I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 242 The Empress Dowager Arrives

Chapter 242 The Empress Dowager Arrives
Daozong, Samsara Peak.

In the cultivation room of the cave mansion, Jiang Che showed the jade slips.

Sticking it on his forehead, in an instant, a lot of information flooded into his mind.

Jiang Che closed his eyes and remained motionless before sitting cross-legged on the bed.

After a long time, he opened his eyes.

The jade slip contains multiple worlds beyond the Great Thousand World.

Heavenly Demon Realm, Qiankun Realm, Firmament Realm...

Large and small, hundreds of worlds.

The coordinate information of each world position is very clear.

At the same time, the danger factor about these worlds is also marked.

Among them, the danger factor of the Heavenly Demon Realm is very high.

Among the worlds, the situation of all circles is different.

In most cases, multiple forces jointly control a world.

However, there are exceptions, and there are some worlds that are unified.

It's not the same around the world.

And this is just a part of the worlds outside the sky.

The real heavens and worlds are not exaggerating at all.

Although these big worlds are not comparable to the Great Thousand World, they are still much larger than the Small Thousand World.

Unified call it "big world"!
It can also be understood as Zhongqian World!

The information Feng Xuanji gave him only recorded hundreds of worlds, and the situation of other worlds is unknown.

The starry sky outside the domain is vast and infinite.

There are countless big worlds.

The forces in these big worlds also have strengths and weaknesses.

The top-level big world may not be much better than the top-level holy land in Central Continent.

There are even Yangshen-level existences in some big worlds.

How many Yang God-level existences have been born in the heavens and myriad worlds?

Even if only one of a hundred great worlds gave birth to a Yang God-level existence, that would be terrifying.

And these big worlds can give birth to Yangshen-level existences because the laws of the world are perfect and powerful enough.

However, this top-level big world is still not comparable to the big thousand world.

Xuanyuan Mingkong once said the reason, because the Great Thousand World possesses the original law of the Dao, which is not found in all the heavens and ten thousand realms.

The Great Thousand World can be said to be the strongest world in the heavens and ten thousand worlds.

In its heyday, there were many Yangshen great emperors.

This is unmatched by any of the top big worlds.

Compared with the laws of other worlds and the laws of the Great Thousand World, only the laws of the Great Thousand World are the most perfect.

The great thousand worlds are the only one in the heavens!

A fairy world with a complete avenue of heaven and earth!
It's just that after the Dark Era, the situation in the Great Thousand World has been severely damaged, and many resources have been lost.

A camel that can suffer death is still bigger than a horse!
The Great Thousand World is still the only real world!

The vast world, the historical years, are also incomparable to the heavens and the world.

In the first years, Great Thousand World was the first world to be born.

The resources of that day and the earth are unimaginable. The entire Great Thousand World is full of pure Yang immortal energy and pure Yang immortal veins. You may be able to meet them by walking a little.

A veritable "fairyland"!
This is also the reason why the demons invaded.

The resources of the Great Thousand World are too rich.

If there were not many Yangshen great emperors guarding the Great Thousand World, I am afraid that the Great Thousand World today would be even more barren and plundered by the demons.

Feed all life and become "life ration"!
The starry sky outside the territory is vast. Although the resources of all walks of life are few, relatively speaking, some large worlds that have not been invaded by the demons are still quite rich in resources.

There are also some big worlds that exist in nothingness, have not been developed, or are hidden under the protection of a certain top supreme.

But in this case, it will only be clear if you explore it yourself.

What is understood now is still only a rare part of the outer starry sky.

Some restricted areas that exist in the void starry sky are full of dangers, and likewise, they are also full of great opportunities.

It depends on whether you are the predestined person.

"After absorbing the purple energy of the Great Dao, go to Tianwaitian to have a look..."

Jiang Che let out a breath and settled down.

To become a Thunder Tribulation Immortal, he needs vast resources for every step forward.

Using the demon book, only by slaying demons and demons can he make a quick breakthrough.

Otherwise, when the demon clan descends one day, if you don't have the strength, you will definitely become one of the members who died under the catastrophe.

In today's big world, it is difficult to satisfy his appetite.

There are quite a few demons in the Northern Wilderness, but with the top existence, the Ten Thousand Demon Queen, in charge, Jiang Che definitely can't do anything.

The strength of the Wan Yao Queen is top-notch in the entire Great Thousand World.

He has ruled the Northern Wilderness for so many years, and without the strength, he would have been flattened long ago.

Compared with the Wan Yao Queen, his strength is much worse.

In other continents, there are very few fairy-level monsters.

The Dark Abyss does exist, but it is still invincible.

For a demon fairy in the seventh and eighth realms, if he goes, it will not be killing demons and eliminating demons, but a two-level reversal, and the head will be given away.

The safer one is Tianwaitian.

The heavens and the world will be his future goal.

Accumulate step by step.

With the help of rewards, fly to prove the truth!
He has achieved Yangshen Great Emperor, even if the catastrophe comes, he will not panic.

But this situation is easier said than done.

At the beginning of the ancient times in the Great Thousand World, it was not easy to cultivate into a Yang God, let alone now.

However, with the special hook of the demon book, he has more opportunities than others to use it.

Achievement of Yangshen Great Emperor, no birth and no death.

That longevity is also unimaginable.

Without accidents, it is basically equivalent to eternal life.

This is what he is after.

Once you step into Thunder Tribulation, you have the qualifications to pursue it.

Under the thunder calamity, he didn't even have the qualifications.


The day passed quickly.

Daozong up and down, everyone was fried.

The new Supreme Elder appeared.

Jiang Che transformed from the chief disciple to directly become the only Supreme Elder of the Dao Sect.

Step into the supreme, also have this strength.

Although the peak masters of Zhufeng already knew about it, they were still full of shock.

Dawn broke, and the first ray of the sun shone on the land of Qingzhou, and Daozong went up and down, and it became lively in an instant.

At Samsara Peak, countless Taoist disciples looked at the divine peak in front of them, and the majestic aura filled the air, making many disciples envious.

A large black figure gathered in front of Samsara Peak.

These are all Taoist disciples.

And that's not all, all the Taoist disciples, some of them went out on missions, but didn't return.

However, the total number of disciples is quite terrifying.

Over one hundred thousand!
Gathering Qi, Shenhai, True Meaning, Envelope Jindan True Inheritance Disciple, and Primordial Spirit Elder Deacon.

Almost all showed up.

The appearance of a new supreme being in Daozong will have an earth-shaking impact on the entire Eastern Wilderness Immortal Dao forces.

A celestial supreme being, even in one realm of lightning calamity, has ten thousand years of lifespan.

The influence on the entire Eastern Wilderness Immortal Dao has been greatly improved.

A sea of ​​people gathered in front of Samsara Peak.

Looking at the spiritual mist and palaces and pavilions in Samsara Peak, little stars appeared in the eyes of each disciple.

"Senior Brother Jiang Che, he should be the youngest Supreme in the history of our Dao Sect, right?"

"It's the youngest Supreme!"

"Breaking the supreme record of his master Xuan Miaoyin, I am afraid that this record will never be broken!"

"Sigh, back then, I also started with Senior Brother Jiang Che, and now Senior Brother Jiang Che has cultivated to be the Supreme Being of the Immortal Dao, stepping into Eternal Immortality, but I'm still in the Golden Core Realm, this gap is so big that it makes people feel inferior..."

"Senior Brother Jiang Che has been promoted to the Supreme Elder and ranks as the Supreme Elder in the Immortal Dao. I wonder if he will accept apprentices? If he accepts apprentices, I will definitely work hard to join the sect."

"Pull it down, even the doorkeeper despises your strength."

"Then what if Senior Brother Jiang Che takes a fancy to me?"

"The universe is uncertain, you and I are both dark horses!"

"You are right, but I don't know if you are a dark horse, but I am sure you are a horse."


"I heard that senior brother Jiang Che has never had a Taoist partner. If I can be favored by senior brother Jiang Che, then I will reach the sky in one step."

"Junior Sister Yuan, it's better for you to be a little self-aware. If you like you, unless Senior Brother Jiang got kicked in the head by a donkey."

"What do you mean?"

The female disciple got angry and glared at the male disciple who spoke.

"I let you recognize the reality, you are too far behind."

The male disciple said neither fast nor slow.

"What if?"

The female disciple puffed out her chest with a look of disbelief.

"No, just in case, I will chop off my head and use it as a stool for you to sit on."



Many disciples were talking about it, and the center of discussion was all around Jiang Che alone.

Today is also his home field.

Become the elder of Daozong Taishang.

Shake the universe.

Not far away, Qin Ya and Mikami Youya stood together, looking at the Samsara Peak where the fairy spirit was rising.

"Senior Sister Qin, this Senior Brother Jiang must be the reincarnation of some ancient Supreme Being?"

"How did you practice so fast!"

"It's outrageous!"

Mikami Yuya stuck out her tongue and said.

"Brother Jiang's aptitude and talent are well-deserved in the world, and there are many opportunities. It is normal to cultivate into Thunder Tribulation." Qin Ya said.

"Oh, I don't know when I will be able to cultivate Thunder Tribulation." Mikami Youya sighed.

"The future is promising. Believe in yourself, you will be able to." Qin Ya smiled and said.

Mikami Yuya looked at her and blinked: "Senior Sister Qin, I found that you speak like a person."

"Who?" Qin Ya said lightly.

"Exactly the same as Brother Jiang!" Mikami Youya said with a smile.

Qin Ya's face turned slightly red, but she quickly returned to normal, "It has influence, Senior Brother Jiang is my future goal."

"Senior Sister Qin, you don't want to sacrifice your appearance, do you?" Mikami Youya said in surprise.

"Stinky girl, are you kidding your senior sister?"

Qin Ya glared at her, and immediately reached out and grabbed her ear.

"It hurts!!!"

"Senior sister, I was wrong, I will dare next time."


"What did you say?" Qin Ya stared at her with wide eyes.

Mikami Youya immediately begged for mercy, "No, I won't dare next time."

"Hmph, damn girl, if you talk nonsense again, don't blame me for being rude!"





A resounding bell rang throughout the territory of Dao Sect. The loud bell shook the sky, tearing apart the white clouds, revealing the clear sky.

In the sky, beams of divine light descended on the void of Samsara Peak.

The leader is Feng Xuanji.

There are also Great Elder and Xuan Miaoyin!
"See the supreme teacher!"

In front of Samsara Peak, a group of disciples also instantly quieted down and saluted in unison, looking at the sky.

And at this moment, a divine light shot up from Samsara Peak, and Jiang Che's figure appeared.

"I have met the head teacher, Great Elder, Master!"

Jiang Che stood in the void, cupping his hands in a bow.

Feng Xuanji looked at him and nodded slightly.

And at this moment, thousands of disciples, elders and deacons, as well as the masters of Zhufeng looked at Jiang Che, and there was light in their eyes.

There has been no news of Jiang Che for several years. Some disciples almost forgot about the former top senior brother, but when he appeared today, many disciples instantly thought of the domineering senior brother who swept the Donghuang Immortal Gate Conference back then.

A single human force crushed the universe and swept away the disciples of the nine immortal sects.

He used to look even more broadly, and the enemy who was defeated in his hands was never regarded as an opponent by him.

It is also the well-deserved young No.1 of Daozong.

Now, it is even more sweeping across the world, stepping into the immortal supreme, stepping into the eternal immortality!
Practice all the way, it can be called a mythical level!

Feng Xuanji cast his eyes on the ground around Samsara Peak, looked at the dark figure of Daozong, and then a loud voice sounded: "Today, I summoned you and others to announce something. From now on, Jiang Che is the one who will be ranked My Daozong Taishang Elder, become one of my Daozong Supremes, enjoy the luck of my Daozong, disciple elder, meet people and pay homage!"


As soon as Feng Xuanji finished speaking, in an instant, the sky was filled with light.

It fell into Jiang Che's body in an instant.

Dao Zong's energy enters the body, at this moment, it seems that the heaven and the earth resonate!

When Jiang Che's aura was transported into his body, his aura overflowed in an instant, and the world trembled!
"See Elder Jiang!"

The first voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the voice of Qi Shushu sounded: "See Elder Jiang!"

The sound shook the world, like a thunderclap.

"Thank you, Headmaster. If Daozong encounters any difficulties in the future, I will do my best to help my Daozong, eternal prosperity!"

"Eternal Eternal Prosperity!"

"Eternal Eternal Prosperity!"

"Eternal Eternal Prosperity!"


The earth-shattering sound resounded through the Taoist world.

In the dark, Daozong's red dust fire rose instantly, and his luck improved.

"Today I become the Supreme Elder of Daozong. One month later, I will give a sermon on Samsara Peak, and anyone can come to listen to it."

Jiang Che's voice sounded, and it was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

And hearing these words, the eyes of all the disciples and elders lit up.

Open the law to preach!
This is a huge improvement for everyone in the whole clan.

Especially in the two stages of Jindan Yuanshen, the improvement is even greater.

At this moment, everyone's hearts instantly became agitated.

"One more thing. Today I have to be promoted as the head teacher to become the Supreme Elder of the Dao Sect. I will also contribute a small gift to everyone in the Dao Sect."

Jiang Che's voice caught his ears, and all the disciples and elders in the audience suddenly became quiet, and looked at him in unison.


Immortal light bloomed, and pills containing pure Yang immortal energy appeared in the void.

"This is the elixir of pure yang, condensed with pure yang celestial energy, all disciples of the Taoist sect can get one."

As soon as the words fell, a large amount of pure Yang elixir flew out of the void and fell into the hands of the Taoist disciples.

The pure yang elixir condensed with pure yang celestial energy is not mixed with any impurities.

10,000+ pieces of pure yang elixir, in addition to Taoist disciples, including elders and deacons, and the masters of Zhufeng, everyone has a piece of pure yang elixir.

"What pure pure Yang immortal energy!"

"With this pure yang elixir, I can break through the golden elixir!"

A smile of joy appeared in the eyes of each disciple.

Even the elder deacon Yuanshen had a look of joy in his eyes.

A pure yang elixir, which can greatly shorten the entire cultivation progress.

The improvement to the primordial spirit is very huge.

Under the primordial spirit, it is not a problem to directly break through a realm.

"Such a big deal!"

The First Elder looked at Jiang Che, his eyelids twitched.

10,000+ pieces of pure yang elixir, how much pure yang immortal energy do you need to absorb?

There is a limit to the amount of pure Yang immortal energy a Thunder Tribulation Realm Supreme can absorb in one day.

According to the condensed pure Yang elixir, roughly a thousand pieces can be absorbed in a day at most.

This is still a lot to learn.

There are only a few hundred less.

Apart from maintaining one's self-improvement, there is nothing left.

Selling 10,000+ pieces of pure Yang elixir at once, that's not a small amount of money.

"Thank you Elder Jiang!"

The sound of Qi Shushu sounded, this time, the sound was louder.

Jiang Che: "After one month, Samsara Peak will give lectures, and everyone from the Taoist sect can come."

All the disciples, elders and deacons nodded.

Supreme preaching, this is a rare opportunity.

Immediately, Jiang Che took out another storage ring and handed it to the Great Elder: "Grand Elder, here are [-] pieces of pure Yang elixir, and the remaining disciples who have not received them will trouble the Great Elder."

"Haha, okay."

The Great Elder smiled and nodded, and accepted the storage ring.

Everyone has a pure yang elixir.

This time, Daozong's overall strength will be greatly improved.

Not surprisingly, in a short period of time, there will be more Jindan level true disciples.

comprehensive improvement.

What is the concept if all disciples are promoted to the Golden Core Realm?
10,000+ Jindan disciples, I am afraid that there are not so many other immortal sects combined.

The number one fairy gate in the Eastern Wasteland will be even more unshakable.

There are also some disciples who are at the bottleneck of the golden core peak, and they have at least an [-]% chance of breaking through the primordial spirit.

One shot gave Daozong a big boost.


The gathered crowd gradually dispersed.

After getting the elixir of pure yang, each of the disciples couldn't bear to go back to practice.

There's still a month left, which is just right.

The Great Elder and the others also dispersed.

Jiang Che returned to his dojo.

Next, it was time for him to prepare for his sermon a month later.

With the help of the heaven and earth merits brought by preaching, Jiang Che has the hope of hitting the middle stage of immortality.

But there is no [-]% certainty.

But even if you can't break through, this wave of heaven and earth merit can be greatly improved.

Anyway, in the next few years, he will not leave Daozong unless he absorbs the purple energy of the Daoist sect.

Absorb the purple energy of the Dao and improve yourself.

With more preparation, he can have greater confidence to explore the worlds beyond the sky.


Time passed minute by minute.

The news that Jiang Che became the Supreme Elder also spread to other fairy sects.

Although it was just an announcement, other immortal sects also sent congratulatory gifts.

The birth of a supreme being is no small matter.

Moreover, the fact that Jiang Che made Emperor Qian back down when he stepped into the Supreme Being, his strength should not be underestimated.

Jiang Che directly informed the First Elder that he had handed over all these matters to the First Elder. As for the congratulatory gifts, Jiang Che also asked the First Elder to use them as the sect's reward resource for future use by his disciples.

The resources he needs, in general, cannot be met.

There are very few promotions for him, but the promotion for Daozong disciples is very great.

He has enough of his own resources.

The pure yang celestial energy accumulated by Tiandi Chunqiu Tu is completely enough for him to cultivate.

With the extra part, he can also upgrade the World Tree.

A new round of fruit is about to ripen.

He does not need to expend resources to promote it.

There is no spiritual pulse that can compare to the improvement of pure Yang immortal energy.


Daozong, outside the mountain gate, in the void.

Two figures appeared in the void.

Stepping on the white clouds, both of them are women, one of them is dressed in a palace dress, and the aura permeating his body is very scary.

Beside him was a woman in white.

"Is this the Taoist sect?"

The woman in white beside her blinked.

The beautiful woman in palace attire glanced at her and said, "Well, it's probably your first time here too, right?"

"Yes." The woman in white nodded.

"Master, shall we go in directly?"

The woman in white said.

"Etiquette is still required, please inform first." The beautiful woman in palace attire opened her mouth, and immediately, her red lips parted slightly, exhaling a breath of immortal energy, and directly submerged into the void.

And at this moment, in the Daozong Tongtian Peak, in the main hall, the figure of Feng Xuanji appeared.

Ripples appeared in the void, and a woman's voice came from the void.

"Linglong is here to visit Daozong, please ask Master Feng to show up."

The voice entered his ears, and Feng Xuanji's expression changed instantly.

Linglong Tianzun!

Feng Xuanji suddenly looked out of the void.


Immortal light bloomed, and his figure disappeared in the central hall in an instant.

In the next breath, he came outside the Daozong Mountain Gate.

Standing in the void, Feng Xuanji looked at the two people on a white cloud not far away, and cast his eyes on one of them, his pupils shrank slightly.

"Feng Xuanji met Fellow Daoist Linglong!"


In the next breath, the two came directly in front of Feng Xuanji.

"Fellow Daoist, you're welcome, Linglong took disciple Yunxiao to visit today, what a bother!"

The beautiful woman in palace attire said with a smile.

"Fellow Daoist Linglong is here. I welcome you. Let's invite you to sit in the sect first." Feng Xuanji said.

"Thank you." The beautiful woman in palace attire nodded, and then the figures of the three entered Dao Sect directly, and soon reached Tongtian Peak.

In the main hall, Feng Xuanji waved his hand, the celestial light bloomed, and two cups of celestial tea fell in front of the two of them.

"I don't know why Fellow Daoist Linglong came to our Dao Sect?"

Feng Xuanji looked at Linglong Tianzun and said.

Linglong Tianzun: "It's nothing. I just passed by Qingzhou. Just in time, I heard that Jiang Che, a new Supreme Elder of Taoism, so I brought my disciples to have a look."


Upon hearing this, Feng Xuanji's pupils shrank slightly.

Came here for Jiang Che?

How could he have an intersection with Linglong Tianzun?
Shouldn't he be looking for trouble?

Thoughts flashed in my mind, Feng Xuanji remained calm on the surface, and looked at Linglong Tianzun: "I don't know why fellow Taoist Linglong is looking for Jiang Che?"

Feng Xuanji doesn't know the purpose of Linglong Tianzun, so let's find out the tone first.

From his judgment, he shouldn't be looking for trouble, otherwise, I'm afraid he wouldn't be so friendly.

"Master Feng, don't get me wrong, Linglong came here today, firstly, to meet fellow Daoist Jiang, and secondly, to thank fellow Daoist Jiang."

Linglong Tianzun said with a smile.

"Thank you Jiang Che?"

As soon as Linglong Tianzun opened his mouth, Feng Xuanji was instantly stunned.

With the strength of Linglong Tianzun, Jiang Che needs to be thanked?
At this moment, Linglong Tianzun spoke again: "Friend Feng Dao may not know that this disciple was chased and killed by a demon fairy in the endless sea. It was only thanks to Jiang Che's rescue that he was able to escape safely. The purpose of coming today is to To meet in person, I wonder if Fellow Daoist Feng can invite Jiang Che out to show up?"

"There is such a cause and effect?"

Hearing Linglong Tianzun speak, Feng Xuanji was even more surprised.

Then he came back to his senses and nodded: "If that's the case, then of course it's okay, I'll notify Jiang Che to come here."

Immediately, Feng Xuanji transmitted sound directly with mana.

(End of this chapter)

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