I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 241 Lunzhang Peak Tengu Traces

Chapter 241 Reincarnation Peak Tengu Traces
Thousands of golden men quickly took action, and the beasts in the mountain were cleared out in an instant.

The weeds and thorns were cut off, and a dirt road extending from the foot of the mountain spiraled up.

In the void, a celestial light rushed out of Jiang Che's Taoist robe, and in an instant, the celestial light rushed out and swept across the entire mountain.

The excess mountain rocks were cleaned up and turned into gravel flakes of different sizes, which were paved on the dirt road, and a blue gravel road was formed in an instant.

The paving of gravel sheets fits perfectly and looks quite aesthetic.

Halfway up the mountain, each golden man opened up a piece of flat land. Jiang Che cast a spell again, took out some materials, and each golden man began to operate crazily.

The rudiments of the pavilions and palaces also began to manifest.

Jiang Che stepped forward and reached the top of the mountain. A sword shadow rushed out, the divine sword cut through the void, and the top of the Baizhang mountain was forcibly cut away and flattened to the ground, revealing a huge open space.

Casting the spell again, he controlled the spring in the mountain, forming an artificial ditch in the entire area of ​​the mountain, flowing according to his will, increasing the flow, and forming a river around the mountain.

At the same time, Jiang Che took out a top-grade Taoist artifact, and the fairy light bloomed, instantly turning into a palace standing on the top of the mountain.

After the completion, Jiang Che's Taoist robe shook, and spiritual plants flew out, and they were separated into two sides according to the palace transformed by the magic weapon, neatly.

At the same time, Jiang Che cast another spell to condense the ground into a hard ground.

At the same time, with a grasp of Void, huge boulders hundreds of feet in size rose into the air in the distance.

With a thought, the hundreds of feet of huge boulders directly turned into glorious stone slabs, which were neatly laid out on other open spaces in the palace according to his will.

A clean and tidy square takes shape instantly.

After doing all this, Jiang Che still didn't stop and continued to reform.

Your own dojo should not be too shabby.


An hour later, the entire mountain changed drastically.

There are palaces, pavilions and courtyards standing around the mountain peaks, and with the clear rivers surrounding the mountains, it instantly catches the eye and shines brightly.

The palace turned into the highest grade Taoist artifact on the top of the mountain also looks majestic.

The only thing missing is aura.

"It's not bad, then I will give you a gift for the teacher!"

Xuan Miaoyin spoke, and as soon as the words fell, the fairy light bloomed in the wide Taoist robe, and a spiritual vein like a giant dragon appeared out of thin air.

The astonishing and majestic aura made the world tremble.

This scene also caught Daozong's attention in an instant.

"First Grade Spirit Vein?!"

"I'll go, I didn't look dazed, did I?"

"How could a first-grade spiritual vein appear out of thin air?"

"Could it be hallucinations?!"


The disciples exclaimed one by one, their eyelids twitched wildly when they saw the dragon-like first-grade spiritual vein entrenched in the void.


Yipin Lingmai uttered a heaven-shattering roar, which resounded through the Taoist sect, and then, in a circle, directly pierced into the mountain peak.

The spiritual vein submerged into the mountain peak, communicating with the energy of the earth. In an instant, the entire mountain peak was filled with astonishing spiritual energy.

A spiritual mist was directly formed, filling the mountain peaks, and the looming palaces and pavilions were like a fairyland on earth.

"Thank you, Master."

Jiang Che came back to his senses, looked at Xuan Miaoyin, and bowed his hands.

After selling a first-grade spiritual vein, the master became more and more arrogant.

Went to Tianwaitian, what kind of big power is this looting?Or, obtained the inheritance of a certain mighty supreme being?

A thought flashed through his mind, and Jiang Che quickly came back to his senses.

Looking at the aura-filled mountain in front of him, he had a satisfied look on his face.

In line with the dojo built in my heart.

It has the meaning of fairyland and is full of style!

It also has the taste of a hidden peach garden, elegant!

"The dojo is complete, you can give it a name."

Xuan Miaoyin looked at him and said.

Jiang Che: "I've already thought of the name, there is reincarnation in the way of heaven, so let's call it Samsara Peak!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Che's Taoist robe burst out with golden light, sweeping up and down Samsara Peak, shaking the world.

"Samsara Peak, why isn't it called Daqiong Peak?" Xuan Miaoyin looked at him and blinked.

Jiang Che: "..."

Great Qiongfeng...

What a frustrating name.

"I think Samsara Peak is better. It fits the meaning of heaven and earth. Master, look, the endless rivers surrounding the mountain also fit the meaning of Samsara."

Jiang Che spoke.

"Okay, whatever you want, as long as you like it." Xuan Miaoyin nodded.

Afterwards, Jiang Jiang started again, making a formula with both hands, and formations covered the entire Samsara Peak.

Under the sweeping mana, Samsara Peak burst into brilliant light.

"to make!"

After playing the last seal, Jiang Che stopped.

The large formations all over the top and bottom of Samsara Peak also immediately disappeared into the void.

It seems that there is no change, but with the primordial spirit, he can also sense a majestic breath.

"It's done."

Jiang Che let out a breath.

"Announcement tomorrow, you will come back to Little Qiongfeng with me now, and pack up your things." Looking at Jiang Che, Xuan Miaoyin said.


Jiang Che nodded, and immediately followed the mysterious sound and disappeared into the void.

Pairs of eyes looked at the majestic Samsara Peak in the distance.

I just witnessed with my own eyes that a first-grade spiritual vein directly penetrated into the mountain in front of me.

"That's Senior Brother Jiang Che..."

"Why do you build such a new mountain dojo?"

"Could it be some kind of welfare?"


The disciples guessed one by one.

But no one dared to approach Samsara Peak.

They sensed that in the Samsara Peak, there was a large formation surrounded by space, communicating with the world, and the life was endless.

Compared with the formations of other peaks, it is even more terrifying.

And when a group of disciples watched this new aura mountain peak, the void roared, and a handsome strange beast appeared in everyone's eyes.

"My God... this is... Qilin!"

"It's still a rare black unicorn of the unicorn family!"

"Hey, when did this kind of beast appear in the sect!"


There was a sound of exclamation, and under the gaze of all the disciples, this handsome black unicorn stepped directly into the Samsara Peak.

"This divine beast...isn't Senior Brother Jiang's spiritual beast?"

Seeing Mo Qilin enter the spiritual energy mountain in front of him, the expressions of each disciple changed wildly.

This spiritual energy mountain was built by Jiang Che himself, but this ink unicorn entered the mountain, which has to be associated with people.

"Senior Brother Jiang hasn't heard from him for several years, this appearance is earth-shattering!"

"I have a hunch that something big is about to happen..."

A disciple muttered to himself.

The other disciples looked at Samsara Peak, and then turned their gazes in the direction of Little Qiong Peak.


Daozong, Little Qiongfeng.

In Qiongfeng Hall, Jiang Che didn't have many things to pack, only Mo Qilin and his Yuanling clone.

Others, there is nothing to fix.

The worth is carried with you.

"Master, do you want me to teach the Dharma?"

Looking at Xuan Miaoyin, Jiang Che blinked.

Open the law to preach!
He hasn't done it yet.

There is a lot to talk about.

Xuan Miaoyin looked at him and said: "Opening the law and preaching the Tao is also a benefit for the disciples of the sect, and at the same time, it will also improve yourself."

"Preaching the law can increase your understanding of the world and let you understand the laws of the world. The Taoist sect also has rules. To become the supreme immortal, you can give a lecture once."

"You don't have to be nervous, just treat it as an ordinary talk about the law."

Jiang Che nodded, "That's fine, I'll give it a try."

"It just so happens that the head teacher announced tomorrow that you can take the opportunity to spread the word first. The benefits of preaching are great, especially for the first time preaching. Not only will it improve yourself, but you will also be able to gain merits from the world and quickly improve your strength!"

Xuan Miaoyin said.

Jiang Che: "!!!"

The merits of heaven and earth have come!

And this good thing!
Jiang Che's heart shook.

His martial arts cultivation has reached the peak of the early stage of human immortality. If he gains the merits of heaven and earth by preaching, then he...

There is great hope for breakthroughs in the mid-term of immortals.

Realize the artistic conception!

The transformation of human beings, every change is earth-shaking!

He didn't understand this.

It is recorded in ancient books that the preaching of the supreme venerable in ancient times aroused the resonance of the heaven and the earth, and he could gain the merits of the heaven and the earth.

But Jiang Che didn't care about this.

Because he didn't see it with his own eyes, and since joining the sect for so long, he hasn't seen Xuan Miaoyin preaching.

Now that Xuan Miaoyin said it, he remembered it.

"Master, when you preached the Tao, did the merits of heaven and earth come down?"

Jiang Che came back to his senses, looked at Xuan Miao Yin and said.

Xuan Miaoyin: "Of course."

"However, the Tao is not taught casually. The first time you talk about it, you will gain the most."

"Moreover, preaching is beneficial and can help you break through to a higher level."

"It's a good thing for the listener, and it's also a good thing for the preacher. It's a win-win situation."

"That's true."

Jiang Che nodded.

There has been a certain improvement in the theory.

Sermons are more elevated.

However, it is not possible to preach in any realm, and the realm of immortality can reach the thunder calamity.

In this state, understanding the world, comprehending the law, and preaching can resonate with the world.

A Yuanshen realm is not yet qualified to preach.

"I will announce it tomorrow, and then I will prepare to preach in a month."

Jiang Che made up his mind.

Xuan Miaoyin looked at him and nodded: "Yes, when the time comes, the teacher will also be there to listen to the sermon."

"Maybe you can help the teacher to a higher level."

"Master has begun to comprehend the secrets of the world, right?" Jiang Che looked at her.

A few years ago, Xuanmiaoyin was in the three realms of thunder and calamity, and his thoughts turned into void.

In this state, the primordial spirit comprehends the law of the void, and can perform void teleportation.

The stronger the primordial spirit, the wider the thoughts, and the wider and faster the teleportation range.

It is not difficult to be truly close to the horizon, even across the world.

"It's almost there, but it's still a bit short." Xuan Miaoyin said.

"That disciple is so ready to give a perfect sermon!"

Jiang Che said with a smile.

"You're so sensible, Master didn't love you for nothing." Xuan Miaoyin pinched his face.

Jiang Che: "..."


"Jiang Che broke through the Thunder Tribulation?"

In the main hall of Tongtian Peak, the Great Elder looked at the Supreme Master, his pupils shrank, it was inconceivable.

"Well, and Yuanshen is very strong. Although he is just a beginner in Thunder Tribulation, his strength should not be underestimated." Feng Xuanji nodded.

"This kid, you have made amazing progress. My Taoist sect has such a genius, so be happy!"

A bright smile appeared on the elder's face.

What is the impact of having one more Supreme!
That absolutely goes without saying.

He just came back from Tianwaitian, and when he got the news, as the great elder of the sect, he was naturally happy.

I haven't seen him for a few years, but Jiang Che's progress is earth-shattering!

And at this moment, at the entrance of the main hall, Jiang Che's figure appeared.

The Great Elder also looked at Jiang Che instantly.

Feng Xuanji's eyes also fell on him.

"This guy's aura is unfathomable to me. At the level of Thunder Tribulation, this martial arts cultivation base, why does it feel like he is about to reach the middle stage of immortality!"

The First Elder's eyelids twitched. Looking at Jiang Che, his pupils shrank slightly.

How long did it take to recall the beginning?
A mortal has directly cultivated to the present state!

The changes are enough to be called earth-shaking!
"Headmaster, Great Elder!"

Stepping into the main hall, Jiang Che saluted.

"The dojo has been settled, and it will be announced tomorrow."

Feng Xuanji spoke.

"Follow the order of the head teacher, I have one more thing to say." Jiang Che said.

Feng Xuanji looked at him and nodded: "Tell me, what's the matter?"

Jiang Che: "It's nothing serious. Even when the announcement is made tomorrow, I will also announce the teaching of the Dharma. I plan to give a lecture in my ashram in a month's time."

"Yes, this is a good thing, agreed." Feng Xuanji nodded.

"Open the lecture, and then I will go to listen to the sermon!" The Great Elder laughed.

"Welcome the First Elder!" Jiang Che smiled.

After that, Jiang Che didn't talk much, and left Tongtian Peak.

"His strength is probably on par with Xuanyuan Wudi..."

Seeing Jiang Che leave, the Great Elder sighed.

"It shouldn't be much difference." Feng Xuanji said lightly.

"By the way, this time, you went to the void world, how is the situation?"

Looking at the Great Elder, Feng Xuanji asked.

Great Elder: "There is a big war happening in the Void Realm right now, and various forces are fighting each other. This time, I didn't go too deep into it. I didn't find out the specific situation."

"Overall, the situation is unstable, and the major forces in other worlds also seem to be on guard."

"What about Central World?" Feng Xuanji asked.

"As far as Central World is concerned, it is still stable, the same as before." The Great Elder replied.

Feng Xuanji bowed his head.

The Great Elder looked at him: "Teacher, you shouldn't worry too much, right?"

"Prepare for a rainy day, be prepared, and there will be a way out in the future."

Feng Xuanji said lightly.

The elder was silent.

Feng Xuanji looked at him, and said, "Get ready to spread the news of Jiang Che's cultivation to the Supreme to other immortal sects."


The Great Elder nodded, and then disappeared into the hall.


Samsara Peak.

Jiang Che's figure appeared in front of a cave.

This is the cave he specially built for himself.

Training room, alchemy room, tool refining room...

Everything is available, and it is also the largest cave for cultivation.

After entering the cave, Jiang Che didn't make too many arrangements.

When he came to the jade couch in the training room, he sat cross-legged.

Build your own dojo!
He hadn't thought about it before.

However, when Master proposed it, he did not refuse.

With your own dojo, it is more convenient to do things.

Even the primordial spirits in the third and fourth realms of Thunder Tribulation can block the protective array he arranged.

Of course, the resistance will definitely not be able to bear it.

But when the formation is shattered, he can sense it instantly.

Communication between heaven and earth, with the infiltrated spiritual veins as the core, it circulates endlessly.

There is no problem with the Thunder Tribulation Supreme who can resist the first and second realms.

Stabilizing his mind, Jiang Che moved his consciousness and explored the top and bottom of Samsara Peak. Mo Qilin was resting in the Taoist Palace.

And his incarnation, Yuan Ling, is also practicing in the Taoist palace.

Over the past few years, Yuan Ling's improvement has also been huge. When he left, he also left some resources. Now, Yuan Ling's cultivation base has also been promoted to the peak of Yuanshen.

However, breaking through the Thunder Tribulation was still far behind. Jiang Che also took out a part of the Pure Yang Fairy Fruit and handed it over to Yuan Ling for cultivation.

My own incarnation of the fairy fetus has great potential, and if I cultivate it well, I will be able to step into the realm of thunder disaster in the future.

At that time, when the body is cultivating, if something happens, the incarnation of Yuan Ling can solve everything.

"Why hasn't Chaos Tengu come back?"

Sensing the imprint of Yuanshen in his mind, Jiang Che was sure that Chaos Tengu was alive.

It's just that he didn't expect that Chaos Tengu didn't come back after going out for so long.

I didn't care about it before, but these years have passed, and this guy still has no intention of coming back.

As his first spiritual pet, Chaos Tengu, Jiang Che has always cared about it, but usually he doesn't pay much attention to it.

And when he left in the first place, it was only after this guy cultivated into a primordial spirit that he left.

Under normal circumstances, there should not be too much danger.

With the soul imprint, Jiang Che can be sure that the Chaos Tengu is still alive and well.

"Could it have been caught by someone?"

Jiang Che frowned.

Immediately, he raised his hand and made a tactic, using the rules to calculate the position of the Chaos Tengu.


Suddenly Jiang Che stopped deduction, and his brows frowned even deeper.

"Not in the Great Thousand World?"

Jiang Che was stunned.

I just deduced it, but I didn't deduce the location of Chaos Tengu, not even the direction.

In this case, it is either in a certain relic time and space, or it is completely left the Great Thousand World.

It is possible to cultivate at the realm of the primordial spirit, and I am afraid that even Tianwaitian will not be able to break through.

The greater possibility is that it exists in a certain relic time and space.

Of course, there is also a third possibility...

That is, the supreme being took it out of the great world.

I can't even deduce the direction, where is this product?
Communicating with the soul imprint, Jiang Che did not get any response from Chaos Tengu.

Jiang Che's brows were tightly furrowed. This time, he made a tactic with both hands, his soul shook, and he started to deduce with all his strength.

This time, under the full deduction of his Yuanshen thoughts, the shadow of Chaos Tengu appeared in Yuanshen.

The surroundings looked like a palace, and the figure of Chaos Tengu appeared in the palace.

And just as Jiang Che continued to deduce deeply, suddenly, a terrifying aura emerged, white light flashed, and the blurry picture presented in the primordial spirit instantly collapsed and dissipated.

Jiang Che's deduction also came to an abrupt end in an instant.


The pupils opened, and a black and white light rushed out.

Jiang Che stood up all of a sudden.

The white light shining during the deduction just now blocked his deduction.

Moreover, he was able to cross the dark void and sense the presence of a terrifying breath, which made his primordial spirit tremble.

"The white light... must be man-made. Could it be... that the Chaos Tengu was really taken away?"

Jiang Che frowned.

Immortal light bloomed in both hands, mana surged in the body, and the deduction started again.

But this time, he couldn't deduce the shadow of Chaos Tengu.

A force blocked his deduction.

Being able to stop his deduction shows that the person behind the power is stronger than him.

Or, it is the fairy artifact blocking.

But at the moment Jiang Che deduced, the shining white light was not emanating from the fairy artifact, but man-made.

"What trouble has this guy encountered?"

Jiang Che frowned.

Although it was only deduced for a moment just now, he didn't seem to be hurt when he saw the Chaos Tengu.

But the appearance of a mysterious white light blocked his deduction, which showed that the Chaos Tengu must be in trouble.

Even he can't deduce it, which means that the person who imprisoned the Chaos Tengu must be a supreme being.

Moreover, the strength is also very strong in the Thunder Tribulation.

"It's definitely not in the Great Thousand World, it should be Tianwaitian!"

Jiang Che frowned.

Just for a moment, he can roughly conclude that the location of Chaos Tengu is not in the Great Thousand World.

But somewhere in the outer sky.

But Tianwaitian is so big, how can he find it?
Unless the strength goes further and the primordial spirit is greatly improved, he will be able to deduce it.

And it may not be possible to deduce it.

The mysterious man took Chaos Tengu out of Tianwaitian, so the hope of him finding it was very slim.

"This product is not worry-free at all!"

"However, there is no safety in life. Maybe I have taken a fancy to its potential of the beast's bloodline. In this way, I can wait until I improve my strength in the future before looking for it."

A thought flashed across Jiang Che, and his mind quickly stabilized.

It's useless for him to be anxious now.

Unable to deduce it, how can he find it in this vast world?
Not to mention the sky beyond the sky, even if it is hidden in a corner of the great world, it is not so easy to find.

"As long as you don't die, let this guy suffer a little bit. It's an experience."

After comforting himself in his heart, Jiang Che stabilized his mind.

In the Heavenly Court Shrine, the avenue of purple air hovers above the primordial spirit.

After preaching, he can concentrate on absorbing the purple energy of the Dao to improve his cultivation.

If he absorbs this avenue of purple energy, his progress will definitely be huge. Breaking through this realm is not a problem.


In the vast void, inside a temple floating in nothingness.

A huge black dog looked at the white-clothed man in front of him and kept barking:
"Boy, let your grandfather go quickly. My master has already arrived. You'd better let me go. Otherwise, when my master comes, he will definitely tear you apart and turn your bones into ashes."

The black dog kept barking.

It is the Chaos Tengu.

Just for a split second, its soul primordial spirit sensed Jiang Che's shadow, but it was gone in just a split second.

The man in white looked at the barking Chaos Tengu, but there was a smile on his face: "Xiao Hei, don't think about it, I have blocked this place, your master can't deduce the current position, follow me, with your potential, your future , stepping into the Supreme, it's a breeze."

"You have this ability?"

Chaos Tengu looked at him suspiciously.

"Of course." The man in white smiled.

"This emperor has a lot of resources, as long as you are obedient, this emperor will definitely let you eat and drink spicy food, and travel across the heavens and worlds!"

The man in white said.

There was a look of intoxication in the eyes of the Chaos Tengu, but suddenly, it shook its head violently, and suddenly woke up.

"Hey, you liar, you are using magic to confuse me!"

Chaos Tengu stared angrily at the man in white.

"You and I are both of the demon clan, and you will have a greater future if you follow the emperor." The man in white said lightly.

"Hey, I'm a divine beast, the spirit of heaven and earth!" the Chaos Heavenly Dog growled.

"You are stubborn, so let me sleep for the time being. When you get home, I will take care of you!"

The white-clothed man's eyes flashed sharply, he took a breath, and when he raised his hand, a fairy light bloomed, and the Chaos Tengu lay on the ground in an instant, motionless.

With a wave of the sleeve robe, the unconscious Chaos Tengu disappeared in an instant. At the same time, the man in white raised his hand, and the whole temple trembled and rumbled, and disappeared directly into the vast nothingness.

(End of this chapter)

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