I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 257 Three Dangerous Direct Counterattacks

Chapter 257 Three Dangerous Direct Counterattacks
Leaving the main peak hall, Yi Tianxing personally arranged two caves.

The news quickly spread throughout Jianmen, and the addition of the assistance of the two supreme beings made the disciples of Jianmen more confident.

After returning to the cave, Jiang Che practiced meditation.

Judging from the current situation, a battle between the Yaoshen Palace and the Xiantian Demon Sect will soon break out.

Although I have confidence in myself, it is not harmful to be more prepared.

He has just stepped into the third realm, although he no longer needs to be stable, but some consolidation can also allow him to display even stronger strength.

He has no interest in saving all beings in the Xuanhuang Realm, but he is still very interested in slaying demons and demons.


Three days passed in a flash.

In the past three days, Jiang Che basically never left the cave.

All are in the process of cultivation.

Three days passed, and the rest was almost over.

Jiang Che got the sound transmission from Jian Void, and immediately stepped out of the cave.

Inside the Jianmen Sacred Peak Hall.

Yi Tianxing and Elder Ziyuan appeared.

Jian Void also stepped in before, and when Jiang Che arrived, they were basically all gathered.

"Ready to move?"

Jiang Che got straight to the point.

Yi Tianxing nodded, and said: "The situation on the front line has changed a little bit. Several supreme beings from the Demon God's Palace have arrived, and I'm afraid they are about to start."

"Then what is Master Yi's plan?"

Jiang Che asked.

Yi Tianxing glanced at Jian Kongkong, who seemed to understand what he meant, and said directly: "That's it, Jiang Che, Master Yi and I are sitting at Jianmen, and you and fellow Taoist Zi will go to the frontline battlefield together, how about it? "

"No problem." Jiang Che nodded.

Going to the front line, that's what he prefers.

Seeing that Jiang Che nodded and agreed, Yi Tianxing also showed a smile on his face: "Then, this time, I would like to thank Fellow Daoist Jiang. Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Jiang. When the overall situation is fully stabilized, Yi will definitely not let Fellow Daoist Jiang go for nothing. trip."

"Teacher Yi is being polite, it should be for eliminating demons and defending Taoism." Jiang Che smiled.

"I want to ask, this time, how many supreme supporters are there in the Demon God Palace?"

Yi Tianxing pondered slightly, and then said: "According to the information obtained, there should be four or five, among them, there are two Supreme Beings of the Four Realms. This is the biggest trouble. At that time, the defense on the whole line, with a large formation, should be able to block it." .”

"Two four realms..."

Jiang Che nodded.

"This time the Demon God Palace is coming in a menacing way, Jiang Daoyou, don't underestimate it!" Yi Tianxing looked serious.


Jiang Che nodded.

Immediately afterwards, Yi Tianxing told the specific situation on the front line again, and Jiang Che also kept it in mind.

He was also more confident about the situation on the front line.


"It's not too late, let's set off now." Jiang Che got up and said.

"Okay, pay attention to safety." Yi Tianxing and Jian Xukong nodded.

Jiang Che and Zi Yuan immediately stepped out of the Holy Peak Hall.

Flying into the sky in one step, he disappeared in the eyes of the two of them.

"Brother Jian, is this Jiang Che really as strong as you say?"

Seeing Jiang Che and Zi Yuan disappear into the void, Yi Tianxing withdrew his gaze and said.

Jian Kongkong looked at him and smiled: "Brother Yi, you don't have to worry. If Jiang Che is on the front line, unless the two great masters of the Demon God Palace and the Xiantian Demon Sect gather together, they will be safe and sound!"

"That's good. As long as we block the impact this time, the situation will be stable for at least a while."

Yi Tianxing nodded, and the stone in his heart fell slightly.

He more or less believed what Jian Kongkong said.

Moreover, this Jiang Che's aura was indeed deep, which made him feel a little palpitation.


"Three dangers..."

Above the sea of ​​clouds, Jiang Che and Zi Yuan walked forward.

The frontline battlefield of Jianmen is a place in three dangers.

Here, the terrain is open and spans millions of miles.

The battlefields of other immortal sects are not here. The Three Dangers are just a frontline battlefield for the attack of the Innate Demon Sect and the Demon God Palace.

The other fairy gates are all guarded in different directions.

So far, it has not been broken.

But it is also difficult to persist.

The monster's attack was very violent.

And there are so many supreme beings, even if they are scattered across six battlefields, there will be infinite pressure.

The other three Supreme Elders of Jianmen are all sitting in Sanwei.

The most powerful one also has a Four Realms Supreme.

For the other two, one is in the second realm and the other is in the first realm.

There are mainly three supreme beings sitting in charge, and there are also many disciples under the sect.

Unless the demon supreme descends, under normal circumstances, they will not make a move.

"Jiang Daoyou, we have entered the three dangerous areas."

Beside her ears, Ziyuan's voice sounded.

Jiang Che came back to his senses, looking down from the sky, the earth was as flat as a river.

Rarely are towering peaks visible.

Very open.

In the void, you can also sense some special breaths floating between heaven and earth.

A faint evil spirit remains.

In some places, there are some traces after the battle.

"This place is suitable for war."

Jiang Che came back to his senses.

"If you break through the three dangers, then Yunzhou will be in danger. If you break through in other places, you can at least resist it. If the three dangers are defeated, most of Yunzhou will fall."

Ziyuan opened the mouth and said.

"This position is indeed special." Jiang Che nodded.

In the place of Three Dangers, if a breakthrough is made in an all-round way, then the entire Yunzhou will fall, which is definitely not a lie.

The place where Jianmen is stationed is also the most important position in the entire six defense lines.

Continuing to move forward, Jiang Che soon saw a towering city on the plain of the earth.

Like a giant black dragon lying prone on the ground, it is majestic.

This black city seemed to cut off the earth in half, forming an insurmountable guard.

In the void, the infinite array of heaven and earth surrounds.

All over the void, communicating with the power of heaven and earth, endless life.

Even if he hit with all his strength, it would not be so easy to break the city's protective formation.

"This is the Three Dangerous City, it's really spectacular!"

Jiang Che sighed.

"It's okay, you'll get used to it after watching it a few times."

Zi Yuan on the side said with a smile.

"call out--!"

And at this moment, a long rainbow was inspired from the three dangerous cities, and it came to the two of them in an instant like a beam of light.

Showing his true face, he was a middle-aged man in a black robe.

With a body full of muscles, full of strength, and a strong aura around him, he is indeed a supreme being of the four realms.

The Supreme Elder of Jianmen, Dongfang Shuo!
He is also the strongest elder of Jianmen, and his strength is not weaker than Yi Tianxing of Jianmen.

The way of the sword reaches the sky.

I heard from Ziyuan that Dongfang Shuo was originally going to be the head teacher of Jianmen, but Dongfang Shuo had no interest in the position of head teacher.

This is a madman obsessed with swordsmanship, and his swordsmanship is also very terrifying.

At close range, Jiang Che could feel the invisible sword intent on this person.

The realm of swordsmanship has also reached the realm of divine sword.

"Elder Dongfang!"

Zi Yuan smiled and opened her mouth.

Dongfang Shuo's eyes fell on Jiang Che's body, and the gaze from his eyes was like invisible sharp blades.

"Is this the supreme being of the Great Thousand World that the headmaster said, Jiang Che?"

Dongfang Shuo's voice sounded rough.

"Yes." Zi Yuan nodded, and then said, "Elder Dongfang, this is Jiang Che, Fellow Daoist Jiang."

"Jiang Daoyou, this is my Jianmen Supreme Elder, Dongfang Shuo."

"I met Elder Dongfang." Jiang Che bowed.

"Young hero, with a strong aura, it seems that Your Excellency is also a famous Supreme in the world."

Dongfang Shuo spoke.

Jiang Che smiled: "Elder Dongfang is over the top."

"Jiang Daoyou came all the way to help, Dongfang Shuo is very grateful."

Looking at Jiang Che, Dongfang Shuo looked serious.

On the side, Ziyuan said, "Elder Dongfang, where are Elder Ye and Elder Lin?"

"The two of them were injured when they fought against demons before, and they are still retreating to heal their injuries."

Dongfang Shuo said.


Ziyuan's expression changed, she looked at Dongfang Shuo: "Is it serious?"

"It's okay, I can't die."

Dongfang Shuo opened his mouth, and then said: "Let's not talk about it, Jiang Daoyou, Elder Zi, let's go to the city first, the monsters may launch a second attack at any time."


The two nodded, and immediately, they followed Dongfang Shuo into the city of three dangers.


Entering the city of three dangers, Jiang Che could feel the breath of war.

All people are soldiers!

Every cultivator is ready and fully armed!
The war broke out, and the ordinary people in Sanwei City had been transferred to the special area resettled by Dayong in advance.

Now, the whole city is either a powerful team from the Dayong Dynasty, or the disciples of the six great immortal sects.

However, most of them are Jianmen disciples.

There are at least [-] Jianmen disciples sitting in Sanwei City, strictly guarding every corner of Sanwei City.

Even if there is a protective formation, it cannot be taken lightly.

The methods of the Demon God Palace and the Innate Demon Sect are hard to guard against.

Once you are careless, you will have to pay a fatal price.

No one dares to be careless.

The whole city, including the war army of the Dayong Dynasty, has almost tens of millions of people.

The top supreme beings are only guarded by the three supreme beings of Jianmen.

A Dongfang Shuo is the strongest.

The other two Supreme Elders can only assist.

For the real action, it still depends on Dongfang Shuo.

Guarded by the Supreme Beings of the Four Realms, at least, so far, the Three Dangerous City is safe.

However, it cannot be completely ignored.

Anything can happen.

The Yaoshen Palace and the Xiantian Demon Sect dispatched two Supreme Beings of the Four Realms, plus the previous one. In the place of Sanwei alone, there are three Supreme Beings attacking.

As for the Supreme Headmaster of the Six Great Immortal Sects, he was wary of the two super giants of the Demon God Palace and the Innate Demon Sect.

Once it shows up, it will have to join forces with the Supreme Headmasters of the six great immortal sects to fight against it.

However, under normal circumstances, they will not show up, but the situation on the battlefield changes rapidly.

When the defensive stronghold is shattered, there will be a steady stream of monsters to usher in.

The entire Yunzhou fell, and the six immortal sects might have to move their base camp.

Unless it comes to an end, the six immortal gates will not be easily transferred.

After all, the trump card of the six immortal sects also made the two super giants of the Yaoshen Palace and the Xiantian Demon Sect very afraid.

Unless you are very sure, otherwise, under normal circumstances, you will not make a move easily.

The demon war is also an opportunity to temper the disciples of the six great immortal sects.

After going through the baptism of life and death war, it may be a complete transformation.

War is also an opportunity!

City Lord's Mansion.

The figures of Jiang Che and the others descended from the sky.

Arriving at the hall, just as he sat down, two figures appeared in Jiang Che's eyes outside the hall.

A Taoist man in white, and an old man with a vicissitudes of life.

One is in the second realm of thunder calamity, and the other is in the first realm of thunder calamity.

"There is a demonic energy on him..."

When looking at these two people, Jiang Che had a quick insight into the situation of the two of them. There was a demonic energy entangled in his body, like maggots on the tarsus, and even penetrated into the primordial spirit.

"Elder Ye, Elder Lin!"

Seeing the figures of the two, Zi Yuan stood up and spoke.

"Elder Zi."

The two stepped into the hall, nodded to Zi Yuan, and greeted each other.

"This is fellow Taoist Jiang Che, right?"

The two of them turned their gazes to Jiang Che, sensed the breath, and felt a chill in their hearts.

"Next to Jiang Che, I met the two elders."

Jiang Che nodded in greeting.

"The demonic energy on your body has not been cleared, what are you doing when you come out, and heal your wounds well."

Dongfang Shuo stood up, looked at the two and spoke.

"The devilish energy in the body cannot be removed temporarily, unless it is pulled out at once, the remaining part can only be temporarily suppressed."

Elder Ye said.

"I can help you two," Jiang Che said.


Hearing these words, the eyes of the two Supreme Elders looked at him instantly.

"Jiang Che, are you sure?"

Zi Yuan looked at him seriously.

"Yes, there is no problem." Jiang Che nodded, then got up and came in front of the two elders, "Two fellow daoists, there is a way to get rid of it, but it needs the cooperation of the two daoists, and we can't resist, otherwise will fail."

"Jiang Daoyou, can the devilish energy go deep into the primordial spirit and get rid of it?"

The two Supreme Elders looked at him with suspicion in their eyes.

Jiang Che nodded, and said, "No problem, the two fellow Taoists can relax immediately."


While speaking, Jiang Che spread his hands, and a wisp of purple flame appeared out of thin air.

The terrifying high temperature instantly distorted the space.

"Innate Divine Fire!"

Seeing the ray of flame in Jiang Che's palm, the eyelids of the two Supreme Elders twitched.

"Using the innate fire to get rid of it, will it hurt the original soul?" Ziyuan asked beside him.

"You can rest assured, I have completely controlled it and can control it perfectly," Jiang Che said.

"Then I'll come first!"

Elder Lin gritted his teeth, took a step forward, and relaxed his mind: "Fellow Daoist Jiang, let's do it."

Dongfang Shuo and Ziyuan looked at each other, but they didn't say much.

The congenital divine fire can indeed get rid of the demonic energy, they are naturally aware of this.

"Be patient, it hurts a bit, but just bear with it." Looking at Elder Lin in front of him, Jiang Che said.

Elder Lin nodded his head, Jiang Che moved with a thought, and with the next breath, this wisp of Dutian fire instantly entered his body.


Dutian Shenhuo entered his body, and in an instant, Elder Lin's expression changed, and he let out a muffled groan.

Dongfang Shuo, Ziyuan, and Elder Ye suddenly became tense, and the three of them stared straight at Elder Lin.


A wisp of black air appeared from the top of Elder Lin's head and disappeared instantly.

In an instant, Elder Lin's complexion visibly returned to ruddy.

Seeing this scene, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

After a while, Dutian Shenhuo entered his body and returned. Elder Lin closed his eyes, checked the demonic energy in his body and Yuanshen, and his face suddenly showed joy.

"Really removed!"

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Jiang!"

Elder Lin bowed his hands and bowed deeply to him.

"It's okay, it's a small matter."

Jiang Che smiled.

Immediately, he looked at Elder Ye who looked expectantly aside.

In the same way, under Dutian Shenhuo, the devilish energy that had penetrated into the primordial spirit was instantly annihilated and turned into nothing.


The demonic energy cleared away, and Elder Ye's face returned to a rosy complexion.

My spirit and spirit have improved a lot.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Jiang!"

Elder Ye came back to his senses and saluted Jiang Che.

"You're welcome, small matter."

Jiang Che nodded, and then he looked at Dongfang Shuo: "Fellow Daoist Dongfang, Fellow Daoist Lin, and Fellow Daoist Ye, is it because of the innate demon sect?"


Dongfang Shuo nodded, looked at him, and said, "The last time we fought against each other, there was a supreme leader of the Xiantian Demon Sect. He had strange supernatural powers. I don't know what kind of magic skills he has cultivated. He almost made me fall into the Tao."

"I just cleared the demonic energy, and I feel that the demonic energy is very pure. I'm afraid it's not an ordinary human demon, maybe it's a real demon." Jiang Che said seriously.

"The traces of the demons have not yet appeared, so it is still unclear." Dongfang Shuo shook his head.

"Where is the demon's stronghold? How many Supremes are there?"

Jiang Che asked.

"It's also in Three Dangers, but it's still a hundred thousand miles away. There are three Supremes of the Four Realms, one each from the Demon God's Palace and the Xiantian Demon Sect, and the other one is the Supreme of the Asura Clan."

"There are probably two other supreme beings, both of whom are in the first and second realms of Thunder Tribulation."

Dongfang Shuo explained the situation.

"Three, not two?"

Ziyuan was taken aback.

"The supreme being of the Shura clan arrived not long ago, so he only found out about it," Dongfang Shuo said.

"I see." Zi Yuan nodded.

"It is estimated that they will do it soon." Dongfang Shuo said with a serious expression.

Jiang Che looked at him and said, "Waiting passively is worse than taking the initiative to attack. I think you can kill him."

Jiang Che's voice resounded in the hall.

Dongfang Shuo Ziyuan and two Supreme Elders stared at him instantly.

Kill the door? !
Are you serious?

Three supreme beings of the four realms, this... this enemy's fault?
It is already remarkable to be able to resist with the help of the guardian formation.

There was an instant silence in the hall. Looking at Jiang Che, Dongfang Shuo said after a while, "You Daoist Jiang, don't underestimate the two from the Xiantian Demon Sect and the Demon God Palace, plus one Shura Emperor from the Shura clan, one-on-one. , even the old man can barely win, if we join forces, we can only resist with the help of the guarding formation of the Three Dangerous City."

"It's not too troublesome, these few can be handed over to me, and if these supreme beings are killed, the situation of the three dangers will be stabilized, let's solve it quickly."

Jiang Che said lightly.


What tone is this?
Don't pay attention to the three four-realm supreme beings?

To one third, beyond a realm.

Even if Jiang Che is in the middle stage of human immortality, double supreme, his strength is not so strong, right?

"It's still early, before dark, it should be resolved."

Jiang Che looked at the sky and said.


All the Supremes from the Great Thousand Worlds are so crazy? !
Is this what a Three Realm Supreme said?

I'm afraid even the Supreme Beings of the Five Realms don't have such a loud voice!

"Jiang Daoyou, are you serious?"

Zi Yuan looked at him and said.

"Of course, it's not a big problem, let's solve it quickly." Jiang Che nodded.

Immediately, he looked at Dongfang Shuo and said, "Elder Dongfang, just give me the specific location of the three dangerous monsters."

Dongfang Shuo bowed his head, and after a while, he took out a jade slip and handed it to Jiang Che: "This is the specific location of the Demon God Palace and the Xiantian Demon Sect in Sanwei."

Jiang Che took the jade slip, accepted the information in the jade slip, and determined the coordinates.

"Okay, it's not too late, let's act first."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Che disappeared into the hall in an instant.

The faces of the few people changed. Dongfang Shuo didn't expect Jiang Che to be so decisive that he would move as soon as he said it.

Quickly regaining consciousness, he looked at Elder Lin and Elder Ye: "You are stationed in Sanwei, Ziyuan and I will go and have a look."


The two Supreme Elders nodded, and as soon as they finished speaking, Zi Yuan and Dongfang Shuo turned into immortal light and disappeared into the hall.


Above the sea of ​​clouds, Jiang Che's figure appeared.

The figures of Dongfang Shuo and Ziyuan also appeared.

"Jiang Daoyou, do you want to think long-term? It's too reckless to do so!" Ziyuan said seriously.

"It's not a big problem."

Jiang Che was still indifferent, and with the next breath, Star Trek activated, shuttled through the void, and disappeared over Sanwei City.

Dongfang Shuo and Ziyuan looked at each other and disappeared instantly.

A distance of [-] miles, with their cultivation base, is only an instant.

A black mountain appeared in the eyes.

The mountain is thousands of feet high, towering into the clouds.

Looking at it, there is a void around the black mountain, and there are layers of large formations, almost blocking the entire mountain.

The soaring demonic aura surged, turning the sky into darkness.

A hundred miles away, on a hillside, the three figures of Jiang Che appeared.

Looking at the black mountain in front of him, Jiang Che opened his Yin-Yang Tianyan to check it out.

Among them, there are three terrifying auras.

Not surprisingly, they are the three Supreme Beings of the Four Realms mentioned by Dongfang Shuo.

"This is the temporary stronghold of the Demon God's Palace and the Innate Demon Sect."

Dongfang Shuo spoke with a solemn expression.

Ziyuan's expression on the side also became very serious.

Jiang Che's actions were completely different from the expected plan.

Counterattacked directly.

This move is crazy enough to describe.

"Jiang Daoyou, why don't we go back to Sandan City to discuss a plan in detail. It's too dangerous to do so."

Ziyuan opened the mouth and said.

Jiang Che withdrew his gaze and said, "It's not a big problem. You two fellow Taoists, don't be so nervous. Even if you lose, you can leave. That's easy."

Ziyuan: "..."

Dongfang Shuo: "..."

Easy as you say!
Go straight to the door, in case something goes wrong, you won't be able to run away even if you want to.


With one thought of Jiang Che's thought, and with the next breath, he transformed into three pure spirits, and three identical Jiang Ches appeared in front of him.


"Why is the aura of this avatar the same as that of the deity?"

Seeing the three Jiang Ches appearing out of nowhere, Zi Yuan and Dongfang Shuo were startled.

Sensing carefully, the breath is indeed not bad at all.

it's the same.

A clone with the same strength as the deity?

What kind of magic is this?

At this moment, Jiang Che let out a breath, and the Demon Dragon Sword appeared instantly, and fell into the hands of a clone.

In the next breath, under the astonished eyes of Zi Yuan and Dongfang Shuo, the avatar holding the Demon Dragon Sword rose directly into the sky, its aura fully blooming, stirring up the world.

In an instant, the entire stronghold's protective array was launched.


Slashing out with a sword, it directly turned into a hundred-foot-long demon dragon, covering the sky and covering the sun, carrying the supreme and terrifying sword energy, roaring and rushing away.


The magic dragon roared like a real dragon, and it shot out in an instant, the thousands of feet high mountain trembled, the void was directly annihilated, and the layers of protective formations collapsed instantly.

In one breath, most of the mountain collapsed.

In an instant, several soaring auras emerged from the mountain, and several figures appeared in the eyes of Jiang Che and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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