I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 192 The Demon Immortal Arrives in the Heavenly Sword Realm

Chapter 192 The Demon Immortal Arrives in the Heavenly Sword Realm

main hall.

The figures of Qing Mingzong and Xuanwuzong leaders appeared.

Xuanzhen, head teacher of Beiling Sect, also appeared in the hall together.

Looking at Master Qing Ming and Jin Xiong, Xuan Zhen said: "Jiang Daoyou is currently cultivating a supernatural power in seclusion, I'm afraid it's not good to disturb him."

Master Qing Ming and Jin Xiong looked at each other and looked at each other.

Originally, they planned to discuss it together and thank Jiang Che, but they didn't expect that Jiang Che was in retreat.

After thinking for a moment, Master Qingming said, "In that case, forget it, and don't disturb Fellow Daoist Jiang's cultivation."

Xuan Zhen nodded.

Jin Xiong on the side looked at him and said, "By the way, Headmaster Xuan, you just said that Fellow Daoist Jiang calculated that there would be an even greater catastrophe in a few months. Is this true?"

Xuan Zhen nodded solemnly, "It's true. It is estimated that Fellow Daoist Jiang cultivated supernatural powers for the catastrophe that will happen in a few months."

Jin Xiong and Master Qingming looked at each other, their hearts stirred.

This catastrophe is already a catastrophe for the three great immortal sects. For an even greater catastrophe, could it be that there are really demons coming! !
That is the existence of the Thunder Tribulation Supreme Realm!

If this happens, even if the three sects are added together, there will be many opponents.

With a flick of a finger, three sects can be easily destroyed.

This is absolutely no joke.

The two felt heavy, Xuanzhen suddenly said: "However, I think that Fellow Daoist Jiang should be sure, maybe he can block it. I don't think Fellow Daoist Jiang is the kind of person who will make a move without confidence. If you don't have confidence, I'm afraid you can directly just left."

Listening to these words, the eyes of Master Qing Ming and Jin Xiong flickered slightly.

Against the fairy...

Really sure?
Although I have personally witnessed Jiang Che's terrifying strength, the gap between Lei Jie and Yuanshen is really too big.

Even after seeing Jiang Che's strength, the two of them felt a little shaken in their hearts.

After a moment of silence, Master Qingming said: "No matter what, you and I are now on the same line. In any case, we must advance and retreat together."

Jin Xiong didn't speak, and he nodded after a while.

Xuan Zhen also nodded.

Immediately, the three chatted for a while, and then, the two left Beilingzong.


Three months passed quickly.

All the disciples of Beilingzong have returned to their normal cultivation state.

It seems that the catastrophe of the Yaozu has completely passed.

However, in the minds of the high-ranking members of the Beiling Sect, these three months seemed like years.

Three months of calm, but in the dark, the hearts of every high-ranking officer are turbulent.

Jiang Che's small courtyard is also the place where all the high-level officials of the Northern Spirit Sect gather their eyes.

For three whole months, Jiang Che didn't take a single step.

If he hadn't been able to sense Jiang Che's breath, he might have thought that he had left the Northern Spirit Sect.

During the three months, no one disturbed Jiang Che.

Xu Ling'e in the yard on the side seemed to be retreating as well.

In the yard, in the room.

On the bed, Jiang Che sat cross-legged, his whole body filled with a terrifying aura.

The surrounding air became distorted.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Jiang Che exuded an invisible edge of sword energy like a divine sword.

Jiang Che used all of the nine sword stones.

His kendo has also improved terribly under the epiphany of the time and space of time and space.

One thought turns into a sword.

Man and sword unite!

Enter the Heavenly Sword Realm of Kendo!

A wave came from the body, and the next second, Jiang Che's pupils opened.

Everything returned to calm, but the invisible sword energy emanating from the pupils caused ripples in the surrounding void.

Nine sword stones!

It caused an earth-shaking change in his kendo.

The thousands of sword intents condensed are quite different from before.

Standing up, Jiang Che went straight to the window.

Standing quietly, the whole body exudes an invisible edge.

It's like a peerless sword.

The sword is soaring.

In three months, Jiang Che's Great Void Sword Art became even more terrifying.

Reached 200 million sword shadows.

Fully launched, the power is even more earth-shattering!
200 million sword shadows.

Driven by his kendo, a world of sword domains can be evolved directly.

Turn the power of heaven and earth into sword energy, and attack everything!
But to what extent the real power can be reached, Jiang Che has not tried it yet.

Standing in place, a majestic breath circulated.

The three months of training focused on enhancing the epiphany in the way of swordsmanship.

But his aura also became deeper.

In the Heavenly Court Shrine, the golden primordial spirit is like a god of heaven, shining golden light.

The 23 Zhang Yuanshen is far beyond the general Yuanshen peak realm.

"It's a pity that I haven't reached the end of the long river of time and space in the Dao of Sword..."

Looking at the scenery outside the window, Jiang Che let out a long sigh.

Nine epiphanies.

But he still hasn't reached the end of the long river of time and space in the way of swordsmanship.

Although each time he breaks through further, he still fails to reach the end and see the Sword Ancestor avatar.

Jiang Che estimated that it would take several epiphanies before he could completely reach the end of the long river of time and space in the way of swordsmanship.

If he can get Jianzu's guidance, it will be of great benefit to his cultivation.

However, without the sword stone, Jiang Che could only stop cultivating.

Although he has reached the Heavenly Sword Realm of Sword Dao, Jiang Che still cannot enter the long river of time and space in Sword Dao.

A bit worse.

If it improves a little more, he probably should be almost there.

The current realm of swordsmanship can only barely step into the realm of Heavenly Sword.

But this is not the biggest gain in three months.

The biggest gain is that Yuan Ling has comprehended the second level of the one-qi transformation and three-pure state.

He can evolve two perfect clones!

With two perfect avatars superimposed, even if Lei Jie is immortal, Jiang Che has enough confidence to fight head-on.

"The induction is getting stronger and stronger... I guess it's coming soon."

Looking at the sky beyond, Jiang Che murmured.

Three months were uneventful.

It gave him a big time period improvement.

Jiang Che also wanted to use the Shrouding Demon Immortal to test his own strength.

With full firepower, can you win!
The demon fairy who covers the sky is the supreme being in the realm of thunder and calamity.

The strength is terrifying.

However, Jiang Che is not afraid at all when he has cultivated to the second level of the one-qi-transformation-three-pure state.

Even some expectations!

If you haven't fought against Lei Jie Renxian, then you don't know how far the difference is.

This time, with the Shrouding Heaven Demon Immortal as his test stone, he has enough data.

In the hearts of most people, the Supreme Thunder Tribulation is the endorsement of invincibility!
Thunder Tribulation Immortal, Daqian Supreme!
It represents the title of invincible and immortal!

Even if they only step into the realm of thunder calamity and the existence of junior human immortals, they are invincible to the existence of human immortals under the thunder calamity.

Go one step further, transcend the mundane, and step into the fairy god!
Take a step back, it is still mundane!

Formed a solid idea.

No challenge, no challenge!
And there are very few in the entire universe who can complete this challenge of turning immortal gods with a mortal body.

The former Thunder Tribulation Immortal, in Jiang Che's heart, is the same, invincible!

However, with the improvement of strength, this kind of thinking is also shattered a little bit.

This time, he was going to break it completely.

Fighting against the Shrouding Demon Immortal is also a test of oneself.

Those who dare to take the Supreme Being of Thunder Tribulation as a test stone, there are very few in the entire universe.

Contend, fight head-to-head, defeat, kill!

These four stages have different changes.

It is probably unrealistic to kill Zhetian.

If the Supreme Thunder Tribulation wanted to completely kill him, he had to crush all his thoughts.

It's not just about bombarding and killing the primordial spirit.

Killing the primordial spirit is still useless.

This point is also the difference between the supreme!

Moreover, the thought of the Supreme Thunder Tribulation is as powerful as the soul of the deity.

This is also the core of invincibility.

Control the laws of heaven and earth.

Under the urging of the Supreme Thunder Tribulation's mana, any ordinary Taoism is a heaven-shaking supernatural power.

This is also the biggest gap.

In three months, his true qi compression has only reached about one or two percent.

The whole body has only [-]% mana.

The rest, still infuriating.

There is no rush on this point.

Compressing true energy and turning it into mana is a very complicated process.

There are all gods and fire, so it's faster.

Otherwise, go slower.

Being able to convert [-]% of mana is also due to the merits of heaven and earth.

But being able to convert [-] percent is already an incredible feat.

Like Xu Ling'e, her mana was only transformed and reduced by one-thousandth.

The difference is clear at a glance!
With a calm mind, Jiang Che retreated to open the door and stepped out of the room.

The moment he came to the courtyard, Jiang Che felt multiple primordial spirits sensing him.

And the moment Jiang Che appeared, the top leaders of the Northern Spirit Sect also breathed a sigh of relief.

The released souls took back one after another.

It would be impolite to continue sensing.

Jiang Che didn't care about this situation, and he could understand it.

If the situation changed, he would be so worried.

After all, one's own strength is not enough, relying on others, and the gap is still huge, so if you don't panic, then there is a ghost.

Stepping out of the courtyard, Jiang Che looked at a golden mountain forest in the distance.

It has entered late autumn.

At a glance, the top and bottom of Beilingzong, the mountains and plains are all golden.

The unique beauty also made Jiang Che's mind much smoother.

"Brother Jiang, have you mastered supernatural powers?"

At this time, Xu Ling'e's voice came. Jiang Che looked back, and Xu Ling'e in an ice blue dress was walking towards him.

In a few steps, he came in front of him.

"Yeah, sort of." Jiang Che nodded.

"Is it???"

Hearing Jiang Che's answer, Xu Ling'e was slightly taken aback.

Sensing Jiang Che's aura at close range, she could only feel the infinite sharpness.

This kind of sharpness is like the feeling of using the peerless swordsmanship before.

After three months, Jiang Che's aura became even more unfathomable.

She is also making progress, but compared with Jiang Che, she feels that not only has she not made progress, but she is getting further and further away.

"Brother Jiang, can I ask you a question? If it's inconvenient for you, you don't have to." Xu Ling'e said suddenly.

Jiang Che glanced at her and nodded.

Xu Ling'e: "Your swordsmanship supernatural power, I feel very similar to the Sword God Palace."

"I once went to the Sword God Palace and witnessed it with my own eyes. The supernatural power of the sword you used back then is almost exactly the same as the supernatural power of the Sword God Palace!"

"Sword God Palace?"

Jiang Che was slightly taken aback, looked at Xu Ling'e, and asked, "Is this also the Holy Land of Central Continent?"

Xu Ling'e: "..."

Xu Ling'e choked on Jiang Che's rhetorical question.

Good guy, I don't even know about Sword God Palace.

After regaining her senses, Xu Ling'e nodded and said, "Yes, this is the No. [-] Sword Dao Immortal Gate in Central Continent. Its founder is an invincible existence named Sword Ancestor, who has been passed down for tens of thousands of years."

"Sword Ancestor..."

Hearing these words, Jiang Che rolled his eyes slightly.

This reminded him of the existence of the long river of time and space in the way of swordsmanship.

Just a name?
Still alone? !

"What kind of existence is this sword ancestor? Did he ever survive in this world?"

Jiang Che asked curiously.

Xu Ling'e looked at him, and said: "Then I don't know. I heard that this existence is also the existence of a sun god who is the king of the sword. He once killed several demon gods of the demon clan with his own power. Later, it is said that he Suffered the assassination of more than a dozen demon gods, and finally died together with more than a dozen demon gods. Although he fell, the inheritance remained. The Sword God Palace has also continued to grow for tens of thousands of years. Today, he is also recognized as the number one swordsman in the world. Holy Land!"


Hearing Xu Ling'e speak, Jiang Che's heart skipped a beat.

This looks like it should be the same as the Sword Ancestor of Time and Space Changhe!

But Jiang Che couldn't be sure.

Because he didn't know what this sword ancestor was called.

Perhaps it is an existence with the same title.

It could also be one person.

"The Sword God Palace still has the statue of the Sword Ancestor. I saw it once." Xu Ling'e said suddenly.

Jiang Che's eyes flickered, and he looked at her: "Have you seen it?"

"Yes." Xu Ling'e nodded.

"What does it look like, can I see it?"

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

Xu Ling'e smiled, and waved her slender hand, her true energy transformed, and a tall idol appeared in front of him.

Jiang Che looked at the statue in front of him, his pupils shrank slightly.

Judging from the statue, this should be the sword ancestor he met in the time and space of the sword.

It can't be said that they are exactly the same, at least nine points are similar.

Jiang Che came back to his senses and sighed, "If there is a chance, I would like to visit this Sword God Palace."

"That's easy." Xu Ling'e smiled.

Jiang Che rolled his eyes, easy?

Which mountain are you going to?
Is it so easy for outsiders to enter and exit the holy land of swordsmanship?
Seeing Jiang Che's expression, Xu Ling'e smiled and said, "Brother Jiang, I'm not joking. It may be a little difficult for others, but for you, it is definitely quite easy."

Is there something tricky?
Hearing this, Jiang Che's heart moved, and he looked at her: "What do you mean by that?"

Xu Ling'e: "Sword God Palace is a holy place of swordsmanship in the world. However, Sword God Palace has a special rule."

Jiang Che: "Special rules?"

"What rules?"

Xu Ling'e: "There is a sword mound in the Sword God Palace. This sword mound was created by Wudi, who is close to the Yang God. Honored guests will receive the highest treatment from the Sword God Palace, and there is only one rule for entering this Sword Tomb, and that is the state of the sword of the intruder."

"For sword cultivators, the Sword Tomb of the Sword God Palace is also a good practice, which can improve one's understanding of swordsmanship. With Brother Jiang's swordsmanship, I believe that it must be easy."

"Sword Tomb..."

Jiang Che caught the key words and looked at Xu Ling'e.

"Have you been to this sword mound?"

Xu Ling'e nodded: "I have been there once, but I retreated halfway and didn't go through."

Xu Ling'e's face turned red, she lowered her head and said.

Jiang Che looked at her and said, "Then what does this sword mound look like? What's so special about it?"

Xu Ling'e raised her head, her face returned to normal, and said: "The special thing is that it contains the sword intents of the Supreme Sword God Palace."

"Sword Intent!"

Jiang Che's eyes lit up.

Xu Ling'e continued: "You need a strong swordsmanship talent to be able to bear it. If you are extremely talented in the swordsmanship, you can even absorb the supreme swordsmanship and increase your own swordsmanship. However, absorbing these swordsmanship is very dangerous. Shen, that is the end of the soul flying away."

Jiang Che nodded. Having said that, he roughly understood the Sword Tomb in the Sword God Palace.

"Can anyone enter the Sword Tomb?"

Jiang Che looked at Xu Ling'e and said.

Xu Ling'e looked at him and said: "There are also some restrictions. You can only step into the Yuanshen realm. Under the Yuanshen realm, you will not be able to bear the sword intent of the sword mound if you step into it. The possibility of falling is very high. Therefore, the sword The shrine has also set rules, and only those who have cultivated to the realm of the primordial spirit can step into it."


Jiang Che nodded, and his heart cleared up.

Looking at the sky, his eyes also lit up.

As a result, he wanted to go to this Sword God Palace to take a look.

His kendo realm has entered the realm of the unity of man and nature, the realm of heavenly sword.

But to improve further, apart from the sword stone, it is very difficult to rely on self-cultivation alone.

It takes a long time.

This is not something that can simply be cultivated.

Opportunity is needed!
If he didn't have so many sword stones, he wouldn't be able to step into the Heavenly Sword Realm!
"Brother Jiang, if this karma ends, do you want to go to the Sword God Palace?" Seeing Jiang Che's face, Xu Ling'e asked.

"I should go to the Sword God Palace, but it may take time. I probably won't be able to go to Central Continent in a short time." Jiang Che said.

Xu Ling'e nodded, without speaking, stood beside him, looking at the sky together.


Three days passed in a flash.

Jiang Che also walked around the Northern Spirit Sect.

The Beiling Sect is not big, but in the Northern Wilderness, it is considered pretty good.

Although not the best.

But it is also the upper fairy gate.

In the Northern Wilderness, this is also the case mostly.

There are no top-level fairy gates, but there are many large-scale fairy gates.

The stronger the fairy gate, the more stable the country it is in.

The fairy gate shelters the kingdom, and the kingdom will also pay a certain amount of resources to the fairy gate every year.

Complement each other!

There are more than 1000 countries in the Northern Wilderness.

In addition to the monster clan, there are also wars between kingdoms and kingdoms.

Four continents, plus Middle Continent.

Northern Wilderness is the most chaotic continent.

The biggest factor lies in the Yaozu.

In the battle of the kingdom, most of the monsters are behind the promotion.

However, the biggest thing for the Yaozu is the struggle with the Human Race Xianmen.

Once the Yaozu decides to attack, [-]% of them cannot stop it.

However, under normal circumstances, the Yaozu will not launch an extermination of the country.

Massacres of cities may happen, but the destruction of countries is rare.

Unless the kingdom offends a monster giant.

This situation cannot be prevented.

Born in the chaotic place of the Northern Wilderness, there is no way.

Without the protection of the top immortal holy land of the human race, disasters would inevitably arise.

Unless your dynasty is strong enough.

Strong enough to suppress demons in one body.

And this kind of situation is almost impossible to exist in the Northern Wilderness.

The strength of the Northern Wilderness Monster Clan is too great.

Just a kingdom of ten thousand demons.

That may be more terrifying than the sum of several holy places.

To stabilize the Northern Wilderness, unless the Holy Land of Central Continent joins hands, it may still be possible.

But the price must be huge.

The leader of the Northern Wilderness Monster Clan, the Queen of Ten Thousand Monsters, is not comparable to ordinary supreme beings.

It is a terrifying existence that has been cultivated to an extremely high level, infinitely close to the invincibility of Yangshen.


The wind is sunny and the sky is clear and refreshing!
Beilingzong, thousands of miles away, there was a void, the air suddenly split, and two figures stepped out.

One was covered in black robes, while the other looked more like a young scholar.

The void manifested, and the two descended on a mountain.

The young scholar had one hand behind his back, and his gaze seemed to be able to cut through time and space, seeing scenes beyond endless time and space.

The black-robed man followed behind the young scholar, bowed slightly, and said: "Lord Zhetian, we are almost at Beilingzong, and the situation under investigation, this human monk who came from the Eastern Wasteland is very scary, please also Mr. Zhetian careful."

"Do you think this seat is not the enemy of this person?"

The young scholar said lightly.

Hearing this, the black-robed man tensed up instantly, sweat dripped from his forehead, and immediately knelt down on one knee, with a look of panic on his face:
"This subordinate dare not, Lord Zhetian please forgive me!"

"Okay, get up, and follow me to meet this person for a while."

The young scholar said lightly.

The black-robed man stood up, and in the next second, the figures of the two disappeared on the top of the mountain.




A ray of divine light soared into the sky, and Jiang Che passed through the guardian formation of the Northern Spirit Sect, and came to the void outside the formation.

And at this moment, Xu Ling'e looked at Jiang Che who was in the void outside the formation, just about to fly into the sky, when suddenly, Jiang Che's voice came from her ear.

"Stay in the sect, don't come out, the demon has come!"

Xu Ling'e's pupils shrank, and her delicate body stood still for an instant.

And at this moment, Xuanzhen also received Jiang Che's voice transmission.

After stepping out of the hall, Xuanzhen looked at Jiang Che in the void with an incomparably dignified expression.


The fairy has really come!
And at this moment, outside Beilingzong, in the void of a mile, a space crack was torn open, and two figures stepped out from the void.

And at this moment, Xuan Zhen and Xu Ling'e's eyes also looked at these two figures descending from the void.

One is a man in black robe, while the other one is a young man who looks elegant.

The black-robed man was filled with a demonic aura, shaking the void.

He is indeed a peak demon saint!
But the elegant young man beside him didn't seem to have any breath overflowing.

Standing in the void, there is no evil spirit spreading around his body.

But in the pair of pupils, there was inadvertently a look of disdain for the world, and the aura emanating from the invisible, made people feel a strong sense of oppression from the depths of their souls.

Like a living fairy!

An invisible sense of oppression swept over.

In the void, Jiang Che remained motionless, looking at this elegant young man.

As for the peak demon saint beside him, he just ignored it.

The eyes meet, the void collides.

Jiang Che's spirit tensed up in an instant.

under pressure!
However, bear it!
"Yes, courage is fine."

At this time, the elegant young man's voice sounded, very plain, but it contained inexplicable spiritual power.

"Your Excellency is the Demon Immortal Shrouding the Sky!"

Without the slightest fear, Jiang Che watched the elegant young man speak.

The elegant young man looked at him, and suddenly smiled: "It seems that you know that this seat is coming!"

"Probably." Jiang Che replied.

One question and one answer, without the slightest murderous intent, it seems like a friend.

(End of this chapter)

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