Chapter 196 Wuzu

Mo Qilin let out an angry roar, stomped his four hooves fiercely, and in an instant, infinite light burst out from his body.

A powerful shock wave rushed towards the fat, bald monk in an instant.

The power of this blow also changed the face of the bald monk, but it was more excited.

As soon as he raised his hand, a holy Buddha appeared in an instant.

"Buddhism is boundless!"

The majestic voice sounded, and the bald monk instantly blocked the shock wave of Mo Qilin's attack.

Mo Qilin's strength is powerful, but he has just entered the realm of Yuanshen after all, and there is a big gap with the peak of Yuanshen, and he was directly suppressed by the bald monk.

The holy Buddha was about to suppress Mo Qilin, when suddenly, a ray of light flashed.

The Buddha collapsed instantly and disappeared without a trace.


The bald monk's expression changed instantly.

At this time, beside Mo Qilin, a young Taoist in a blue Taoist robe appeared.

Sensing the breath, the bald monk showed strong fear on his face.

"Amitabha, this benefactor, this beast has a destiny with me, I hope the benefactor will not meddle in his own business."

Looking at Jiang Che, the bald monk spoke.

Hearing these words, Jiang Che was almost annoyed.

I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people.

Fate with you...

Your face is really thick enough!
"I'm in a good mood now, and I don't want to do anything. I'll give you a chance and leave." Looking at the bald monk, Jiang Che said flatly.

Hearing these words, the bald monk's expression changed instantly.

"Benefactor, don't regret it!"

"Since you want to destroy my Buddhist relationship, then the poor monk will send you to see the Buddha!"

As soon as the words fell, the soaring Buddha's light rose up, and a terrifying Buddha instantly manifested behind him.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Che's eyes flashed murderous.

With the next breath, as soon as he raised his hand, the starlight in the sky trembled, and countless starlight manifested.


Starlight fell from the sky, instantly shattering the supernatural powers of the bald monk.

Before giving any chance to react, Jiang Che landed a punch directly on the bald monk.


The body was directly blown up, the soul trembled, and he was sluggish.

The bald monk with only his primordial body left was terrified, but before he could escape, a black and white divine light instantly tore his primordial spirit apart, completely dispelling his soul.

Bone to ashes!

Turn people and souls into ashes!
With a shake of the Taoist robe, a gust of wind rushed out, and the breath was completely wiped out.

Don't blame him if it doesn't work if you give it a chance.

If he courts death, he will not be merciful.

Should be killed, never stay!
Mo Qilin at the side roared, as if cheering for him.

Jiang Che looked into the void, and the majestic power of the primordial spirit spread, and in the distance in the void, figures fled at high speed, disappearing without a trace in an instant.

Seeing those figures fleeing one by one, Jiang Che didn't make a move either.

If you don't offend him, he won't kill someone.

This bald monk wanted to die by himself, so there was nothing he could do.

Do it, it must be crushed!

A fine tradition that must be maintained!
He is a man of "fine tradition".

Withdrawing his gaze, Jiang Che looked at Mo Qilin, turned over and rode directly on Mo Qilin.

The ink unicorn stomped its hooves, neighed, and instantly soared into the sky.

Above the sea of ​​clouds, Jiang Che rode forward on a black unicorn.

Transcending the tribulation primordial spirit, Mo Qilin's aura soared.

The strength has also increased significantly.

When he first entered Yuanshen, Mo Qilin was able to fight against the peak of Yuanshen. Although he couldn't beat Yuanshen, it also proved the strength of the beast.

The strength of birth is too short.

The potential of Mo Qilin is huge.

The king of the Qilin family is not in vain.

Jiang Che took out a Life Pill and let Mo Qilin absorb it directly.

Void travel.

Mo Qilin also let out a cheerful cry.

The episode subsides and moves on.

In another day, he will be able to step into the ruins of Yuhua Xianmen.


Night falls.

In the depths of winter, the cold wind howled bitterly.

But it didn't have much effect on Jiang Che.

The moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and the sky is only a little bit of starlight.

Above the sea of ​​clouds, Jiang Che rode Mo Qilin forward, but suddenly, he made Mo Qilin stop.

Mo Qilin tilted his head and looked at Jiang Che with puzzled eyes.

Jiang Che looked at the void in front of him, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"There is a situation!"

Jiang Che came back to his senses, put away the ink unicorn, and his figure moved.It quickly disappeared above the sea of ​​clouds.

In the next breath, Jiang Che came to a plain.

Several figures are fighting.

The fluctuations spread and shook the sky.

The powerful shock wave split the earth into cracks like an abyss.

Three middle-level demon saints are besieging a burly man who is one foot tall.

Facing the siege of three intermediate demon saints.

The big man was not afraid, but he couldn't resist and fell into a disadvantage.

Jiang Che's eyes fell on the burly man who was a foot tall.

"This is……"

Looking at the burly man who was one foot tall, Jiang Che frowned slightly.

This big man is not a human race.

There is no breath of human race, nor is it demon race.

Moreover, this breath seems to have a feeling of deja vu.

Jiang Che thought for a while, and suddenly, when he raised his hand, a purple stick appeared in his hand.

Witch God is great!
Looking at the Wushen stick in his hand, Jiang Che looked at the tall and burly man, and in an instant, two words appeared in his mind.


This is a very special race.

It looks like a human, but it is not a human race.

But a special race.

According to ancient records, the Witch Clan was once a glorious race.

But the number is scarce.

But it is very powerful.

Moreover, the martial arts developed by the human race all evolved from the Wu race.


This is a race with unparalleled physical strength.

The physical body is also very terrifying, naturally powerful.

The volume is tall, with an average height of one foot.

There is a clear difference in size from the human race.

Jiang Che never thought that he would meet the Wu Clan here.

In the northern wilderness, there are witches, but... very few!
This was the first witch clan Jiang Che met.

Seeing the three mid-level demon saints besieging the witch clan, Jiang Che's figure flickered and disappeared instantly.

In the next second, he came in front of one of the demon saints.


With one punch, the terrifying force tore apart the demon saint's body.

The yin and yang divine light is activated, instantly killing it.

This sudden scene directly surprised the witch clan and the other two intermediate demon saints.

Before he could react, a terrifying sword image manifested, like a shining divine sword, and rushed directly towards the two intermediate demon saints.


The sword shadow penetrates and kills directly.

The remaining two intermediate demon saints were dealt with directly.

Only the witch clan was left looking at him in a daze.

With a flick of his Taoist robe, Jiang Che directly put the corpses of the three demon saints into the Spring and Autumn Map of Heaven and Earth.

And at this time, the big man of the witch tribe also came back to his senses.

Sensing Jiang Che's popularity, the burly man of the Wu tribe breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately said, "My name is Shen Tuxiong, thank you for your help."

Jiang Che's gaze also fell on this witch clan.

The aura of high-level martial saints, but compared with ordinary high-level martial saints, the aura of this witch clan is stronger.

He doesn't have the slightest cultivation base of immortality, but his physical body is very strong.

The shamans do not cultivate the primordial spirit, but only the physical body.

It is only natural that the physical body is strong.

Jiang Che quickly came back to his senses, looked at him, and said, "Jiang Che is here."

"Brother Jiang, thank you very much, otherwise, I would still be in trouble today." Shen Tuxiong said with a smile.

"You're welcome, it's easy to do." Jiang Che smiled.

To make a move, one is to reward, and the other is to see the Wu Clan.

After all, he has never been in contact with this special race.

I have only seen it in ancient books, but today, it is considered to be alive.

"Brother Jiang, why are you here?"

At this time, Shen Tuxiong looked at him and asked.

"Passing here." Jiang Che replied.

Shen Tuxiong nodded, then looked at him, and said: "Well, since you saved me, my tribe is not far from here, it's getting late, why don't you follow me to the tribe to rest, this wilderness Yes, and no place to live."

"Okay." Jiang Che nodded, and readily agreed.

He also wanted to see the Wu tribe.

Meet other witches.

"Then come with me." Shen Tuxiong said, and then he jumped up a hundred feet high, and jumped several miles away.

After a few ups and downs, he jumped more than ten miles.

Seeing this, Jiang Che followed closely, followed Shen Tuxiong, and quickly disappeared into the plain.

Not long after, a tribe appeared in his eyes on the distant land.

Relying on the powerful primordial spirit, Jiang Che sensed a powerful aura pervading the tribe.

There was even an aura that made him palpitate.

Shen Tuxiong kept jumping, and soon came to this tribe.

His figure also stopped.

Jiang Che also stopped and looked at the tribe in front of him.

The entire tribe built a high black wall to surround the entire tribe.

Jiang Che looked at the high wall, and his eyes flickered slightly.

The high wall was built of a kind of black stone.

The high wall made of black stone is three feet high.

And this kind of stone is not an ordinary stone.

But black spar.

A raw material stone that can be used to cast Taoist magic weapons.

But this tribe was used to build walls!
Built around an entire tribe.

very long.


Jiang Che can only use two words to describe it, luxury!

At this moment, Shen Tuxiong's voice sounded: "Brother Jiang, this is my home, the Shentu tribe."

While speaking, Shen Tuxiong puffed out his chest.

There was pride on his face.

"Not bad." Jiang Che nodded.

"elder brother!"

At this moment, a voice came from the tribe.

The ground shook, and a tall and burly figure rushed towards Shen Tuxiong at top speed.

Jiang Che saw that it was a young girl.

It's just that she only looks like a girl, and from the head down, there are all burly muscles.

A body of bronze-colored muscles, full of a strong sense of strength.

"King Kong Barbie..."

A word flashed through Jiang Che's mind.

This image is simply too appropriate.

The physical body is also very strong, the same strength as Shen Tuxiong, a high-level martial artist.

At this time, the witch girl also came in front of Shen Tuxiong.

Seeing the wound on Shen Tuxiong's body, the girl was furious: "Brother, you are disobedient. If you don't come back so late, you must be going to fight with the Yaozu again? Look at your injuries!"

"Ahem, what, Ling, there are guests, can you save me?"

Shen Tuxiong blushed and said.

And after hearing these words, the witch girl beside her looked at Jiang Che.

"Human cultivator." The witch girl's eyes lit up, and she stepped in front of Jiang Che.

Tall body, several heads taller than Jiang Che.

Although Jiang Che was eight feet tall, compared with the tall Wu Clan, he was still quite inferior.

There is no way, the Wu clan is born like this.

"Hi, my name is Shentu Ling."

The witch girl looked at him with a smile on her face.

"Jiang Che."

Jiang Che also nodded, and greeted him.

"Ling, be more polite, brother Jiang saved your brother."

Shen Tuxiong said.


Shen Tu Ling was slightly taken aback.

Then he quickly came back to his senses, "I'm sorry, I don't know, thank you for saving my brother, from now on, you will be my brother."

Jiang Che: "..."

"It's okay, it's just a matter of raising your hands."

"Girl, here, this is the blood god flower you want." On the side, Shen Tuxiong suddenly took out a blood-colored flower, and handed it to Shen Tuling.

Looking at the blood-colored flowers, Shentu Ling had a somewhat bright smile on his face.

"It's really the blood god flower, that's great, thank you brother."

Shentu Ling held the Blood God Flower, happily like a child.

Jiang Che also looked at the Blood God Flower.

This is a kind of natural treasure, a very special kind of spiritual plant.

Also rare.

"This guy was besieged by the demon clan just to get the blood god flower for his sister?"

Looking at the Blood God Flower in Shentu Ling's hand, a thought flashed through Jiang Che's mind.

Shen Tuxiong smiled: "Okay, let's cook, and entertain the distinguished guests well today."

"Okay, I'll go right away." Shentu Ling nodded, took the Blood God Flower, and went straight into the Shentu tribe.

"Go, brother Jiang, go to my house."

Shen Tuxiong patted his chest, and stepped into the tribe with great strides.

Jiang Che nodded and followed Shen Tuxiong into the tribe.

In the Wu tribe, the houses are very tall.

It is more than ten feet tall.

The light gates are four or five feet high.

The style of architecture is also very simple.

Not too many bells and whistles.

A tall stone house.

Most are also constructed of black crystal.

very strong.

"It's really extravagant, and I'm not afraid of being demolished..."

Looking at the tall stone houses, a thought popped into Jiang Che's mind.

But it's impossible to think about it, Jiang Che sensed an aura in the tribe that almost made his heart palpitate.

This Shentu tribe has a supreme ruler.

"That's it, the hibiscus tree!"

Stepping into the tribe, Jiang Che's eyes were instantly attracted by a big tree in the center of the tribe.

Big red tree.

Shine brightly.

There was a fiery breath.

Like a red spar.

Hibiscus tree!
Jiang Che's eyelids twitched.

It is certain that this big tree should be the legendary hibiscus tree.

It is also the existence of one of the innate god trees.

It's not as good as the World Tree, but it's also a great sacred tree.

The hibiscus tree exudes surging aura, permeating the entire tribe.

The entire Shentu tribe was filled with the aura of the hibiscus tree.

The outside and the tribe are completely different.

The hibiscus tree can not only generate powerful aura, but also produce a special kind of fruit.

Hibiscus fruit!
The fruit that can enhance the physical body.

But the hibiscus tree in front of me has not yet produced fruit.

It should have been collected.

Moreover, Jiang Che felt that the aura derived from the hibiscus tree was different from ordinary aura.

This kind of spiritual energy has greatly improved the physical body.

The effect on the primordial spirit is minimal.

"Brother Jiang, do you know the Fusang tree?"

At this moment, Shen Tuxiong's voice sounded from the side, pulling him back from his thoughts.

Jiang Che came back to his senses and nodded, "I've seen it in ancient books, but it's the first time I've seen it with my own eyes."

Shen Tuxiong smiled and said, "Brother Jiang, this hibiscus tree was obtained from the dark abyss by the high priest of our Shentu tribe. With the hibiscus tree, the cultivation is faster."

"Dark Abyss..."

"The dark abyss of the endless sea?"

Jiang Che looked at Shen Tuxiong, with disbelief in his eyes.


Shen Tuxiong nodded, and said: "The High Priest also took a lot of risks back then. He crossed the endless sea and reached the dark abyss, and it took a lot of effort to get it back."

Jiang Che's heart trembled, and he looked at Shen Tuxiong. He blinked and said, "Then may I ask, what is the strength of the High Priest?"

"In the middle stage of human immortality, he is the second supreme of my Shentu tribe!"

Shen Tuxiong said.

"In the middle of immortality, the second supreme?!"

second! !
Jiang Che's pupils shrank slightly.

Good guy, this witch tribe is so powerful? !
"Then the first supreme is the patriarch?"

Jiang Che came back to his senses and said.

"Yes." Shen Tuxiong nodded, and said: "The patriarch is the first supreme of our Shentu tribe, and the existence of the late human immortal, looking at the Northern Wilderness, is also one of the best."

Jiang Che's heart skipped a beat.


Human Immortal Late Stage!

Are all Wu tribes so outrageous?

Jiang Che's heart twitched.

The strength of the Shentu tribe was even more terrifying than he had imagined.

"Let's go, go to my house for dinner, and rest at my house today."

Shen Tuxiong patted him on the shoulder and continued walking.

Jiang Che came back to his senses, followed behind Shen Tuxiong, and headed towards the depths of Shentu's tribe.

Along the way, he saw a lot of Wu Clan figures.

"They're all martial saints..."

Looking at the figures of the Wu clan, Jiang Che's heart skipped a beat.

The witches I met were all martial saints.

Wu Sheng!

Martial arts saint!
In the Shentu tribe, at least 90.00% of the witches are martial saints.

Unless there are some very young witches.

Adult Wu Clan are all Martial Saint-level existences.

From junior martial saints to peak martial saints.

Along the way, Jiang Che met many people.

And Jiang Che also attracted the attention of the Wu clan passing by.

Shen Tuxiong greeted them, and these witches did not have any malicious intentions.

It can be seen that Shen Tuxiong has a good relationship with the Wu tribe.

Jiang Che also asked about it. The entire Shentu tribe has only a few hundred Wu tribes.

Small number.

But in the Northern Wilderness, it is already top-notch.

"How many such Wu tribes are there in the Northern Wilderness?"

Jiang Che followed Shen Tuxiong and asked as he walked.

Shen Tuxiong: "Only one tribe can surpass our tribe, and none of the others can."

"Which tribe?" Jiang Che asked curiously.

"The Kuafu tribe!"

Shen Tuxiong replied.

Kua... Kuafu? !

Jiang Che's heart twitched.

This name inexplicably reminded him of a great man in the mythology of his previous life.

Kua father!

Also derived a mythical story, Kua Fu Chasing the Sun!

Is there any connection between this Kuafu and the mythical Kuafu?
"The Kuafu Tribe has more than 1000 witch clans, and the overall strength is strong. The patriarch of the Kuafu Tribe is the existence of the pinnacle of human immortality." Shen Tuxiong said.

"Peak of Human Immortal..."

Jiang Che's heart skipped a beat.

He has seen the dead human immortal peak, but he has never seen the living one.

"Kuafu tribe, how far is it from your tribe?"

Jiang Che asked.

Shen Tuxiong: "That's still quite far away, it will take several months, but brother Jiang, you should practice Taoism and supernatural powers sooner, and you will arrive in two or three months."

Jiang Che nodded.

Kuafu tribe!

A tribe with the existence of the peak human immortal is incredible.

At the peak of human immortality, almost a real indestructible body exists.

Ordinary human immortal flesh, immortality for thousands of years.

At the peak of human immortality, it is different.

qualitative change.

I saw it with my own eyes at the Longteng Auction, so Jiang Che was also very impressed.

"Here, this is my home."

Shen Tuxiong's voice sounded, and Jiang Che came back to his senses.

He came to the gate of a courtyard.

Every Wu family here has its own courtyard.

The range is huge.

Pushing open the courtyard door, Shen Tuxiong stepped into the courtyard.

Jiang Che also walked into the courtyard.

The tall stone house has several rooms.

"Brother, you take Big Brother Jiang to the main room to drink first, and I'll fix it right away."

Shentu Ling's voice came from a room.

Shen Tuxiong nodded, and led Jiang Che into the main room.

On the table at noon, there is a jug of wine and several wine glasses.

Jiang Che sat at the table and looked at Shen Tuxiong: "Where are your parents?"

Hearing this, Shen Tuxiong's expression changed slightly, and he said, "He's dead, he died at the hands of a demon five years ago."

Jiang Che: ...

"Sorry, I didn't mean to."

Looking at Shen Tuxiong, Jiang Che said in embarrassment.

"It's okay, when I have enough strength in the future, I will definitely slaughter that bastard!"

Shen Tuxiong opened his mouth, picked up the jug and poured Jiang Che a glass of wine.

The red wine contains majestic spiritual power.

"This is Yanling Wine. It has a lifting effect on the body. The high priest gave it to me. You can try it."

Shen Tuxiong said.

Jiang Che nodded, held the wine glass, and drank it in one gulp. Instantly, a burst of heat exploded in his body.

Impact the internal organs.

A slight red light bloomed on Jiang Che's skin, but it quickly disappeared.


"Good wine." Jiang Che exhaled.

But Shen Tuxiong looked at him dumbfounded.

"Brother Jiang, are you alright?"

Shen Tuxiong said with an incredulous expression.

Jiang Che shook his head, "It's okay, just warm it up, it tastes good."

Shen Tuxiong: "..."

"The mania of spiritual power contained in Yanling wine, you can bear it so easily, it is enough to prove that your physical body is strong, I admire you." Shen Tuxiong came back to his senses and gave a thumbs up.

While speaking, he poured Jiang Che another cup.

Jiang Che smiled, didn't say anything, and took another sip from the wine glass.

The energy is indeed manic, but he can still bear it.


After a while, Shentu Ling cooked a table full of delicacies.

Most of the food of the Witch Clan is made of monster meat, and the taste itself is not bad.

While eating, Jiang Che also chatted.

Through chatting with the Shentu brothers and sisters, he probably also understood the hatred between the witch clan and the monster clan.

Not a day or two, but accumulated over a long period of time.

"If the high priest hadn't rescued our two brothers and sisters back then, I'm afraid we would have died in the hands of that demon." Shen Tuxiong sighed.

"Brother, don't worry, one day I will definitely kill the demon fairy who shrouds the sky, and avenge my father and mother!"

Shentu Ling looked at him and said.


Hearing this, the Yanling wine that Jiang Che had just drank into his mouth suddenly spewed out.

(End of this chapter)

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