I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 193 Fighting against the sky and killing the flesh

Chapter 193 Fighting against the sky and killing the flesh
"You killed my subordinate, how do you think this matter should be resolved?"

The voice of the Demon Immortal Shrouding the Sky sounded, and there was no trace of anger in his tone.

Looking at Jiang Che, the dark pupils were filled with terrifying spiritual power.

In the primordial spirit, an invisible oppression swept over.

"Natural selection, survival of the fittest, death, it's normal." Jiang Che's tone was flat, and his voice sounded.

"You probably forgot what this place is. The Northern Wilderness is not another continent. Human races are not qualified to be the masters of the Northern Wilderness!"

The voice of the Shrouding Demon Immortal sounded again.

This time, there seemed to be a real fire, and the clear sky was covered with dark clouds in an instant, and dazzling lightning flashed, directly triggering the vision of heaven and earth.

Beilingzong looked up and down, looking at the void outside the mountain gate with pairs of eyes. At this moment, it seemed that time had frozen.

Jiang Che stood in the void, his figure completely motionless.

And at this moment, a majestic divine power suddenly erupted from the body of the Demon Immortal Shrouding the Sky.


A thunderclap tore through the sky, and the aura shook the sky!

The majestic pressure rushed in like a tide.

The surrounding void instantly swayed like water ripples, continuously spreading around.

The guardian formations of the Northern Spirit Sect all aroused a strong light.

However, under Jiang Che's transformation, the Northern Spirit Sect's protective formation is also stronger than before, able to resist stronger forces.

But even with the protection of the formation, the whole sect felt a sense of death-like oppression.

From the oppression of the soul!

A strong sense of oppression makes people feel almost suffocated.

The aura of the Supreme Thunder Tribulation is like the might of heaven, irresistible!
The breath of death permeates everyone's heart.

It seems that in the next second, the soul will fly away.


A ray of golden light rose from Jiang Che's body, his terrifying aura was instantly torn apart, and he stood in the void, his expression still not changing at all.

Seeing that Jiang Che was not affected by the momentum in the slightest, a gloomy look flashed in the eyes of Yaoxian Zhetian.

"A very good human cultivator. I don't kill the unknown. If you report your name, you will die well!"

The voice of the Shrouding Demon Immortal resounded again, like thunder rolling in, shaking the void.

"Kill me, I'm afraid you are not enough!"

Jiang Che's voice sounded, and in the next breath, his figure directly soared into the sky.

From the Baizhang Void, I came directly to the Wanzhang Void.


With a movement, the figure of the Yaoxian who shrouded the sky also disappeared into the void and came to the void.


Here, the innate wind is everywhere, and the sea of ​​clouds is churning.

The terrifying wind of heaven and earth, like a bone-scraping steel knife, kept coming.

"Clang clang!!"

Sparks arose all over Jiang Che.

Wind blades formed by a series of strong winds struck, but they did not have much impact on his physical body.

Above the sea of ​​clouds, the aura spread, and with the next breath, the wind of heaven and earth was instantly blocked by an invisible force, unable to get close at all.

Standing above the sea of ​​clouds, Jiang Che looked at the Demon Immortal Shrouding the Sky.

The terrifying momentum collided, but no one was affected.

It was the first time to fight against the Supreme Thunder Tribulation head-on.

Jiang Che was very nervous, but full of boundless fighting spirit.

He didn't know where his own limit was.

Today is the verification time!
Outside the Beiling Sect, the black-robed demon saint looked at the sky, and then turned his eyes to the Beiling Sect's mountain gate.

The breath in his body was about to move, but he held back for the time being.

Before Jiang Che died, he could not act rashly.

The aura of this human cultivator, he actually felt as unfathomable as that of the demon fairy who shrouded the sky.

Without absolute certainty, he had to endure it.

At this moment, Xu Ling'e, Xuan Zhen, and a group of high-level officials of the Northern Spirit Sect also turned their gazes to the Void.

At this moment, their nerves were also tense.

Jiang Che was defeated by the Demon Immortal Shrouding the Sky, and if he fell, they would be buried with him.

To destroy a Northern Spirit Sect, for the existence of the Supreme Thunder Tribulation, it was just a flick of a finger.

The hopes of all the people in the sect were pinned on Jiang Che alone.

Can the catastrophe be survived.

No one has the slightest grasp.



The majestic momentum collided, and the surrounding deep sea of ​​clouds was torn apart, directly clearing out a piece of blue void.

"I haven't met such a human race for a long time. If you can block this seat, then I can go around Baiyue."

The voice of the Shrouding Demon Immortal resounded.

Jiang Che looked at him, his expression still calm: "Try it!"

As soon as the words fell, the soaring sword intent in his body exploded.

One after another sword shadows appeared behind him, gathering together like shining divine swords.

Two million sword shadows were instantly activated.

Formed a vast ocean of sword shadows, all over the void!

The Great Void Sword Art was pushed to the extreme by him!

Looking at the sword shadow behind Jiang Che, the calm look on Yaoxian Zhetian disappeared instantly, and then changed into a solemn look.


The robe fluttered, a majestic aura rippling out, and a powerful golden light burst out.

The two shot at the same time.

Infinite sword shadows collided with the golden light.


The void shattered, and a terrifying brilliance exploded from the void.

Destruction-level power shatters the void.

Even though they were thousands of feet apart, everyone felt the ultimate blow.

It's like the power to destroy the world!

A series of sword shadows collided with the golden light.

The sword shadow was shattered, and the golden light was shattered!
The figures of the Shrouding Demon Immortal and Jiang Che were instantly submerged in the torrent.

The light dissipated, revealing the true face.

There was some turbulence in the breath of the two of them.

With one blow, it seems to be evenly divided.

Ke Zhetian Yaoxian's expression was very serious.

The blow just now made him feel a strong threat.

At this moment, the killing intent hidden in his heart exploded instantly.


Terrifying thunder and lightning flashed, the void distorted, and a majestic force gathered into one body, manifesting a stalwart figure like a god.

The power of heaven and earth is all controlled.


Peerless blow, launched instantly.

Jiang Che also felt an extreme sense of oppression.

At the same time, the Great Void Sword Art was launched.

Two million sword shadows form a vast ocean of sword shadows, forming a large void sword array, and instantly meet them!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The void collapsed, revealing a huge black hole, and the majestic power of destruction spread out.

The figures of Jiang Che and the Demon Immortal Shrouding the Sky disappeared into the void and fell into the black hole.

The infinite Sword Shadow Excalibur tore through the void, forming an overwhelming storm of sword energy, destroying everything.

The stalwart figure that manifested from the Demon Immortal Shrouding the Sky was instantly enveloped by the shadow of the sword in the void.

The tall body instantly collapsed and dissipated.

was directly destroyed.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Jiang Che's figure jumped out of the black hole.

The figure of the Demon Immortal Shrouding the Sky also appeared, and there was also a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.

Another blow collided, and the two were injured at the same time.

The qi and blood in the body were shaking and churning, and the primordial spirit trembled.

The eyes met, and Jiang Che launched the Great Void Sword Art again without hesitation.

Even the Supreme Thunder Tribulation would have to be injured.

The sword shadow of the Excalibur manifested again, seemingly endless.

"The world is shattered!"

The icy voice sounded, and the Shrouding Demon Immortal directly launched a big move, the vast golden light surged like a long river, and the black hole in the void had just healed and shattered again.

The ultimate blow collided together, instantly blasting the void.

The figures of the two were submerged again.


The Northern Spirit Sect looked at the terrifying battle in the vast void with a pair of eyes.

Even Xuan Zhen and Xu Ling'e could hardly catch the figures of Jiang Che and Yaoxian Zhetian.

The shock wave generated by the fight swept across.

The void collapsed inch by inch.

The entire mountain range near Beilingzong collapsed directly.

If Jiang Che's reformed guardian formation hadn't persisted, the Northern Spirit Sect might also be doomed.

Immortals fight, mortals suffer!
The confrontation between the two is like a real collision between immortals and gods.

Can't get close at all.

The black-robed demon saint ran a hundred miles away in one breath, and with the help of the Taoist body protection, he barely blocked the spreading power.

Looking at the huge black hole formed by the collapse of the sky, his heart trembled wildly.

This human cultivator was able to draw with the demon fairy who shrouded the sky!

This is incredible.

It has crossed the gap from Yuanshen to Leijie.

How big this gap is is the deepest feeling in the Yuanshen realm.

The demon immortal who covers the sky has the strength to kill him instantly.

In other words, this human monk also has the strength to kill him instantly.

This confirmed his thoughts even more.

Can't make a move.

He had to wait for this human monk to die before he could attack Beilingzong.

At the same time, all cultivators in Baiyue territory, Xuanwu Palace, and Qing Mingzong felt the changes in the world at this moment.

The source of this fluctuation comes from the Beiling Sect!

Even at such a long distance, you can feel the fluctuations from Beilingzong.

In Beilingzong, something important must have happened.

Under the communication, the head teachers of Xuanwu Sect and Qing Ming Sect got the answer in an instant.

The demon fairy who covers the sky from the demon clan has descended to the Northern Spirit Sect, and at this moment, he is fighting Jiang Che.

Upon receiving this news, Jin Xiong and Master Qing Ming immediately went to the Northern Spirit Sect.

It is also worthwhile to be able to witness the shocking battle like a fairy.

The most important point is the situation of Jiang Che and Yaoxian Shrouding the Sky.

With Jiang Che's defeat, the Beiling Sect will inevitably be destroyed.

Xuanwuzong and Qingming Zongze must not escape.

The Supreme Thunder Tribulation wanted to hunt him down, but they had absolutely no power to resist.



A shock wave of destructive level swayed from the void again.

The silhouettes of Jiang Che and the Demon Immortal Shrouding the Sky appeared.

Extremely fast confrontation.

Jiang Che felt the horror of the Supreme Thunder Tribulation.

The Thunder Tribulation Realm is three points more powerful than imagined.

Standing in the void of destruction, Jiang Che looked at the Demon Immortal Shrouding the Sky.

In the next breath, light burst out from Jiang Che's body, and two identical Jiang Ches appeared out of thin air.


The Yaoxian Zhetian saw through it instantly, but he didn't care at all.

Can the mere avatar technique work?

With a thought, the figures of hundreds of demon immortals covering the sky appeared.


It can also be understood that this is the primordial spirit that covers the sky!

The breath is not as good as the deity, but the strength erupted by hundreds of primordial spirits is equally terrifying.


Invoking one qi to transform the three qings, manifesting two clones, Jiang Che activated the Great Void Sword Art at the same time without hesitation.

The terrifying breath was released instantly.

At this moment, the face of Yaoxian Zhetian changed drastically.

The breath is exactly the same as the deity!
how can that be!

Even the primordial spirit manifested by thoughts cannot have the same strength as the deity.

"An illusion, it must be an illusion!"

Zhetian Yaoxian was certain in his heart, with a hundred thoughts and souls, he attacked instantly.

And at this moment, a total of 600 million sword shadows appeared in Wang Yang.

The primordial spirit of the demon fairy who covered the sky was torn apart in an instant.

From quantitative change to qualitative change.

With one strike, in an instant, hundreds of thoughts and primordial spirits were all destroyed by Jiang Che's Great Void Sword Art.


The void collapsed, and a terrifying storm of sword shadows rushed towards the Demon Immortal Shrouding the Sky.

Hundreds of thoughts were shattered, and Yaoxian Zhetian spurted out a mouthful of blood in an instant.

The light in the body surged, blasted out with one blow, and the sword shadow collapsed, and at the same time, the body retreated violently.


Jiang Che and the avatar made another move, directly pushing the Six Paths of Samsara to its peak.

The netherworld manifested behind him, and six resplendent divine caves appeared.



The lights of the Six Paths were activated instantly, destroying the void, and with a single attack, they blasted towards the Demon Immortal Shrouding the Sky.

This blow once again made his face change wildly.

It was a clone, but he had never seen such a perverted clone.

Exactly the same strength as the deity.


The ultimate move broke out, resisting the scour of the six rays of light, and the Yaoxian Zhetian spat out a mouthful of blood again.

Two clones that are exactly the same as the main body, this is not a superposition of one plus one.

The attack has multiplied more than multiple times.

His demon body vibrated violently.


The deity and the avatars simultaneously activated Closer to the End of the World, and instantly disappeared in place. In the next breath, the three Jiang Che appeared in front of the Demon Immortal Shrouding the Sky.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation manifested again, bombarded away, and directly knocked the Sky-Shading Demon Immortal into the air.

The monster's blood gushed out, and the monster's body was covered with blood. It was in a state of distress, and it was not as graceful as it was before.

"This...how is this possible!!"

The black-robed demon saint was dumbfounded.

How could Lord Zhetian, who was invincible in his heart, be vomited blood by a human cultivator at the peak of Yuanshen Realm?


False, must be false!

There was a hysterical roar in his heart.

Lord Zhetian is invincible!
A human monk will definitely die in the hands of Lord Zhetian!
At the same time, Beilingzong.

Xuanzhen, Xu Ling'e, and a group of Yuanshen elders from the Beiling Sect were also dumbfounded.

The Supreme Thunder Tribulation vomited blood after being beaten by Jiang Che.

Is his strength even more terrifying than the Demon Immortal Shrouding the Sky? ! !
This scene caused everyone to suffer an unprecedented shock wave.

Without witnessing it with his own eyes, who would have thought that a Thunder Tribulation Supreme would be beaten so miserably!

Thoughts were blown.

The infinite destructive power of the void spreads.

Without the slightest breath, Jiang Che directly launched the Great Void Sword Art, and Wang Yang, the 600 million sword shadow sword, reappeared.

Covering the sky and blocking the sun, it seems to have turned into a world of swordsmanship.

Completely block the Shrouding Demon Immortal.

The sword and shadow of the Excalibur continued to collapse, but the aura of the demon fairy that shrouded the sky was also continuously declining.

Three cleanses in one gas!

This is the most advanced method, even if it has not been cultivated to the peak.

But it's just as scary.

The avatar exploded, but it manifested in an instant.

Jiang Che seemed immortal.

Thousands of miles away, Master Qing Ming and Jin Xiong watched the devastating scene in the depths of the sky, they were stunned, and stood in place as if petrified.

The demon fairy who shrouded the sky was directly vomited blood from the beating.

Jiang Che completely had the upper hand.

This... this is Jiang Che's true strength! ! !

Destroyed with one blow, under the second Great Void Sword Art, the body of the Demon Immortal Shrouding the Sky was directly beheaded.

The physical body collapsed!

At the moment of shattering, the divine light of infinite thoughts rushed into the void.

Jiang Che launched the Great Void Sword Art, chasing and killing the primordial mind of the Yaoxian who shrouded the sky.

However, the thought of the primordial spirit traveled through the void, which was beyond his imagination.

Killed half of the primordial thoughts, and the remaining half ran away.

But this was also expected by Jiang Che.

Witnessing with his own eyes that Jiang Che cut off the body of the Demon Immortal Shrouding the Sky, and even killed more than half of his primordial spirit.

This stimulating scene left an indelible impression on everyone's minds.


The Demon Immortal Shrouding the Sky has been defeated!

Not only was he defeated, but his body was also beheaded. The defeat was not so tragic.

I have never seen such a miserable end for the Supreme Thunder Tribulation.

For a demon fairy, the only one who was beaten by the Yuanshen Realm was the Yuanshen thought and ran away.

The sky is empty, and the storm is howling.

The collapsed void gradually healed.

Of the three Jiang Ches, two disappeared in an instant, leaving only the last one.

Standing in the void, Jiang Che cast his eyes on the black-robed demon saint who was far below him.

The moment the gazes converged, the black-robed demon saint felt the approach of death.

Without saying a word, the black-robed demon saint turned and fled.

Lord Zhetian was beaten to the point where his body collapsed and his primordial spirit fled. Even though he knew that Jiang Che was exhausted now, he didn't have the slightest confidence to fight.

If you don't run, there is only a dead end!
But in the next second, a crystal-clear magic brush pierced through the void and directly killed the black-robed demon saint.

The only soul was shattered, and his soul flew away.

The demon book trembled, and Jiang Che put away the Renhuang pen.


When Renhuang's pen entered his body, Jiang Che spat out a mouthful of blood instantly.

The aura on his body fell like a cliff.

The true qi and mana in the body were directly exhausted.

The real oil is exhausted!
He also paid a huge price for killing the body of the Demon Immortal Shrouding the Sky and part of his soul.

Too much consumption.

Even the ability to fly in the void can hardly be maintained.

The 23-foot-tall primordial spirits all became sluggish and dull.

The power of the primordial spirit was activated, and Jiang Che came to the Northern Spirit Sect from the Void in one step.

The moment he landed, Jiang Che spat out another mouthful of blood.

The breath of life on his body dropped again.

It looks like it's dying, and it feels like it's about to die.

"Big Brother Jiang!"

Xu Ling'e was the first to come back to her senses, stepped forward, and came in front of Jiang Che. Looking at the extremely weak Jiang Che, she immediately took out a elixir and put it in his mouth. At the same time, her true energy poured into Jiang Che in his body, assisting him in absorbing the power of the elixir.

"It's okay, I'm going to adjust my breath first."

Jiang Che recovered a bit, and in the next second, the figure disappeared and directly entered the courtyard room.

A light flashed in front of him, and two heavenly armor puppets appeared.

Immediately, Jiang Che directly took out a Pure Yang Fairy Fruit and began to absorb the energy of the Pure Yang Fairy Fruit.

Seeing this, Xu Ling'e also directly stood guard in front of the gate of his courtyard. With a movement of her slender hand, a formation instantly enveloped Jiang Che's courtyard.

No one is allowed to come near!
At this moment, the hearts of everyone in the Northern Spirit Sect exploded as if a meteorite had been dropped.

The demon fairy who shrouded the sky was killed by Jiang Che and fled.

The physical body was cut off.

This is incredible.

It's like a dream.

The supreme and invincible existence of Lei Jie was beaten by Jiang Che, leaving only Yuanshen to flee.

A super storm blew through everyone's hearts in an instant.

And this moment.

Thousands of miles away, Master Qing Ming and Jin Xiong also came to their senses.

They saw the scene very clearly.

The body of the Demon Immortal Shrouding the Sky was directly blown away.

Life and death!

Only Yuanshen was left to escape.

Jiang Che's strength has already reached this level of terror? !

"Brother Qingming, I suddenly have an idea..."

At this time, Jin Xiong suddenly spoke.

Master Qingming came back to his senses and looked at Jin Xiong: "What do you think?"

"Let's take refuge..."

Jin Xiong let out a long sigh.

Master Qingming frowned and looked at him: "Take refuge? What do you mean?"

Jin Xiong glanced at him, and said: "The meaning is very simple, take refuge in the Beiling Sect, and the three sects will become one."

Hearing these words, Master Qingming fell silent for a moment.

After a long time, he looked at Jin Xiong and said, "Fellow Daoist Jin, are you willing to give up these hundreds of years of hard work?"

"It's not giving up." Jin Xiong shook his head, and then said: "I figured it out, we merged into one body, there will be greater benefits."

"This matter is too big, and I need to think about it."

Master Qing Ming said.

Jin Xiong glanced at him and said, "Yes, I'll wait for your reply."

"Would you like to visit Beilingzong?"

Master Qingming gazed at the void.

"I won't go for now, we'll talk about it when it stabilizes."

Jin Xiong thought for a while and said.

Master Qingming nodded, and immediately, the figures of the two disappeared in place.

Witnessing this epic battle today left an indelible impression on them.

Jiang Che's strength was far more terrifying than imagined.



Pairs of eyes looked towards Jiang Che's courtyard.

Xuan Zhen and a group of elders came to the gate of the courtyard.

Xu Ling'e stood in front of the courtyard and looked at them: "Brother Jiang is adjusting his breath to recover, and it will take some time. During this period, no one can disturb him, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Xuanzhen was the first to come back to his senses, nodded, looked at Xu Ling'e, and said, "Fellow Daoist Xu, thank you for your hard work, Fellow Daoist Jiang, isn't it serious?"

"It's okay, it's just too much consumption."

Xu Ling'e said.

"That's fine."

Xuan Zhen nodded, and the stone in his heart fell completely.

Looking at Jiang Che's courtyard, his heart was still turbulent.

Before, I thought that Jiang Che was comparable to the Supreme Master Lei Jie, and they were on par.

But Xuanzhen never imagined that Jiang Che's strength would be so terrifying.

All the demons and immortals covering the sky were killed, leaving only the primordial spirit to flee.

In addition to rejoicing, there is also deep respect.

They are also at the peak of Yuanshen, but the gap in strength is like a natural moat.

After recovering, Xuanzhen led a group of elders to retreat.

Only Xu Ling'e was left.

Watching Xuanzhen and the others leave, Xu Ling'e looked back at the courtyard with complicated eyes.

Defeating the Shrouding Demon Immortal is naturally something to be happy about.

However, only the Primordial Spirit remained after killing the Shrouding Demon Immortal.

I'm afraid that he completely offended the monster clan of the Northern Wilderness.

However, more people were shocked by Jiang Che's unfathomable strength.

The fog in my heart deepened.

She thought it was the pinnacle before, but now, it broke her imagination again.

"Uncle Xuan used to be the number one evildoer in Zhongzhou's Tianjiao list. I'm afraid Brother Jiang is no less inferior, even more perverted..."

A thought flashed in Xu Ling'e's mind, and then, her figure disappeared at the gate of the courtyard.

Jiang Che's courtyard was sealed off, and she could quickly sense any disturbance.

(End of this chapter)

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