "Brother Jiang, don't worry, you will definitely not let your efforts go in vain. At that time, Beilingzong will definitely have a thank you gift, and I guarantee you will not suffer."

"Okay, let's go and have a look first, and we'll talk about the specific situation later."

Jiang Che nodded.

He didn't mind taking it easy.

If it doesn't work out, it can still make a fortune in heaven and earth.

He has obtained a lot of heaven and earth merit, but in the past few years, he has not tasted the taste of heaven and earth merit.

Anyway, his goal is to deal with the demons, to act for the sect, and to be aboveboard.

"Thank you Brother Jiang, it will be completed by then, you will come to Central Continent, I will treat you well." Xu Ling'e smiled.

"Let's go."

Jiang Che smiled, so close to the horizon activated, and instantly disappeared out of thin air.

Xu Ling'e followed behind.

Soon, the two arrived at the Northern Wilderness Continent.

Thousands of feet of high mountains stand tall, and the green hills stretch continuously, with no end in sight at a glance.

Beihuang, this is a kingdom of monsters.

However, in the Northern Wilderness, the figure of the human race is naturally indispensable.

Here, there is also a fairy gate of the kingdom.

It's just that these fairy gates are at most comparable to those vassal states in the Eastern Desolation.

Kingdoms are many.

The population is also large.

There are also many fairy gates.

However, there is none of the top-level immortal sects that exist in the Supreme Thunder Tribulation, in the entire Northern Wilderness.

This situation is impossible in other continents.

But in the Northern Wilderness, it actually exists.

It's not that there is no such thing, in the past years, there have also appeared the fairy gates of the Supreme Thunder Tribulation.

At that time, all the human races in the Northern Wilderness relied on the protection of this top fairy sect.

The number of disciples of this immortal sect once reached a million.

It can be said that it has more than ten times the number of disciples than Daozong.

At that time, this fairy gate was unparalleled.

But later, this fairy gate dissipated.

There is no other reason, because the head teacher of this fairy sect was killed by the Wan Yao Queen of the Wan Yao Kingdom.

Millions of disciples of the Immortal Sect were reduced to the rations of the demon clan.

Since then, there has been no top-level immortal sect in the northern wilderness sect.

As for the reasons, most of them are in the Supreme Being of the Northern Wilderness, the Queen of Ten Thousand Demons.

The holy places in other continents, even if they have the intention, they can't intervene.

The aura of the Northern Wilderness is not lacking, and there are many holy places of aura.

However, 90.00% of these places are occupied by monster races.

There may be more monsters in the Northern Wilderness than the population of the Northern Wilderness.

In the entire area of ​​the Northern Wilderness, there are quite a few fairy gates, but there are no top-level fairy gates. Generally speaking, the monster race has the final say.

Because the number of monster races in the entire Northern Wilderness is too large.

With a large number of bases, many Monster Race Supremes were born.

In addition to the Ten Thousand Monster Queen, there are also many other Monster Race Supremes.

In this continent, the Yaozu has the final say.

The human race can only survive under the monster race.

Even some kingdoms did not hesitate to offer sacrifices to the Yaozu in order to survive.

Every time period, make a sacrifice once.

The tributes offered are people.

This is also the real purgatory world.

Monster clan cannibalism, in the Northern Wilderness, that is not a legend, it can be seen everywhere.

And this situation is like the pigs, cows, chickens and ducks raised by the human race.

However, in Beihuang, this situation is reversed, and the human race in Beihuang is the "two-legged sheep" raised by the monster race!
The monster race eats people, and the human race kills demons!
In the vast world and the vast world, there has never been anything fair.

Reality is more magical than stories!
It's just that this situation is magnified in the Northern Wilderness.

There are also other continents, but they are generally stable.

Bound by the laws of the dynasty!
The premise is that the dynasty is strong enough.

It may be seldom seen in Daganli, but in the Eastern Desolation vassal states, there are many dark sides.

Weakness does not necessarily mean that you will be beaten, but the real situation is that it depends on whether I want to beat you or not.

The world of mortals is only in one thought!



Just as Jiang Che and the two were walking forward in the sky, suddenly, a majestic monster aura shot up into the sky.

Black monster clouds covered the sky and covered the sun, and in the majestic monster clouds, a monster with the body of a bull head appeared.

The breath is released, and he is a monster giant in the early stage of Yuanshen.

Standing in the void, there are some little demons holding spears behind them.

"Human cultivators, don't you know that this is the territory of my Great Sage Bull Demon?"

A loud voice sounded, shaking the void.

Jiang Che's eyes were flat, looking at the Great Sage Bull Demon in front of him.

"Give you a chance to live, and leave one hundred thousand spirit stones, and then leave this woman to serve my king."

A demon opened his mouth, the voice sounded, and the demonic energy was rolling, which looked majestic.

Xu Ling'e's face instantly sank, like ice.

Jiang Che didn't speak, just raised his hand, and in the next second, endless purple lightning descended from the void.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Lightning raged across the void, and the billowing monster clouds were all shattered.

Even the screams did not have time to resound, and in an instant, together with all the monsters of the bull demon sage, were instantly killed instantly.

The void regained clarity again.

With a flick of Jiang Che's Taoist robe, a terrifying wind of heaven and earth rushed out instantly, sweeping across the monster mountain below, and a strong smell of blood rose into the air.

In one breath, thousands of monsters in the mountain were all killed.

Dead clean.

Raising his hand again, Zixiao Shenlei fell from the sky, and the whole monster mountain collapsed directly, turning into nothing.

Empty directly!

At this moment, in the void, a large piece of golden light of merit descended, and all of it merged into Jiang Che's body.


In the Heavenly Court Shrine, the primordial spirit trembled instantly, and between breaths, his primordial spirit rose a full foot.

Absorbing the golden light of merit, the primordial spirit becomes stronger directly.

"In this way, there will be merits of heaven and earth?"

Jiang Che looked up at the sky, seeing the golden light disappearing into the void, he couldn't help blinking.

I also killed many monsters before, but I didn't see the merits of heaven and earth coming.

Once came, he almost forgot.

Unexpectedly, just stepping into the Northern Wilderness, killing a group of monsters, and gaining the merits of heaven and earth so quickly.

Yuanshen has grown a lot all of a sudden.

The aura around Jiang Che became a little bit stronger.

In addition to Yuanshen, Jiang Che's physical body is also improving.

Absorbing the merits of heaven and earth, he has a deeper understanding of heaven and earth.


Jiang Che let out a breath.

He really didn't expect to gain the merits of heaven and earth so easily.

On the other side, Xu Ling'e also came back to his senses.

Looking at the completely destroyed monster, her face also recovered.

"Slaying demons and eliminating demons in the northern wilderness is indeed easy to obtain the merits of heaven and earth."

At this time, Xu Ling'e's voice sounded.

Jiang Che glanced at her with surprise.

"Anything else?"

"Hmm." Xu Ling'e nodded, looked at him, and said, "My master said, it should be that the rules of heaven and earth in the Northern Wilderness Continent are different, and that's why this happens, but it doesn't happen [-]% of the time, and it depends on the individual's specific situation."

Hearing this, Jiang Che smiled: "It seems that I am lucky, and I have obtained the merits of heaven and earth for the first time."

"Yeah, good luck." Xu Ling'e had an envious look on her face.

Jiang Che looked at the endless green hills, and a bold idea appeared in his mind.

If the Wan Yao Kingdom is destroyed... then I have to immediately step into the Human Immortal Thunder Tribulation? !

But it was only fleeting.

Destroying the Myriad Demon Kingdom, I'm afraid it can only be thought about.

Not to mention the Ten Thousand Demon Queen, just any supreme being of the Yaozu and Yaoxian level, he is no match for him now.

I'm afraid I haven't arrived at Wan Yao Country yet, so I'll die first.

"However, if I get more merits from heaven and earth, then I will break through to immortality... I have great hopes!"

Jiang Che's eyes flashed.

If he stepped into the martial arts world and opened up the body's acupuncture points, then his strength would definitely change drastically.

After more than three years of hard training in Daozong, he just gained a lot of strength.

The physical body has also reached its limit.

Now, he wants to improve greatly, unless he breaks the immortal's heaven and earth entrance.

This wave of heaven and earth merit gave him hope.

If the merits of heaven and earth are sufficient, breaking through to immortality is definitely not a fantasy.

(End of this chapter)

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