I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 199 Breakthrough Immortal

Chapter 199 Breakthrough Immortal
"Half Immortal Artifact!!"

In the void, there was an exclamation.


Another voice sounded, without hesitation, he ran away in an instant.

"Want to run!"

"Did I let you go?"

An icy voice sounded, and as soon as the voice fell, the void instantly collapsed.



Two figures fell out of the shattered void, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

The breath on his body was turbulent, and he fell off a cliff.

"Boom bang!!"

Before they could react, the bodies of the two suffered heavy injuries again, and the sound of bones breaking sounded like a meteorite, which slammed into the ground fiercely.


Big mouthfuls of blood spurted out, and the breath of life of the two became more sluggish.


A black and white divine light was activated, and one of them was instantly killed.

As soon as Jiang Che raised his hand, infinite power erupted, directly lifting the other person up and choking him by the neck.

"Is the person who stabbed the palace?"

Jiang Che looked at the man in black in front of him with cold eyes.

All the strength of the man in black was imprisoned and he couldn't move at all.

Looking at Jiang Che's eyes, there was a trace of horror.

With a flash of Jiang Che's eyes, divine light burst out from his pupils instantly, and the majestic power of primordial spirit forcefully inserted into his mind.

Brute force search.

When the light in his eyes disappeared, the man in black in front of him had completely lost his breath, and his primordial spirit was directly destroyed.


Inspired by the yin-yang divine light, Jiang Che wiped out his physical body in an instant.

"Number Four..."

Looking at the destroyed body, Jiang Che muttered to himself.

From memory, he got the information he wanted.

These two people are both assassins of Assassin God Palace.

However, Jiang Che did not get information about the assassination technique of Assassin God Palace.

Part of the memory was sealed, and the moment the soul invaded, it was directly destroyed.

"It seems that the curse is not enough, we need to increase the amount..."

Jiang Che muttered, murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and his figure disappeared in an instant.

Two Assassin Palace assassins died at the same time, and the Assassin Palace would also get news of the death immediately.

Jiang Che was not surprised.

He doesn't have enough strength yet to destroy the Assassin's Palace. When he is strong enough in the future, this Assassin's Palace will also be one of his must-kill lists.

He wouldn't keep such a cancerous tumor.



An endless green hill.

On the top of a mountain, Jiang Che's figure appeared.

Killing two Assassins from Assassin's Palace was just a small episode.

Sooner or later it will come.

However, to kill these two assassins, the Assassin Palace will definitely be more cautious.

However, Jiang Che wasn't afraid either.

After refining the blood of the demon god and attacking the immortals, unless the Lord of the Assassin Palace comes in person, the other assassins will come and die one by one.

"Just here."

Jiang Che chose this place as his training place after his spiritual sense checked the surrounding hundred miles without any problems.

A cave was simply opened up in the mountains, some simple defensive formations were arranged, and Jiang Che began to practice.

There are still a few months to go.

Dutian Shenhuo can completely refine the blood of the demon god and clear the energy of the demon god.

During this period of time, Jiang Che will also take the opportunity to further comprehend and cultivate in depth, and strive to break through the realm of immortality in one breath.

Without the blood of the demon god, it may take longer.

For this day, Jiang Che also prepared for a long time.

If he breaks through the Immortal, his strength will also be greatly improved.

The finger of the peak magic fairy, Jiang Che also put it into the Dutian Divine Fire for refining.

Although the process is very slow, he can still afford to wait for this little time.


Time passed minute by minute.

Months passed quickly.

In the mountains, within the cave.

Jiang Che suddenly opened his eyes.

After four months of penance, his comprehension of heaven and earth has improved a little.

And after four months, the Demon God's Qi in the Demon God's Blood was completely eliminated.

As for the finger of the demon fairy, it was also completely smelted and blended into the blood of the demon god.

"Finally refined!"

Jiang Che let out a breath, and with a thought, the blood of the Demon God instantly appeared in front of him.

After removing the demon god's aura, the color of the demon god's blood also changed to the color of glazed glass.

A majestic energy breath permeated the air.

Looking at the sparkling blood of the demon god in front of him, Jiang Che's heart couldn't help but beat a little.

The blood of the demon god not only contains majestic energy, but also the sentiment in the remaining blood.

Even a trace of it is huge to him.

Whether it can break through the human immortal is also in one fell swoop.

He also does not allow the slightest accident to happen.


The Spring and Autumn Map of Heaven and Earth and the Yin-Yang Jade Pendant were activated at the same time, completely sealing off the cave.

At the same time, Jiang Che also used the Book of Misfortune to completely block his own secrets.

Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!

Any disturbance in the refining of the blood of the demon god may cause him to fail to attack the immortal.

Even if there is a slight accident, it must be killed in the cradle.

everything's ready.

Jiang Che opened his mouth and swallowed the drop of Demon God's blood.

In an instant, his body burst into a crystal light.

At the same time, his primordial spirit vibrated.

The body is like glass, crystal clear and bright.

The trace of sentiment contained in the blood of the demon god also shook his mind.

The rays of light around him enveloped him completely.

Jiang Che also quickly comprehended the sentiment, and his physical body was constantly absorbing the energy of the blood of the demon god.



Three days passed in a flash.

In the cave, Jiang Che remained silent.

However, the aura that permeated the whole body became more and more terrifying.

A special kind of vibration caused transactions in the void.

Fortunately, the half-immortal weapon completely sealed off his cave, even standing on the top of the mountain, he couldn't detect anything unusual.

Concentrate on practicing comprehension.

Jiang Che's aura also kept rising.

Above the head, the light vibrated.

The first orifice of the immortal.


Thoroughly open up, communicate with the world, absorb the power of the world and turn it into your own use.

This is also a crucial step to break through the Immortal.

Break the rules of the world and communicate with the world.

It looks easy, but it is only clear when you break through.

With his comprehension coupled with the comprehension in the blood of the demon god, the difficulty of breaking through is relatively small.

It's a matter of course!

However, there may be surprises.

After four months of penance, he did not slack off in the slightest.

He has been waiting for this day for a long time.


Five days passed again.


In the cave, a powerful wave rushed out, broke through the blockade of the half-immortal weapon, and reached the sky.

In an instant, the clear sky changed suddenly.

A vast pressure filled the air.

Within a hundred miles, the beasts in the mountains trembled, and everything was silent.


The gate of the cave mansion was shattered, and a figure stepped out of the cave mansion.

The half-immortal weapon entered the body, and all the blockages disappeared.

Jiang Che looked up at the sky, the light in his eyes flashed.

With the help of the comprehension of the blood of the demon god, he stepped into the realm of immortality.

The next step is to cross the catastrophe and truly rank among the immortals.

Without any genuine energy fluctuations overflowing, Jiang Che's physical body directly flew into the sky.

Standing in the void, the breath in the body is released instantly.


The world changed suddenly, and the wind howled.

The majestic coercion spread out instantly.

In the sky, dark clouds gathered to form a huge funnel.

A wave of world-destroying Tianwei diffused out from the funnel.

Immortal catastrophe!

Facing the majestic Tianwei, Jiang Che didn't have the slightest fear, only boundless excitement.

Purple lightning flashed, and soon, in the robbery cloud, a violent bolt of lightning descended instantly.

Thick as a mountain.

Jiang Che didn't have the slightest defense, his body was filled with the light of glazed glass, and he rushed forward in an instant.


Bathed in the thunder of the God of Tribulation, the body has not been damaged at all, but has become more glazed.

The endless sky-tribulation lightning wrapped every inch of his body.

The internal organs, the meridians of the body, and blood cells are all wrapped.

When the lightning disappeared, Jiang Che stood intact in the void.

Looking at the huge funnel-shaped dark cloud, Jiang Che took a step forward and rushed directly into the robbery cloud.

The body is wrapped by the robbery cloud.

Lightning strikes, shattering the void.

Dazzling lightning strikes.

Jiang Che's figure was completely submerged in it.

Waves spread thousands of miles.


Thousands of miles away, several practitioners stared at the sky.

Looking at the terrifying Heavenly Tribulation in the void, even thousands of miles away, one can feel a strong suffocation.

"What kind of catastrophe is this?"

A young man spoke without moving his eyes.

"Human Immortal Tribulation."

Another Taoist with a white beard spoke.

"Human Immortal Tribulation!!"

Several people's hearts jumped.

Someone crosses the catastrophe and becomes a fairy!

The leap from martial saint to immortal.

The difference between real immortals.

"It's the breath of my human race. In the northern wilderness, the Supreme Human Immortal is about to appear!!"

Another big man spoke with excitement on his face.

But as soon as the words fell, the white beard Taoist said: "Don't be so sure, maybe it's a human from another continent."

Hearing this, the smiles on the faces of several people froze slightly.

But his eyes didn't move away, he still looked at Tianjie.

"Straight into the calamity cloud, which ruthless person dares to cross the calamity like this?"

After watching for a long time, they didn't find any trace of the robber, and several people noticed something was wrong.

The catastrophe continues, and it will definitely not end.

But there is no trace of the robber, there is only one possibility, the robber goes deep into the robbery cloud.

It is really rare to dare to cross the catastrophe like this.

Never heard of it.

But they dare not approach.

Just standing in place has already produced strong oppression.

If you get close and get locked by the Heavenly Tribulation, you will definitely die.

The catastrophe of human beings is not something they can resist.


Pairs of eyes were watching Jieyun.

But no one dared to get close to Jieyun's range.

The power of the catastrophe is too great, if you get close to the catastrophe, you will be regarded as a person who has crossed the catastrophe, and you may die without even a scum left.


An hour passed, and the robbery cloud in the sky gradually dissipated.

A hazy figure appeared in the void.

The light of colored glaze all over his body shone, and his aura shook the world.

In the depths of the void, a piece of golden light poured into the body of the figure, and the aura soared instantly.

The heaven and earth rewards completely disappeared, and the glazed figure also disappeared out of thin air in an instant.

He didn't even see his real face, he just disappeared.

At this moment, the secretly observing figures rushed towards the direction of Du Jie just now.

But there is nothing but the aura of heavenly disaster remaining in the void.

"It's a pity that I couldn't witness the true face of this senior!"

"Maybe you don't want to reveal it."

A sigh sounded.

At this moment, a figure stepped out of the void thousands of miles away.

It was Jiang Che.

Landing on the top of a mountain, Jiang Che restrained the breath in his whole body, and the glazed light around him disappeared, returning to normal.


Sensing the strength of his body, Jiang Che was very happy.

Push the limits.

He has finally stepped into the realm of immortality and supremacy.

A body without leaks, a golden body of glass!
Going deep into the Heavenly Tribulation, Jiang Che not only opened up the first acupoint, but also used the power of the Heavenly Tribulation to open up nine consecutive acupoints.

The strong background also made it easy for him to step into the human immortal and break through the nine orifices without the slightest difficulty.

Ordinary human immortals can basically only break through one or two apertures if they break through the Great Tribulation of Human Immortals.

However, under the sprint of his background, he directly opened the nine orifices in one breath.

The strength has soared sharply.

These nine orifices are also the easiest.

Opening up one's own acupoints is also related to the power of heaven and earth under one's control.

Jiang Che can control the power of hundreds of miles of heaven and earth, and unleash extreme power.

The power of the foundation reached the power of four thousand dragons in one breath.

This change is just one of them.

The internal structure of the body also changes.

An impeccable body that locks all power.

Can perfectly display all the power of a body.

Use the power of heaven and earth to completely control it.

Being a human being for the first time, being able to control the power of ten miles of heaven and earth is already very powerful.

His control is ten times that of ordinary beginners.

The more acupoints are opened, the stronger the control.

The stronger the power of heaven and earth controlled, the more terrifying the strength.

The vitality of life is like a vast ocean, surging and astonishing.

The light of qi and blood emitted can suppress and kill demons.

Xianfan's transformation.

Dao Divine Body has also broken through to a new stage.

Looking at a huge mountain hundreds of miles away, Jiang Che grasped the void, and the [-]-foot mountain collapsed in an instant and turned into dust.

Tried the power of heaven and earth, this feeling, like a god, can do whatever he wants.

At this moment, he understood the gap between a human immortal and a martial saint.

Manipulating the power of heaven and earth can easily crush it.

You haven't gotten close yet, a thought can kill you hundreds of miles away.

The power of heaven and earth manipulated, and its explosive power, are far beyond the capabilities of a martial artist.

Even if he was able to do melee damage at most before, but he has to bear the attack of the power of heaven and earth all the time.

The change of human beings has changed too much.

It is not an exaggeration to fly to the sky in one step.

If one hundred and eight orifices are opened, the change will be even more terrifying.

The scope of the world under his control is invincible in itself.

Unless it can be absolutely crushed.

Otherwise, it would be very difficult to kill a Human Immortal Supreme.

What's more, even if you don't have any special physique when you first become an immortal, the changes will be huge.

The glazed golden body, even if it is attacked by a top-grade Taoist weapon or even a half-immortal weapon, will not die.

Resilience is also perverted.

If you reach the realm of flesh and blood in the late stage of human immortality, you can kill it unless you suppress it first, and then spend a lot of time to obliterate it.

There cannot be the slightest respite, and with a respite, one can return to the peak.

This is also the horror of the late human immortal.

Open up in the early stage, transform the artistic conception into reality in the middle stage, derive from flesh and blood, and be reborn from a drop of blood!

The Four Changes of Human Wonderland.

The transformation of each realm is earth-shaking!

Sitting cross-legged on the spot, Jiang Che remained motionless.

He just broke through, and he still needs a certain amount of time to stabilize completely.


Three days passed in a flash, and Jiang Che had completely stabilized the realm of the early human immortal.

Immortals have one hundred and eight apertures, and if each aperture is opened, changes will occur.

It's not just a change controlled by the power of heaven and earth, nor is it just a simple increase in strength.

"I don't know, if killing the peak demon saint can give you a cosmic-level reward..."

Looking at the void, a thought flashed in Jiang Che's mind.

Breaking through the Immortal, the strength changes too much.

He was still not sure if he could get a cosmic-level reward.

If it doesn't work, it will be a big trouble to kill the demon in the future.

Even the peak demon saints can't get the rewards of the cosmic word level, so it is estimated that only the beheading demon level exists.

"Try it first!"

To calm down the distracting thoughts in his heart, Jiang Che's figure moved, his physical body tore through the void, and disappeared immediately.

Pushing forward with the power of heaven and earth, its speed is no less than that of his full-strength explosion.


three days later.

On the outskirts of a city, Jiang Che's figure appeared.

"Lion Camel Mountain..."

"The Great Sage of the Red Lion, the Great Sage of the White Elephant..."

According to the information he had just received, Jiang Che found a piece of relevant information.

Both are the existence of peak demon saints.

And the current city is Lion Camel City.

In the early years, it was not called Lion Camel City, but Lingjiang City.

The current kingdom is also called Lingyuan Kingdom.

The name of Lingjiang City was changed to Lion Camel City because of these two demon saints.

The lion camel city is also the back garden of the two demon saints.

If you want to eat people, you will directly send monsters to catch them.

If any cultivator is caught and there is trouble with the fairy gate, these two demon saints will do it themselves.

There are more than a dozen middle and small immortal sects destroyed in the hands of these two demon saints.

Opening the yin and yang sky eye, there is a strong bloody evil spirit in the sky above the lion camel city, even covering the fire of the world of mortals.

The city will not be slaughtered at one time, but will be harvested at regular intervals.

The people in Lion Camel City are like livestock.

Kill if you want.

But in the eyes of demons, this is nothing more than normal.

In the Northern Wilderness, this situation is not an exception.

Xianmen is also helpless.

If you can't beat it, if you don't do it well, you have to pay for it yourself.

"Lion Camel Mountain..."

Jiang Che looked at the green hills in the distance, and his figure disappeared without a sound.

In the blink of an eye, he came to a green mountain full of evil spirits.

The evil spirit is billowing, and there are at least thousands of demons in the mountain.

Flying into the sky with his physical body, Jiang Che came directly to the void.

Looking at the Lion Camel Mountain in front of him, Jiang Che waved his hand, and an invisible power of heaven and earth was activated instantly.

The blue mountain was instantly filled with blood.

Except for the two peak demon saints, thousands of demons and ghosts in the mountain were all wiped out in an instant.

The strong smell of blood makes people unbearably sick.

However, Jiang Che was already used to this taste.


Two divine lights shot up, and in the Lion Camel Mountain, two demon saints appeared in his eyes.

It was the Red Lion Demon Saint and the White Elephant Demon Saint.

"Human Immortal!"

Sensing Jiang Che's aura, the expressions of the two peak demon saints changed drastically in an instant.

"Where is the sacredness of the senior, I don't know where the two of us offended the senior, why did you want to kill my subordinate?"

The Red Lion Demon Saint looked at him and said in a voice.

"Need a reason?"

Jiang Che's voice sounded calm.

Red Lion Demon Saint: "..."

White Elephant Demon Saint: "..."

It doesn't matter if you need it or not...

"You are going too far. This is the Northern Wilderness, not any other continent. I am the younger brother of Tianshi Yaoxian. If you leave, I can pretend that this has never happened."

The Red Lion Demon Saint spoke, his voice rolling.

"The younger brother of Tianshi Yaoxian..."

Jiang Che was a little surprised, but the name of Tianshi Yaoxian couldn't frighten him.


Two sword shadows appeared out of thin air.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of the Red Lion Demon Saint and the White Elephant Demon Saint changed drastically in an instant.

Light surged all over his body, and the majestic monster power burst out instantly.


Two sword shadows rushed out like divine swords, and the two peak demon saints also counterattacked at the same time.


As soon as the blow collided, a shock wave swayed away, Jiang Che remained motionless, but the Red Lion Demon Saint and the White Elephant Demon Saint were dying in an instant.


With a movement of Jiang Che's figure, he came directly in front of him.

When the majestic primordial spirit moved, it invaded their primordial spirit instantly.

After searching the memory, and got information about other peak demon saints, Jiang Che directly killed two peak demon saints.

A huge red lion and white elephant appear.

The demon book vibrated, and two purple light clusters appeared.

"Ninth grade of Zhou Zi... It seems that it has not been broken yet."

Jiang Che breathed a sigh of relief.

With a flick of the Taoist robe, the corpses of the two peak demon saints were instantly refined into a majestic life pill.

It is good news that after killing the peak demon saint, you can still get the reward of the ninth rank of Zhou Zi.

It's easy for him to be a demon slayer saint, but it's not easy for him to be an immortal demon slayer.

Moreover, there are only so many demons in the world.

Kill one, and the entire Great Thousand World will be shaken.

Even if you step into a human fairy, it is very difficult to kill a demon fairy.

The rewards of the ninth rank of Zhou Zi can also produce good things.

There is still improvement for him.

"Based on the immortal way, it seems that the later I break through the thunder tribulation, the more rewards I can get."

With a firm mind, Jiang Che let out a breath.

At the same time, a golden light appeared in the void, and a piece of heaven and earth merit poured into his body.

In an instant, Jiang Che's primordial spirit rose by two feet.

The mana in the body has also increased by one level, reaching five tenths.

"There are still a lot of merits from heaven and earth..."

"Then it seems that there are more kills."

Jiang Che's eyes flashed, and a plan instantly appeared in his mind.

Hunt the demon saint!

With his strength, it is completely effortless.

There are so many demon saints in the Northern Wilderness, if you kill some of them, you will be rewarded a lot.

Even if it attracts demons and immortals, it is no problem at all if they lose the enemy and run away.

Moreover, by breaking through the Immortal, he can completely shield his own secrets.

Coupled with the half-immortal weapon on his body, unless there is a deduction from the immortal weapon, it is absolutely impossible to find out his heel.

"Just do it!"

With a firm mind, Jiang Che seems to have seen a "bright road"!
He just searched the memory of the white elephant and the red lion, and he also got relevant information.

There are many peak demon saints who can attack.

With one thought, Lion Camel Mountain collapsed and disappeared in an instant.

Erasing all traces of his aura, Jiang Che turned around and disappeared without a trace.


Returning to Lion Camel City, Jiang Che saw that the bloody aura above Lion Camel City had dissipated a lot.

After solving the red lion and white elephant, he also saved the city of lions and camels.

It's normal to get a wave of heaven and earth merit.

The thought went deep into his mind, and Jiang Che immediately started to extract the rewards of the two ninth-grade cosmic characters.

With a flash of light, a sword stone appeared in front of him.

Putting away the sword stone, Jiang Che continued to extract.


A drop of purple blood appeared in his eye.

A strong demonic energy filled the air, and it was a drop of the blood of the demon god!

(End of this chapter)

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