I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 189 The Situation Storm Is Coming

"It's so similar..."

Jiang Che's heart was overwhelmed.

Listening to the Great Elder's words, why does the more he listens, the more he feels the same?

Is the Demon Heavenly Book the Demon Book?
Can't you?
Jiang Che sat calmly on the surface, but his heart was already turbulent.

"Then this fairy artifact finally fell into the hands of the Wan Yao Queen?"

Xu Ling'e said.

"Then I don't know, I'm just hearing it." The Great Elder said slowly.

"This is really a good treasure. I don't know if I will have a chance to see it." Xu Ling'e smacked her lips and said.

"Haha, when Fellow Daoist Xu sets foot on Supreme in the future, maybe there will be a chance." Xuan Zhen laughed.

Xu Ling'e also smiled, but she didn't take it to heart.

Jiang Che also came back to his senses, held the wine glass, and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

Is the Demon Heavenly Book the Demon Book...

Jiang Che's consciousness went deep into his mind, looking at the bronze atlas in his mind.

From the description, it looks like it.

Especially the ability to sacrifice monsters to obtain treasures.

It is very similar to the demon heavenly book described by the great elder.

"Whether it is or not, as long as you can increase your strength..."

Jiang Che calmed down, and his mind gradually returned to calm.

Half an hour later, after eating and drinking enough, Xuanzhen personally arranged two similar courtyards for Jiang Che and Xu Ling'e to live in.

In the room, Jiang Che stood in front of the window, looking into the distance.

Just now, he inquired about the ruins of the Yuhua Xianmen, and after preparing to settle the matter, he went to the Yuhua Xianmen ruins to take a look.

However, in the past ten thousand years, there have been many vicissitudes, and there are not many people who have been to the ruins of Yuhua Xianmen.

Whether there will be any gains is uncertain.

Jiang Che didn't have too much hope, but he wanted to take a look at this sect that was once more glorious than the Central Continent Holy Land, no matter whether it was to investigate the situation related to the Demon Book.


A few days passed quickly.

Jiang Che also learned more information about Baiyue Kingdom.

The Baiyue Kingdom was invaded by the monster race, but its main purpose was the fairy gate.

After all, Xianmen has the strength to kill demons.

To invade and occupy Baiyue, only by solving the Xianmen first can it be completely stabilized.

And this kind of situation is not only happening in Baiyue Kingdom.

The same is true for the former Soochow Kingdom.

The monster has only one purpose, to raise the human race as two-legged sheep, ready to be rations at any time.

And the biggest problem is these fairy gates.

As for why the top-level Supremes were not dispatched, Jiang Che reckoned that it should be because the Yaozu did it for fun.

How boring is it to kill them all in one go?
Keep killing slowly, in this way, you can also cultivate the fighting power of the monster clan.

Of course, there is another guess.

Although Beihuang doesn't have top-level immortal sects, the influence of these immortal sects is not small.

If it is extinguished in one breath, even greater troubles may be involved.

Attracting other mainland holy places to join forces, even if the Northern Wilderness is the stronghold of the monster race, it may not be able to withstand the cooperation of multiple holy places.

But this is just Jiang Che's personal guess.

In the real situation, he still prefers the first possibility.

These people from the Immortal Sect are all the targets of the Yaozu's training.

Just like the experience of the disciples of the immortal sect, slaying demons and eliminating demons.

But don't be too indulgent, every once in a while, you have to have a big cleaning.

Eliminate the forces that can pose a major threat, and keep some of them.

When the recovery is almost complete, continue to kill.

This is not Jiang Che's unilateral imagination, but the result of judgment based on the actual situation in Beihuang.

Every few decades or hundreds of years, the Yaozu will carry out a large-scale encirclement and suppression of the Xianmen in a certain area.

In a word, fatten first, then kill!

It means that it is not an exaggeration to describe it as vicious.

But this is the rule.

In other continents, the same is true for the Yaozu.

It's just that in Beihuang, in this case, the two levels are reversed!

The monster race is the master, and the human race is just the "ration" of the monster race!
According to what Xuanzhen said last time, the battle a few months ago was just a temptation by the demon clan.

The next big battle is the real highlight.

The Yaozu will mobilize a lot of power and launch a big attack on the three great fairy gates in one breath.

Unstoppable, the only thing waiting is the end of destruction.


Beilingzong, inside the main hall.

Both the head teacher of Beiling Sect and the Great Elder appeared.

Jiang Che and Xu Ling'e were also in the hall.

After resting for two days, today, they will go to the alliance station.

The head of the Beiling Sect also notified the other two celestial sect leaders to go today, which can be regarded as a meeting and conversation.

And the alliance of the three immortal gates is not far away, it is in the center of the interweaving of the three immortal gates.

A place called Lingtai Mountain.

In addition to the four of them, several elders from the late Yuanshen period also came in.

Xuanzhen glanced at it, then got up, looked at Jiang Che and Xu Ling'e, and said:
"Jiang Daoyou, Xu Daoyou, everyone is here, so let's go, how about?"

Jiang Che and Xu Ling'e nodded at the same time.

Immediately, the group left the main hall of the Beiling Sect, stepped out of the Beiling Sect, and immediately headed towards Lingtai Mountain through the clouds and fog.


An hour later, Jiang Che and his party appeared in front of a majestic and majestic mountain.

The mountain is about a thousand feet high, surrounded by clouds and mists, and filled with aura.

Here is also a place of beauty.

And this mountain is Lingtai Mountain, the alliance resident of the three great immortal sects.

It is not far from the three major sects, and it is also a place carefully selected by the three major sects.

The top of Lingtai Mountain was razed to the ground with magical powers, and a huge square was built.

A palace stands on the square, like a royal palace.

Full of atmosphere!
The three great immortal sects of Baiyue Kingdom are connected with each other.

If any party has difficulties, other fairy gates will support them.

It is impossible not to unite, otherwise, they would have been wiped out by the Yaozu long ago.

Only when the three immortal sects unite can they have some strength to resist the invasion of the monster race.

And this situation is not an exception.

Basically, the whole Northern Wilderness is like this.

There is also a larger Immortal Alliance.

The immortal sects of several kingdoms united to form a powerful alliance of immortals to fight against the army of the demon clan.

Standing in the void, Jiang Che looked towards Lingtai Mountain.

The entire Lingtai Mountain was shrouded in formations.

Not a single formation, but several complex formations intertwined.

Although it does not pose too much threat to him, it should not be underestimated.

Xuanzhen stood above the white clouds, showed a golden token, activated the token, and a golden light shot out, instantly opening the guardian formation of Lingtai Mountain.


Xuanzhen took the lead and landed directly on the square of Lingtai Mountain.

Jiang Che and his group followed closely behind and arrived at the square on Lingtai Mountain.

"Friend Xuan Dao, you are finally here!"

At this time, a rough voice sounded, Jiang Che looked towards the main hall gate, and a big man in black robe appeared in his eyes.

A body of burly muscles, full of a sense of strength.

The breath is also very strong.

The cultivation base is at the peak of Yuanshen.

He is no match for Xuanzhen.

There are also several existences in the primordial spirit realm behind him.

With the addition of this big man in black robe, there are two peak primordial spirits and four late primordial spirits, the lineup is not small.

"Fellow Daoist Jin, I'm sorry, I'm late." Xuan Zhen looked at the big man in black robes and cupped his hands.

And this fellow Jin Daoist soon came in front of them with the five primordial spirit realms behind him.

"Haha, you're not too late, that guy Qingming hasn't come yet." Fellow Daoist Jin laughed.

Xuan Zhen was slightly surprised, looked at him, and said, "Why, did something happen to Fellow Daoist Qing?"

The big man in black robe shook his head, "That's not true, it's just that there is a small delay, and it should be here soon."

Hearing this, Xuan Zhen nodded.

"These two are fellow daoist Jiang Che and Xu Ling'e, fellow daoist Xu?"

The big man in black looked at Jiang Che and Xu Ling'e, his eyes flickered slightly.

Xuan Zhen nodded, "Exactly, today, I brought two fellow Taoists here to get to know each other."

The big man in black robe nodded, then cupped his hands: "My next Xuanwu sect is the head teacher, Jin Xiong, and I have met two fellow Taoists."

"Jiang Che!"

"Xu Ling'e!"

"Meet Fellow Daoist Jin!" ×2!

The two spoke in unison.

Jin Xiong smiled, and immediately, several Xuanwuzong elders behind him also introduced themselves.

Jiang Che nodded, remembering all of them in his heart.

And just after the introduction, Jiang Che suddenly turned his head and looked at the sky.

Outside Lingtai Mountain, a long rainbow swept over.

At the same time, a voice came: "It's all here, sorry, I'm late!"

The voice came to the ears, followed by a middle-aged man in a purple Taoist robe leading four people to the square, and soon came in front of them.

Jiang Che took a glance, and found that these people were also in the primordial spirit realm.

There are also two peak primordial spirit realms.

And the leading middle-aged man in the purple robe is the Suzerain of Qingming Sect, Master Qingming.

"It's not too late, we just arrived." Xuan Zhen said with a smile.

Master Qingming's eyes fell on Jiang Che and Xu Ling'e, sensing the strong aura of the two, his eyes flickered: "These two are Daoist Jiang and Fellow Daoist Xu who came from the fairy gates of other continents, right?"

"Exactly." Xuan Zhen nodded,
Master Qingming immediately saluted: "I, Qingming, have met two fellow Taoists, thank you two fellow Taoists for coming to Baiyue and supporting us."

"Fellow Daoist Qing, you are being polite." Jiang Che smiled.

"Let's go, first enter the hall to discuss in detail." Jin Xiong said, the others nodded, and a group of people entered the main hall in a mighty manner.

In the main hall, it is spacious and spacious. There are several rectangular jade tables on the left and right sides, which are also filled with delicacies and wines.

Jiang Che and Xu Ling'e followed Xuanzhen to the jade table on the right and sat down.

Jin Xiong and Master Qingming also led people to sit in front of the jade table on the left.

"Today, I mainly discuss the situation. At the same time, I also want to get to know two fellow Taoists. Jin, on behalf of the people of Baiyue, thank you two fellow Taoists for coming to help."

As he spoke, Jin Xiong served the cup, and Master Qingming beside him also served the cup.

Jiang Che and Xu Ling'e also raised their glasses, touched each other in the air, and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

"Fellow Daoist Jin, the situation is still proceeding according to the previously formulated plan. No matter which fairy gate the demon clan attacks first, the other two fairy gates must provide support."

Xuanzhen's voice sounded.

As soon as the words fell, Master Qingming said: "I sent someone to investigate the situation. This time, I am afraid that there is a lot of movement from the demon clan. I heard that hundreds of demon saints have been dispatched to take down Baiyue and Baiyue in one go." Soochow."

"According to the analysis of the situation, it is estimated that the Yaozu will lead the army of the Yaozu to attack at the same time. I am afraid we can only defend and resist. This way, it is safer."

"A hundred demon saints..."

Hearing Master Qingming speak, Jiang Che's eyes lit up.

"Fellow Daoist Qing, how many peak demon saints are there?" Jiang Che looked at Master Qing Ming and asked.

Master Qingming looked at him and said, "I'm afraid it's not certain yet, but there should be at least a dozen or even more peak demon saints."

"more than ten……"

Jiang Che nodded.

"This time, it's a real moment of life and death. When the time comes, I'm afraid we have to change it according to the situation."

Jin Xiong said slowly.

"It is estimated that the monster clan will launch an attack in about a month. Therefore, for the rest of the time, we should defend with all our strength and add more formations. In this way, large casualties can also be avoided."

Xuan Zhen spoke.

A dozen giants also nodded.

Jiang Che and Xu Ling'e listened from the sidelines.

He did not intervene in the three fairy gate plans.

Just listen.

Peak Demon Saint, he wished for a little more.

In this way, this vote can do big things.

Of course, with so many demon saints dead, the demon clan will definitely not let it go.

But Jiang Che wasn't too worried.

If the existence of the fairy level really made a move, then he would not be powerless to fight back.


After discussing for a full two hours, Jiang Che returned to Beilingzong.

The rest of the time is waiting for the Yaozu battle.

Jiang Che also calmed down.

Returning to the yard, he took out the sword stone, and Dang even began to comprehend it.

Yuanshen entered the long river of time and space in the way of swordsmanship.

Go upstream again.

This is the eighth time he has had an epiphany in the long river of time and space in the way of swordsmanship.

For the next battle, try to improve your own strength as much as possible.

The Great Void Sword Art can still continue to grow.

The number of sword shadows keeps increasing.

Constantly improve the power.

There is also huge room for development.


Ten days passed, and Jiang Che withdrew from the river of time and space in Dao of Swords.

This time, his Great Void Sword Art once again increased its power.

One hundred thousand sword shadows have been added.

Breaking through a million swords and shadows, the more it grows, the slower it will be.

But the power to break the limit is also quite terrifying.

110 million sword shadows.

Formed a vast ocean of sword energy.

And every sword shadow is powerful enough.

Group attack, single kill, the power is earth-shaking.

This top-level killing supernatural power will also be his strongest attacking technique.

110 million sword shadows are activated at the same time, what is this concept?

Even the peak primordial spirit can kill in an instant!

Of course, this also refers to the general peak primordial spirit.

The gap between the Peak Primordial Spirit and the Peak Primordial Spirit is also very huge.

Like Xuanzhen, they are ordinary peak primordial spirits. Xu Ling'e's strength is stronger, but if there is no top-level magic weapon to protect the body, the Great Void Sword Art can also be used to kill instantly.

It is very difficult to resist the top-grade Taoist weapon, and only a half-immortal weapon can stop his frenzy of sword shadow!

However, he also has an aggressive half-celestial weapon.

The power of the Renhuang pen can break open.

In terms of body protection, he has a map of the spring and autumn of heaven and earth.

Offensive and defensive.

Armed to the teeth!

Since cultivating to the peak of Yuanshen, Jiang Che hasn't really fully fired.

He doesn't know how strong his limit is.

He is sure against the Thunder Tribulation Immortal.

Of course, this is only limited to the existence of the Thunder Tribulation Realm and the early stage of Human Immortal.

If it was at the second level of Thunder Tribulation and the middle stage of Human Immortal, then it would be difficult for him to resist.

In the three realms of Thunder Tribulation and the later stage of Human Immortal, that is enough to kill him completely.

One realm, one sky!

Only when you step into the Supreme, can you be more stable.

After walking out of the room, Jiang Che stepped out of the courtyard and wandered around. Just when he was about to return to the courtyard, a ray of light descended from the sky and came in front of him.

It was Xu Ling'e.

"where did you go?"

Looking at Xu Ling'e, Jiang Che asked.

"Explore the situation." Xu Ling'e smiled.

"Oh? How about the situation?" Jiang Che asked.

Xu Ling'e: "It seems that Soochow is about to start. The demon clan has launched an army of one million, and it seems that they are going to wipe out Soochow Xianmen in one go."

"A million troops!!"

Jiang Che's eyelids twitched.

It is basically impossible to form an army of millions of monsters in Donghuang.

The total is enough.

But in Beihuang, an army of one million monsters can be formed at will, which is enough to prove the number of monsters in Beihuang.

"How many demon saints are there?" Jiang Che came back to his senses and asked.

Xu Ling'e: "I didn't check too clearly, but there should be dozens of them."

"tens of……"

Jiang Che nodded slightly.

Xu Ling'e looked at him and said, "However, I found out a situation that you may be interested in."


Jiang Che looked at her in surprise.

Xu Ling'e immediately said: "These invading monster clans are all subordinates of the same monster."

"Which one?" Jiang Che recovered and asked.

"Covering the sky demon fairy!"

Xu Ling'e said.

"The Shrouding Demon Immortal..."

Jiang Che thought for a while, and suddenly, he thought of it.

In the royal palace of Soochow back then, the Qingshi Yaosheng he killed was the subordinate of the Zhetian Yaoxian.

"Then that means, the monster clan that is about to invade Baiyue is also under the demon fairy Zhetian?"

Jiang Che looked at Xu Ling'e and said.

"It shouldn't be too bad."

Xu Ling'e nodded.

Jiang Che's eyes flickered slightly.

If he killed the invading demon saint in one go, then he might be targeted by this demon fairy who shrouds the sky.

It doesn't matter if one or two die, but if one or two hundred die, it will be different.

"Do you know the name of this demon fairy who shrouds the sky?"

Jiang Che came back to his senses and asked.

Xu Ling'e shook her head.

Jiang Che was slightly disappointed.

"Why are you asking for the name?" Xu Ling'e blinked and looked at Jiang Che.

"It's nothing, I'm just curious." Jiang Che replied.

Xu Ling'e: "→_→"

Just out of curiosity?

I do not believe!
Looking at Jiang Che, Xu Ling'e thought about it, but she didn't think too much about it. After greeting Jiang Che, she returned to her yard.

Watching Xu Ling'e enter the courtyard, Jiang Che pondered for a moment.

"The Shrouding Demon Immortal..."

Jiang Che looked at the blue sky, and his eyes became serious.

Perhaps, this will be his first Thunder Tribulation Supreme with a frontal face.


Time passed.

A month is approaching.

Beilingzong, main hall.

A group of Yuanshen elders from the Beiling Sect gathered here.

Jiang Che and Xu Ling'e were also there.

An elder got up, looked at Xuanzhen, and said: "Headmaster, just got the information, the Yaozu has already started to act, yesterday, the Eastern Wu Kingdom has been completely invaded, the four great immortal sects, among them, the Yinlingzong has been taken by the Yaozu After the fall, only the three great immortal sects are still holding on!"

As soon as the words came out, the complexions of Xuanzhen and the elders of Beilingzong changed slightly.

Yin Lingzong!
This is a fairy gate no less than that of the Northern Spirit Sect.

In just one day, it has already fallen.

The Yaozu's preparations this time may be stronger than what the intelligence said.

At this time, the Great Elder also followed suit, "Yesterday, Xuanwuzong sent information that the Nanchao Kingdom was also invaded by the demon clan on the same day, and the two immortal sects were completely destroyed."

"It is estimated that within two days today and tomorrow, the Yaozu should launch an invasion to Baiyue."

Xuan Zhen sat at the head, his gaze burned everyone's eyes, and the voice sounded: "Elder Lin, inform the whole sect, all personnel are on alert, activate the sect protection array, no one is allowed to leave the sect area."

"Yes, I will notify you right now."

An elder nodded, then got up and left the hall.

Xuan Zhen then looked at an elder again, and said: "Elder Bai, you are in charge of intelligence investigation, be vigilant at all times, don't be careless, if you find traces of the monster clan, hit the sky-shaking bell immediately!"


Elder Bai nodded.

Xuan Zhen immediately looked at the other elders, and said: "The rest, prepare for battle at any time."


The sound of Qi Shushu resounded in the hall.

Jiang Che remained calm, but his heart became excited.


After waiting for so many days, he was finally going to have an operation.

A group of elders followed and left the hall.

Soon, only Jiang Che Xuanzhen and Xu Ling'e were left in the hall.

Looking at Jiang Che and Xu Ling'e, Xuan Zhen had a serious expression on his face: "Two fellow Taoists, this time, I'm counting on the two of you. As long as you stop the monster clan's invasion, I will definitely thank you both!"

"Sect Master Xuan, you are welcome, we will fight with all our strength." Xu Ling'e smiled.

Jiang Che also nodded slightly.

Xuan Zhen breathed a sigh of relief.

The monster clan is about to invade, and it is a lie to say that there is no panic.

If he hadn't experienced the cruelty of the invasion, he couldn't comprehend his mood at the moment.

However, with the existence of Jiang Che and Xu Ling'e, the two peak primordial spirits, he was also a little relieved.

It may not be blocked, he has no certainty.

The lessons learned from the past are in front of us.

The immortal sects of Soochow Kingdom and Nanchao Kingdom are no less than Beilingzong. Even the two immortal sects of Nanchao Kingdom are stronger, but they are still invincible in the face of the monster clan invasion.

In one day, it fell directly.

This is the moment of real life and death.

Life and death are in an instant.

If successful, continue to develop.

If it is defeated, then Beilingzong will also become history.

400 years of painstaking efforts will be completely destroyed once.


Jiang Che and Xu Ling'e left the hall.

Looking at the sky, Xu Ling'e suddenly looked at Jiang Che: "Brother Jiang, how sure are you this time?"

Jiang Che looked at the sky with a flat gaze, and said calmly, "If there are no demons, it's not a big problem."

Xu Ling'e's eyelashes trembled, she looked at him, and said, "It's unlikely that the Yaoxian will do it himself, but there are a lot of Yaozu, Brother Jiang, don't be careless."

"Wait and see."

Jiang Che smiled, then stepped out and disappeared in front of Xu Ling'e.

Seeing Jiang Che's disappearing figure, Xu Ling'e blinked her bright eyes.

"Do you really have that much confidence?"

Xu Ling'e fell into deep thought.

She stood there for a while before she left.

Whether you are sure or not, you will know soon.

She still believed in Jiang Che's strength.

After contacting him for more than two months, even now, she still can't see Jiang Che's depth.

Perhaps, there will be an incredible surprise.

Jiang Che's self-confidence also made her feel more stable. (end of this chapter)

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