Enter the royal city.

Jiang Che wandered around the royal city.

"The people here...why do you feel something is wrong?"

While wandering around, Jiang Che discovered a clue.

This clue is almost ignored.

Whether it is a cultivator or a mortal, the people here seem to have a weak soul.

Even the practitioners I meet are like this.

There are nine souls out of ten, and there is a feeling of malaise.

It was almost imperceptible, but with his powerful primordial spirit, Jiang Che still discovered this subtle problem.

The slightest flaw in the soul.

It seemed nothing, but Jiang Che felt that it was definitely not something natural.

It is caused by acquired methods.

It seems that most people have their souls extracted.

Adding up the Wangcheng, there are tens of millions of people.

Ninety percent of people are like this.

One person's soul is extracted a little, and the souls of thousands of people are extracted. This is probably a big deal.

If his primordial spirit hadn't been terrifying enough, surpassing the peak primordial spirit dozens of times, I'm afraid he wouldn't have discovered this small problem.

"Caused by the rules of heaven and earth?"

"probably not."

"It must be something that the demon has done in the dark..."

The thought came to mind, and Jiang Che's mind instantly calmed down.

It is too common for monsters to attack humans in the Northern Wilderness.

However, this was the first time he encountered such a spiritual problem.

More than [-]% of the city is like this, it is definitely not born.

There must be a demon.

It's just that Jiang Che hasn't found any trace of this big guy yet.

After wandering around for half an hour, he chose an inn to stay.

After calculating the route, he will be able to enter the Yuhua Xianmen ruins in about a few days.


late at night.

Dark clouds cover the sky, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse.

The bustling royal city also fell into silence.

Jiang Che, who was practicing while sitting cross-legged on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes.

Looking out the window, his brows frowned slightly.

Just now, he seemed to sense a breath.

It's the demon aura of the demon clan!

It's not just an ordinary demon clan, but the aura of a top demon saint.

Jiang Che is not interested in taking action against ordinary monster races.

However, he is interested in top-level demon saints, who can give out cosmic-level rewards.


With a flash of dim light, Jiang Che's figure instantly disappeared in place.

In the next second, he came to the sky above the royal city.

Standing above the dark clouds, Jiang Che concealed his aura and merged with the heaven and the earth.

After waiting for a while, a shadow came at a high speed outside the royal city.

In an instant, he came to the royal city.

Among the dark clouds, Jiang Che looked at the demon saint who had entered the royal city, his eyes flickering slightly.

He felt like he had never seen the body of this demon saint.

A very special kind of monster.

Extremely fast thoughts flashed through his mind, and suddenly, Jiang Che thought of a monster.

Dream swallowing beast.

This is a special monster that feeds on souls.

Create a spiritual illusion and let it sink.

Good at extremely strong Yuanshen attack.

And entering the dreamland is very dangerous.

The means of intrusion are hard to guard against.

If you are not careful, your dreams will be eroded, and your soul will be sucked dry in the end.

This kind of monster is rare.

Jiang Che slayed demons and eliminated demons, and many demons died in his hands, but he had never met this kind of special demons.

Still a top demon saint.

Dream Swallowing Beast also has a direct name, Dream Demon!
Looking at the shadow of the succubus incarnate, Jiang Che suddenly understood why the souls of the people in this royal city had problems.

Dare to be absorbed by this product.

Unscrupulous plunder in front of the true spirit of luck.

Its method is also very strong.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the true spirit of luck is helpless.

This possibility is great!

After all, this succubus is also a peak demon saint.


Entering the royal city, under the starlight, the middle-aged man transformed by the succubus appeared in the void of the royal city.


Standing in the void, the middle-aged man opened his hands, and a powerful mental wave swept across the city in an instant.

Create dreams and suck the souls of the whole city.

If one person smoked a little, the sum would be inconceivable.

This kind of dream created by a peak-level demon saint can't be noticed even by ordinary Yuanshen realm practitioners.

This is also the reason to be unscrupulous.

After all, this is the Northern Wilderness.

To borrow a sentence from the Yaoxian who covered the sky, this place is the territory of the Yaozu.

Most of the human race can only linger on.

This is the case with Xianmen.

After all, a continent without a top-level Supreme can only accept reality.

Under Jiang Che's gaze.

A layer of primordial light bloomed from the succulent's whole body.

In Jiang Che's eyes, he could clearly see countless soul power pouring into the body of the succubus.

Breath continues to improve.

This succubus seems to know the principle of killing chickens and extracting eggs. Everyone in the city smokes some. Ordinary people take a small amount, and cultivators can increase some.

Suck the soul, but not clean it all at once.

Of course, there is another possibility. It's not that the Dream Demon is kind, but that he can't bear such a huge soul power.

The soul power of tens of millions of people, among them, there are some practitioners.

If you suck all of them clean, you will have to hold on to death.

"It's so cool~"

Just as the succubus continued to suck the souls of the entire city, a faint voice suddenly fell into the succubus' ears.

The light and fluttering voice was like a thunderclap exploding in the succubus' ears, and he woke up in an instant.

In front of him, a young Taoist in a blue Taoist robe appeared.

He was looking at himself playfully.

From this young Taoist, the Dream Demon felt an extreme crisis.


In the next breath, without hesitation, the Dream Demon instantly cast his strongest supernatural power, and directly pulled Jiang Che into the dreamland.

The environment changes instantly.

He was still in the sky above the royal city just now, and in the next second, he came to a place of ice and snow.

It felt so real, I couldn't even tell it was a dream.

The Dream Demon's magical powers in dreams are indeed at their peak!

"Haha, human beings, if you want to die yourself, then you can't blame me."

Unscrupulous laughter sounded, and the voice of the succubus came from all directions.

Jiang Che stood in the void, his expression unchanged.

Suddenly, a thunderbolt exploded in the sky, and a terrifying thunderbolt struck directly at him.

Standing in the void, Jiang Che lightly raised his hand, and the thunder that hadn't approached was instantly shattered.


"Sure enough, there are two tricks, but in the dream, I am the master, and you will never want to leave the dream."

The voice of the succubus came again, Jiang Che's eyes flashed, he clenched his fist with one hand, looked into a little void, and punched out.


The void exploded, people were blown up, and the terrifying shock wave shook the entire ice and snow world, as if it was about to collapse at any time.

And at this moment, in the bursting void, the figure of the succubus appeared.


Taking one step forward, Jiang Che came in front of the succubus in an instant, and directly grabbed the succubus' neck with one hand.

"That's it?"

Looking at the succubus, Jiang Che spoke in a flat tone.

And at this moment, fear appeared on the Dream Demon's face.

"Impossible, in the dream world, you can't lock mine!"

The Dream Demon kept struggling, but still couldn't escape Jiang Che's palm.

"Dream powers are really good, but unfortunately... your powers haven't reached the level where you can threaten me."

Jiang Che's faint voice sounded, and immediately, his primordial spirit erupted.

The bright thunder god thorns appeared instantly.

Terrible breath filled the air.

"Then if you are used to attacking with spiritual power, then try my spiritual attack."


As soon as the words fell, thousands of thick Thunder God thorns forcibly penetrated into the Dream Demon's body.

The lightning flashed, and the miserable sound of pain resounded instantly.


The extreme pain made the succubus scream continuously.

Tear his primordial spirit apart.

Back then Jiang Che was able to kill the Demon Immortal's Will with the Thunder God Thorn, but now, his soul has turned the world upside down, and it is even easier to deal with a peak demon saint Dream Demon.

"Senior, senior, don't kill me, I am the subordinate of Tianshi Yaoxian, you... If you kill me, you will definitely be hunted down by Lord Tianshi!"

The voice of the succubus came from within the thunder, and while begging for mercy, he did not forget to threaten him.

He knew he was kicking the iron.

This terrifying human monk is no match for himself.

I can only hope that the name of Tianshi Yaoxian can calm this person down. With this person's strength, it is impossible not to know the existence of Tianshi Yaoxian.

Jiang Che remained indifferent.

Do you want to scare yourself with the name of a fairy?

Are you being too naive?
Even if the demon fairy came, he would not show mercy.

"Pre...Senior, don't kill me. I am useful. I can create beautiful dreams for your lord. I can create any dream you want. I just ask you to spare my life. I will serve you all my life."

Seeing that Jiang Che was indifferent, the succubus continued to change his words and begged for mercy.

But Jiang Che remained indifferent.

Not only did Thor's thorns not disappear, but there were more of them.

Seeing this scene, the succubus let out a hysterical roar.

"Humans who ride horses, you must die badly, Lord Tianshi will definitely avenge me."

"God damn human, I remember you, Huangquan hell, I'm waiting for you!"

"Fuck you uncle!"

"You, Ma De, will die badly, and you will definitely be hacked into pieces by Lord Tianshi..."

The dream demon cursed wildly, but his voice became smaller and smaller.

In the end, he was completely assassinated by Thor and killed Yuanshen.

The demon book vibrated, and a reward of the ninth rank of the cosmic word emerged.

The dream demon died, and the dreamland also completely collapsed.

The royal city was empty, and a purple monster corpse appeared.

This is the body of the Dream Swallowing Beast.

Jiang Che pocketed it with a wave of his hand.

Completely exterminate the succubus and destroy the primordial spirit, Jiang Che will not devour the primordial spirit.

This method may have been used in the past, but after stepping into the primordial spirit, Jiang Che will no longer use the method of devouring the primordial spirit.

There were too many impurities, and he was too lazy to use Dutian Shenhuo to burn them.

The soul of the primordial spirit devoured did not improve him much.

It can be said that not only is there no benefit, but only disadvantages.

So now, he basically kills people with their souls.

The primordial spirit is annihilated, the soul is scattered, the bones are crushed, and the demon completely loses the chance to be reincarnated.

Bury a dragon and maintain the fine traditional virtues.


Just when Jiang Che was about to return to the inn, suddenly, in the depths of the sky, a golden light of merit appeared, and a wave of merit from heaven and earth poured into his body in an instant.

Instantly, Jiang Che's breath rose.

Yuanshen directly reached the terrifying Yuanshen of 24 feet!
The mana in the body was directly compressed and converted to four percent.

The merits of heaven and earth saved him several months of hard work in an instant.

The body trembled.

The strength increased a little again.

Nine hundred dragons are in their early days.

Just after absorbing the merits of heaven and earth, Jiang Che once again felt the power of luck pouring into his body.

In the sky above Wangcheng, the Spirit of Luck thanked him for his feedback.

Once again, his strength increased by one point.

After killing the dream demon, the true spirit of luck will also feel it. Although this pure power of luck is not as powerful as the merits of heaven and earth, it can also increase his strength by a bit.


As soon as Jiang Che's figure moved, he disappeared in the same place in an instant, and in the next second, he came in front of the true spirit of luck.


Looking at Jiang Che, the spirit of luck in the Yuan Dynasty trembled, expressing his gratitude.

Jiang Che smiled and looked at the true spirit of luck: "It's what I should do to eliminate demons and protect the way, and I will help you too."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Che raised his hand, and majestic power poured into the body of the True Spirit of Luck.

In the next breath, the breath of the true spirit of luck soared directly, reaching its peak.

The luck that had been lost before was restored in an instant.


The Spirit of Luck sent out a happy thought, and Jiang Che understood what it meant, and smiled slightly: "You're welcome, let's help each other."

In the next second, Jiang Che's figure disappeared out of thin air and returned to the inn.

The True Spirit of Luck also came back to his senses, entrenched in the void of the royal city, and expressed his gratitude to Jiang Che again.


Inn, in the room.

Jiang Che's figure appeared.

This time, I made a lot of money.

Slaying a succubus also received a heaven and earth merit reward.

Jiang Che felt at ease.

It was also the first time for Jiang Che to slay a special monster like the succubus.

The main body was not wasted, and it was directly refined into a life pill.

The flesh and blood of the demon saint level also contains a huge amount of energy.

Mo Qilin's rations are also enough to keep him full.

After tidying up, Jiang Che focused on the rewards.

The reward of the ninth rank of Zhou Zi.

Jiang Che calmed down, and as soon as he thought about it, he immediately began to withdraw the reward.


With a flash of light, an object appeared in his eyes.

A purple pill.

The diffuse breath caused his soul to vibrate strongly.

The dark font also manifested in his eyes.

False God Pill: The elixir that greatly enhances the primordial spirit can strengthen one's own primordial spirit...

"Void God Pill..."

Looking at the font in his eyes, Jiang Che came back to his senses.

Being able to cause his primordial spirit to vibrate is enough to prove the strength of this elixir.

Looking at the Void God Pill in his hand, Jiang Che swallowed it in one gulp.


In the Heavenly Court Shrine, the golden primordial spirit shone with light, and the medicinal power of the Void God Pill was instantly absorbed by the golden primordial spirit.

Jiang Che circulated the thoughts of the gods and kings of the heavens, and began to assist in refining.


The night passed quickly, and Jiang Che also absorbed the medicinal power of the Void God Pill overnight.

Yuanshen was promoted again, reaching a height of 25 feet.

Sitting cross-legged in the Heavenly Court Shrine, he was like a god.

Exudes a surging power of primordial spirit.

25 Zhang Yuanshen.

Compared with the general Yuanshen peak, it is dozens of times.

Both eyes opened, and a light flashed in the black and white pupils. Jiang Che breathed out a foul breath, and then got up.

The spell cleans the whole body, and the spirit is instantly full.

Jiang Che followed and left the room.

Check out and leave.

After passing through the royal city, Jiang Che continued to soar into the sky.


"Big again!"

Jiang Che's consciousness penetrated into the Spring and Autumn Map of Heaven and Earth, and looked at Mo Qilin.

From the size of a puppy, it directly became the size of an adult dog.

The light of black jade flowing around the body is extraordinary.

The aura also reached the middle stage of Golden Core all of a sudden from the early stage of Golden Core.

A life pill refined from the flesh and blood of a demon saint greatly improved Mo Qilin.

However, in his eyes, this level of strength was still not enough. Jiang Che took out three life pills and let Mo Qilin continue to absorb them.

It is only useful when you break through the primordial spirit.

Watching Mo Qilin fall into a deep sleep state and absorb the life pill, Jiang Che retreated.

"I don't know what happened to that Chaos Tengu..."

Jiang Che sensed the soul imprint of Chaos Tengu.

Judging from the soul imprint, he could feel that Chaos Tengu's strength should be constantly improving.

After entering the Northern Wilderness, Jiang Che didn't pay much attention to the change of Chaos Tengu's soul imprint.

Dimmed several times, then came alive again.

It would be best to be able to grow by itself, as long as nothing happened to this guy.

Being beaten and injured is also considered training.

Growth, after all, is accompanied by pain and improvement.

Jiang Che didn't pay much attention either.

Just don't die.

Walking on the clouds, looking through the sea of ​​clouds, overlooking the mountains and rivers.

A long river turns, stretching as far as the eye can see.

Like a crouching dragon, it occupies the ground without end.

While hurrying along, Jiang Che was also paying attention to the changes in Dutian Shenhuo.

After burning for more than a month, part of the Demon God's Qi in the Demon God's Blood was also cleared.

But even half of it was far away. Jiang Che reckoned that it would take several months for Dutian Shenhuo to completely remove the demon god's energy from the demon god's blood.

The blood of Yangshen Supreme.

Although it is not blood essence, the energy contained in it is also very surging.

This is also his hope of breaking through the Immortal.

He has become more and more clear about the understanding of immortals.

After the demon god's energy in the demon god's blood is completely eliminated, he can try to use the demon god's blood to attack the realm of the immortal.

The perception contained in a drop of Demon God's blood is also very terrifying.

Stepping into the Immortal, his safety factor in the Northern Wilderness is also higher.

Even the Supreme Demon Immortal has the possibility of killing him.

Stepping into the Thunder Tribulation Immortal, one realm and one heaven!


Five days passed in a flash.

Above the vast sea of ​​clouds, a white cloud galloped, and suddenly, the white cloud stopped.

Standing above the white clouds, Jiang Che thought, and Mo Qilin instantly appeared in front of him.

In five days, Mo Qilin changed tremendously.

The size has become as tall as a normal horse, and the horse is extraordinary.

After absorbing several flesh and blood life pills of the demon saint in a row, Mo Qilin's aura also reached the peak of golden pills.

The life essence is also very huge, rolling and moving.

It's about to cross the catastrophe.

This increase in speed is simply unbelievable.

However, in addition to his own divine animal genes, Jiang Che's Life Pill contributed more.

After swallowing nine life pills, Mo Qilin already has the strength to break through the primordial spirit.

Looking at the black unicorn in front of him, Jiang Che waved his Taoist robe, and the light swept across the black unicorn. In the next second, a person and a beast disappeared above the sea of ​​clouds.

In an instant, he came to a mountain top.

Jiang Che looked at Mo Qilin, and Mo Qilin seemed to understand his eyes, and let out bursts of neighing.

Jiang Che touched its head, and then, with a dodge, it disappeared in front of Mo Qilin.


As soon as Jiang Che left, Mo Qilin immediately roared.

In an instant, the situation changed.

The wind howled and the hunting sounded.

A cloud of calamity behind him enveloped the void and appeared above Mo Qilin.

Dark green light bloomed all over Mo Qilin's body, and he stomped his feet fiercely, causing the entire mountain to shake violently.

Jiang Che appeared on the mountain dozens of miles away, quietly watching Mo Qilin cross the tribulation.

The first calamity of the beast.

It's not a big problem, but he still didn't take it lightly. If he couldn't stop it, he could rescue Mo Qilin at any time.

However, after receiving the feedback from Mo Qilin, Jiang Che is also very confident that it will survive the tribulation.

The situation was changing, and soon, the first catastrophe came.

Dark green light burst out from the whole body of Mo Qilin, and the two corners emitted bright dark green light clusters. With the next breath, he rushed directly to Tianjie.

The front is tough.

Lightning flashed, ravaging the world and covering the mountains.

As the strongest unicorn of the unicorn family, Mo Qilin also showed his strength at this moment.

Heavenly Tribulation struck Mo Qilin's body, not only did he not get hurt, but even more radiance flowed.

Under Jiang Che's watchful eyes, Mo Qilin in the sky thunder opened his mouth and swallowed the first heavenly tribulation forcefully into his body.

The body flickered with thunder, but it didn't have the slightest effect.

The first catastrophe, easily passed.

There was also a smile on Jiang Che's face.

The stronger Mo Qilin is, the happier he will be as the master.

The stronger the strength, the better.

It will also help him a lot in the future.

After the first catastrophe, Mo Qilin's aura became stronger.

The surging aura was surging, not only did the life essence not decrease, but it increased a lot.


At this moment, the second catastrophe rolled in, and the violent lightning, carrying the vast power of heaven, shattered everything.


In the void, Mo Qilin stomped all four hooves, opened his mouth and roared, and the horns on his head instantly sparked a bright light, forming a shining light cluster, and at the moment before the catastrophe fell, he rushed forward.


The berserk thunder and Mo Qilin's attack collided together, and in an instant, the world was turned upside down.

A vast shock wave instantly swayed, sweeping around.

Ripples appeared in the surrounding void.

It was as if a huge boulder had been dropped from a calm lake, causing shocking waves.

One blow weakened the power of Tianlei, and with the next breath, Mo Qilin flicked his tail, his body was like lightning, and galloped towards the rest of Tianlei.

Bathed in thunder.


One after another catastrophe came, and soon, the nine catastrophes passed, and scars appeared on Mo Qilin's body.

However, under the reward of heaven and earth, the scars on its body were completely healed.

The breath is even higher.

Reached the initial stage of Yuanshen.

And at this moment, a voice came from the void.

"Qilin, haha, Lord Buddha, I have made a fortune!"

Jiang Che frowned slightly, and looked towards the void.

A monk in white moon monk robe appeared in his eyes.

Wearing a loose Buddhist robe, with a fat head and big ears, he rushed towards Mo Qilin at an extremely fast speed.


Looking at the bald monk with fat head and big ears, Mo Qilin let out a growl and spit out light, and a terrifying lightning shot out instantly.

The fat-headed and big-eared monk raised his hand, and the golden Buddha's light bloomed, easily blocking Mo Qilin's attack.

Facing Mo Qilin's attack, not only was he not angry, but he smiled brightly.

There was a greedy light in his eyes. (end of this chapter)

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