Chapter 256

Immortal light bloomed, and Jiang Che disappeared in the same place in an instant, and in the next breath, he came in front of Jian Kongkong.

"The breath of the primordial spirit... so strong?"

Looking at Jiang Che in front of him, Jian Xukong felt a strong sense of oppression in his soul.

This sense of oppression made him feel like he was suffocating.

Jiang Che's strength was beyond his imagination.

After the breakthrough, it is even more terrifying!
"Congratulations, you are one step closer to the Yangshen Dao. Congratulations." When he came back to his senses, Jian Kong smiled and said.

"It's only the third realm, and the Yangshen Dao is still far away." Jiang Che smiled.

He is more sure of breaking through the third realm and hunting the supreme beings of the heavens.

"By the way, Master Jian, what are you going to do in the outer space? Is there anyone who needs me?"

After recovering, looking at Jian Void, Jiang Che asked.

Jian Kongkong: "I'm going to support a holy place of immortals in the Xuanhuang Realm. If I have friendship back then, I will go to support it."


"Support the Holy Land of Xianmen?"

Jiang Che's eyes lit up immediately after catching the key words in Jian Xukong's words.

He does know Xuanhuangjie, and he also knows the coordinates.

This is a place full of immortal forces.

Unlike the Sky Demon Realm and the Blood God Realm, in the Xuanhuang Realm, the status of the human race is still very high.

However, Jiang Che didn't know much about the specific situation.

"Can you tell me about the situation in detail?" Jiang Che looked at him and asked after regaining consciousness.

Jian Kongkong glanced at him, nodded, and then explained the situation.

Hearing what Jian Kongkong said, Jiang Che also roughly understood.

Generally speaking, a war of monsters is currently taking place in the Xuanhuang Realm.

A war broke out between a large number of Xianmen forces and Yaozu forces, and the entire Xuanhuang Realm was involved.

The situation is very chaotic.

"So that's it, that's it, I'll go with you."

Looking at Sword Void, Jiang Che patted his chest and said.

"go together?"

Jian Kongkong glanced at him with a stunned expression.

Know the situation is chaotic and still go?Are you really not afraid of danger?

"Jiang Che, the forces of monsters in the Xuanhuang Realm are not ordinary existences. There are some powerful forces, and they are not weaker than the forces in the Holy Land of Central Continent!"

Sword Void reminded.

"It is my duty to slay demons and demons." Jiang Che said with a righteous face.

Sword Void: "..."

Are you fooling around?

Looking at Jiang Che, Jian Kong choked speechlessly.

Seeing that Jian Kongkong didn't speak, Jiang Che smiled and said, "Master Jian, to tell the truth, I went because I have a technique that requires some powerful demon primordial spirits to cultivate supernatural powers."


Hearing this, Jian Xukong nodded.

This reason is appropriate.

It's just that it's true or not, then I don't know.

But with Jiang Che accompanying him, he was naturally willing.

It would be of great help to the battle situation to have such a supreme being to help.

"So, that's fine, you and I will go together, but the current situation in the Xuanhuang Realm is chaotic. Although you are strong, you need to be careful."

Looking at Jiang Che, Jian Xukong reminded him.

"Don't worry, I will pay attention." Jiang Che nodded, and Jian Kongkong didn't say much.

A word or two of reminders is enough, so there is no need to talk too much nonsense.

Jiang Che's strength is terrifying, and he is no match for him. Even if there is no fight, he still has a rough judgment in his heart.


With a wave of Jiang Che's hand, starlight bloomed, and in the next breath, a huge sky boat of ten feet appeared out of thin air.


Jian Kongkong looked at the Xingguangzhou in front of him, his eyelids twitched.

But at any rate, he is the headmaster of the Sword God Palace, and he has seen the world.

"Master Jian, you and I will go together, take this boat to the Xuanhuang Realm, it will be faster, and it will probably take only a few days to arrive."

Stepping on the Starlight Shenzhou, Jiang Che looked at Jian Xukong and said.


Jian Xukong nodded, and then stepped onto the Starlight Shenzhou.

Immortal artifact urges it to move, so it is naturally faster.

Mana swelled, and Jiang Che moved with a single thought, and instantly activated the Starlight Shenzhou. The speed exploded, and it directly moved into the void, disappearing into the vast starry sky out of thin air.

It was also the first time for Jiang Che to activate the Starlight Shenzhou.

Inspired at half the speed, he felt that he was three points faster than his full speed.

In terms of speed, it is unrivaled in the world.

On the star boat, while moving forward, the two were also chatting.

Jiang Che asked more about the situation in the Xuanhuang Realm, and his heart became clearer.

From Jian Xukong's mouth, Jiang Che learned the general situation of Xuanhuang Realm.

The Immortal Sect Holy Land he supports is a leader of the Immortal Sect in the Yunzhou Continent of the Xuanhuang Realm.


This sword gate is also one of the six great fairy gates in Yunzhou Continent.

Its strength is no less than that of Sword God Palace.

And Jianmen Headmaster Supreme also has a deep relationship with Jian Kongkong.

Generally speaking, the relationship between the two is very deep, at least hundreds of years old.

Jian Xukong will not sit idly by when there are difficulties in Jianmen.

Sword cultivators have a clear mind!
Most of them are straightforward characters, and only this kind of straightforwardness can aspire to the highest swordsmanship.

But now, Jianmen and the other five great immortal gates are being besieged by demons.

And this demon force is not an ordinary demon force.

Among them, the two most powerful superpowers are the Demon God Palace and the Innate Demon Sect.

Unite with other monster forces,

Under the leadership of the two superpowers, a war of demons started.

However, the six immortal sects are not vegetarians, they have strong foundations.

And there are other foreign aids.

And these "foreign aids" are not the local forces of the Xuanhuang Realm, but the supreme powers of other worlds.

In addition to the Yunzhou Continent, the three-party continent in the Xuanhuang Realm also broke out in a battle of demons.

The situation is very chaotic.

The Xianmen forces have foreign aid, and these demon clan forces also have foreign aid from other worlds.

The war that broke out swept across the entire Xuanhuang world.

Hearing Jian Xukong's narration, Jiang Che also understood.

But this is good news for him.

The more chaotic the situation is, the more demons and monsters there are, otherwise, such a terrible war would not have broken out.

And there are foreign aids from other worlds, so it's not just one or two supreme beings who support them.

Taking advantage of the chaos to kill, the big explosion rewards, this is an opportunity for him.

As his strength increases, the more supreme he needs will be.

Only by beheading more supreme beings can his breakthrough be faster.

Today, his martial arts cultivation has reached its peak.

If there are enough rewards and good resources, then it will be a certainty for him to break through the late stage of Immortal.

However, in the specific situation, he can only draw conclusions after obtaining the Xuanhuang Realm.

It is definitely not possible to start blindly.

No matter how strong he is, he is no match for the joint siege of the supreme beings of the heavens.

Although there is still Dao Jiezhu, but this thing is not necessary, he doesn't want to use it.

When the enemy was wounded and killed, he himself was injured.

The power of Dao Jiezhu is uncontrollable, once it erupts, it doesn't matter whether it is an enemy or not, as long as it is within the range, all will suffer.


In the dark deep space, a star-studded Shenzhou appeared.

Stopping in the deep space, standing on the Starlight Shenzhou, Jiang Che and Jian Kongkong looked at the bright yellow world in front of them.

Very big.

Compared with the Heavenly Demon Realm and the Blood God Realm he has been to, it is much bigger.

"Here we are, this is the Xuanhuang Realm."

Jiang Che opened his mouth, and immediately put away the Starlight Shenzhou.

The two stood in the deep space without staying too long, the light protected their bodies, and in the next breath, the two headed directly towards the Xuanhuang Realm.

After passing through the world barrier of the Xuanhuang Realm, Jiang Che felt a strong repulsive force.

But it disappeared in an instant.

With their strength, no matter how powerful the repulsive force is, they can't stop them.

Passing through the thick sea of ​​clouds, the two came to the void.

Between heaven and earth, a powerful aura permeated the air.

Looking down, you can have a panoramic view of mountains, rivers and rivers.

Here, it looks no different from the Great Thousand World.

In addition to the powerful spiritual energy, there is also some pure Yang immortal energy permeating the world, but very few.

After staying in the void for a while, the two headed towards the area where the sword gate was located.

There are four continents in the Xuanhuang Realm.

Yunzhou Continent, in the Xuanhuang Realm, can also be regarded as the core area.

In addition to the six immortal sects, there are also many immortal sect forces.

A continent with a vast territory.

The population is also very large.

The development of the entire Xuanhuang Realm is also quite prosperous.

In addition to Xianmen, it is the dynasty of the human race.

In Yunzhou, a dynasty named Dayong ruled.

The war that broke out between the immortal sects also affected the entire Dayong Dynasty.

But for Jiang Che, he hoped for chaos.

The messier the better.

Only by taking advantage of the chaos can we kill more Demon Supremes.


Traveling through the void, the two soon arrived at Yunzhou Continent, and in a short while, they also arrived at the area where Jianmen was located.


As one of the six great immortal sects of Yunzhou, the chief immortal sect of Yunzhou has a huge influence in the entire Xuanhuang Realm.

There are many Jianmen monks.

All sword cultivators in the entire sect, among the six immortal sects, the sword sect's fighting power is also very strong.

Along the way, Jiang Che saw many monks fighting.

However, neither he nor Jian Kongkong intervened in such a small situation.

The place where Jianmen is stationed is a land of green mountains and green waters.

At a glance, there are many strange peaks.

There are countless palaces and pavilions.

Throughout Jianmen, many disciples could be seen.

A powerful defensive formation covers the entire sword gate.

The sword is soaring.

This kind of protective formation, even if Jiang Che tried his best, it might not be able to shatter it.

"This momentum is no less than that of the Immortal Gate of the Holy Land of Central Continent!"

Looking at the sword gate in front of him in the void, Jiang Che sighed with emotion.

Jian Xukong glanced at him, and said: "The history of Jianmen is not short, and it is also a fairy gate with a profound foundation. Although there has never been a Yangshen Emperor, there have also been many existences of the highest level of Thunder Tribulation."

"It's only a few thousand years less than the Sword God Palace."

Jiang Che nodded. Along the way, Jian Xukong told him some history about Jianmen.

The whole is the power of the sword cultivator sect, and it is also a place where it is easy to become a master.

Today's Jianmen still has several Thunder Tribulation Supremes.

Stronger than his sect, Daozong.

Compared with some super holy lands in Central Continent, although it is slightly inferior, it can surpass most of the fairy gate holy lands.

"call out--!"

At this moment, a piercing sound came from the void, and a sword rainbow rushed out from the sword gate.

In an instant, a figure appeared in the eyes of the two.

It was a middle-aged man in a black robe, with a powerful sword intent all over his body.

"Brother Jian, welcome to the world of Xuanhuang, I miss fellow Taoist very much!"

The middle-aged man in Xuanpao spoke, his voice sounded, and soon he came in front of the two.

Jiang Che's gaze also fell on the middle-aged man in the black robe.

"Thunder Tribulation Four Realms..."

"This person should be the headmaster of Jianmen, Yi Tianxing is right!"

Sensing the breath, Jiang Che quickly made a judgment in his heart.

Jian Kongkong said about the situation of the headmaster of Jianmen, and he is also the Supreme Being of the Four Realms just like him.

Among the Sword Sect, although there are several Thunder Tribulation Supremes, there is only one Supreme Being of the Four Realms.

It's not difficult to judge by breath.

"Yi Daoyou, long time no see."

The sword bowed to the sky in return.

"Hey, who is this fellow Taoist?"

Yi Tianxing looked at Jiang Che who was at the side, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

At close range, he could sense the strong aura in this young man's body.

In the three realms of Thunder Tribulation, in the middle stage of human immortality, this strength is absolutely formidable!

Jian Xukong smiled and said: "Let me introduce, this is my friend and the Supreme Immortal of the Great Thousand World, Jiang Che. He is powerful. This time, he happened to meet in the outer starry sky and heard about the Xuanhuang Realm. Come support."

"That's it."

Yi Tianxing's heart was shocked, and he quickly came back to his senses, looked at Jiang Che, and cupped his hands in a bow: "Sword Sect Master Yi Tianxing, I have met Jiang Daoyou."

It must be a good thing for Jianmen to have one more supreme being to help.

After all, the addition of a Thunder Tribulation Supreme will have a huge impact on the entire battle situation.

"Headmaster Yi is famous, and I have heard of it before. Today I can see a real person, and my reputation is indeed well-deserved!"

Jiang Che bowed and smiled.

"Jiang Daoyou is able to come to Xuanhuang Realm to help, he really has the whole world in his heart. On behalf of Jianmen, Yi Mou welcomes Jiang Daoyou to come."

Yi Tianxing opened his mouth with a smile.

Jiang Che smiled, "Slaying demons and eliminating demons is the duty of my generation of monks. Jiang is obliged to do so, and he should."

"Fellow Daoist!"

"The two of you have come from a long way, please take a break first, and Yi will also talk about the situation by the way."

Yi Tianxing opened his mouth with a smile.

Jiang Che and Jian Xukong nodded, and immediately, the three stepped into the sword gate.

"Pure Yang Immortal Veins..."

After passing through the guardian formation and stepping into the sword gate, Jiang Che could instantly feel the majestic pure yang celestial energy. In the depths of the land of the sword gate, a pure yang celestial vein like a giant dragon provided the entire sword gate with a steady stream of energy. Pure Yang Xianqi.

"With the Chunyang Immortal Vein, it seems that the power of Jianmen is stronger than imagined..."

Jiang Che's heart shuddered.

Soon, the two followed Yi Tianxing to the main peak hall of Jianmen.

Stepping into the main hall, Jiang Che saw a purple-haired woman at a glance.

Elegant purple hair, a pair of purple pupils, and a palace attire, with a strong aura, which is comparable to his immortal realm, and is also an existence of the three realms of thunder and calamity.

"Zi Daoyou, long time no see."

Stepping into the main hall of the main peak, Jian Kongkong looked at the purple-haired beautiful woman and spoke.

"Fellow Daoist Sword, long time no see, Fellow Daoist came across the starry sky to support, thank you fellow Daoist."

The beautiful purple-haired woman opened her mouth with a smile on her face, and then her eyes fell on Jiang Che.

"Who is this fellow Daoist?"

The beautiful purple-haired woman looked at Jiang Che with a hint of surprise.

"This is also the supreme being of my Great Thousand World, Jiang Che, who supported the Xuanhuang Realm with me."

The sword opened in the void.

"It is also the Supreme Being of the Great Thousand World!"

The purple-haired beautiful woman's heart shook slightly, and she soon came back to her senses, looked at Jiang Che, bowed and saluted: "Zi Yuan has met Jiang Daoyou."

"Fellow Daoist Zi, please be polite."

Jiang Che nodded.

On the way, he also learned a lot about the situation of Jianmen. The Ziyuan in front of him is one of the elders of Jianmen.

"Come on, fellow daoists, sit down first."

Yi Tianxing opened his mouth and reached out his hand to signal.

Jiang Che and the two nodded, and then sat on the chair beside them.

Yi Tianxing waved his hand, the celestial light bloomed, and two cups of celestial tea fell on the table in front of them.

"This is my treasured Yunwu tea, you two have a try."

Yi Tianxing said with a smile.

Jiang Che picked up the teacup, took a sip, and a stream of air circulated in his body, flowing up and down his body, and his spirit was clear.

“Good tea!”

Jiang Che nodded.

Jian Xukong took a sip, put down his teacup, looked at Yi Tianxing and Ziyuan, and said, "Friend Yi Daoist, where are the other Supreme Elders?"

"They first went to the front line to sit in town. The current situation is tense. There are many Supreme Beings in the Demon God's Palace and the Innate Demon Sect, and they have also invited a lot of foreign aid. Several Supreme Beings from the Shura Clan have also come."

Yi Tianxing said solemnly.

"A big battle broke out just now, and there were a lot of losses and injuries. It is still stable at present, and there is no action yet."

On the side, Ziyuan also followed suit.


Jian Xukong nodded.

Jiang Che took a sip of Yunwu Tea, put down the teacup, looked at Yi Tianxing, and said, "Master Yi, I want to ask, how many Supremes are there in the Demon God Palace and the Innate Demon Sect?"

"That's quite a lot. The two forces have profound backgrounds. Adding up, there are more than 20 supreme beings. Adding in other worlds, there must be more than [-] people in total."

Yi Tianxing said.

"Thirty dozen!"

"so much?"

Jiang Che was stunned.

This amount is somewhat unbelievable.

There are so many of just the two forces combined.

This is really... a surprise!

"Yes." Yi Tianxing nodded, and continued: "In this continuous war, other immortal sects also suffered a lot of losses. Last month, Zhenxuanzong lost a supreme being."

"It seems that these two forces are planning to annex Yunzhou in one go, and they are well prepared!"

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

Yi Tianxing nodded, and said: "Yes, plus there are still a lot of foreign aid to help, we have been at a disadvantage several times."

And at this moment, Zi Yuan's slender hands spread out, and two jade slips appeared, which fell into the hands of Jiang Che and Jian Kongkong respectively.

"You two, here are the Innate Demon Sect and the Demon God's Palace, as well as the general information of some supreme beings from other worlds invited by the two major forces. You two can take a look first."

The sound enters the ear.

Jiang Che looked at the information on the jade slips in his hand, and a flash of inspiration flashed, and in an instant, a lot of information flooded into his mind.

After a while, Jiang Che opened his eyes.

The Demon God Palace and the Innate Demon Sect, together with the assistance from other worlds, have a total of 38 supreme beings.

Among them, most of them are the existence of Thunder Tribulation First Realm and Thunder Tribulation Second Realm.

There are also nine of the three realms of Thunder Tribulation.

There are also six supreme beings in the four realms of Thunder Tribulation.

And the most frightening thing is the existence of the two Thunder Tribulation Five Realms.

They are the leader of the Demon God Palace and the leader of the Innate Demon Sect respectively.

These two are the existence of the Creator of the Five Realms of Thunder Tribulation.

The overall strength is very strong.

According to Jian Kongkong, among the six immortal sects of Yunzhou, including Jianmen Zaimen, the strongest are the existence of the six masters and the four realms of Thunder Tribulation.

Those in the five realms of Thunder Tribulation, but none.

However, without the existence of the Five Realms of Thunder Tribulation, it does not mean that the six immortal sects have no strength to contend.

Inherited for more than ten thousand years, there must be a foundation, and the six immortal sects all have their trump cards.

This trump card can even kill the existence of the fifth realm.

But unless it is time for the immortal sect to live and die, it will definitely not be used easily.

If it is used, then it will be gone.

"The two realms of creation, it seems, the pressure is not small!"

Jian Kongkong opened his eyes and said solemnly.

"Both of the Yaoshen Palace and the Xiantian Demon Sect broke through three years ago, and there is no absolute gap."

Zi Yuan spoke.

"It is indeed a trouble, but how can these two forces join forces?"

Jiang Che looked at Yi Tianxing and asked.

"Behind this, there should be demons pushing."

Yi Tianxing spoke.


Jiang Che's eyes flashed.

Yi Tianxing nodded and said: "But this is also my guess. So far, no demons have shown up, and some are just demons from the innate demon sect."

"If there is a demon race to promote it, then I am afraid there is a stronger existence behind it!"

Jian Xukong said solemnly.

"There should be, but I believe that they can't destroy Jianmen yet."

Zi Yuan spoke.

"Two, here are some specific battle situations in Yunzhou. You can take a look at the two fellow Taoists. Don't worry. The two came from afar to help. Rest for a few days first."

Yi Tianxing opened his mouth, took out two jade slips and handed them to Jiang Che and Jian Kongkong.

After receiving the jade slips, Jiang Che looked at the information in the jade slips, and became clear about the whole battle situation in his heart.

The situation in Yunzhou is the most serious, because the Demon God Palace and the Innate Demon Sect are also in Yunzhou.

The situation in the other three continents is not that serious. Although wars have broken out, they are generally stable at least.

The situation in Yunzhou is the most serious.

There is also a lot of pressure on the six immortal gates.

Most of the disciples of Xianmen were thrown into the war.

The number of dead and injured disciples also reached an astonishing number.

But fortunately, the foundation of the Six Great Immortal Sects is strong, and it is not so easy to shatter.

If it continues, the impact is still quite huge.

After all, the cultivation of a disciple does not happen overnight, it takes a long time and resources to cultivate it.

The fall of the Supreme will have a greater impact.

But Jiang Che is more concerned about the 38 Supremes.

With this amount, the rewards that are released are also very impressive.

But it is very difficult to kill.

The existence of two fifth realms, and whether there are stronger demons behind them, is still unknown.

For him, there is still a certain amount of pressure.

Breaking through the third realm, although Jiang Che has never fought against the fifth realm, but he is more or less clear about it.

The existence of the realm of creation and its strength are also very terrifying.

"You two, you can rest at Jianmen first. In a few days, we will be on the move. How do you feel?"

Looking at Jiang Che and Jian Xukong, Yi Tianxing said.


Jiang Che nodded.

Jian Xukong also nodded, no objection.

I just came to Xuanhuang Realm, and I really need a clearer understanding.

It is definitely not a wise move to do it rashly.

Although Jiang Che has great confidence and can kill most of them, he still needs to be rational.

It is best not to miss any of the 38 supreme beings, and kill them all.

If successful, it will also be the biggest vote.

The situation is different, after all, he is not fighting alone now!

(End of this chapter)

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