I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 198 The Immortal Gate Ruins Broken Time and Space

This is the reason!
Jiang Che's heart skipped a beat.


Demon god again!

The top holy place can't stop it.

"If you don't kill them, the whole Northern Wilderness will fall." The high priest said.

Jiang Che nodded.

This is true.

The headmaster of Yuhua Xianmen turned into a demon, and his strength will not be weakened.

It can even be stronger.

"However, a price has also been paid. After the first battle, the Wan Yao Queen has not shown herself."

Patriarch Shentu said slowly.

"In some of the broken time and space in the ruins of Yuhua Xianmen, there are still some demonic energy left. If you go there, you still need to pay attention."

Looking at Jiang Che, Patriarch Shentu reminded.

"Understood, thank you, Patriarch Shentu, for letting me know." Jiang Che regained his senses and nodded.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Che inquired about some details again.

After getting the answer, he also knew the situation of Yuhua Xianmen in his mind.

But the only regret is that I didn't ask some information about the demon heavenly book.

After all, time is too long.

Even Patriarch Shentu didn't know much.

"By the way, Patriarch Shentu, I have another question." Suddenly, Jiang Che thought of a question and looked at Patriarch Shentu.

"Let's talk." Patriarch Shentu nodded.

Jiang Che: "What is the name of the demon fairy who shrouds the sky, do you know?"

"I guess it's called Xuan Yintian."

After thinking for a while, Patriarch Shentu said.

"Xuan Yintian!"

Jiang Che nodded.

"This is not far from the Yuhua Xianmen ruins, you stay here for a few more days, recharge your energy, and go when the time comes." The high priest said.

"Is it...convenient?"

"What's the inconvenience? There are many rooms, take your pick." The high priest smiled.

Jiang Che didn't refuse either, and nodded.


After a while, Jiang Che left the stone palace. Shen Tuxiong was waiting for him outside. He was very happy to see Jiang Che come out.

"Brother Jiang, you are the first human monk who can enter the Holy Pool of my tribe."

Shen Tuxiong laughed and said.

"Thank you very much, otherwise, I might not be able to go." Jiang Che smiled.

"Speaking of these, you are my savior, little things."

Shen Tuxiong smiled.

Seeing the smile on his face, Jiang Che also smiled.

The character of the Wu tribe is quite bold.


Following Shen Tuxiong back to his home, Jiang Che entered the room and took out the Book of Misfortune.

With a movement of Yuanshen, using his finger as a pen, he quickly wrote Xuan Yintian's three names on it.

A figure appeared.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and he became depressed instantly.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Che showed a bright smile on his face. Judging from his breath, this should be unmistakable.


three days later.

Jiang Che then left the Shentu tribe.

The soaring power also made him more hopeful to break the shackles of the immortal world.

Even if there is no harvest, as long as he completely refines the demon god's energy in the demon god's blood, then he can step into the human immortal with [-]% certainty.

After leaving the Shentu tribe, Jiang Che headed directly towards the ruins of the Yuhua Xianmen.


A day later, Jiang Che arrived at the ruins of the Feathering Immortal Gate.

On a mountaintop, Jiang Che gazed at the sky.

The sky, like a broken mirror, has cracks of different lengths.

The violent power of time and space spread out.

In the ground, there are no buildings to be seen.

It was destroyed in the previous battle.

Looking at the shattered space-time, Jiang Che also raised his dignity.

The ruins of Yuhua Xianmen are thousands of miles across.

Now, he's just reached the periphery.

The deeper you go, the more obvious the broken space-time becomes.

Even after thousands of years have passed, the clear traces can still be seen clearly.

The powerful force has caused almost eternal damage to this thousand-mile void.

Once a million-level holy land of fairy gates, now it has been reduced to ruins.

"Thousands of years can't erase the traces..."

Jiang Che felt awe-inspiring.

The power of this pinnacle is terrifying.

When he came back to his senses, Jiang Che disappeared in the same place in an instant as soon as his figure moved, heading towards the depths of the Yuhua Xianmen ruins.

Not fast.

The space here is extremely unstable, and some voids even collapse directly.

Like a dark abyss, I don't know where to lead.

It is not uncommon for a top fairy gate to open up many small worlds.

When the Feathering Immortal Gate is shattered, the existing small world will also collapse.

Of course, there may still be some remaining.

The ground cracked, and the cracks spread thousands of feet deep.

The deeper he went, the more vigilant Jiang Che became.

The surrounding void has been completely broken in several places, revealing a piece of nothingness.

The power of time and space that diffuses out strangles everything.

Here, for ordinary people, it is a restricted area.

If you are not careful, you may be involved and completely strangled.

However, with his physical body, even if he is trapped in the turbulence of time and space, it is difficult to cause any damage.

Comparable to the body of a fairy.

However, it has not yet reached the realm of immortality.

Continue to deepen.

Here, it's like a wasteland world.

From some voids, Jiang Che also sensed the pervasive demonic energy.

Thousands of years have not been completely cleared.

The horror of the demon god is far beyond imagination.


Ruins, deepest.

The void here is completely shattered, nothingness, gray, and there is no end to it.

Jiang Che stood on the shattered earth, surging the power of the majestic primordial spirit, exploring the surrounding void.

This move is dangerous, because the flowing power of time and space may strangle his primordial spirit.

However, Jiang Che can bear the loss of some primordial spirit.

The things outside have basically been searched and cleaned up long ago.

For thousands of years, there are countless cultivators who have come to the Yuhua Xianmen ruins.

If you look outside, you will end up with nothing.

You can only look in the void to see if you can capture the broken time and space of Xiaoqian World.

Of course, there is not much hope.

The majestic primordial power centered on itself, and frantically probed into the endless depths of nothingness.

The scattered primordial power, like his tentacles, senses the time and space that may exist in nothingness.

The time and space formed by the shattering of the small world is not fixed, it is in a state of flow, flowing with nothingness.

Want to catch, depends on luck!


Half an hour later, Jiang Che withdrew his soul.

After exploring in nothingness for a long time, I didn't find anything.

"Or, go into nothingness and look for it?"

Looking at the endless nothingness like an abyss, a thought appeared in Jiang Che's mind.

"Based on my body, plus the Heaven and Earth Spring and Autumn Map and the Yin-Yang Jade Pendant, it should be no problem."

The thought floated into Jiang Che's mind, and Jiang Che's mind was fixed. In the next breath, the light shrouded his whole body. With one step, Jiang Che directly escaped into this nothingness.


Leaving an induction outside, he promised that he would not get lost in nothingness.

If there is no trace after entering, then he can only choose to leave.

No need to waste time.

Continue to go deep, here, there seems to be no end.

A cloudy grey.

The power of the primordial spirit is spreading, and while advancing, it is also constantly exploring the surrounding situation.


Suddenly, Jiang Che stopped, stood in the void, and looked in one direction of the void.

In just a moment, his primordial power captured a fragment of time and space flowing in nothingness.

Time and space fragments of the small thousand world.

Although it was only fleeting, it was sensed by the primordial spirit.

So close to Tianya activated, and Jiang Che quickly moved towards the induction.

In the gray nothingness, a ray almost as tall as a person appeared in his eyes.

Like a broken mirror, it is as tall as a man.

Excitement flashed across Jiang Che's eyes instantly.

It is certain that this fragment of time and space should be the fragment of time and space that was broken in Xiaoqian World of Yuhua Xianmen.

There is also this stable space-time space inside.


The majestic zhenqi surged, and a golden light shone, instantly freezing this broken Xiaoqian world time and space.

He may not have the strength to stabilize a complete Xiaoqian world, but it is still possible to just fix the time and space of one Xiaoqian world.

Fixing the time and space of this little thousand world, Jiang Che's figure moved and directly entered the time and space of this little thousand world.

Above a piece of land, Jiang Che's figure appeared in the void.

Entered the time and space of this small world.

A figure descended from the sky, and Jiang Che looked not far away.

A majestic aura surged.

At the same time, there is magic energy.


With one step, Jiang Che came to a mountain top a hundred miles away.

The mountain is not high, only a few hundred feet high.

However, there was an astonishing fluctuation of spiritual energy.

Spirit veins!

Jiang Che sensed it quickly.

However, there is some demonic energy mixed in this spiritual vein.

Standing in front of the mountain, Jiang Che raised his hand, and a bright golden light manifested behind him.


A punch landed on this mountain, and directly blasted the hundreds of feet tall mountain.

The gravel exploded and splashed all over the place, and there was a strong vibration in this space-time.

The dust was flying, and the earth trembled.

A shock wave swept out.

He punched the top of the mountain, and in an instant, the aura exploded.

A dragon-like spiritual vein danced and circled, roaring and rushing out.

"Fourth Grade Spirit Vein!"

Jiang Che's eyes lit up, and he shot directly, imprisoning this fourth-grade spiritual vein in an instant.

One thought was directly received in the picture of spring and autumn of heaven and earth.

And at this moment, the void began to vibrate strongly, and the time and space of this small world began to show signs of collapse.

It is not a complete small thousand world, it is easy to collapse.

Jiang Che searched this time and space with his spiritual sense, but found no other gains. He stepped out and disappeared in this broken time and space in an instant.


In the nothingness, a bright wave of light swept out, and the powerful fluctuation instantly shook the nothingness for thousands of miles.

In the dazzling light waves, Jiang Che's figure appeared.

Just leaving this hour and space, the hour and space collapsed.

Completely reduced to nothingness.

Jiang Che was in a good mood after capturing the first broken little thousand world time and space.

A fourth-grade spiritual vein, the harvest is not small.

The light wave dissipated, and the time and space of this broken small thousand world completely disappeared and ceased to exist.

With the first harvest, Jiang Che looked at the endless nothingness, and went deep into the stealth again.

Find more broken hours and spaces, and the rewards are even greater.

My luck should not be bad.

Perhaps, there are still surprises waiting for you.

Let's see if we can find it.


An hour later, in the vast void, Jiang Che found a second broken hour and space.

Compared to the first broken hour-space, this hour-space is larger.

There is a huge space-time mirror of hundreds of feet.

In the same way, Jiang Che once again fixed this small space, and the figure directly entered it without hesitation.

The light flickered, and soon, Jiang Che entered this small space.

Compared with the scope of space, it is also wider than before.

Several mountains appear in the eyes.

Jiang Che flew towards the distance, and at the same time, he was also using his spiritual sense to investigate the situation.

After a while, he flew over several mountains and came to a palace.

Without formation protection, even if there is, it has already lost its effect.

The palace is not big, and it doesn't look like anything special.

Jiang Che paused for a moment at the entrance of the hall before stepping directly into the hall.

Inside stands a statue of a god.

Jiang Che searched the god statue with his spiritual sense, but he didn't find any clues.

After entering the hall, I took a closer look, but found nothing.

The investigation of the spiritual consciousness was earth-shaking, but there was still nothing.

Jiang Che exited the palace and continued to go deeper.

The space is still not small, enough for him to explore.

I don't know if anyone has come in.

Jiang Che could only rely on his feelings.

Continue to deepen.

Soon, the second palace appeared in his eyes.

However, it has been destroyed and only ruins remain.

Jiang Che still did not give up, and used his divine sense to investigate.

But still no gains.

There is no aura of treasures, nor the aura of spiritual veins.

Although this small space is bigger, but the harvest is nothing.

After searching carefully for more than an hour, Jiang Che only found some top-grade spirit stones, only about a hundred pieces, and this was his only harvest.

For the rest, nothing.

I turned it upside down and found nothing special.

Either it was looted by someone, or it was destroyed in the first place.

After confirming that there was nothing to gain, Jiang Che left this small space.

Appearing in nothingness, Jiang Che's heart twitched when he saw the huge mirror of time and space hundreds of feet in front of him.

Big is quite big, but it doesn't have any eggs.

"Keep watching."

Jiang Che probed deeply again.

Nothingness is vast.

Finding other hours and spaces drifting in nothingness is a matter of luck.


Five days passed quickly.

In the depths of nothingness, Jiang Che's figure appeared.

Five days were explored in this nothingness.

Jiang Che found a total of more than ten hours of space.

Different sizes.

The gain is not small.

The main ones are spiritual veins. Among them, a total of six fourth-grade spiritual veins, five fifth-grade spiritual veins, and one third-grade spiritual vein have been obtained.

Jiang Che also discovered a rule, the larger the time and space, the less gain, and the smaller it is, the greater the gain.

Big, fancy but useless!

Not a single hair.

In the small time and space, there are surprises.

This is also the experience he summed up.

"Look again to see if there are any, if not, leave."

Jiang Che looked at the vast void.

The figure moved and continued to investigate deeply.


The flowing hours and spaces are hard to spot unless you get close.

After five days of investigation, his primordial power was consumed a lot.

However, it is worthwhile to be able to gain so many spiritual veins.

Do some more, maybe the spirit veins cultivated in the fifth round of World Tree are enough.



In the gray nothingness, Jiang Che's gaze suddenly froze.

The figure flashed and disappeared in an instant, and in an instant, he came to a small space mirror.

With mana and true energy surging, Jiang Che fixed the space-time mirror in front of him that was several tens of feet in size.

Looking at the space-time mirror in front of him, Jiang Che's figure flashed, and he stepped directly into this space-time.


In the gray sky, Jiang Che's figure appeared.

"What a strong demonic energy!"

Sensing this small space, Jiang Che's eyes were fixed.

Here, full of magic energy.

A lot of magic energy permeated the air.

It seems to have stepped into the base camp of the demons.

Looking into the distance, a dilapidated building appeared in his eyes.


Closer to the End of the World activated and disappeared in place.

In an instant, Jiang Che came to this dilapidated building.

The magic energy surged.

There are still many skeletons on the ground.

Step on it lightly and instantly turn into powder.

Looking around, there is no complete skeleton, most of them are broken.

Jiang Che stepped forward and continued to go deeper.

More and more skeletons appeared.

There are also some complete skeletons.

When he came to a relatively complete white palace, Jiang Che could even sense the powerful devilish energy.

With his mind tensed and his true energy flowing quietly, Jiang Che stepped into this white palace after making all preparations.

Stepping into the palace, the first thing you see is the two skeletons.

One body was full of glazed light, while the other emitted dark green light.

"Human skeleton!"

Looking at the two skeletons in front of him, Jiang Che's eyelids twitched.

These two complete skeletons are human immortal skeletons.

One of them is the human immortal skeleton of the human race, while the other is the demon immortal skeleton.

It seems that both of these supreme beings died together.

Jiang Che came to the skeleton, but found nothing on the skeleton.

Nothing but bones.

With a wave of his hand, true energy rushed out, instantly turning the bones of these two human immortals into ashes.

Immediately, Jiang Che looked around the palace.

There is nothing here.

However, Jiang Che discovered a secret door.

Under the search of Yuanshen, there is nowhere to hide the secret door.

When he came to the secret door, Jiang Che pushed it, and the secret door opened directly.

A meandering passage was revealed, leading directly to the depths of the palace, and strong demonic energy diffused from the passage.

It seems that here is the source of everything.

Jiang Che was cautious, and his spiritual sense took the lead in exploring the way, and discovered that there was a larger underground space under the palace.

Immediately, he was fully on guard and walked down the steps to the underground space below the palace.

The passage is long and winding.

Like a maze.

But it couldn't stop Jiang Che's spiritual exploration.

Soon, he followed the passage to this vast underground space.

It is hundreds of feet in size and four to five feet high.

In this underground space, a high platform appeared in the center, which looked like an altar.

But on the altar, there was a figure sitting cross-legged, which instantly surprised Jiang Che.

The hairs all over his body stood on end, and the light surged all over his body, ready to strike at any time.

But soon, Jiang Che calmed down again.

This physical body has no life breath and has been dead for a long time.

Determined to die completely, Jiang Che's tense nerves slightly relaxed, stepped forward, and soon came to the altar.

Looking at the figure on the altar, he watched carefully.

This is the appearance of a middle-aged man.

There is no breath of life, but the physical body remains immortal.

"The flesh body of the late human immortal!"

Soon, Jiang Che came to a conclusion.

The body of an ordinary human immortal can remain immortal for at most a thousand years after death.

But stepping into the late stage of human immortality, it will be different.

The physical body of the late human immortal can remain immortal for ten thousand years, or even longer.

Dead, still alive.

"It's a human race, why is there such a big demonic energy?"

Jiang Che frowned, looked at this late human body, came back to his senses, and walked up the steps to the altar.

Stepping on the altar, Jiang Che realized the situation instantly.

The magic energy does not come from the body of the late human immortal, but from the things in front of him.

is a finger.

Slender and slender!
Billowing magic energy permeated from the fingers.

It was like being cut off by someone.

The incision is as new as if it had just been cut.

And the breath is more terrifying than the physical body of this human immortal in the later stage.

The physical body of this human immortal in the late stage has all ten fingers intact.

Certainly not his fingers.

This is more like the fingers of the demons.

And the breath is strong, and the source of all the magic energy seems to come from this finger.

The magic energy is very strong, and the incision is as good as new!

Breath reached its peak.

This finger should be the finger of a peak magic fairy.

Not the finger of a demon god.

Because the breath of the finger is not as good as the breath of the blood of the demon god.

But it surpassed the physical aura of this human immortal in the later stage. Based on comprehensive judgment, this is probably the finger of a peak magic immortal.

This situation is very strange.

Who cut off the finger of a peak magic fairy?

Is it the Human Immortal Supreme in front of me?
Jiang Che looked carefully, this peak magic fairy finger still contained a terrifying aura.

But this human body in the late stage of immortality has already exhausted its vitality and lost its value.

There is no blood in the body, it is completely empty.

Even if it is trained as a puppet, it is not very useful.

The seemingly intact physical body is actually riddled with holes, and all internal organs are gone.

Only an empty body remained.

There was no storage ring or anything on him, so Jiang Che was slightly disappointed.

However, this peak magic fairy's finger is useful.

He can use Dutian Shenhuo to refine it, dispel the magic energy, and absorb the remaining energy.

It's just a finger, although it can't compare with the blood of the demon god, but it can also improve his strength.

Thinking of this, Jiang Che was really angry, and quickly put away the finger of the peak demon fairy, and at the same time, separated a ray of Dutian fire, burning the body of this late human immortal.

Turn to ashes.

After doing all this, Jiang Che used his spiritual sense to search the entire underground space again, and found nothing else, so Jiang Che followed and left.

After stepping out of the white palace, Jiang Che did not leave this small space immediately.

Continue to investigate a bit.

Found some spiritual veins, seventh grade spiritual veins.

A total of three, in addition to this, there is no gain.

After leaving this small space, Jiang Che went out of nothingness according to the induction he left behind.


An hour later, in the depths of the ruins, in the void, Jiang Che's figure appeared.

It took a total of several days, and it is not bad to have such a harvest.

Looking at the broken void in the distance, Jiang Che let out a breath and disappeared immediately.

Stepping out of the Yuhua Xianmen ruins area, just about to leave, suddenly, on a whim, a strong feeling erupted from my heart.

In the void, two rays of light hit from different directions.

high speed.

But the previous defense has not been withdrawn. When the two rays of light approached, the Yin-Yang Jade Pendant and the Spring and Autumn Map of Heaven and Earth instantly blocked the attack. (end of this chapter)

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