I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 197 The Cause of the Destruction of the High Priest’s Holy Pool

Chapter 197 The Cause of the Destruction of the High Priest’s Holy Pool
"The Shrouding Demon Immortal..."

Jiang Che's heart twitched.

The pupils shrank slightly.

Is there such a coincidence?

Jiang Che wiped the liquid from the corner of his mouth, feeling a little turmoil in his heart.

This coincidence is simply unbelievable!
"Brother Jiang, what's wrong with you?"

Looking at Jiang Che, Shen Tuxiong blinked.

Shentu Ling also looked at him, his eyes were full of puzzlement: "Brother Jiang, is it because the food doesn't suit your appetite?"

"No, I just heard about the Demon Immortal Shrouding the Sky and thought of something."

Jiang Che came back to his senses, shook his head and said.

Shen Tuxiong looked at him, and said: "You also know the Yaoxian Zhetian?"

"I've heard of it." Jiang Che nodded.

Shen Tuxiong nodded, and said: "I also heard a piece of news not long ago. I heard from the high priest that this guy was beheaded physically by a human cultivator, and his strength was severely damaged. He really deserves it!"

Jiang Che took a sip from his wine glass, keeping his expression on the surface.

Shentu Ling on the side said, "Brother, why haven't I heard of this?"

Shen Tuxiong: "I heard the high priest say it by accident."

"Then who is this human monk?" Shentu Ling tilted his head and looked at him.

"That's not clear." Shen Tuxiong shook his head.

"That's a pity. If I meet this senior, I really want to thank him."

Shentu Ling let out a long sigh.

Jiang Che's heart twitched, but he didn't say anything.

"Brother Jiang, you are also a human cultivator. Do you know who this senior is? I heard from the high priest that this happened not long ago."

Shen Tuxiong looked at Jiang Che and asked.

"I've heard about it, but I'm not too sure about it," Jiang Che said.

"That's a pity..." Shen Tuxiong showed a slight disappointment on his face.

Jiang Che smiled, took a sip of the wine, and said, "Don't think about it so much, when the fate comes, we will meet naturally."

The Shentu brothers and sisters nodded, and temporarily put this matter behind them.


After eating, Jiang Che lived in a room on the second floor under the arrangement of Shen Tuxiong.

Although it is only the second floor, it is still eight or nine feet high.

The house buildings of the Wu tribe all highlight a big one.

very wide.

Standing in front of the window, Jiang Che could clearly see the hibiscus tree in the center.

Looking away, Jiang Che looked at a majestic stone palace in the center of the tribe.

That's where the high priest lived.

It is not far from the home of the Shentu brothers and sisters.

High Priest of the Witch Clan.

It is the top existence of a tribe.

Extraordinary status.

At the same time, it is also one of the strongest.

Jiang Che found it inconceivable that a Wu tribe with a population of only a few hundred should have two supreme beings.

"Dong Dong!!"

And just as Jiang Che was admiring the night view of the Shentu tribe, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Shen Tuxiong's voice came from outside the door.

"Brother Jiang, are you asleep?"

Jiang Che came back to his senses, came to the door in a flash, opened the door, looked at Shen Tuxiong standing in front of the door, he was slightly surprised: "What's the matter?"

Shen Tuxiong looked at him, with a smile on his face, and said: "That's it, just now the high priest notified me that he wanted to see you, look, are you going or not? It's fine if you don't, I can help you refuse."

"The high priest wants to see me?"

Jiang Che was slightly taken aback.

Jiang Che was very surprised. After a while, he came back to his senses, looked at Shen Tuxiong, nodded, and said, "All right, I'll go with you to meet the high priest."

"Let's go then."

Shen Tuxiong smiled, then turned around.

Jiang Che followed him downstairs.

Leaving the courtyard, he headed towards the stone hall where the high priest was.

"Why did the High Priest suddenly see me?" Jiang Che asked while walking side by side with Shen Tuxiong.

"Maybe it's been a long time since the monks of the human race have come. In fact, our tribe is generally not open to the outside world." Shen Tuxiong said as he walked.

"But brother Jiang, don't worry, the high priest is just seeing you, there is no malicious intention."

Shen Tuxiong said with a smile.

Jiang Che nodded slightly, but didn't say anything.

The Wu people of the Shentu tribe, he thought they were quite kind.

Of course, if something unexpected happened, Jiang Che was more or less confident in protecting himself.

However, it is basically impossible.

After all, he had never had contact with the Wu Clan before.

Shen Tuxiong was the first Wu clan he knew.

The Shentu tribe was also the first Wu tribe he knew.

The number of witches in the current world is too small.

According to Shen Tuxiong, there are no more than [-] Wu tribes in the entire Northern Wilderness.

Tribes with hundreds of people like the Shentu tribe belonged to the big tribes.

As for the Kuafu tribe, there is only one of these.

Most of them are small tribes with dozens of people.

Compared with the base number of the human race, it is pitifully small.

Born with an extraordinary physical body and terrifying power, however, the number of Wu tribes has always been unable to develop.

The base is too small.

The total number is not even [-]. Basically, the Wu clan is equivalent to existing in name only.

Perhaps countless years later, the witch clan will completely disappear and become a legend.

This scenario is not impossible.

After all, the lifespan of the witch clan is only one or two hundred years, unless it breaks through the existence of the great witch level.

That is to say, the realm of martial arts and immortals can live for thousands of years.

Although the Wu Clan's physical body is extraordinary, they are naturally powerful, and it is easy to break through the physical body, but it is not so easy to become a great witch at the level of a martial artist or immortal.

Even in the Kuafu tribe, there are only three great witches.

As for the entire Northern Wilderness Wu Clan, there are no more than ten great witches.

Soon, Jiang Che followed Shen Tuxiong to the stone palace.

The stone hall is lit up with light.

Shen Tuxiong stood at the entrance of the stone hall, bowed and saluted: "High Priest, we're here."

"Well, come in." A middle-aged man's voice came from the stone hall.

Shen Tuxiong then led Jiang Che into the stone palace.

Enter the stone hall, which is very spacious.

No frills.

At the first place in the Stone Palace, a tall and mighty figure appeared in Jiang Che's eyes.

With long silver hair, his body was full of muscles, full of explosive power.

A simple black robe has a wild wildness.

Beside him stood a black scepter as tall as a man.

Exudes a mysterious and powerful atmosphere.

Looking at this silver-haired witch, Jiang Che could feel the surging blood in his body.

The life essence is very powerful.

In his eyes, it was like a shining sun, with qi and blood boiling hot.

High Priest!
Jiang Che's heart shuddered.

And the black scepter beside him was not an ordinary treasure, but a half-immortal weapon.

I heard from Shen Tuxiong that the only immortal weapon in the Shentu tribe is in the hands of the clan leader.

It is a fairy artifact inherited by the Shentu tribe.

Being able to fight against the existence of the peak of the immortal.

"The High Priest."

Shen Tuxiong came to the center of the hall, bowed and saluted with a respectful expression.

Jiang Che also cupped his hands and bowed: "Next to Jiang Che, I have seen the high priest!"

The high priest got up from the first place, stepped forward and came in front of the two, glanced at Shen Tuxiong, and said, "Go out first, wait outside."

"it is good."

Shen Tuxiong didn't say much, nodded, and then left the stone hall.

"Jiang Che...sit down first."

The high priest looked at him and said.

Jiang Che nodded, and then sat on the chair beside him.

The high priest sat beside him.

Looking outside the hall, the high priest raised his hand, and a majestic force was unleashed, forming an enchantment, and instantly blocked the stone hall.

Jiang Che remained calm on the surface, but his nerves were tense in his heart.

The high priest in the mid-immortal stage.

It is already the supreme of artistic conception.

Compared with the early stage of human immortality, the gap is not generally large.

But Jiang Che didn't feel any malice.

But even so, he didn't relax completely.

After blocking the stone palace, the high priest looked at him and said, "Jiang Che, a few months ago, in the Baiyue Kingdom, a young monk from the human race beheaded the body of a demon from the demon race and severely injured the demon. , this person, is it you?"

Jiang Che remained calm and looked at the high priest: "How could the high priest think it was me?"

Jiang Che didn't admit it directly, but asked a question instead.

Of course, he is not surprised that the high priest of the Wu clan has the ability to know.

After all, the movement of the war back then was not small.

The high priest smiled and said, "Young man, don't be nervous. I have no malicious intentions. I am very grateful to you for injuring the fairy."

"Your aura makes me feel heart palpitations. It's not difficult to guess that you have such a powerful strength even though you haven't cultivated into a Thunder Tribulation Immortal."

Hearing these words, Jiang Che didn't speak and remained silent.

Looking at Jiang Che, the High Priest continued: "Actually, I have also fought against the Demon Immortal Zhetian. It was many years ago. Back then, this guy killed several witch clans in my Shentu tribe, but he failed to kill them." He, too, is sorry."

"Although you didn't completely kill him, you still caused him a great loss of strength. In less than ten years, he will definitely not be able to return to his peak. Speaking of which, you can be regarded as helping our Shentu tribe to take revenge."

"The high priest is too much, there are a lot of human races like me." Jiang Che said.

The high priest rolled his eyes: "A lot? Young man, do you think I don't care about world affairs? In the vast world, in this world, it would be nice to have a few like you, and a lot."

Jiang Che: "..."

"Actually, I came to you just to confirm this matter. It seems that my calculation is not wrong." The high priest said with a smile.

"The high priest is polite."

Jiang Che smiled.

The high priest looked at him, stood up suddenly, raised his hand, and the standing black scepter instantly fell into his hand.

"I'll take you somewhere."

The voice of the high priest sounded, and after he finished speaking, the black scepter in his hand shook, emitting a holy light, and the figures of the two disappeared out of thin air in the next breath.

Jiang Che's mind froze.

When he reacted again, he came to a mysterious space.

In front of him is a four-foot-tall statue of a god, tall and mighty.

And beside the statue, there is a pond the size of a hundred feet.

Inside is a milky white liquid, like milk.

However, Jiang Che could feel that the liquid in this pool contained majestic energy.

Except for the statue and the pool, the surrounding area is gray.

Like an endless void.

At the same time, there is a boundless force enveloped.

With his primordial spirit, he couldn't perceive the situation outside the void.

The high priest stood beside him and said, "Don't worry, this is the holy land of our Shentu tribe. There is an inheritance protection barrier, so there is no danger."

"Holy place..."

Jiang Che was slightly taken aback, looked at the high priest beside him, and said, "The high priest brought me here, what's the matter?"

Looking at Jiang Che, the high priest pointed to the pond with a radius of [-] meters: "That is the holy pond of our Shentu tribe. The holy liquid in it can baptize the body, enhance the body, and make the body stronger. You saved Shen Tuxiong and severely injured the body. Overshadowing the sky, Yaoxian, today, I brought you to the holy pond, to repay your kindness, and the witch clan will repay favors!"

Jiang Che was slightly stunned.

The high priest looked at him and said: "Although it is unlikely that you will reach the realm of immortality, it should also be able to enhance your strength and make your physical body a higher level."


Looking at the holy pool in front of him, Jiang Che was slightly taken aback.

He really didn't expect such a good fortune.

Is it because Mo Qilin's promotion has made his luck stronger, so there is such a chance?
Thoughts flashed through Jiang Che's mind very quickly, and soon he came back to his senses: "High Priest, are you sure?"

"As soon as a word is spoken, it is difficult for a horse to chase!"

"You should baptize your body well. When the body reaches saturation, it will automatically withdraw from the Holy Land. I won't bother you."

As soon as the voice fell, the figure of the high priest disappeared in front of him in an instant.

Watching the high priest leave, Jiang Che didn't recover for a while.

This is incredible.

Very dreamy.

Rescuing a Wu clan casually, and getting such a big benefit?
Jiang Che was still a little uncomfortable for a while.

This luck is probably the template of the legendary son of luck!
I can also enjoy the treatment of the son of luck.

Jiang Che felt that this had something to do with Mo Qilin.

It doesn't matter at all, so I definitely don't believe it.

To calm down the distracting thoughts in his heart, Jiang Che came to the holy pool.

After confirming again and again that there was no problem with the holy pool, Jiang Che leaped into the holy pool.

The body sank quickly and sank directly to the bottom of the holy pool.

The entire holy pool is a hundred feet deep.

His whole body was soaked in the holy liquid, and the infinite holy liquid penetrated into his body instantly through his pores.


Jiang Che's physical body instantly emitted a golden light.

Quickly absorb the holy liquid.

The five viscera, the six internal organs, and the avenues of the gods on the bones all burst into light.

Crazy absorption of holy liquid.

It has to be said that the holy liquid of the Shentu tribe's holy pool does have incredible abilities.

Jiang Che could clearly feel that his physical body was improving.

With his current physical body, it is very difficult to break the pure yang fairy fruit.

The main reason is that it has reached the bottleneck, unless it breaks through the human immortal, it is difficult to break through.

Most of the energy of the pure Yang fairy fruit will be lost.

But this holy liquid is different, the special holy liquid is completely absorbed by his body.

The Dao Divine Body can be improved.

With a calm mind, Jiang Che abandoned all distracting thoughts and absorbed the holy liquid with all his heart.

This opportunity cannot be missed.

After absorbing the holy liquid, improving his body, and waiting for the demon spirit in the blood of the demon god to be completely eliminated, that is the time for him to ascend to the human immortal.

Before arriving at the ruins of Yuhua Xianmen, he got a chance first.

This is the horror of the power of luck.

Infinite holy liquid poured into his body.

The light on Jiang Che's body also became brighter.

The flesh and blood, internal organs are also changing little by little.

The entire holy pool was glowing with light, and the holy liquid was also dropping little by little.


Absorbing it wholeheartedly, Jiang Che discarded all distracting thoughts.

The majestic holy liquid kept pouring in.

The holy liquid in the holy pool has also dropped by half.

At the bottom of the holy pool, Jiang Che suddenly opened his eyes, and a ray of divine light pierced through them.

His physical body could no longer absorb the holy liquid.

Jiang Che absorbed it for two full days.


The holy liquid surged, and Jiang Che stepped out of the holy pool in an instant.

The majestic power surged.

The skin of Jiang Che's body shone with a lustrous luster.

Like glass.

The glazed golden body of a celestial being!
However, he did not break through to the Human Immortal, and was still a peak Martial Saint.

But after absorbing a lot of holy liquid, his physical power has reached the terrifying nine hundred and ninety-nine dragon power.

The last dragon seems to have an invisible obstacle, which cannot be broken no matter what.

The power of nine hundred and ninety-nine dragons is only one dragon short of the basic power of a human immortal.

One step away!
After absorbing the holy liquid, the body was improved again, and Dao Shen's body fluid has developed a lot.

The bones of the whole body are covered with purple avenues.

The majestic power shakes the space.

But at this moment, a strong repulsive force came from this holy space.

Covering the whole body, Jiang Che disappeared out of thin air in an instant.

When he opened his eyes again, he had already appeared in the stone palace.

Leaving the time and space of the holy land of the Shentu tribe.

Clenching his fists, his skin glowed with glazed light.

Based on his physical body alone, he is already comparable to a human immortal.

Only the last step is needed to break through the Immortal Realm.

The holy liquid can enhance the physical body, but the perception of heaven and earth still needs to be comprehended by oneself.

Nine hundred and ninety-nine dragon powers, this is the limit.

Without being immortal, he will not be able to break.

Only when his physical body is enlightened can his strength soar.

When he breaks through to the Immortal, his strength will also soar.

Savings, continuous savings, reached the level where it is impossible to save any more.

The whole body is full of infinite power.

Blast the power of the void!
"Come out, how do you feel?"

At this moment, at the entrance of the stone hall, the high priest holding a black scepter stepped in.

"The limit has been reached, thank you High Priest!"

Jiang Che came back to his senses and cupped his hands in a bow.

The high priest smiled and stepped forward, "You're welcome, you are now a distinguished guest of our Shentu tribe, and this is what you deserve."

Jiang Che looked at the high priest and said, "Jiang will remember it. In the future, when the Shentu tribe needs it, Jiang will definitely not refuse."

While speaking, Jiang Che took out his own sound transmission bell and handed it to the high priest.

The high priest smiled and accepted the sound transmission bell calmly.

"Your potential is endless, and your physical body is strong. It should be some kind of special physique. It seems that the holy liquid has improved you well."

"Breakthrough Immortal, just around the corner!"

"It's probably a little worse, but it should be fine." Jiang Che nodded.

"It's great for a human monk to have such a physical body!"

At this time, a rough voice came, and outside the stone hall, a figure in purple robe appeared in Jiang Che's eyes.

The breath is thicker.

Scarier than the High Priest.

The existence of the late immortal.

No need to guess, this should be the patriarch of the Shentu tribe.

After all, there are only two supreme beings in the entire Shentu tribe.

In the late stage of human immortality, there is only one patriarch.

"Junior Jiang Che, I met Patriarch Shentu!"

Looking at the big man in purple robe, Jiang Che cupped his hands and bowed.

Patriarch Shentu smiled, and walked in front of Jiang Che.

A pair of eyes seemed to be able to penetrate him.

Jiang Che could also feel the invisible pressure.

In the late stage of human immortality, flesh and blood derived!
It means that if the body is blown up, it can be revived from the void.

It is too difficult to kill a human being in the late stage of immortality.

Flesh and blood are immortal.

Hard to kill.

Basically, the top of the top.

One realm, one sky.

This is definitely not bragging.

Every step of the Human Immortal Thunder Tribulation's breakthrough, the changes are earth-shaking.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be called the Supreme Immortal God.

"Your physical body is three points inferior to my witch clan. I haven't seen such a brilliant human race for a long time."

Patriarch Shentu looked at him with admiration in his eyes.

Jiang Che: "Patriarch Shentu is over the top."

"I heard you passed by here?"

Patriarch Shentu looked at him and said.

Jiang Che nodded.

Clan Chief Shentu smiled and said: "It seems that you also came for the ruins of Yuhua Xianmen?"

Jiang Che was startled.

Patriarch Shentu's voice sounded again: "Don't be surprised, it's not difficult to guess, because the ruins of Yuhua Xianmen are not far away, and there are quite a few human monks who came to explore."

Jiang Che nodded slightly.

They are all human beings, so there is no need to hide them.

After all, it's all said and done.

"I'm indeed here for the Yuhua Xianmen ruins. I'm just curious and want to see it."

Patriarch Shentu nodded, and said: "It's normal, after all, this Yuhua Xianmen was the only top-level fairy gate in the Northern Wilderness back then, and its power is probably not much worse than the Holy Land in Central Continent, and even surpassed most of them. holy place."

Jiang Che rolled his eyes and said, "Patriarch Shentu must have been to the site of Yuhua Xianmen, right?"

"Of course." Patriarch Shentu nodded, and then said: "The Yuhua Immortal Sect was destroyed. The battle at the beginning also caused the small world inside the Yuhua Immortal Sect to collapse, and it became a broken time and space, forming a turbulent flow of time and space. , if you go, you still have to be careful, because it is very likely that there will be a sudden space-time turbulence, and you will be involved in it."

"But don't worry too much, the space-time turbulence should not cause you any harm."

Jiang Che nodded, keeping this information in his heart.

Immediately, he looked at Patriarch Shentu again, and said: "I heard that the immortal gate of Yuhua was destroyed for an immortal artifact, is this true?"

Jiang Che was dubious about the news he had received from the Northern Spirit Sect.

However, the Shentu tribe is so close, and the Shentu patriarch is so powerful, he should know more about the inside story.

"Half-truth, half-false." Patriarch Shentu nodded.

Jiang Che: "Then I wonder if the patriarch can tell me what this fairy artifact is?"

"I'm not too clear about this fairy artifact, but I do know about one thing." Patriarch Shentu said slowly.

Jiang Che pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

Patriarch Shentu continued: "It is said that this fairy artifact was passed down from the demon clan outside the territory, and it is a supreme thing of the demon clan outside the territory.

Jiang Che's heart moved, he looked at him, and said, "I heard that this treasure fell into the hands of the Wan Yao Queen, is it true?"

"That's not very clear, but I know that this treasure should have disappeared, and it didn't fall into the hands of the Wan Yao Queen." Patriarch Shentu said lightly.

"Is that so..." Jiang Che sighed in his heart.

"It's a pity that a piece of immortal artifact will destroy the Yuhua Immortal Sect."

Clan Chief Shentu and the High Priest glanced at him and said, "Then you are wrong."


Jiang Che looked at Patriarch Shentu.

Patriarch Shentu nodded: "The real reason for the destruction of the Yuhua Immortal Sect was not because of this fairy artifact, but because the head teacher of the Yuhua Immortal Sect was attacked by a demon god of the demon clan, and finally could not stop the power of the demon god. , turned into a demon clan, and the Wan Yao Queen took action to destroy it."

(End of this chapter)

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