I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 200 Shocking the Northern Desolation Gods and Demons Scripture


Jiang Che felt at ease.

He is very satisfied with the two rewards.

Although it takes some time to refine the blood of the demon god, the report is fine.

A drop of Demon God's blood can at least open one of his orifices.

A sword stone can also be enlightened once, and once again enhance the power of the Great Void Sword Art.


Dutian Shenhuo package.

Jiang Che quickly included it in the Spring and Autumn Map of Heaven and Earth.

The wealth carried by the two demon saints was also quickly cleaned up.

Jiang Che pays the most attention to the spirit veins and spirit stones.

Cultivating the world tree will be of great use in the future.

To break through to the Immortal, the energy he needs cannot be satisfied by ordinary energy.

Chunyang Xianguo is stronger and stronger every time.

Meet his requirements.

After all, he is still unable to extract pure Yang Xianqi.

Only by stepping into the Supreme Thunder Tribulation, can his primordial spirit capture the pure Yang immortal energy from the endless void.

Glancing at the Lion Camel City, Jiang Che sorted out the memories in his mind, and disappeared outside the Lion Camel City in a flash.



A Lingshan Cave Mansion.

Here, the aura is compelling, and at the same time, the aura is soaring.

In Lingshan, there are demons all over.

Suddenly, a vast coercion rushed out from the Lingshan Cave Mansion, sweeping the entire Lingshan Holy Land.

The majestic coercion instantly made thousands of monsters in the Lingshan tremble.


The gate of the cave burst open, and a burly figure stepped out of the cave.

With snow-white hair and blood-red eyes, his murderous aura is soaring, stirring up the situation.

The breath rushed out, and the temperature of the entire Lingshan suddenly dropped.

It's as cold as an ice hell.

His white hair flew up, and his eyes were cold.

But at this time, a figure came from not far away, and came in front of this white-haired figure.

"Master Tianshi, what's wrong?"

The green-robed figure bowed his body and whispered.

"My younger brother was killed just now." The white-haired figure said coldly.


The green-robed figure trembled, and looked at the white-haired figure in disbelief: "The Great Sage of the Red Lion... is dead?!"

The white-haired figure turned around, looked at him, and said, "Go to Shituoling to check right away."

"Okay, Lord Tianshi, I'll go right away."

The green-robed figure nodded, and with a movement, the figure quickly disappeared into the Lingshan Mountain.

Watching the green-robed figure go away, the white-haired figure's eyes were as cold as ice.

The murderous look in his eyes remained undiminished.

"No matter who you are, if you kill my brother, even if you reach the ends of the earth, you will die!"

A cold voice sounded, and the white-haired figure disappeared out of thin air in an instant, leaving only a terrifying breath in the void.


"It's here."

In the void, above the sea of ​​clouds, Jiang Che's figure appeared, overlooking a majestic green mountain below.

second goal.

Holy Blood Demon.

This is a peak demon saint known from Red Lion's memory.

The body is the blood wing black mosquito.

The strength is also very strong.

love blood.

There are also thousands of monsters under his command.

Among the green hills, there is a demonic aura.

After passing through the sea of ​​clouds, Jiang Che landed directly above the green mountain.

The power of heaven and earth was activated, and in an instant, thousands of monsters exploded in the green mountain, turning into blood rain, and the smell of blood filled the mountain.


In the next second, Jiang Che came to a cave on the mountainside.

At this moment, the gate of the cave just opened, and a blood-robed figure appeared in his eyes.

When he saw the green-robed Taoist in front of him, the Blood Demon Demon Saint was startled instantly.

"Human Immortal...!"

Sensing the terrifying aura inside this green-robed Taoist, the Blood Demon Sacred Heart trembled with fear.

Before he could make a move, he felt a huge pain in his neck.

An iron hand was like pliers, choking his neck.

The monster power in the body was directly suppressed and could not be mobilized.

Grabbing the Blood Demon Saint with one hand, Jiang Che's primordial spirit moved instantly, and violently invaded the Blood Demon Demon Saint's primordial spirit, plundering his memory.


The yin and yang divine light was activated, and in an instant, Jiang Che obliterated the primordial spirit of the blood demon saint.

At the same time, the demon book vibrated, and the rewards of the ninth rank of Zhou Zi appeared.

Refining the blood demon demon saint's body directly into a life pill, Jiang Che disappeared in front of the cave in an instant.

The merits of the sky and the earth entered his body, and his primordial spirit was elevated again.

Locking on the next target, Jiang Che instantly disappeared into the void.


A month passed quickly.

But for the Northern Wilderness Monster Race, this month has been earth-shaking.

Especially for the monster saint-level existence of the Northern Wilderness Monster Race, they live in fear.

In just one month, more than twenty peak demon saints were killed by a mysterious human monk.

Several demons were furious, but they couldn't find any trace.

And this month, for the existence of the demon saint level, almost no one dared to appear alone.

More than [-] peak demon saints died this month, which is also a super big event among the Northern Wilderness demon clan.

Northern Wilderness, Tianyao Mountain.

This is the kingdom of ten thousand demons in the legend of the Northern Wilderness.

It is also the Holy Land of the Monster Race in the entire Northern Wilderness.

Tianyao Mountain is also the number one spiritual mountain in the Northern Wilderness.

The majestic aura of heaven and earth has turned thousands of miles into a holy place for cultivation.

There are palaces and pavilions, towering halls, clouds and fog, and aura rising.

From a distance, the entire Tianyao Mountain does not look like a world of demons at all, but more like a holy land of immortals.

Tian Yao Palace, in the magnificent hall.

A terrifying figure appeared one by one.

Every figure is a fairy-level existence.

There are seven or eight people.

Supreme gathered.

Each of them is the supreme monster of the Northern Wilderness, a famous existence in the world.

The digital Yaozu Supremes sat on both sides of the hall.

The atmosphere in the hall was solidified, and there seemed to be an invisible sense of oppression.

But at this moment, the faces of all the fairies were very ugly.

His subordinates were killed, but he still couldn't figure it out.

It's just a shame.

There was no trace of it.

In the Northern Wilderness, it has been so long, and so many peak demon saints have not died in such a short period of time.

Every peak monster saint is a capable general of the Northern Wilderness Monster Clan.

Now that he was killed, but he couldn't be found, this is undoubtedly a slap in the face.

Not long after a few fairies appeared.

In the depths of the hall, a golden door opened, and a graceful figure stepped out slowly.

Dressed in Tsing Yi, she outlined a perfectly curvy figure.

Her aura is no less than that of every fairy present, even stronger.

Seeing the woman in Tsing Yi appear, the gazes of seven or eight fairies instantly cast their gazes on her.

"Miss Bai, I waited to come here today because of..."

Before she finished speaking, the woman in Tsing Yi said: "Bai Ling understands why you are here, Tsing Yi already knows the identity of this person."


All the fairies' eyes lit up.

Qi Shushu looked at the woman in Tsing Yi.

The woman in Tsing Yi waved her slender hand, and in the void, a real-like image appeared.

Dressed in a cyan Taoist robe, young and handsome!

The gazes of several fairies instantly looked at this empty figure.

"It's him!"

A fairy suddenly spoke.

As soon as the words came out, the gazes of the other demons instantly turned to the one who spoke.

"Tianshi, do you know this person?"

A fairy spoke.

The Tianshi Yaoxian who spoke looked solemnly, nodded, and said: "I know it from Zhetian."


I know from Zhetian...

A few demons frowned slightly, looked at him, and said, "Why does it have something to do with Zhetian?"

Tianshi Yaoxian: "This person is the human cultivator who beheaded the body of Zhetian."


The hearts of the fairies jumped.

They are very clear about the matter of covering the sky, and they heard that they were defeated in the hands of a human race.

However, they have never seen Zhetian, nor have they been to the scene in person, they have only heard about it.

"I learned from Zhetian that this person is a cultivator from the Eastern Wasteland." The voice of Tianshi Yaoxian sounded.

Several Supremes frowned instantly.

A human monk from the Eastern Wasteland Immortal Sect.

"Which fairy gate?" a demon fairy asked.

"Eastern Desolation Dao Sect."

Tianshi Yaoxian spoke.

The complexions of the supreme beings changed slightly.

They still know about the ten great immortal sects in the Eastern Wasteland.

Donghuang Daozong is the leader of Donghuang Xianmen.

"Miss Bai, where is this person now?"

A fairy came back to his senses, looked at the woman in Tsing Yi and said.

The gazes of the other fairies also looked at the woman in Tsing Yi.

The most recent peak demon saint who was beheaded was three days ago, which means that this person must have never left Beihuang.

If they can be found, they must kill him together.

What about the Eastern Wilderness Dao Sect?
This is the Northern Wilderness, not the Eastern Wilderness!

Dozens of peak demon saints were killed, if they just let it go, then their face will be saved!

This man must be killed.

The woman in Tsing Yi glanced at the fairies, and said, "The current approximate location of this person is in the Southern Wu Kingdom. The exact location cannot be estimated."

"Can't figure out the exact location?"

Several fairies frowned.

The scope of a kingdom is not small.

It's definitely not that easy to find.

"Miss Bai, your sky mirror can't figure it out either?" a demon fairy said.

The woman in Tsing Yi shook her head, "No, he has a half-celestial body shield, which shields the heavenly secrets. Although it can be broken, this person also has a stronger treasure body shield, which cannot be broken by the Sky Mirror."

"There is a stronger treasure body protection?!"

Several fairies were slightly startled.

A treasure that is stronger than a semi-immortal weapon, isn't that a fairy weapon?

Daozong will use a fairy weapon for a disciple?

Aren't you afraid of being robbed?

It's not right, the power of the fairy weapon, even the existence of the immortal who has just entered the thunder robbery, can't fully stimulate it. With the strength of the white girl, coupled with the sky mirror, how can it be blocked?

The brows of the demon fairies frowned, almost twisted into a pimple.

The atmosphere in the hall froze instantly.

"Southern Wu Kingdom..."

"That's not as good as this."

"We will join forces to seal off the entire Southern Wu, and use your own magic weapon to seal up Southern Wu. In this way, it may be possible to find it. What do you think?"

A demon fairy said.

"Block the entire Southern Wu..."

Several demon fairies looked at each other and frowned slightly.

This project is not small.

It is not so difficult for a kingdom to be completely sealed off.

"Don't think too long, everyone, if this person runs away, it will really be a needle in a haystack."

The fairy spoke again.

Miss Bai suddenly opened her mouth and said: "If you all work together, maybe you can. Just in case, I can also recommend you to go to the demon master for help. With the magical power of the demon master, you should be able to find this person."

As soon as Miss Bai spoke, the brows of the fairies frowned.

Find a demon master, will that help them?
"This is the king's token. With this token, you should invite a demon master."

Miss Bai opened her mouth, and while speaking, a jade pendant appeared.

"Okay, then according to this proposal, block it first, and then we will use the token to ask the demon master to take action."

A fairy spoke.

Several other demons nodded, and immediately, a demon stepped forward, took the token, and then left Tianyao Mountain.

Watching several supreme beings leave, Miss Bai's figure also disappeared in place.


"Feeling restless..."

"It should have attracted the attention of the fairy. According to this fluctuation, there are at least three or more. If you can't do it, get out of here first."

Looking at the city in front of him, Jiang Che originally planned to go to the city to rest, so he unlocked more than 20 rewards by the way.

But suddenly a strong whim emerged in his heart, and he had to give up.

Tear the void and leave as quickly as possible.

After killing so many peak demon saints, he also felt that he was about to stop.

Can't go on.

If you kill them all, I am afraid it will be very dangerous.

Come again next time.

Dozens of rewards, if there are enough surprises, it should also allow him to improve his strength a wave.


So close to the sky activated to the extreme, Jiang Che can travel through the void with the body of a human immortal.

In an instant, he stepped out of the border of Southern Wu, but he still didn't stop.

move on.

The whim reaction was strong.

He cannot be underestimated.

Judging from previous experience, there is definitely a supreme eyeing him.

One or two demons can fight.

Four or five, then he can only run away.

To break through the Immortal, he singled out at most three Thunder Tribulation Demon Immortals.

If there are more than four, he will be defeated.

He has a very clear benchmark for his own strength.

Moreover, with such a strong whim reaction, I am afraid that it is not just the demon immortals from the Thunder Tribulation Realm descending.

It is very possible that there are more terrifying existences.

It's not too late to draw a prize when it's safe.

Anyway, it won't run.


Southern Wu, the royal city was empty, a few figures appeared, and a strong brilliance surged around him, instantly enveloping himself as the center, sweeping the entire Southern Wu.

In the void, a super enchantment was formed instantly.

The land of Nanwu, which is a million miles away, is completely sealed off by the barrier.

Seeing the barrier blocking Nan Wu, the gazes of a few fairies flashed.

Immediately, the figures of the four demons disappeared, leaving three demons standing above the sea of ​​clouds.

"With the supernatural powers of a demon master, there should be no problem."

"I'm afraid I won't help you!"

Another fairy said.

"A peak demon saint died in the demon master's mansion. Besides, the demon master was defeated by the Wan Yao queen back then. He obeyed the king, so it is impossible not to take action."

"Then wait."


three days later.

An endless sea appeared in Jiang Che's eyes.

South China Sea!

The sea was churning, and some fishermen's boats were docked on the coast.

Overlooking the void, you can see everything at a glance.

In three days, Jiang Che ran directly from Southern Wu to the border of Northern Wilderness in one breath.

The telepathy in my heart also gradually weakened.

He also breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the endless South China Sea, Jiang Che thought of the Sea Clan in the South China Sea again.

Spend a lot of money and send assassins from Assassin Palace to assassinate him.

He will never forget this hatred.

"If you do it, it is possible to kill Ji Huan to death, but the Dragon Emperor of the South China Sea may not be able to beat..."

Looking at the endless South China Sea, a thought flashed through Jiang Che's mind.

With the current strength, it is very possible to kill the demon fairy Ji Huan, but the price is not small.

If one more South China Sea Dragon Emperor is added, then I'm afraid it won't work.

The Dragon Emperors of the South China Sea are at least in the second realm of Thunder Tribulation.

It is also possible to cultivate to the third level.

The difference in strength is too great. With the cultivation base of a human immortal who has opened nine apertures, he is not an opponent.

This point is very clear.

It's not easy to be able to draw with Leijie Second Realm.

One realm, one sky!

"Forget about it, let's see the situation, if you meet him, kill him!"

With a flash of thought, Jiang Che quickly made a decision in his mind.

He was not sure, if Ji Huan was killed, he would be hunted down by the Dragon Emperor of the South China Sea.

Moreover, sneaking into the South China Sea Dragon Palace would be even more dangerous.

The most important point is that the Dragon Emperor of the South China Sea holds this immortal artifact.

This strength increase, that is not a star.

The power of the fairy weapon can destroy the world.

It can also be seen from the curse in the doom book.

Cursing Ji Huan was easy, every time he vomited blood.

But it is very difficult to curse the Dragon Emperor of the South China Sea.

It may be that he suffered several losses and directly used the fairy body protection.

When it comes to cursing, the degree of difficulty is too high, and the effect is minimal.

After all, the Book of Misfortune is just a half-celestial artifact.

It is no longer easy to break through the protection of the fairy artifact and produce a curse effect.

This is a big problem if you have an immortal artifact.

The power of the blow from the fairy weapon might not be able to withstand even his physical body.

The defense of the half-immortal weapon is absolutely unstoppable.

If he met Ji Huan in Donghuang, or other continents, then he would definitely not be merciful.

Even if Ji Huan also had a semi-immortal artifact, he was confident enough to kill it, but it only required paying a price.

"Enter the South China Sea first, find an island to extract rewards."

When he came back to his senses, Jiang Che's mind moved, and he activated the extreme power of the close distance, and once again traveled through the void.

Disappeared above the sea of ​​clouds.



Jiang Che came to a sea island with a size of a hundred miles.

This is a deserted island with lush trees, and only some wild animals exist on the island.

After searching the whole island with his spiritual sense, he made sure that there was no problem, so Jiang Che chose this island as a temporary resting place.

Open up a simple cave and arrange the enchantment.

Jiang Che sat cross-legged in the center of the cave, his consciousness penetrated into the depths of his mind.

27 rewards rewarding the ninth rank of Zhou Zi.

This is his "result of victory" for a month.

A total of 27 peak demon saints were killed.

If you add the original white elephant and red lion, there are 29 peak demon saints.

Store it in one go.

This is also the biggest vote he has done so far.

Yuzi-level rewards can only be obtained by killing the will of the Demon Immortal in the Panhuang Secret Realm.

Looking at the reward light groups of 27 cosmic characters and ninth grades.

Jiang Che's heart was surging.

With a steady mind, Jiang Che directly started the extraction as soon as he thought about it.


With a flash of light, a gray stone appeared in his eyes.

The first reward, Sword Stone.

Putting away the sword stone, Jiang Che continued to extract rewards.

In the cave, spiritual energy shone brightly, and a resplendent and circling spiritual vein appeared in his eyes.

Fourth grade spirit veins!

Into the Spring and Autumn Map of Heaven and Earth, Jiang Che continued to withdraw rewards without stopping.

The third reward appeared, still a sword stone.

Without the slightest fluctuation, Jiang Che continued to withdraw rewards.

The fourth reward, the fourth-grade spirit vein!


Twenty rewards were issued in one breath.

Among them, spiritual veins occupy the majority.

A total of fifteen fourth-grade spiritual veins.

Three sword stones.

A top grade Taoist artifact, the Yaochi Tianzhou.

There is also an innate divine fire.


The black flame is also an extremely powerful innate divine fire.

Twenty rewards, most of which are spirit veins.

Jiang Che was not too surprised either.

The more rewards there are, the higher the probability of getting the same items.

This is uncontrollable.

Take a deep breath.

Jiang Che made up his mind and continued to offer the rest of the rewards.

There are seven more rewards.


The light surged, and a group of red flames appeared in his eyes.

The font is manifested, and the information is presented.

Red Lotus Karma Fire: One of the innate divine fires, capable of burning karma and possessing powerful attack power...

"Innate Divine Fire..."

Seeing the red lotus fire in front of him, Jiang Che's eyelids twitched slightly.

"Integrating Dutian Shenhuo, the power is also stronger, and it is considered a good thing..."

A flash of thought flashed through Jiang Che's mind, and Jiang Che temporarily sealed up the red lotus fire, and then proceeded to the fusion after all the rewards were extracted.


With a shock in his soul, a large number of golden words appeared in Jiang Che's mind.

Closing his eyes, Jiang Che looked at the golden inscription in his mind.

Dance like life.

For a moment, the arrangement was formed.

It is a martial arts secret technique.

The method of cultivating the physical body.

"God and Demon Scripture!"

Jiang Che opened his eyes. He hadn't developed the secret martial art for a long time.

The original Ten Thousand Monsters Golden Body Technique was developed after his rebirth, and it has continued to this day.

Now it has reached the realm of immortality.

The growth of the Ten Thousand Monsters Golden Body Technique is negligible to him.

The original Ten Thousand Monsters Golden Body Technique only lasted to the realm of human immortality.

This is also the second martial arts secret technique he revealed.

Closing his eyes, Jiang Che looked through it again.

After a long time, he opened his eyes.

The Heavenly Scripture of Gods and Demons, this is an extremely perfect martial art.

From the very first stages, all the way to crushing the vacuum.

Moreover, the method of enlightenment is very incredible.

The enlightenment method of the Human Immortal Chapter is also very different from the enlightenment method of the Ten Thousand Monsters Golden Body.

By drawing the mind into the body and opening one aperture, one can change one's physical body once.

Moreover, it can not only open one hundred and eight apertures.

A total of 360 orifices can be opened in the human and immortal chapters of the Gods and Demons Scripture.

This broke the cultivation technique of the Ten Thousand Monsters Golden Body Technique.

It also broke the door to enlightenment in the realm of immortality.

Human beings have one hundred and eight apertures, which is basically common sense.

However, the method of enlightenment recorded in the Divine and Demon Scripture can break through the limit and reach a terrifying 360 orifices.

The more enlightened you are, the stronger the power of heaven and earth you control, and the more terrifying the artistic conception you will manifest if you break through the middle stage of immortality.

And after the breakthrough, there are more other changes.

There is also the attacking technique contained in the gods and demons, which is also very terrifying.

It is not difficult for him to modify the secret method.

He can skip the primary stage and start cultivating directly from the Immortal Chapter.

After opening a secret method of martial arts, Jiang Che's mood suddenly became much more comfortable.

Stepping into the Immortal, the leapfrog challenge becomes even more difficult.

Practicing the Gods and Demons Scripture can allow him to complete the leap again and become stronger.

Practicing the Gods and Demons Scripture can also change his artistic conception.

Contains the meaning of innate gods and demons.

Breaking through the middle stage of immortality, his artistic conception will surpass ordinary artistic conception.

Breaking through one orifice allows his artistic conception to grow and produce subtle changes.

The more enlightened you are, the more obvious the change in artistic conception will be.

It can also cooperate with one's own Dao Divine Body to develop to the extreme peak.

The Divine and Demon Scripture is a reward for a big explosion.

After stabilizing his mind, Jiang Che continued to extract the remaining rewards. (end of this chapter)

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