
When he came back to his senses, Jiang Che's figure moved and continued to ride the clouds and the fog.

Xu Ling'e followed, and the two quickly disappeared without a trace.


Half an hour later, the two met the first village.

According to spiritual survey, this village is not big, with only about 100 people.

The Yin-Yang Sky Eye opened and made a survey, Jiang Che caught the evil spirit from the village.

Proof that there are demons here.

After taking a closer look, Jiang Che and Xu Ling'e continued on their way.

It's very normal to meet demons in Beihuang.

It is not surprising that there are monsters in the city.

After all, most of the human races in the Northern Wilderness are the rations of demons.

There are also few powerful kingdoms.

It is not uncommon for a demon to destroy the country directly if he is unhappy.


three days later.

Above a splendid city, the figures of Jiang Che and Xu Ling'e appeared.

Standing above the sea of ​​clouds, Jiang Che gazed through the sea of ​​clouds, overlooking the city.

This is a royal capital.

The location they are currently in is a kingdom called "Soochow Kingdom".

And this city is the royal city of Soochow.

A city with a population of only one million.

Compared with Dagan, this kind of city is not even the capital of the state.

But in the Northern Wilderness Continent, a city with a population of one million is already a big city.

In a city with a population of tens of millions, you can't find one or two in the entire Northern Wilderness.

The environment is different.

National strength cannot create such a powerful city.

"What a powerful monster!"

On the side, Xu Ling'e looked at the Wangcheng below, her eyes fixed.

Jiang Che opened his yin and yang eyes, and above the royal city, the fire of the world of mortals was burning.

In the depths of the fire of the world of mortals, there is a true spirit of luck.

It's not a real dragon of luck, but a flood dragon of luck.

Only a dozen feet in size.

His gaze collided with the Spirit of Luck of the Soochow Kingdom, and the Spirit of Luck trembled instantly.

Jiang Che's aura terrified Soochow's true luck.

Entrenched in the depths of the fire of the world of mortals, motionless.

Jiang Che just glanced at it, then withdrew his gaze.

This true spirit of luck is only comparable to an ordinary existence at the peak of the primordial spirit.

It is not difficult for him to kill this luck spirit.

But Jiang Che had no such plan.

If the true spirit of luck is destroyed, the entire Soochow Kingdom will be hit by natural disasters. If there is no true spirit of luck to protect the entire Soochow, natural disasters and man-made disasters will destroy the entire country in an instant.

Moreover, destroying the true spirit of luck will also make him suffer from heaven's punishment.

A great hindrance to one's own practice.

Destroying the true spirit of luck will only do him harm, not any benefit.

Even if he could bear the scourge of heaven, he would not do so.

That's pure madness.

"The evil spirit comes from the palace. It seems that there is a big monster in the palace."

Jiang Che turned his eyes to the palace deep in the city, and said in a voice.

"Brother Jiang, do you want to make a move?"

Xu Ling'e looked at him and said.

Jiang Che withdrew his gaze and said, "Of course, this evildoer will disrupt the court and erode the luck of the kingdom, so we can't stay."

"You wait here, I will come as I go."


Xu Ling'e nodded, and Jiang Che's figure flashed and disappeared out of thin air in an instant.

Watching Jiang Che go to the palace, Xu Ling'e stood in the sea of ​​clouds and watched.

After being in contact with Jiang Che for more than a month, she found that Jiang Che seemed to have a special hatred for monsters, and he would never let go of every monster.

"Maybe I was once invaded by monsters, so it became like this..."

Xu Ling'e muttered to herself.

But she really admired Jiang Che.

In the Northern Wilderness, no monk dared to kill monsters so recklessly.

As expected of being born in a famous and righteous family, born with justice!

In the huge palace, Jiang Che's figure quietly appeared in front of a large hall.

The half-immortal weapon concealed his aura, and a big demon at the level of the primordial spirit has not yet been able to detect his aura.

Relying on his own induction, Jiang Che felt that this monster should be around the late stage of Yuanshen.

There won't be any big rewards, but if you kill this monster, you can also get a wave of merit.

Of course he won't miss it.

The divine consciousness silently investigates, looking for the evil spirit.

Jiang Che quickly traced to a room in the palace.

In a room in the palace, the figures of a man and a woman appeared in his induction.

A middle-aged man, dressed in Taoist robes, exudes a strong demonic aura.

The other woman was dressed in palace attire, looking graceful and luxurious.

The man who had transformed into a demon lay on the bed, while the woman in palace costume knelt in front of him and served him.

Lying on the bed, the man who had transformed into a demon revealed a face of enjoyment, while the woman in palace costume beside him was cautious, for fear of offending.

Outside the hall, Jiang Che's heart twitched as he watched this scene.

This monster knows how to enjoy it.

This little day is quite nourishing!


Just when the monster man was enjoying himself, he suddenly opened his eyes and sat up straight.

The woman in palace costume on the side froze for a moment.

"No, it's dangerous!"

The demon man's heart sank, but before he could make any movements, a vast force descended in an instant.

Confining time and space, apart from consciousness, he can't even get out of his body.

But at this moment, a young Taoist in a green robe appeared out of thin air.

looking at him.

It was Jiang Che.

Seeing this young Taoist who appeared out of nowhere, the demon was shocked instantly.

Boundless power swept over.

This young Taoist was standing in front of him, but he couldn't see the depth of this person at all.


The demon's heart skipped a beat for an instant, trying to calm himself down.

On the other hand, the beautiful woman in the palace costume fell into a coma.

The demon looked at Jiang Che, tried not to panic, and said, "Who is your Excellency? I am the Great Sage of the Blue Lion under the Demon Immortal, you..."


Before he finished speaking, Jiang Che's pupils instantly sparked a terrifying yin-yang divine light, which directly pierced through the primordial spirit of this demon saint, annihilated, and the breath of life was cut off in an instant.

On the bed, with a flash of light, the monster manifested itself, a blue lion.

A demon saint in the late stage of Yuanshen was instantly wiped out by him.

With a flick of the Taoist robe, the light swept across the blue lion, and it was in the bag instantly.

After killing the green lion, in an instant, an invisible golden light of merit descended from the void and poured into Jiang Che's body.


Jiang Che's whole body instantly emanated a faint divine light, like a fairy.

Absorbing this wave of heaven and earth merit, his primordial spirit directly increased by five feet!

The strength of the physical body has also increased again, and the perception of immortals has also become clearer with the help of the merits of heaven and earth.


Jiang Che let out a breath.


After finishing off the Great Sage Blue Lion, Jiang Che left the palace directly.

As soon as he arrived at the sea of ​​clouds, Jiang Che suddenly cast his eyes on the sky above Wangcheng.

In the depths of the fire of the world of mortals, the spirit of luck from the Soochow Kingdom nodded towards him.

It seems to be thanking him.

In his eyes, there was a hint of cuteness in his appearance.

And at this moment, Jiang Che could feel the Human Emperor's pen vibrate suddenly.

The merit and luck of absorbing the world have suddenly improved a lot.

"Is this a thank you from the true spirit of luck?"

Jiang Che was slightly stunned.

A look of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

This is the first time this happened.

"Brother Jiang, congratulations, you have gained another wave of merit from heaven and earth."

At this time, Xu Ling'e's voice sounded from the side, and Jiang Che finally came to his senses.

Glancing at the true spirit of luck in the depths of the mortal fire, he smiled slightly, and without saying anything, Jiang Che continued to ride the clouds and fog.

Xu Ling'e followed behind him, and then walked forward.

Connecting with the emperor's pen, Jiang Che felt that the luck he had just obtained was no less than the merits of heaven and earth.

Yuanshen has also improved a bit, and his understanding of the world of human immortals has become clearer.

This is also the first time he has been thanked by the true spirit of luck.

Never had it before.

"If the development is good enough, then this trip to the Northern Wilderness may make me a human immortal!"

Jiang Che's eyes were burning.

I feel better all of a sudden.

It also strengthened his idea of ​​killing demons and demons.

The situation of Beilingzong is very serious according to Xu Ling'e, and not only the Beilingzong sect, but also several other immortal sects have also suffered a huge situation. of.

The start was good, and it made Jiang Che look forward to this trip to the Northern Wilderness even more.

This is a great opportunity.

It's no wonder that Meng Qiuyun asked Xu Ling'e to come here.

If you are lucky enough and blessed by the merits of heaven and earth, it will be better than years of penance.

This feeling, he personally tested it to be effective.

Blessed by the merits of heaven and earth, it is an exaggeration to become a fairy immediately after cultivation, but it is definitely a rare opportunity.


Five days later, Jiang Che and Xu Ling'e entered another kingdom.

Baiyue Kingdom.

This is a capital not much different from Soochow.

Compared with Soochow, the national power is also on par.

And Beilingzong is within the border of Baiyue.

Above the sea of ​​clouds, a white cloud galloped forward, and Jiang Che and Xu Ling'e walked forward on the sea of ​​clouds.

Suddenly, Xu Ling'e stopped, pointed to a towering green mountain under the sea of ​​clouds, and said, "Brother Jiang, here we are, this is Beilingzong."

With Jiang Che's eyes, this green mountain stretched across hundreds of miles, and there were pavilions and palaces built in the mountains, which were comparable to royal palaces.

There is a waterfall flowing down from the top of the mountain and merging into the river below the mountain.

The aura is surging, as if it is a place with beautiful mountains and rivers.

The void is still filled with the aura of the formation.

With his primordial sense, he can roughly sense the strength of this formation.

It is not a big problem to use the Great Void Sword Art with all your strength to break the protective formation of this mountain gate.

"Go down then."

Jiang Che came back to his senses.

Xu Ling'e nodded, and then her figure moved, passed through the sea of ​​clouds, and landed at the mountain gate of Beilingzong.

And Jiang Che followed closely behind, and followed Xu Ling'e to the outside of the mountain gate of the Northern Spirit Sect.

The mountain gate of Beilingzong also looks more majestic, but it cannot be compared with Daozong.

It's almost the size of a medium sect.

But in Beihuang, the immortal sect like Beilingzong is already a great sect.

There are tens of thousands of disciples in the sect, and there are more than a dozen giants of the soul.

The inheritance also has hundreds of years, which is longer than the history of Baiyue Kingdom.

In the Northern Wilderness, it is normal for the kingdom to be destroyed.

The kingdom of the Northern Wilderness cannot be compared with the Eastern Wilderness.

It can exist for hundreds of years, and that is a big country.

Some kingdoms even existed for less than a hundred years, and collapsed directly.

The Baiyue Kingdom has a history of more than 200 years, which is relatively long compared to the neighboring countries.

The Northern Wilderness Kingdom needs to rely on the power of the fairy gate to protect and survive.

As for the Baiyue Kingdom, it relied on the Beiling Sect.

Pay a certain amount of resources to Xianmen every year, send some fresh blood, and cultivate Xianmen disciples.

Then the fairy gates protect the kingdom and help each other.

The main body, on the other hand, relies on the fairy gate.

This kind of situation can only be seen in the Northern Wilderness, and it is completely opposite in other continents.

And in Central Continent, it is the Immortal Sect who submits to the dynasty and provides resources to the dynasty.

But in Beihuang, it was the other way around.

When they came to the gate of the mountain, Xu Ling'e took out a voice transmission, communicated with each other and put away the voice transmission bell.

In less than a moment, a fairy light surged in the mountain gate, and a dozen figures appeared in the eyes of Jiang Che and Xu Ling'e.

Looking at Xu Ling'e and Jiang Che in front of the mountain gate, a dozen figures came in front of them in an instant.

Jiang Che also looked at the dozen or so people.

They are all giants of the primordial spirit.

Half of them are in the early stage of Yuanshen, and there are quite a few in the middle stage of Yuanshen.

As for the existence of the peak of Yuanshen, there are only two.

One is the leader, a middle-aged man in a purple robe, with a strong breath.

And the other is an old man with white hair and eyebrows.

And these dozens of people are all high-level officials of Beilingzong.

Before Xu Ling'e also introduced the situation of Beilingzong, Jiang Che understood it to some extent.

"Headmaster of Beiling Sect, Xuanzhen, I have met fellow Daoist Xu, thank you fellow Daoist Xu for coming to support me."

The leading middle-aged man in purple robe bowed his hands, his expression very sincere.

Xu Ling'e also returned the salute and nodded slightly.

"Who is this?"

Xuan Zhen looked at Jiang Che who was at the side, and his eyes fell on Xu Ling'e again.

"This is the number one arrogance from the top immortal sect of the Eastern Desolation, Jiang Che, a disciple of the supreme disciple of the top immortal sect of the Eastern Desolation, and a peerless genius who is hard to come by in ten thousand years. The combat power is almost equal to that of the Thunder Tribulation Immortal."

Xu Ling'e introduced.

Hearing Xu Ling'e's introduction, Jiang Che couldn't help but blush even though he had a thick skin.

Good guy, you can really blow!

The first day's arrogance, it's hard to get out in ten thousand years...

I didn't even know I was so awesome!
After listening to Xu Ling'e's introduction, more than a dozen Yuanshen giants of Beilingzong, including Xuanzhen, were stunned.

Eastern Wilderness No. [-]!

After only ten years of practice, he has achieved the existence of the peak of the primordial spirit? ! ? !
This is a monster! ! !

The air was silent, and for a while, there was no sound.

"Ahem, that's all a false name, I'm not that powerful!" Jiang Che broke the silence with a cough.

At this moment, Xuanzhen and all the senior leaders of Beilingzong also came back to their senses.

Looking at Jiang Che, the shock in his pupils remained undiminished.

Although I don't know if Xu Ling'e is exaggerating, but the cultivation base of the peak of Yuanshen is real.

Immortal cultivation has reached the peak of Yuanshen.Martial arts cultivation has also reached the peak martial saint.

They can still see it.

I'm afraid, it's not bragging!
At this time, Xu Ling'e spoke again: "This time, Jiang Daoyou and I came to solve the difficulties of the noble sect together, and join hands to defend against the enemy!"

Hearing these words, Xuan Zhen's eyes lit up instantly.

All the senior leaders of Beilingzong behind them were also bright.

It's a big surprise to have one more master at the peak of Yuanshen, and also a peak martial artist!

Xuan Zhen quickly came back to his senses, looked at Jiang Che, and immediately cupped his hands in a bow: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Jiang Daoyou came all the way, and Xuan, on behalf of the Beiling Sect, is sincerely grateful."

"Sect Master Xuan is too polite."

Jiang Che smiled.

"You two have come from a long way, please enter first!" Xuan Zhen had a bright smile on his face.

Xu Ling'e and Jiang Che were not polite either, and walked directly towards the mountain gate.

Xuan Zhen and a group of senior officials behind him followed into the mountain gate.

Entering the mountain gate, Jiang Che and Xu Ling'e also attracted the attention of the Beiling Sect disciples.

The aura of the two of them was not hidden. Suddenly, two super giants at the peak of Yuanshen came.


A while later, Jiang Che and Xu Ling'e came to a courtyard of the Northern Spirit Sect.

In the middle is a jade table filled with delicious food and wine.

Xuan Zhen cordially invited them, and the two of them were not polite, and sat at the table.

Chatting while eating, Jiang Che soon got acquainted with the dozen or so high-ranking officials of the Northern Spirit Sect.

They are all elders who are in charge of various types of Beiling Sect.

And the old man with white hair and eyebrows is the Great Elder of Beiling Sect, Wei Bo.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Jiang Che put down his wine glass, looked at Xuanzhen at the side, and said, "Sect Master Xuan, can you tell me about the current situation, I want to know in advance."

Hearing this, Xuan Zhen looked at him and said, "Jiang Daoyou, you just arrived, you should rest for a few more days, it won't be too late to recover your energy."

As soon as the words fell, Xu Ling'e on the side interjected directly: "Sect Master Xuan, Fellow Daoist Jiang loves to slay demons and eliminate demons very much. He killed several demon saints on the way here. You should talk about the situation, otherwise, Fellow Daoist Jiang can be quiet." Don't worry about it."


Killed several demon saints on the way here? !

Hearing Xu Ling'e's words, Xuanzhen and the elders were shocked.

This is simply a ruthless boss!
Feeling turbulent in his heart, Xuanzhen was the first to come back to his senses, looked at Jiang Che, and said, "Since that's the case, let me talk about the general situation."

"In Baiyue, there are a total of three great sects. In addition to our Beiling Sect, there are also Xuanwu Sect and Qingming Sect. A few years ago, our three sects were successively invaded by the demon clan, and many people were killed or injured. In the past year, the intrusions have become more and more frequent, so our three sects decided to form an alliance to jointly fight against the intrusions of the monster race."

"However, the situation is not optimistic. Two months ago, we lost a lot of power in a big battle, and many people died in it. It is estimated that it will not be long before the demon clan will gather stronger forces to invade. At that time, I am afraid The war will be more serious, and I don’t know how many people will die.”

Jiang Che nodded slightly, then looked at Xuanzhen again, and said, "Sect Master Xuan, do you know when the Yaozu will come again?"

"It should be only one or two months."

"It won't be long."

Xuan Zhen replied.

"A month or two..."

Jiang Che nodded.

Xuan Zhen looked at Jiang Che and Xu Ling'e, and immediately said: "You two have come from afar to help, I am very grateful, after a few days of rest, I will take you two to visit the alliance's residence, what do you think?"

"Yes." Jiang Che nodded.

Xu Ling'e also nodded.

Seeing this, Xuanzhen immediately smiled, raised his glass and said, "In the next few days, you two will rest in Beilingzong temporarily. If you have any needs, I will try my best to satisfy you. Thank you two fellow Taoists again. I did it. You can do whatever you want."

Jiang Che and Xu Ling'e then toasted and collided, and drank it down in one gulp.

Putting down his wine glass, Jiang Che looked at Xuanzhen, and said, "Sect Master Xuan, I have a question I want to ask. I wonder if Sect Master Xuan can answer it?"

Xuan Zhen nodded with a smile: "Jiang Daoyou, but it's okay to say!"

Jiang Che: "Since the situation in Baiyue is so serious, why don't you seek help from the immortal sects in other countries?"

Hearing this, Xuan Zhen gave a wry smile, and said, "You don't know, Daoist Jiang. Several nearby countries are facing the same predicament, and self-protection is not enough. How can there be extra strength to support it?"

"Is that so..." Jiang Che nodded slightly.

The situation is more serious than expected.

The monster clan in the Northern Wilderness, is this going to wipe out all the fairy sects?
"It was better in the past. Although there was intrusion, it was not on such a large scale. But in the past few years, the situation has continued to expand and become more serious. Several fairy kingdoms have been wiped out by the demon clan."

At this time, an elder spoke.

Xuan Zhen let out a long sigh: "It's a pity, if the Yuhua Immortal Sect is still there, the situation in the Northern Wilderness would not be so miserable."

Hearing Xuanzhen's sigh, Jiang Che looked at him and said, "Yuhua Immortal Sect, is this the top Supreme Immortal Sect that used to be in the Northern Wilderness?"

Xuanzhen nodded, "Yes, when the Yuhua Xianmen was still there, the situation in the Northern Wilderness was relatively stable. Unfortunately, the Yuhua Xianmen lost to the Wan Yao Queen and were finally wiped out. Even the guardians of the Yuhua Xianmen The Immortal Artifact and the Ascension Heavenly Palace have all fallen into the hands of the Ten Thousand Demon Queen."

Jiang Che looked at him with a flash of eyes, "Sect Master Xuan, does he know the inside story of the downfall of the Ascension Immortal Sect?"

Xuan Zhen shook his head: "It's too long ago, the Feathering Immortal Sect was destroyed ten thousand years ago, and I just stopped my predecessors from saying that."

"I've heard some news, but I don't know if it's true." At this moment, Great Elder Wei Qing suddenly interjected.

Jiang Che looked at him instantly.

The Great Elder drank a glass of spiritual wine, and then said: "I heard that it was done for a fairy artifact. It is said that this fairy artifact has infinite and incredible power. It is a supreme treasure, and it is not comparable to ordinary fairy artifacts .”

"There are even rumors that this fairy artifact can create other fairy artifacts. Not only that, but it also has incredible power. If you control this fairy artifact, you will be able to ascend to the peak of the immortal path and gain eternal life."

! ! ! !
so smart? !
Hearing the First Elder speak, Jiang Che's heart beat wildly.

Be darling, you can also make fairy artifacts.

What kind of artifact is this?
"What's the name of this fairy artifact?" Jiang Che looked at the First Elder and asked.

"It seems to be called the Demon Heavenly Book. It should be the name. Anyway, it is a book. According to rumors, whoever controls this fairy artifact can not only create the immortal artifact, but also obtain infinite treasures in the Demon Heavenly Book. What kind of elixir? There are magic weapons, all kinds of incredible fetishes." The Great Elder said slowly.

"Demon Heavenly Book?!?!"

Hearing the First Elder's opening, Jiang Che was slightly taken aback.

Subconsciously, he looked at the demon book deep in his mind.

Hearing what the Great Elder said, why does he feel that this demon book is somewhat similar to the demon book? !

It's just that the demon book needs to slay demons and eliminate demons to reveal the reward treasures.

And the demon heavenly book should be obtained directly!
"Why is it called the Demon Heavenly Book?" At this moment, Xu Ling'e asked at the side.

The Great Elder said: "Well... It is rumored that this demon book needs to kill demons to obtain infinite treasures. It is like offering sacrifices. The owner needs to sacrifice demons to obtain treasures from the demon book. "


Jiang Che was instantly petrified as if struck by lightning. (end of this chapter)

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