I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 190 The Monster Clan Comes 1 Sword Killing

Chapter 190 The Monster Clan Arrives and Slays with a Sword
late at night.

A heavy snow fell from the sky.

It was snowing.

Under the blizzard, soon, the entire Beilingzong mountain gate was covered with a layer of white snow.

In the room, Jiang Che suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the snow falling outside the window, and frowned slightly.

According to the current weather, autumn has not yet entered, such a heavy snowstorm must be abnormal.

"A sign of disaster..."

Jiang Che muttered to himself, and then, he closed his eyes, stretched out his hands to make some calculations, and a pair of blurred images appeared in his mind.

"It seems that at most tomorrow, the Yaozu will reach Baiyue..."

With both pupils open, Jiang Che muttered as he watched the white snow falling outside the window.

Immediately, he closed his eyes again and continued to practice.

Judging from his own calculations, although this disaster was huge, it still had little effect on him.

there is always a solution to a problem!
Jiang Che didn't panic at all.

Waiting for this moment.

This wave of harvest is enough for him to get a lot of rewards.

Although most of them are just ordinary rewards for him, a small number of them can still break out grand prizes at the cosmic level.

The stronger the strength is improved, the higher the requirements for the grand prize.

Ordinary Yuanshen Yaosheng can no longer satisfy his appetite.

Only top-level demon saints can give out cosmic-level rewards.

A sudden blizzard not only swept the Beiling Sect, but also the entire Baiyue Kingdom.

The natural vision also made the giants of the three great immortal sects vigilant.

Blizzards in this season, nine out of ten, are signs before disasters.


Dawn breaks.

The light of dawn rises from the east.

In Beilingzong, the mountains and forests are covered with snow, as if covered with a white blanket.

Thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow drift!
In just one night, the green mountains and green waters turned into ice and snow.

Jiang Che opened his eyes, pushed open the door, and a gust of cold air rushed over his face.

In the courtyard, it is covered with snow.

The accumulated white snow was a foot deep.

A night of blizzard created another wonder of the world.

At a glance, the mountains, forests, vegetation, and trees are all covered by thick snow.

The temperature of the air dropped precipitously.

But with his body and blood, even if he stepped into the icy hell, it wouldn't do him any harm.

Stretching out his hand, Jiang Che looked at the snowflakes falling into his palm.

The snow has become much smaller.

Letting out a breath, a gust of cold air swept out.

Ice World.

Jiang Che still liked it a lot.

"Brother Jiang, good morning!"

When Jiang Che stepped out of the courtyard, Xu Ling'e's voice came from the courtyard beside him.

The courtyard door opened, and Xu Ling'e in sky blue clothes appeared in Jiang Che's eyes.

A sky blue dress added to the body, adding a bit of charm.

"Morning." Jiang Che nodded.

Xu Ling'e stepped forward and came in front of him.

Looking at the snowflakes falling from the sky, she said, "Brother Jiang, did the sudden blizzard last night indicate a sign of the monster clan's invasion?"

"It should be. I calculated it, and it's probably close to ten." Jiang Che nodded.

"I don't know how many demon saints will invade the demon clan..."

"I have a bad feeling!" Xu Ling'e sighed.

Jiang Che didn't speak.

Quietly watching the white snow falling from the sky.

He couldn't figure out how many demon saints, but the number must be quite a lot.

The more, the better!
Even if a perverted demon saint appeared, Jiang Che did not have the slightest fear.

"You'll know when you come, it should be today." Looking at Tianji, Jiang Che said calmly.

"Brother Jiang, then I can rely on you here!" Xu Ling'e blinked and said.

Jiang Che glanced at her, and said, "Uncle Meng asked you to come to support and gain the merits of heaven and earth, this is also a chance."

"Hahahahaha, of course I know, just kidding, don't worry, I have the ability to protect myself!" Xu Ling'e said with a smile.

Jiang Che: "..."

"Jiang Daoyou, Xu Daoyou!"

At this time, a voice came.

Jiang Che and Xu Ling'e looked over immediately, and Wei Qing, dressed in white, came striding forward.

Soon came to the front of the two.

"Elder Wei." Jiang Che nodded and greeted him.

Wei Qing looked at him, and then at the sky, "I calculated last night that the Yaozu should come almost today."

"Well, it's almost the same. I guessed so." Jiang Che nodded.

"I hope I can survive this calamity!" Wei Qingchang sighed.

"I believe it should be possible." Jiang Che smiled.

Wei Qing looked at him, and also smiled: "With the help of two fellow Taoists, I feel that there is hope."

Jiang Che smiled without saying a word. Suddenly, his expression changed and he looked towards the sky.


When Jiang Che suddenly spoke, Wei Qing and Xu Ling'e also seemed to feel something, and looked in the same direction.

In the vast white sky, a large black cloud appeared surging.

Among the black clouds, dense figures could be faintly seen.

The breath became one piece, and the air produced a great vibration.

And this black cloud was transformed by demon energy.

Thousands of monster races gathered, covering a large area in darkness.

Demonic soaring.

Come on!

This battle is full of great visual impact!

In an instant, everyone in the entire Beiling Sect felt the oppression from the void.

The void seemed to be frozen.

"Clang clang!!!"

On the top of the mountain of Beilingzong, a big bell struck, and the sound spread throughout the entire Beilingzong.

In an instant, the Beilingzong quickly entered a state of full alert.


A layer of glass-like mask covered the Beiling Sect.

The mountain guard formation is open!
Entered the strongest first-level alert state!
The figure of head teacher Xuanzhen also stepped out of the main hall of Beilingzong.

Seeing the monstrous aura billowing in the sky, his expression instantly became very dignified.

The moment of life and death has come.

And this moment.

A strong oppression also swept through the hearts of everyone in Beilingzong.

Facing the invasion of the monster race, all they can do is defend.


The demonic aura billowed in the void, and amidst the black demonic aura, a large number of figures of the demon clan appeared in Jiang Che's eyes.

Looking away, Jiang Che locked on the demon saint among them with his huge spiritual consciousness.

There are about 40 demon saints.

Among them, there are only five top demon saints.

The rest are junior demon saints or intermediate demon saints...

"Only five..."

Jiang Che sighed inwardly.

This amount is completely less than what he expected!

As for under the demon saint, Jiang Che completely ignored it.

The quantity is quite a lot, but it has not yet reached the level where a qualitative change can be made.

But at this time, Wei Qing who was on the side suddenly said: "It's over, Xuanwuzong and Qingmingzongze were invaded by the demon clan at the same time!"

Hearing these words, Jiang Che also came to his senses.

His eyes lit up instantly.

He guessed right, the other two immortal sects should have similar numbers of monster races.

"Get rid of this group first, and then go to the other two fairy gates!"

As soon as Jiang Che thought about it, he made a decision in an instant.

And at this moment, those dozens of demon saints and tens of thousands of demon clan troops have arrived outside the mountain gate of Beilingzong.

A burly demon saint took a step forward, causing great fluctuations in the void, and the loud voice resounded directly up and down the mountain gate of Beilingzong.

"Xuanzhen old man, come out and surrender immediately, otherwise, you will crush your Beilingzong!"

The sound was like thunder rolling from the sky, deafening.

"Bei Lingzong, never surrender!"


Xuanzhen's physical body flew into the sky, standing in the void, all the breath in his body was released, and the sound spread throughout the Beilingzong.




The sound of Qi Shushu resounded through the sky, and every disciple of the Beiling Sect aroused infinite fighting spirit.

At this moment, the fire of the world of mortals in the Beilingzong reached its peak in an instant, burning blazingly and extremely vigorously.

"call out!"

Also at this moment, Jiang Che's figure instantly disappeared in place, and in the next breath, he came outside the mountain protection formation.

"Jiang Daoyou!"

Wei Qing's expression changed instantly, and he immediately exclaimed.

Xuan Zhen's expression also changed.

It's too dangerous to leave the mountain guard formation at this time!
These are dozens of demon saints!

Among them, there are five top demon saints!

Even if he knew that Jiang Che was powerful, if he stepped out of the Northern Spirit Sect in this situation, wouldn't that be pure courting death?
The sudden appearance also made all the demon saints slightly stunned, but they soon came back to their senses.

Several demon saints activated their supernatural powers in an instant, and rushed towards Jiang Che in unison.

Even knowing that this human being is the existence of the peak of the primordial spirit, they are not afraid at all.


Jiang Che's pupils burst out with yin and yang divine light, and the supernatural powers of the three demon saints were easily shattered. The yin and yang divine light penetrated their demon bodies, directly obliterating the primordial spirit, and they died in an instant.

Manifesting the main body, it smashed heavily into the mountain below, shaking the heavens and the earth.


The five top-ranking demon saints stared at Jiang Che, and murderous aura flashed in their eyes instantly.

Five soaring divine lights rose, followed by other demon saints at the same time.

And at this moment, when Jiang Che raised his hand, an infinite sword shadow appeared behind him.

The shadow of the sword intertwined like a pair of divine swords.

Millions of sword shadows formed a sea of ​​divine swords covering the sky.

Void sword formations condensed one after another.

The breath that emanates makes thousands of miles tremble.

"What kind of swordsmanship is this!"

Looking at the divine sword Wang Yang formed by the mouthfuls of divine swords behind Jiang Che, the whole Beilingzong was stunned for an instant.

And at this moment, tens of thousands of Yaozu felt the signal of death!
Even the demon saint is no exception!

With one word spit out, and with the next breath, the endless sea of ​​divine swords enveloped all the monster races.

Under the demon saint, the sword energy emanating directly wiped out all the demon clans in an instant.

In the snow-white sky, a blood rain fell directly.

Tens of thousands of monsters were directly strangled into a rain of powder and blood.

The demon book vibrated crazily.

In just one breath, Jiang Che released tens of thousands of rewards.

However, they are all rewards at the wild level.

The sword shadow tore apart the heaven and earth, sealing off the void.

Dozens of demon saints only lasted for a few breaths before being strangled by the divine sword, turning into blood rain and falling to the ground.

The snow-covered ground was instantly covered with a layer of blood.

Rivers of blood!
"Boom boom boom!!!"

One by one, the demon saints burst out with supernatural powers, but they still couldn't stop the millions of sword shadows.

Supernatural powers shattered.

Five top demon saints were also wiped out at the last moment.

The high-grade Taoist artifact in his hand was directly penetrated and shattered.

The supernatural powers that were aroused had absolutely no power to resist under the Great Void Sword Art, and instantly killed them instantly.

The infinite sword shadows disappeared, but there was still a terrifying aura in the void.

At this moment, the whole audience of Beilingzong was stunned.


Is this gone? !
The army of tens of thousands of demon tribes was directly reduced to scum, and even the demon saint did not escape! !

One hit, instant kill!

Is this the strength that the peak of Yuanshen should have? !

Isn't it the Thunder Tribulation Immortal riding a horse? !

Everyone in the Beiling Sect, including Xuanzhen and the Great Elder, revealed unimaginable disbelief in their eyes.

I thought this would be a difficult defensive battle, but I never imagined that Jiang Che alone would directly slaughter all the monster races.

Dozens of demon saints and tens of thousands of demon clans all died in one blow.

I dare not even dream of doing this! !

"This kendo supernatural power is probably on par with the supreme supernatural power of the Sword God Palace!"

Xu Ling'e's pupils shrank.

There is only one holy place in Central Continent that can inspire such a terrifying swordsmanship, and that is the Sword God Palace!

The number one kendo holy land in Central Continent!
It can also be said that looking at the entire Great Thousand World, the Sword God Palace's swordsmanship is unique in the world.

This kendo supernatural power inexplicably reminded her of the supreme supernatural power of the Sword God Palace.

And at this moment, in the depths of the void, a large expanse of virtuous golden light swept over, pouring into Jiang Che's body in an instant.

Heaven and earth merit!

A lot of heaven and earth merit!
This is also the first time in Jiang Che's life that he has obtained such a large amount of world merit.

In an instant, in the Heavenly Court Shrine, his primordial spirit directly reached the level of fifteen feet.

This wave of heaven and earth merit abruptly raised his primordial spirit by more than four feet.

At the same time, Jiang Che's body glowed with glazed light.

The body is like glass, the body of a celestial being!
But it fell silent for just a moment.

But under the merits of heaven and earth, his power directly increased the power of fifty dragons.

Reached the terrifying 850 dragon power.

Although he didn't step into the realm of immortality, his understanding of the world soared instantly and reached a new height.

The terrifying power contained in the body is earth-shattering!
The merits of heaven and earth entered his body, and the consumption of his blow was directly recovered, not only recovered, but also improved a lot.

The true qi in the body, under a large amount of heaven and earth merit, has transformed into ten thousandths of the magic power.

A wave, earn blood!
The light around him surged, and Jiang Che stood in the void, exuding a majestic power comparable to that of a fairy god.

And at this moment, the entire Beiling Sect finally came to their senses.

Is this an illusion?

But the scene of blood flowing into a river outside the mountain gate proved that this is not an illusion, it is real.

The army of tens of thousands of demon tribes and dozens of demon saints were wiped out.

One-shot kill!

"The No. [-] genius in the Eastern Desolation, a peerless genius who is hard to come by in eternity, his strength is comparable to that of the Thunder Tribulation Immortal..."

At this moment, Xu Ling'e's initial introduction appeared in the head teacher Xuanzhen's mind.

At this moment, he believed it!
The facts were in front of him, and he had to believe it.

He is also at the peak of Yuanshen, but Jiang Che's strength surpasses him by a thousand times.

Killing him in seconds is not a problem.

This is the difference!
The difference between red fruit and fruit!

And at this moment, Jiang Che's voice came to Xuanzhen, Xu Ling'e and all the high-level officials of the Northern Spirit Sect.

"Clean it up, I'll go support Xuanwuzong first!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Che's figure disappeared out of thin air.

When he left, the Beiling Sect exploded all at once.

Originally thought that this would be a battle of self-defense, but unexpectedly, it would suddenly become a war of annihilating the monster clan!
With one move, all the monster races were killed.

Even the demon saint did not escape!

"Am I a little redundant..."

At the gate of the courtyard, Xu Ling'e blinked.

She would also think it was a bad fight.


Jiang Che's strength is even more perverted than imagined.

Annihilated by one person!
Not even soy sauce...

At least one hand in soy sauce, and she didn't even do it...

"What kind of monster did Uncle Xuan accept?!"

"This strength, I am afraid that only Xuanyuan Wudi can beat him in the list of Tianjiao..."

Looking at the snow-white sky, Xu Ling'e let out a long sigh.


Baiyue Kingdom, Xuanwuzong.

Tens of thousands of demon clan besieged Xuanwuzong.

Even if Xuanwu guards the formation, it can't stop the attack of dozens of demon saints.

After only holding on for a moment, Xuanwuzong's protective formation was directly shattered.

Tens of thousands of monster clans came like a flood, and bloodbathed Xuanwuzong!

Screams, roars, endless sounds!
All kinds of Taoism and supernatural powers collide.

Facing the siege of a large number of monster clans, the defensive battle of Xuanwu Palace was extremely fierce.

Half of the tens of thousands of disciples fell in an instant.

The elders of Xuanwu Palace also died a lot.

The four peak demon saints stood in the void, watching quietly.

Basically, they don't need to take action, relying on other demon saints and tens of thousands of demon clans, it is enough to wipe out the entire Xuanwu Palace.

"A mere Xuanwu Sect doesn't know why Lord Zhetian wants us to come. It's really a big deal."

A peak demon saint sighed.

"Brother Shen, you should be careful with your words, Lord Zhetian's actions cannot allow you and me to give pointers."

Another peak demon saint said.

"I know, it's just a feeling."

"The Northern Spirit Sect should be over, and our side is almost there. In another quarter of an hour, Jin Xiong will die."

"Haha, that's right..."

A peak demon saint laughed, but suddenly, an extreme danger rose from his heart.

Subconsciously, the four peak demon saints instinctively showed their Taoist body shields.

"Puff puff!!!"

The void exploded, and the four peak demon saints vomited blood together.

There were cracks in the body protectors and they almost collapsed.

A young Taoist in a blue Taoist robe appeared out of thin air, and the pupils of the four peak demon saints shrank instantly.

As soon as the young Taoist raised his hand, a crystal bright magic brush appeared in his hand.

An aura of terror permeated the air.

"Half Immortal Artifact!"

The pupils of the four peak demon saints shrank.


Holding the Emperor's Brush in his hand, Jiang Che drew a sharp edge that could tear apart the world.


The brilliant Human Emperor's brush pierced through the body of a peak demon saint in an instant.

Direct obliteration, even Yuanshen was instantly killed.


Shocked and angry, the three peak demon saints unleashed their supernatural powers and blasted at the young Taoist in an instant.

Seeing the attacking supernatural power, Jiang Che melted the imperial pen in his hand.

The brilliant divine light burst out, and the magical powers of the three peak demon saints were shattered in an instant.

"Puff puff!!!"

The demon blood spurted out, and the divine light dimmed.

The three peak demon saints joined forces, but they couldn't stop the power of Ren Huang's pen.

crush directly.

The body fell like a meteorite.

And at this moment, Jiang Che activated the Human Emperor's Brush again.

The three heads flew up, and the demon blood soared into the sky.

Even people and gods are killed directly.

With a flick of the Taoist robe, the corpses of the three peak demon saints were instantly included in the bag.

Everything happened so fast that the other demon saints and demon clans hadn't reacted yet, and the four peak demon saints died just like that.

But after solving the four peak demon saints, Jiang Che didn't stop at all.

The Renhuang brush burst into the sky with light, and the divine light pierced through the void, killing every demon saint with precision.


The divine light penetrated the body of the demon saint, obliterated the primordial spirit, and directly killed dozens of demon saints in an instant.

The demon book vibrated, and a large number of flood rewards burst out continuously.

And at this moment, Jin Xiong, head teacher of the Xuanwu Sect who had just fought hard with several demon saints, saw the corpses of the demon saints fall to the ground of the mountain gate like dumplings in the next second.

Before he could react, a blue light swept across, taking away all the corpses of the demon saints.

Immediately, a crystal-clear divine light that covered the sky swept across the entire Xuanwu Sect.

This intense crystal light caused everyone to close their eyes.

When the light dissipated, only the corpses of the monster races were left in the Xuanwuzong Mountain Gate.

The demon blood flowed and merged into a river!
This scene is creepy!

"Jiang Che!"

Looking at the young Taoist in Kong Kong, Jin Xiong's pupils shrank.

It turned out to be Jiang Che who made the move.

Killed all the monster races by one person? !
His strength is so terrifying! !

There was a storm in Jin Xiong's heart, and the waves were rough.

The scene in front of him was like a hallucination.

But Jin Xiong never expected that it would be Jiang Che who made the move.

Could it be that the demon clan of the Beiling Sect has been quelled? !
How long has it been? !
But at this moment, Jiang Che was standing in the void, deep in the sky, a large amount of heaven and earth merit descended again and merged into his body.

Yuanshen soared, reaching a terrifying nineteen feet!
The light of colored glaze in the body bloomed again.

The power breaks through the power of nine hundred dragons.

Immortal's perception of heaven and earth increased again.

The comprehension of heaven and earth has increased a lot in an instant.

The merits of heaven and earth save him a lot of hard work time.

And this moment.

A figure came in front of Jiang Che.

It is the head teacher of Xuanwu Sect, Jin Xiong!
"Jiang Daoyou, on behalf of everyone in Xuanwuzong, thank you Daoist for your help!"

Jin Xiong bowed and saluted with an extremely respectful expression.

The strength shown just now has greatly surpassed him.

At this moment, while Jin Xiong respected him, he also felt a kind of fear from the depths of his heart.

This is the first time he has met such a perverted evildoer.

The strength is even more terrifying than imagined.

He had thought of fighting before, but now, he has no idea.

This is a cliff-like crush.

When he got close, he could feel the boundless power in Jiang Che's body even more.


"Sovereign Jin, you are being polite. I have to go to Qing Mingzong, so I won't talk much."


As soon as the words fell, Jiang Che's figure disappeared out of thin air in an instant.

When Jin Xiong raised his head, Jiang Che had completely disappeared.

Standing in the void, Jin Xiong turned his head to look at the corpses of monster clans scattered all over the mountains and fields in the mountain gate, and his heart twitched violently.

If Jiang Che hadn't come to support him, I'm afraid that the corpses scattered all over the ground were the disciples of Xuanwuzong.

Although more than half of the disciples were still lost, at least this catastrophe was over.

However, Jin Xiong never imagined that this calamity would be destroyed by Jiang Che alone.

"Fortunately, there is support... Otherwise, Xuanwuzong will be removed..."

With a sigh in his heart, Jin Xiong quickly came back to his senses, his figure flashed and disappeared into the void.

After the catastrophe is over, the rest is ready to clean up the battlefield.

Quickly restore the power of Xuanwuzong.

Perhaps, there are monsters coming.

You can recover as much as you can!

(End of this chapter)

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