I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 194 Birth of the Demon God's Blood Qilin

Chapter 194 Birth of the Demon God's Blood Qilin

A wild forest.

The void split open, and a ray of light descended from the void.

The light fell to the ground, and a figure appeared in the dead forest.

It is the demon fairy who shrouds the sky!
At this moment, his physical body has been destroyed, leaving only the primordial spirit.

Looking at the void, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

Never thought that he would lose so tragically.

The physical body was cut off.

His strength was lost by more than half.

"Damn guy, this revenge must be reported!"

There was murderous intent in the eyes of the Yaoxian Zhetian, and immediately, the primordial spirit spread, and with the next breath, his figure disappeared in place in an instant.

In the wild forest, a bloody smell permeated the forest.


A month passed in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Che's figure still hadn't stepped out of the room.

After a month of breath adjustment, his consumption finally returned to its peak.

After swallowing ten pure Yang fairy fruits and refining them completely, he completely recovered to the peak.

On the bed, Jiang Che opened his eyes.

In the Heavenly Court Shrine, the dim golden primordial spirit regained its golden light again.

Fighting against the Shrouding Demon Immortal, although the consumption is huge, the rewards are also huge.

After recovering to the peak, three-tenths of the true energy in the body has been transformed into mana.

The strength has improved by a small step again.

Under the mobilization of Qi Transformation and Sanqing, Jiang Che is able to fight against the Supreme of the Thunder Tribulation Realm.

If it reaches peak perfection.

His strength can continue to grow.

Moreover, the three avatars are not the limit of the three cleansing in one breath.

More clones can be differentiated.

It's just that, breaking through a layer, the difficulty factor has increased several times.

Even with Yuan Ling's aptitude, he only comprehended the second level.

After this battle, Jiang Che also understood the power of transforming three cleans with one breath.

Yuan Ling does not move, and is only responsible for comprehending this supreme supernatural power.

After cultivating into a triple clone, even if his cultivation base does not break through, then he still has the strength to destroy Lei Jie's Immortal.

But to really kill a Thunder Tribulation Immortal, the degree of difficulty is even higher.

To defeat and kill, he needs to be stronger.

And to fully upgrade.

However, he has already comprehended the secret of human immortality, if he gains the merits of heaven and earth again, then the possibility of him breaking through human immortality will increase a bit.

If you break through the Immortal, your own strength will increase again.

The Dao Divine Body will also reach new heights.

The most important point is that he can activate the mighty golden body of Fatianxiangdi, increasing his strength by a hundred times.

In the case of two clones, they also have the strength to kill Lei Jie's Immortal.

Further, it is earth-shaking!

But this step is not so easy to break through.

"Look at the reward first..."

When he came back to his senses, Jiang Che thought, and his consciousness penetrated into his mind.

Although he didn't kill Zhetian, he also killed the black-robed demon saint, and got the reward of the eighth rank of Zhou character.

It can be regarded as pulling a pad on the back.

The rich purple rewards the light cluster to shine brilliantly.

As soon as Jiang Che thought about it, he immediately began to withdraw the reward.

There was a flash of light in front of his eyes, and a drop of purple blood appeared in front of him.

This drop of purple blood is as smooth as mercury.

Very big.

It is about the size of an ordinary pill.

However, this purple blood exudes an extreme devilish energy.

At the same time, it also contains terrifying energy.

A drop of blood burst out?

Jiang Che was a little stunned.

This is the first time he has revealed this reward.

Containing such a pure demon energy, is this the blood of the demon race?

Just when Jiang Che felt surprised, a dark font appeared in his eyes instantly.

Blood of the Demon God: Blood containing the Qi of the Demon God. A drop of the blood of the Demon God can greatly increase the physical body, change the physique of the flesh, and greatly increase one's own power. …

"Blood of the Demon God!"

Jiang Che's eyelids twitched, and his heart couldn't help but twitch.

Good guy.

This kind of reward can also burst out! ?
Jiang Che looked at the blood of the demon god in front of him, full of astonishment.

Reward the Blood of the Demon God.


What is this existence?
The existence beyond the magic fairy is equal to the immortal sun god in the world.

For Jiang Che, a drop of Demon God's blood contained destructive energy.

Absorbing the blood of the demon god is enough to greatly strengthen his physical body.

But the problem is...

After absorbing the blood of the demon god, he will become a demon.

Although Jiang Che wanted to gain power, the price of becoming a demon was not worth it to him.

Become a demon, then he is the enemy of the whole world.

There is no place for him in the world.

"To absorb the blood of the Demon God, one must clear the Qi of the Demon God..."

Looking at the gradually dissipating characters, Jiang Che also came back to his senses.

Without removing the demon god's energy, he will definitely not be able to stop the erosion.

It will inevitably be turned into a demon.

"By the way, Dutian Shenhuo!"

A flash of inspiration flashed in Jiang Che's mind, and soon, an idea popped up in his mind.

Dutian fire can burn everything.

After the fusion, the power of Dutian Shenhuo is even more terrifying.

However, he was not absolutely sure whether he could clear away the Demon God's Qi.

But whatever, you have to give it a try.

In case it works.

Then there is great hope to step directly into the human immortal.

"Try it!"

When Jiang Che came back to his senses, with one thought and the next breath, Dutian Shenhuo appeared in his palm.

Instantly enveloped the blood of the demon god.

Jiang Che also stared intently, sensing the changes in the blood of the Demon God.

If it can't be cleared, then forget it.

The blood of the demon god is temporarily sealed, he doesn't want to become a demon.

If you erode the primordial spirit, it will still be your original self?

If it is not successful, the big deal is to wait until there is enough strength in the future, and it will not be too late to refine it.


An hour passed.

The blood of the Demon God was wrapped in Dutian Shenhuo, almost unchanged.

But just when he was about to give up, the blood of the demon god finally changed slightly.

The devil's aura contained in the blood of the devil is weakening.

After continuous burning, the blood of the demon god finally showed this slight change.

Although the change is not big, it is a very good start for Jiang Che.

"The contained energy has not been weakened..."


After careful sensing, Jiang Che's eyes instantly glowed.

Dutian Shenhuo can clear away the Qi of the Demon God.

this is a good news.

As long as it is completely removed, he can safely absorb this drop of Demon God's blood.

There is great hope for breaking through the Immortal!

"According to this situation, it should take several months to completely eliminate the demon god's aura..."

"Big project!"

Jiang Che came back to his senses and let out a breath.With a thought, he directly put Dutian Shenhuo and the wrapped Demon God's blood into the Heaven and Earth Spring and Autumn Map.

He could afford to wait for a few months.

After it is completely cleared, perhaps, if he steps into the Immortal, there will be hope.

Great hope!
After calming down, Jiang Che got up immediately.

Pushing open the door, looking at the sky, snowflakes are flying.

There was a chill in the air.

Natural snow scene.

Jiang Che gazed into the distance, and there was snow in the distance.

All of a sudden, I felt much more at ease.


With a dodge, Jiang Che came out of the courtyard gate.

And at this moment, Xu Ling'e also suddenly came out from the side yard.

Seeing Jiang Che with a red face, Xu Ling'e stepped forward: "Brother Jiang, have you recovered?"

"Well, it's recovered, thank you Dharma protector."

Jiang Che nodded.

Xu Ling'e smiled and said, "I should be the one thanking you. If you hadn't defeated the Demon Immortal Shrouding the Sky, I'm afraid the Beiling Sect would no longer exist."

"Unfortunately, I couldn't kill him."

Jiang Che sighed.

Xu Ling'e: "..."

I also want to kill a Thunder Tribulation Supreme...

Good guy!
This... well, he does have this possibility.

"Beheading the body, the primordial spirit has been severely injured. I believe that it will take at least several years or even longer for the demon fairy who shrouds the sky to recover to his peak." Xu Ling'e smiled.

"Next time we meet, I hope we can kill them." Jiang Che let out a breath.

Xu Ling'e's heart twitched.

But he also understands Jiang Che's obsession with monsters.

When it comes to slaying demons and demons, Jiang Che has never been merciful.

After a while, Xu Ling'e raised her head and looked at him with bright eyes: "Brother Jiang, you have recovered, so I am going to leave too, how about you?"

"I'm also going to leave, and I'll go to travel again to see if I can get some merits from heaven and earth and break through to immortality."

Jiang Che nodded.

"Breakthrough Immortal!!!"

Xu Ling'e's heart skipped a beat.

"Then I will congratulate you in advance, you will definitely be able to break through the Immortal." Xu Ling'e came back to her senses and said with a smile.

"Haha, maybe." Jiang Che smiled.

"Then how about we say goodbye together first?" Xu Ling'e looked at him and said.


Jiang Che nodded, and immediately, he and Xu Ling'e headed towards the main hall of the Northern Spirit Sect.

Go on foot.

Jiang Che was not in a hurry either.

The two walked in the snow, and met people from the Beiling Sect along the way.

Looking at Jiang Che's eyes, they were full of incomparable respect.


Arriving outside the main hall of the Northern Spirit Sect, Jiang Che stared blankly at a statue not far away.

Golden idol.

It is three feet tall.

Glittering gold.


And this idol is exactly like him.

Upon closer inspection, this is simply a statue made according to his appearance.

Who erected a statue for him?
At this time, Xu Ling'e who was on the side said, "This is a statue built by the head teacher of Beiling Sect. To thank you, every disciple worships the statue when he sees it, and the elders are no exception."

Jiang Che: "..."

Seeing the golden statue not far away, Jiang Che's heart twitched.

And erect a statue for him!
Looking at his god statue, Jiang Che felt a little awkward no matter how he looked at it.

Invisibly, he felt that this statue seemed to have some kind of cause and effect with him.

An invisible air passed into his body from the statue.

very light.

Even if it's his soul, it's hard to detect it if you don't feel it carefully.

"This is the smell of incense..."

Jiang Che's heart probably became clear.


When someone visits his statue, incense will be produced.

And this is also a method of practice.

However, very few people practice the way of incense.

First, this requires the practitioner to have a certain level of strength.

Second, incense practice is also very slow.

Of course, if there are more people visiting the shrine, especially those who are cultivators, it will be very fast.

However, this kind of practice method does not exist in Donghuang.

In the Western Wilderness Continent, it is very popular.

Many people practice Buddhism.

Absorb the incense of all living beings and improve your own realm.

The power of incense is also equivalent to the merits of heaven and earth and luck.

Worshipers must be pious and worship from the heart.

Can't be forced!

Otherwise it is invalid.

And while Jiang Che was in a daze, several Beilingzong disciples had already paid homage to the statue.

After the visit, the golden light on the statue is even more brilliant.

At the same time, Jiang Che also felt that the power of the incense had increased a little bit.

Although it is still weak, but this is tantamount to training in vain.

Jiang Che came back to his senses and looked at his god statue. He didn't say much, and continued to walk towards the main hall of the Northern Spirit Sect.

Entering the Great Hall of the Northern Spirit Sect with Xu Ling'e, Jiang Che soon saw Xuanzhen.

"Jiang Daoyou, have you recovered?"

Looking at Jiang Che, Xuan Zhen blinked and said.


Jiang Che nodded.

"Come here today, Jiang is here to ask for resignation. After this incident, I believe that Baiyue should be very stable in the future."

Looking at Xuanzhen, Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

"Please resign..."

Hearing this, Xuanzhen was slightly taken aback, and quickly came back to his senses: "Jiang Daoyou, you just recovered, why don't you stay here for a few more days."

Jiang Che shook his head, "No, I have other things to do, so I can't stay any longer. I will come again when I have time."

"Oh...that's fine." Xuan Zhen sighed.

Xu Ling'e also said something, Xuanzhen looked at the two of them, and then took out two storage rings.

"Jiang Daoyou, Xu Daoyou, this is a little bit of my heart, please accept it."

Jiang Che glanced at the storage ring, and put it away without being polite.

With a sweep of consciousness, there are three fifth-grade spiritual veins inside!
There are also some pills and so on.

It's nothing to him, but for Beilingzong, he has done his best.

"Sect Master Xuan, then we will leave first."

Xu Ling'e also accepted the storage ring and said with a smile.

"Congratulations to the two fellow daoists, I hope that the two fellow daoists can come to Beilingzong often as guests."

Xuan Zhen bowed and saluted.

Jiang Che nodded slightly, and immediately, he and Xu Ling'e stepped out of the hall.

With one step, he left Beilingzong.

When he came to the void outside the Northern Spirit Sect, Jiang Che looked at Xu Ling'e who was beside him, and said, "Fellow Daoist Xu, send hello to Uncle Meng for me. If I come to Central Continent in the future, I will definitely pay a visit!"


Xu Ling'e nodded slightly.

Jiang Che didn't say much, and turned around, ready to leave.

"Big Brother Jiang!"

Just as she turned around, Xu Ling'e suddenly spoke.

Jiang Che stopped, turned around and looked at Xu Ling'e: "What else is there?"

Xu Ling'e blushed and stepped forward quietly.

Jiang Che was even more puzzled.

But suddenly, there was a moist feeling on his face, and a lip print landed on his face.

Jiang Che was instantly petrified as if struck by lightning.

"Brother Jiang, you must remember to come to Zhongzhou Taishang Dao, I will wait for you to come and see me."

Xu Ling'e's voice came from beside his ear, and when Jiang Che came back to his senses, Xu Ling'e had disappeared without a trace.

There is still a faint fragrance in the air.

Jiang Che looked at the direction Xu Ling'e left, and his heart trembled inexplicably.


When the golden soul moved, Jiang Che quickly calmed down.

"She...isn't in love with me?"

Jiang Che blinked.

The sudden kiss really caught him off guard.

His mind was heavy, and his mind was not so heavy when he was fighting against the Demon Immortal Shrouding the Sky.

Wiping the lip marks on his face, Jiang Che looked at the sky.

He doesn't shy away from the love of the world.However, try to avoid this situation.

He felt that it was not the time for men to love women.

"Probably just out of gratitude..."

A thought arose in Jiang Che's mind, and Jiang Che chased away the distracting thoughts. His figure flashed and disappeared into the void.


Yuan Dynasty.

This is a country in the Northern Wilderness.

The population is not strong, but there are quite a few.

Yuan Dynasty, royal city, suburbs.

Jiang Che's figure appeared.

Coming out of Baiyue Kingdom, he followed the route of the Yuhua Xianmen ruins.

Now, a month has passed.

The Yuan Dynasty was also the ninth kingdom he passed by.

Looking at Wang Cheng, Jiang Che's yin and yang sky eyes opened silently.

In the sky above the royal city, the flames of the world of mortals burned blazingly, spreading all over the void.

The dragon form formed by the true spirit of luck is entrenched in the depths of the fire of the world of mortals.

Maybe it was aware of Jiang Che's existence, the true spirit of luck entrenched in the depths of the world of mortals took a look and curled up as hard as possible.

It seems to be afraid of him.

The true spirit of luck in the Yuan Dynasty is similar to the spirit of luck in Baiyue.

In the Northern Wilderness, the same is true for most of the kingdom's luck spirits.

There are only a few large kingdoms where the spirit of luck is slightly stronger.

Looking at Wang Cheng, Jiang Che immediately closed the Yin-Yang Sky Eye.

"After passing through the Yuan Dynasty, we should almost arrive at the site of Yuhua Xianmen..."

Jiang Che calculated, and at the same time corresponded to the road map in his mind.

He also wanted to see the situation at the site of Yuhua Xianmen, the top immortal gate that once dominated the Northern Wilderness.

The most important thing is about the situation of the demon heavenly book.

Jiang Che remembered this very deeply.

When he was in Beilingzong, he heard the legend description for the first time, and he felt that even if the demon book is not the demon book, there should be some kind of connection.

If all the secrets of this golden finger can be discovered, it will definitely have a huge impact on him.

Of course, the chances of finding a trace are slim.

After all, Yuhua Xianmen was destroyed ten thousand years ago.

If there are ruins, many people must have been there.

Jiang Che didn't expect to find any treasures, but he would be satisfied if he could track down the traces of the demon heavenly book.


Just when Jiang Che was about to enter the royal city, suddenly, his footsteps stopped.

A ray of primordial spirit instantly entered the world map of spring and autumn.


Yuanshen came to the side of the unicorn egg, and Jiang Che watched the golden unicorn egg crack.

"The little guy is finally born!"

Seeing the cracks appearing on the unicorn egg, Jiang Che's eyes flashed with excitement.

The cracks continued to spread, and soon spread all over the egg body.

Finally, it was completely broken, and a black creature the size of a palm appeared in his eyes.

"This is……"


Looking at the black creature born from the golden unicorn egg, Jiang Che was stunned.

It's dark and not autumnal, it doesn't look like the legendary unicorn at all!
Qilin looks like this? ?

Jiang Che's heart twitched.

A black unicorn appeared, this appearance...

Why do you feel so unreliable!

Jiang Che took a closer look at the palm-sized black unicorn.

It's Kirin, that's right.

But that's the look...too dark, right?
How could a black unicorn be born? ?

"No, this is Mo Qilin!"

Jiang Che's eyes flashed, and he suddenly discovered the clue.

It is very black, but it has a kind of luster flow.

It's not a black unicorn, but an ink unicorn!
The unicorn family, the most special kind of unicorn.

Common fire unicorns, jade unicorns, water unicorns, ... and the rarest one is black unicorns!

Compared with other kinds of unicorns, Mo Qilin is not well-known.

But among the Qilin clan, Mo Qilin is the strongest.

Possesses the supernatural powers of many unicorns.

Be a super unicorn!
Jiang Che came back to his senses, and at this moment, the little guy wobbled to the broken golden eggshell, clicked a few bites, and ate the whole golden eggshell.


After eating the golden eggshell, the little guy's body instantly burst into a light like black jade.

In an instant, the palm-sized ink unicorn grew to the size of a dirt dog.

The size became larger, and all of a sudden, it changed from a dark and unslick image to an extraordinary image of a steed.

Looking at Jiang Che's primordial spirit, Mo Qilin let out a few growls.

It seemed to be greeting him.

With a thought, Jiang Che instantly took Mo Qilin out of the Spring and Autumn Map of Heaven and Earth.

Appearing out of nowhere, Mo Qilin looked at Jiang Che in front of him and rubbed his head against his leg.

Very intimate.

Jiang Che squatted down, carefully looked at the Mo Qilin in front of him, and reached out to touch its two horns.


The moment the palms touched, the two small horns suddenly emitted a rich dark green light.


The sound of thunder exploded in the sky, dark clouds instantly covered the sky, and at the same time, there was a strong wind blowing and hunting.

Jiang Che looked up at the sky, seeing this astonishing scene, his eyes became brighter.

Looking at Mo Qilin, Jiang Che sensed its aura. The Qi and blood born of Mo Qilin was astonishing.

It is almost comparable to the existence of Jindan in the early stage.

So powerful from birth.

And this kind of heaven and earth beast will only have the first calamity when it crosses the soul.

This is also a unique advantage.

No way, envy can't come!

Jiang Che put down his hand, and the vision of the sky also disappeared.

Mo Qilin looked at him with a pair of eyes, and stuck out his tongue to lick his palm.

Looking at this little guy, Jiang Che was in a great mood.

When Qilin was born, he felt that his invisible luck had increased a lot.

There is no way to check luck, but with his realm of primordial spirit, it is enough to sense the changes in himself.

When Qilin was born, his personal luck was improved.

As soon as Jiang Che raised his hand, a blood-colored pill the size of a longan appeared in his hand.

Exudes majestic vitality and energy.

This is the Life Pill that Jiang Che refined with the flesh and blood of a demon saint.

It is also a ration prepared for Mo Qilin.

Looking at the Life Pill in Jiang Che's hand, Mo Qilin's eyes lit up immediately.

Jiang Che didn't tease it either, and let him eat the life pill directly.

The life pill refined by the flesh and blood of the demon saint has a huge energy of life essence.

However, Mo Qilin was born with the body of a beast, so it is not difficult to absorb it.

The whole body exudes black jade luster.

Along with the absorption of life pill, the volume of Mo Qilin is also increasing.

The essence energy contained in a life pill is also very large, and Mo Qilin's strength is still very weak, and it will take a certain amount of time to absorb it.

Jiang Che directly included it in the Spring and Autumn Map of Heaven and Earth.

Now, Mo Qilin's strength is really a pet to him.

But it has great potential and is worth cultivating.

Otherwise, Jiang Che wouldn't spend his spiritual veins to feed him.

The peak of growth, Mo Qilin, is more terrifying than other unicorns.

Seeing that Mo Qilin was quietly absorbing the energy of the Life Pill, and his aura continued to rise, Jiang Che withdrew his mind, moved his figure, and headed for the royal city of the Yuan Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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